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Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Links - 5th December 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - HighimpactFlix @HighImpactFlix: "Straight from the ADL website. If you say 100% you are engaged in hate speech and are promoting white supremacy."

'OK' hand gesture, 'bowlcut' added to hate symbols database

Forbes is out here openly pushing "to decenter whiteness" and I'm just here for the popcorn - "we need more education on why whiteness is bad. Please ask your school board to add Ibram Kendi to the reading list.  Next up, objectivity... Forbes is obviously unaware that objectivity itself is a racist white supremacist dog whistle, so I'll be moving on now.  Accountability... Yeah, be accountable. If Gary in accounting brings fried chicken for lunch, Gary should be fired. Gary's not black, and he's not allowed to eat fried chicken, especially in the presence of black people.  And that's it, people. If you do these three things in the workplace whiteness will be a thing of the past. Another plus, it won't smell like microwaved tilapia in the break room... PS - Why do you think they changed the headline??
3 Ways To Transform Your Workplace To Be More Equitable"

Meme - "Sharing political content online
Progressive Activists are a dominant voice on social media
Progressive Activists: 55%
UK Average: 15%
Every under group *below average*
Qu. Here is a list of activities that some people get a chance to participate in and others don't. Which of the following have you taken part in in the past year? Febuary 2020
Source: More in Common 2020"
Companies thinking that social media is representative of the population is a great way to fail

Jewish California student Ben Brody suing Elon Musk for falsely branding him a neo-Nazi says Twitter storm 'ruined his life' - and hires power attorney who fought Alex Jones over Sandy Hook conspiracy theories - "A Jewish student suing Elon Musk for falsely branding him a neo-Nazi has said that the storm of accusations 'ruined his life.'  Ben Brody, 22, sued the Tesla founder on October 2 in Travis County, Texas, after he told his millions of followers that the Californian student was part of an extremist group causing trouble at an LGBTQ event in Oregon.   Brody - who is Jewish - is seeking more than $1 million in damages against Musk. He's now lawyered up with attorney Mark Bankston - who also successfully represented Sandy Hook victims' families when they sued conspiracy theorist Alex Jones... At the time, Elon Musk tweeted: 'Looks like one is a college student (who wants to join the govt) and another is maybe an Antifa member, but nonetheless a probable false flag situation.'"
I saw liberals cheering this. Ironically, does this mean those who the left keeps slandering as Nazis can sue them too, given that the left outrightly call them Nazis, but Musk only said "looks like" about Brody?

FIRST READING: Federal commission declares Christmas holiday is 'religious intolerance' - "The Canadian Human Rights Commission — an agency with broad judicial powers that is fully funded by the federal government — has declared that the celebration of Christmas is evidence of Canada’s “colonialist” religious intolerance... The thrust of the paper, first reported by Blacklock’s Reporter, is that Canada is replete with religious intolerance and always has been. “In order to move forward towards sustainable change, all Canadians must first acknowledge Canada’s history of religious intolerance,” it reads. This is despite the fact that the free exercise of religion has been Canadian law since before Confederation — a state of affairs that would have been conspicuously rare in the world of the 19th century. In 1851, the colonial Province of Canada even enacted the Freedom of Worship Act, which protected “free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference.” This early tolerance of religious pluralism is partially reflected in the fact that almost all of Canada’s predominant non-Christian religions have roots in the country stretching back nearly 100 years... None of this is mentioned in the discussion paper... On an “anti-racism timeline,” the agency adds that its “Human Rights Officers” have been empowered to suss out the “subtle scent” of racism, and that they have specifically been ordered to prioritize cases relating to “race, colour or national or ethnic origin.”... Lengthy position papers drafted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission also refer to Canada’s statutory celebration of Christmas as an example of “systemic faithism.”... Despite the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s assertion that a day off on Christmas constitutes religious intolerance, polls show that non-Christian Canadians almost universally have no problem with the holiday. A Leger poll from last year asked Canadians who grew up non-Christian whether they were offended by the greeting “Merry Christmas.” Of respondents, 92 per cent said “no.” That same poll also asked Canadians of all religions whether Christmas and other “religious” holidays should be struck from the country’s official statutory holidays. Only six per cent said “yes.”... NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh — currently the only non-Christian major party leader — even included a “keep Christ in Christmas” aside in his official 2018 Christmas message"
Weird. We're told that the War on Christmas is an invention of delusional, intolerant Christians

Quebec's National Assembly rejects notion that Christmas is racist - "Christopher Skeete, a member of the provincial legislature representing a district in Laval, Que., moved the motion. Skeete, part of the governing Coalition Avenir Québec, is also the minister responsible for fighting racism in the francophone province. “Au Québec, on célèbre Noël, on célèbre notre patrimoine,” Skeete tweeted Wednesday. In English, the post reads “In Quebec, we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate our heritage.”"

White visitors to Vancouver Art Gallery can compare their faces to infamous Nazis
Weird. We keep being told that no one hates white people

Wilfred Reilly on To say the obvious, part of the appeal of barbarians - "hood nig*as," Antifa black blockers, keffiyeh-wearing terrorists - to middle-class kids is that they don't look like prey.   Post-feminization, up-middle class training in the West basically teaches people to be as weak and herbivorous as possible, and that's deeply unsatisfying for humans.X - "

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "Canada's govt has declared June-Seplember to be "Pride Season." This mass email, which just went out to 1,800 Cdn Heritage workers, gives a sense of how federal staffers will be observing it: Learning all about why Phil in Accounting just never wants to get off."
Larry Wooster @LarryWode: "In my psych training (and the same is true for medical school), we were all taught that lack of libido is a serious symptom of potentially both psychological and physical pathologies. Healthy people have a sex drive."

Meme mirax @miraxpath: "Terrible take. "Malay" food is derived from ample theft from other cultures, including the Chinese. That's the beauty of it, no one has a monopoly on Nasi Lemak and it is impossible to stop cultures cross-fertilising. Save your righteous wrath for something more important?"
shopsuism @shopsuism: "Stop calling all Malay kueh and dishes Peranakan also... that is thousands of years of Malay culture, long before the Peranakan people existed."

Meme - Adam Friended @Friended4Ever: "The woke puritans of today have enacted the kinds of "sex in media" prohibitions that 1980's evangelicals could only dream of."
"1987: Pretty April O'Neil
2023: ??? April O'Neil"


i/o on X - "Since this tweet seems to be taking off, I thought it might be a good time to remind people that fewer than 1 out of 16 black applicants accepted by Harvard would have been accepted without affirmative action.  Let me explain. Harvard currently accepts about 3% of its applicants. Let's say it had selected students based solely on high school academic performance, and, further, that the school had been less selective than it is now — so let's say it accepted 10%, rather than 3%, of applicants.  Extrapolating from the Harvard lawsuit plaintiff's consultant report, under a system that used only academic merit in its decision-making, only 0.94% of black applicants would have gotten into Harvard, rather than the 15.81% actually accepted, if the acceptance rate was 10%. So roughly only 1 out of 16 blacks admitted under Harvard's affirmative action-based system would have gotten in under a academics-based meritocratic system.  But Harvard doesn't have a 10% acceptance rate. Its rate is only 3%. This means that, given the SAT score distribution curves for different racial groups (which heavily favor Asians and hugely disfavor blacks the farther you move toward the extreme right tails), even fewer than 0.94% of blacks would have been accepted in a real-world meritocratic scenario. Almost certainly it would have been fewer than 1 of 20 applicants.  This was the immensity of Harvard's preferential treatment of blacks, and of its institutional racism against Asians."

Meme - Shaniqua Posting Delusions @DeIudedShaniqwa: "The first slaves were brought to North America in 1619. Slavery was abolished in 1865. 1865 - 1619 = 246 years. They keep saying "400 years". They lie about everything."
Delusional Takes @DelusionPosting: "I will never understand interracial dating. Them folks literally had us enslaved for 400+ years."
I thought being against miscegenation was racist

Lammy versus Lammy - "Accusations of ‘racism denial’ have become the king of conversation-enders. Early in 2020, activist Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu ‘schooled’ the presenters of ITV’s This Morning on the correct way to understand the royal crisis involving Meghan Markle. ‘It is exhausting when you hear people deny that racism is at the heart of [it]’, she said.  Casting deniers as tantamount to delinquent children caught red-handed but refusing to admit it, the new ‘anti-racism’ views dissent with the exhausted despair of a parent. In 2020-speak the instruction to racism deniers is ‘go educate yourself!’. But questions will not be tolerated. ‘What examples do you have?’, asked hapless This Morning host Phillip Schofield, to which Mos-Shogbamimu retorted: ‘You see, that is another problem…! When people keep asking “What examples?”’ She offered the sullen-looking Schofield no examples, and he knew he had better not ask again.  The ‘I’m exhausted’ homily was supercharged when a 2017 book by Reni Eddo-Lodge – Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race – became a bestseller again last June. Its opening paragraph elaborates on its title: ‘Not all white people, just the vast majority who refuse to accept the legitimacy of structural racism and its symptoms.’ Yet Lammy’s day off from media interviews when the CRED report was published was odd. Because in the past he has expressed very similar ideas to those held by the report’s author, Tony Sewell... The decisive role played by class in so much of what is currently attributed to racism was frequently pointed out by Lammy in the past. The working-class boy from Tottenham, 20 years an MP for the borough, was once keenly aware of the adversities shared by the majority of his constituents. Tottenham has one of the highest unemployment and poverty rates in London, and it is as white as it is black. The truth that Lammy intimately knows about life in working-class neighbourhoods still jumps out occasionally...   Critics of the Sewell report say it lacks intellectual rigour. But similar could be said about Lammy’s review of the criminal-justice system, commissioned by the government in 2017. The Lammy review is continually cited as a report that ‘clearly showed’ bias and discrimination in the criminal-justice system towards BAME citizens. But the report pirouetted around factors like poverty and class. Lammy was very selective with his statistics, preferring those that compare ‘black’ with ‘white’. Social class – and a multitude of things that go with it – were not seriously factored in. And despite this, the Lammy review still fails to convince that the criminal-justice system is shot through with institutional racism. It found that jury decisions and charging decisions made by the Criminal Prosecution Service are not significantly shaped by anything to do with race.  In the figure of David Lammy, what we have is another Labour politician turned woke priest who seems to have ditched what he once knew in favour of sermonising according to the ideologies of BLM and critical race theory"

There’s another story behind that Land O'Lakes butter box - "DesJarlait’s son, Robert DesJarlait, 73, said he was initially glad that the stereotypical image was finally removed. Then, the power of social media reminded him of another side of the discussion that was overlooked. On his Facebook page, Robert said many Ojibwe people shared their perspective of Mia while growing up Native. “Basically, it was giving the previous generation a sense of almost empowerment to see a Native woman on a box of butter. It gave them a sense of cultural pride,” he said. “After seeing those posts, I said, ‘that’s right, that’s why my dad created this image to begin with’.” The design, besides Mia, shows a lake with two points of land that Robert DesJarlait said represented Red Lake and an area on the reservation known as the Narrows, where lower and upper Red Lake meet. Another homage, one that is hard to see on the products, on Mia’s dress are Ojibwe floral design patterns.  “My father was working it both ways - he was strengthening the Land O’Lakes name by placing Mia at the lake and he was integrating a deeper Ojibwe connection to the environment in which they lived. Trees and lakes are part of our identity. As such, his art, and Mia, was a visual reminder of our connection to our homelands”"

Promise of restorative justice in schools falters under rigorous research - "In 2014, the Obama Administration jolted the education world with a report detailing unfair and racist school discipline practices across the country. Sixteen percent of all black students were being suspended, more than three times the rate of white students. Even preschoolers were being suspended at alarming rates. Other scholars produced research showing that the kind of zero-tolerance discipline then in vogue was hurting students’ long-term academic prospects and feeding the school-to-prison pipeline.  Desperate for alternatives, many educators rapidly embraced something called “restorative justice,” a set of practices that originated in the criminal justice sector in the 1970s to help victims and offenders reconcile or come to some sort of agreement on reparations. In education settings, there are various ways to implement this alternative to suspensions and expulsions but it generally involves having kids sit in a circle and discuss their conflicts with the help of an adult mediator. Early research seemed promising. Developers of  “restorative justice” programs described how “talking it out” yielded benefits, such as a reduction in bullying and fighting, lower suspension rates and fewer missed days of school. Sometimes, early adopters even claimed that student achievement improved. But the studies tended to be small, and they tracked only what happened to students who participated in the program without comparing them to similar students who didn’t participate. No studies could prove that the restorative justice programs were causing any of the positive changes that the advocates had noticed.  By late 2016 even proponents openly worried that schools had moved too quickly.  Samuel Song, co-director the National Network of Restorative School Researchers and an associate professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, penned a damning article entitled, “The Cart Before the Horse,” in which he described the “void” in the research literature and a lack of understanding of the basics, such as what the day-to-day role of school psychologists should be.  At last, more sophisticated research has been commissioned, and the results are starting to trickle in. For proponents of restorative justice, the first two studies are not especially promising with both failing to show clear benefits for these non-punitive approaches to student discipline. Academic achievement fell for some students who were exposed to restorative justice compared to students at schools who were disciplined as usual. Implementation problems were common...   The academic performance of middle schoolers actually worsened at schools that tried restorative justice. Math test scores deteriorated for black students in particular...   In surveys, teachers at the schools that tried restorative justice said that their school climate improved. But students reported that teachers struggled more to manage classroom behavior. I wondered if disruptive behavior in the classroom might have detracted from learning time, or perhaps even worthwhile and productive restorative justice conversations ate away at precious instructional minutes. Either way, it could potentially explain why some kids’ performance suffered... The biggest insight from the Maine study was how hard it is for schools to implement restorative justice even after days of teacher training, monthly consultations and visits by coaches. Students’ survey answers revealed that they didn’t experience very much restorative justice in their day-to-day classrooms even after two years of effort.  Restorative justice also requires a high degree of student buy-in. Students cannot be forced to talk about their grievances face-to-face with their classroom enemies. It’s a voluntary process and not every kid wants to talk."
Too bad now not just are intentions are more important than outcomes, but "anti-racism" is everything, so good luck not doing restorative justice
The cope is going to be that they need even more of it for it to work

Meme - "Wolfenstein-2.jpg
>Game is supposed to depict a dystopic nightmare future
>Streets are clean, buildings are pretty, and crime is low
I don't get it"
This might explain why the left is pro-crime and urban decay - they associate cleanliness and low crime with fascism

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "yes exactly. whenever I see someone walking a dog, I assume they're a racist. and if the person is black, I assume the dog is named Uncle Tom"
Erica Ifill @wickdchiq: "This is exactly why I talk about white people's disturbing affection for their dogs. They would never be that sweet to Black people and then I realized it's all about domination. White people don't "love" and "tolerate" who they can't dominate"

Meme - Wesley Yang @wesyang: "People were very confident telling me that the derangements were not going to reach the things that really matter like engineering and medicine and aviation. It was just a few years ago. Of course they were wrong."
Erica Sandberg @EricaJSandberg: "I thought this was a joke; a parody of silliness. no. if you're seeking the underlying cause of your inflammation, here. this is from a doctor at @UCSF."
Addendum: A good unpacking of this nonsense is available

"Gender is at the core of this": Elizabeth Warren voters frustrated with grim Super Tuesday results
The white supremacy of Elizabeth Warren - "left-leaning media reeks with the condescension of nominal white progressives – numerous prominent pundits and reporters among them – all too willing to dismiss and demean the insights of their Indigenous counterparts... What a perfect illustration of the evolution of white supremacy: first, Euro entitlement to Native territories; then, white entitlement to Native identity sans the cultural contexts that confer meaning on said identity; and, now, inevitability, the ascendancy of white presumption to literally dictate how Natives should think and feel. This is the malignant legacy of Elizabeth Warren – bringing out the chauvinistic worst in the ostensible best and normalizing scorn for perspectives of color."
From 2019. Weird, I thought it was just a nothingburger the evil right wing were whining about, and if you rejected her you were sexist

Quotes about Pierre Poilievre's Conservative leadership victory - "We will restore Canada’s promise in a country where it doesn’t matter who you love, or if your name is Smith or Singh, Martin or Mohammed, Chang or Charles"
WATCH: Poilievre shuts down reporter who claims 'experts' say he's trying to 'court the far right vote' - ""A number of your own comments and actions have been characterized as dog-whistling to the far right," Wright began.   "By who?" Poilievre replied, repeating his question until Wright told him it was the opinion of "a number of different experts."  "Who are the experts?" he shot back.  Wright, who previously worked for Global News and the Canadian Press, claimed that it had been "established" that Poilievre was "trying to court the far-right vote."  When she couldn't provide any names, the Conservative leader jumped in and said her question was "based on a false premise."  "You can't even tell me who these experts are," he stated. "It sounds like it's just a CBC smear job."  Despite Poilievre's attempts to move on to the next question, Wright persisted, demanding an answer to her question."
Hannah Martens on X - "Real issues we face that could have been covered instead:
-our unreliable ferry service
-confederation bridge tolls
-carbon tax effect on Islanders and tourism
-housing development
-cost of living/inflation/interest rates
Or literally anything else but this…"
Liberal logic: "dog whistles" are more important and revealing than what you actually explicitly say, because they are psychic and know all non-liberals are evil
Weird. Liberals keep claiming that conservatives try to distract over meaningless nonsense like gender ideology instead of bread and butter issues. Of course, only their agenda matters more than bread and butter issues

Young Americans don't love America because they don't know history - "Anti-Americanism has spread across college campuses like a wildfire, igniting rage and resentment against anything perceived as oppressive — even the American flag. As a result, most universities would likely shy away from a celebration of our nation’s founding in favor of more “inclusive” events.  And that’s why university officials have been among the first to lash out at President Donald Trump’s still vague calls for “patriotic education” in our schools. In a Gallup poll this June, only 63% of U.S. adults say they are either “extremely proud” or “very proud” to be American, the lowest level of patriotism ever recorded since Gallup first asked the question in 2001. Among members of my generation, the youngest surveyed, patriots are in the minority. Only 4 out of 10 respondents ages 18-34 claim to be extremely or very proud of being American... Patriotism, however, does not claim a country is without flaws. In fact, many people who identify as patriotic do not always feel proud of their government, their fellow citizens or even themselves. As English author G.K. Chesterton explained, patriotism treats one’s country like a family member — you love it simply because it is yours, and that love motivates you to mend any imperfections. Today, that motivating force is rapidly receding.   But there’s nothing new here. The medieval philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas once observed, “Love follows knowledge.” Love of country is no different; I believe our lack of patriotism stems from a lack of knowledge. You would think knowledge isn't in short supply, considering members of Generation Z have grown up with smartphones and, according to Pew Research Center data, are on track to be the most highly educated generation yet. Yet in a typical American university, a basic account of the nation’s history is hard to come by.  A 2016 report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni found that more than two-thirds of top U.S. colleges do not require history majors to take a single course on United States history. Instead, several colleges require history majors to “complete coursework on areas outside the United States.”... The problem extends well beyond a simple lack of information. A 2019 Title VI complaint filed against the UCLA alleges a professor cited “killing people, colonialism and white supremacy” as American values. On the contrary, they are stark departures from the goals of freedom and equality lauded in our founding documents. Some professors, however, are actively attempting to supplant the historical reality of those documents and the context in which they were written. In August, Adam Kotsko, a history professor at North Central College, tweeted that “the design and effect of the Constitution, in all its iterations, has been racist.” He later added, “Same for capitalism, by the way!”  These assertions strike at the very root of the American story and threaten to undermine an appreciation of its true values and goals... A 2014 revision of the College Board's Advanced Placement U.S. History framework was no better, as it omitted any mention of key American figures such as Benjamin Franklin and James Madison from history. And the 19 sample examination questions disproportionately emphasize class struggles and discrimination, reinforcing a negative view of U.S. history as the framework’s dominant theme.  Thankfully, after much well-deserved criticism, the College Board revised the framework in 2015.  Promoters of these curricula may argue that we need to understand the flaws in American history and its leading figures. This is true, but the American story and its flaws, like any individual person’s, should be presented in light of its inherent goodness. The United States is imperfect, but its imperfections are only a small part of an overall narrative that has championed individual freedom and increased prosperity for all its citizens... It doesn’t have to be this way. Some colleges — like mine — offer a holistic perspective of American history and honor our characteristic values."

Meme - Nikocado Avocado @nikocadoavocado: "I have a theory. Fried chicken makes people violent."

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