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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Links - 20th September 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - Gwen Kansen @gwenkansen: "Sorry to say it but if you send your daughter to live in the dorms you're just paying for her to get railed. 18 years of mind-numbing toil in the office and a soft, bright hope for her to have a better life just so she can get Eiffel Towered, blumpkined, and gangbanged by frats, jocks, townies, professors, & the occasional gamer down the hall. And after that, she will spend the next ten years reenacting her "trauma" until she's out of eggs."

Meme - "What Do Men Look For in a Woman ?
P ersonality *P in Personality in the shape of breasts*"

Meme - "My crush told me that in the future she wants her kids to marry mine, because i have a good heart. What zone have i been placed in?"

Meme - "when you hear your new neighbors are lesbian. EXPECTATION *hot women making out*
REALITY *Fat, ugly women with short hair*"

What Is DENNIS on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? - "Dennis reveals to the group that he uses a specific system to seduce women. It's a long-term plan with predetermined steps, which are easily explained using the acronym he named for himself, which he calls the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. Each letter of his name stands for a step in his plan. The D stands for "Demonstrate Value." At this step, he uses a ruse to let a woman know he could be useful to her. The E stands for "Engage Physically," which is when he enlists Mac's help to manipulate the situation so that the woman will go to his bedroom with him, where they will hook up. "Nurture Dependence" is the first N, and it's a particularly manipulative tactic where he will use anonymous phone calls or the like to make the woman feel unsafe on her own, leading her to depend on Dennis for safety. The next N is the opposite, it stands for "Neglect Entirely." At this step, he continues his tactics from the previous step but fails to show up for her in her time of need with the hopes of emotionally distressing her. The I stands for "Inspire Hope," meaning to sleep with her again, he shows back up in her life and gives a speech about how the neglect came from a place of fear and that he does love her. Then after sleeping with her again, he moves onto the S, which stands for "Separate Entirely," where he moves on and chooses never to see her again. In the same episode, Mac reveals that he has his own system, which serves as a sequel to the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. So while he doesn't execute the system at that time, he still uses it to his advantage for the M.A.C. system. M.A.C. stands for "Move in After Completion" because he waits for Dennis to complete his system, and then Mac seduces the girl Dennis has just "Separated Entirely." Mac meets these women during the "Engage Physically" step, where he lays the groundwork to be perceived as a caring and sensitive rebound opportunity for them."

Tampa Woman Fulfills Childhood Dream Of Becoming A Stripper - Just Like Her Mom - "Sebrena Verlice of Tampa, Florida had a dream. When she was just 14, her mom, a former exotic dancer, gave her some of her old costumes to try on. That’s when the Tampa woman knew she wanted to follow in her Mom’s footsteps and enter into the family business... Sabrena works 10-25 hours a week on the pole, on the stage, and in the private rooms making up to $10,000 a night"

Meme - vvitchypoet: "A relationship should be 50/50. I steal his hoodies, he steals my ability to walk the next day"

Meme - noush @anouskamoss_: "The most embarrassing thing was when I decided to sneak chicken nuggets in to the club so put them down my bra, forgot about them,took some lad home with me and he undone my bra and loads of chicken nuggets just came falling out"
McDonald’s fan stuns date with chicken nuggets she forgot were hidden in her bra - "Moss’ friends even backed up the fiery mum-of-one, claiming stuffing her bra with nuggets was definitely something she was capable of doing."
Bay Leigh on X - "I call it my br-ocket (bra+pocket). Since pockets have gone extinct in women's clothes, important things (chicken nuggets) gotta go somewhere 🤷‍♀️🤣😉"

Meme - ">get drunk and have sex with girl 2 years ago
>that girl eventually becomes my girlfriend
>yesterday at a family gathering she says actually had to get anon drunk to loosen him up a little and make it official"
>everyone laughs
>it all makes sense now
>that day I was really drunk and she was sober
>kept handing me drinks and eventually took me to her car and started blowing me
I don't mind, honestly, but the fact that everyone laughed it's scary, the double standard. Can you imagine if I would've said that? "Yeah I got her drunk then took her back to my car to fuck" CAN YOU IMAGINE? I would've been lynched in the spot. Girls are such hypocrites. My sisters laughed, my female cousins laughed, they said "Yeah anon was too shy, he needed a woman to smack some sense into him""

Meme - "When God sends you a Sign. *Shadow of woman's face in shape of Devil's head*"

Richard Cooper on X - "Women are hilarious, they reject men who were going to make them wives, for guys that made them single mothers, then complain when they can't get a "good guy.""

Meme - Dee @deeptantalizing: "A male gym instructor can be the best friend of a woman irrespective of their marital status. It's more than just physical fitness support. only corrupt mind think that women goes to gym or job for illicit relationships."
Dee @deeptantalizing: "Extra Marital Affiars are okey if you are not happy in your marriage."
Keywords: extra marital affairs are okay

'I sell saucy content like my daughter does – we embody the basic pillar of feminism' - "A proud mum says taking inspiration from her young daughter to sell racy content on OnlyFans embodies feminism.  Salon manager Evie Leana spoke ahead of International Women’s Day – saying every woman deserves the right to choose what to do with their lives.  The glam 37-year-old joined OnlyFans after her daughter Tiahnee, 20, pocketed £57,000 in her first year on the platform.   Tiahnee embraced the saucy site in 2020 after her 18th birthday and her mum “instantly disapproved” of it.  But businesswoman Evie eventually had a change of heart and followed in her little girl’s footsteps after a break up – and the pair have now made £100,000 between them."

Meme - "Women who educated themselves, entered demanding industries and made high profile careers watching the feminist movement calling pornstars and onlyfans models as brave and inspirational"

Meme - big honkin caboose: ""I'd never date someone with an OnlyFans" that's such a shame bc I was really hoping to go out with a boring insecure loser"
shoe @shoeOnhead: "its so funny how "if you dont want to fuck me you're a bad person" is made into some activism thing now like no, people arent insecure or bad for having dating prefrences. it is an extremely normal thing to not want to date someone who does porn."
big honkin caboose: "I think it's very cool and chic of you to use your giant platform to get mad about words I literally did not say in order further dehumanize sex workers, you are truly morally superior"

The ‘E-Pimps’ of OnlyFans - The New York Times - "Think Expansion, which is a marketing agency — sort of. Rosero has called his line of work “e-pimping,” and it’s a pretty apt name. Think Expansion manages OnlyFans pages on behalf of more than 30 women, and as a full-service agency, Rosero and his employees handle every aspect of running the accounts. They market them on social media; they write all of their daily posts; they even handle direct messaging sales, impersonating the women in conversations with their subscribers in order to sell erotic videos... When he starts managing a new client, he asks for a bank of nude photos and videos. Rosero’s ghostwriters — known in the industry as chatters — will act as the model in private messages with the customers who pay to talk to her. These chatters work in shifts, responding to incoming messages and reaching out to new subscribers, trying to coax them into buying expensive pay-per-view videos. They tell particular subscribers that a video was recorded just for them; in fact, the same clip might be sold to dozens of people. The chatters earn a small percentage on most sales, and the rest is split between the agency and the model. The subscribers presumably think they’re talking directly to the woman in the videos, and it is the job of the chatter to convincingly manifest that illusion. Their clientele — typically horny, lonely men — make it pretty easy. “Our best customers come to us not so much to buy content as they come to us to just feel a connection,” reads a post on Think Expansion’s website. This desire, the post explains, is a pimp’s bread and butter, “e-” or otherwise: “Hustling simps has been an art since the beginning of time!”... “An 18-year-old girl, she texts different than a 25-year-old girl, you know, or an older lady,” he explained. “An older lady won’t use emojis; she’ll use, like, a semicolon and parentheses for a winky face, when a younger girl will actually use a winky emoji.”  He pulled up a page with a young model wearing pink-striped thigh-high socks, opened a chat with a subscriber and typed out: “Heyy daddy !”  “You see how there’s a space before the exclamation mark?” he said. “Yeah, that’s how 18-year-olds type.” When it comes to sales, Rosero said, those details make all the difference... “Every page needs to have an established back story to make the person seem more believable,” it stated. OnlyFans works because people pay for a connection that feels deeper than porn. The document encouraged Ekko’s employees, called page managers, to identify “big spenders” who would part ways with more than $200 in short order, and cultivate a deep rapport by asking about their life and what they do for a living. (This would have the added benefit, the document notes, of assessing how much more they might spend.) If someone spent over $1,000, managers ought to “text them as if they were your significant other.” It even included a list of diminutive nicknames managers might use for their customers: “babes, baby boy, bb, cutie, honey, good boy, bad boy, boo, sexy.” Above all, the manual emphasized efficiency. Managers were told to answer DMs in less than five minutes, since users were coming to OnlyFans for immediate gratification and would go elsewhere if ignored. It encouraged the creation of keyboard shortcuts, so that managers could deploy an arsenal of rote sexual phrases with a few keystrokes, steering conversations toward the hard sell. It also outlined a series of strategies to boost engagement on the pages, including a gambit in which models would offer to rate a picture of a subscriber’s penis for a fee... there are a variety of OnlyFans-oriented companies in the field, which employ a spectrum of techniques to maximize profits from the accounts they manage. But all of them take advantage of the same raw materials: the endless reproducibility of digital images; the widespread global availability of cheap English-speaking labor; and the world’s unquenchable desire for companionship... More than sexual gratification, he said, many of the guys just want someone to talk to... Impossible looks are for magazines and runways. What people really want, in the end, is someone they can imagine talking to in real life."

Meme - "Reply to Kristine Yang's comment
asian girls have tight bodies designed to accommodate pathetic little asian boys. that's why when a white guy rails an asian girl it feels amazing"


Meme - "Katie 24
University of Akron
20 miles away
About Me: I love my boyfriend I'm just mad at him rn"

Meme - Souptonuts22: "I know someone who has a good friend in the Witcher writing room, who like two days after Henry's departure was announced told me something really similar about the "weird alliance" between Henry and another male writer who was eventually fired for being inappropriate (the complaints were of the #MeToo variety) and apparently Henry went to BAT for that guy after he was fired, trying to get him reinstated and threatening to hold up the entire show over it.... So yeah, I believe the rest of this." kayceee09: "Of course this is what he goes to bat over, instead of actual social justice issues. He is an incel conservative."
Henry Cavill is an "incel". Basically an incel is anyone who does or says anything a woman disagrees with

Meme - "Women: boobs aren't sexual organs! stop sexualizing boobs! men can show their nipples in public, why can't we?
Men: aight then send me a pic of your tiddies

Tennessee cop-gone-wild Maegan Hall had a 'fetish' for black men, fired officer claims - "Cop-gone-wild Maegan Hall had a 'fetish' for black men and told a police colleague he 'must be homosexual' for spurning her sexual advances, according to court filings... Hall, 27, was booted from the La Vergne Police Department in rural Tennessee in January after an internal probe revealed her raunchy romps with six male officers.  The rookie cop hit back in a federal lawsuit, claiming she was groomed and abused by lecherous superiors, including Police Chief Burrel 'Chip' Davis and Sgt. Lewis Powell, a 15-year law enforcement veteran. But in a fresh counterclaim, Powell, 42, turns the tables on the young siren, saying Hall was 'persistently flirting' and 'pressuring him to engage in sexual relations' – despite both being married. 'Initially, she began by talking about sex. She complained to Powell that her own marital sex life was unsatisfying,' the filing states.  'After Powell responded with an idea or two about how she might spice things up with her husband, Hall asked if Powell could demonstrate. That way, she said that she would know how to please her husband.'... When he began to have problems in his own marriage, Powell's 'resolve was weakened' and they started hooking up for oral sex, an 'act of treachery' the $67,000-per-year sergeant claims he immediately regretted.  'Consequently, in approximately May 2022, Powell began trying to break things off amicably with Hall, saying that he loved his wife,' his filing claims.  'Nonetheless, Hall persisted in trying to entrap him back into a relationship. Hall (who is white) appeared to have some sort of fetish for Powell (who is black) based on his race.  'On multiple occasions, while at work, she told him to put his 'big black d***' in her mouth and 'g**' her with it. When Powell held firm, saying that he wanted to be with his own wife instead, Hall said that he must be a homosexual.'  Powell says Hall eventually took the hint and she started sleeping with 'multiple other officers' instead. 'Nonetheless, due to Hall's deteriorating mental state and increasingly bizarre acts – culminating in her own three-day commitment to a mental asylum – both Hall and Powell (among others) eventually came to be investigated by the La Vergne Police Department in December 2022,' his filing adds."

Instagram - Anyone have more of lizzydm? | Models Nude Photos Leaks | NudoStar
Lizzydm (Elizabeth Diamond) from the Bread/Garlic Bread meme

Meme - Mtimande @Apz_Ngwenya: "Some guy in my lecture just offered me his jacket cause I was shivering...I would have taken the jacket if he was cute"
Yeah, whatever. @Keith_a_Trip: "Maybe the cute ones would have offered if they thought you were also cute."

Lovers’ Guide 💟 on X - "Society lied to women. You can’t spend your 20s getting drunk, and having one night stands, Then demand a 6 pack, 6 figures, 6 inches husband in your 30s. No man with OPTIONS would pick you, over a feminine woman who is keeping her value."

Lovers’ Guide 💟 on XS - "High value men want peace more than they want beauty. A 6/10 woman who brings peace is better than a 9 who brings drama & negative vibrations."

Making women look dumb is a disturbing new podcast trend - "  “Whatever,” hosted by Brian Atlas, masquerades as a dating talk show while delving into gender roles, body counts and the legitimacy of the patriarchy... In one episode, the panelists, who are all women, rate themselves as “10s,” much to Atlas’ shock.  “Imma be honest, I’m not going to rate you guys, but none of you are a 10,” he says in response, prompting a chorus of agreement in the comments by users cruelly joking about the women’s weight and appearance."
Quoting women is misogyny if it makes them look bad
If guys thinks they're hot stuff, people always slam them. But power relations means never having to say you're sorry


Meme - *Kid at amusement park* "YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO RIDE"
15 years later...
*Woman at bar to man*: "You gotta be this tall to ride me"

Meme - "Marie: Things to do to keep your man humble:
Tell him his penis is "fine" or "normal"
Casually compare him to other men
Give 1 word answers
Avoid eye contact and lean away
Lavish more attention on your dog than him
Tell him that you need a break from texting"
Brent: "Gonna do all these things on my GF, thanks for the manipulation advice"
Marie: "you are hateful"
Equal treatment is misogyny because of power relations and patriarchy

$129,000 Per Month is Not Fair, Christine Baumgartner Demands More Money From Ex-husband Kevin Costner to Keep Her Children Comfortable - "The two were married for 18 years and share three kids. Their marriage took a turn as Baumgartner filed for divorce in May 2023, citing irreconcilable differences. While the ongoing divorce between Kevin Costner and his ex-wife experienced a little pause from the news cycle, it appears to be heating back up as the handbag designer demands more money from the Yellowstone star for child support."

Meme - Woman: "I sell pussy"
Women: "Yasss Queen. Run a bag up. Cash out on these men"
Man: "I buy pussy"
Women: "Looooooser!"

Meme - "u/marioDOmario: "Hey Reddit,  I'm in an incredibly tough spot right now, and I'm not sure how to navigate it. A few days ago, I was unexpectedly early returning from work, and I walked into a situation that's been haunting me ever since. I caught my wife, who I've been married to for ten years, kissing another man in our living room.  It was like a punch to the gut. My heart sank, and I felt a mix of anger, betrayal, and confusion all at once. I didn't confront them at that moment; I quietly left and have been grappling with what to do since.  My wife and I have had our share of ups and downs, like any couple, but I never imagined her being unfaithful. We have two young children, and I'm worried about how this could affect them if things go south.  I'm torn between confronting her immediately and trying to gather my thoughts and emotions before having a conversation. But the suspense is eating me up inside.  Has anyone here been through a similar situation? How did you handle it, and what advice can you offer? I don't have close friends or family nearby to confide in, so I'm really leaning on the wisdom of this community for guidance on what my next steps should be.  Thanks in advance for any insights or advice you can provide."
If you think a man should have a zero tolerance approach to his wife cheating, you're an incel and a Trump fanatic. Of course, women are always urging other women to dump their men at the slightest infraction

Meme - "Pressing husband's forehead, wife gently asked "before marriage who pressed your head?" Husband gave a simple heart touching answer "before marriage there was no headache"."

Meme - Tradwife: "I hold myself to a higher standard of behavior"
Ugly Feminist Woman: "SHe wAnTs mALe aPpRoVaL"

Meme - "I just found out the strength difference between BIG women and Small men
We had big girls (tall and chubby/fat challenge the short skinny guys to arm wrestling and wrestling in our locality. We all thought the girls would win as they had superior height and weight but to our surprise the guys easily defeated the girls without breaking a sweat. The big girls were trash talking about defeating them but I understood that gender gap will not counter height and weight disadvantage. Ever had this happen to you. It was really humbling"

Meme - BUSTY VIXEN @hoeassbarbie: "How can I avoid POC men as an escort without making it to obvious I dont wanna see them?"
Pastor of Muppets @PastorofMuppe13: "Have you tried not being a whore? Typically people who aren't whores choose their own sexual partners without issue. I wondered if you'd tried that."

87% of S'pore men would date woman who earns more but only 39% of women would date man who earns less - "Among men in Singapore, the three most important characteristics in a future partner were age (65 per cent), body type (61 per cent), and whether or not the woman wants kids (33 per cent).  For the women in Singapore, the most important characteristics were income level (55 per cent), age (47 per cent) and education level (44 per cent).   While 87 per cent of men surveyed said that they would date a woman who earns more than they do, only 39 per cent of women would date a man who earns less than they do.   Some 66 per cent of men would date a taller woman, and 54 per cent would date an older woman.  On the other hand, only 20 per cent of women said that they would date a shorter man, but 69 per cent would date a younger man.   Some 20 per cent of men in Singapore think that men should make the first move, but 61 per cent of women in Singapore feel that men should make the first move...  only 55 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women would enjoy a political debate with their partner"
Damn men with their patriarchal attitudes!
These findings are remarkably stable across years

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