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Saturday, December 09, 2023

Links - 9th December 2023 (1 - Diversity)

Meme - Alaric The Barbarian @0xAlaric: "Just saw an ad for the Army featuring a white guy, it's over bro we are going to war
And just now, a Marines one featuring white guys doing combat operations"

E on X - "Only 1 black woman in this US army ad & barely visible behind text White guys everywhere Wonder what’s about to go down?"
RAMZPAUL on X - "I am not sure why young, White men would want to fight for a government that hates them. Let the trans lesbians of color fight the next war for the Global American Empire."

Leslie Jones Recalls Jason Reitman's 'Unforgivable' 'Ghostbusters' Comment - "After announcing his plans to make Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Reitman said on Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast he was “trying to go back to the original technique and hand the movie back to the fans."
If you don't praise something featuring black women, you're a racist misogynist. The quality doesn't matter
Given that the movie openly mocked fans, this is especially galling

Meme - "I can't fill positions because of DEI (seitrecruitinghell)
So I'm at my breaking point with our DEI initiative. If one of my hiring managers posts a job and we don't get a certain percentage of women or minority applicants we can't hire anyone and have to have the job listing reviewed by DEI and reworked to be more appealing to the target groups. If the stars align and we have enough of the "right kind" of applicants any decision my hiring managers and SME advisors make can be overturned by DEI. I have multiple maintenance, and engineering positions going unfilled. I have DEI hand picks that can't be let go except for extreme willful negligence. I have an "engineer" who has the english and mathematical proficiency of a middle school student. After my automation manager and I asked HR if they're even doing education checks anymore, (supposedly, he does have a legitimate degree from a university in got him enrolled at a local cc, but he was unable to maintain a 2.0 gpa so he is on paid leave while they figure out what to do with this guy. I get the intent behind DE but this has gone beyond insane."
This doesn't stop liberals from claiming all affirmative action does is fight prejudice and give minorities the same chances as the rest. They will claim this is fake, even though 1 in 6 hiring managers are told to discriminate against white men

Meme - "Unpopular opinion: white male students are the only ones having a hard time with recruiting
Throwaway for obvious reasons. I'm a 2nd year at Cornell Johnson and it's honestly ridiculous how much the university and employers care about all this DEI stuff. Almost all of my non-white male classmates have amazing job offers lined up, while my white male classmates are struggling to even get interviews, no matter how qualified they are. I don't know how we got to this point, but I expected better from a "top" university. Before you all start calling me a racist, know that I am a minority, but unlike the rest of my classmates, I can acknowledge that I benefited from it."

Meme - TheQuartering @TheQuartering: "This is the cast of the new Robyn Hood show. (a fully race and gender swapped "re-imagining". Guess who the bad guys are. (You're Right..it's the 2 white actors..a cop and a evil rich guy)"

Meme - *Black Little Mermaid* "Now we can finally feel represented" - Black women
*Goku* "yes, that's literally me" - Men of all races
"Why can men of all races and creed identify with Goku?"
"Because men can identify with the substance of the message, whereas women can only identify with the messenger."

Daniel Remy on X - "In one of Mile’s side missions you play as a black deaf girl (the mission has muted audio for the effect) who sprays graffiti on random walls. I’m sorry, but I thought I was playing a Spider-Man game. This is ghey."

Gregg Re on X - "two private planes just collided on takeoff at a major international airport in Houston (hobby). not a "near miss," an actual collision. pilot claims catastrophic ATC error. we are heading towards a major disaster. in positive news, FTC just announced plan to 'diversify' ATC
Here is the full video of the incident, which shows the panic in the Tower as they scramble to get the plane back for landing.   https://youtube.com/watch?v=ANJq5wBaXmE    In other similar 'near-miss' incidents, where pilots have apparently taken off without clearance, alert controllers have used ground radar (or their eyes) to instruct planes to stop before hitting each other, in the case of pilot error. In this case, after the collision, the controller replied, "You say what?"  It just just a year ago that the FAA announced a plan to specifically recruit "women and other underrepresented groups" to "enhance safety.""

Meme - "Haakon Jarl was a Viking warrior who ruled Norway from 975-995. He earned his title Haakon the Powerful. So naturally, Netflix made him a black women."

Meme - Vichakshana Arangala: "Being watching a bunch of 80s/90s movies lately. Literally background character, extras, looks like a modern "model". Not a fat person in sight. All the black and latino characters speak proper english. Black people dress like normal people. The LGBT-looking characters look like rebels. Instead of whinning. The strong female characters are actually strong. Plenty of diversity. I don't get it. How come feminism and LGBT stuff looks cool in the 80s and 90s, but feels cringe now?"

The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry’ - WSJ - "Mr. Connerly led the 1996 ballot effort after persuading his fellow University of California regents to ban preferences in UC admissions earlier that year. The state was the first to adopt a ban on racial preferences. Eight more have done so since, five by ballot measure (Washington, Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona and Oklahoma), two by legislation (New Hampshire and Idaho), and one by executive order of the governor (Florida). Mr. Connerly says proudly that “37.7% of people in our country live in a state that is free of preferences.”  All this despite the outsize clout of preference proponents. No on 16 had to overcome a vast funding disparity. Whereas the referendum’s backers had a war chest of $27 million, “we raised a little over $1.7 million,” Ms. Wu says, “and nearly all of our funds came from 7,000 Chinese-American donors of modest means.” Asians are harder hit than whites by racial preferences in higher education; Ms. Wu estimates their admissions to UC schools would have fallen as much as 50% if Proposition 16 passed. When an NBC reporter raised this point with a Democratic state senator, he shrugged it off: “Black and Hispanic people have even greater concerns.”  The Yes campaign received $6.5 million from a single donor—Quinn Delaney, chairman of the Oakland-based Akonadi Foundation, which says it aims to “eliminate structural racism.” The largest contribution received by No on 16 was less than 1% as large—$50,000 from Students for Fair Admissions, a nonprofit group that has sued Harvard, alleging that it discriminates against Asians. “Patricia Quillin, wife of the Netflix CEO, gave $1 million,” Ms. Wu adds, then goes on to list other givers of “big sums”: the California Teachers Association, Blue Shield, the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Other donors include Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft, as well as owners of the San Francisco 49ers, the San Francisco Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers. By contrast, Ms. Wu says, the lone $50,000 donation accounted for “only 2.9% of our funds.”  If No on 16 was a grassroots movement, the Yes campaign was a redwood grove. Ms Wu calls opponents the “diversity industry” and “Big Diversity”—“like Big Pharma, Big Tobacco!” The Yes on 16 website boasts nearly 900 endorsements from politicians, nonprofits, newspapers and other corporations. When I ask Mr. Connerly how his side managed to prevail, there’s no false modesty in his answer: “First of all, you could say that we just ran a masterful campaign. That would be one explanation.”  Another would be that in 1996 preferences had long been the rule, so that “we had to convince the people of the state that equality was the right way to go, and that it would not produce adverse consequences.” And today “there’s no systemic racism in the state of California,” Mr. Connerly says. “There were still remnants of that back in 1996.” By now, “it may very well be that the question of equality—of equal citizenship—is accorded the same kind of stature in our culture as that of liberty,” an ideal Americans recognize as “self-evident.” “Equal citizenship is not negotiable any more,” Mr. Connerly says. “You get the same rights, same responsibilities. You own just as much cultural stock in the country as anyone else.” Black people “have not always been accorded equal citizenship, I can tell you, because I know a little bit about that,” having been born in the South in 1939. But America has overcorrected for past wrongs. “Black people have been accorded a certain stature in American life” because of their history, Mr. Connerly says. “In the race sweepstakes right now, being black means that you get preferred stock.” Unless you’re a “race advocate,” he adds, “that is not a good thing.” President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 of 1965 required government contractors to “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” That, Mr. Connerly says, “began an era of racial bean-counting that has brought us to where we are today, with ‘diversity’ and ‘affirmative action’ on steroids, being used not really for black people, but to remake America.” Proposition 16, he says, was intended to “transform California and usher in the use of race unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our country.”  Yet the racial debate isn’t black and white any longer. Mr. Connerly says Asian-Americans have “had the temerity to rise up and say, ‘Hey, what about us?’ ” Ms. Wu is an example. Regarding affirmative action, she asks: “What should we really affirm? Do we affirm rigid racial lines that are outdated, or do we affirm real-life disadvantages that cut across racial, ethnic and gender lines?”... When politicians and school administrators say there are “too many” Asians in elite classrooms, “I feel minimized,” Ms. Wu says. “I feel stigmatized that I was reduced to a racial box—that my hard work is being blamed for the lack of so-called proportionality in these institutions.” Mr. Connerly, listening, can’t contain himself. “I have a more visceral reaction,” he says. “I am repulsed by that kind of language, because I have lived it. That’s what’s wrong with prejudice. You don’t see people as individuals.”  Mr. Connerly describes the Asian-American fight for educational equality as “probably the truest civil-rights movement of our time.” The civil-rights movement in the 1960s, he says, “was about civil rights, yes. But it became about advancing the condition of black people.” That’s why “you have people who have accused me of not really being a civil-rights guy—because civil rights in their mind is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. But those guys are race advocates.” Mr. Connerly offers a test for whether people are “really pro-civil rights”: “It’s when they will defend the right of a white person—a white male—to be treated equal to everyone else.”... "Congress has already ruled in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that there should not be discrimination on the basis of race. Why have we been ignoring this command for all these years?”"
From 2020

Meme - Jeremy Corbyn @jere...: "Suella Braverman says multiculturalism has failed. She should come to Islington North, where strength in diversity is our greatest success."
Keith Woods @KeithWoodsYT: "Sounds wonderful
Islington is the third most dangerous borough in London. The overall crime rate in Islington in 2022 was 116 crimes per 1,000 people. This compares poorly to London's overall crime rate, coming in 22% higher than the London rate of 95 per 1,000 residents. For England, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a whole, Islington is among the top 20 most dangerous cities,"

White Winner of Zimbabwe's Miss Universe Contest Sparks Fury - "Zimbabwe's return to the Miss Universe pageant has been marred in controversy after a white woman was named winner.  Brooke Bruk-Jackson, 21, won the right to represent the southern African country at the upcoming international pageant in El Salvador in December... Bruk-Jackson addressed the issue of race in an interview after her win.  "One of my biggest things is no matter what country you come from, if you come from an African country for example, you can enter no matter what color you are. You can be from any culture, any background, nobody should define you by your color, by the way you look, or by the shape of your body"... Zimbabweans were divided by Bruk-Jackson's win. Some argued it was not appropriate for a white person to represent the country on the international stage.  "Too white to represent a country of Black people. She does not represent our country. She's a foreigner," commented one person on an Instagram post of Bruk-Jackson winning the crown.  Another added: "Ironic that a white girl won Miss Zimbabwe, while European countries send Black girls...""
Why aren't they happy about spotlighting a minority? Good luck if you object to a black woman winning in a white country

Outrage After White Woman Is Named As Winner Of Zimbabwe's Miss Universe Competition"

Meme - "Spider-Man 2 has so much gay representation I think I developed arachnophobia"

Uber suspends diversity chief over ‘Don’t Call Me Karen’ events - "Uber has suspended its head of diversity, equity and inclusion after Black and Hispanic employees complained about the workplace events she moderated exploring the experience of white American women under the title “Don’t Call Me Karen”.  The ride-hailing app has confirmed that it has asked Bo Young Lee, who has led its DEI department for five years, to take a leave of absence while the company works out “next steps”. Her suspension is the latest wave of chaos to strike the $72bn company over its corporate culture... The focus on the discomfort of white women specifically over the term “Karen” was denounced by several employees as being insensitive towards people of color. In internal Slack channels for Black and Hispanic Uber employees seen by the Times, workers said they had felt lectured at. “It was more of a lecture – I felt like I was being scolded for the entirety of that meeting,” one Black woman wrote... According to the New York Times, after the first “Don’t Call Me Karen” event, a Black staffer argued that diversity sessions should not include “tone-deaf, offensive and triggering conversations”. Lee is reported to have replied: “Sometimes being pushed out of your own strategic ignorance is the right thing to do.”"
Weird. Usually liberals say that just because one group is suffering more doesn't mean another group isn't suffering, and that painful conversations are necessary for change
Diversity sessions are lectures anyway - they just weren't used to being on the receiving end

Michelle Rodriguez Says She Wants ‘Minorities’ to ‘Stop Stealing’ Superhero Roles From White People, Then Apologizes [Updated] - "Michelle Rodriguez quickly shot down rumors that she might star in the Green Lantern, and it seems like it might be out of principle. “That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard,” she told a TMZ reporter. “I think it’s so stupid because of this whole minorities in Hollywood thing. It’s so stupid. Stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes. Make up your own. What’s up with that?”"
Minority voices only matter when they support the liberal agenda

Meme - "Actual work diversity training slide
Michael clocks out for lunch from his post on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and sits down to eat in the employee lounge. Another security professional, Cindy, is just finishing up her lunch and notices that Michael has a small sandwich and a bag of apple slices. She exclaims, "What kind of Italian are you? That is the smallest sandwich I have ever seen! Throw some meat on that bread or bust out some pasta and gravy, you big 'paisan.' Your gonna be starved by the end of your shift!" How do you think this makes Michael feel? Is Cindy implying that Michael needs to eat more food because he is Italian? Do you think Cindy's comment could have offended others in the employee lounge?"
A lot of the people mocking this wouldn't if it were a "minority" involved

Meme - "2005: We need immigrants to do the jobs you won't do
2023: You're fired for being white"
Kelvin MacKenzie @kelvmackenzie: "The MoS reports BT is making 1,100 of its 95.8% white staff of 2,900 at Martlesham, nr Ipswich, redundant so they can hire new people in major cities to boost its workforce diversity. The new CEO will pocket £220k if she hits diversity targets. You couldn't make it up."

Meme - iamyesyouareno: "Spot the difference. Diversity only works one way."
"Diverse photo shoot sends powerful message: 'Never be sorry for being black' *all black women*"
"Arsenal have released a statement to acknowledge a lack of diversity in their team and say they will work to deliver 'greater diversity' as a 'priority' *all white women*"

Polar Bears. A Documentary *Black Bears*"

From millionaires to Muslims, small subgroups of the population seem much larger to many Americans - "When it comes to estimating the size of demographic groups, Americans rarely get it right. In two recent YouGov polls, we asked respondents to guess the percentage (ranging from 0% to 100%) of American adults who are members of 43 different groups, including racial and religious groups, as well as other less frequently studied groups, such as pet owners and those who are left-handed.  When people’s average perceptions of group sizes are compared to actual population estimates, an intriguing pattern emerges: Americans tend to vastly overestimate the size of minority groups. This holds for sexual minorities, including the proportion of gays and lesbians (estimate: 30%, true: 3%), bisexuals (estimate: 29%, true: 4%), and people who are transgender (estimate: 21%, true: 0.6%). It also applies to religious minorities, such as Muslim Americans (estimate: 27%, true: 1%) and Jewish Americans (estimate: 30%, true: 2%). And we find the same sorts of overestimates for racial and ethnic minorities, such as Native Americans (estimate: 27%, true: 1%), Asian Americans (estimate: 29%, true: 6%), and Black Americans (estimate: 41%, true: 12%). A parallel pattern emerges when we look at estimates of majority groups: People tend to underestimate rather than overestimate their size relative to their actual share of the adult population. For instance, we find that people underestimate the proportion of American adults who are Christian (estimate: 58%, true: 70%) and the proportion who have at least a high school degree (estimate: 65%, true: 89%)... Misperceptions of the size of minority groups have been identified in prior surveys, which observers have often attributed to social causes: fear of out-groups, lack of personal exposure, or portrayals in the media. Yet consistent with prior research, we find that the tendency to misestimate the size of demographic groups is actually one instance of a broader tendency to overestimate small proportions and underestimate large ones, regardless of the topic.  If exaggerated perceptions of minority groups’ share of the American population are due to fear, we would expect estimates of those groups’ share that are made by the groups’ members to be more accurate than those made by others. We tested this theory on minority groups that were represented by at least 100 respondents within our sample and found that they were no better (and often worse) than non-group members at guessing the relative size of the minority group they belong to. "
The narrative is that "majorities" are panicked over nothing, but it's never considered that liberals' obsessing over them (e.g. "representation") could make them seem more numerous than they really are

Watch: 4 Obese Female Chicago Police Officers Attempt to Apprehend Male Shoplifter — He Ends Up Escaping - "Surveillance footage out of Chicago shows the moment four fat female police officers tried to nab a shoplifting suspect, only to have him slip from their grasp and evade apprehension.  The video shows four female officers approach the subject at a street corner before they begin trying to handcuff him, at which point he begins struggling with the officers and finally is able to make his escape with one hand in cuffs... The viral video, viewed over 2 million times, is being highlighted as an example of why diversity, equity and inclusion quotas aren’t exactly making America a safer place. However, Chicago’s Democrat policies, which involve the relaxation of shoplifting laws and efforts to defund the police, have also played a role in contributing to the situation."

Meme - Wesley Yang @wesyang: "Outcomes like this establish beyond any doubt that the social processes that begin with poetry prizes and foundation grants and academic journal editorships go on to swallow up everything"
Stanford Surgery @StanfordSurgery: "ICYMI: Meet the newest additions to the Stanford Surgery Family! #match2023"
*13 people, with 12 women and 1 man (who's Asian). Of the women, 3 are black*

Meme - Sabrina Medora @c0Sabrina: "For the first time in three years of writing, I've gotten this response to an interview request. I'm taken aback and really pleased. White restaurant owners and operators, this is a great way to take a stand and ensure that food media becomes more inclusive."
"Hi Sabrina, Before I confirm, we always ask if any article we are a part of also includes a person of color. As a currently all white management team, we do not offer diversity and can only speak from a place of privilege. If this article is not including the perspectives of POC owned or operated businesses, I can decline and offer my space in the article to another. If there are more than white voices being represented, then I would be glad to speak with you"
When diversity is more important than competence

WALSH: Our Country Is Finally Realizing That It’s Simply Not Okay For Actors To Pretend To Be Something They Aren’t - "The actress Jenny Slate has apologized for her “flawed” decision to voice a non-white character on the Netflix show “Big Mouth.” Slate announced that she is stepping aside from the role, acknowledging that her initial decision to voice the animated character was a symptom of her “white privilege.”  She explained that she originally thought it was okay because her character, Missy, has a white Jewish mother. But she now understands that she could only take on that role because of “unjust allowances made within a system of societal white supremacy.” She makes a salient point, of course. It is well known that the ultimate goal of any Nazi or Klan member is to be a voice actor for a mixed race cartoon character. Slate promised to do her part to fight the white supremacist scourge by “engaging in meaningful anti-racist action,” and she expressed deep remorse for anyone she may have “hurt” by doing voice overs on a cartoon show. On the same day, actress Kristen Bell stepped aside from her role voicing a non-white character named Molly on the animated show “Central Park.” She apologized for her “lack of awareness” of her “pervasive privilege,” and admitted that “casting a mixed race character with a white actress undermines the specificity of the mixed race and Black American experience.” It is not clear how a cartoon character’s voice could “undermine” anyone’s “experience,” or even what it means to undermine an experience, but whatever it means, and however it happens, the point is that Kristen Bell is very sorry and wants you to know that she’s one of the good inherently racist white people, not one of the bad ones... I personally find these decisions by Bell and Slate to be so inspiring that I’d like to suggest other characters that should be canceled along similar lines. Obviously Darth Vader has to go. He is a white man in a black suit voiced by a black man. I’m not sure how this is racist but I’m sure that it must be, in some way. Bart Simpson is a boy voiced by an adult woman. For years I accepted this problematic dichotomy because I assumed that “The Simpsons” was headed for a story arc where the young Bart discovers his inner female identity, comes out as transgender, and begins hormone therapy. But after 30 years on the air, this moment still has not arrived, and I’m beginning to despair that “The Simpsons” will ever make the expected transition into a nuanced, introspective drama about the  experiences of transgender adolescents in modern America. Other characters that should be canceled, abolished, outlawed, imprisoned, executed, or at least recast, are perhaps a little less obvious but nonetheless crucial to defeating white supremacy. E.T., from the film “E.T.,” has only a few lines of dialogue (a problem in and of itself), and those lines are handled by a white voice actress named Pat Welsh. It boggles my mind that, in the whole entire cosmos, populated by 100 billion galaxies and trillions of planets, Steven Spielberg could not find even one actual extra terrestrial to take on this role. A white actor cannot empathize with the lived reality of alien beings enough to capture the fullness and depth of their experiences on screen. We have to remember something: acting is not about pretending to be something you’re not. Acting, in an ideal society, would consist of people being themselves, and doing and saying all of the same stuff they would do and say on a normal day. In a truly progressive culture, films would have no characters, no script, no plot, and instead the audience would watch people — none of them white, of course — going about their day, running errands, checking the mailbox, preparing dinner, etc. Every film would be like this, all of them would be titled “Experiences,” and all of them would win every Oscar every year. The fact that this scenario I concocted in my head is not a reality just proves that white supremacy is real and literal Nazis are running the country."

Meme - HO-HO-HO-Ping @PandasAndVidya: "I really, truly, honestly hate that I called this."
HO-HO-HO-Ping: "Can't wait for a story on my ancestors to be adapted into a movie or a game, only to have everyone depicted as sub-Saharan African. Tell 'em that Carthage was in North Africa and they'll imagine that everyone looked like Wesley Snipes, because they're dogshit stupid like that."
DiscussingFilm @DiscussingFilm: "Denzel Washington will star as Hannibal, the man who attacked Rome atop of an elephant in a film by Antoine Fuqua for Netflix. (Source: Deadline)"

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