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Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Links - 6th December 2023 (Trans Mania)

WeAreFairCop on X - "1. BREAKING: The Rise of the Carrier Bag  Police!!!!   @nottspolice  telephoned  @Kareena_Queena  because she rejected a Progressive Pride carrier bag with the Love is Love motif, thereby causing the shopkeeper alarm, harassment and distress, and threatening the shop’s status as a trans inclusive safe space.
2. In a ten minute phone call, which we have heard,  the police advised that the customer was now banned from the shop and warned that she must not hand out any form of literature in the shop’s vicinity.   Yet again, the police are acting as TQI+ enforcers. @SuellaBraverman"

Meme - Kris @Kdubtru: "We're being told this isn't a baby (left) but this a woman (right) *Ultrasound, Dylan Mulvaney*"

Thread by @BillboardChris on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Massive news!  The American Academy of Pediatrics and several leading doctors are being sued for civil conspiracy, fraud, and medical malpractice!  Isabelle Ayala was just 14 years old and struggling with trauma, depression, cutting, and suicidal ideation when she was coerced onto testosterone by ideologically captured doctors who push childhood sex changes.  Isabelle has suffered from vaginal atrophy from the extensive use of testosterone; she deals with excess facial and body hair; she struggles with compromised bone structure; she is unsure whether her fertility has been irreversibly compromised; she still has mental health issues and deals with episodes of anxiety and depression, further compounded by a sense of regret; and she has since contracted an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of. Under the AAP’s so-called ‘gender-affirmative care’ model, the charlatans named in this lawsuit advocate for the immediate, unquestioned embrace of a child's chosen ‘gender identity.’  They also advocate for immediate ‘social transitioning’ of the child to the newly chosen gender identity, and encourage puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.  Notably, at least four of the six members of the Committee including Defendants Dr. Rafferty, Dr. Forcier, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Sherer —worked at pediatric gender clinics that prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to patients as young as 10 and  Instead of supporting the conclusions and recommendations contained in the policy statement with scientific evidence, they fraudulently and misleadingly cited evidence that did not support any of their conclusions and recommendations, and they knowingly misrepresented the known risks and dangers of some of the medical interventions the policy statement promoted. At some point between January 2016 and October 2018, the Committee chose Defendant Dr. Rafferty — who was then only in his medical residency — to be the lead author for the ‘gender-affirmative care’ policy statement they envisioned.  The Gender Policy Statement was alarming to many in the medical community, as it memorialized and institutionalized the radical personal beliefs and ideologies of its authors and visionaries, as opposed to proposing a treatment model based on cited scientific research and evidence.  Indeed, the Gender Policy Statement has been described as "an extraordinary departure from the international medical consensus" (which was and is watchful waiting). A particularly egregious misrepresentation, which is repeated multiple times in the Gender Policy Statement without even a citation is the contention that puberty blockers to treat gender diverse children are completely reversible and generally helpful to treat gender diverse youth.  And Defendants have stated and continue to state the same fraudulent claim in their private practices as well as their public appearances and in the media. This is an entirely false and extremely dangerous misrepresentation to make and advocate to the public, particularly since the affected audience are children and adolescents (and their families).  In truth, puberty blockers are known to impact children's bone density and can lead to early onset osteoporosis and decreased bone density. They can also impact a child's mental illness. In fact, on the package insert for Lupron, one of the most commonly prescribed puberty blockers, it lists ‘emotional instability’ as a side effect and warns to "[m]onitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment."  Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment, and sterility if the patient proceeds to take cross-sex hormones.  Additionally, a leading expert on the subject noted in relation to a recent experimental trial of puberty blockers, "There was no statistically significant difference in psychosocial functioning between the group given blockers and the group given only psychological support. In addition, there is unpublished evidence that after a year on [puberty blockers] children reported greater self-harm, and the girls also experienced more behavioral and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria." For three consecutive years, concerned AAP members, who became increasingly worried with what they were seeing in their practices with children suffering under the care being promoted by Defendants, brought official resolutions before the AAP challenging the Gender Policy Statement.  Each time the AAP used procedural hurdles and even changed certain procedural rules to table and silence those resolutions.  Furthermore, over the past almost two years, there have been six systematic reviews of the evidence surrounding "gender-affirming" medical treatments for children and adolescents (i.e., puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones) conducted by research teams across the globe, as advocated for by the Gender Policy Statement, and every single one of them has reached the conclusion that "the evidence for mental-health benefits of hormonal interventions for minors to be of low or very low certainty," whereas, "[b]y contrast, the risks are significant and include sterility, lifelong dependence on medication and the anguish of regret."  Every systematic review has also contradicted the claims that non-medical intervention for gender diverse youth leads to increased suicides another claim pushed by the Gender Policy Statement. "There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure."... With the intent that Isabelle and her parents would rely on such representations and would "consent" to starting a regiment of cross-sex hormones, each of the Fraud Defendants falsely represented that cross-sex hormone therapy was the only treatment option available to Isabelle to effectively treat her gender dysphoria, as well as her anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicidality.  They further knowingly fraudulently represented that cross-sex hormone treatment was the settled medical consensus and was based on sufficient and valid scientific evidence for treating patients such as herself.  The Fraud Defendants compounded these fraudulent misrepresentations and coerced Isabelle's mother into giving her "consent" by stating that if Isabelle did not start cross-sex hormone therapy, she would commit suicide."

Meme - "r/transmaxxing
My story
As a teen, I was a very happy, intelligent, bright young man who loved spreading energy. As a college guy, I was excellent at basketballl and realised I was BI and started seeing guys, now I wanted to have a girlfriend, but here comes the big problem I'm short af, I'm 5'3 can try like mad for all the girls I'm attracted to but it's never going to work because I'm attracted to ladies waaaay better looking than me, Anyways at the time I thought, " Well sure, let's make money and then there'd be more chance of me getting a girlfriend.... Atm, I'm 26 now , with an thriving business, earning in the top 1% of the country and I still can't get a girlfriend I've decided to quit and transmaxx, I'm a guy who's confidence, intelligent, fit, good at sports, popular... but I still can't get a girlfriend because I'm 5'3 and I'm generally attracted to taller woman at 5'7 Peak humiliation was when a crush said " We can't be seen together, we'd look like mother and son " Can't wait to feel desired."
"Honestly a good decision I'm proud of you op"

Meme - Gad Saad @GadSaad: "This remains one of the greatest ever write-ups about me especially the second sentence in bold. I truly can retire now."
"The topic of Gad Saad's wife has been shrouded in mystery for almost as long as he has been married. The Lebanese-Canadian psychologist is currently married to an unnamed woman whom he says identifies as a Korean man. According to the leading psychologist, he is in an interracial marriage with the mystery woman. Since their marriage, Dr. Gad has carefully refrained from mentioning his wife's full name on social media or even showing pictures of her face. The only clue about Dr. Gad's wife's name is that it begins with an A."

Meme - "Papa, papa !... Ca existe une femme avec un clotirs de 20 cm ?!?"
"Bien sûr que non !..."
"Ah zut... J'ai encore sucé une bite !!!"

Meme - "Gender Solid
When you stick with your birth gender, without was wavering or questioning what or who you are. The opposite of gender fluidity.
You might be gender fluid because your parents are weirdos, however I am gender solid."

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "@realchrisrufo wants to stop using the term "drag queens" and start saying "trans-strippers," and people are missing the point about why.  We don't shift the wording to be dishonest, we do it it because of the tactic the woke use to defend sexualized drag shows for kids. This video shows what regular people are upset about: a transvestite with breasts exposed doing a sexualized performance in front of children. The problem is what happens when regular people say "these drag queens are not appropriate for children..." When parents say "drag queens are not appropriate for kids" The woke say "what about Mrs. Doubtfire? That was drag too." See how it works? They do a drag queen strip show, and if you say drag queens are not appropriate to kids they switch and say "what about Mrs Doubtfire?" When you say "drag queens are not O.K. for kids" the woke bring up Mrs. Doubtfire and you get stuck because technically Mrs. Doubtfire is a drag queen. People are upset about strip shows for children, not Mrs. Doubtfire or bugs bunny dressed as a girl. This is the woke game👇 What @realchrisrufo is saying is:  "If you say 'drag queen' they can play dumb and start a debate about Mrs Doubfire, and theb do a strip show but pretend it's no different than Mrs Doubtfire. If you say 'trans stripper' they can't do that."  That is the point Chris is making. 'drag queen' refers to both Mrs Doubtfire and transvestite strip shows, and if you say 'drag queen' you include Mrs Doubtfire and transvestite strip shows.  The woke use this ambiguity to defend strip shows for kids by making it look like you're attacking Mrs Doubtfire... The dishonest way the left uses language means we must refuse to use the wokeists deceptive terminology, and instead use language which prevents them from playing nitpicky language games in order to dodge the point, play dumb, or deceive people. The trans stripper below is what we want kept away from kids.  Let's call it what it is...a trans strip show. Let's show people what's really going on, and then let the woke try to say the performance in the video below is just like Mrs Doubtfire"

Wickes and the perils of corporate virtue-signalling - "For those of us who lived through the criminalisation of homosexuality, rather than merely learning about it in history class, the corporatisation of Pride produces mixed emotions. When we see floats sponsored by banks and supermarkets passing in the parade, the first reaction of old-time homosexuals is often a sense of cynicism: where were these brands during Section 28, when their support would have been brave, bold and genuinely helpful to our cause?...   Wickes is the latest business to have shown the perils of chasing the pot of gold at the end of the Pride rainbow. Last weekend, the company sponsored a float at Brighton Pride bearing the slogan ‘No LGB without the T’. Now, that may have sounded uncontroversial in the marketing meeting. Just as no one has ever got fired for buying IBM, no one has ever got into trouble for borrowing a campaigning slogan promulgated by charities with the stature of Stonewall.  But did anyone at Wickes stop for a second to think about what these words actually mean? Surely Wickes cannot seriously believe that lesbians, gay men and bisexuals may not organise in their own interests without the permission of trans people (as many are doing today)? And should a builders’ merchant – traditionally more concerned with grout under the fingernails than sparkly polish on top of them – really be passing judgment on those LGB people who believe gender ideology to be inherently sexist, regressive and homophobic? The online backlash that followed suggests not. Let’s be charitable. I’m sure Wickes would never consciously suggest that they know what is in LGB people’s interests better than we ourselves do. But this episode highlights the danger for businesses of adopting, without question, the lines fed to them by lobby groups. Some companies have even exposed themselves to legal action from gender-critical employees by embracing this ideology without question."

e𝕏ulansic 🦎 on X - "Why is it rational for a male to fear male violence in a male only space but irrational for a female to fear male violence in what had previously been a female only space?"

Meme - Kelly @kelly_cadigan: "I feel like TERFs make fun of dilation cause they're mad it means we stay brand new and they don't."
They hate real women so much

Caitlyn Jenner slams Dylan Mulvaney as 'fringe' and 'not good' for the LGBT movement - "Caitlin Jenner revealed she has never spoken to fellow transgender woman Dylan Mulvaney and never will - while hitting out at Nike over 'woke' partnership with the TikTok star. Jenner, 73, who physically transitioned in 2017 has long been outspoken about her distaste for Mulvaney - having criticized her after the 26-year-old suggested 'women can have bulges' and that is should be 'normalized'.   She has now doubled down on her position, calling the former Broadway star 'fringe' and 'not good' for the LGBT+ community. 'The fringe is the worst thing that can happen to the trans community and the media only wants to report on that because of the sensationalization [sic] of it and honestly that’s got to stop,' Jenner told the New York Post. 'I try to be, for the LGBT community, the adult in the room. She is not. She is bouncing around all over the place. I have nothing in common with her.  'I am glad the position I am at today that I can be a voice of reason about what is going on out there.'... Furious feminists, and some men, slammed the decision by Nike to give the coveted sponsorships for a prominent women's line to a transgender woman.  It is not the first time Nike has used a trans star in their marketing, launching their 'Play New' campaign in 2021 with Mara Gomez, who is the first trans woman to play in Argentina's professional football league... The feud between Mulvaney and Jenner began in October 2022 when Jenner slammed the star, saying: 'Let's not 'normalize' any of what this person is doing.'"

Nike trans poster girl Dylan Mulvaney has sparked a backlash against WOKE advertising - "After a stint as a relatively unknown stage actor, Mulvaney has been catapulted to stratospheric fame as a trans activist, documenting her gender transition in a viral video series called 365 Days Of Girlhood that has racked up nearly one billion views across TikTok and Instagram, where she has 10.8 million and 1.8 million followers respectively. She is thought to have earned more than £1 million so far... the sportswear giant Nike also found itself under fire after a completely flat-chested Mulvaney — who hasn’t had gender-affirming surgery so far — posted a ‘paid partnership’ video of herself wearing Nike leggings and a sports bra and performing a series of chorus-line high kicks and star-jumps, very badly.  Retired British Olympian swimmer Sharron Davies led the protests, calling it a ‘kick in the teeth’ to women and saying Mulvaney parading around in tight-fitting work-out gear ‘feels like a parody of what women are’. Feminist activist and writer Jean Hatchet was equally appalled: ‘It all looks ridiculous and slapstick,’ she wrote, saying how the ‘waggles and jiggles’ humiliate women, and ‘imply that weakness and silliness are inherent to being a woman who plays sport, women appropriately see this for the deliberately constructed misogyny it is’.  Mulvaney remained defiant, claiming critics ‘don’t understand her’. ‘The reason I think I’m an easy target is because I’m still new to this,’ she said... Her uncle Brian Mulvaney did, however, briefly appear above the parapet to stress how much the influencer’s family ‘loves her’.  ‘She comes from a good family who love and support her,’ he said. ‘We always knew she was gay. She really loved her grandmother who completely supported her.’... She was irritating her critics — and racking up ‘likes’ — from day one, with a video in which she applied lip gloss, in apparent mockery of cliched tropes about overly emotional women.  She said: ‘I have already cried three times, I wrote a scathing email that I did not send. I ordered dresses online that I could not afford and then, when someone asked me how I was, I said “I’m fine” but I wasn’t fine. How’d I do ladies? Good? Girl Power.’... Another trans icon, Laverne Cox, privately counselled Mulvaney not to be so revelatory when they met at the Grammys ceremony in February. ‘It’s insane that you’re documenting so much of your life,’ she said... Mulvaney now has a high-powered Hollywood team at her disposal to help her with her future plans including a team of five talent agents from the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and three publicists.  As well as acting, she has snagged other major brand deals with Kitchen Aid, Svedka vodka, Ulta Beauty and Kate Spade.  One of the team looking after her interests is Stephanie Paciullo, who specialises in digital media and advertising and whose clients have included Sarah Jessica Parker, Jerry Seinfeld, Dominic Cooper and Gordon Ramsay."
If you push the liberal agenda, money can never be a motivation for you. You are always sincere
Laverne Cox is a TERF!

Meme - Man: "I'm the head of the family."
Tradwife: "I'm happy to submit to a loving head."
Feminist: (incoherent feminist screech)
MTF: "I'm the leader of the feminist movement. I accept the Woman of the Year award, because I am better at womanning than women."
Feminist: "So stunning. So brave."
Tradwife: "So this is how feminists satisfy the natural inclination to let men take the lead..."

Meme - "I wish the bad guys had won WWII"
"It is done"
"Nothing's changed."
"Correct. Enjoy your mixed-race transsexual grandchild"

Will Malone MD on X - "Testosterone is important for normal male brain maturation. Here is a report of an 11 y/o boy on puberty blockers: IQ dropped 11% (80 to 71) after 17 mo. As the EIC of the BMJ has said, PB are being used in a state of “profound scientific ignorance.”
The TRAs are very upset when their advocacy of child abuse is pointed out

Meme - "Subreddit Icon r/mypartneristrans
Posted by u/MrsThor
My MTF wife and I (cis/F) opened out relationship.Hello everyone!  My wife and I have been together for 9 years. We are each other’s best friends.  7-8 months ago she began transitioning from male to female. She is so much happier and more attractive than ever to me. She is already beginning to pass, it’s been an incredible transformation.  Now, her penis doesn’t work like it used to. It doesn’t get as hard, and it’s far too sensitive for penetrative sex.  We decided to open our relationship since we are both bottoms and I miss a hard dick. We’ve been going out to get fucked, and besides some early on insecurities we’ve been enjoying ourselves!  Last night I suddenly found myself weepy, because my wife used to have the most incredible cock, and she knew exactly how to make love to me. I’ve had great sex with men since we opened but my heart misses my wife’s old penis. I miss what I had so readily available back in the day. I told her last night that she was the best, and that I’m going to treasure those memories of her old penis. We both held each other and it was really sweet.  We’ve begun to have lesbian styled sex together and I enjoy it a lot! I’m finding that I do have a dom side! I love tying her up and teasing her super sensitive lady penis!  I think sometimes a small part of me wishes I could have my new wife who I adore but also have her old penis. But that’s life!  My wife is also enjoying going out to see men. She says it’s like losing her virginity all over again. That’s she’s shy, and taking it slow, but having fun.  I am so eager to do three ways together, but since she says she’s taking it slow I’m cool waiting, even if it never happens. I really think she’s the sexiest person in the planet. When she got back from her last meetup she was glowing. She said she felt like a lady.  Idk I guess I just wanted to share with a group of people who may understand. I know not everyone approaches changing bodies and meeting needs by opening a relationship, but if anyone on here has done what we’ve done I’d love to hear about your experiences!  I found my soulmate. I never thought I’d be married to a trans woman and have an open relationship, but life is an adventure like that!"

Listen to this mom talk about how she transed her two-year-old son because he liked to play with his sister's toys - "This is child abuse. It should be a crime to do this to your child."

Ex-teacher silenced for book views can proceed with lawsuit against Waterloo region board after court ruling - "Burjoski expressed her concern with the appropriateness of certain books in elementary school libraries. She gave two examples: A book that centred on an asexual character, and one about a transgender character. Her statement of claim says she spoke out about the books because she was worried they "could put pressure on kids to start thinking sexually before they are ready to do so." Piatkowski stopped Burjoski's delegation during the meeting because he said he had concerns what she was saying violated the Ontario Human Rights Code. Other trustees upheld that decision in a vote. "I felt that the delegate was erasing the existence of trans people, that they were essentially questioning whether people who identify as trans or non-binary had a right to exist, and really that was the fundamental issue," Piatkowski told CBC Kitchener-Waterloo at the time. "It's not something I took lightly... Burjoski alleged in her statement of claim that Piatkowski gave "false and defamatory statements" in local media and on social media. She also alleged the school board made defamatory statements in a message sent to staff and another posted to the board's website after the meeting... Burjoski has alleged she has faced repercussions since that meeting, including being suspended from work, and being banned from communicating with colleagues and students. She also said a formal complaint was launched that led to a disciplinary investigation. In her statement of claim, she said she became the centre of an "international news story" where she was unfairly described as transphobic and discriminatory because of "Piatkowski and WRDSB's conduct and their false and malicious statements." She said she has experienced stress, which led to her being hospitalized for anxiety... "For example, they accused her of breaching the Human Rights Code, questioning the right of trans persons to exist and engaging in speech that included hate. She did not do any of those things," Ramsay wrote... "What happened here should not happen in a democratic society," the judge wrote."
That usual TRA logic again - disagree with any element of the trans agenda, and you are somehow denying their right to existence. Christians should start using that logic" too: if you support abortion rights, you are denying they exist

Julia Malott: Clear-eyed judge razes left’s favourite tactic — silence critics in bad faith - "Burjoski told me she herself wasn’t entirely sure of whether these books might mislead children, but she brought this matter to the board so that we could have that important public discussion. I believe she had trusted that board administrators would welcome an opportunity to ensure operations aligned with their objective to see all students thrive and succeed... He characterized her as “not promoting healthy debate” and said that the board “had a responsibility to not allow hate into our board meeting,” clearly referring to his decision to end her presentation... WRDSB filed an anti-SLAPP motion to have the entire matter dismissed and their costs covered by Burjoski, the defendant. Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) statutes, implemented across Canada over the past two decades, are designed to counteract the growing trend of using lawsuits as tools to suppress free speech and discourage involvement in public affairs. These laws allow defendants in defamation cases to seek swift dismissal and recoup their legal expenses, under the premise that the lawsuit is not a legitimate effort to protect a reputation but an attempt to silence or intimidate. Such anti-SLAPP motions are legalese for “We are being bullied by a plaintiff trying to silence our free speech, and we need the court to stand up to this bully.” The core intention of anti-SLAPP legislation is to shield individuals from the exhaustive financial demands of extended legal battles in instances where the lawsuit’s primary motive is not to seek justice but to muzzle opposition. This legal protection is especially crucial for less powerful individuals or entities, who might be easily overwhelmed by more resource-rich opponents capable of engaging in prolonged legal conflicts. It’s an ironic motion from a board that restricted public comment on its own operational matters. The board first silenced Burjoski’s concerns about its operations, and then proceeded to take advantage of its access to mainstream media to propagate its disparaging opinions of Burjoski’s presentation (after removing the recording and preventing onlookers from making their own assessment of her actions). When Burjoski finally called foul and asked for remedy under the law, WRDSB had the audacity to motion that Burjoski herself is the aggravating character — that the lawsuit is frivolous and suffocating upon its free speech — and that it’s the board — a governmental institution — that is most in need of protection.  Justice J.A. Ramsay saw through this charade"
Challenging the left's agenda is not healthy debate

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