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Friday, December 08, 2023

Links - 8th December 2023 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Pro-Palestinian protesters storm Peel school board meeting in Ontario - "A crowd of pro-Palestinian demonstrators broke up a school board meeting in Ontario’s Peel region, Wednesday, drowning out elected trustees with chanting, and later stormed past security into a locked room where trustees had retreated to reconvene the meeting. “Somebody was just trying to let this young student trustee out to go to the bathroom, they pushed down the security guard and they grabbed the door,” said David Green, chair of the Peel District School Board. “They stormed the room. “The staff that was standing up there got knocked down, and another was pushed down, trampled all over. One lady she just came — it was like at a wrestling match — she ran past everybody and came straight for me. “It was horrible,” Green said in an interview. “There were trustees who were terrified. Some sitting there frozen. Trustees were saying this isn’t right, they were afraid. “In my 21 years as a trustee, we’ve had challenging situations in our boardroom but we’ve never had anything like this, when staff and trustees are put in a place where they are fearful to the point where people are assaulted.” Green said he was told people came to the building and told the crowd “they’re in that room, bang it down, kick it down if you have to.”... Green said the demands included the board issue statements declaring they stand with Palestinians in the current crisis and calling to stop genocide.  They also demanded that the board ensure no staff or student would be disciplined for defending or putting up Palestinian flags. They also mentioned a specific staff issue that Green said he couldn’t discuss for privacy reasons.  “We’re here in the business to educate kids, we don’t get involved in this,” Green said Thursday. “We’re not into politics.”"
Clearly their fault for not supporting "resistance" and for endorsing "genocide". Of course, "Students in PDSB Schools for Palestine" cheered

Meme - palestinepdsb: "Students across PDSB organized to demand the mic at the monthly PDSB meetings because their requested delegation was denied. Students had demands for PDSB , they asked the board to listen, but over 60+ community members and students were neglected, the Chair D.Green continued their meeting business as usual as if there wasn't a crowd waiting to be heard. As the crowd got louder to make sure we are placed on the agenda, the entire board walked out on us and decided to proceed their meeting in their own private space. The community decided to continue their demand to be heard,so we moved towards their meeting room. The entire board ran away and had security come in to push us out. We as a community didn't back down, we stood strongly, and we will continue to be not backed down. Very proud of all those who showed up today & this is the first of many!  Lets continue our resistance. Free Palestine!"

We mustn’t let the left erase the truth of 7 October - "The IDF has put together a graphic 43-minute video of the savagery Hamas filmed itself committing against the Jews of Southern Israel on 7 October. The morally deracinated cynics of the liberal Western media say the video is an IDF ruse to whip up support for its war in Gaza. In truth, Israel felt compelled to put out this gross footage of anti-Semitic mass murder because there has been so much 7 October doubt in influential circles in the West. It was the atrocity denialism of unhinged Israelophobes that forced Israel to say: ‘Okay, here are the atrocities.’ They showed the film in London last week and Mr Jones was in attendance.  To be clear, Jones does not deny that Hamas committed ‘grave war crimes’ on 7 October. He is not an October denialist as some on the viscerally anti-Israel left are. And yet his reaction to the footage is chilling nonetheless. He casts doubt on many of the claims about 7 October. He sows seeds of suspicion. It is a masterclass in moral obfuscation. Yes, Hamas did wicked things, he says, but where’s the evidence for the really wicked things it is said to have done? The beheaded babies. Raped women. Children killed ‘intentionally’. There’s no ‘conclusive evidence’ for that, he says. I am trying my best to understand the mind that can see images of the corpses of Jewish children and wonder, ‘But were they killed intentionally?’. But I cannot. It is beyond my moral bandwidth to understand this.  Even in this era of virtual narcissism, even with the fashion for filming oneself saying and doing all sorts of self-abasing things, Jones’s video stands out for its creepiness. He speaks in clipped, detached tones about the worst act of racist terrorism of modern times. He pores over the largest act of anti-Jewish violence since the Holocaust like the rest of us might ask a waiter, ‘Are you sure this dish has no parsley?’. He looks straight to camera and says the wildest things, like: yes we see a young woman’s burnt corpse with no underwear on, but can we be certain she was raped? This is possibly the maddest thing I have heard a journalist say. A staggering double standard haunts this video. We have recently come out of the #MeToo era where the cry of the right-on was ‘Believe women!’. Jones himself, in 2014, wrote of the West’s ‘renewed understanding’ of how important it is to ‘believe survivors’ of sexual abuse. Finally, he said, victims are ‘listened to and believed’. Yet on Israel’s claim that women were sexually assaulted by the known misogynists of Hamas, he scratches his chin. ‘If there was rape and sexual violence committed, we don’t see this on the footage’, he says. He cites a Rolling Stone piece that quotes a disappointed attendee of the LA screening of the atrocity film who shouted, ‘Show the rape’... When the well-to-do journalist Kate Maltby said she received sexual advances from a Tory MP, Jones raged against our ‘culture that fails women who speak out’. Yet when the IDF shows him an image of a stripped, brutalised young woman he essentially says, was she raped though? That poor woman can’t be ‘listened to and believed’, of course, because she was murdered by medieval reactionaries.   Then Jones moves on to beheadings. People were beheaded, he admits, but we can’t be sure if they were beheaded before or after they were killed. Even when he sees a dead Israeli soldier with no head, he sows his seeds of doubt. We can’t be sure if he was beheaded while alive as a ‘form of execution’. Call me a soppy old moralist, but I think beheading is an act of savagery whether it’s done before you die or afterwards. Jones refers to footage of an ‘unsuccessful attempt’ to behead a ‘dying Thai migrant worker’. Why mention that the Thai was dying? To emphasise, again, that we can’t be sure the beheading was the thing that killed him? This is sinister stuff. I can read it as nothing other than an effort to defend Hamas from the accusation that it does ISIS-style things like behead living people...   I find it hard to believe Jones has had a Damascene conversion to the old-fashioned journalistic task of always asking for evidence. This is a man up to his neck in identitarian bollocks and trans mysticism. If a 6”5 bloke called Dave were to identify as a lesbian, Jones would believe him instantly. He would say Dave is literally a woman, and literally a lesbian, and only a bigot would say otherwise. Yet when he sees a real woman murdered and burnt and denuded of her underwear, suddenly he wants evidence. ‘Show the rape.’ What a lowlife.   It strikes me that political influencers are chipping away at the historic enormity of 7 October. Some deny it entirely; others, like Jones, question some of its extremities. Many say Israel’s response has been morally worse, certainly in terms of numbers killed. The gravity of 7 October, its position as the worst act of anti-Semitic slaughter in more than 70 years, its standing as by far the worst racist crime of many of our lifetimes, is being eroded. There is denialism, denialism-lite and obfuscation, and all of it has the predictable impact of making people wonder if 7 October was as bad as we’ve been told.  I find it unconscionable. It is historical revisionism in real time, with the naked aim of questioning the victimisation of Israeli Jews in order to sanctify the hallowed victim status of Palestinians. It seems clear to me that the reason so many in the Western left are screaming ‘Genocide!’ and ‘Murderers!’ at Israel is in order that they will not have to reckon with the racist barbarism of 7 October, and the fact it was carried out by ‘their side’, and the truth of their own snivelling failure to condemn it early and forcefully. They rage against Israel to try to wash away the moral stain of their own cowardice and their abandonment of the Jews."

Hamas, Nazi ideology linked to Kishinev pogrom and Oct. 7 massacre - analysis - "“The massacre of the Jews in Israel on October 7 and the Kishinev Pogrom are both rooted in systematic and violent antisemitism and an education that promotes hatred of Jews,” Mark Weitzman, a renowned expert on antisemitism and advocate for Holocaust-era justice, said this week during a poignant address at a conference in Chisinau, Moldova, commemorating the 120th anniversary of the Kishinev Pogrom. He highlighted the ideological parallels between the Hamas-led massacre of Israeli communities and the historic Kishinev Pogrom. He stated that “the motive for the murder of an estimated 1,200 Israelis on October 7 can be traced, at least in part, directly to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a text also linked to the Kishinev Pogrom.” Weitzman presented evidence from the original Hamas charter, adopted in 1988, to support his claim. “The Zionist plan is limitless...The Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the notorious forgery of czarist Russia, which he quoted from the charter."
So much for "resistance"

Democratic leaders and Jewish groups condemn video of support for Hamas at Oakland debate - "The contentious remarks at Oakland’s debate were prompted by a proposed amendment condemning Hamas for the 7 October attacks, which was voted down 6 to 2. As the amendment was being read out, there were loud boos from the public floor, according to Associated Press. The video clips circulated on social media showed individual members of the public repeating conspiracy theories disputing that the 7 October attacks were carried out by Hamas. “The notion that this was a massacre of Jews is fabricated narrative,” one public attendee said of the attacks inside Israel. Other public speakers offered unconditional backing to Hamas. “I support the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation, including through Hamas, the armed wing of the unified Palestinian resistance,” one woman said. Several speakers said that to condemn Hamas was racist or a form of white supremacy. “Calling Hamas a terrorist organization is ridiculous, racist and plays into genocidal propaganda,” said another.  A woman was heard in the edited clips saying: “As an Arab, asking with this context to condemn Hamas is very anti-Arab racist.”... The Bay Area chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which backed the ceasefire motion, said that it did not agree with “every single comment” at the meeting. But “overall the hearing was a peaceful gathering of residents”. In a statement given to the Guardian, JVP suggested the video clips were part of a “malicious propaganda campaign” designed to “undermine Oakland’s life-affirming resolution”."
Weird. I thought the left tells us no one supports Hamas
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Meme - lan Wishart @investigatemag: "So the BBC cannot "verify" Israel claims that Shifa has long been controlled by Hamas? June 2007, British Medical Journal report:"
"New York Times, Dec 2008"
"Nov 20 2014, Finland TV reporter describes rockets launching from Al Shifa Hospital. Were they stored in the tunnels below?"
"2014, Washington Post, Shifa Hospital is de facto Hamas command centre"

Assailant in stick attack of Israeli Columbia University student charged with hate crime - "The 19-year-old accused of beating an Israeli Columbia University student with a stick this week was slapped with hate crime charges – and granted supervised release during her arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court Thursday, prosecutors said.   Maxwell Friedman – who uses she/her pronouns – was charged with second and third-degree assault, both as hate crimes – in connection to the 6:10 p.m. Wednesday assault of the 24-year-old male student in front of Butler Library on the Morningside Heights campus, according to the criminal complaint and an account from the NYPD.   Part of the assault was captured on video, according to Assistant District Attorney Alberto Gomez, who pushed for the highest level of supervised release to ensure that Friedman – who lives in Brooklyn but has family out of state – returns to court.   Judge Soma Syed ultimately agreed to supervised release, but at a lower level.  The victim – who spoke to The Columbia Daily Spectator but only identified himself as “I.A.” – was part of a group that had been posting flyers around the university about the number of Israeli casualties during Hamas’ bloody sneak attack over the weekend, according to the court document.   They had also posted a photo of a kidnapped family from Israel in a designated news bulletin area, the complaint states.  Friedman began tearing down and ripping several of the posters, before she allegedly made snide remarks toward the group.   “F–k you. F–k all of you p—k crackers,” Friedman sneered, according to the complaint.  “I disrespected you. What are you going to do about it? Do you want to talk about it like adults? If you have a problem, we can deal with it right now, fam. P—–s.”  Friedman then shoved the victim and struck him with a hard wooden object that appeared to be a broomstick – leaving him with a fractured finger and a cut, the complaint states."

Pro-Palestine protesters plan to 'flood' Brooklyn -- near Hasidic Jewish site - "A pro-Palestinian group is set to stage a “louder’’-than-ever march in front of the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday — just down the road from the Jewish Hasidic Lubavitcher headquarters.   Jittery NYPD cops are increasing their presence in the area, while a furious Jewish leader raged, “We will not be intimidated.”... Local Jewish businesses are “very concerned” about the upcoming rally this weekend, said Rabbi Joseph Potasnkik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis — adding that he has been in touch with the NYPD.  “To do this rally on the Sabbath when people are practicing their faith?! It’s a total insult to the Jewish faith,” Potasnkik told The Post... Cohen also condemned the organizers’ use of the word “flood,” saying it is what the Palestinian terror group Hamas used when it murderously attacked Israel on Oct. 7...   Earlier this week, Jewish students were locked inside a library at Cooper Union in Manhattan as a Pro-Palestine protest invaded the school, banging on doors while screaming."
It's only a dog whistle if it's someone the left disapproves of saying it

Meme - Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo: "Extremist Palestine account "wolPalestine" (Within Our Lifetime), who has over 120k followers on Instagram, posted a "zone of direct actions" map where followers can carry out attacks on targets. They list businesses, banks, media and more."
"New York, New York
@MrAndyNgo: "The same extremist Palestine group put out another map of attack targets on its Instagram that includes several Jewish organizations."
"wolpalestine and arabsofcanada:
New York, New York

Pro-Palestine group gives out NYC map calling for 'direct action' on landmarks as city blasts 'hateful rhetoric' and alerts the NYPD - "The page that posted the map goes by the name Within Our Lifetime and has described itself as a Palestinian-led community organization that's said, 'We will free Palestine.'... On November 9, a pro-Palestine group stormed the New York Times building as they criticized the news outlet's coverage of the war.   Demonstrators took over the lobby of the building as they waved flags and held up 'Ceasefire now' sings. They then went on to read off names of those killed in Gaza from a paper called 'The New York Crimes.'  Earlier that day, New York City high school students, parents and teachers participated in a walkout protest calling for a ceasefire.   Organized by groups such as Teachers Unite, NYC Educators for Palestine and Palestinian Youth Movement, the students walked out of class and gathered at Bryant Park.  Crowds chanted, 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,' a phrase used to call for a Palestinian takeover of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Israel... The group is calling for a ceasefire and an end to what they called Israeli genocide"
If you condemn terrorist threats that the left supports, this is a dangerous attack on free speech
Weird how all these people marching for "peace" didn't care when Hamas slaughtered so many people. Clearly they want Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists to be free to kill as many Jews as possible, all while pretending they are against genocide

Group at York U calls for reinstatement of employees charged in Indigo defacement - "A group of faculty, staff and students at York University is calling for the reinstatement of three university employees who were suspended after police laid charges in the defacement of an Indigo bookstore in Toronto. The exterior of the large Indigo location was splashed with red paint and posters were glued to the doors and the walls earlier this month in what Toronto police investigated as a hate crime amid tensions over the Israel-Hamas war... Toronto police last week said they charged 11 people with mischief over $5,000 over the incident at the Indigo store... Zalik, who is a member of the group calling for the reinstatement of the three York employees, said York University faculty, staff and students were walking out of classes Tuesday afternoon in protest of the suspensions. "Many faculty members are outraged that the administration has suspended these individuals rather than defending them publicly," she said. "We feel that the administration should be standing up for rights to free expression and should be ensuring that there is proper due process followed in all cases." York University confirmed in a written statement that it has placed the employees on "non-disciplinary leave," calling it a "difficult" situation. "York has adopted this approach out of concern for the safety of our community including the individuals charged by the police," deputy spokesperson Yanni Dagonas wrote. "York is acting in the best interests of student learning and in keeping with our stated values, including our commitment to free speech and open dialogue in peaceful ways that do not violate the law, university policies, or codes of conduct."... Zalik said the school should protect staff engaged in any kind of activism."
Left wing logic: vandalism to spread left wing hatred is free expression.
Of course, if staff engage in right wing activism, that will be literal genocide so they need to be fired

FIRST READING: York University's brave fight to vandalize bookstores without consequence (for Palestine) - "200 faculty and students walked out, calling the suspensions “an effort to repress Palestine solidarity peace activism.” “Stop campus reprisals! Reinstate them NOW! Permanent ceasefire NOW!” reads the official literature for the walkout, which was organized by a “coalition of York faculty.”... social activist Naomi Klein will headline another demonstration outside Indigo to pin up additional posters and denounce what they call “police intimidation tactics against peace activists.” None of the actions are claiming that the Indigo demonstration never happened, or that the accused York University staff had nothing to do with it. Rather, the gist is that using posters and red paint to accuse a bookstore CEO of genocide is not only “legitimate and necessary,” but should be defended by York University administrators. “Many faculty members are outraged that the administration has suspended these individuals rather than defending them publicly,” York University associate professor Anna Zalik told The Canadian Press... The statement also denounced the Toronto Police for “grotesque use of inflammatory language” in accusing the alleged Nov. 10 vandalism of being connected to “hate.”... CUPE locals representing York University staff have issued multiple statements accusing Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid,”  while making no mention whatsoever of the Oct. 7 massacres that sparked the current conflict. “We remain dedicated to fighting against Canada’s own settler-colonial violence,” reads one from Oct. 18."
Vandalism is "activism". Presumably if they go to jail, this will be political persecution

Intelligence soldier's warning of invasion in July dismissed as 'imaginary' - "A non-commissioned officer (NCO) in Unit 8200 of the IDF Intelligence Directorate warned in July that Hamas was conducting large-scale exercises in preparation to invade kibbutzim, but her warnings were dismissed as an "imaginary scenario"... The NCO stated, "This is a plan designed to start a war," adding that some of the battle cries heard in the exercise were "Prepare to kill the Jewish pigs" and "prepare to go in and decapitate."... The NCO and the junior officer also shared their concerns with a senior commander from another unit who told them "these are fantasies"... In her warning the NCO stressed that based on an analysis of the operational plan of Hamas and in relation to the IDF forces present along the border, it would not be possible to the protect the towns in the area. The NCO expressed concerns that the IDF did not have an operational response to Hamas's plans, but her concerns were rejected, with intelligence officials saying that "it doesn't make sense." According to Walla, sources in the intelligence community said that the NCO saw the plan she was watching Hamas form as a possible course of action, while everyone who read her emails before the war thought they were "nonsensical" or impractical in a way that did not correspond with reality and assessments... The dismissed warnings of the NCOs and officers join additional reported warnings and alerts that were issued and ignored in the IDF and other arms of the defense establishment in the months leading up to the October 7 massacre. In recent weeks, multiple reports have been published in Israeli media detailing how IDF lookouts operating along the Gaza border repeatedly warned their commanders that they had seen unusual activity near the border and that Hamas appeared to be planning a large attack. The lookouts' concerns were dismissed and, according to N12, in at least one instance one of the lookouts went to a senior commander and was told "I don't want to hear again about this nonsense. If you all bother us again with these things, you'll be court-martialed.""

Hamas forced hostage kids to watch videos of Oct. 7 atrocities, family member says - "Hamas terrorists forced the children held in captivity to watch videos of the atrocities they carried out inside Israel on October 7, the aunt of Eitan Yahalomi, 12, told French TV following his release...   The accounts relayed by Yahalomi’s family of the horrors he endured are in direct contrast to Hamas’s attempts to portray itself as having treated the hostages humanely. Shortly after each group of hostages was transferred to the Red Cross each day, the terror group published propaganda footage of the abductees smiling and waving goodbye to their captors.  While Hamas and its supporters have claimed that the footage is proof of the humane treatment of the abducted women and children, others have pointed out that the gestures were clearly demanded by the captors and made under duress... “The most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was that she was just whispering, you couldn’t hear her. I had to put my ear on her lips,” he said. “She’d been conditioned not to make any noise.”"
Clearly, they are all crisis actors as part of the Zionist false flag

StopAntisemitism on X - "Javid Dhankwala, a Microsoft manager of 10 employees in Seattle, denies women were raped and babies murdered during the October 7th massacre in Israel.  His response was noted by fellow employees on Microsoft internal chatting platform.  Imagine being a Jewish employee working under this man."

Colin Wright on X - "50 innocent Israeli hostages in exchange for 140 terrorists. The fact that it's not 140 for 140 demonstrates how much more Israel values life compared to Hamas."

Adin - עדין on X - "The list of the 150 released prisoners just completely debunked the lie that Israel just arresting innocent Palestinian women and children who "just threw stones". Almost all the women committed stabbing or shooting attacks, Almost all the "children" were 17-18 years old men with terror affiliations. And those are supposed to be the most light charges"

Sabrina Maddeaux: Hamas murdered Vivian Silver in cold blood, but Liberals would like to pretend otherwise - "CTV News ran a story with the headline, Canadian Peace Activist Vivian Silver, Who Went Missing After Hamas Attack, Has Died — as if she had first simply wandered away from her home and taken a wrong turn, then happened to die of natural causes... That a national news outlet can’t bring itself to state the obvious — Silver was, in fact, killed by Hamas — isn’t a display of objectivity, but of how some media outlets are skewing reality in favour of a terrorist organization. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly didn’t fare any better. On Twitter, she wrote, “Vivian Silver was a proud Israeli-Canadian and lifelong advocate for peace. I met her son in Tel Aviv, and he described her as kind, generous and selfless. Canada mourns her loss with him and her loved ones.” Joly makes it sound as though Silver died peacefully in her sleep rather than being brutalized and desecrated to the point where she was literally unrecognizable. This was not simply a “loss,” this was a woman who was slaughtered for no other reason than that she was Jewish. It’s difficult to imagine Joly using similar language to commemorate victims of other terrorist attacks or mass murders. This is not the first incident of its kind on Joly’s Twitter feed, either. After Palestinian “officials,” who are in fact Hamas, claimed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital was bombed by Israel, Joly wasted little time tweeting, “Bombing a hospital is an unthinkable act, and there is no doubt that doing so is absolutely illegal.” When it emerged that not only had Israel not bombed the hospital, but the hospital wasn’t bombed at all save for its parking lot, Joly didn’t issue a correction or a new statement. She never deleted the tweet, either. Again, it’s difficult to imagine any similar scenario involving another country where the original tweet would go uncorrected and undeleted. But when it comes to Israel, the rules appear different for some on the left. As bad actors, antisemites and Hamas supporters seek to sow confusion and denial about the attacks and their aftermath, it’s more important than ever to get language right and call things what they are. Too many on the left, who love to lecture others about word choices and precise language, seem entirely unbothered about how their own word choices are now impacting both Israelis and Jews around the world."

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War | OHCHR - "The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded."
Damn war crimes!

US extremists exploit Israeli-Gaza tensions with calls for violence, hate: Experts
I like all the gaslighting, trying to pretend that it's the "far right" and "foreign actors" who are anti-Semitic

Protesters spray paint ‘Free Palestine’ on New York Public library - "The facade of the New York Public Library now reads “Free Palestine” after pro-Palestine protesters spray-painted the landmark in opposition to the war in Gaza... The New York Public Library told The Independent in a statement that it “strongly supports the right to protest.” However, the institution described the Thursday demonstration as “a shameful act of vandalism,” explaining that the cleanup will be expensive, especially as it is already “facing steep budget cuts.”... The defacement came the same day that protesters also disrupted the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade by allegedly glueing their hands to the ground in the middle of 6th Avenue."
Damn Zionists! Damn neo-liberal governments cutting library budgets!

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