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Saturday, December 09, 2023

Links - 9th December 2023 (2 - Feminism [including Lego])

Scarlett Johansson reflects on feeling 'hypersexualized' and 'pigeonholed' early on in her career
When you pull the ladder up behind you

Women Only Hate Female Objectification When They Can No Longer Profit From It - "With her Hollywood and silver screen career options all but dried up, former Charmed actress and constantly near-naked attention-seeker Rose McGowan is now a “leading” feminist. As you would expect, this transition occurred after her looks (which never approached those of co-star Alyssa Milano) had well and truly begun to fade. McGowan is not alone in making this spectacular shift. Pamela Anderson and professional SJW Natasha Devon are among a growing crowd of women who rail against “sexism” and “objectification” after years of trying, often very successfully, to sexualize their youth... So now comes the task of reconciling the new Rose McGowan with the old one, whose self-objectification is best described by this infamous photo with ex-boyfriend Marilyn Manson. McGowan is now even blaming her past personal feuds, such as with a fellow Charmed actress, Shannen Doherty, on patriarchy, sexism and female objectification. Sadly, this very public attention-seeking, in which McGowan wrote Doherty an open letter, comes at the same time that the latter is suffering from cancer. But, you know, a girl’s gotta attention-whore, including when another girl she used to have cat-fights with is about to die... a lot of attention has been paid to fat or unattractive girls being feminists. These activists are nominally against the sexualization of women, but appear to be driven primarily by envy and the need to diminish society’s praise of attractive females. Whilst there is a lot of truth to this, it only tells part of the story. The rank opportunism of feminism is perhaps better explained by women who once made a career from selling their appearances and have subsequently turned on the industries whose financial teats they used to suckle. And what better time to turn on these industries, whether they be the pornography, film, or modeling markets, than when your looks no longer allow you to actively participate in them?...   This phenomenon runs parallel to female athletes both utilizing and complaining about their sexualization. Attractive tennis players like Sabine Lisicki (and unattractive ones like Serena Williams) have made careers out of wearing revealing on-court clothing, which is much more for show than practicality. But when the chance presents itself, Lisicki and others have moaned, like at this year’s Wimbledon, about how manufacturers’ designs make them show too much skin. Many of these girls may not have lost their attractiveness yet, but they pick and choose when objectification is bad, just like celebrities whose looks have abandoned them...   As she hurtled towards 30, Natasha Devon penned an article for Cosmopolitan magazine on bulimia, which morphed into a regular monthly column. Then came “The Self-Esteem Team” Devon created in 2012. Frequently with government funding, “The Self-Esteem Team” has essentially applauded obesity, Britain’s number one health crisis, and sought to re-engineer what humans are programmed by evolution to find attractive.   Devon, along with Anderson and McGowan, may chalk an anti-objectification epiphany down to age, experience or something similarly convenient, but the changes happened neither at the height of their self-sexualization careers nor during the pre-wall protracted slide. Always be on the look out for when exactly a woman took up feminist or general SJW activism.   When a woman complains about the “objectification of women,” it usually means a) she never had the goods to begin with, b) her goods weren’t enough to compete with other girls, or c) her goods are well and truly gone. There is a delicious irony to option c), as countless women will milk their looks until nature–or a half-decade of alcohol or drug-fueled benders–takes them away... Modern-day feminism is itself the domain of women seeking easy comforts from an ideology that explains away either their own faults or their most primal fears about a harsh, uncertain world. For women whose looks are now washed-up, feminism enables them to label objectification as wrong and soothe the crushing blows that come from no longer getting the attention they were used to.  Rather than seeing these women as twisted and evil, it is better to perceive the behavior for what it is: desperation and the shocking realization that they are sexually irrelevant."

Tomi Lahren offers a clear message to left-wing feminists: This is what 'real women' look like - "Noting that she refuses to be a victim, Lahren urged young women to understand that they don’t have to demand free things from taxpayers to be “real women.”  "I didn't wake up this morning worrying about what protest color I'd wear, or what the world would do without me because I didn't wake up feeling like the victimhood narrative was a part of my story," Larhen said. "Real women don't have to remind the world every day that history once slighted them."  While women in poorer parts of the world woke up Wednesday without basic human rights, Lahren added, liberal actresses and musicians spread their corrupted view of what "feminism" is."

Feminism is Sometimes Actually White Supremacy, Say SJWs - "Harper’s Bazaar came out with a headline which could be many considered strange, titled “When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels,” which critiques certain forms of feminism.  There’s a growing trend, specifically on social media, condemning ‘white’ feminism as enabling white supremacy, whiteness, or the unconscious white sub-ideology of the day which must be smashed to inaugurate an era of equality and liberation."

Jezebel: Feminist media site shuts down after 16 years - "Feminist media site Jezebel is suspending publication, as its owner reckons with a downturn in online advertising... Jezebel is the latest new media brand to succumb to a downturn in the industry.  Vice Media is continuing to restructure after emerging from bankruptcy. Earlier this year, Buzzfeed News shut down... In an essay this year, Ben Smith, former editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed News, credited Jezebel with ushering in a new era for media, saying it was one of the "first places to crystallize the powerful forces that would define social media over the next decade: politics and identity".  Though many of these outlets have since been shut down, he said they had reshaped traditional media in their image. "

Reuters on X - "Arizona Democratic Party formally censures Sinema"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "Nevertheless, she persisted."
johnny2678 on X - "Old enough to remember when this was a chilling act that threatened democracy when GOP did this to Liz Cheney. Same thing here or nah?"

Harriet Johnson on X - "Every woman you know has taken a longer route.  Has doubled back on herself.  Has pretended to dawdle by a shop window. Has held her keys in her hand.  Has made a fake phone call. Has rounded a corner and run.  Every woman you know has walked home scared.  Every woman you know."
There were men saying they do this too, and women who say they had never done this. So much for stereotypes
If this were applied to a "minority", good luck...

On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions - "A preregistered meta-analysis, including 244 effect sizes from 85 field audits and 361,645 individual job applications, tested for gender bias in hiring practices in female-stereotypical and gender-balanced as well as male-stereotypical jobs from 1976 to 2020. A “red team” of independent experts was recruited to increase the rigor and robustness of our meta-analytic approach. A forecasting survey further examined whether laypeople (n = 499 nationally representative adults) and scientists (n = 312) could predict the results. Forecasters correctly anticipated reductions in discrimination against female candidates over time. However, both scientists and laypeople overestimated the continuation of bias against female candidates. Instead, selection bias in favor of male over female candidates was eliminated and, if anything, slightly reversed in sign starting in 2009 for mixed-gender and male-stereotypical jobs in our sample. Forecasters further failed to anticipate that discrimination against male candidates for stereotypically female jobs would remain stable across the decades."
Men are discriminated against for both male and female jobs. Clearly, even more feminism is needed since there's still no parity (where it benefits women)

Meme - "Lego did a study when they created the Lego Friends line for girls where they discovered that when a boy plays with a toy of a character, he tries to become the character, and when a girl does the same thing, she tries to make the character become her. So if you give a boy a Batman toy, he's gonna want to know everything there is to know about Batman, and he'll try to think and talk like Batman when he plays with the toy. The little girl on the other hand is going to make Batman go shopping, bake cookies, and go to the prom. That's not to say there aren't exceptions on both sides but that's the data that allowed Lego to finally get a foothold on the girls' market after decades of failed attempts. If you look at how women approach things like Star Wars or remakes of animated movie, is it any wonder that so many of them want to reinvent the IP, either by feminizing it or changing the main character to look like them?"

Lego Is for Girls - Bloomberg - "During ’05 and ’06, the Lego “anthros,” as the research teams have been called, discovered some underappreciated cultural gaps... To compete with the plug-and-play quality of computer games, Lego had been dumbing down its building sets, aiming for faster “builds” and instant gratification. From the German skateboarder onward, Lego saw it had drawn the wrong lessons from computer games. Instead of focusing on their immediacy, the company now noticed how kids responded to the scoring, ranking, and levels of play—opportunities to demonstrate mastery... Lego sent its team back out to scrutinize girls, starting in 2007. The company was surprised to learn that in their eyes, Lego suffered from an aesthetic deficit. “The greatest concern for girls really was beauty,” says Hanne Groth, Lego’s market research manager. Beauty, on the face of it, is an unsurprising virtue for a girl-friendly toy, but based on the ways girls played, Groth says, it came, as “mastery” had for boys, to stand for fairly specific needs: harmony (a pleasing, everything-in-its-right-place sense of order); friendlier colors; and a high level of detail... girls favor role-play... The key difference between girls and the ladyfig and boys and the minifig was that many more girls projected themselves onto the ladyfig—she became an avatar. Boys tend to play with minifigs in the third person. “The girls needed a figure they could identify with, that looks like them,” says Rosario Costa, a Lego design director. The Lego team knew they were on to something when girls told them, “I want to shrink down and be there.” The Lego Friends team is aware of the paradox at the heart of its work: To break down old stereotypes about how girls play, it risks reinforcing others. “If it takes color-coding or ponies and hairdressers to get girls playing with Lego, I’ll put up with it, at least for now, because it’s just so good for little girls’ brains,” says Lise Eliot."

Lego and the Trouble With Telling Girls How to Play - The Atlantic - "a 7-year-old girl named Charlotte wrote a letter to the toymaker Lego with a straightforward request.  “I love Legos,” she wrote, “but I don’t like that there are more lego boy people and barely any lego girls.”... It was 2008 when the toymaker decided to gather global data about who buys Legos. What they found was startling. In the United States, roughly 90 percent of Lego sets being sold were intended for boys. In other words, there was a huge untapped market of girls who weren’t building with Legos. “Seeing that the play pattern was really skewing so heavily toward boys, we wanted to understand why,” McNally said. “We embarked on four years of global research with 4,500 girls and their moms. Some of the things we heard were really surprising and challenging in ways that weren’t really comfortable for us as a brand.”  Namely, Lego found that girls and boys played with Legos differently from one another. They consistently had distinct ideas about how to interact with the same toys they encountered—expectations that seemed to be drawn along gender lines in focus group after focus group. Lego had stumbled into a dynamic that’s as familiar as it is controversial; the idea that boys and girls, from a very young age, construct starkly divergent worlds for play. There’s much academic research to back up the notion that girls and boys gravitate toward different toys. And babies as young as 18 months old show gender-related behaviors when playing with certain toys, differences that persist throughout childhood. Further research shows the perceived gender of a toy itself can have “significant impact on toy preferences and exploration,” wrote the authors of a 2003 paper, published in the journal Educational Pscychology, about how children play with toys. Kids routinely favor the toy they believe is meant for them, based on their gender... even when children are given the same toys, girls and boys often play differently... Lego gathered a group of boys and asked them to build a Lego castle together. Separately, they gave the same task to the group of girls. Both groups worked together to build the castle, but once it was assembled, there were stark differences in how the two groups proceeded.  “The boys immediately grabbed the figures and the horses and the catapults and they started having a battle,” McNally said. “The facilitator said, ‘What about the castle?’ And they said, ‘Well, that’s just the backdrop for the battle.’”  The girls, on the other hand, were more focused on the structure—and not too impressed with what they found. “They all looked around inside the castle and they said, ‘Well, there’s nothing inside,’” McNally said. “This idea of interior versus exterior in the orientation of how they would then play with what they built was really interesting. If you think about most of the Lego models that people consider to be meant for boys, there’s not a whole lot going on in there. But [the girls had] this idea of, ‘There’s nothing inside to do.’” “Both girls and boys were saying they liked building, but there were nuances in what they were looking for,” he added. “We heard girls overwhelming saying we would much rather build environments than single structures. They were really just looking for a lot more detail than we were offering.” So Lego decided to offer something new. In 2012, the toymaker launched Lego Friends—stylized on boxes with a heart dotting the “i,” and a butterfly hovering nearby—a new line designed for girls... From the beginning, Lego Friends sparked a vocal debate. NPR asked, “Why Do Girls Need Special Legos?” A writer for The New York Times lamented Lego’s designs, which she said looked “far more Polly Pocket than Lego Hermione Granger.”  “There were a lot of people at the beginning who said, ‘They’ve dumbed it down, it’s not nearly as complicated [as the original Legos], it’s special for girls because they don’t think girls can build,’” McNally told me. “The reality is, just about piece for piece, there are just as many pieces required to put something together [among Friends sets].”... Tens of thousands of people signed a petition complaining about the message that Lego Friends subtly sends to children about what girls should value. The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood nominated Lego Friends for a TOADY award, a “worst toy” designation that’s also a partial acronym for “Toys Oppressive And Destructive to Young Children.”... The line was a smashing success from the start. Lego’s profits have soared in recent years. The toymaker’s growth has averaged 15 percent annually since Friends debuted... the share of toys bought for girls now represent “significantly more” of overall Lego sales than they did eight years ago. To Lego, there are two successes here: The obvious monetary gain, and the reason for it—which is that girls are finally flocking to Lego... For some parents, girls’s embrace of Friends has created a catch-22. Sharon Holbrook, writing for The New York Times, described feeling conflicted about her 7-year-old daughter’s delight with the toys... “Wanting to wear tutus does not mean you can’t grow up and be a rocket scientist,” Malorie Catchpole, the co-founder of the science-oriented girls clothing line BuddingSTEM, told me... At the end of the day, Lego is just trying to sell products that kids want. They may be philosophically all-inclusive, but marketing to girls and boys separately is pretty good business sense, too. If girls suddenly love your products as much as boys do, your sales ostensibly double... the girls didn’t predominantly play with female-stereotyped toys. Half of the top 10 favorites among girls were considered “neutral toys,” meaning these were the objects that kept the girls’s interest longest. The boys acted more in accordance with what the researchers had anticipated, playing with male-stereotyped toys about half of the time"

How Lego earned the wrath of the 'gender-neutral toys' crowd - Los Angeles Times - "By the end of 2012, Friends was Lego’s fourth-best-selling product line and the number of girl consumers of Legos had tripled. But the gender-neutral people went ballistic, and they’ve been that way ever since. A Change.org online petition was launched calling on Lego to stop selling the “body dissatisfaction”-promoting Friends line. Carolyn Costin, an eating-disorders specialist in Malibu, told Time magazine that the Friends line “promotes damaging gender stereotypes and limits creativity and healthy role development.”  Not long after the Friends line came out, its critics uncovered a 1981 magazine ad for regular Legos that featured a Lego-loving redheaded girl in pigtails and scruffy overalls. The anti-Friends people posted and reposted the ad, demanding that Lego resume its gender-neutral marketing campaign of 30-plus years ago. A few weeks ago, a blogger found and interviewed the model for that ad, Rachel Giordano, now 37 and an alternative-medicine doctor in Seattle. That sent the ad viral again, this time with its original model beating the gender-neutral drum: “Gender segmenting toys interferes with a child’s own creative expression,” she scolded. “I know that how I played as a girl shaped who I am today. It contributed to me becoming a physician and inspired me to want to help others achieve health and wellness.”... Lego can’t win for losing with the gender-neutral crowd, it would seem. But here are some thoughts: Maybe Lego stopped running those 1981-style ads featuring girls in rumpled blue jeans because the ads didn’t sell many conventional Legos to either sex. Maybe little girls actually like the colors pink and purple, and they actually like pretend-home decoration and pretend-mothering of baby animals.  And boys — maybe they’re more interested in building vast mechanical and architectural projects with their Lego bricks because, as neuroscience has demonstrated, their brains are different and they, as a group, have superior spatial skills, whereas girls tend to gravitate toward interpersonal connections and stories.  Maybe, in other words, there’s more than a grain of truth in the gender stereotypes. And parents, if your daughter wants to make herself a fort or a skyscraper out of regular Lego bricks, there’s no law preventing you from crossing the aisle in the toy store to satisfy her desires."
Weird how feminists love "representation:, but are adamantly against representing and catering to boys and girls with different toys. It's almost as if they just want to sneak in affirmative action through the back door
Weird how feminists champion Lego's gender-neutral days and demand a return to it even though it means girls weren't playing with Lego
Of course, due to pressure, Lego succumbed

Men should express their feelings, but not about feminism. Introducing the German antifeminism hotline. - "Since March 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) has been financing the operation of an "Antifeminism Reporting Office" sponsored by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation (AAS) with €133,000 annually... When people report other people's statements and behaviors to a state-affiliated institution, this is an act with serious implications. In the case of the reporting office, this is not whistleblowing. The examples given on the website of the Hotline are partly about clearly criminal offences ("attacks against trans persons, up to physical fatal attacks"), in the other part about freely legitimized expressions of opinion (statements against gender theories or gender language). The former belongs to the police and the judiciary, the latter should not appear in the context of a reporting office, because it is then pure intimidating denunciation...   The reasons for reporting cited by the Antifeminism Reporting Office also include criticism of gender studies and organised statements on gender language. However, both are examples of democratically legitimized expressions of opinion. The fact that these are documented on a platform together with clearly criminal acts against women (such as physical attacks, coercion and threats) taints legitimate fundamental rights with the whiff of deviant attitudes and actions.   It can be assumed that this mixing of different levels does not happen unintentionally. A critical attitude towards feminism, which is also communicated openly and appropriately, must not be treated as an insult to medieval royalty. The Antifeminism Reporting Office behaves like a feudal institution even though in Germany today it is a democratically guaranteed fundamental right to express criticism of political and ideological positions. Subsidization of a reporting office seems to be a deviation from modern democratic principles... The deputy CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, Dorothea Bär, has written to the reporting portal: "Denunciation and defamation at state expense: The Federal Minister for Family Affairs has learned nothing from our history. It is not ashamed to promote a culture of denigration in order to supposedly strengthen our democracy. In doing so, it lacks any sensitivity to what really endangers and divides our social cohesion. Sexism, hostility against women, misanthropic attacks, all this is of course not possible. But using taxpayers' money to strengthen a foundation that runs a reporting office for denunciation and defamation, and which was also run for over 20 years by a former unofficial employee of the Stasi, is even less possible."... The operators of the reporting portal are not even able to define what feminism is, cannot make it clear who is to be regarded as a woman today. In the spirit of the Federal Minister of Women's Affairs Paus, a woman is regarded as a person who defines herself as a woman. This definition is so vague that it opens the door to abuse. Other equally relevant human rights issues, such as the protection of boys from violence in any form, are ignored. These human rights violations do not fit into the ideologically narrow worldview, which sees boys and men as a danger because they belong to the so-called patriarchy... Intersectional feminism, which prevails among the operators of the hotline, excludes the naming of crimes by migrants, because this should not be due to their ideology, since these men are themselves racist or colonialist victims. Thus, relevant threats to girls and women remain out of sight because they do not fit into the prevailing ideology. .. What escapes the operators of the reporting portal is the fact that nowadays a majority of the population is critical of the current radicalized feminism. A large survey in England recently showed that around 52 percent of Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010) and 53 percent of Millennials (born between 1980 and 1995) believe that society has gone so far as to discriminate against men in promoting women's rights.   According to data published by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the basis of 1,009 respondents, only 22 percent of women and 8 percent of men considered themselves feminists in 2021... While the registration office is officially funded by the "Live Democracy!" programme, the attempt to prevent criticism of radical feminism actually poses a threat to democracy and civil liberties. Machiavelli showed that political action is always also power action...  It is no secret that the long-time director of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Anetta Kahane, was a former Stasi informer. The culture of denunciation sometimes lives on implicitly in institutions. So it seems to be here too... To treat a crime specifically committed by men differently from one committed by a woman is incompatible with gender equality in the Basic Law and would mean stigmatizing the gender of "man"... The Antifeminism Reporting Office is also an attempt by queer feminism to gain the upper hand over the other directions within the fiercely divided feminist camps. It is quite possible that queer feminists receive reports of critical statements by traditional feminists on the subject of transsexuality and then declare them anti-feminist...   What still unites feminisms is the external enemy image, the old, white man. What to do if it dies out? Or when you remember that the old, white men were and still are supporters of equality in the 1960s?"

Somali Woman Beaten for Dancing Without Hijab on TikTok - "A Somali woman went viral on social media for being brutally beaten by her brother after she uploaded a Tiktok where she was seen dancing without wearing her hijab. The TikTok story gained the attention of many netizens and received mixed reactions from social media users. This viral social media story came after a Somali woman, who has the Tiktok account @hafsaqueendjibouti, uploaded a video on July 12th, dancing while wearing a sleeveless black dress without any head covering... While many netizens felt sorry for her, many content creators and other social media users made fun of her suffering. They even praised her brother for seemingly doing his job to protect her... Even though this viral TikTok story generated a lot of content, comments, Tweets, and attention online, mainstream media outlets failed to pick up the story, and many feminist and progressive activists were silent on the issue, possibly out of fear of being perceived as Islamophobic... Another issue where the left was silent regarding Islam is the ongoing protests in Iran, which were sparked after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died last September 2022 under the custody of the country’s morality police after she was arrested for not wearing her hijab properly. Her death sparked a new movement among Iranian women, which fought against the Islamic Republic under the banner “Women, Life, Freedom.”"

Meme - "Feminism then and now
Votes for women
Proud slut"
The paradox of feminism: "I am a slut" vs "how dare you call me a slut"

Meme - Joe Wells: "TV Idea: #NotAllSnakes. Men who say "Not All Men" are introduced to a variety of snakes. Not all of them are venomous."
Lance Cayko: "Oh I love the idea it's just like dating women in real life"
Good luck saying this about a "minority"

Meme - Dr Charlotte Proudman: "You know when someone says "I was bitten by a spider and now I'm afraid of them" everyone is like "oh yea fair enough" and no one, not one person says "not all spiders""
I like all these racist dog whistles. Ironically, they come from the same women and feminists who commit the NAXALT fallacy and who are unable to understand distributions

Meme - "Liberal white women on their way to vote to open their country borders and release felons after complaining about how unsafe the streets are to walk alone at night"

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