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Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Links - 1st August 2023 (1 - Glorifying Obesity)

The War On Beauty - "Women are being sold false beauty ideals – or rather, that there is no "ideal." All bodies are beautiful, we're told relentlessly by the body positivity movement. And yet, when everything is beautiful, nothing is... Far from objective truth, we're told that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." On Instagram, exhibitionists post absurdly artificial photos, with hyper-sexualization so extreme that art critic Camille Paglia likened it to the fertility totems of the Stone Age (like the Venus of Willendorf.) For Millennials, these "stilted, forced and strangely unsexy" photos have become a "wildly addictive genre of Instagram self-portraiture."...  the "body positivity" movement is gaining steam. The movement encourages people to believe that everyone should have a positive self-image, and morbidly obese plus-size model Tess Holliday, who popularized the #EffYourBeautyStandards hashtag, is one of its biggest promoters.  Holliday is the author of a book called The Not So Subtle Art of Being a Fat Girl: Loving the Skin You're In. In an article promoting Holliday and criticizing the people that complain this trend glorifies obesity and unhealthy lifestyles, women's health magazine Self says "save your concern" about her health. It's one thing for health magazines to encourage women to accept their bodies and to have positive self-esteem, but it's quite another to act as if America is not in the middle of an obesity epidemic. An estimated 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight. More than 60 percent of American women are in that category. If you're considered to be overweight, losing as little as 5% of your body weight can lower your risk for several diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The Self article doesn't mention any of that – but it does criticize people for "concern trolling" the health of Holliday and other plus-size models. The razor brand Gillette jumped into the body positivity movement with their latest ad featuring plus-size model Anna O'Brien splashing in the sea alongside the words "go out there and slay the day."... It's unfortunate that we live in an age that refuses to find moderation in anything. It seems we catapulted from size-negative-zero fashion models to the glorification of severely overweight ones. While it's not our job to police the health of Holliday or O'Brien, no doctor would ever say that a morbidly obese lifestyle will not bring with it a myriad of health problems. Why can't women celebrate their bodies and their health?"

Meme - ">be me, employed at a midsize company
>company management tries hard to make it look like they care about employees
>actually do a good job at it >have several programs that promote healthy living for us
>one of them is for physical health that includes paid- for gym membership and free resources to lose weight
>last month's newsletter highlighted this program
>blue haired people hated it for body shaming
>company ends physical health program and replaces it with lecture series about some bullshit
>fuckers ended free gym
>mfw I don't have free gym anymore because someone else doesn't want to lose weight"

Meme - Moonsprout @MoonsproutWitch: "Has anyone written about the projection of diet culture and anti fatness onto animals? There's so much anxiety about "over feeding" and "ideal weight" and it sounds no different than the anti-fat pseudoscience we have for humans"
Pixie @PixiPrince: "same, I just saw a post about "ideal" cat sizes and it made me so uncomfy. unless there's legit stress on the pets bones or something its so weird to be like 'dang i wanna be able to see my pets ribs through his fur'"
Moonsprout @MoonsproutWitch: "Even the "stress on bones" thing is anti-fatness distracting from the real issues at play. weight loss isn't a viable treatment for humans so how is it gonna be the solution for animals? But I agree the rib counting is weeeeird"
"Fat shaming" is worse than animal abuse

Meme - moonsprout @MoonsproutWitch: "Whenever people warn against over feeding animals I'm just like... how? They're not a plant, they'll lose interest when they're satisfied? Unless they have a condition that's keeping them from absorbing nutrients- maybe this animal just needs more than you expect them to?
This question is for fat positive people only Imao. If you still think fatness causes disease keep scrolling"
How to stop your pet from overeating (Vet Voice) - "Obesity is a common problem in companion animals. Unfortunately, being overweight increases your pet’s risk of a number of health issues that are caused or worsened by obesity"
Do wild animals ever overeat? | A Moment of Science - Indiana Public Media - "Many species of animals certainly do overeat"
"Follow the science"

Meme - Cait @nimruthiel: "my sister has put her cats on a diet because they are "o*erweight" and it's just like wtf....they are cats dude, just let them be"
moonsprout @MoonsproutWitch: "Ugh I hate it. I always wanna say something but it feels pointless when the vet is saying otherwise. Same with humans and their drs"
Euan Campbell @HanClanSolo77: "So a person who has got years of study behind them, whose expertise is the treatment and health of animals is wrong and you're not? I hope you never have a pet. They don't deserve your abuse."
Clearly "stigma" explains the worse health outcomes of fat animals

I'm fat and hot — and you can't tell me otherwise - "A Louisiana woman has become a TikTok sensation after sharing a series of “daily reminders” declaring that she is “fat and hot.”  The 24-year-old — known only as Bubbles — has clocked up more than 1 million likes on the social media app, with fans fawning over her body confidence."

Brianna Renee Nash: "If a man doesn't like thick women, it's because he's weak and isn't packing the right package. A real man will love a woman for all her curves and personality. Not to mention women carry more weight in our legs and on our hips in general. And Some boys really be out here trying to date women with prepubescent bodies. it's kinda sus tbh"
"If you don't like obese women, you're a pedophile"

What is body checking and why is it dangerous? - "Young women are subtly flaunting their abs and protruding hip bones on social media. Why body checking is the latest dangerous trend to look out for... Currently no videos pop up when you search "body checking" on TikTok. In its place is a cartoon stomach with a heart and contact information for the National Eating Disorder Association. In a statement obtained by Yahoo Life, TikTok says the decision was an effort to put the welfare of users first. "We strive to take a thoughtful approach to supporting the well-being of our community by developing policies in consultation with experts providing access to resources throughout our app," the statement said.  The same screen pops up when users search similar topics such as #proana, a pro anorexia hashtag."
You're only allowed to glorify obesity

BBC World Service - The Food Chain, The cost of 'getting ripped' - "I was doing an event, a gay pride event in Manchester. And someone said to me, you're a body fascist, you'd never put a normal person on the cover. You'd ever put Stephen Fry on the cover. So we did put Stephen Fry on the cover. And it was one of the lowest selling issues ever. And that's not any disrespect to Stephen Fry. It's about, because he's got millions of followers on social media, he’s incredibly popular. I think it's about what people were coming to gay magazines for."

Meme - "What body positivity is
Man in wheelchair: Hi, I'd like to ask you out on a date.
Woman with one arm: Omg really? But are you sure you don't mind about my physical appearance?
Man in wheelchair: Of course not, as long as you don't mind me being on a wheelchair.
Woman with one arm: Absolutely not! Let's meet at 7pm tonight!
Man in wheelchair: Sure!
What body positivity is not
Fat woman: If you don't date me, you're fatphobic!!!! Ahhhhh!!!"

Jamie Lopez, reality TV star from "Super Sized Salon," dies at 37
Damn fat shaming killed her!

Meme - Leah @hutchleah: "The term 'obese' is a slur because it is used to dehumanize us and harass us. It's not because our feelings are hurt by an 'accurate description', it is an outdated term that does more harm than good. And as such, it should be eradicated. That's it."
Not understanding the euphemism treadmill. Not surprising

Nicholas Perry Claps Back At Candace Owens Weight-Shaming Him: VIDEO
George Takei - Posts | Facebook - "MYOB is free, Candace."
Significantly, even some of his followers pushed back

I'm fat and hot — and you can't tell me otherwise - "A Louisiana woman has become a TikTok sensation after sharing a series of “daily reminders” declaring that she is “fat and hot.”"
Encouraging this is a subtle form of intra-gender competition

Meme - "Taking up space is also resistance"
Destroying your health to own white people. Great job

Meme - "Lol promoting obesity and calling it "realistic body positivity""
Women in Power: "Realistic Body-Positive Disney Princesses *fat Disney princesses*"

Meme - "Lizzo fans when she comes out in the exact same bodysuit but it's a new color"

Lizzo says she will be the modern-day beauty standard, like it or not - "Why Lizzo is setting out to be the next beauty standard... In a brilliant interview, Lizzo rightly calls herself a "body icon" and celebrates the likes of Kim Kardashian for helping women embrace their bodies, no matter the shape, size or colour. The 'Juicy' songstress has us feeling inspired and we hope what she has to say does the same for you!... Lizzo's rise to fame hasn't come without its attacks from the haters. In a 2021 social media post, she slammed "fatphobic" trolls who publicly targeted her online because she doesn't "fit into the box" they "want to put us in."... "I think I have a really hot body! I'm a body icon, and I'm embracing that more and more every day""
Weird. If you are the standard then those who don't fit in that box will be attacked

Lizzo Declares 'I Am The Beauty Standard' In An In-Your-Face Affirmation | HuffPost Entertainment - "Lizzo took her self-love up a notch over the weekend. (Watch the video below.)  “I just finished showering and doing my little routine, and you know what I realized, I am fucking gorgeous,” the Grammy-winning rapper said in an Instagram video she posted Saturday. “I am the beauty standard. Catch up, bitch!”  The “Special” singer, a fervent promoter of positivity, kept the praise coming in the caption.  “I’m sorry that my perfect face & rockin body offends you… I can’t help that I’m God’s favorite,” she wrote."
Anyone who points out the hypocrisy (imagine what would happen if someone conventionally attractive did this) is sexist, racist and fatphobic


Meme - "For all the women mad that we don't find Lizzo attractive
Adrian Peters: "Ladies, y'all gonna choose the man on the right because he's comfortable with his weight and promoting body positivity right?
*muscular slim black man* *fat black man*"

Lizzo Shuts Down Weight-Loss Critics on TikTok - ""Heavy on the not trying to escape fatness. Heavy. F*cking. On it," Lizzo says... "I think a lot of people see a fat person that way and immediately just assume everything they're doing is to be thin," she says. "I'm not trying to be thin. I don't ever want to be thin.""
I saw some people claiming she was trying to lose weight

Meme - Samirah @SameeraKhan: "What exactly happened to society for the beauty standard to go from Tyra Banks to Lizzo?"
Ann Lesby, PhD: "The Great Awokening"

Lizzo says she’s close ‘to giving up on everyone and quitting’ after barrage of fatphobic comments - "Pop singer Lizzo has addressed the “daily” onslaught of hurtful social media comments about at her weight, admitting that “it’s really starting to make [her] hate the world”.  The Grammy-winning artist, who broke through to mainstream success in 2019 with her third album Cuz I Love You and its hit singles “Juice” and “Truth Hurt”, is regarded by fans as a positive example of body positivity. However, the 35-year-old has also been vocal about the abuse she receives due to her weight... the 35-year-old pop singer said: “This is what my body looks like even when I’m eating super clean and working out.  “Y’all speak on s*** y’all know NOTHING ABOUT and I’m starting to get heated.”... “I HATE IT HERE,” she wrote in a separate post. “Y’all don’t know how close I be to giving up on everyone and quitting and enjoying my money and my man on a F***ING FARM.”"
We all know it's a publicity stunt
She has discovered how to break the laws of physics. Revolutionary.


Urban Dictionary: Yasslighting - "A pun based off the term gaslighting when a person or group of persons (typically a comment section) blatantly lie to gas up an ugly person trying to pull off a look they shouldn't with "yasss queen slay girl boss" energy. Typically this will be skinny girls telling fat girls they look amazing in skintight revealing outfits complimenting their "confidence" so that they can look better in comparison or handmaidens and trans people telling other trans people how awesome and feminine they look in anime outfits they got off wish or masculine they look while still in makeup, jewelry, and neon hair dye.
Did you see all the yasslighting going on in the comments of that Lizzo post?
Yea it was almost as bad watching Dylan Mulvaney and that other trans person on his tick tock with all the facial hair telling each other how great they are at girlhood"

'Fit Mom' Gets Temporarily Banned From Facebook - "Maria Kang, known as the "Fit Mom," was temporarily banned from Facebook this week after she wrote a post complaining about the positive media coverage of an online group that encourages plus-sizewomen to post photos of themselves in lingerie to show what "real women" look like.  Kang, who caused controversy earlier this year by posting a photo of herself with her sons under the tag line "What's Your excuse?" wrote on her Facebook page that she was "starting to get annoyed" at the attention the online group was getting.  Kang then went on to write about high obesity rates in the U.S., including childhood obesity...  she was especially frustrated by the positive media attention the lingerie group received after she'd received such intense criticism for posting the photo of herself in a bikini surrounded by her sons.  "People made me feel bad about posting a picture of me and my children," said Kang, who said she feared the media coverage of the lingerie group was "normalizing" obesity. "When you see someone who is healthy it's almost so shocking. ... We've gone to a point where we're normalizing [a health] crisis."... After Kang put the post on Facebook it was flagged by a reader, and the social media site removed it, calling it "hate speech"... But after it banned Kang, Facebook then said the post had been taken down by mistake and reinstated Kang's access to the social media site. According to KGO, Kang's original post was not reposted."
If fat people are a protected class, advising people to lose weight is hate speech and literally genocide

OPINION: Is ‘fat’ a banned word? - "a public organisation tried to ban me this year for suggesting that morbidly obese women … are not attractive... Ordinarily, I wouldn’t parade my views on such issues at all.   But increasingly I’m forced to. You know why? Because in whatever social media I’ve chosen as my thought prison… I’m bombarded by folk – male & female – taking selfie shots of themselves… seeking commentary from strangers that they are drop dead gorgeous... Jordan Peterson – essentially an anti-establishment free thinker and an influential western conservative – has just been slammed, publicly cauterised, personally attacked, and forced to retire from the mainstream media and the Twitter-verse… because he had the bald audacity to declare a “plus-size” model in the latest Sports Illustrated swimwear edition was… “unattractive”... Take any insult you’ve ever secretly thought… well, they’ve all been applied to Jordan Peterson in the past 24 hours. He’s the male JK Rowling of trans activist infamy, by way of comparison.   Oh no, probably worse. Because he’s an old male, physically judging a young female. He’s a pervert, he’s a social menace, he’s just plain evil. Excise him from our society, now. He is not entitled to his view. Any view. De-platform him – yesterday.   But here’s the truth. You take off your clothes. You do soft porn. You invite appreciation of your physical form? Guess what.  You’re not immune from people finding you sexy – and not sexy – because you’re overweight. You invited appreciation – don’t be surprised, if you’re unappreciated. And people say so."

Woman joins husband on 100-day McDonald’s diet after 30-lb weight loss | Toronto Sun - "Kevin Maginnis has revealed on TikTok that he is officially down 30 pounds... Maginnis’ food journey, eating three McDonald’s meals a day but only half the portions, has been so incredible that many people are doing the same thing."
TikTok bans Tennessee man on McDonald’s weight loss journey - "TikTok believes he is promoting “dangerous weight loss,” and they don’t want his content to be perceived as a social media challenge. TikTok believes the diet could hurt others"
The people on exotic diets will be very upset
You're only allowed to promote obesity, not challenge it

I Was Kicked Off The Harry Potter Ride For Being Too Fat For The Seats - "While “safety” is often the given reason that fat people are excluded, it’s clear to us that companies are actually just keeping the general public safe from our fatness"

"Body positivity" activist dies of heart failure at 37 years old - "Jamie Lopez, the founder of a Las Vegas salon for plus-size women and a model for the "body positivity" movement, died last weekend at age 37."
Ironically, I didn't see people blaming the covid vaccine

Meme - "This is how disney princesses would look if they were cement mixers"
Profound commentary on glorifying obesity

'This Is Healthy': Cosmopolitan Features First-Ever Dead Cover Girls | Babylon Bee - "Cosmo quickly pulled the issues from store shelves and issued an apology, however, when it was pointed out that all the decaying corpses and skeletons were white."

COVID-19 has given us an opportunity to look at weight and what it means to be healthy - The Globe and Mail - "“Are fat influencers/actors/musicians allowed to lose weight?”  Hundreds of responses came flooding in. “In my opinion, intentional weight loss is always fatphobic,” one commenter said. “I don’t really agree with this [because] intentional weight loss will always negatively affect the fat community,” wrote another. “If you want to eat better and exercise and stuff because you love your body and you want to feel better in it, amazing! And if you then happen to lose weight, that’s no one’s business but yours. But if your intention is to lose weight, that’s fatphobic,” said another... When American singer Lizzo posted videos on social media of her doing a smoothie cleanse last year, for instance, some fans took it as a betrayal, accusing the singer of promoting “diet culture.”... When researchers identified obesity as a condition that could increase the risk of severe illness from COVID-19, there followed a raft of news articles encouraging people to lose weight. While those articles may have been well intentioned, they were potentially damaging to many people living in larger bodies, said Sarah Nutter, an assistant professor at the University of Victoria whose research focuses on weight stigma and body image.  “It was really harmful and absolutely has the potential to have increased weight stigma in our society,” she said. And the news isn’t the only vector for potentially harmful ideas about body size. Complaining about not fitting into our pre-pandemic pants or fretting about re-entering the world a few belt sizes bigger can add to the bias against people with larger bodies, said Jennifer Mills, a psychologist at York University in Toronto.  “The more we talk about that, and the more we glorify weight loss, the more stigmatizing it is for people who live in larger bodies,” she said.  That stigma can have a wide range of negative effects. “It absolutely has physical health and mental health consequences,” said Sara Kirk, a professor of health promotion at Dalhousie University."
Apparently "stigma" is more harmful than being overweight. But of course stigma against the unvaccinated is good

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