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Friday, September 22, 2023

Links - 22nd September 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Addendum: Google deleted this post for "hate speech", but on appeal it's been reinstated

Wesley Yang on X - "The NC legislature overrode vetos of bills banning child sex changes, the teaching of gender cult dogmas to k-4 children, and boys playing girls sports. R's obtained a veto-proof House supermajority after the defection of a key D legislator who had fought against the bathroom bill that resulted in a capital strike against the state back in 2016.   Notable that the proliferation of such laws has not seen a repetition of such capital strikes in any state: the public understands the issue far better today than it did in 2016, and by all indications, so does corporate America ...."
Of course, liberals are upset at this, though they keep claiming that no kids are undergoing sex changes. How peculiar.

What Polls Reveal About America’s Attitudes on LGBT Issues - "For more than a decade, public polls documented the steady growth in support for gay rights and the rising acceptance of LGBT people. The steady trajectory led many to assume that public support for LGBT equality would move inexorably upward. Few public policy debates are ever definitively settled. Yet, when it comes to gay rights, polling seemed to suggest that the American public was speedily approaching consensus.   Until it wasn’t.  A Wall Street Journal poll conducted earlier this year found that forty-three percent of the public—a plurality—said that the US has gone too far in accepting transgender people, a view that only 15 percent of the public expressed just three years earlier. Last month, Gallup recorded a substantial drop in the number of Americans who believe that “gay or lesbian relations” are morally acceptable. The 2023 poll found that just shy of two-thirds (64 percent) of Americans believe same-sex relationships are morally acceptable, a seven-point drop from the previous year. That’s a significant reversal of a long-running upward trajectory over the last 20 years. It wasn’t that long ago—2002—that only 38 percent of Americans believed same-sex relationships were morally acceptable. Much of this recent decline was driven by Republicans, but not entirely.  These findings have led some to suggest that we’re experiencing a backlash. After years of rising support same-sex marriage, the public has now suddenly become more conservative. But I think what recent polls are showing is something different: an unsettled public responding to emerging policies that are extraordinarily complicated, and about which many people feel conflicted. In the years leading up to the legalization of same-sex marriage, most polling focused exclusively on this issue—giving us a false sense of what Americans believe when it comes to sexuality and sexual identity... Beyond same-sex marriage, however, support for policies related to gay and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people have always hinged on the specific context or cases involved. Americans appear fine with allowing gay and lesbian people to teach in elementary schools, but what’s the appropriate age for students to read books featuring gay and lesbian characters and themes? Nearly half of Americans, and fully half of parents, say they would be uncomfortable with the inclusion of gay and lesbian characters and stories in elementary school library books. What’s more, only about one-quarter of Americans say it’s important for students to learn about LGBT identity and experience.  When it comes to transgender issues there is also plenty of evidence of substantial disagreement. How should we think about fairness when it comes to the participation of transgender athletes in high school sports? Americans strongly reject discrimination against transgender people, but the lengths they think society should go to in order to accommodate transgender athletes is less clear-cut. Polling reflects this sense of conflict... A new poll from PRRI finds that more Americans now say that gender is binary, and the increase is especially pronounced among young adults. In fact, no generation shifted more dramatically than Generation Z. In 2021, just 43 percent of Gen Zers thought that gender was binary. Today, that number has increased to 57 percent—a 14-point increase over the last two years."

Wesley Yang on X - "NJ is suing three school districts for refusing to violate parental rights by hiding psychosocial interventions that teachers have no competency or right to undertake on their children. The policy is an abomination."
Wesley Yang on X - "This affidavit was written by Erica Anderson, the first transgender head of the US affiliate of WPATH, noting that social transitions undertaken without parental involvement cannot succeed."

Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs - "Trans Reddit moderator Ianna Drew Urquhart is facing scrutiny for allegedly having minors come to their apartment to take hormones and puberty blockers — apparently without their parent’s knowledge or consent.  In a post on Reddit, Urquhart joked that “with the number of trans girls that have come thru my apartment, I need to rename it Drewie’s House of Wayward Trans Girls.”... Reddit fired a controversial new-hire, former Reddit moderator and U.K. politician Aimee Knight.  Previously known by the surname Challenor, Knight, who is also transgender, was suspended by the U.K Green Party in 2018 for hiring their father on to their campaign. Their father was charged with taking indecent photographs, false imprisonment, rape and sexual assault of a child in November 2016.  Knight’s ties to pedophiles don’t end there.  The following year, Knight was suspended by the Liberal Democrats, the next political party they attempted to join, when people noticed that their husband Nathaniel Knight has been writing and sharing child rape fantasies online."

Meme - Gay Army: jace @hawkinshop: "Full offense but if your son lays awake at night wishing he was dead because you insist he's your daughter, or if your daughter lays awake at night wishing she was dead because you insist she's your son, you have failed as a parent."
Juicy Tolkien memes: "Agreed. But not in the way intended."
Lucy Pirelli: "Absolutely. You should get them help."

Meme - "r/trans
I was feeling sad today so I asked chat gpt to write a fake biblical passage about Jesus accepting trans people
Here's what it came up with:
And a woman, whose heart was divided between spirit and body, came before him. In quiet despair, she I come to you estranged, for my spirit and body are not one. How shall I hope to enter the kingdom of God?' Jesus looked upon her with kindness, replying, 'my child, blessed are those who strive for unity within themselves, for they shall know the deepest truths of my Father's creation. Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father's kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart."

Misgendering Should Be a Crime, According to Millennials - "According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think "referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense," versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder "neither agree nor disagree" or "don't know."  This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don't know or didn't express an opinion."

I told my husband I now use they and them pronouns after 15 years together. We are both learning how to not misgender me. - "Fifteen years later, we're still happily married, but boy, did we grow. I now identify as a bisexual, nonbinary person, and my family is learning to adapt... I began by telling him what I was about to say wasn't going to change anything — that this was about me and what I had realized about myself.  When I finally came out, his first question was: "If nothing is changing, why does it matter?"... None of my discoveries changed anything on the surface of my life. My world looked the same from the outside, so I have the privilege of passing — of living without daily threats or abuse. But this also means I'm forced to come out over and over. It's far less harrowing, I know, but it's definitely weird at 40... I was giving a speech at a grad-school reunion. I nervously introduced myself as the former student known as "that girl who sings."  My horror set in quickly. How could I misgender myself after making sure everyone in my life referred to me properly? I worried that maybe I was not really nonbinary.  But then I realized memory, time, and language could be tricky. I lived as "she" for 40 years, and society still sees me as "she." That's part of who I am. In that sense, I understand when people make an honest mistake and refer to me with those pronouns, but I still prefer "they/them." It's beautiful when someone refers to me as "them.""

Highest-paid female CEO used to be a man - "Martine Rothblatt, a 59 year old entrepreneur and space lawyer, is the highest paid female executive in America. She made $38 million last year as the CEO of United Therapeutics (UTHR); a $6 billion biotech firm she founded to find a treatment for pulmonary hypertension after her daughter was diagnosed with the disease."
Trans women are women. So the fact that they keep achieving more than cis women shows that they are superior to them!

Meme - "MtF trans stuck in airport and cannot dilate. Humiliated and Broken
My name is Charlene, and I am stuck in the airport and cannot dilate as there is nowhere for me to do so. I also do not have my dilator, since I thought would be able to make it home for my night time session. I was reduced to going to a breast feeding room in the airport with a banana I had purchased at the Chuck's convenience store in Terminal K. I had to at least attempt my dilation session with whatever was on hand. Upon the first 10 minutes of the session, I got blood on the floor (which I intended to clean up!). 10 minutes later a fellow female who was nursing came in, and went berserk on me, saying I'm disgusting and that the whole room smelled of feces. I ran out scared and am crying in the woman's bathroom. I am beyond upset, angry, and humiliated. These delays are ridiculous and unexplainable, and now I'm having a mental breakdown in the woman's room. Thanks. Never flying again
-Charlene Sneed"

Meme - "When you want to abandon your wife and kid but don't want to be called a. deadbeat.
Just live your tRuTh
*Kris Tyson*"

*Futuristic cities*
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS *drag queens with children, twerking, modern art (banana stuck to wall) and Cuties*"

North Carolina school faces fallout for letting drag queen straddle student: 'Where are the adults?' - "A North Carolina community college is looking to "revise campus policies" after coming under fire last week for a video showing a drag queen straddling a female student sitting in a chair during an LGBTQ+ pride event on campus.  Critics say Winston-Salem area Forsyth Technical Community College, which offers two on-campus high school programs allowing students as young as 14 to enroll beginning in the ninth grade, poses larger concerns over minors being exposed to sexually explicit behavior."
Girl straddled by drag queen sparks outrage at North Carolina school - "“Parents of children under 18 were not notified of this event in advance,” Paula Dibley, the school’s chief officer of student success, told FOX. The student’s name and age were not immediately clear."
Addendum: Weird. Liberals keep insisting that drag performances for students are child-friendly, and you're in more danger at church than at a drag performance, and if you believe otherwise you're a conspiracy theorist.

Meme - "They got me guys.
>be me
>playing fallout 76 last night
>it's an mmorpg for anyone who doesn't know
>hanging out at my base camp
>female player enters the room
>she be looking good though
>she just stands there, not using the workbenches or anything usual
>not sure what to do so I drop some items for her
>she picks them up and does the heart symbol
>I heart back
>she starts taking her armor off(unequipping stuff)
>she still has on a cute hat and glasses
>no idea what to do so I take all my stuff off
>she crouches down right by my waist and starts moving back and forth
>basically a virtual bj
>I do the same for her
>she lays down in my bed
>crouch on top of her and move back and forth
>whole thing is pretty intimate and exciting but wasn't expecting it at all
>she gets dressed and leaves
>go visit her camp just out of curiosity
>there are four huge trans pride flags
>it was 100% a guy"
I remember the old days when guys just played girls without being trans

Meme - "What are the children being taught here? *Pride parade with children and human pups*"
I saw people defending this by claiming that kids go on all fours all the time
Mirror (without text)

Muslim educator subjected to online abuse for opposing gender ideology - "A prominent voice among Muslims opposing gender ideology in schools says she’s receiving abusive messages from progressives online – but won’t be silenced.    “You cannot imagine the amount of threats, insults I am getting just because I am saying I want my children to be educated without gender ideology,” said Bahira Abdulsalam, an educator and Toronto mother.  “They are trying to silence me, and they are trying to scare me.”... Many include xenophobic comments, telling her to go back to the country she emigrated from... Other users have taken it a step further by telling Abdulsalam, who is also an engineer, that they’ve filed a complaint with the Professional Engineers Ontario licensing body...   Abdulsalam also said that receiving hateful messages “makes me feel more determined to continue” advocating against gender ideology. She believes the activists pushing for gender ideology in schools are part of “a very fringe minority,” and that they feel threatened when people like her challenge their narrative."

NORWAY:  Male Student Changes "Gender”To Gain Admission To Esteemed NTNU Program Which Prioritized Female Applicants - "A male student in Norway took advantage of the nation’s lenient gender self-identification laws to gain admission to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The student said changing his gender for the purposes of gaining extra admission points was “about as easy as switching mobile plans.”...   “It took approximately 7 weeks for the gender change to be completed,” the student said, also stating that other male students have also “changed their legal gender” to secure their own spots in the University.   Despite the revelation, NTNU’s Faculty of Economics Dean Monica Rolfsen spoke to Khrono and said she had no intention of following up on the matter. Rolfsen maintained that the gender change was legitimate, and that the school has no place to intervene... this year, out of the 252 students admitted to Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU this year, 170 claimed to be women.  Rolfsen also says that the proportion of women has reached 40% of the school’s overall population and the “gender points” system will be reevaluated in the fall."

Meme - "Cindyy Tran 27
A loving heart will find a true love and I believe in destiny
I'm not transgender , Tran is just my name"

Elliot Page Was Groomed And Sexually Abused As A Minor In Hollywood - " In Elliot Page’s new memoir, Pageboy: A Memoir, the star reveals that he was groomed and sexually abused by multiple people as a teenager working in Hollywood... a woman who was a crew member on a separate, unnamed film preyed on him after volunteering to take him house-hunting at the start of the shoot...  Elliot also admitted that he didn’t discuss the assaults with anybody at the time because he’d been conditioned to believe that this was the norm... “one of the most famous actors in the world” threatened to have sex with him to teach him that he was wrong about being sexually attracted to women."
Damn stereotypes!

Saskatchewan family speaks out over pronoun and name changes - "Fornwald, an early-childhood educator at a public school in Regina, is concerned about Saskatchewan’s new changes requiring parental consent when children under 16 years old want to change their names or pronouns.  She said because kids will need their parents to sign a consent form, it would likely result in some having to go back into the closet... Saskatchewan Education Minister Dustin Duncan announced the changes he said stemmed from concerns he heard from some parents and teachers. He said he also wanted to standardize policies across all school divisions.  Duncan also announced parents could pull their children from all or some sexual education courses, and that third parties can no longer teach those courses.  “If we are requiring school divisions to get parental consent to a half-day field trip to the science centre, I think we need to be treating this issue with the same amount of seriousness,” Duncan said.  Fornwald balked at that comparison.  “This is different, this is identity,” she said. “This is something essential, a protected right.”...   Duncan said teachers would be required to address students by their birth name if their parents did not provide consent, something human rights groups say is also harmful."
They should get teachers to encourage trans and non-binary identifying kids to reidentify as cis and the sexes they were "assigned" at birth, as well as bring in conservative groups to conduct sex education, and see how quickly liberals change their tune

Meme - "Hard to swallow pills
Refusing to indulge another person's psychosis is not phobia"


Meme - "Supposedly this man's wife died and then he became her."

Company Fires Florida Catholic for Marking His Pronouns ‘Assigned by God’ - "When a password management company asked its employees to share their preferred “gender” pronouns, software engineer Chad Scharf responded with “Assigned by God.” He was later fired.   Scharf was vice president of software engineering at Bitwarden, a password management company with a location in Jacksonville, Florida. He oversaw over 50 employees—until the company asked him for his “preferred pronouns” on Slack, a business messaging app...   Unwilling to speak against his Catholic beliefs, Scharf opted out of the LGBTQ schema of “gender identities.”  “Leaving it blank was, for me, acquiescing to it. Putting your head in the sand and ignoring it,” Scharf told CatholicVote. “It was three or four months later, I got a call from HR asking me to remove it. There were no complaints, but she felt that it ‘didn’t sit right.’”   Scharf refused, explaining that removing it would violate his beliefs. “It had been on there for well over a year before it came up again, just before I was fired.”  “They gave me the option, ‘Take that down and you can keep your job.’”  On May 25, 2023, Scharf filed a lawsuit against Bitwarden for allegedly violating his Title VII rights against religious discrimination.   He alleges that he was fired after requesting “accommodation for his religious beliefs and because he raised objections to Bitwarden’s ‘inclusivity’ initiative.”"
Weird. I thought all pronouns were valid

The World of School-Aged Furries: - "I did a brief survey of parents with school aged-children that I know and every single parent said that their child’s school had children acting as furries and that it has been normalized in the schools.  Which brings us to the “all knowing” fact-checkers. Reuters does a sneaky thing in this fact-check. Note the wording: “children identifying as animals and disrupting classrooms.” That phrase “and disrupting” is always placed as context through out the article. Because “furries” are now very common in schools throughout the USA and Reuters knows it.  So common that Gov. DeSantis is working hard to stop the spread of this behavioral pathogen. At least in the UK, newspapers are being more honest about this growing and disruptive trend in school-aged children... Another article wishes to convince the reader that furries are nothing more than children involved in role-playing or cos-play. That this is all very natural."

Fact Check-No evidence that U.S. schoolchildren are self-identifying as animals and disrupting classrooms (Jul 2022)
Emails show JeffCo school administrators knew "furries" were an issue but publicly denied it (Oct 2022) - "One month after Jefferson County school administrators denied that kids were dressing up as so-called "furries" at school, CBS News Colorado has obtained emails showing the district was aware of the issue and yet denied it was happening.  Darlene Edwards is among the parents who wrote in. She says when her 14-year-old son came home from school and said classmates were dressing up in animal costumes, she initially urged him to just ignore them.  "It got progressively worse," Edwards told CBS News Colorado. "He said, 'but mom they're scratching hissing and barking.' He was getting agitated overwhelming frustrated." Edwards says her son - who is on the autism spectrum - became so upset that she sent an email to the JeffCo school district saying, "He does not see the fairness of these students being able to act inappropriately and dress in a manner that is disruptive to learning."  According to her 6th grade niece, she told the district, the kids also "walk on all 4s in the hallway... eat with their face in their food" and refer to themselves as "animal avengers." An open records request shows Edwards is among at least two dozen parents who've written the district over the last eight months. Most of them refer to the kids as "furries."  But it wasn't until Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl raised the issue in a radio interview - saying "kids are identifying as cats" - that it erupted in controversy. Ganahl is the latest in a string of Republican candidates nationwide to condemn furries... Kimberly Eloe, executive director of communications for JeffCo Schools, issued a statement at the end of September saying, "there is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no furries or students identifying as such."  But through an open records request, CBS News Colorado found earlier emails that appear to contradict that. In one email, from August Superintendent Tracy Dorland asks, "Who is going to respond to the emails about furries?"  In another email, Deputy Superintendent Kym LeBlanc-Esparza says, "We have all received the emails about the furries in schools.."   And in yet another email, Tara Pena, chief of family school and community partnerships, wonders, "If it [would be] helpful to mention that calling into question students dressing or "identifying" as furries is part of a larger, national political platform to further marginalize our transgender and lgbtq+ students."... School Board Member Susan Miller asked the same question: "We can see in the emails our parents raised issues with it and I don't think we should be saying our parents are lying." She says in a district where enrollment has dropped by 30,000 students and where most kids are not reading or doing math at grade level, Miller said they need parental involvement and can't afford distractions... CBS News Colorado asked Eloe to explain why she denied furries were an issue, despite emails showing otherwise, but she wouldn't answer the question"
Damn misinformation! Not to mention all the other fake news stories about this phenomenon

Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats - "The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats."

‘Literally Did Almost Kill Me’: Elliot Page Discusses Wearing Dress To ‘Juno’ Premiere Before Coming Out As Trans
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"

We need to talk about Ellen Page - "With eye-swivelling speed, Ellen was erased. IMDb now tells us that the lead star of Juno (2007) was Elliot Page (though in parenthesis it says, rather riskily, ‘as Ellen Page’). Juno was ‘their breakout role’, it says. But it wasn’t ‘their’ breakout role. It was Ellen Page’s. We all saw the movie. It was about a teenage girl who got pregnant. Elliot Page didn’t play that teenage girl any more than Caitlyn Jenner won gold in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics. It was Ellen, and the gold-medal winner was Bruce. Although if you ask Google ‘Who won gold in the decathlon at Montreal in 1976?’, it says: ‘Caitlyn Jenner.’ Which is a lie. They’re lying about the past now."

Transgender Teen Testifies About Regretting the Transition, Lefties Lose Their Minds - "Chloe Cole started reading trans activism posts on Instagram when she was 11. She decided she was transgender at 12. Chloe started taking puberty blockers and testosterone treatments when she was 14. Her mom gave her the injections, and in the next two years, Chloe would have a double mastectomy. Now, at 17, she is going back to being herself and is speaking out against allowing kids to transition. Needless to say, the lefties are going bonkers. Cole appeared in court to oppose California bill SB107, which would allow kids from other states to travel to California for transitioning purposes, making California a “sanctuary state” for transitioning kids.  In her testimony, Chloe mentions how doctors kept urging her parents to allow the transition, dangling their daughter’s potential suicide as a possible outcome if they didn’t allow her to proceed. Needless to say, leftist prags are attacking Chloe for wanting to be who she really is... Cole testified that she “didn’t understand” the consequences of what she was doing."
Do not transition your kids' is message from former trans girl, 17 - "Chloe Cole opened up about how taking puberty blockers and having surgery 'irreversibly and painfully' damaged her body from the age of 13.  She said it has left her unlikely to be able to have children and unable to breastfeed if she can because she had a double mastectomy. She also told how she could be at risk of certain types of cancer - such as cervical cancer - due to her invasive treatment... The teen said: 'No child should have to experience what I have. My consent was not informed.'  She said therapists told her prior to transitioning she did not understand the ramifications... The youngster was 'medically transitioned' between the ages of 13 and 16, having her mastectomys at 15 in June 2020...  it was her exposure to LGBTQ+ activism on Instagram at age 11 that she pushed her toward transitioning.  She said: 'I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism.  'I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn't really have a lot of friends of my own.'... In May 2021, she said she stopped taking her testosterone injections. Cole her senior year was rough as she de-transitioned, saying 'the gay side of my school hated me.'"
Weird. Liberals keep telling us minors never undergo surgery, and they get upset when you point out that some people transition because of social pressure and to get affirmation and attention

Meme - Ray Tier @RayisaGrrrlAPT: "Chloe Cole can fuck right the hell off."
Chloe Cole @ChoooCole: "I got angry pretty easily when I was trans too. Get well soon."
Lived experience the left hates

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