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Friday, February 23, 2024

Links - 23rd February 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Meme - Claire @Claire_VOltaire: "The ethnostate rhetoric seems a bit...silly?
Israel 18%
India 14.6%
France 8.8%
Belgium 7.6%
Sweden 7.1%
Germany 5.5%
Denmark 5.4%
Switzerland 5.2%
Canada 4.9%
Italy 4.8%
United Kingdom 3.3%
United States 1.1%"

Thread by @Yampeleg on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Gazans going crazy when realizing there are Muslims in the IDF...
"Are these Muslims like us or what is their religion exactly?"
"I knew there were arabs in their country that were drafted to the occupation army, but I didn't know their families knew about it and that if they die, their family pray on them like an ordinary Muslim!! !!!"
"I wish it would be found that this is AI"
"Glitch in the matrix"
"The worse thing I had ever seen in my life"
"We should redefine the arabs in israel as far as possible from the story of palestine, they all serve the zionists institutes"
"I am sure this year will end and I won't see a stranger sight than this"
"All the logic of the universe can not explain the contradictions in this picture""

The two-state solution is anathema to most Arabs - opinion - "Every one of the numerous Israel-Palestinian peace negotiations over the years – each of which, as an obvious sine qua non, incorporated recognition of Israel – has fallen at the last hurdle. Embracing a two-state solution implies a voluntary end to the delegitimizing of Israel. It means abandoning the key elements in the charters of the two main political Palestinian movements, Fatah and Hamas, both of which state unequivocally that the whole of what was once Mandate Palestine is Arab land, and it is the God-given duty of Palestinians to fight for its recovery. A two-state solution means that one of the two states is Israel. Many, perhaps most, of those who support the “Palestinian cause” believe that Palestinians are fighting for their own state alongside Israel; many others understand clearly that “From the river to the sea” means what it says – the removal of the state of Israel. To be blunt, while the two-state solution appeals to world opinion, it is not what the majority of Palestinian opinion favors. The latest authoritative poll, undertaken in December, revealed that no less than 64% of Palestinians are opposed to a two-state solution. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reviled by two-state supporters as having consistently rejected Palestinian statehood. He may oppose it at present, given current circumstances, but this was not always the case... [Netanyahu's 2009] honeyed words fell on deaf ears. Hamas, rooted in rejectionism, had already seized the Gaza Strip. Their total raison d’être was and remains to eliminate Israel. Fatah and the Palestinian Authority continued to pursue the strategy set by Yasser Arafat, which was to court world opinion by appearing to support a two-state solution while retaining the ultimate objective of ousting Israel from the Middle East. Nothing has changed except that since the massacre of October 7, Hamas has gained unprecedented support within the Arab world in general, and among the Palestinian populace in particular. That means Palestinian statehood means something quite different to majority Arab opinion than it does to the ardent two-staters. In short, the two-state solution is anathema to most Arabs – a fact of life that Anthony Blinken, Lord Cameron, and all who espouse it willfully refuse to recognize."

Meme - Ben Shapiro @benshapiro: "Would love to write a book called "Great Idiots of History." Rachel Corrie would make the list."
"Rachel Corrie, 1979-2003. Rachel, an American peace activist, was killed by Israeli soldiers who crushed her with a bulldozer. She was trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian family's home."
Ironically, a lot of people upset at Shapiro at this are the sort of people who would cheer left wing protesters blocking highways in the US being knocked down. Anti-semitic motivated reasoning strikes again

Meme - "YOU KNOW YOU GONNA HEAR SOME DUMB SHIT AS SOON AS YOU SEE THESE: *Palestinian Flag, upside down red triangle*"

How war destroyed Gaza’s neighbourhoods – visual investigation • Satellite imagery and open-source evidence lay bare the destruction to civilian infrastructure by Israel in its war on Hamas : worldevents - "What’s interesting in this very densely populated Gaza Strip there are zero Jewish people today. NONE. Despite it historically having a Jewish population from antiquity until 1948.  All while israel has 2 million Israeli Arabs as citizens.  I wonder why that is and which area is actually ethnically cleansed? 🤔"

How war destroyed Gaza’s neighbourhoods – visual investigation • Satellite imagery and open-source evidence lay bare the destruction to civilian infrastructure by Israel in its war on Hamas : worldevents - "Muslims do hate Jews. Im not a Hasbara bot. Im a British guy who knows how much Muslims detest Jews. I've seen it with my own eyes.  Why does every Muslim country have basically no Jews in them while in Israel, 20% of the country is Arabic, and 18% is Muslim?"

Meme - "The Palestinian play set by little tikes *suicide vest*"

Selina Robinson under fire for calling Gaza ‘a crappy piece of land’ - "“We know that it is 18-to-34-year-olds that have no idea about the Holocaust, they don’t even think that it happened. They don’t even understand that Israel was offered to the Jews who were misplaced, displaced, so they have no connection to how it started.  “They don’t understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it – you know, there were several hundred thousand people but other than that, it didn’t produce an economy. It couldn’t grow things it didn’t have anything on it, and that it was the folks that were displaced that came and had been living there for generations and together they worked hard and they had their own battles.”... Sanjiv K. Gandhi, the BC Greens’ former deputy leader, called out Robinson’s comments on X Thursday evening.  “A sitting Minister of Higher Education has made flagrantly racist statements that should disturb everyone, regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation. Not a “like”. Not a “retweet”. Videotaped statements,” Gandhi said."
This is so dishonest. She was calling the land Israel now occupies crappy
Now you are racist if you "insult" land

Jewish groups decry Robinson's cabinet exit, as Eby slams 'hateful' office vandalism - "Video on social media showed the office covered in signs calling for "intifada revolution" and Robinson's removal from the NDP caucus, among other messages and Palestinian flags. "We refuse to have an MLA that's a racist," says a voice on the video, posted on Tuesday morning by an account called Canadian Antifa... The rabbis highlighted an incident on International Holocaust Remembrance Day last month, when Eby's social media accounts posted messages saying "we stand with the Muslim community throughout Canada on this sorrowful day of remembrance.""

B.C. minister who resigned over Mideast comments received death threat, premier says

Palestinian terror group applauds Selina Robinson's NDP cabinet exit - "“The downfall of a minister biased towards the zionist entity in Canada is an important precedent,” reads the headline of a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Central Media Office statement...   "This resounding fall of one of the Canadian ministers, biased towards zionism, and the shift in the official Canadian stance on the aggression against the [Gaza] Strip confirms that the Palestinian cause is present in the conscience of the majority of the Canadian people, and that it means a lot to them, and is even inspiring to the Indigenous people in their just struggle to reclaim their rights in Canada,” reads the PFLP statement...   A human rights lawyer in Toronto said Canadians should be alarmed by the PFLP wading into British Columbia politics.   “The PFLP is a listed terrorist organization, plain and simple, this is not a governance group, this is not an innocent human rights body,” said Sarah Teich, a legal advisor to Secure Canada and senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. “This is a group that supports and engages in acts of terrorism overseas and they have a presence in multiple other countries and they've been designated and banned in multiple other countries.”   Canada banned PFLP in 2003. The Public Safety Canada profile said it formed in 1967 with the goal of “destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of a communist government in Palestine.”  PFLP has a history of guerrilla warfare, suicide bombings and hijacking civilian airliners. It was responsible for the 2001 assassination of Israel’s Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi and attacked a Jerusalem synagogue in 2014, killing six.   Ahmad Sa’adat, PFLP leader since 2001, was sentenced in 2008 to 30 years in jail by Israel for masterminding the Ze’evi assassination.   A Vancouver group has campaigned for Sa’adat to be released. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Group is also a co-organizer of many of the Lower Mainland’s anti-Israel protests since Oct. 7.   On Feb. 2, during a Workers World Party livestream called “How to Defend Palestinian Resistance,” Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates called Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel “a fantastic military operation that kind of showcased the power of the Palestinian resistance to take an unexpected action.”  Her husband, Khaled Barakat, was identified on the webcast as a member of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path. Barakat reiterated the far left movement’s goal is to end Israel.   “The two state solution is just a Zionist, capitalist plot to liquidate the Palestinian people… no one should adopt a two state solution,” Barakat said."
When terrorism supporters are on the same side as the terrorist groups they support. But of course the left will still claim that they are just "pro-Palestinian"

Meme - Kid on roof with painted bullseye: "But if you shoot at Israel from our home, won't they target this location?"
Hamas terrorist holding missile: "We're counting on it"
*Video camera set up to record opposite*

A UN agency in Gaza is in crisis. Palestinians may pay the price : worldevents - "Most people only know Israel as a flat 2d shape on a map. In reality the West Bank and Golan Heights sit perched above the ares where the majority of Israelis live. The iron Dome air defense system simply would not be able to withstand a large attack from that close and from that elevation. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel if a foe controlled west bank/Golan. As far as I can tell, this YouTube channel makes videos about the entire world. It doesn't seem to have a clear Israeli or Palestinian leaning.  Essentially, the video looks at the geography and terrain of Israel and explains why control of the West Bank and Golan Heights, which sit elevated above Tel Aviv, are vital to their national security.  Israel doesn't trust their neighbors to not try to kill them, so even though it's illegal, they refuse to give up control of these two areas of strategic importance. Israel may have peaceful(ish) relationships and most of the Middle East right now but who knows if that would hold if a favourable situation to attack them arose.
Tldr- If an attacking force controlled Golan and/or the west bank, they could bypass the Iron Dome due to the elevation difference between those two areas and Tel Aviv. This leave Israel little to no choice but to control those two areas."

Children on Hamas TV: We Want to Wage Jihad and Blow Up the Jews - "On a children's show on the Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV channel, young children, dressed in military fatigues, were asked what they want to be when they grow up. One of the children said that he wanted to be an engineer, "so that I can blow up the Jews." Another recited a poem: "I shall liberate [Jerusalem] from the Jews by means of the Al-Qassam Brigades.""

Head Of Hamas Women's Movement Praises Martyrdom, Jihad - "Rajaa Al-Halabi, the head of the Hamas Women's Movement, said in a December 12, 2022 interview on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) that a girl who sets out to be a "martyrdom-seeker" has "only one thing on her mind – to meet her Lord by means of her blood and her body parts." She said that any woman in Hamas would be a "martyrdom-seeker" if she had the opportunity. Al-Halabi further said that the teachers in Gaza's kindergarten, the majority of whom belong to Hamas, raise the children to love Jihad from infancy... 'From infancy, children are nurtured to love jihad, to want to meet Allah, and to love fighting the enemy... It is no surprise that women set out [to blow themselves up], leaving their children behind, because they know that even if they would raise their children, they would raise them for these moments — to be martyrdom-seekers for the sake of Allah. I am talking to you as a mother. If a woman is given a choice to either go first or have her son go first — of course she would offer both herself and her son, but if she had to choose — she would choose to be the martyrdom-seeker herself'"

Libyan Show Praises Palestinians Pushing Kids To Be Martyrs - "Afaf Abdel Mohsen: "Why do [the Palestinians] give birth to so many boys and girls? I heard a beautiful answer to this question: 'We give birth to so many [children] so that we can push them to death, to martyrdom.'"
Muhammad Abd Al-Haqq: "Let me tell you an anecdote about my late grandfather. Before he would agree to marry off anyone from the family, he would say: 'Will there be grandchildren?' The guy would say: 'Inshallah, Hajj.' But my grandfather would say: 'No! They have nuclear bombs and we have offspring bombs.' We have good offspring..."
Mohsen: "They use them for their resistance, Allah be praised. They sacrifice them for martyrdom. When a mother says: I give birth to many children, so I can raise them on resistance, the love of their homeland, and the honor of returning to this land, using their blood, by sacrificing them...""

Young Children of Hamas Member Muhammad Al-Homs, Killed with Ahmad Jaabari: We Want to Be Martyred Like Our Dad - "Brother of Muhammad Al-Homs : Allah be praised, all the young Muslims in Gaza love martyrdom, just as our enemies, the infidel Jewish dogs, love life. We continue on the same path and pray to meet him in Paradise...
Daughter of Al-Homs : I want to fire missiles at the Jews and be martyred like my father.
Mother of Al-Homs: We all hope to become martyrs for the sake of Allah. Even if they kill us all, we will continue to fire missiles. We will not stop the Jihad."
Listen to "oppressed peoples" when they tell you that they love death and their enemies love life. Clearly the global left must choose death

Mother of PIJ Terrorist: I Pray for My Entire Family to Be Martyred - "Mother of Muhammad Jahjouh: "[I told my eldest son:] I always pray that I, your father, brothers, daughters, and sons... That all of you become martyrs for the sake of Allah, that when death comes for us, we will all be martyrs for the sake of Allah."

The Meme Policeman | Facebook - "▪️Almost everyone (including many libertarians) approaches the Israeli/Palestinian conflict wrong. They view it as a disagreement over tribal, collective “rights” to the land. The Jews have historical claim, Palestinian land was stolen, blah blah. There is no such thing as collective, tribal rights to land, that thinking is what has led to most wars throughout history. There’s only a right to the land particular individuals own, or have cultivated.  ▪️Very few Palestinians living today have any legitimate property rights claim to land in Israel. More importantly, that’s not what they’re fighting for. #FreePalestine is not a movement to protect the individual rights of Palestinians (or anyone), it’s a movement to install a dictatorship, a theocracy that controls “Palestinian land.” Not only is there no right for such a dictatorship to exist, any movement which seeks to implement one is not in any way associated with freedom. ▪️Every single time Palestinians have been given autonomy and the ability to self rule they have chosen dictatorships and authoritarianism. There are no rights of any kind in Gaza. No freedom of speech, religion, or property rights. If they controlled more land, it would mean more oppression, not only for Israelis but for Palestinians. ▪️Israel, meanwhile, is a crappy government like the US is a crappy government. It does all sorts of awful things, but it protects basic freedoms. You can be gay in Israel, be a Muslim, be an entrepreneur, be critical of the govt, etc. You can pursue your dreams for the most part. In fact, Arabs living in Israel are far freer (and better off) than those in Gaza or most anywhere else in the Middle East.  ▪️No state who violates any of the rights of its citizens deserves to exist, but in reality this only applies if the alternative is more freedom. Freedom movements are only moral or justified if they call for and actually bring more freedom to an area. The Palestinian cause does not, it only brings tribal rule with a genocidal desire to erase Israel. ▪️It doesn’t matter what the historical claims of the Jewish or Palestinian people are (although the Jews have a better claim even there imo). It matters what government is better at protecting its citizens’ rights. In that regard, it’s not even close in who to support. It’s night and day morally. It takes brainwashing or a college degree to rationalize supporting “Palestinian freedom” in the current context."
Unfortunately, there was no meme debunked, and no sources cited

Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "This is the Arab and Palestinian argument: We are allowed to kill Israelis because we are occupied. Israelis are not allowed to kill us because they are occupiers.  The only problem with this argument is that it is based not on international law, but on imagination. The State of Israel is recognized by UN and 163 countries. The West Bank and Gaza Strip is left over territory whose sovereignty has not been resolved since the end of British mandate. A UN partition resolution (that the Arabs opposed) is on the books, and so is a dozen UNSC resolutions. But these only instruct future settlement, never recognized Palestine as a sovereing state.  It’d be really good if Arabs/Palestinians stop watching Lala land Aljazeera and educate themselves instead. Populism will never save them. Only rational thinking will."

Quantum Flux on X - "1. Hamas is a far-right, fascist movement. Its founding charter calls for genocide and jihad.
2. Muslim's control 99.7% of MENA (Middle-East & N. Africa), where they've ethnically cleansed most minorities.
3. The Arab conquests represent one of the most massive and barbaric colonial projects in world history.
4. One million+ Jews fled jihadist genocide from all over the Middle-East and took refuge in Israel. Today they are the majority of Israeli Jews.
5. In recent polls, just 5% of Arab's across the Middle-East did not support the atrocities of Oct 7th.
6. Jihadists like Hamas and its puppet-master Iran, seek to replace all other faiths ("replacement theology").
7. This threat is global and 14 centuries in the making. India just rebuilt a sacred Hindu temple that was destroyed and replaced with a mosque 500 years ago. We can learn much from this.
8. Classical liberal values do not support jihadist values - they are diametrically opposed to them. The sooner we learn this the better.
TLDR: Jews have lived in the Middle-East from time immemorial. Most Jews in Israel never left the Middle-East, they fled from places like Iraq, Egypt, and Morocco, to escape jihadist ethnic cleansing. Israel is the only refuge for minorities and women in MENA. Jihad is against everything liberals stand for."

Hamas Indoctrinates Kids Into Jihad, Martyrdom, Antisemitism - "Hamas operates a vast and diversified apparatus to indoctrinate children from a very young age to love jihad and devote their lives to fighting the Jews, and to seek martyrdom as the ultimate glory that is highly rewarded in Paradise. This indoctrination is complemented and amplified by parents, especially mothers, who express joy over their children's martyrdom and willingness to sacrifice all their children to the cause. As part of this indoctrination – which is carried out via multiple platforms, such as Hamas' kindergartens, schools and summer camps – children are taught that waging jihad is a religious duty and that martyrdom earns the believer a greater reward in heaven than any other action or virtue. The objective of jihad, they learn, is to liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea, from the Jews, who have no right to exist there, and to eliminate the state of Israel. The messages imparted to children is replete with antisemitic motifs that demonize the Jews, presenting them as the eternal enemies of the Muslims, as subhuman "descendants of apes and pigs," and as bloodthirsty savages with whom no dialogue or reconciliation is possible. In addition to ideological and religious indoctrination, young children and teens also receive intensive military training as preparation for joining Hamas' military wing or one of the other terror organizations as adults. This training takes place in Hamas' schools,  but especially in the organization's vast network of summer camps. Attended by hundreds of thousands of participants every year, the camps cultivate a "spirit of resistance" and instill a commitment to uncompromising armed struggle against Israel, while also teaching a wide range of combat skills. Many of them are named after terrorists who carried armed operations and suicide attacks against Israeli civilians. Alongside Quran lessons, sports activities, games and entertainment, the camps offer extensive military indoctrination and activities, often carried out by members of Hamas's military wing, the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades. These activities include training with knives and firearms (in some cases with live ammunition); hand-to-hand combat; marching and foot drills, and tunnel combat. Campers also stage plays and enact scenes of fighting and capturing Israeli soldiers or firing rockets into Israel. Many activities are themed around the liberation of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, or deal with commemorating and glorifying terrorists.  Another major platform for indoctrination is Hamas' media. Its television channels, for example, air programs, some aimed at preschoolers, that inculcate values of jihad and martyrdom and glorify terrorists through cartoons, songs, poems and puppet shows. Many of the shows, as well as Hamas rallies and conferences, feature children who articulate the movement's ideology.  Programs aired on Hamas' television channels have shown kindergarten children, dressed in uniforms and armed with mock weapons, staging plays that simulate military attacks and hostage taking.   The following are reports and clips published by MEMRI over the years demonstrating Hamas' indoctrination and training of children to jihad and martyrdom."

Meme - "Accounting 1 Million Middle & Near East Conflict Casualties Jan. 2011 to Dec. 2023
Turkey / Kurds 0.5%
Egypt / Sinai Isis 0.5%
Israel / Palestine 2.5%
Libya 2.5%
Afghanistan 15.5%
Yemen Civil War & Gulf Arabs 18%
Iraq Civil War 15%
Syria Civil War W. Russia, Iran (largest) 45.5%"
Damn genocide!

Swann Marcus on X - "Arab warfare be like
Step 1: Release badass trailers showing your fighters training in the desert
Step 2: Give speech promising to annihilate your enemies
Step 3: Die
This was the ISIS method and it shows no signs of abating if Hezbollah and the Houthi are anything to go by"

Michael Davison's answer to Pro-Israel people: what do you think about the fact that in the West Bank, it is very hard for Palestinians to get permits for building in their own homeland, if you want Israel to be a model for human rights, why don't you protest this? - Quora - "I’m sorry that you choose to focus on Palestinians applying for building permits and not the overall issue of obtaining building permits in Israel in general.  As an example, the building my apartment is in was built in 1970. In 2005, an amendment to the National Urban Plan was issued, requiring the strengthening of buildings built prior to 1975 as a result of new building codes regarding resistance to earthquakes, with an option for the performing contractor to add a number of apartments to the building so the current residents wouldn’t have to pay for the renovation.  Despite complying with all the terms of the TAMA 38, as it’s called, it took the developer fully 8 years to obtain the necessary permits, and I live in the center of the country, just north of Tel Aviv, between Herzlia and Kfar Saba.  The requirements for a permit to build a new building are even more stringent...   It’s not a question of focusing on denying Palestinians permits, but of holding Palestinians to the same requirements that Israelis must meet.  Ask yourself this: If Israeli authorities allowed construction without meeting those requirements, what would your reaction be the first time a sub-standard building collapsed, killing or wounding Palestinians?  Would you say, “Oh, it’s the fault of those who built the building”, or would you condemn Israel, asking “How could the Israeli authorities allow this to happen?”  Please be honest."

UK officials probe Iran generals' antisemitic talks to students - "two of the videos show talks by members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. One described an apocalyptic war on Jews.  The group that promoted the online talks said it respects all communities.  The footage - which also includes a denial of the Holocaust - adds to growing concerns from some MPs that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is attempting to radicalise UK Muslims. Security services have also warned it is inciting violence and plotting to kidnap or kill people on British soil."

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