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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Links - 30th July 2023 (1 - Migrants)

Meme - "Define irony: an 'Abolish ICE' flag on a newly built fence"

Afghan refugee who 'raped and murdered' 13-year-old girl in Austria tries to avoid extradition - "A Channel migrant who drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl before killing her has tried to use a legal technicality to stay in the UK, a court heard today.    Afghan-born Rasuili Zubaidullah, 23, is accused of drugging and raping teenager Leonie Walner whose body was found rolled up in a carpet in the Austrian capital of Vienna... The three took ecstasy and went back to Zubaidullah's apartment in Donaustadt, in Vienna's 22nd district, where they were joined by two other men, 18 and 23.  The men allegedly gave the schoolgirl more drugs to 'make her compliant' before brutally raping her and rolling her body up in a carpet. She was then dumped on the street about 100 metres from Zubaidullah's apartment, an extradition hearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court heard.   Austrian police arrested the three other men, also immigrants, after they allegedly boasted to a friend about having wild sex with a young girl. The friend immediately reported the crime to the police.   Zubaidullah then boarded a boatload of refugees and claimed asylum in Britain. He provided authorities in Kent with a fake name on July 18 last year after he successfully crossed the Channel... The case has raised concerns that checks on Afghan refugees coming into the UK are not strict enough, at a time when border crossings have reached record highs"

Iranian man who raped lodger in London 'can't be deported in case he is persecuted in his homeland' - "A Iranian rapist has won the right to stay in the UK after a judge decided he would face persecution in his native country, a report states.  Despite apparently lying about being a former employee of MI5, his appeal against deportation was successful."

Arbeitsmarkt für Flüchtlinge: Mehrheit der Syrer bekommt Hartz IV - "Fast zwei Drittel aller erwerbsfähigen Syrer in Deutschland lebt ganz oder teilweise von Hartz IV. Mit 65 Prozent war der Anteil der Bezieher staatlicher Unterstützung unter Zuwanderern aus Syrien im März dieses Jahres deutlich höher als unter Ausländern aus anderen Hauptherkunftsländern von Asylbewerbern wie etwa Somalia oder Afghanistan... Der hohe Anteil syrischer Leistungsbezieher sei „angesichts der hohen Schutzquote und der somit vergleichsweise guten Bleibeperspektive bemerkenswert“. Die Annahme, dass ein sicherer Status zu einer schnelleren Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt führe, scheine sich hier nicht zu bestätigen...  Im April 2021 waren laut Bundesagentur 27,4 Prozent der Syrer im erwerbsfähigen Alter, 46,8 Prozent der Ausländer insgesamt und 63,1 Prozent der Deutschen sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt. Wer einen Integrationskurs oder einen Berufssprachkurs besucht, wird nicht als Arbeitsloser gezählt, sondern als „Unterbeschäftigter“. Hartz IV erhält außerdem, wer so wenig verdient, dass er seinen Lebensunterhalt davon nicht allein bestreiten kann... Gut ein Viertel der Geflüchteten habe Hochschulen oder berufliche Bildungseinrichtungen besucht und 16 Prozent hätten einen Abschluss. Unter der in Deutschland geborenen Bevölkerung verfügen vier Fünftel über berufliche oder akademische Abschlüsse."
"Almost two thirds of all employable Syrians in Germany live entirely or partially on Hartz IV . At 65 percent, the proportion of immigrants from Syria who received government support in March of this year was significantly higher than among foreigners from other main countries of origin of asylum seekers, such as Somalia or Afghanistan... The high proportion of Syrian benefit recipients is "remarkable in view of the high protection rate and the comparatively good prospects of staying". The assumption that a secure status leads to faster integration into the labor market does not seem to be confirmed here... In April 2021, according to the Federal Agency, 27.4 percent of Syrians of working age, 46.8 percent of foreigners and 63.1 percent of Germans were employed subject to social security contributions. Those who attend an integration course or a professional language course are not counted as unemployed, but as “underemployed”. Hartz IV is also given to those who earn so little that they cannot make a living from it alone.... A good quarter of the refugees have attended universities or vocational training institutions and 16 percent have a degree. Four fifths of the population born in Germany have professional or academic qualifications."
Weird. We were told that Syrians were highly educated and would integrate better than other migrants, and that the European migrant crisis was the solution to Germany's ageing population

Ireland: Emerald Isle, Tragic Isle - "A researcher found 15 “No Irish need apply” ads in the 1842 editions of just the New York Sun. When Frederick Law Olmstead toured the South before the Civil War, he asked a slaveholder why, for some jobs, he hired Irishmen. “It’s dangerous work,” he explained, “and a negro’s life is too valuable to be risked at it. If a negro dies, it’s a considerable loss, you know.”... In 1987, there was a trickle of 17,000. Last year, there was a flood of more than 120,000, and this year, even more are likely to come. These are big numbers for a country of only 5 million... More than 5,000 came without passports, and not because they didn’t have them. They used them to board a ship or plane, but lost them during the trip. This makes it harder to judge asylum claims. Seventy percent of these frauds were men. One of them explained that Ireland is an easy touch: “When Corona gone, the people start hearing about Ireland. That, in Ireland, they give people the asylum, the papers and they give them the work permit – everybody comes to Ireland.” Ireland doesn’t have the will to deport criminals and asylum-fakers. An Irish site called The Burkean learned through a freedom of information request that not even 20 percent of the people ordered to leave actually go...   Here is Amanullah De Sondy, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Islam and Chair of Race Equality at University College in Cork. I bet you didn’t know they have chairs of race equality at Irish universities, but they do. He says, “The fact is there is more and more of me and that is Ireland’s future and Ireland’s future has to be represented through the media.” More and more of me! We’re taking over! Thanks for clarifying that, Amanullah.  And here’s a young lad who gets the message. Some Irish have had enough. Just this year, there has been enough grass-roots opposition to immigration that Wikipedia has a page devoted to demonstrations...   Big Brother doesn’t like this. The president of Ireland “questions future of national borders to block migration.”... Ireland for all? As someone wanted to know, “Africa is 430 times the size of Ireland. So why do Africans have to live in Ireland?” Asia is almost four times the size of Africa, but here’s an Asian at the rally, explaining he has to be in Ireland to “breathe in freedom.”... Ordinary people aren’t fooled. Before the rally, Independent.ie had this headline: “President Michael D Higgins condemns those ‘sowing hate and building fear’ around refugees as poll shows 56pc believe Ireland ‘took in too many’.” Even in the teeth of pro-foreigner propaganda, 56 percent of the Irish said there were too many. Fourteen percent weren’t sure, and only 30 percent disagreed.  But Mr. Higgins, president of the republic, says those 56 percent are “sowing hate,” “building fear,” and are “unforgivable.”...   Ireland never had an empire. It was brutally colonized. It never practiced slavery. Instead, many Irish were slaves. The Irish are indigenous."
Of course, it is Ireland's responsibility to take in "refugees" because of its long history of colonialism and its history of destabilising the developing world by invading it
Of course, it doesn't stop complaints about racism. Weird why so many people want to move to a racist country

Addendum: Weird. The woke tell us if you think the Irish were as oppressed as black slaves, you're a white supremacist
Mirror for Africa is 430 times the size of Ireland meme

Jack Poso 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Here is a map of terror attacks in Europe. Poland has a strict no-migrants policy. Draw your own conclusions"

Knife attack at park in French Alps critically wounds 4 young children as people cry for help - "As bystanders screamed for help, a man with a knife stabbed four young children at a lakeside park in the French Alps on Thursday, assaulting at least one in a stroller repeatedly. Authorities said the children, between 22 months and 3 years old, suffered life-threatening injuries, and two adults were also wounded.  The helplessness of the young victims and the savagery of the attack sickened France, and drew international condemnation.  A suspect, identified by police as a 31-year-old Syrian, was detained in connection with the morning attack in the town of Annecy. French authorities said he had recently been refused asylum in France, because Sweden had already granted him permanent residency and refugee status a decade ago... The man appeared to shout “on name of Jesus Christ” as he waved his knife in the air... The suspect was a political refugee in Sweden, the prosecutor said. The Swedish Migration Agency said he was granted permanent residency in 2013. The agency did not identify the suspect but said he subsequently sought Swedish citizenship in 2017 and 2018, both times denied, and applied again in August 2022.  French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said the suspect entered France legally, and “for some reasons we don’t really understand, he applied for asylum in Switzerland, in Italy and in France, which he didn’t need to do as he already had asylum in Sweden for the past 10 years.”"

France: ‘Christian’ who stabbed children on playground turns out to be a Muslim named Selwan Majd - "He claimed his name was Abd El-Messih Hanoun, but his real name is “Selwan Majd,” a refugee from Al-Hasakah in northern Syria.  He had traveled to Turkey with false papers where he met a Swedish tourist and made her believe he was a Muslim convert to Christianity.  He married her in Sweden under the false Christian name, but the Swedish authorities doubted him and refused to grant him citizenship, later his wife separated from him.  In France, he went to seek help in a church but the church also doubted him.  He committed his crime by wearing a cross, claiming he was a Christian in order to hide his terrorist nature.  Unfortunately, the European authorities have acquired a lot of false information recorded either by the refugees themselves or by the Turkish authorities.  Thousands of people infiltrated European countries and became sleeper cells."

JU from r/worldnews due censorship of legitimate news. Any posts about the attack in France are instantly removed for no clear reason. : JustUnsubbed - "All of these “News” subreddits are not news subreddits but rather left wing echo chambers."
"World News has been like this for years. The used to(and likely still do) censor posts about terrorist attacks on Isreal but push hard to the front page the terrible shit Isreal does."

Meme - "The French when their pensions get cut a little *angry mob*
The French when a guy with a small knife starts stabbing kids *scared crowd*"
On the Annecy Stabbings

Country of Origin IQ and Muslim Percentage Predict Grade Point Average in School among 116 Immigrant Groups in Denmark - "Immigrants to Western countries typically have worse social outcomes than natives, but country of origin immigrant groups differ widely. We studied school performance in Denmark for 116 immigrant groups measured by the grade point average (GPA) of the 9th grade exam at the end of compulsory schooling. General intelligence is a strong causal factor of school outcomes and life outcomes in general for individuals. We accordingly predicted that country of origin average intelligence (national IQ) will predict immigrant group outcomes. We furthermore included as covariates immigrant generation (first vs. second) as well as the Muslim percentage of country of origin. Results show that GPA in Denmark can be predicted by national IQ r = .47 (n = 81), Muslim percentage r = -.40 (n = 81), and educational selectivity of immigrants entering Denmark r = .35 (n = 71). Regression modeling indicated that each predictor is informative when combined. The final model explained 46.3% of the variance with first generation (binary) β = -0.65, βIQ = 0.29, βMuslim = -0.21, and β education selectivity index = 0.27 (all predictors p < .001, n = 97). Our results are in line with existing research on cognitive stratification and immigration."

French activist murdered by Afghan migrant near Cherbourg - "French police have arrested an Afghan national following the brutal murder of a prominent activist in northern France who helped migrants. The 63-year-old was bludgeoned to death.  The attacker reportedly entered the home of the victim, Jean Dussine, in Bretteville-en-Saire near the port city of Cherbourg, where he was repeatedly hit with a blunt object to the point of death on May 12, 2020, according to French prosecutors. Local newspapers reported that Dussine was murdered in his sleep...  Jean Dussine headed the local migrants assistance organization "Itinerance" in Cherbourg for four years and had also been hosting migrants at his personal home. The suspect was, in fact, chased down and caught by six migrants who were living at Dussine's home. They reported to the police that the attacker himself had not been living at Dussine’s residence."

Nottingham attacks: What we know - "Three people died and another three were injured following a series of attacks in Nottingham early on Tuesday morning.  A 31-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in police custody... The 31-year-old suspect in custody is originally from West Africa but had been in the UK for many years... It is also understood that the man has a history of mental health issues."
I was trying to find out what happened but none of the first stories that popped up on Facebook would be clear. Which itself tells you what happened
Weird. The media keep telling us only when it's white people do they blame mental health

Sweden: Illegal migrants have higher priority for health care than Swedish elderly - Voice of Europe - "Under new guidelines drawn up to deal with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, illegal migrants in Sweden could be given higher prioritization for health care than the elderly from the country’s native population.  The National Board of Health and Welfare has issued guidelines to medical staff which specifically state that patients should be treated on the basis of their health — and thus chances of recovery — rather than according to whether they are Swedish citizens or their legal status, according to a report by Nyheter Idag.  In practice, this means that the elderly, or those with pre-existing medical conditions, among Sweden’s native population could be given lower priority than illegal migrants as the outbreak wreaks its havoc.  A spokesman for the Health Board claimed that these guidelines are necessary to halt the spread of the virus."
From 2020. Original article

Effects of Immigration on African-American Employment and Incarceration - "a 10 percent rise in immigrants in a particular skill group significantly trimmed the wages of black and white men alike. For African-Americans, the decline was 3.6 percent. For whites, it was actually slightly higher: 3.8 percent. Beyond that, however, the black-white experience differed markedly, especially for low-skilled workers. Take employment rates: from 1960 to 2000, black high school dropouts saw their employment rates drop 33 percentage points -- from 88.6 percent to 55.7 percent -- the authors found in their analysis of census data from 1960 to 2000. The decrease for white high school dropouts was only roughly half that -- from 94.1 percent to 76.0 percent.  One reason, the authors argue, is that black employment is more sensitive to an immigration influx than white employment. For white men, an immigration boost of 10 percent caused their employment rate to fall just 0.7 percentage points; for black men, it fell 2.4 percentage points.  That same immigration rise was also correlated with a rise in incarceration rates. For white men, a 10 percent rise in immigration appeared to cause a 0.1 percentage point increase in the incarceration rate for white men. But for black men, it meant a nearly 1 percentage-point rise.  Why would a boost in immigration effectively put more men, especially black men, behind bars? The authors put forward a straightforward theory: immigration causes wages and employment to fall for black workers. When this happens, some of those workers -- especially those with the lowest skills -- turn to crime to increase their income. Certainly, the census data reveal a statistical link: as immigration began to increase, beginning in the 1980s, so did the institutionalization of low-skilled black men. While the Census Bureau defines institutions to include mental hospitals, the 1980 census -- and Justice Department data -- suggests that the majority of young men who were institutionalized were, in fact, in prison or in jail.   The rise in incarceration is most dramatic for the lowest-skilled black men... "The 1980-2000 immigrant influx, therefore, generally 'explains' about 20 to 60 percent of the decline in wages, 25 percent of the decline in employment, and about 10 percent of the rise in incarceration rates among blacks with a high school education or less""
Do liberals love (illegal) immigrants more or blacks more?

Thread by @CDP1882 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Lots of people are spreading this misinformation about the role ethnicity has played in the grooming gang scandal. This is the biggest race hate scandal in 21st century Britain so we need to get it right...  The authorities were worried by the race angle. In 2008 the Human Trafficking Centre commissioned a film about the dangers of on-street grooming. But three years after being made, it still wasn't shown in schools, apparently because they were "scared" of the subject matter... The Jay Report found that the majority of perpetrators were described as Asian by their victims but that the council had failed to address that, with some staff worried about discussing ethnicity for fear of being seen as racist, while others were told explicitly not to. Only around 2-3% of the population of Rotherham during the period examined by the Jay Report came from a Pakistani ethnic background. Most abusers of the 1,400 girls therefore came from a population of only around 8,000 people. Clearly they were hugely over-represented. Following the Jay Report, the government commissioned an investigation of Rotherham Council by Louise Casey. It found that political correctness had prevented the council dealing with the abuse. A social worker said that statistics on ethnicity were taken out of presentations. The Casey Report also found that the majority of abusers were of Pakistani ethnicity and the majority of victims were white. This was "a matter of fact". The Council was scared of mentioning ethnicity and confronting that there was "a race issue here". This over-representation of Pakistani ethnicity abusers targeting white girls wasn't exclusive to Rotherham. The Telford Inquiry released last year found the town had at least 1,000 victims and that this figure might be "tame". The Telford Inquiry also found that, like in Rotherham, efforts to discuss the nature of the abuse were shut down with accusations that it was racist. Claims of racism helped prevent effective action and led to the abuse being allowed to carry on...  To find out if this over-representation was true, a Home Office Report was commissioned and then published in 2020. It supposedly found that the majority of abusers were white men - a line which is trotted out whenever Pakistani ethnicity over-representation is mentioned. But what the Home Office report actually found was that data was so poor that nobody knew for sure. Rather than try to actually find out, they limply pointed out that a majority of abusers were white. But of course that’s the case, Britain is a majority white country! Going all the way back to Andrew Norfolk in The Times, the contention had always been that those of Pakistani heritage were over-represented as abusers, not the majority of abusers. And the research cited by the Home Office Report actually agreed with that... During the research for my film “Grooming Gangs: Britain's Shame” I came across a new research paper which showed that people of Muslim and especially Pakistani heritage were significantly over-represented in group based localised child sexual exploitation. By comparing the number of prosecutions to the overall population, the NCA-cited study showed that 1 in every 2,200 Muslim men over 16 in England and Wales had been prosecuted for this crime from 1997 to 2017. When it came to Pakistanis, rates of prosecution across England and Wales for this kind of abuse was 1 in 1,700.  In Rochdale, 1 in 280 Muslim males over 16 were prosecuted.  In Telford, it was 1 in 126.  In Rotherham, 1 in 73."

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Jewish Journalist Arrested By London's Sadiq Khan's 'Hate Crime and Hate Speech' Police led by former Imam Emad Choudhury - "The ‘wrong think’ sharia unit led by Police Constable Emad Choudhury targeted Fahrenheit211 for allegedly creating memes mocking high profile leftist individuals, criticizing Islam and criticism of radical dangerous groups such as Tell Mama, “who are in receipt of vast amounts of public money, resources to which I and others do not consider them entitled to have.”  Fahrenheit211 had his door broken down, computer and other items confiscated, he was handcuffed and jailed by members of London mayor, Sadiq Khan’s ‘hate speech and hate crime’ team."

Europe Is Falling to Islam. Will America? - "“Within five years,” said former French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, “the situation could become irreversible.”  He was referring to the rising tide of violence resulting from Muslim immigration. His comment was from an interview that took place almost two years ago... Significant social change usually takes place over the course of many decades, but sometimes gradual trends enter into an acceleration phase, and massive social transformations take place in a matter of years. A few years ago, who would have imagined that the demands of the transgender “community” would become the determining factor in the decisions of school boards, corporate boards, and athletic associations? Who would have thought that the “right” of boys to enter the girls’ locker room, or the “right” of drag queens to conduct story hours in public libraries, would someday outweigh all other considerations? Yet, here we are. Thus far, the Islamization of several major European states has been a gradual process. But there are signs that this trend is now set to accelerate. After a 9/11-style plot was recently foiled by French intelligence services, the new Interior Minister, Christophe Castaner, revealed that 60 such attacks had been foiled since 2013.  Meanwhile, 235,000 complaints for rape or attempted rape were filed in 2018; this was 62,000 more than in 2016, and an astonishing 225,000 more than in 2005. In 2018, there were also more than a thousand anti-Christian attacks (mostly, the desecration of churches), and 541 anti-Semitic acts—up 64 percent from 2017, and a shocking statistic when one considers that Jews make up less than one percent of the French population.  Charles Gave, an economist who published an article on “The Demographic Suicide of Europe,” wrote that within thirty years, France will submit to Islam. In response, the mainstream press denounced him as “Islamophobic.” Likewise, when journalist Eric Zemmour wrote that he fears that the fight for the survival of France is “a battle already lost,” he, too, was accused of “Islamophobia.” While anti-Muslim attacks are much fewer than anti-Christian or anti-Jewish attacks, and while only a few journalists dare to criticize Islam, French leftists have managed to create the perception that the nation is endangered by a wave of Islamophobia. On November 10, a coalition of left-wing groups organized a 13,000-strong march in Paris against Islamophobia. While the French are engaged in their quick-time march to Islamization, a similar phenomenon is occurring in the U.K. The British have been in appeasement mode for a long time. For more than a decade, police and other authorities turned a blind eye to the activities of Muslim grooming gangs who were responsible for the rape and prostitution of thousands of teenage girls in towns and cities across the English Midlands. On the other hand, authorities were quick to prosecute the handful of “Islamophobes” who called attention to the crimes. Tommy Robinson, for example, was arrested on at least four occasions. Islamophobia now seems to be a hate crime in England. On October 22, a Jewish blogger who goes by the name Fahrenheit 211, and who has been critical of Islam, was handcuffed and arrested at his home by at least a half-dozen police. The constables were led by a Muslim officer who is attached to the ‘hate crime and hate speech’ unit organized by Sadiq Khan, the Muslim mayor of London. The blogger was jailed on suspicion of Islamophobia; as Fahrenheit notes, it’s increasingly common in Britain to be arrested for such crimes of “wrongthink.”... President Obama famously said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” Many of his policies and appointments seemed geared to ensure that critics of Islam would have no future. On September 27, 2012, in a nighttime raid, federal authorities arrested Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of a short YouTube video that mocked Muhammad. Mr. Nakoula was found guilty of probation violation and was sentenced to one year in prison. Of course, his real crime was that he had slandered the Prophet of Islam.  During President Obama’s eight-year tenure, he developed close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood—an organization that has been labeled as the “mother of all terrorist groups”—and he actively facilitated the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt under Mohamed Morsi. Meanwhile, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, worked closely with the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on plans to criminalize criticism of Islam. At around the same time, it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton’s top aide and close confidant, Huma Abedin, had family members who were deeply enmeshed in Muslim Brotherhood organizations. As it turned out, Ms. Abedin herself worked for several years as a managing editor for a Muslim Brotherhood journal. No matter. When five members of Congress asked for an investigation of Ms. Abedin, they were treated like pariahs.  The Obama administration also channeled huge sums of money to Iran’s Islamist regime—money which not only advanced Iran’s nuclear program, but also enabled it to supply weapons to terrorist groups across the world.  Back on the home front, Islamic activist groups such as CAIR, ISNA, and MAS made a great deal of headway under the Obama administration"
From 2019

Far-right parties on the rise across Europe - "Old taboos dating back to Europe's devastating 20th Century war against the Nazis and fascist Italy - meaning most voters felt you shouldn't vote ever again for the extreme right and mainstream political parties refused to collaborate with far-right groupings - are gradually being eroded.  I was living in Vienna back in 2000 when the centre-right first jumped into a coalition government bed with the far-right Freedom Party. It made headlines the world over. The EU even slapped Vienna with diplomatic sanctions.  Now, the EU's third largest economy, Italy, is run by Giorgia Meloni, head of a party with neo-fascist roots. In Finland, after 3 months of debate, the far-right nationalists The Finns recently joined the coalition government.  In Sweden the firmly anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism Sweden Democrats are the second largest party in parliament, propping up the right-wing coalition government there.  In Greece last Sunday three hard-right parties won enough seats to enter parliament, while in Spain, the controversial nationalist Vox Party - the first successful far-right party in Spain since the death of fascist dictator Francisco Franco in 1975 - outperformed all expectations in recent regional elections. There's talk about them possibly forming a coalition government with the conservatives after national elections in three weeks' time.  Then there are the ultra-conservative, authoritarian-leaning governments in Poland and in Hungary.  The list really does go on and on.  Including even Germany, still so sensitive about its fascist past.  Polls there now put the far right AfD just ahead of, or neck and neck with, Chancellor Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD). Last weekend an AfD candidate won a local leadership post for the first time. The SPD called it "a political dam-breaker"... Paris-based Director of Institut Montaigne's Europe Programme Georgina Wright told me she believes the far-right renaissance in Europe is largely down to dissatisfaction with the political mainstream. Currently in Germany, 1 in 5 voters say they're unhappy with their coalition government, for example.  Wright said many voters in Europe are attracted by the outspokenness of parties on the far-right and there's tangible frustration that traditional politicians don't appear to have clear answers in 3 key areas of life:
Issues linked to identity - a fear of open borders and an erosion of national identity and traditional values
Economics - a rejection of globalisation and resentment that children and grandchildren aren't assured a better future
Social justice - a feeling that national governments are not in control of the rules that govern the lives of citizens
You can see these issues bleeding into the debate about green energy in Europe too.  In the Netherlands this year, the right-wing populist Farmer-Citizen Movement made headlines by grabbing the largest number of seats of any party in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections.  In France, Emmanuel Macron was faced by so-called yellow vest protesters, including far-right groupings, when he tried to raise petrol prices in an attempt to put people off travelling by car.  While in Germany, public concern and anger about finances is holding back the Green Party sitting in government from introducing environmental reforms it promised."
Law and Order and not destroying the economy for virtue signalling are "Far right"

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