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Thursday, August 03, 2023

Links - 3rd August 2023 (2 - General Wokeness [including Nigel Farage de-banking by Coutts])

Arab Regimes Are the World’s Most Powerful Islamophobes – Foreign Policy - "In 2017, at a public panel in Riyadh, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, issued a warning about Islamists in Europe. “There will come a day that we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision-making, trying to be politically correct, or assuming that they know the Middle East, and they know Islam, and they know the others far better than we do,” Zayed said. “I’m sorry, but that’s pure ignorance.” The message was clear: European leaders would face a future endemic of Islamic extremism if they continued to tolerate the presence of what he described as radical extremists and terrorists in the name of human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy...   It’s just one example of an often-overlooked trend: the culpability of Arab and Muslim governments in fueling anti-Muslim hate as part of their campaigns to fight dissent at home and abroad. By trying to justify repression and appease Western audiences, some of these regimes and their supporters have forged an informal alliance with conservative and right-wing groups and figures in the West dedicated to advancing anti-Islamic bigotry."
From 2019. Time to let terrorists kill you because not to do so would be Islamophobic

Nigel Farage latest: Rishi Sunak calls Coutts 'wrong' as he insists banks must back free speech - "Rishi Sunak criticised Coutts for its “wrong” decision to close Nigel Farage’s accounts as he insisted banks must back free speech.  Coutts closed the former Ukip leader’s accounts after deciding his views “do not align with our values” and considering a dossier detailing his comments about Brexit, his friendship with Donald Trump and his views on LGBT rights... Nigel Farage has demanded an apology from the BBC after it reported that his Coutts bank account was closed for financial, rather than political reasons... The former Ukip leader has said he will be complaining to the corporation and also said it needed to correct a story published earlier this month that appeared to have been briefed out by Coutts.  Simon Jack, the corporation’s business editor, cited “people familiar with Coutts’ move” claiming that it had been a “commercial” decision to close Mr Farage’s personal and business accounts because he did not have enough money... a Treasury minister hinted that banks’ licences could be under threat if they close the accounts of customers who are doing no more than exercising their legal right to free speech... “Only those with acceptable views will be able to participate fully in society. I am effectively de-banked. How do I pay my gas bill? What have I done wrong? I haven’t broken the law. I happen to have an opinion on issues that is more popular outside the M25 than it is in inner London postcodes... Monthly press checks were made on me. My social media accounts were monitored. Anything considered “problematic” was recorded. I was being watched.”"

Political views should not be a bar to banking services | Financial Times - "The internal document obtained by Farage shows that Coutts, which is known for its prestigious clientele, factored in the former UK Independence party and Brexit party leader’s opinions on Europe, immigration, and Donald Trump in their decision to close his Coutts account... Private financial firms have the right to bar customers who may pose a reputational risk due to involvement in criminality or corruption. This does not apply to Farage, however. And, though the memo shows the bank also considered financial thresholds and costs in their deliberations, it suggests continuing to “bank” the ex-Ukip leader was not compatible with Coutts “given his publicly-stated views that were at odds with our position as an inclusive organisation”. Late on Thursday, the NatWest chief executive Alison Rose apologised to Farage for what she called “deeply inappropriate comments”. Individuals have the right to lawful free speech, and banks, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, have a duty to treat customers fairly. The Farage case also highlights a broader problem around how banks deal with high-profile customers. They must comply with the “politically exposed persons” regime — relating to individuals who could abuse their profile for private gain, and launder the proceeds. Banks have to carry out often costly enhanced scrutiny of PEPs, alongside their families and associates... The upshot is an anti-money laundering regime that is both failing to clamp down sufficiently on “dirty money” flows and unfairly penalising the innocent. Britain’s Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has revealed he, too, was refused a bank account under the regime. Difficulties opening bank accounts also only serve to blight further the attraction of entering politics... As for NatWest — in which the UK government still holds close to a 40 per cent stake — its inclusivity efforts would do better to focus on widening access to its banking services, including for the 1mn-plus British adults who have no account at all."
So much for his falling below the wealth threshold. Imagine if he hadn't obtained the memo

Dame Alison Rose: NatWest boss quits after admitting Farage leak to BBC - "Dame Alison said earlier that she made a “serious error of judgment” when she discussed Mr Farage’s relationship with private bank Coutts, owned by the NatWest Group, with a BBC journalist... “the first rule of banking is you have to respect the privacy of the customer. You also have to respect the GDPR regulations. They were both broken, very clearly, by the boss of NatWest.”... Sir Howard initially said the board members had decided the chief executive retained their “full confidence” but her position became ever more uncertain after the Chancellor and Downing Street were said to have “serious concerns” over her conduct... The BBC and its business editor Simon Jack apologised, saying the reporting had been based on information from a “trusted and senior source” but “turned out to be incomplete and inaccurate”."
I remember for a week or two when liberals were crowing about Farage lying and mocking him for being poor

Dame Alison Rose: the bank boss who steered Coutts’ diversity drive - "As the former trainee who worked her way up to become the first female boss of a major British lender, it is Dame Alison Rose who holds ultimate responsibility for Nigel Farage’s bank account closure.  Since taking the helm at NatWest, which owns Coutts, the 53-year-old has overseen their pivot towards saving the planet and putting diversity at the heart of the business... rather than focus solely on the financials of the lender, still a third owned by the taxpayer, she decided that the bank must involve itself in debates over climate change and LGBT rights... Her approach has been evident in the bank’s policies for employees, with staff allowed to identify as men and women on different days as part of a series of LGBT-friendly diversity measures.   Double-sided lanyards were offered to staff who identify as non-binary, so that they could alternate between different identities... Coutts was founded in 1692 and is the eighth oldest bank in the world"
Liberal gospel is that sexual orientation is immutable, but sexual identity can change daily

Nigel Farage and Coutts: Dame Alison Rose must now resign as head of NatWest - "After Alison Rose was appointed the first female chief executive of RBS (later NatWest) in 2019, she announced that “tackling climate change would be a central pillar” of her leadership. Had Rose misread the job spec? Did she think, perhaps, that she had assumed control of Extinction Rebellion rather than a leading capitalist institution?   No, it was apparent that Rose saw her role as primarily ideological rather than tediously financial...  the bank ended new loans for oil and gas extraction, a ruinous piece of virtue signalling which hampered the British people’s access to their own bountiful natural resources. Meanwhile, Norway, a country blessedly uncaptured by Marxist EDI – Equality, Diversity, Inclusion – zealots, is drilling like crazy in its part of the North Sea. (Guess which country the UK now buys half of its oil and gas supplies from at a cost of £40 billion a year? Green purity don’t come cheap, you know.) Not that paying the gas bill is much of a concern for Dame Alison. Last year, her pay packet was £5.25 million, a big chunk of that courtesy of the taxpayer, who owns 39 per cent of NatWest (and thus Coutts) since its bailout during the 2008 financial crisis... A friend who used to be extremely senior at Coutts, and still keeps in touch with former colleagues, says that the scandal over the private bank terminating Nigel Farage’s account was “depressingly inevitable. The forces of woke have wrought havoc there,” he says, “The trouble is members of staff are bullied into compliance with these ‘progressive’ edicts.”   My friend is appalled at the naivety and delusions of the present executives. “These people think they are invulnerable and have little awareness of the outside world. They talk to themselves and listen only to sycophants who will never gainsay them. If what they are said to have done to Farage is accurate it’s disgustingly disgraceful. I’m ashamed of what the bank has become.” 440 Strand (Coutts HQ where men in smart frock-coats still greet you at the door) had a previous flirtation with diversity back in the Seventies and Eighties when it banned the recruitment of public schoolboys. “Absurd. They were the very people who made up a large part of their client base!,” snorts my source. That daft idea was overturned because privately-educated males were rather good at smooth-talking wealthy clients, who valued good manners and discretion above all. More recently, such discrimination has made a comeback. Human Resources departments have been totally captured by EDI, a virulent virus from the US, and City firms have taken to rejecting a whole raft of talented British people in pursuit of “inclusion”.   “Basically, if you’re a brilliant white boy who went to a good school, forget it,” claims one hugely successful banker, a white man who went to a great school, natch. “They’d genuinely rather have a less qualified ethnic minority who can’t even compose an email to the clients because it helps with their ESG Rating.”... Do we suspect that Coutts is likely to have more than a few unsavoury clients “not aligned with our values”? A Chinese tycoon who puts Uyghurs in a concentration camp, perhaps? An Iranian potentate who authorises the mass hanging of gay people and disappears ex-wives in the concrete foundations of his new palace? For them it could well be, “Tea or coffee, Mr Mass Murderer, do you take sugar?” But a Brexit leader who commanded the votes of millions and now hosts a hugely popular show on GB News – Ugh, let’s show him the door! Home Secretary Suella Braverman is right to say the Coutts scandal exposes the “sinister nature” of the “diversity, equity and inclusion industry”. The Farage farrago will undoubtedly lose the bank clients. Serious wealth does not like publicity. “It may score Brownie points with the Islington dinner-party circuit who are not Coutts’ customers anyway,” observes my source, “but it will lose a whole raft of landowners who are naturally conservative, and families who have banked with Coutts for generations. They will be horrified. ‘Why on earth should my political views influence the holding of my account?’, that will be their attitude.”   So why are our banks and other financial institutions in the grip of EDI, a self-righteous, quasi-Communist ideology which despises so many of their clients? One of the UK’s most senior bankers tells me he prefers to call it DIE... How dare bankers in their fifties behave like teenage Maoists with other people’s money.   On a wider level, those of us who thought that the “culture wars” were just something waged by Leftie teachers or right-on theatre groups will have realised that the woodworm of woke is gnawing away at the foundations of all our institutions. People need to wake up to woke. The dangers that EDI and ESG pose – to our international competitiveness, to our economic success, to freedom itself – are profound.   “Sometimes,” says the senior banker, “I want to give up and see how long this millennial generation can manage without destroying everything our civilisation has achieved over the last 400 years.”... Thomas Coutts must be spinning in his grave. He was always prepared to bank anyone, especially those who were being persecuted and even went to Paris at the height of the French Revolution to help beleaguered aristocrats."

How the ‘sinister’ rise of diversity and inclusion turned Coutts against Nigel Farage - "“It is totally wrong for a bank or any company – in particular a public one and partially owned by the state – to exclude someone because their ‘values’ do not align with theirs or their ‘purpose’.  “This idea of companies’ ‘purpose’ is, I think, very sinister. It opens the door to the creation by businesses of an Orwellian dystopian environment… and the [creation of] thought police where everyone has to be on ‘message’.”... Nikhil Rathi, chief executive of the FCA, also told MPs that “you’re not able to discriminate on the basis of political views”, adding that “the law is clear”...  the Farage saga could now leave City executives and regulators asking questions about the influence of DE&I. And, like in Coutts’ case, whether it could cause reputational headaches further down the line."

Nigel Farage is the latest victim of Britain’s chilling new state ideology - "The Coutts papers read as if written by gullible schoolchildren with a Marxist teacher. Criticising BLM is “incit[ing] race hate”. Wikipedia is cited as if it were a reliable source – as is the far-Left boycott group “Hope not Hate”. Even the repeated comment that Farage is “polite to staff” is revealing, as if they find it surprising from someone with his opinions.   But the Farage affair has also highlighted the decline in our culture of freedom. Far too few people spoke up when he first made his allegations. All too many (step forward Jon Sopel) were ready to believe the feeble and, in the light of events, clearly misleading Coutts “explanation” for its actions, relayed by the BBC. And many actively rejoiced in his “debanking” – a horrible neologism, by the way, hopefully going down the memory hole fast... All too quickly, we are going down the road to a different kind of society – to a hyperpoliticised society, in which politics gets into everything. We are beginning to forget what it was like to live in a country where people disagreed about politics but otherwise could get on with their lives. Already a whole range of Leftist opinions are the norms, the accepted world-view of supposedly right-thinking people.   Sure, you can disagree with them, but don’t then expect to live the same kind of life as other people. Don’t expect to work in the public sector. Don’t expect to get a decent job in a big company. And, of course, don’t necessarily expect to keep your bank account. Vaclav Havel’s 1978 essay, The Power of the Powerless, describes a greengrocer who displays the slogan “Workers of the World, Unite!” Havel points out that the shopkeeper doesn’t really think that, and the real message is in fact “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient”. But the meaningless semantics are important in maintaining his own self-esteem: “What’s so wrong with the workers of the world uniting anyway?”... In the end, unless we draw a line, the easiest thing will be to keep your opinions to yourself, mouth the official ideologies on diversity, equity, climate, and multiculturalism, and get on with your life. So it’s important to say it like it is. Nigel Farage’s opinions are as valid as anyone else’s – and they would be even if they were not widely held. They don’t need excusing and they certainly don’t need stigmatising."

Nigel Farage claims three loved-ones have had their bank accounts closed over Brexit - "Nigel Farage told MailOnline today that three members of his family have recently had accounts closed by UK banks - as lenders were accused of dumping customers who say things they don't like on gender and LGBT issues or Brexit."

Suella Braverman: Coutts’ closure of Nigel Farage’s account is ‘sinister’ - "Mr Farage is thought to be just one of thousands of people who have been denied bank accounts for political reasons. They include children of little-known Tory peers who were told they could not have a bank account after being asked about their parents."

Suella Braverman MP on Twitter - "The Coutts scandal exposes the sinister nature of much of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion industry. Apparently anyone who wants to control our borders & stop the boats can be branded ‘xenophobic’ & have their bank account closed in the name of ‘inclusivity’. Natwest & other corporates who have naively adopted this politically biased dogma need a major rethink . This is also an issue for the public sector too, which is why I’m reviewing our policies at the Home Office."
Of course, lots of leftists were upset at her tweet. Some even accused her of not having all the facts

Meme - Throwaway @BioTerrorGreen: "Reactionaries implicitly are afraid of space because it's black"
TARD @Mythotard" "If space was black we'd be giving it way more money than we do currently"


- "It's not British, it's Pidgin English, a 'broken' form of English."
"pidgin languages aren't broken, kinda gross to describe it that way"
"lol, I'm a Nigerian and we call it broken English, sometimes just broken sef instead of Pidgin English."
"white women policing a Nigerian/the people that actually use the language about what the language should be called will always be funny to me"
I remember when a Chinese woman tried to police the South African use of "coloured"


- The 13/51+ Project @the1351project: "For my new followers I worked in a major national park for 3 years. Saw 1 black female in 3 years at this park with millions of visitors a year. It's zero to do with money. Hiking is free. If you ask a black person why they dont hike or backpack they all say the same thing..."
"Shaniqua Posting Delusions @DeludedShaniqwa: Turns out rural racism is when rural whites tell blacks to stop littering and playing loud music Turns out rural racism is when rural whites tell blacks to stop littering and playing loud music Natalie Morris: Wrote about rural racism, the colonial legacies that mar the British countryside, and the groups working to tackle hate and hostility:"
"Nigerian-born Enoch Adeyemi, co-founder of Black Scottish Adventurers, recently shared his experiences of hiking with a large group of Black men, revealing they are constantly subject to spurious complaints about “littering”, condescension and demands to stop playing music. “Why should I turn off my music? Just because white Scottish people enjoy nature one way, that doesn't mean Black people have to enjoy it exactly the same way,” he told the Daily Mail."

Founder of black Scottish hiking team slams 'racist' white ramblers who 'assume his group litters' - "The Nigerian-born hiker also slammed park rangers, claiming they 'perpetuate the cycle of ignorance' by taking such complaints seriously and confronting them about it.  Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority said their rangers have the same approach for all individuals and groups, regardless of ethnicity or background.  But added that they 'strive to make the National Park a place that is accessible and welcoming to all' and take Mr Adeyemi's complaints 'very seriously'... 'When we go hiking we don't see other black people hiking. Hiking is seen as a white people thing - not that there's anything wrong with that.  'White people generally hike, black people generally don't, it is what it is... 'For most folks, hiking is about going up quietly and coming down quietly.  'For us, we're playing music all the way, to the point where you don't feel like you're going up the mountain... 'I just think, don't tell me sorry, when you got that complaint you should have shut it down.  In addition, he believes there may also be cultural differences at play - saying that Africans tend to be more 'animated' and speak louder."
Activities that harm - Forestry and Land Scotland - "  A lot of the time people don’t realise they could be impacting wildlife.    Colin Edwards, our National Environment Manager, is asking people to be mindful of the potential disturbance and harm when they’re out and about... Nearly half the people surveyed hadn’t realised that their noise could impact the species around them. Many species are very sensitive to noise and disruption.  Using firecrackers or playing loud music while in the forest can impact the health of those around you.    We're asking people to be more aware of the amount of noise they make and be more considerate not only the animals but those living and enjoying the park with you."
Damn racist Scottish government!

Marginalising the majority - "It’s the accusatory nature of a great deal of progressive commentary that makes it so obnoxious. On the face of it, it sounds absurd to take offence at an article which maintains that Britons from ethnic minorities can feel uncomfortable in rural areas. Yet an article in The Lead with the headline “Black and brown hikers are taking back Britain’s countryside” is so fiercely combative that one can do nothing else. It stands in your face daring you to react.  First, what’s with that headline? “Taking back”? Did it belong to them? Have I missed a giant chunk of British history? Why must it be “taken” at all? Is this some sort of weird game of “capture the flag”?  One can take headlines too seriously, of course, but the article does include this striking claim:
Traditional ecological knowledge is appropriated by mainstream environmental and conservation movements. Collier says Black people are dispossessed of nature while, simultaneously, white people are taking their knowledge and refashioning it as exclusively theirs.
No examples are presented in support of this. I’m not saying that it’s impossible that British farmers, conservationists et cetera have drawn on the wisdom of farmers and ecologists from elsewhere. I don’t know, but it seems plausible. The author presents this as if it is some kind of ubiquitous phenomenon, however, as if British people had not been developing their knowledge of their rural areas for thousands of years themselves... If someone wants quiet and someone else wants to play music, they can’t both have what they want. If you’re playing music, then I don’t have quiet. As music can be listened to anywhere else — or, indeed, through a novel device called headphones — I think it is extremely fair that the former should prevail.   It’s a term that crops up later in the piece that really got my noggin joggin’. An activist demanding greater minority representation in countryside-related institutions says, “There have to be people of colour, the global majority, appointed into these positions where they can be decision makers. If they do not represent the global majority, they cannot understand and they will not act to address these barriers.”  What is this “global majority” thing? The term has been promoted as an alternative to “ethnic minority”, which is seen as marginalising people from immigrant backgrounds. Westminster Council announced last year that it would adopt “Global Majority” rather than “BAME” (black, Asian and minority ethnic).   Yet if “ethnic minority” marginalises people who have immigrant backgrounds — arguable in itself — “global majority” ends up marginalising people who don’t. Indeed, it does it in a far more explicit manner. “Ethnic minority” is a relative term. If a white British person moves to Indonesia, he or she has joined an ethnic minority. “Global majority”, on the other hand, has been defined as referring to black, Asian and “brown” people. I suppose it’s possible that progressives would accept that in Africa, white, Asian and “brown” people represent the “global majority”, but I can’t see it happening. I suspect the term also smuggles in the idea that British institutions should represent the world rather than Britain... The Anglican Communion is international, of course, but the Church of England is exactly that.  “Global majority” — like “People of Colour” — gestures towards a fictional unanimity. “Ethnic minorities”, for the most part, is seen in the plural sense, referencing a diverse mixture of groups (which, of course, themselves encompass diverse individuals). “Global majority” implies that there is some sort of cohesion within groups that often have little in common and, indeed, sometimes don’t get along (as in Leicester, last year, where Hindu and Muslim men bitterly feuded). It’s an ambition disguised as a description.  This term should have no place in our discourse, especially in the work of state and tax-funded institutions. Question it before it’s everywhere."

Meme - Greg @HarmfulOpinion: "WHiTe SuPrEmAcY is looking pretty diverse these days."
Los Angeles Times: "Column: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You've been warned"
The New Yorker: "The Rise of Latino White Supremacy"
Al Jazeera: "Why white supremacists and Hindu nationalists are so alike"
The Nation: "Asian American Conservatives Have Become Key Allies of White Supremacy"

Meme - John Whelan: "When they say they're coming for your children, they're pushing buttons to provoke and laugh at the ensuing right wing hysteria."
Richard Fisher: "maybe, its a very strange approach. Do you make the same excuses when people chant 'the Jews shall not replace us'? Are they just pushing buttons to provoke the Left? And anyway, since when did kiddie fiddling become a left/right issue? It is interesting is it not that you think that only the right wing could be worried about their kids and the left wing are happy to have them groomed. Thats weird I'm left wing and the lefty people I know aren't into kiddie fiddling. I guess it is different where you live?"
The left always gets a free pass

Eliminating child support for Black fathers in CA will make more hurting single mothers and kids: Larry Elder - "Eliminating Black fathers' child support debt in California will only serve to further break down the Black family and harm single mothers and their children, Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder said.   The California Reparations Task Force’s final report released last month included a recommendation to eliminate interest on past-due child support as well as any accrued interest on existing child support debt for Black residents of the state. It also suggested providing forgiveness for some low-income debt holders... The Reparations Task Force didn't offer recourse for single parents who wouldn't receive the full child support payments they're owed... The report stated that "discriminatory" laws "have torn African American families apart" and that there's a "disproportionate amount of African Americans who are burdened with child support debt."... "I just see a bunch of people asking for money, a bunch of people making demands of people that had nothing to do with whatever plight they're complaining about," Elder said. "It's asinine." "The whole panel was designed to basically extract money from other people. And that's exactly what they've done. Black people are just eternal victims in America," he added. "We're not responsible for our own conditions right now as we speak.""
Liberals will just blame the worse outcomes on racism, to further their agenda

External locus of control contributes to racial disparities in memory and reasoning training gains in ACTIVE - "Racial disparities in cognitive outcomes may be partly explained by differences in locus of control. African Americans report more external locus of control than non-Hispanic Whites, and external locus of control is associated with poorer health and cognition. The aims of this study were to compare cognitive training gains between African American and non-Hispanic White participants in the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study and determine whether racial differences in training gains are mediated by locus of control. The sample comprised 2,062 (26% African American) adults aged 65 and older who participated in memory, reasoning, or speed training. Latent growth curve models evaluated predictors of 10-year cognitive trajectories separately by training group. Multiple group modeling examined associations between training gains and locus of control across racial groups. Compared to non-Hispanic Whites, African Americans evidenced less improvement in memory and reasoning performance after training. These effects were partially mediated by locus of control, controlling for age, sex, education, health, depression, testing site, and initial cognitive ability. African Americans reported more external locus of control, which was associated with smaller training gains. External locus of control also had a stronger negative association with reasoning training gain for African Americans than for Whites. No racial difference in training gain was identified for speed training. Future intervention research with African Americans should test whether explicitly targeting external locus of control leads to greater cognitive improvement following cognitive training."
Damn racism and white supremacy! Liberals telling black people they're victims means they will be more empowered!

Meme - "Western game dev has been here."
"How can you tell?"
"Ugly women."

Meme - "1999
Just because we're homosexual doesn't mean we should be harassed. We just want to blend in and live our lives in peace
Sounds entirely reasonable to me
We're gonna hold a pride parade through your city to celebrate our lifestyle
Fine with me
We've made up a dozen new genders and pronouns to match. It's now a hatecrime if you don't refer to me as 'xe/xim/xis' (also latinos are now called latinx)
We're gonna paint our flag on all your pedestrian crossings. We will charge anyone who leaves skid-marks on them with a hatecrime.
We demand representation. All TV shows, movies, and video games must have at least one LGBT character (also we made your favorite childhood cartoon character gay)
Sounds real petty bro
You are no longer allowed to say "faBBot" online anymore, even if you're in a closed group of friends who can handle banter
Wait you're policing my speech now?
#protecttranskids We demand that you give your son puberty blockers if he likes wearing dresses
Okay this is fucked up
It is now federal law that men who wear wigs can participate in female sports. Any woman athlete who opposes this is a bigot
I've created a monster"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

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