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Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Links - 5th December 2023 (2 - Migrants [including Dublin stabbing])

Canadian Government Giving $9000 To Ukrainian Families (4) While Canadians Get Only $500 Housing Benefit! : CanadaHousing2 - "I didn't believe this but here we are - Canada is giving away $3000 per adult / $1500 per under 17.  In 2023, Feds gave only $500 housing benefit for Canadian citizens.  While the Ukrainian program opened in 2022 and still running, the Housing Benefit for Canadians was closed up real quick."

NDP Critic for Immigration calls out Conservative Leader for harmful policies - "NDP Critic for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Jenny Kwan, made the following statement on Thursday:  “In the last two days, Canadians have learned that Pierre Poilievre is willing to support legislative measures that are anti-choice and anti-immigration. The Conservative leader is showing his true colours and giving Canadians a sneak peak into how a Conservative government would set out country back decades... Pierre Poilievre confirmed he is supporting a Bloc motion to restrict immigration in the middle of a national labour shortage that hurts small businesses and communities across the country"
All the PP haters claim he will do nothing to reduce immigration and that he's lying. Weird that the NDP is condemning him for it, then

Will Canada change immigration plans amid growing dissent? - "A Nanos report in September showed 53 per cent of Canadians wanted Ottawa to accept fewer immigrants, up from 34 per cent in a similar poll in March. Then, an online survey by Research Co. in October found 38 per cent of Canadians said they believe immigration is having a mostly negative effect, up 12 percentage points from research conducted a year ago. “Some people are feeling there’s too much immigration, when it comes to the fact that it’s driving up the housing cost, exacerbating the housing shortage, making the connection between immigration and health care and education,” says Toronto Metropolitan University professor Rupa Banerjee, whose research focuses on immigrant employment integration.  “Immigration is on people’s radar more and the plan will be scrutinized a lot more closely.”  So far, the government has seemed inclined to stay the course... “I’m not opposed to increasing the levels because I understand the long-term growth strategy,” said Cooman. “But I am opposed to increasing the levels without a strategy to show us how all the infrastructure can be built to accommodate more people in the country. You can’t have one without the other.”  Whom Canada brings in matters, observers say... Using real wages as a proxy for relative productivity of different groups, the Desjardins report said economic immigrants in particular are outperforming the typical Canadian."

Some Canadian newcomers leave. Is onward migration an issue? - "With more options available amid the global race to attract skilled workers, there has been an increase of immigrants to Canada moving on to greener pastures, the study says. It’s a phenomenon that’s especially prevalent between four and seven years after newcomers get their permanent residence.  And while the levels of “onward migration” represent only one-fifth of newcomers to Canada, experts say the data highlights the need to ensure immigrants successfully integrate and have positive experiences early on in this country.  The number of departures varied annually over the course of 25 years, but cumulatively about 20 per cent of immigrants in each cohort ultimately left, said the report “The Leaky Bucket: A Study of Immigrant Retention Trends in Canada.”... “Coming to Canada is not a one-way door. And if people are coming but not staying here, then that has many implications for our shared future and for our shared success.”... The new document recommends the federal government closely monitor onward migration among newcomers, invest in settlement services and programs to support immigrant integration, help employers hire and retain immigrant workers, and put money in infrastructure to meet population growth."

Why so many immigrants leave Canada: ‘I respect myself too much’ - "He applied to more than 50 jobs related to public health but only got two interviews. Both were unsuccessful; one employer was looking for different skill sets, while the other had a better candidate. “It was demotivating, frustrating and demoralizing,” says Sagar, who wasn’t sure of the reason why. “I’m not getting the right kind of job. Is there any problem in me or is it Canada?” He started applying for jobs in the U.S. To his surprise, he says, calls for interviews started pouring in, though he always balked at taking up any job offer in the U.S. on a work permit without the safeguard of a green card.  “There are so many skilled immigrants who qualify to come to Canada, but once they end up here, many don’t get the opportunity for the jobs their skill sets are for,” he laments.  “You have engineers, doctors and dentists working in retail. That’s very strange to me.”  A recent Statistics Canada report found 34 per cent of immigrants selected via the economic category — a group selected for entry into this country due to their higher education and skills — were employed in lower-skilled jobs.   Even among longer-term economic immigrants who have been in Canada for more than a decade, 31 per cent were in these so-called survival jobs. “We historically focused on the ‘front end’ of immigration, namely recruitment,” says Western University professor Michael Haan, whose research focuses on immigrant settlement, labour market integration and data development. “Nearly no research or policy attention has been given to keeping newcomers in Canada.”  “It is very expensive to identify the types of immigrants we want and need, recruit newcomers that fit the profile, process their applications and provide them with settlement services. To have them leave the country after all this work provides us with little to no return on this investment.”... The issue of “deskilling” highly skilled immigrants is not new.  Successive waves of newcomers have struggled to get their foreign credentials accredited and satisfy employers’ preference for Canadian work experience... She says research suggests the country simply doesn’t have so many skilled jobs to go around.  A recent Statistics Canada report suggested there are no widespread labour shortages for jobs that require high levels of education as the number of unemployed Canadians with a bachelor’s degree or higher education since 2016 has always exceeded the number of vacant positions that require at least an undergraduate education.   Akbar knows a number of people who have left Canada after completing their PhDs because they couldn’t find a job and moved to the U.S. or returned home, where their Canadian education is highly regarded... “We have a higher cost of living. We pay higher taxes. These are all the reasons why many newcomers are not happy in Canada.”  And that seems to be supported by a national survey released in April by Leger for the Institute of Canadian Citizenship that found 30 per cent of newcomers below age 35, and 23 per cent of university-educated new immigrants, are planning to relocate within the next two years. Among the worrying signs when it comes to Canada’s immigration success story is the fact that the citizenship rate among immigrants has been declining for years.  The 2021 census found that just 45.7 per cent of permanent residents became citizens within 10 years, down from 60 per cent in 2016 and 75.1 per cent in 2001. The two countries from which Canada gets the most immigrants — India and China — don’t recognize dual citizenship. That has likely had an effect on Canadian citizenship uptake as newcomers are afraid Beijing and Delhi will strip their Chinese and Indian citizenship. Critics have linked the decline with measures brought in by the former federal Conservative government that were meant to tighten citizenship requirements. However, it could also be an indication of the devaluation of Canadian citizenship... Among the different classes of immigrants, he says the ones least likely to stay are those who are the most educated and here for economic opportunities; who came under the federal skilled workers program; and immigrants from the U.S. and Western Europe.  “We need to have a better understanding of why immigrants leave Canada,” says Hou, adding that a Canadian passport does offer skilled immigrants further mobility without the hassles for visas.  “Are they just using Canada as a stepping stone? Are they moving to the U.S., where there are more opportunities, or are they returning home?”... She was advised to remove her master’s degree from the resumé and shave off some years of her work experience and high-profile projects in her reference, so she wouldn’t be overqualified for entry-level positions. Suggestions were also made for them to explore job options that use their skills in other ways.  “We applied for so many jobs. But most of them were asking for Canadian experience,” says a frustrated Makkar, who was instead offered architectural technician positions at minimum wage. Others offered co-op or unpaid internships for the elusive work experience.  With their savings quickly depleting, she and her husband were faced with the choice of paying hefty tuition fees to go back to school for more certifications or just settle for low-paying jobs that wouldn’t allow them to build a life and home here.  While the cost of living is high in Dubai, it offered Makkar and her husband the financial and professional security that Canada didn’t."
The liberal government revoked the changes, but of course they will still be blamed forever because of "stigma"

Why are so many new immigrants leaving Canada? - "Most respondents said the high cost of living and competition for jobs and affordable housing have driven them to look beyond Canada's borders for better prospects...   Emilson Jose, from India, has lived in Canada for 10 years and has learned that many Canadians can't afford to live close to where their jobs are located, meaning they spend dozens of hours commuting each month... "I have applied for approximately 2,000 jobs in Toronto, but have received only one interview"...   "(I) will be leaving Vancouver for Seattle soon," he told CTVNews.ca in an email. "Tech salaries are higher, taxes are lower, houses are cheaper and USD is stronger."...   Other readers who contacted CTVNews.ca cited health-care woes and a hostile political landscape among their reasons for leaving Canada, though affordability was still a common thread... although they had chosen Canada over the United States for its health-care system, they were unable to secure a family doctor.  Compounding these issues, Mtz said, were daily headlines about political scandals, policy failures and pervasive social inequality. It was enough to convince Mtz and her partner to return to Europe.  "Confronted with a society where hard work did not seem to correlate with fair rewards, where health care and educational systems were compromised, and where government corruption was not an anomaly but a recurrent headline, our longing for Europe’s more accountable and equitable social systems intensified," Mtz said.  "We are thus compelled to return to a society where taxes lead to tangible public services, healthcare is a given right, not a privilege and where schools are havens of learning, unmarred by the pervasive reach of politics.""
It is racist to say that having housing demand rising faster than housing supply hurts immigrants, even though immigrants themselves think housing is too expensive

Doug Ford knows Ontario needs skilled immigrants — so it’s time he apologizes and thinks before he speaks - "We don’t know exactly what was in Premier Doug Ford’s mind the other day when he popped off about immigrants, the ones he said would like to come to Ontario and “collect the dole and sit around,” the ones he said should just “go somewhere else.”  There are those ready to argue that those comments laid bare Ford’s black heart and proved he really just doesn’t like immigrants. Or that it was some kind of dog whistle to a nativistic voting base and it’s only a hop, skip and a jump from the premier’s words to hidden structures of white supremacy.  That’s giving Ford way too much credit for actually thinking through what he said. And it overlooks the fact that he said it while actually pleading for more immigrants, not fewer, to come to Ontario and help meet a shortage of skilled labour."
If you want immigrants to work, you're a white supremacist. Ironic - the soft bigotry of low expectations

You've got a cat? OK, you can stay in Britain, officials tell Bolivian immigrant - " The unnamed Bolivian was spared deportation after he told a court that he and his girlfriend had bought the animal as a pet.  Immigration judges ruled that sending him back home would breach his human rights by interfering with his family life... Court papers on the case have kept secret the name of the cat alongside that of the immigrant as part of its privacy procedures. However one immigration judge, Judith Gleeson, remarked in the official ruling that the cat 'need no longer fear having to adapt to Bolivian mice.'  The cat ruling was made by immigration judge James Devittie after the Bolivian submitted evidence that claimed joint ownership of the pet with his girlfriend demonstrated he was settled in Britain and it would break human rights rules to remove him."
Far-right website editor jailed over racial hatred - "The editor of a far-right website who was a leading figure in a white supremacist movement has been jailed.  James Costello, 38, of Kirkby, placed stickers across Merseyside to advertise the website, which contained racist material.  Merseyside Police said Costello hoped he would recruit and radicalise people to the Creativity Movement."

Fed-up migrants who trekked thousands of miles to US already heading home - "Some Venezuelan migrants who trekked thousands of miles to the US in search of a better life are so disheartened, they say they’re already heading back home. Michael Castejon, 39, told the Chicago Tribune he has had enough after he, his wife and teenage stepdaughter spent five months sleeping either in a police precinct or a crowded city shelter in the now-brutally cold Windy City. He’s also been unable to secure a job permit or enroll his daughter in a local school — two of the main reasons things they thought would bring a better life in the US. “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” Castejon told the paper on the eve of his family’s departure. “There’s nothing here for us … We just want to be home,” Castejon told the Tribune of the South American country he earlier fled. “If we’re going to be sleeping in the streets here, we’d rather be sleeping in the streets over there.”... “How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It’s better that I leave,” he said. “At least I have my mother back home,” he said of the South American nation he fled earlier this year."... Some suggested they had been drawn to Chicago after being wrongly led to believe that they could be swiftly granted asylum status and a work permit, paving the way for a better life. “We didn’t know things would be this hard,” Castejon said. “I thought the process was faster.” Others said they have realized that Chicago’s limited resources have been depleted by waves of migrants that have overwhelmed the Democrat-led sanctuary city over the past 16 months, leaving the latest newcomers with nothing but scraps... Nauh said he came to Chicago because he heard there was shelter, food and other resources for asylum seekers, but “that’s not true,” he said."
Weird. I thought no one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark, and their lives are all in danger if they return to their home countries. Of course, the liberal solution is more money for them

Meme - "This is Nahir *women in black with black hijabs*
Nahir is born in Germany
Nahir is German
This is Fluffy *Hamster*
Fluffy is born in horse stable
Fluffy is a horse"
So many Americans don't understand the difference between race / ethnicity and nationality, and mock the idea that a brown person born in England, Sweden or France can be English, Swedish or French respectively.

‘Bloodbath’ at French village fete as youths from deprived suburb kill 16-year-old - "A rural village in southern France is in shock after a group of young delinquents from a deprived suburb attacked a village fete and killed a 16-year-old boy.  The village of Crépol in Drôme was holding its “fete de village”, an annual or biannual celebration, on Saturday night with around 450 of the 500 residents attending.  As the fete began winding down at 2am, a group of youths arrived, some carrying knives. When a security guard barred their entry, they attacked him, slicing through his fingers... One teenager, known only as Thomas, a 16-year-old and keen rugby player, was fatally stabbed... The shocking death came amid warnings of rising violence against France’s mayors, many of them from small rural villages. France has around 36,000 mayors. According to a recent poll, the number of verbal and physical attacks against them rose by 15 per cent last year after a record 32 per cent rise the previous year.  During riots in France in July, criminals ram-raided one mayor’s house with a stolen car when his wife and children were inside."
Damn racism!

German victim blinded in glass attack by Moroccan migrant speaks out over paltry compensation offer - "Tony B. sustained life-changing injuries including the loss of sight in his left eye and considerable damage to his right when 41-year-old Moroccan Aissam D. struck him with a glass to the face in the early hours of April 30.  The incident occurred at the Milchbar nightclub in the Bavarian city of Munich at around 5 a.m. when video footage showed a dispute between the pair which resulted in Tony being attacked and falling to the floor where he awaited rescue workers in a pool of blood...   It is understood from the victim’s account that he confronted his attacker after being told the Moroccan national had spiked a girl’s drink at the bar."

Dublin stabbing: Irish PM plea not to link crime with immigration - "The Taoiseach (Irish PM) Leo Varadkar has asked people to avoid connecting crime with migration, saying it is "not right".  He was speaking five days after rioting broke out in Dublin in the aftermath of a school knife attack.  Three children and a school care assistant were stabbed outside a city centre primary school on Thursday afternoon.  A five-year-old girl and the care assistant were very seriously wounded.  Mr Varadkar confirmed the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen who has been in Ireland for 20 years, but was not born in the state.  Government sources have confirmed to the BBC that the man is believed to be from Algeria... The riot erupted within hours of the school stabbing, with many people on social media using the attack to criticise the government's immigration policies.  The head of Irish police said the violence was stoked by those influenced by “far right ideology”... Mr Varadkar said the violence had caused fear among Ireland's migrant communities... Earlier, an Irish government minister told reporters that Dublin is "not safe enough" following last weeks riots in the city."
Of course, if even one white person stabs someone, that is all the fault of the "far right". Everything that can be blamed on the "far right" is an automatic shoo-in
Apparently stabbings don't cause fear and make people unsafe

What do we know about the suspect in the Parnell Square knife attack? - "He arrived here from Algeria in 2003 and applied for asylum, claiming he faced political persecution in his native country. His initial asylum request was refused and a deportation order was made. However, the man appealed to the High Court which revoked the order.  He later applied for and obtained an Irish passport and became a naturalised Irish citizen... While waiting to interview the suspect, gardaí investigating last Thursday’s attack seized and analysed his mobile phone and laptop. They found nothing to link him to any terrorism groups or plans to carry out an attack. However, they did discover he had a grievance with authorities over social welfare entitlements."
Left wing "solution" - even more free money (too bad even in Sweden, the most generous country in the world, that isn't enough - clearly yet more is needed)

John McGuirk on X - "Some thoughts on the day's events, if I may:  When thousands of people protested peacefully in East Wall, and in other communities across Dublin and the country, their reward was not to be recognised or engaged with for their peaceful political participation.  Their reward was rather to be called far right, deplorable, and the dregs of Irish society. The thing against which they protested happened anyway.  When peaceful mothers and women said, on camera, that they feared for their safety as a result of an influx of immigrant men, often into communities with no amenities for those men, their reward was to be accused of fearmongering.  There are those, clutching for a gotcha, who will say something like "aha, but today's suspect/person of interest is a naturalised Irish citizen". But does it speak well of an immigration system that naturalises people capable (allegedly) of such acts? Does that inspire confidence, or does it sound like patronising nonsense?  There are those who sincerely believe, apparently, that the duty of media organisations is to suppress facts, like nationality, in order to maintain public order. But if the suppression of facts is required to maintain public order, then we have many bigger problems. And we do.  A huge section of people in this country feel as if they are unheard and their concerns ignored. 1,000 people marched in Rosslare at the weekend. Did you hear about it? When Danny Healy Rae raised the case of Killarney this week in the Dáil, a colleague responded with a sweary tirade of abuse. Is this democracy?  When a young man, last week, linked the murder of his beloved girlfriend to Ireland's immigration policies, the media dutifully left that bit out of their coverage.   Every single effort has been made to silence people. Today, they made themselves heard. I wish they had chosen another way.  And then I remember: They did. And you all refused to listen."
Only left wing riots are the language of the unheard

Ireland hate speech law proposed in wake of Dublin riots slammed over free speech concerns - "According to many users, the legislation was kept intentionally vague and suggests people could be jailed for having certain memes saved to their phones or for merely being found in possession of books or videos deemed politically offensive.   Nate Hochman, a staff writer for National Review, said the bill represents, "arguably the most radical legislation of its kind we've seen in the West." In a speech Friday, Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Leo Varadkar vowed to "modernize laws against hatred" in the coming weeks after several dozen people were arrested in Dublin riots Thursday night... One of the punishable crimes relating to "xenophobia" is merely "the commission of an act referred to in point (a) by public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material," which can roughly apply to political pamphlets criticizing the influx of immigrants and refugees in Ireland.  In June, Irish Green Party Sen. Pauline O'Reilly was panned for a speech defending the bill in which she admitted, "We are restricting freedom, but we're doing it for the common good."... The knife attack prompted riots from hundreds of demonstrators opposing the dramatic rise of asylum seekers and migrants accommodated by the Irish government from Ukraine and outside of Europe while the country battles an affordable housing shortage and a cost-of-living crisis"

Red C Poll: Three in five say Ireland has too many Ukrainian war refugees - "The findings will draw further attention to the potent political issue of immigration, following riots in Dublin last week which Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said were caused by a “lunatic hooligan faction driven by far-right ideology”...  A previous poll by Red C in May of this year asked the broader question of whether Ireland was taking in too many refugees of any nationality. It found 75 per cent of respondents thought Ireland was, while 19 per cent said we weren’t."
Three in four believe Ireland is taking ‘too many refugees’ - "Some 74% of Fianna Fáil voters and 70% of Fine Gael voters also agreed the State has accepted too many asylum seekers.    A similarly large majority (76%) said they appreciate the anger felt about asylum seekers being moved into local areas
When the "far right" are the majority of your country, are they still "far right"?

Far-Right violence flares in Dublin after five-year-old girl seriously hurt in knife attack - "Despite the police not revealing the suspected knifeman’s identity or motive, far-Right vandals emboldened by “misinformation” descended on the streets of the capital"
Weird how the "misinformation" about the attacker's identity turned out to be true. Weird how it is known that the vandals were "far right"

gript on X - "Ashling Murphy’s boyfriend has described killer Jozef Puska as “pure evil,” asking: "How can someone come to this country, get social housing, social welfare, not hold down a job of any description and never contribute to society for 10 years?” #gript"
John McGuirk on X - "It's illuminating how many major media outlets in Ireland have chosen not to report this portion of the victim impact statement of Ryan Casey."

Politicians have created a multicultural monster which is beyond control. Who gets the blame? We do - "I happened to clock a protest by women my age in south Dublin. Several splendid Irish mammies with crossly-crossed arms and don’t-mess-with-me-mister expressions were blocking roads in their neighbourhood after rumours circulated on social media that 60 undocumented male asylum seekers were to be housed there. “We come out and stand here and protest to keep our children and grandchildren safe and we are called ‘racist,’” one woman said defiantly. “People are afraid. There is no one coming to speak to us. All the political parties do is use Facebook to call frightened women racists and bullies.”   What struck me about those women in their 40s, 50s and 60s – women with daughters and granddaughters to worry about – was that a major part of their anger arose from the fact that, not only were they not being heard, they were being treated as the problem. They weren’t the problem, and they knew they weren’t. The problem was that their government was allowing men from God-knows-where into their community. Mainly young men who would want sex (how rarely that basic fact is mentioned) and who came from countries where girls with their heads uncovered, their flesh exposed, are viewed by some as fair game.  It was perfectly clear to the Irish women that the safety of their children should come first, above any other consideration. In any previous generation, it would have. But Western governments like theirs are so wedded to a multicultural experiment that they have failed to prevent a large number of illegal migrants (and far too many legal immigrants in the UK’s case) into their countries, often without adequate checks.  This is such a vast, epochal mistake, the consequences so volatile and hard to control, that governments are now running scared and cannot own up to their mistake. Instead, the people must be blamed for their “hateful” reaction to the mistake... Repulsively, Varadkar devoted less than 10% of his post-riots press conference to the attempted slaughter of tiny children, preferring to denigrate the white working class for their racism. However, it’s getting harder and harder for globalists like him to suppress inconvenient facts about nationality and religion in order to maintain public order... In a devastating victim impact statement, Ashling Murphy’s boyfriend Ryan Casey demanded: “How can someone come to this country, get social housing, social welfare, not hold down a job of any description and never contribute to society for 10 years? This is not the country that Ashling and I grew up in and once loved. It has officially lost its innocence. This country needs to wake up. This time things have got to change. This country is simply not safe anymore. I’m afraid our country is heading down a very dangerous path.” Ryan’s impassioned speech was omitted from every report of the trial, but they can’t stop it resonating in the hearts of millions. Surely, by now, it is clear that the Irish and, indeed, the population here in the UK, are being gaslit on a grand scale. Undocumented males from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa arriving in our neighbourhoods are not the problem, they say smoothly. It’s prejudiced people like us, who don’t want young foreign men with no concept of Western values around our daughters and granddaughters, that are the problem.  So why do I keep being sent stories about British women being terrorised on the streets of their towns? Here is just one email I got last week from a Telegraph reader in Staffordshire. “The situation with the migrants in Cannock is dire,” writes Jenny, “Women cannot go out on the streets alone, especially at night. The males gather around school gates and follow the girls and they follow the women around in gangs. They do not speak English which makes their behaviour all the more alarming. When the police are called, they arrive in their cars, place the men in them then drive them back to where the illegal migrants are living.   “This happens daily. Locals have written to the council and MPs and the outcome is that anyone who is worried about this is invited to sessions with police who tell them there is nothing to be done and that the indigenous population have to alter their behaviour so as not to cause upset among the migrant population. Women are advised not to go out alone in the evening and be mindful of the way they are dressed.”... Multiculturalism only works if – and it’s a big if – newcomers are obliged to integrate with the host culture; not the other way around...  Here’s the thing: all of us are “far-Right” when our loved ones are at risk of being stabbed by someone who shouldn’t be in our country"
You're only allowed to denounce men, not "migrant" men
Time for a new SlutWalk

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