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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Links - 20th February 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

'Hamas a future partner for peace': says new Nationalist Northern Irish First Minister - "Michelle O’Neill, the recently elected First Minister of Northern Ireland, said on Thursday that Hamas will eventually be regarded as the future partner for peace in the Middle East... Marr challenged her asking if she maintained this position knowing that Hamas had said they would repeat October 7 again and again, "I would urge Hamas, as I do everybody, to please be around the table and be part of the conversation and solution.""
When you proudly advertise your ignorance

Arab Israelis torn between sympathy for Hamas's victims and for Gazans - "At the Givat Haviva conference, war cabinet member Benny Gantz listed several Arab citizens of Israel who had saved Jews on October 7. Arabs were also among those who were kidnapped and killed in the Hamas invasion on October 7. “Solidarity [between Jews and Arab] exists and showed itself in a time of trouble. Our job is to develop it and not let extremists harm it,” said Gantz, who many believe could be Israel’s next prime minister. There are also indications that Arab citizens of Israel are moving closer to the Jewish mainstream. A comprehensive study conducted after the war began by the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at Tel Aviv University found that almost half of surveyed Arab Israelis support Israel’s response to the Hamas attack"
Weird how the Arabs in Israel are not anti-Zionist. It's almost as if they know the alternative is shit

Protesters disrupt marathon reading of Arendt work at Berlin museum - "Amarathon reading and discussion at a Berlin contemporary art museum of "The Origins of Totalitarianism" - Hannah Arendt's exhaustive account of the rise of Nazism and Stalinism - ended early after disruptions by pro-Palestinian protesters. German Culture Minister Claudia Roth condemned the "vile" protest, which she described as an anti-Semitic attack. Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, the co-directors of the Hamburger Bahnhof, said the the performance of "Where Your Ideas Become Civic Actions (100 Hours Reading 'The Origins of Totalitarianism')" by Cuban artist Tania Bruguera was disrupted twice on Saturday by a group of political activists using hate speech. They said the activists protested first on Saturday afternoon and then came back later in the evening with a larger group of around 20 people. At the second protest an activist insulted a performance participant and once of the museum directors."
Classy behavior from terrorism supporters as usual

Are Americans getting even dumber? - "Forget about knowing deep and difficult facts about the Israeli-Palestinian issue, such as when it began or the positions of each side. Most of the sign-wavers out there cannot find Palestine on a map (several believed it was somewhere in Texas) and have absolutely no idea what the conflict is all about. Most will proclaim that Gaza is “occupied,” though no Jews have lived there since 2005; that Gazans are peace-loving people just trying to stay safe from Israeli hostility; and that Hamas is a well-meaning “social welfare” organization. Some are even absolutely sure that the Holocaust was when Jews killed millions of Palestinians. It’s very hard to debate someone who literally has no capacity to learn, let alone absorb, the truth... Social media – Twitter, Instagram, and the like – deliver sound bites that contain no context, no nuance, and no background. They appeal to the masses, who are too busy, too vapid, and too uninterested to learn what the reality is. They want to be spoon-fed tiny doses of semi-knowledge, enough to scream slogans but not enough to grasp the truth."

'Free Palestine' graffiti scrawled on University of Leeds campus Hillel - "a University Professor revealed the address of the building “for the sole purpose of intimidating Jewish students on campus.” The Hillel House is supposed to be a safe place for Jewish students at the university"
The terrorism supporters are going to claim that not letting them vandalise Jewish spaces is violating the freedom of speech of pro-Palestinian students. But of course, if someone vandalised a Muslim space to protest ISIS or Saudi Arabia...

Muslim council cancels meeting with Trudeau over Liberal stance on hate crimes, Gaza - "The National Council of Canadian Muslims abruptly cancelled a meeting Monday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and accused his government of failing to protect Palestinians or take "tangible action" against hate crimes... Many Muslims named their children after Trudeau because of his promise to uphold equality and tolerance, Brown said.  "That great promise now feels broken and perhaps beyond repair."  The group is also worried about Ottawa's decision to suspend funding for a UN agency that supports Palestinians, in response to claims agency staff played a role in the Hamas attack.  Ottawa has ordered a temporary pause on "any additional funding" for the agency, known as UNWRA, which the Liberals recently described as indispensable in keeping Palestinians alive."
When you support UNWRA terrorism

Rahim Mohamed: Canada threw money at UNRWA as other donors cut back - "UNRWA, which has long been linked to terrorism (over 1,000 of the agency’s current staff are believed to have ties with Islamist terror groups). UNRWA’s radical indoctrination of pupils at its over 700 schools has also been well-documented in multiple studies of textbooks, curricula and other teaching materials. Yet UNRWA’s lengthy track record of malfeasance, encompassing both malevolence toward Israel and run-of-the-mill corruption , hasn’t, until recently, dampened the current federal government’s spirit of giving. In fact, a cursory glance at public accounts data shows Canada, under Justin Trudeau’s tenure, to be one of UNRWA’s most reliable and generous patrons, regularly outpacing a number of peer countries. Since fully restoring UNRWA funding in 2016, the Trudeau government has pledged more than $200 million (CAD) to the agency, with the near $32 million it pledged in 2022 accounting for about two per cent of the agency’s budget. Over the same period, fellow G7 country Italy has pledged around $145 million and Australia $125 million. Canada even out-pledged the U.K., the world’s sixth-largest economy, in 2022. Meanwhile, economic juggernauts China and India pledged a paltry $6 million combined that year. (Both countries have expressed strong pro-Palestinian sympathies in recent months, alongside the other BRICS members .) Year to year, Canada is regularly one of the top 10 government donors to UNRWA (not including the EU) despite being home to just 45,000 residents of Palestinian ancestry, comprising less than one per cent of the global diaspora. What, if any, strategic purpose this spending has ever served is unclear. Israel’s neighbouring countries in the Middle East, with the exception of Saudi Arabia, have been far less generous toward UNRWA, this despite the obvious stake these countries have in the political stability of Palestinian-held territories and the broader region. (A caveat: we should not assume that funding the UNRWA and “stability” are one and the same, especially given the agency’s infiltration by genocidal Hamas partisans.) The reluctance to top up the agency extends to even affluent Gulf kingdoms such as Kuwait and Qatar (the 18th and 19th largest state donors, respectively, to UNRWA in 2022). To put this into perspective, UNRWA’s entire US$1.6 billion budget is about a quarter of what Qatar spent on the construction of stadiums alone in preparation for hosting the 2022 World Cup. It’s hard to see how giving countries with actual skin in the game a free ride is a good use of scarce Canadian aid dollars. The Trudeau government has also been quite forgiving of UNRWA’s multiple widely publicized transgressions. After cutting funding by 30 per cent in response to a 2019 sexual misconduct and nepotism scandal, Canada restored funding to near the pre-existing level the next year, with pledged donations reaching a record high of $37.1 million in 2021. By comparison, Australia zeroed out funding for non-core UNRWA activities over each of the next three years, resulting in a sustained decrease of funding from pre-2019 funding levels. Not even the horrific events of Oct. 7, which were quickly linked to the poisonous teachings of UNRWA-run schools, gave Canadian development officials pause for reflection. Instead, Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly touted Canada’s “increased” funding for UNRWA in a televised interview conducted over two months later. By this point, a number of major benefactors had already announced plans to withhold aid. This group of withholdees notably included Germany, which has historically been one of the two biggest state donors to the agency (joined by the United States). Canada’s recent decision to suspend funding for UNRWA is welcome news but the announcement comes too little too late. The Trudeau government needs to be held to account for turning a blind eye for years to the agency’s clear dysfunction and barely concealed extremism, wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in the process. The numbers are clear and they speak damningly to Canada’s complacency, ambivalence toward Israel, or even see-no-evil complicity in funding Hamas’s activities via the UNRWA. The recent pause in funding shouldn’t stop Canadians from demanding answers and accountability."

UNRWA head says agency was in dark about Hamas center under Gaza HQ; Israel: 'You knew' - "The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, denied Saturday any knowledge of a Hamas data center found by Israeli troops underneath its Gaza headquarters, with the Israeli military and Foreign Minister Israel Katz immediately casting doubt on his claim...   The subterranean data center, seen by The Times of Israel’s military correspondent on Thursday during an Israel Defense Forces media tour, included an electricity room, industrial battery power banks, and living quarters for alleged Hamas terrorists operating the computer servers. The allegation that Hamas was running a data center under UNRWA’s nose has added to growing concerns over the level of Hamas infiltration in the agency, which is already probing claims that at least a dozen staffers took part in Hamas’s October 7 killing spree across southern Israel... COGAT said that UN officials had been informed of the terror group utilizing the Gaza City headquarters and that the data center had been there before the agency’s staff decamped for elsewhere.  “Digging a tunnel takes longer than 4 months. We invited senior UN officials to see, and during past meetings with you and other UN officials, we stated Hamas’s use of UNRWA’s headquarters,” it wrote in a tweet... The foreign minister dismissed Lazzarini’s claim that he was unaware of the presence of the Hamas facility as “not only absurd but also an affront to common sense” and reiterated calls for the UNRWA head to step down...   Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan claimed that Lazzarini “refused” an Israeli request to search UNRWA facilities in Gaza after handing over evidence showing Hamas had been using schools, and accused him of trying to avoid hearing about such allegations...   “Electrical infrastructure” in the tunnel — 700 meters (765 yards) long and 18 meters underground — was connected to the agency’s HQ, “indicating that UNRWA’s facilities supplied the tunnel with electricity,” they said.  Documents and a stash of weapons in the UN compound itself “confirmed that the offices had in fact also been used by Hamas terrorists,” the joint statement said."
The UNRWA think most people are either incredibly gullible or terrorism supporters

Exclusive: Giant tunnel under UNRWA headquarters discovered, Israel tells Blinken : theworldnews - "There are reports of donated food being stockpiled in UNRWA warehouses, and appropriated under control of Hamas  Meanwhile the BBC runs 24/7 stories of staving Gazans, whilst UNRWA also fund raises off the same stories... It's just clownworld  Gazans trying to take that food get shot at and beaten by Hamas, the BBC hasn't run a single story on this situation"
One terrorism supporter in this subthread asked for evidence, then ignored and downplayed the reams of it that was presented. Typical

Hamas tunnels pose immense challenge for Israeli army - "Can the Israeli army win its war against Hamas without a large-scale invasion of the tunnels dug by the Islamist group beneath the Gaza Strip? This question has haunted Israel since the launch of its ground operation in the Palestinian enclave on October 26, 2023. "Half of the territory of North Gaza has been destroyed by Israeli bombardment, but the network of tunnels remains intact for the moment," said a French military source.  Until now, the Israeli army had estimated the extent of the system built under Gaza at around 400 kilometers. But its first underground incursions showed that the network of tunnels could in fact be twice as large – the equivalent of almost four times the size of the Paris metro. "The sheer size of Hamas’s underground networks may, once fully discovered, be beyond anything a modern military has ever faced," said John Spencer, the chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute... This labyrinth of bunkers and tunnels, equipped with water, electricity and mechanical or natural ventilation, serves as a refuge for Hamas, but also houses command posts, ammunition storage, weapons workshops and more... this network poses a permanent threat to the Israeli army, which can never be sure that Palestinian fighters will not emerge from the ground in the territories it has conquered...  "Destroying a concrete and iron shelter more than 20 metres below ground is virtually impossible from the outside," explained a French engineering officer, pointing out that "no buried Serbian command posts were destroyed during the war in the former Yugoslavia." According to the Israeli army, some Hamas underground tunnels are 70 or 80 meters deep. To dislodge Palestinian fighters from the "Gaza metro," as this underground maze is known, various experts have recommended flooding the tunnels. On January 30, the Israeli army reported that it had begun sending "large volumes of water" into the tunnels in the south of the enclave. But the extent of the network is such that Western militaries doubt the effectiveness of such measures – not to mention the risk of contaminating the region's rare water tables if seawater were to be used."
Clearly, we need to send more "aid" to the Palestinians so they can make the tunnels even stronger. All the terrorism supporters who slammed Israel as inhumane for not allowing in concrete are secretly/openly celebrating

Israeli army releases video of what it says is Hamas tunnel at al-Shifa hospital - YouTube - "The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has published video footage that it says shows the first solid evidence of a sophisticated Hamas tunnel network underneath Gaza City’s Dar al-Shifa hospital complex... The IDF said troops operating near the in-patients building at al-Shifa found a booby-trapped pickup truck in a garage inside the medical complex’s walls. When it was destroyed in a controlled explosion, a tunnel was exposed beneath the floor of the garage"
Terrorism supporters keep pretending there's no evidence for this

Universities cancel speeches over Hamas atrocities 'celebration' - "Ten days after the Oct. 7 atrocities, Hamdi spoke at an event where he told an audience to “celebrate the victory” of the Hamas massacre while holding back tears. “Allah has shown the world that no normalization can erase the Palestinian cause. When everybody thought it was finished, it is roaring. How many of you felt it in your hearts when you got the news that it happened? How many of you felt the euphoria? Allahu Akbari!” Hamdi also argued that widespread accounts of sexual assault committed by Hamas on Oct. 7 were lies. “Netanyahu had to make a lie about rape,” the journalist said in his speech.  “Our assessment revealed that this individual has made remarks that include celebrating violence,” Fiona Downey, a spokesperson for Concordia university, told the Post on Friday evening. “Based on this assessment we concluded that this event would create a climate of intimidation which we will not allow.”  In November, Concordia was the site of heightened protests after pro-Palestinian activists reportedly called a Jewish student a “kyke” while Professor Yanise Arab, a lecturer at Université de Montréal, told another to “go back to Poland, sharmouta.” Police were eventually dispatched to quell the demonstration. Hamdi is in the midst of a multi-campus tour sponsored by the Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council speaking about Palestinian advocacy. The group urged Carleton to reverse course, calling it a “shocking decision (that) smacks of bias and censorship against Palestinian voices.”... “In my global travels, including the U.S. and Europe, I’ve never seen a university suppress debate on the Palestine-Israel issue as I’ve observed at Carleton. It’s disheartening to see students marginalized for engaging in this critical dialogue in Canada.”... Two Jewish students at Western said Hamdi’s presence on campus endangered the community.  “The rise of antisemitism on campus has been felt throughout the entire Jewish community,” Jared Silver, an Ivey Business School student, told the Post on Friday. “Windows of Jewish students being smashed, parties have been crashed by people claiming they want to do harm, and it has even gone as far as people’s lives being threatened in group chats.”"
Naturally, the terrorism supporters claim again that pro-Palestinian speech is being suppressed and censored. Isn't it racist and Islamophobic to equate Palestinian voices with supporting and celebrating terrorism?
The left feel "unsafe" when they hear speech they disagree with and demand censorship, but when Jews are being physically threatened and there is violence, they don't matter and censorship is unacceptable

Meme - Yael Bar tur 🎗️ @yaelbt: "View from the car of a friend leaving DNC event in LA last week. 7 months pregnant, by herself. They pounded her car, keyed it all over, and covered it with some tar like material that still won’t come off.  For years in America I’ve been told that we don’t tolerate hate or bullying.  Where is everyone??"

Meme - Israel: "Can we exist?"
Israel: "We will defend ourselves"
Palestine: "HELP! VIOLENCE!"

Screening for Gazans seeking Canada visa called too vague, too invasive - "A special program that would allow up to 1,000 people in Gaza with relatives in Canada to apply for visas opened for applications last week, with the federal government seeking an extraordinary level of detail. People are being asked to supply their social media accounts, details about scars and other marks on their bodies, information on everyone they are related to — including through marriage — and every passport they have ever had.  The questions are creating anxiety for families who worry their loved ones might have trouble answering after three months largely without internet access, electricity, or even adequate food or drinking water, said Calgary immigration lawyer Yameena Ansari. She lobbied for the program as a member of the Gaza Family Reunification Project.  “It’s almost impossible to get these answers when you’re talking about people that are running away from their homes,” she said in an interview.  The questions are also extremely painful because they suggest that families desperate to flee the violence in Gaza are suspected terrorists... Lawyers for Secure Immigration, a group that formed at the outset of the latest Israel-Hamas war, urged the government in a letter last week to ask more pointed questions related to Hamas and terrorist activities to ensure none of the terrorist group’s supporters are allowed into Canada.  Richard Kurland, a Vancouver-based immigration lawyer and member of the newly formed group, called the background questions “grossly insufficient” because they don’t probe for possible connections with Hamas and the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Kurland said he understands it’s important for Palestinian Canadians to get their family to Canada safely, but said it’s not something that can be done “blindly.”  Once a bad actor gets into Canada, it is a very long and difficult process to remove them, he said."
Given that a majority of Palestinians support terrorism, it's clear some people just want to let more terrorists in
The cope for why Egypt is right to not let Palestinians in is to prevent ethnic cleansing. But of course, if Western countries don't let them in, they're racist monsters

Exposed: Hamas’s propaganda team - "Like Alaqad, Ouda also helped spread the lie about Al-Ahli Hospital: "800 people were killed in one airstrike in Gaza," she said in a video. "The Israeli army was not willing to evacuate them, and they killed them inside the hospital." She also said that the humanitarian corridor "was a trap" and that Israel was killing people who fled to the south. Many media watchdogs and Israeli activists have written about Hind Khoudary (@hindkhoudary), a self-proscribed journalist. HonestReporting recently revealed that Khoudary, who has been quoted by the Washington Post, Associated Press, and others, turned a group of Palestinian peace activists over to Hamas, which led to their arrest.  "In 2020, activists from the Gaza Youth Committee took part in a Zoom conference with a group of Israeli campaigners in which they discussed their daily lives and expressed their hopes for better Israeli and Palestinian leadership," HonestReporting said. "Khoudary informed Hamas of the meeting, and all six members of the Gaza Youth Committee who participated, including its founder Rami Aman, were arrested on charges of 'treason' and 'normalization' of relations with the Jewish state."... a high percentage of these so-called journalists have been discovered to be working for Hamas and given amenities to do their jobs, such as a car and a driver, internet and shelter in Al-Shifa."
Clearly it's Israel that doesn't want peace, since Israelis who call for peace with the Palestinians are arrested and Haaretz keeps spewing hate speech about Palestinians

Found In Gaza: Iranian Envelopes Stuffed With Cash, Bearing Sinwar's Name
Time to blame the Mossad

Ann Arbor Public Schools approves Mideast cease-fire resolution that had stoked controversy - "A public school district in Michigan approved a resolution calling for a bilateral cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war while also encouraging its teachers to discuss the conflict in its classrooms following an emotionally charged meeting Wednesday. The resolution approved by the Ann Arbor Public Schools board appears to be among the first times that a public school system in the United States has made such a statement on the international conflict... Four of the seven board members voted in favor of the resolution, with two abstaining from the vote. Rima Mohammad, who is Palestinian, had been one of the most outspoken members in support of it. "This resolution says that kids who have names like mine are seen, heard and valued,” Mohammad said just prior to the vote. Some parents in the district, which holds nearly 17,000 students, had expressed outrage about the resolution, and a petition opposing it collected nearly 2,000 signatures. The petition said that the issue has taken resources away from other important matters such as hiring a new superintendent, which the district is without. “This resolution does not help advance the quality of life of one single child in this district,” said Daniel Sorkin, a parent of two students in the district who spoke out against the resolution Wednesday. Tasneem Madani, a student teacher in the district, supported the resolution and stressed its importance, saying that “our students are watching us.”... Ann Arbor has long been known for its progressive politics, but the city and its university has found itself divided over the Gaza conflict beyond the confines of its public schools. Nearly 6,500 Jewish students attend the University of Michigan, a total of 15% of its entire student population, according to the University of Michigan Hillel. A significant number of Arab American students also attend the university, which is near one of the largest Muslim populations in the nation. In December, University of Michigan President Santa Ono barred students from voting on two resolutions related to the Israel-Hamas war, calling them “controversial and divisive.” The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations accused the university of suppressing free speech at the time. "The proposed resolutions have done more to stoke fear, anger and animosity on our campus than they would ever accomplish as recommendations to the university,” Ono said"
Why do the left keep wanting to politicise schools?
Isn't it racist and Islamophobic to assume the political views of Muslim children?
Clearly schools have unlimited time and resources, so a virtue-signalling statement doesn't stop them from dealing with their practical problems

'Jihad must stop': Hamas founder's son talks UNRWA, support for Israel - "Son of Hamas co-founder Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as 'the Green Prince', spoke up in support of Israel... Yousef discussed his childhood, describing his experiences growing up as the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. Yousef also discussed his experience of studying at a UNRWA high school in the West Bank and explained that the education he received there was one where hatred towards Jews was encouraged. "Everywhere you go, there is hatred towards the Jewish people and Israel. You are taught hatred in mosques, schools, the street, and at home," he stated when reflecting on his education at the UNRWA high school... Yousef also had a warning for the Arab world, stating that "the Arab world needs to pay attention to the danger from within. Hamas doesn't care about human lives. They sacrifice the lives of children and innocent children to achieve cheap political goals."... Yousef toured the Gaza envelope and visited the settlements affected by the October 7 massacre and the site of the Re'im music festival massacre. 'The idea of jihad must stop, and it must stop now," Yousef concluded."

Meme - Dr. Eli David: "School play in a Palestinian @UNRWA school Not surprising that they grow up to become terrorists, funded by the @UN *boys with rifles shooting defeated Israeli soldier in the head*"

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