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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Links - 23rd September 2023 (1 - Covid-19)

Addendum: Google deleted this for "misleading content", but reinstated it on appeal

Thread by @JeninYounesEsq on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In a historic ruling, Judge Doughty held that Plaintiffs--@DrJBhattacharya @MartinKulldorff @akheriaty @HealthFreedomLA --are likely to succeed with their claim that the federal Government's involvement in social media censorship violated their First Amendment rights
The judge noted that during the Covid pandemic, the Government "seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth.'" It's unusual for a court to issue a decision on a federal holiday: I suspect Judge Doughty sought to make a point"
Damn far right judge! He's a covid denier and needs to be fired!

Pelham on Twitter - "The Globalists are panicking… they realize they have caused an awakening. The same people that said…
- The virus came from a bat in a Wuhan market
- Covid-19 wasn’t airborne
- Mandated masks that never worked
- Enforced lockdowns that destroyed economies
- Mandated a vaccine that caused myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks…
- Told everyone you can not transmit Covid once you’re vaccinated…
Want to stop misinformation on the internet…🤯"

Michael Shellenberger on Twitter - "Biden Is Breaking The Law By Not Releasing Intel On COVID-19 Origins... Science magazine published an article quoting Hu and other researchers strenuously denying that they had been sick with COVID-19.  However, neither the author of the Science article, Jon Cohen, nor anyone else with the magazine contacted us for comment before publishing the article. Cohen did not quote a single person critical of the theory that COVID-19 came from nature. And Cohen’s article suggests that the scientists who believe a lab leak is the most plausible origin of the pandemic are partisan Republican conspiracy theorists."

Wuhan clan: we finally know the identity of the scientists in the lab linked to Covid | The Spectator - "That a pandemic caused by a bat coronavirus started in the city with the world’s largest programme of research into bat coronaviruses was always intriguing. That among the first people to get ill with allegedly Covid-like symptoms in the month the pandemic began were three scientists working in that lab was highly suspicious. Now that we know their names, we find one of them was collecting what turned out to be the closest cousins of Sars-CoV-2 at the time, and another was doing the very experiments that could have created the virus. These revelations make it almost a slam dunk for the coronavirus lab-leak hypothesis."

Eight Persistent COVID-19 Myths and Why People Believe Them - Scientific American - "1 The virus was engineered in a laboratory in China.
3 You don’t need to wear a mask.
4 Wealthy elites are using the virus to profit from vaccines.
There is no evidence that Fauci or Gates has benefited from the pandemic or profited from a vaccine"
Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza slows, but Bill Gates sold early, made huge profits
From 2020. So much for Trusting the Science

Unvaccinated parents banned from seeing their own sick KIDS in hospital Western Australia - "Mr McGowan has promised to make life 'very hard' for those who refuse the jab, and has further ostracised himself from the rest of the country by extending the state's closed borders beyond the February 5 re-opening date he had promised... The WA CHO noted these rules are already in place in several other states including New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland."
From 2022

Canada: Unvaccinated father loses right to see his child
From 2022

Abir Ballan on Twitter - "A brief history of the PCR fiasco of the Pandemic that can't seem to end. It all started on Jan 10th 2020, when WHO reported that there is an outbreak in China caused by a novel coronavirus... “you have to recognise the body of the work that they presented is not something you can do in a week that looks like maybe 2 months worth of work, which of course begs the question of who tipped them off to making this, early, prior to actually being a pandemic.”
The paper was not peer-reviewed. It was approved in one day. It takes on average 179 days to peer review an article. @Kevin_McKernan
Conflict of interest was not declared: a) Drosten and his co-author Dr Chantal Reusken happen to be members of the editorial board of Eurosurveillance.
b) Olfert Landt, of Tib-Molbiol, the company that developed the PCR test being used, was also a co-author of the Drosten paper. “they distributed these PCR-test kits before the publication was even submitted” They were already in business before the pandemic started...
In March 2020, the pandemic happened. The more we tested, the more cases we got, the more we assigned any death with a positive test to #COVID19. The world went into lockdown based on a fear of rising cases, asymptomatic transmission, widespread susceptibility, lack of pre-existing immunity, & lack of acquired immunity after Covid, with complete disregard to the fact that 80% of cases had no symptoms or mild symptoms and that mortality followed an age gradient. All these fears were not justified and contradicted our accumulated scientific knowledge. Basic immunological facts were put to question to disinform and confuse the innocent public.
Countries adopted an umbrella approach despite the fact that the profile of the vulnerable population was very clear since March 2020: older individuals with multiple comorbidities were at high risk of developing serious disease that could culminate in a negative outcome.In June 2020, the casedemic happened. As the prevalence of C19 decreased & herd immunity approached, we started to tally up false (+) ‘cases’. The test was more likely to detect viral debris at this point than an infectious virus, especially with cycle thresholds above 30. The WHO & Corman-Drosten protocol recommended a Ct of 45 cycles. Studies that conducted viral culture showed that with a PCR test Ct > 30, the tests were not detecting an infectious virus anymore. Yet governments turned a blind eye to these findings & never revised their Ct.
On the 27th of November 2020, 23 scientists finally reviewed the Corman- Drosten paper. Three of these scientists are @PanData19 members. @MichaelYeadon3 @ClareCraigPath @Kevin_McKernan
They site 10 errors in the paper: Here are a few
a) “The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments” making it a poor diagnostic tool for infection.
“Laboratory results should always be interpreted in the context of the clinical presentation of the patient” Unfortunately, tests were treated as conclusive evidence of disease regardless of whether the patient presented with clinical symptoms or not.
b) the test doesn’t specify the “Ct value at which a sample is considered positive and negative” So everyone assumed that a (+) test regardless of the Ct cycle is a true (+) test.
c) “the E gene used in the PCR test, as described in the Corman-Drosten paper, is not specific to SARS-CoV-2.”. The E gene is found in other SARS viruses, which means we can’t rule out that the test is detecting genetic material that doesn’t belong to SARS-COV-2.
d) The test doesn’t have a Standard Operational Procedure which allows all laboratories “to set up the exact same test conditions”, in turn making “the comparison of data within and between countries” impossible...
This has been Big Pharma and biotech fiasco enabled by scientists that lack integrity and are after fame and greed. On the back of this fiasco, power-craving politicians seized the moment and dug their claws into the lives of regular people like you and me"
From 2020

Study: Myocarditis risk 2 to 3 times higher from Moderna than Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine - "Males under age 40 who received the Moderna vaccine were shown to have the highest rates of myocarditis, and the researchers said the study's findings support the idea of recommending specific vaccines for certain populations to maximize benefits and minimize adverse events."

Should Women Be Using Sex To Manipulate Men Into Getting The Vaccine? - "Call it what you will, but any behavior that resembles even an inkling of manipulation is manipulation, and it does more damage than good. It starts small and innocent at first, but repeated actions can lead to toxic behaviors. Why play with fire in the first place?... Often, it may not even be about getting a man to do what you want. Deep down, you want a real man – someone who leads, protects, and provides – not someone who caves and caters to your every whim"
From 2021

WHO warns a coronavirus vaccine alone will not end pandemic - "World leaders and the public must learn to manage the virus and make permanent adjustments to their daily lives to bring the virus down to low levels, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a news conference from the agency’s Geneva headquarters. “At the same time, we will not, we cannot go back to the way things were.”... “In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change,” he said. “The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers.”... Tedros said there was no “silver bullet” to the coronavirus and “there might never be.”  He said world leaders can stop new outbreaks by practicing the “basics” of public health and disease control. “Testing, isolating and treating patients and tracing and quarantining their contacts. Do it all. Inform, empower and listen to communities. Do it all”"
From 2020. When covid is a good excuse to push through your agenda

Kevin Bass PhD MS on Twitter - "Just a year and a half ago, 30% of Democrats believed that children should be taken away from unvaccinated parents. This is what a totalitarian ideology looks like."
In January 2022, more than 40% wanted to "fine and imprison critics of vaccine" and "send unvaccinated to quarantine camps". More than 50% wanted to "fine the unvaccinated" and almost 60% wanted to "lock unvaccinated at home"

Teen changing identity constantly - "I am an avid reader of all the Slate advice columns, and generally find myself in agreement with most of the responses. However, I have noticed a recent trend in the answers given to questions regarding COVID vaccination refusal and family/friend relationships. Overwhelmingly, the responses are to end, temporarily or permanently, relationships with people who refuse to be vaccinated. This is, I think, an extreme overreaction, and is most likely not in the best interest of anyone involved.  For some context, I have a doctorate in a medical field and have family members who have and have not been vaccinated, all of whom I see regularly. Myself and my spouse got our vaccines as soon as we were eligible, and we have a young daughter who is still ineligible. Thankfully, children and infants, the only demographic not currently able to be vaccinated, are at very low risk for serious illness. Everyone else can and should get the vaccine, and is therefore safe from serious illness or death. Are there exceptions? Sure. Everything in life has exceptions. We cannot live in a zero-risk society.  Unfortunately, though, your focus on the risks of COVID overlooks an additional serious risk: The pandemic has destroyed or weakened many people’s social support systems and led to a massive mental health crisis. I myself have lost many friends due to the prolonged separation and trauma of this ongoing event. Advising people to end or jeopardize their remaining relationships to potentially stave off a small risk of minor illness is frankly bad advice. Now more than ever we need to reaffirm our social support systems and be thankful for those relationships which remain. Although I am left-leaning politically, I find it appalling that vaccines have become politicized by the right and the left, and your columns’ ill-given advice to blow up people’s support networks over vaccine refusal is exactly that—an unnecessary politicization which is designed to punish those who refuse the vaccine or keep company with refusers. Please recognize that mental health is just as important as physical health and stop sowing divisiveness around this issue."
From 2021. Cults want to cut off their members from other social groups, after all. Hilariously, the reply talks about the risk of exposing infants to the unvaccinated because the unvaccinated are stupid and so unsafe for kids to be exposed to (of course, there is a clause for "medical racism"). He even goes on about "morally indefensible" choices

Mimi Jiang · Diary: In Shanghai · LRB 22 April 2022 - "In Chinese, positive and negative test results are translated as yang and yin. Yang shares the same sound as the word for sheep, meaning that sheep have become the most disliked animals of all. All sheep sculptures in public spaces have been covered with black plastic bags. Small talk has changed from ‘have you eaten?’ to ‘how many sheep are in your building today?’ The strangest thing about this phase of Covid control has been the discrepancy between the results given by staff at Disease Control and the app that gives you your PCR results. Many people have received calls from Disease Control saying they are positive even though the app results are negative. This has led to verbal and even physical fights as police ask the ‘sheep’ to join the ‘quarantine herd’ and the ‘sheep’ bleats back, citing the app. Finally, the government decided to use another app for mass testing, but it crashed on the first day and had scanning problems on the second."

Chinese Control of the WHO: How It Made the Epidemics Worse - "China persuaded the World Health Organization (WHO) in January to delay sounding the alarm on COVID-19, giving Beijing time to stockpile medical supplies purchased all over the world. Before the WHO declared a health emergency, on January 30, China had imported from abroad, between January 24 and 29, more than two billion face masks.  The figure comes from China’s General Administration of Customs, and the WHO delay allowed Xi Jinping’s government to emerge as the controlling force in the crucial international market for masks, dictating its prices and distinguishing between friends and foes in a “mask diplomacy” that often amounted to blackmail.  But why, exactly, was the WHO subservient to Xi Jinping? The story is more complicated than many believe. While the world’s attention has focused on the current director general of the WHO, the former Ethiopian foreign minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in fact China’s attempts at controlling the organization started at least ten years before he was elected in 2017. In 2002, SARS hit the world and, well before the current COVID-19 epidemic, the CCP was accused of having delayed the world response to a deadly virus because of its reluctancy to admit it originated in China.  In 2006, the first allegations that the CCP was harvesting organs from Falun Gong prisoners of conscience were published by mainline international media. Former Canadian parliamentarian David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas formed the first commission investigating the issues. All of a sudden, China’s image was tainted by two accusations against its health system: that it had put the world at risk by not sharing information on SARS, and that it was advancing its transplant industry by harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience. On both issues, the role of WHO was crucial, and potentially catastrophic for China.  China reacted timely, and assembled a coalition of countries that in 2007 elected a Chinese officer, Margaret Chan, as the new secretary general of the WHO. She was reelected in 2012 for a second five-year term. She effectively torpedoed any attempt to make WHO investigate the organ harvesting issue or China’s responsibility for SARS. When in 2016, Tsai Ing-wen, perceived by Beijing as anti-CCP, was elected president of Taiwan, Chan terminated the participation of Taiwan as an observer to the World Health Assembly (WHA), the WHO’s main decision-making body.  In previous years, Chan and China had maneuvered to exclude Taiwan from the WHA meetings where the most important decisions were taken. Chan also made several crucial appointments, and several of her appointees maintains their positions today. In 2017, Tedros was elected, once again, by a coalition where China had a key role. Not only Ethiopia has close ties with China, but Tedros showed immediately his true colors by appointing the former dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe (1924–2019), as WHO Goodwill Ambassador... Tedros’ praise of China and President Xi Jinping has been consistently extravagant and embarrassing. As late as January 28, 2020, Tedros was meeting Xi Jinping and praising “the advantages of the Chinese model” in terms of “effectiveness, speed” and, yes, “transparency.”... Taiwan informed the WHO of the presence in Wuhan of a lethal pneumonia caused by a SARS-like virus. Authorities in Taiwan acted immediately on this information. In the evening of the same December 31, they started checking the health of visitors coming from Wuhan, which saved Taiwan from the worse consequences of the virus. The WHO, however, ignored the information from Taiwan for no other reason that it came from Taiwan."

Households in Singapore to receive six ART kits from Jul 17 - "The distribution will last until Sep 30 and the kits will be drawn from the national stockpile which was built to mitigate supply chain disruptions and sudden surges in usage, MOH added in a press release.   The current batch of ART kits have a remaining shelf life of about six months, as the stockpile needs to be refreshed to maintain resiliency...   The ministry added that the usable period of the ART kits can still "cover the year-end", coinciding with the Northern Hemisphere winter season, during which respiratory viruses including influenza and COVID-19 may spread more easily globally.  "Many also take overseas vacations during this period and the kits will help families to take additional precautions where needed."  With the shift towards COVID-19 endemicity, MOH advised Singaporeans to take measures to protect themselves and their families, especially seniors and medically vulnerable people.  It added that people who test positive with an ART test "should regard themselves as being infected with COVID-19".  They should avoid close contact with others while still symptomatic and return to normal activities when their symptoms resolve."
From July 2023. They're still playing this game

The Postillon: Sweet revenge: scientists infect bat with human flu - " “We started our research as soon as it became clear that coronavirus had jumped from bats to humans,” explains Professor Ian Levitchov. “It was clear to us that what humanity needed now was revenge, sweet revenge, and it appears that we have achieved that.”...  Those bats suffering with the flu are now due to be released into the wild on several continents as quickly as possible. In the best-case scenario, they will infect other members of their species, triggering a pandemic in the medium term with the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of bats."
From 2020

Botched Tests, $1,200 Checks for Dead Marred U.S. Virus Response - Bloomberg - "The federal government’s quick action to issue stimulus payments in the wake of the coronavirus crisis led to more than a billion dollars of fraudulent payments"
From 2020. The people denouncing misspent government funds are often the same people complaining government is too slow to act

Meme - NPC: "Elon Musk isn't a doctor. Joe Rogan isn't a doctor, RFK isn't a doctor."
Normal person: "Bill Gates isn't a doctor"
NPC: *upset*
Not like covid hystericists cared for doctors who challenged the status quo anyway

Democrats remain more confident than Republicans in medical scientists; ratings fall among both groups | Pew Research Center
Naturally, the fall in trust in science among Democrats is the fault of Republicans

Covid-19’s Wuhan cover-up: Anthony Fauci downplayed scientist suspicions of Chinese lab leak | The Australian - "America’s top infectious diseases adviser, Anthony Fauci, deliberately decided to downplay suspicions from scientists that Covid-19 came from a laboratory to protect his reputation and deflect from the risky coronavirus research his agency had funded, according to his boss, one of the most senior US health officials during the pandemic.  In an exclusive interview, Robert Kadlec – former assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the US Department of Health – told The Weekend Australian that he, Dr Fauci and National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins privately discussed how to “turn down the temperature” on accusations against China in the early days of the pandemic while they were trying to encourage Beijing to co-operate and share a sample of the virus.  But the senior US health official – who worked for George W. Bush and Donald Trump and went on to lead American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine – said Dr Fauci mostly kept his knowledge of virologists’ concerns about a lab leak from Wuhan to himself.   The Weekend Australian revealed in 2021 that the National Institutes of Health and other US agencies funded 65 scientific projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology over the past decade, many involving risky research on bat coronaviruses... US congressional investigations in the past month revealed how scientists worked to silence concerns about a lab leak.  “I think Tony Fauci was trying to protect his institution and his own reputation from the possibility that his agency was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers who, beyond the scope of the grants received from the National Institutes of Health, may have been working with People’s Liberation Army researchers on defensive coronavirus vaccines,” Dr Kadlec said... Dr Kadlec, in his first ever media interview, added: “We think vaccine research resulted in the pandemic – that vaccine research was the proximate cause.”   In an extraordinary admission, Dr Kadlec said they decided to try to encourage a group of leading international scientists to calm down speculation on the origins of the virus... scientist Kristian Andersen who expressed concern that SARS-Cov-2 may have been genetically engineered, because of its unusual features. In an email, Dr Andersen said “some of the features (potentially) look engineered” and several leading virologists “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.” Dr Kadlec said Dr Fauci kept these suspicions, privately expressed by leading virologists that the virus had been engineered in a laboratory, mostly to himself.  The full extent of those suspicions is now laid bare in emails subpoenaed by US congress and published in recent weeks. In those emails, some scientists discussed the “shit show” that would eventuate if anyone serious accused China of, even accidentally, starting the pandemic. They also discussed the impact such an accusation would have on scientific research and international relations. But, publicly, they insisted the possibility of an inadvertent laboratory leak was a conspiracy and authored a paper published in Nature Medicine, that argued SARS-Cov-2 was almost certainly a natural virus...   Dr Kadlec accused the scientists of having personal agendas that might have influenced their decision to author a paper that suggested a laboratory leak was a conspiracy theory. “Their initial opinion was likely shaded by their personal professional equities or the belief that what was going on in the US – statements by political leaders- could be problematic for world relations for China but also their professional interests in science”... Dr Kadlec alluded to the febrile political atmosphere in the US under Mr Trump as a likely influence on the scientists... The scientists are facing allegations that they embarked on a campaign of subterfuge that has rocked Washington... Gain-of-function research was banned by the Obama administration but lifted during the Trump era. Dr Kadlec says this was at the behest of the NIH. “Francis Collins and Fauci both had a similar world view which was scientists know best and there should be few restrictions on research,” he said.  The Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance drew up a proposal for grant funding for coronavirus research, which international scientists now believe could be the “blueprint” of Covid-19. Dr Kadlec chaired a committee to authorise whether gain-of-function could proceed. The proposal from the Wuhan institute was bouncing around US Government agencies, in search of funding, but it never went through his committee. “It shows you the fallibility or vulnerability of the oversight system,” he said.  Dr Fauci has denied his agency funded gain-of-function research, but Dr Kadlec said this wasn’t true. “It’s evident NIH supported research that has the potential for, and it at least one case resulted in gain of function”"
Damn conspiracy theories and misinformation! Kadlec needs to be deplatformed!

Trudeau receives international condemnation for his pandemic failures - "A scathing new editorial and series of reports published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the world’s most respected peer-reviewed publications, takes Canada to task for its many pandemic failings — going so far as to recommend Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s most abhorred three-word phrase: independent public inquiry. The reports paint a bleak picture of a country that managed to avoid more disastrous outcomes, not due to competent leadership, but thanks to a signature combination of good luck and the goodwill of Canadians. This shouldn’t provide anyone with comfort, as luck always runs out when faced with systemic dysfunction, and government actions — or lack thereof — left many Canadians disenfranchised, disillusioned and rightfully angry. On the surface, Canada could be mistaken for a COVID-19 success story. “An evaluation two years into the pandemic said the country had lower COVID case and death burdens and higher vaccination coverage than most other G10 countries, despite Canada’s low hospital and critical care capacity and its vast geographical area that makes care delivery challenging,” reads the BMJ’s editorial.  However, deeper analysis reveals a country that skated by in spite of its elected leaders. From the near complete collapse of long-term care homes (LTCHs), to data vacuums, fragmented government co-ordination and communications, playing politics with vaccines and allowing for vastly unequal outcomes that took the largest tolls on the most vulnerable populations, especially First Nations communities, Canadian leaders have a lot to answer for...  “Canada’s long term care homes — including residents, their family and friend caregivers, and staff — experienced among the highest proportion of deaths among all COVID-19 deaths worldwide,” reads one of the BMJ reports.  No one can say they weren’t warned. “This crisis was predicted in more than 100 reports and inquiries over the 50 years preceding the pandemic,” write the authors. “Indeed, pre-pandemic mortality in Canada’s LTCHs was among the highest in the world, almost 50 per cent over one year.”... Canada’s COVID shortcomings didn’t only affect us, but people around the world. The BMJ reports spotlight the wide gap between how our federal government portrays itself on the world stage and what it actually does. While Trudeau publicly committed to share vaccines with lower-income countries, he never followed through in any meaningful way.  Quite the opposite. “Internationally, Canada contributed to devastating COVID losses by not sharing enough COVID vaccine and disrupting global supply, and it was named the world’s chief hoarder”... Even now, nearly 20-million vaccine doses in Canada are set to expire by the end of 2023. Most will go unused, yet there’s no sign of a plan to share them with countries that could use them...  The pandemic should’ve been a wake-up call that all the virtue signalling and moral grandstanding in the world can’t replace effective policy. But this is a lesson the Trudeau Liberals still refuse to learn."

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