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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Links - 23rd September 2023 (2 - Antifa)

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter - "Antifa crashes an anti-pedophilia event in Ireland, attacks attendees as fascists."

BREAKING: Portland Antifa member indicted over 2019 Andy Ngo attack | The Post Millennial - "Footage from the incident shows John Colin Hacker snagging Ngo's phone at a 24 Hour Fitness after dumping a liquid on Ngo. Staff members attempt to separate Hacker from Ngo. As Hacker successfully grabs for Ngo's phone a second time, he can be heard telling Ngo, "I will break your f*cking phone."... Hacker was arrested in September of 2020 for charges unrelated to the attack, including interfering with a police officer and harassment, but was quickly released on his own recognizance. Ngo has been repeatedly attacked both in real life and online for his coverage of Antifa both in Portland, and across the country. Ngo was attacked in June of 2021 by Antifa once again after being chased by Antifa in Portland. Ngo sought refuge in the Nines Hotel lobby after being tackled and punched by Antifa members.  Shortly before midnight, Hacker began asking Ngo questions, to which Ngo didn't respond and attempted to walk away. A group of people dressed in black began to surround and follow him, before one person managed to remove his mask. "That's Andy. Get him!" they yelled."
Damn Proud Boys! Willing to attack a fellow Fascist as a False Flag!

Conservatives staging free speech rally attacked by critics in San Francisco - "A free speech demonstration staged by conservative activists quickly fell apart in downtown San Francisco on Saturday after several hundred counterprotesters surged the area, outnumbering and attacking those gathered, including knocking one in the mouth...   Philip Anderson, the organizer of the event, posted photos to social media of his bloody mouth with a front tooth missing and another hanging loosely. He said anti-fascist protesters attacked him “for no reason."... The San Francisco Police Department said three officers suffered non life-threatening injuries when they were assaulted with pepper spray and caustic chemicals. One officer was taken to a local hospital for treatment... No arrests were made, the department said."

Portland police chief says officers won't intervene to protect residents from Antifa rioters | The Post Millennial - "Portland Police Bureau Chief Chuck Lovell signaled ahead of Antifa's announced direct action Sunday that local law enforcement won't intervene to protect residents from the riotous activity expected to take place."

Rob on Twitter - "when you realize that "anti-communist" is just a codeword for "fascist" a lot of previously confusing stuff about the last few decades becomes very clear"
When you realise that to antifa, anyone not a communist is a fascist, all becomes clear

Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene - "The FBI and ATF have been called in to investigate the fire at Denis and Deana Molla’s home... The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck."

MALCOLM: Trudeau government has a blind spot for left-wing extremism - "A government document obtained by True North shows that the Department of Public Safety did not provide any records whatsoever to the Minister on a long list of Antifa-affiliated groups who operate in Canada — this despite a long rap sheet of violence and incitement — when compiling its terror watch list.  Antifa openly calls for violence, although they disguise it in Orwellian language by calling it “direct action” or “self-defense.” Their violent rhetoric is given a platform by left-leaning journalists who treat them with kid gloves, give them fawning news coverage and downplay their intentions by calling them “counter-protestors” and “anti-fascists.”...   Canadian British journalist Chris Tomlinson has been covering Antifa for years and documenting their terrorists tactics. Last year, he reported on an Antifa guidebook that gave instructions on building bombs, sabotaging infrastructure and evading the police.  Here in Canada, Antifa and its affiliated groups have been implicated in a wide range of criminal activists, including bombings, assaulting police officers, destroying private property and uttering threats. One of the groups listed in True North’s information request was Resistance Internationaliste, which claimed responsibility for a number of bombings between 2004 and 2010, with targets including an oil and gas executive in Montreal and a Canadian Forces recruitment centre in Trois-Rivieres.  Another group, Hamilton Against Fascism, has been involved in a number of violent attacks that have led to many arrests. In late 2018, ring-leader Cedar Hopperton pleaded guilty to mischief over $5,000 and counseling to commit mischief after he led a riot that caused significant property damage.  Yet neither of these groups were at all mentioned in the Public Safety documents.  Herein lies the double standard.  Conservatives routinely condemn and disavow violent groups who subscribe to right-wing ideas, but Liberal and NDP politicians are rarely if ever asked to condemn left-wing violence. This allows violent groups like Antifa to act with impunity. Earlier this year, the Trudeau government added 13 new extremist groups to the Criminal Code list of terrorist entities. The list included a number of groups that purport to operate on the far right, including neo-Nazi groups and the Proud Boys. A new section dedicated to “right wing extremism” was added to Public Safety’s report on the terrorist threat to Canada.  Meanwhile, there is no reference to Antifa or left-wing extremists associated with urban rioting and bombings. The term “left” appears zero times."

Facebook removes Trump ads with upside-down red triangle symbols once used by Nazis - "Facebook has removed campaign ads by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that featured an upside-down red triangle, a symbol once used by Nazis to designate political prisoners, communists and others in concentration camps... In a statement, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said the inverted red triangle was a symbol used by antifa so it was included in an ad about antifa... “But it is ironic that it took a Trump ad to force the media to implicitly concede that Antifa is a hate group”"
Once again anti-fascists reveal themselves to be fascists!
Comment (elsewhere): "So instead of calling out Antifa for using it, they call Trump a Nazi. Lol"

Antifa Member Lectures D-Day Veteran On How To Fight Fascism | The Babylon Bee - "Dobbins, who risked his life in 1944 to stop the spread of a totalitarian regime bent on destroying freedom and democracy, listened intently as Cruikshank instructed him on the finer points of fighting the fascist rule of free enterprise. He explained his goal of liberating Americans from the tyranny of democratic elections and private property ownership.When Captain Dobbins asked how he hoped to triumph in such a great crusade, Declyn replied that he and his friends dress up in uniforms, march into a city to destroy shops and businesses, and intimidate others into shutting up and accepting their superior point of view.“You’d better get on home, old man,” the anti-fascist warrior said, holding a brick. “It’s going to be a Night of Broken Glass, or as we like to say, a Kristallnacht. Down with Fascism!”"

Facebook - "Comparisons of Antifa to the US forces at Normandy are especially grating. A vigilante group instigating and escalating civil violence and suppressing freedom of speech is not the same thing as the Allied Forces in World War II fighitng a just war against a military aggressor.And if Antifa are nonetheless the spiritual descendants of any "anti-fascist" military forces in World War II, it is not the American ones, it is the Stalinist ones. They are expressly tankie communists in their ideology and their practical intentions. Talk to them, they'll be happy to whitewash Stalin's reputation by pointing out that he fought Hitler.It is not enough to be anti-fascist. One must be anti-totalitarian. Antifa is just one side of an old intramural fight between the totalitarian fascists and the totalitarian communists. Oppose fascists. Oppose antifa. Oppose totalitarianism. Oppose the suppression of freedom of thought and conscience and expression everywhere.
I should also note that the scope of people they attack as "fascists" is unconscionably large and indiscriminate. Even those of you who think that perhaps real fascists don't deserve protection of the law should take a look at just how many people Antifa classifies as fascist and harasses before you go on taking flak for them."

Meme - "eat the rich! burn things! burn things! constitution bad!"
"help! constitution! my rights!"
"Life comes at you fast, Antifa"

When Antifa’s Barbarism Offends Worshipers of the Hindu God Kali - "The crazed protester (really, worshiper), with blood splattered on his face and clothes, then shouts out repeatedly, “I’m on fire!” before rolling to his back.Then, with his right hand clutched, he begins to yell (along with others), “Kali ma! Kali ma!” (They also yell out, “[Expletive] Trump!”)This perverse video has even come to the attention of the people of India, with a headline in OpIndia reading: “Watch: Antifa anti-Trump protesters spread Hinduphobia, eat US President’s heart in symbolic ritual while chanting ‘Kali Maa’.” Indeed, “The whole incident appears to be a remarkable demonstration of Hinduphobia and the individuals here do not come across as people with control of their mental faculties. They are clearly using Goddess Kali to justify their own antisocial behaviour. In the process, they are insulting the faith and religious sentiments of Hindus with impunity.”And where, pray tell, did these demonized protesters get the idea of ripping out someone’s heart while shouting, “Kali Ma”?The answer is obvious. It is from the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom."

Corryn on Twitter - "Antifa Leftist Movement Seeks Peace Through Violence CNN is essentially corroborating with Antifa & fostering their strategy."
From 2017. Of course the more recent liberal claims that antifa doesn't exist and that all the violence is by the Proud Boys can't have anything to do with increasing antifa violence that can no longer be swept under the rug and an actual murder

Antifa 'commander' with flamethrower cried when he was arrested - "An Antifa leader known as Commander Red was busted carrying a flamethrower to a Wisconsin Black Lives Matter rally — and “dropped into the fetal position and began crying” when stopped by cops, officials said.  Matthew Banta, 23, is “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests,” a criminal complaint in his Green Bay arrest record insisted... He was carrying stickers and a flag for the controversial group — the name of which is short for “anti-fascist” — along with “military-grade 5-minute” smoke grenades, fireworks rockets, and a flamethrower... “It’s worrisome when people associated with Antifa come here to Green Bay from out of town … for the purposes of committing violent acts,” Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith told the station."

BREAKING: Antifa show up for non-existent 'Proud Boys' rally in Philadelphia—attack media instead

Rogue Snow Groyper on Twitter - "We call ourselves the Anti-Bad Guy Squad and we label our opponents the Bad Guys. How can people not understand this? We can never be terrorists because we're fighting the Bad Guys. It's so simple to understand. Everything we do is justified because of our name."
All the liberals who defend antifa must be Pro-Life and think the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is very democratic

Meme - 1945: "ANTI-FUTURE
*Antifa*: "DIE NAZI" *punches WWI veteran in wheelchair
*Sign*: LOVE IS LOVE <3"
On the left trying to hijack World War II - all while slandering WWII veterans as Nazis and even attacking some

Affidavit reveals 3 arrested over looting at Austin Target store belonged to 'self-identified Antifa group' - "Three people have been arrested in connection with looting, burglary and property damage at a Target store in Austin... The district attorney’s office said the three people arrested are “known members” of a local self-identified "Antifa" group... Austin police "knew several of the group members belonged to the former Austin Red Guards, which is a self-identified communist/socialist Antifa group."
This liberal first claimed that there was no evidence that leftists had been destroying stuff, then pivoted to claiming that the riots didn't indict the whole of BLM or everyone identifying as antifa, then immediately pivoted again to claim that there was no proof BLM or antifa participated in the riots

RAMZPAUL on Twitter - "I am forming a political party called Do Good Things. We plan to commit arson, riot, loot, physically attack and intimidate anyone who disagrees with our platform. What? You object? How could you object to good deeds? IT LITERALLY IS IN OUR NAME!"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I went for a belated NYC run this morning, and am sorry to report that I saw very few black-clad anarchists. Also, the city is not yet in flames"
"@paulkrugman I hear you hero. They keep talking about the atomic bombs that were supposedly dropped on two Japanese cities. No one in Tokyo saw those bombs so sorry but it did not happen in Japan. If I don't see it, it did not happen. [I'll retweet.]"

WATCH: Anarchists unpack U-Haul truck filled with riot gear in Louisville after Breonna Taylor verdict - "Antifa and BLM protestors could be seen unloading shields, riot gear and signs from the back of a U-Haul. Many were dressed all in black bloc as they clamored around to get the gear... Democrat lawmakers have claimed both that Antifa doesn't exist and that there are no highly organized efforts to facilitate street violence in America. In this clip, captured by Daily Caller's Shelby Talcott, the high level of organization of this supposedly non-existent group is clearly visible.  The shields taken from the U-Haul were then used on the front lines of a protest march. This confirms that the street actions taking place in America are not as the media has portrayed, spontaneous acts of protest but in fact, well-funded and organized actions."

Antifa 'commander' with flamethrower cried when he was arrested - "An Antifa leader known as Commander Red was busted carrying a flamethrower to a Wisconsin Black Lives Matter rally — and “dropped into the fetal position and began crying” when stopped by cops, officials said.Matthew Banta, 23, is “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests,” a criminal complaint in his Green Bay arrest record insisted"... He was carrying stickers and a flag for the controversial group — the name of which is short for “anti-fascist” — along with “military-grade 5-minute” smoke grenades, fireworks rockets, and a flamethrower... He complained that the officer got on top of him, which police denied... At the time of Saturday’s arrest, Banta was out on a $10,000 cash bond after being accused of pointing a loaded gun at a police officer as well as biting and kicking a cop at a protest earlier this month... A condition of his bond was that he can’t have a dangerous weapon... He was one of 15 arrested at Saturday’s Black Lives Matter protest that turned violent in the city and was deemed an unlawful assembly"

Contextual Insurgency: Lessons From a Week Observing Portland Black Bloc - "The course of the nightly action against the PPB followed a fairly predictable pattern: a contingent of notional BLM protesters rendezvoused with a group of antifa black bloc at a public park close to their objective. As they moved towards the police building which was their target, “corkers” -a sort of bicycle-mounted blocking force- closed off side streets and the scouting line -typically on mopeds- moved ahead and on the flanks. Behind them came the main contingent of black bloc. Upon arrival at the PPB the streets were blocked with vehicles and burning dumpsters, with the “corkers” stationed to direct traffic away from the action and the scouts setting up a picket line extending out several blocks, watching for police reinforcements and creating the strong impression of antifa control of territory.The black bloc then engaged in an steadily-escalating level of vandalism and property damage directed at their target, including unguarded police vehicles parked nearby. If uninterrupted, this quickly escalated to arson and serious destruction to the facilities.By this point the scouting line often detected the flanking lines of riot police and a riot was formally been declared. Blocs armed with shields deployed defensively to allow time for the rest of the rioters to disengage. These “shield walls” provided a tempting target for a police “bull rush”, video of which can then be used for propaganda purposes. Behind the shield wall other bloc members threw commercial fireworks, frozen water bottles, and paint-filled balloons. The paint balloons are often mixed with sand or abrasive material that scratches clear shields and visors when cleaning is attempted damaging expensive riot suppression equipment. Meanwhile the main element of the antifa black bloc continued to retreat into bordering residential areas.Antifa chooses the residential areas for specific reasons. As the police deploy flashbangs, tear gas, and assorted non-lethal munitions in order to control the ongoing riot, the disruptive effects are experienced by the local residents. Additionally, as the action moved further into the poorly-lit neighborhoods, small groups of rioters and black bloc would break off to either escape, or engage in vandalism against the original PPB target (if left unguarded) or other nearby targets of opportunity... In the days following the action, antifa-affiliated medic collectives canvased the affected neighborhoods, passed out hand sanitizer, basic medical equipment, and flyers with tips on how to respond to tear gas exposure and ways to minimize contamination during the action. These efforts aimed at direct community engagement –combined with traffic blockades and attempts to move community members away from the action as well as the images of alleged “police brutality” published by a sympathetic press- seeks to drive home the claim that the police are an invading force and the real source of tension and unrest.The dilemma action put the police in a conundrum: police have a responsibility to enforce order and control space, so doing nothing and allowing antifa to occupy and destroy property causes them to appear weak and ineffectual, thus inciting further acts against police. If they appear to respond too aggressively however -or intercept the march before it reaches its location, giving grounds for claims of a first amendment violation- they risk facing allegations of being tyrannical and overbearing.It is best to think of the ongoing situation in Portland not as a series of otherwise conventional riots, but rather as an insurgency taking place between dueling narratives. Antifa seeks to displace police and steal for itself the mantle of “community defense,” while pinning upon the police the blame for disruption they themselves have caused.  The ultimately successful party will be the one that consistently pressures their opponent into playing the assigned role as “the bad guys.”"

Are antifa and Black Lives Matter related? - The Washington Post - "Out of nearly 14,000 racial justice protests in 2020, antifa was identified in just 37, or 0.2 percent. That would not qualify as an infiltration of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Antifa activity in racial justice protests was limited mostly to the Pacific Northwest, California and D.C. More than one-third of antifa’s protest appearances occurred in Oregon and Washington. When antifa did attend protests, the incidence of violence was extremely high compared to the level at protests it did not attend. Of the 37 racial justice protests where antifa appeared, 11 — or 30 percent — involved injuries to the crowd; when antifa did not appear, only 2 percent of the protests involved crowd injuries. With antifa present, 14 percent of protests involved injuries to police; without antifa, only 2 percent did. When antifa showed up, 27 percent of protests involved property damage; without antifa, only 4 percent did. And when antifa appeared, 30 percent of protests involved arrests, while only 7 percent of the antifa-free protests did.  In other words, antifa appearances at racial justice protests greatly increased the risk of violence. But antifa shows up primarily when it wants to counter a right-wing group’s appearance. So, were right-wing groups the real source of the violence? That’s not what our research found. We saw no difference between events in which antifa was facing off with a group such as the Proud Boys or the Three Percenters and when they were protesting unopposed."
So much antifa claiming they're only there to counter right wing violence. This suggests that antifa causes trouble itself - there is no interaction effect

Detgrim on Twitter - "Yesterday an antifa in France decided it was a good idea to pick up a grenade and attempt to throw it at the police. Except the grenade exploded and he completely lost his right hand. Now he's a TRUE lefty."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "The masked #Antifa person who was trying to intimidate women & families at the #Portland, Ore. "Jesus March" event over the weekend is Justin William Bowen. He's been arrested multiple times at the BLM-Antifa riots from 2020–21. His violent cases were dropped by @DAMikeSchmidt's office."

ANDY NGO REPORTS: No prison time for pedophile Portland Antifa member who pleaded guilty to stabbing black conservative at 2020 riot - "A Portland Antifa member who spent years in prison for a child sex crime conviction pleaded guilty this morning to stabbing a black conservative livestreamer during the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots.  Blake David Hampe, 46, pleaded guilty in a sweetheart deal to felony second-degree attempted assault. He will serve no prison time, instead getting three years of probation. The charge is downgraded from the original felony second-degree assault charge. A felony charge of unlawful use of a weapon was dropped in the plea deal... Duncomb was hospitalized and narrowly survived being paralyzed as the blade pierced inches from his spinal cord...     In an account he operates on Reddit under the username, “br0k3nr0b0t,” Hampe posted about his diaper fetish. In a 2019 post after this reporter was beaten by Antifa and hospitalized for a brain bleed Hampe posted about being there and “pointing” me out to the black bloc.  “I pointed him out to Black Bloc and the shakes started to fly,” Hampe wrote. “He also got smacked upside his head with a Slow sign. His blood was real.”"

Virginia man pleads guilty to assault of a federal officer and destruction of government property - "Richard Tyler Hunsinger has pleaded guilty to assault on a federal officer and destruction of government property stemming from his use of a homemade explosive device during a protest which threatened the lives of two federal officers during the summer of 2020... On July 23, 2020, Hunsinger began organizing a protest titled “Rally Against Fascism.” The event was scheduled to occur at the Atlanta-Field Office of the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (the “DHS building”).  On July 25, 2020, at approximately 11:30 p.m., a crowd gathered at the DHS building for the rally and protested outside a fenced area in front of the building.  Hunsinger and others, wearing dark clothing and face coverings, breached the fences and began vandalizing the building.   While the DHS building was occupied by at least two federal employees, Hunsinger smashed at least four windows of the front entry of the structure and then lit and threw a Molotov cocktail into the building through a smashed glass door.  At the same time, other individuals utilized rocks, cinder blocks, modified fireworks, more Molotov cocktails, and additional materials, to cause extensive damage to the building totaling more than $46,000.00."
Clearly the government are fascists, since only fascists oppose anti-fascists. The fact that he was sentenced to 2 years in prison shows that the US is a fascist state

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "HATE HOAX EXPOSED: #Antifa, leftists & media have been spreading claims that a gay San Diego man was set on fire by homophobes. Scott Rowin says he was called a fa—ot by two men before being set aflame in Hillcrest, San Diego's gay neighborhood.  @SanDiegoPD  are investing & have disclosed that CCTV footage captured Rowin beating a pregnant woman, bloodying her & causing injuries that required hospitalization. Rowin fled the scene. The footage shows it was she who set him on fire during the attack.
Scott Rowin spoke to San Diego media about being the victim of a gay bashing where he was set it fire. It was a hoax. CCTV captured him beating a pregnant woman until she was bloody. She set him on fire & he fled. Nevertheless, many on social media fell for the hoax & said it was evidence of fascism & white supremacy."

Meme - Calvin Hall: "If you are curios what the Antifa crowd is made up of, here are 3 arrestees from last night in Portland. A preschool teacher, a Social Work Grad Student, and a Band Teacher. All college graduates. Assaulting police, arson, destruction of property, intimidation. Attempting to burn down a Federal Courthouse with Federal employees inside. I hope they will get familiar with the inside of both the Federal Courthouse, and the Federal Prison before all this is over. They information on these individuals was from Andy Ngo via Twitter. If you want to keep a pulse on the Antifa/BLM rioting and violence, he is a great source. He has been documenting them for years now and knows the players and organizations and how they work."
"Hannah Rose Fewster, Rebecca Saunders, Jacob Soto"

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