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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Links - 24th September 2023 (1)

Meme - "A single father struggles to discipline his 2 daughters after their mother passed away. "Like" to show support for this single parent household *Porn still*"

Meme - "Uh its in the Netherlands"
"Im sorry i don't know where some random city Amsterdam is. Geezus Amsterdam is so irrelevant bruh i bet you more people have heard of our smallest state vermont than the f*** Amsterdam no need to judge me. Also your British so how did you know?"
"Actually your smallest state is Rhode island not Vermont"
"Chill no need to have a mental breakdown"

'The Witcher' producer blames Americans for show's simplified plot - "The producer singled out Western audiences specifically, reflecting on his previous attempt to create Hardkor 44, a depiction of the Warsaw Uprising that ultimately never got made. “[I] tried to explain: there was an uprising against Germany, but the Russians were across the river, and on the German side there were also soldiers from Hungary or Ukraine,” he recalled. “For Americans, it was completely incomprehensible, too complicated, because they grew up in a different historical context, where everything was arranged: America is always good, the rest are the bad guys. And there are no complications.” Baginski went on to state that plot simplifications a “necessary” when “a series is made for a huge mass of viewers, with different experiences, from different parts of the world, and a large part of them are Americans”. The producer described this apparent need to simplify plots as “painful”, before adding: “The higher level of nuance and complexity will have a smaller range, it won’t reach people.”"

Hideo Kojima Thinks Americans Are Too Dense to Understand Death Stranding - "Hideo Kojima puts the perceived stronger criticism of Death Stranding from US reviewers down to Americans lacking the ‘artistic sensibility’ to understand the game."

Meme - "We were so poor growing up, my dad had to keep my sister pregnant so we could have fresh milk"

Meme - *Angel at Heaven's Gates* "Sorry AboUT THIS - I DIED AT A COSTUME PARTY."

Meme - "Welcome to Saudi Arabia
Ladies *triangle*
Gentlemen *Man in long robe*"

Black guy: "I'm already rock hard, baby!"

Meme - *Skinning a rabbit*
"Begin peeking the pelt downward, with one hand cutting along the pelt as you go to ensure a smooth removal"
"If this becomes too much of a gory scene for you, just try ot imagine that the rabbit is hot and you're helping it take off its sweatshirt"

Meme - "A civil discussion about African history and culture between Africans.
Oh no, here come the African Americans.
we wuz kangz
u'z history belong to us
sons n daughters of Africca
white man change history
Edisonz was black
/pol/ is resist
we build pyramids"

Meme - "You will never be a real mushroom. You have no mycelium, you have no volva, you have no spores. You are a small kitten twisted by fabric and wool into a crude mockery of nature's perfection. *kitten dressed as mushroom*"

Meme = "I was excited until realized these are three separate categories."
Library sign: "INSPIRATIONAL

Quote by Carl Sagan - "One of the great commandments of science is, "Mistrust arguments from authority." (Scientists, being primates, and thus given to dominance hierarchies, of course do not always follow this commandment.) Too many such arguments have proved too painfully wrong. Authorities must prove their contentions like everybody else. This independence of science, its occasional unwillingness to accept conventional wisdom, makes it dangerous to doctrines less self critical, or with pretensions of certitude."
Damn misinformation! Dangerous far right extremist who doesn't Trust the Science, which is Settled!

Meme - *Assassination Chain Meme*
"Biology is just applied chemistry"
"Chemistry is just applied physics"
"Physics is just applied mathematics"
"maths is just applied philosophy"
"philosophy is just byproduct of misunderstanding language"

Bacon is the most important part of a Full English breakfast | YouGov - "Originating in the Victoria era as the breakfast of the wealthy, the Full English became more and more popular until the 1950s, at which point roughly half of British people consumed a cooked breakfast... The single most important part of a Full English breakfast is bacon, with 89% of English people saying it would feature on the plate for their ideal Full English. The survey identifies the core ingredients in a decent Full English, with six food items identified by more than half of people as being essential to their ideal breakfast. As well as bacon, these include sausage (82%), toast (73%), beans (71%), fried egg (65%) and hash brown (60%). Men and women have somewhat different tastes when it comes to their ideal Full English, with men tending to like the less healthy options more than women, and vice versa. Generally speaking, when compared to women, men were more likely to prefer any breakfast components that begin with the word “fried” (bread, egg, tomato, mushrooms) as well as baked beans. Women, by contrast, tend to like items beginning with the word “grilled” (mushroom, tomato) and poached eggs more than men do. But the breakfast item that divides the two sexes most of all is the black pudding. The food, the ingredients for which famously include blood, would feature in 47% of men’s ideal Full Englishes, compared to just 24% of women’s. Differences between the generations are also noticeable. For instance, England’s youngest people (those aged 18-24) are far more likely to prefer scrambled eggs than their elders (and to a lesser extent boiled eggs). They are subsequently less likely to want fried egg. Mushrooms become a less popular choice the younger people are, as does black pudding, and bacon is less popular among 18-34 year olds than with those aged 35+. Even if it is consumed with less regularity than at its peak in the 1950s, the Full English is still a highly popular dish. As many as 83% of English people said that they like a Full English (with more than half saying they like it a lot), compared to just 15% who don’t like them."

Meme - ">try to get a Chad haircut
>comes out looking like pic related
What the fuck am I doing wrong? I went to a proper hair stylist that cost $100. Should I shave it all off?"

Mathia Lee - "Happened over 10 yrs ago, but it really changed my mindset about hiring people with disabilities: When i visited the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City, the ticket booth was manned by a guy with only 3 fingers. The queue was super long, but he worked so fast. The bag-deposit counter (to leave our bags for the day), was manned by a guy with Down Syndrome. He was the only staff there, taking care of every bag deposit and return. Was super amazed that they put people with disabilities right on the frontline, and showed how they could work with the huge crowds. Never see this in Sg. It made a bigger impression on me than all the famous art."
3 groundless myths that get in the way of workforce inclusivity

Meme - Chris Cooper @ZeppelinCoop: "I told my 8-year-old son I would give him $10/hour to do some weeding. He said: "If I can find someone to do it for $5/hr, can I keep the other $5?" I don't know whether to be proud or nervous"

I asked this employee if there was anywhere in the mall I could get a glass of milk. He laughed in my face and said "restaurants don't have milk"
Excuse me but Are you new to this nation? The following restaurants ALWAYS have milk to serve me
Denny's Morbone's Michigan's Dinery
Your FB profile pic"


‘Minority Report’ Tried to Warn Us About Technology - The Atlantic - "After a harrowing back-alley surgery, Anderton (played by Tom Cruise) reemerges into society with a new set of eyes. When he pops into a store, a holographic attendant greets him cheerfully: “Hello, Mr. Yakamoto! Welcome back to the Gap! How did those assorted tank tops work out for you?” The laugh line is much needed in a high-tension movie, but when I watched Minority Report recently, in a time when every social-media app I use seems to be listening to and anticipating my wants and desires, the gag sent a new chill up my spine... A wide array of forward-thinking technology in the film was cooked up by experts whom Spielberg asked to envision life five decades hence, and in almost every case, advances in convenience come with insidious restrictions on personal freedom... The viewer never sees any public opposition to Precrime, or to the brutal tactics employed by its agency; propagandistic commercials boasting about the end of murder are seemingly enough to silence any protest"

Meme - Sam O'Nella Health Updates @SamONellaHealth: "My beautiful wife is laying spread eagle in the bed of my Chevy Silverado and I'm on my John deere tractor with a dildo attached to the front going back and forth into her. it takes forever and I have to be really careful but god i'm rock fucking hard"

Meme - "Jun 8, 2011: "hey"
Jun 8, 2013: "Hey sorry I was busy"
"i sent that 2 years ago""

Man charged with running unregistered Muslim religious school, teaching false doctrine - "A man was charged in court on Tuesday (Aug 1) with running an unregistered Muslim religious school and teaching false doctrine for about 16 years. Mohd Razif Radi, 65, was handed one charge of teaching a doctrine in a manner contrary to Muslim law under the Administration of Muslim Law Act, and one count of contravening the Administration of Muslim Law (Muslim Religious Schools) Rules... Between 2004 and 2020, he allegedly taught false doctrine that permitted gambling and said a male and a female could be validly married by way of a spiritual union. He also allegedly claimed to hold the position of a caliph or spiritual leader, and said he could summon the spirit of an "Mbah" who was purportedly "the last Prophet" or from the Prophet's lineage... The police said in an earlier statement that they began investigations after the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) lodged a report against him on Aug 24, 2021. If convicted of teaching doctrine contrary to Muslim law, he could be jailed for up to 12 months, fined up to S$2,000 or both. The penalties are the same for running a Muslim religious school not registered by MUIS."
"Religious rights" just means religious oppression. This is basically a blasphemy law

Scientific misconduct by ancestry/country - "All in all, Hajnal pattern applies. Everybody cheats, but people outside Hajnal cheat a lot more. There are more data out there, a lot of it private. A friend of mine works with foreign applications for people who want to study in the UK (scholarships). People send in essays and the like English test scores (TOEFL etc.). The agencies screen the essays for plagiarism, so one gets a per capita rate of plagiarism. If screened OK, they are given an interview in English. Often, people with perfect essays can't seem to talk English very well, which is generally because they hired someone to write their essays for them, which is not detectable by plagiarism testing but results in massive discrepancies between English written and spoken ability. One can also look up various cheating scandal"

Testing Hypotheses on Risk Factors for Scientific Misconduct via Matched-Control Analysis of Papers Containing Problematic Image Duplications - "It is commonly hypothesized that scientists are more likely to engage in data falsification and fabrication when they are subject to pressures to publish, when they are not restrained by forms of social control, when they work in countries lacking policies to tackle scientific misconduct, and when they are male. Evidence to test these hypotheses, however, is inconclusive due to the difficulties of obtaining unbiased data. Here we report a pre-registered test of these four hypotheses, conducted on papers that were identified in a previous study as containing problematic image duplications through a systematic screening of the journal PLoS ONE. Image duplications were classified into three categories based on their complexity, with category 1 being most likely to reflect unintentional error and category 3 being most likely to reflect intentional fabrication. We tested multiple parameters connected to the hypotheses above with a matched-control paradigm, by collecting two controls for each paper containing duplications. Category 1 duplications were mostly not associated with any of the parameters tested, as was predicted based on the assumption that these duplications were mostly not due to misconduct. Categories 2 and 3, however, exhibited numerous statistically significant associations. Results of univariable and multivariable analyses support the hypotheses that academic culture, peer control, cash-based publication incentives and national misconduct policies might affect scientific integrity. No clear support was found for the “pressures to publish” hypothesis. Female authors were found to be equally likely to publish duplicated images compared to males. Country-level parameters generally exhibited stronger effects than individual-level parameters, because developing countries were significantly more likely to produce problematic image duplications. This suggests that promoting good research practices in all countries should be a priority for the international research integrity agenda."

Only 2% of conversations end when we want them to - "This figure was remarkably stable, irrespective of whether people were talking to a stranger or a lover. The authors of the study believe this discrepancy is the result of a classic "coordination problem," arising because people tend to hide their true desires, including when they want a conversation to end, in an effort to avoid being rude... To end a conversation, a social action is often used to avoid making a faux pas. These social actions are called "closing routines", during which speakers confirm to each other that they are truly done. Saying "anyway" or "alright" in a certain tone can help precipitate a closing routine. These closing routines often follow very specific moves. They first require a pre-closing statement, which announces the intention to end the conversation. This must be accepted by both parties in order for the next stage to start, which might in turn build to a familiar conversational conclusion and final salutations. The problem is, closing routines tend to skew conversations away from their ideal point of conclusion. A participant may begin a closing routine too early after misinterpreting a cue, as when their partner says "anyway" without intending to begin a closing routine. On the other hand, a correctly initiated closing routine can still take some minutes to wrap up, which extends conversations beyond what one or more participants may deem their ideal duration."

The making of TIE Fighter: How being the bad guys changed Star Wars forever

Salmon sushi isn’t a Japanese invention - "Salmon (鮭) is a saltwater fish that spawns in fresh water. It’s a fish commonly eaten in North America and Europe, from salmon steaks and smoked salmon to lox. That perspective is why we find it surprising that salmon hadn’t always been eaten as sushi. The Japanese didn’t have a taste for salmon until after about the 90’s. Whether we find a fish fit to eat, depends not just on taste, but on perception of palatability. For the Japanese before the 90's, salmon was part of the diet, but widely regarded as a garbage fish that you only ate cured or fully pan-fried or grilled that was used to fill out cheap meals. It was never used in the traditional Edo-mae style of sushi and eaten raw, because of the Pacific salmon’s propensity for infection by parasites. Before modern refrigeration and aquaculture techniques were available, it’d be pretty risky to consume salmon raw. It was the Norwegians that came up with the concept of salmon sushi, and spent the better part of a decade marketing and selling it in Japan. In fact, you could say salmon sushi is a Norwegian invention... By 1995, salmon sushi was commonplace enough that restaurants began to have plastic replicas of salmon sushi in their store-fronts to lure in customers. It took the Norwegian government close to 10 years from the start of Project Japan to change the minds of the average Japanese consumer to eat salmon sushi. They spent a total of 30 million NOK (3.75 million USD in today’s dollars) over the life time of the project on marketing. And it’s paid off handsomely. It brought Norwegian salmon exports to Japan from 400 million NOK to 1.8 billion NOK in the second half of the 80's. It poised Norway to tackle an even bigger market in China for salmon in the recent decades. Nowadays, Norway exported 233,000 tonnes of salmon for 16.1 billion NOK in the first quarter of 2017. There are still concerns by some Japanese about foreign imported salmon... Amusingly, they haven’t given up on off the wall campaigns, such as the Norwegian Fisheries Council sponsored PR campaign through interpretive dance."

Witness describes horrific scenes after finding murdered British doctor who was shot dead in front of his family after taking a wrong turn in South Africa - "A witness has described the scene of terror after discovering a British doctor shot dead in his car while on a family holiday in South Africa, leaving his horrified wife and young child cowering and covered in blood. Kar Hao Teoh, 40, was shot from close range after taking a wrong turn into the rioting town of Nyanga as he drove from Cape Town airport with his wife and two-year-old son last week. Mr Teoh, who was born in Singapore but had British nationality, was one of five who died in violence during a taxi drivers' strike, which spiralled out of control after local authorities began impounding rioters' cars."
Strikes are wild there

Meme - *Muslim Man* "This is Hasan. Hasan was born in Sweden. Hasan is Swedish"
*Hamster* "This is Misho. Misho was born in an aquarium. Misho is a fish"
So many Americans don't know the difference between race and nationality, and keep mocking non-white people with European nationalities who are described with their nationality. Ironically, they think they're American even though they are not Native American

Elon Musk offers to pay legal bills for people ‘unfairly treated’ by employers over Twitter use

Vilnius, Lithuania built a ‘portal’ to another city to help keep people connected - "The city installed a circular “door” for the portal near its train station that connects to a portal in Lublin, Poland, about 600 kilometers (or roughly 375 miles) away. The portals both have large screens and cameras that broadcast live images between the two cities— a kind of digital bridge, according to its creators— meant to encourage people to “rethink the meaning of unity”"

Marcus Aurelius’ son was a murderous psychopath. Is Stoicism to blame? - "Being a “good emperor” essentially meant disguising “the absoluteness with which the emperor ruled: to preserve a façade — and sometimes, no doubt, even to achieve the reality — of consensus and cooperation,” as noted by English translator of Meditations and University of Virginia Classics professor Gregory Hays. In other words, the period in the Roman Empire marked by rule under “good emperors” was nothing but a reputational matter. So much death and violence occurred during this nearly 100-year period (96 AD to 180 AD) in Rome — destruction that can in no sense be called “cooperative” or “flourishing” apart from this “sense of political and societal cohesiveness.”"

McDonald's Imperial – Porto, Portugal - "Fast food and fine decor don’t always go hand in hand, but at Porto’s former Imperial Cafe, the two come together in what is often called the “most beautiful McDonald’s in the world.” It opened in 1995 in the space previously occupied by the famous Portuguese coffeeshop, which was an icon in the 1930s. The building retained many of the original Art Deco features including the ornate ceilings, chandeliers, and a large stained glass wall, which is currently behind the counter. It is unclear if the staircases are original, but they have been constructed to complement the style of the interiors. Outside is the massive eagle which was the symbol of the old Imperial."

Woman who extracted pig semen for work looks to sue employer after developing wrist injuries - "A woman whose job it was to 'milk' pigs for their semen says a crippling wrist injury she suffered on the job has left her unable to work. Maxine, 31, had a job she loved in animal welfare which paid well, but unfortunately it caused long-term injuries. She started her job collecting pig semen for breeding top quality pork at the age of 18, but by 21 it had caused serious injuries in both her wrists. Ten years later, she is still suffering from ongoing pain, which has required major surgery and prevented her from working in other fields such as floristry, dry cleaning and demolition. 'I enjoyed working at the farm, the actual semen collection stuff isn't all that exciting,' she told Daily Mail Australia. 'The wrist injury was caused by having to hold the penis still as the pigs move around quite a lot... 'Well it's quite funny because I did ruin my hands w***ing pigs and that is hilarious no matter who you speak to, that is absolutely ridiculous,' she said"

FBI whistleblowers 'faced devastating retaliation' for speaking out about 'politicized rot' - "'The FBI, under Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,' write the Republicans led by Jim Jordan of Ohio, the select committee chairman in the report released Thursday. 'The leadership at the FBI and Justice Department have weaponized federal law enforcement against everyday Americans, seeking to silence those who dare to have a different viewpoint,' it continues... the former agents specifically expressed concerns with instructions from FBI leadership that they focus on pursuing 'domestic violent extremism' probes and disregard standard investigative procedures in January 6 cases. In addition, the former officials told the committee that they were instructed to pursue Jan. 6 investigations over child sex crime cases, because they were 'no longer a priority.' Specifically, the former agents accuse the FBI of inflating statistics on 'domestic violent extremism' to fit the Biden administration's political narrative that extremism is on the rise nationwide. 'The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics, constituting false official federal statements,' Friend wrote in an affidavit... he believes the FBI is using security clearance revocations as a tool to 'purge conservatives' from its ranks... O'Boyle said he was 'stunned' to learn that Attorney General Merrick Garland intended to investigate concerned parents at school board meetings. He made his concerned known to his supervisory agent, saying it struck him as wrong that 'such a high ranking federal official' would use 'federal law enforcement to hone in on' an area that is typically addressed by local law enforcement. Friend told the committee he had 'concerns' about surveillance of parents at school board meetings, saying he believed it would 'chill parents’ exercise of their First Amendment rights.'"

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