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Friday, August 04, 2023

Links - 4th August 2023 (1 - Women)

Meme - "This is what I'm referring to when I tell my of she looks like a goddess *ugly pre-historic fertility symbol*"

Meme - "*fat, ugly woman* Taylor, 23
Plus size
If you white, it's an automatic no.
If you Hispanic, it's an a maybe
If you Black, it's an automatic yes
cxgood_: "White privilege""

Dark side of life as 'Iranian Lionel Messi' who was accused of conning 23 women into sex - "  All Reza Parastesh had to do for his fame, however, was look just like the seven-time Ballon d'Or winner. Dubbed the "Iranian Messi", he went viral worldwide back in 2017 for the uncanny resemblance... Spanish outlet Marca claimed in 2019 he'd conned a total of 23 women into having sex with him as they thought he was the then-Barcelona and now PSG star.  Reza denied ever doing such a thing - after all, he lives in a traditionally conservative country where it's illegal to have sexual relations outside of marriage...   "Put yourself in my place. You’re living in a Muslim country and this false news is spread, what will happen? Do you know that this sentence carries the death penalty in my country?...   Reza's newfound fame also landed him in hot water with the Iranian police, who arrested him for disturbing the peace when he was mobbed by crowds of people wanting to take a picture of him."

Meme - "Average Bri*ish woman glowup
*Sophie Turner*
17 *pretty*, 20 *pretty*, 23 *pretty*, 24 *pretty*, 26 *Vampire*"

Meme - "When a woman is attracted to man, she speaks in a higher pitch than normal. That explains why every girl i talk to sounds like fucking batman"

(PDF) Experimental evidence that women speak in a higher voice pitch to men they find attractive - "Although humans can raise and lower their voice pitch, it is not known whether such alterations can function to increase the likelihood of attracting preferred mates. Because men find higher-pitched women’s voices more attractive, the voice pitch with which women speak to men may depend on the strength of their attraction to those men. Here, we measured voice pitch when women left voicemail messages for men with masculinized and feminized faces. We found that the difference in women’s voice pitch between these two conditions positively correlated with the strength of their preference for the masculinized versus feminized faces, whereby women tended to speak with a higher voice pitch to the face they found more attractive. Speaking with a higher voice pitch when talking to men they wish to attract may function to reduce the amount of mating effort that women expend in order to attract and retain preferred mates."

Meme - "Single mom is not a coupon code
Kristin Michelle: "As a single mom myself, I'm really angry I didn't know I could be guilting people into giving me free stuff all this time! Seriously though, I also disabled (from birth) yet I still managed to get a very good job with medical, dental & vision insurance. I didn't go to college & my parents didn't have much. They do help me occasionally but I've mostly earned everything i have. We live ina nice place & drive a new car. Even just went on vacation for a week. I get $89 a month in child support cause I make more than his dad too lol So it can be done. We're not all losers! My pregnancy wasn't even an "accident"""

Stacey Solomon agrees with men who are honest about why they don't want to date single parents - "Some of the reasons included, not wanting to feel second best, the freedom to go on holidays at a moment's notice and not feeling equipped to be a father figure. Andrea read out one specific comment from a man who thinks 'single mums are more expensive than prostitutes'."

Rate of single men in the US looking for dates has declined - "New data from the Pew Research Center has shown that 63% of men under 30 are single – up from 51% in 2019.  COVID isolation and women’s high expectations for something serious are the main reasons they’re avoiding going out and coupling up, young guys say.  “Dates feel more like job interviews now. Much more like ‘What can you do for me and where is this going?'” said Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria...   “She literally asked me, ‘Would you rather our kids go to public or private school?’ Followed by several more extreme questions about getting married. I just started responding with what I knew she would hate the most to get her to leave”... Experts agree that women are certainly wanting more than ever before.  “The overall picture [is] that if a woman is going to go on a date with a man, chances are it’s not for a casual fling,” Ronald Levant, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron, told The Post.  “Especially if the woman is kind of getting close to 30, [she’s] thinking about the biological clock and wants to have a family,” he added... Andrew Bruno, a 28-year-old nurse from Bellmore, NY, says flirting in the post-COVID era just isn’t as fun as it once was.  “Being able to naturally approach people while out isn’t like it was pre-pandemic. People are still much less likely to leave their groups or cliques at a bar,” said Bruno. “They’re certainly less talkative and that’s lowered my incentive to put myself out there.”  He also said the pandemic, more than ever before, made dating apps the central means for meeting people — and he’s not a fan... like Breslow, he’s in no hurry to get hitched."

Meme - Superheroines: "Well Lois, I think you're Wonder Woman, so let me Rip your top open..."

Meme - "Fucking hell. Work finish, come home, wash clothes, iron, cook, shower, still must suck cock?!"

Meme - "r/Advice
My husband said I have "boy pussy."
I am a biological female and a woman. I havent spoken to him since. For context we were having sex, and at some point with his eyes closed he moaned "yeah that boy pussy..." and then stopped, realizing he spoke outloud. I'd feel better if he mentioned another woman cause we're (somewhat) open but i'm pretty sure he's bisexual and instead of speaking to me about it, fantasizes about me being a twink."

Meme - "When you find the perfect 2022 Ferrari but it's got over 200k miles on it: *woman with 4 kids*"

Meme - "She knows what she's doing
To the guys over 25: I work a stable job and have my own place
To the guys under 25: I love Star Wars and have a fat ass"

Singaporean Girl who thinks guys should pay more also mocks boyfriend for lasting "only ten minutes" in portable charger ad. : SingaporeRaw

Do Women Prefer Tall Or Short Men? - "Multiple studies have shown that height is one of the most appealing physical attributes a heterosexual man can possess. (Comparatively fewer studies have been carried out on height preferences among gay men and lesbian women, though some research suggests that gay men who prefer to top are attracted to shorter men, and men who prefer to bottom are attracted to taller men.)... Most of the women I spoke to were unrepentant about finding taller men attractive, even if they acknowledged that it had blinded them to otherwise unsuitable men and cut off their ability to fancy shorter men. Catherine says she wouldn’t change her dating preferences even if she could. "My friends berate me for being 'heightist', but it's something I'm attracted to," she explains. "Obviously, I see really hot guys who are shorter than me and I wish I could get over it, but I suppose it's your way of whittling down, otherwise I'd fancy everyone.""

Retired officer, 51, finds new career as a stripper cop — handcuffs included - "From serve and protect to strip and erect.  A career cop who spent more than 30 years on the force has found a new passion performing as a policewoman stripper.  Michelle Walton, 51, who hails from the Isle of Wight in England, retired from her local police department in 2020 before creating her saucy stripping routine when she joined a small burlesque dance class... Walton was performing her policewoman stripper act for charity on the Isle of Wight."

The 1975 star Matt Healy slammed for strange 'age-check' before snogging adoring fan - "The 1975 singer Matt Healy has left fans feeling uncomfortable after appearing to check a woman's age on her ID before snogging her at a gig.  Matt, 33, has quickly gone viral after a video emerged of him kissing a fan during a concert in Las Vegas.  Matt - the son of Loose Women star Denise Welch - spots a female fan in the crowd holding a sign asking for him to be her "first kiss".  "You better not be f***ing 16," he tells her as the woman shouts to tell him she has ID proving that she's 22 years old.  He appears to check the woman's ID and bites down on the laminated card in what looks like a check to make sure it's real."
Of course, if he hadn't checked her age and she'd been younger, he'd have been shamed for taking advantage of a young woman
Clearly 22 year old women are unable to consent to even kissing older men. They better not be allowed to vote, to protect themselves and society

Meme - Noam Blum @neontaster: "> be a man

> be in your 20s
> can't get a date because women are dating men in their 40s

> finally become 40

> now women in their 20s d
ate you
> the women who wouldn't date you in your 20s call you a creep"

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz: "Been talking to a lot of women recently who are also in their late 30s/40s about how weird it feels to be the same age as the men we dated were when we were in our early 20s. So many men in their 30s/40s use women in their early 20s to cling to their youth and it's gross"
Ashley Reese @offbeatorbit: "32 and dating a 23 year old fhdnxnckcjd I would rather jump off a building"
Weird how older women aren't condemned for infantalising younger women and denying them agency in the name of protecting them when it's really about self-interest

Meme - MED GOLD: "A man's alone time is sacred"
@clautoblo: "Woman's too"
Covfefe Anon: "Women stop existing when alone"
@clautoblo: "can't stop laughing, according to who?"
Covfefe Anon: "Look at your response. "according to who?" You can't even evaluate the thought in your own head - you need to outsource it to the hivemind."


Meme - "Mackenzie
lil ugly ass motherfuvker
i bet you've never even seen a woman naked
other than watching them online Imao."
"Yeah sure"
"Literaly what kinda broke ass nigga doesn't even have enough money to subscribe to an only fans Imao"
"One who has his life together
I could get whole big box from taco bell with that money why would I give it to you"
"because you'd be talking to a real woman for once in your sad life lmao"
"Why the hell would I ever want to talk to a woman"
"your a fucking misogynistic piece of shit i hope you die in a fucking fire you incel
go choke on your own spit Imao ive never seen or met anyone as sad and pathetic as you"

I was kicked out of a store over my shorts — I’m a victim of ‘hot phobia’ - "An OnlyFans star was kicked out of the supermarket for her skimpy outfit, but she believes she’s a victim of “hot phobia.”  Kerolay Chaves was confidently strolling through the grocery store in Brazil, wearing a nearly see-through white tank top without a bra and denim shorts so high-cut that they verge on bikini bottoms...   The adult entertainer was distraught by the treatment she received at the store, turning to her 437,000 followers for support.  “Do you believe it? I think it’s absurd that we women are still treated this way just because we dress how we want,” she declared. “Truth is, we go through it because we’re too hot, that’s all.”  But she didn’t receive the responses she evidently expected, as most commenters seemed to agree with the judgemental crowd at the store...   “I guess the same way a shirtless man would get kicked out of the spot happened to you,” they joked."
If you don't believe women should be able to walk around nude, you're slut-shaming and you're just as bad as Christian fundamentalists who want women to wear burkas

Meme - Brittany Martinez: "Didn't you cheat on your wife?"
The Hill: "California Gov. @GavinNewsom: "Women are smarter in politics, smarter in civics, they're smarter in economics. Women rule.""

Meme - dust @lildustorm: "would you? *bikini photos*"
jurtle @jabronirt: "I would not, sorry"
dust @lildustorm: "I do not care"
jurtle @jabronirt: "but you asked?"

Meme - "Jessica
You're friends on Facebook
Look im raising money to bury my 8 year old brother wanna donate you get a 2 hour camshow"

Meme - ChrisExcel @ChrisExcel102: "Pussy is more Valuable than a Degree... Don't let the system fool you.. Your pussy can take you out of poverty faster than a Degree Just use it right..."

Meme - "Girlfriend
-Doesn't remember everything you said.
-Probaly doesn't like your friend
-Takes hours to get ready.
-Will get mad when you go home late.
-Make demands out of you every day
-Only call you handsome when she needs something.
Mamak Aneh
-Always remember your order.
-Always welcome you and your friend lepak mamak.
-Less than 10 minutes Aneh give your food dy.
-Always welcome you to lepak until 3 am.
-Make Maggi Goreng and Teh Ais for you everyday.
-Will always call you boss."

H. Pearl Davis on Twitter - "Yes you’re less attractive at 35 than at 25 as a woman. This used to be common sense 50 years ago."

Glamorous OnlyFans star Daniella Hemsley flashes her breasts after Kingpyn boxing win in Dublin - "OnlyFans star Daniella Hemsley has left boxing fans stunned by flashing the crowd after securing her first win over Aleksandra Danielka.  The 22-year-old outpointed rival Danielka in the loser's bracket of the Kingpyn High Stakes tournament in Dublin on Saturday night... Hemsley apologised for her astonishing actions in her post-fight interview, saying emotions just got the better of her.  'I got a bit overwhelmed, I just wanted to express myself,' she said... 'It's going be an interesting night as a parent having to explain to their kids what just happened,' one fan wrote on Twitter... Boxing superstar Claressa Shields also wasn't a fan, writing on Twitter: 'Wow….. this is a step backwards for women's boxing. Stop this s**t.'.. The social media star isn’t the first to celebrate a boxing win this way, with Aussie Tai Emery pulling the same stunt last September."
Slut shaming! If you criticise anything a woman does, you're a misogynist!

Meme - "Toilets around the world
Dubai *instagram models*"

Meme - "when his height starts with 5"
"When her cup size is a passing grade"

Meme - Katarina @Kkatarinako: "Men, do yourself a favor: If you own an Android phone, Wait at least three dates before using it in front of her. I can't even count on my both hands How many stories I've heard from women That curved the perfect man just because he had an android phone"

Meme - "Honey, did I ever tell you that you cook well?"
"Awww, no babe."
"So why do you keep cooking?"

Meme - "For the 1st date, take her swimming. *woman with and without makeup*"

Meme - "Nah I don't have anything to do with my ex
Kicked him out. He got the big L"
"You let him inside you. You carried around his baby for 9 months, gave birth to his legacy and now you're taking care of it. Mean while he's out with another girl while you're stuck caring for his kid. You sure about that? You sure he got the L?"
"fuck you"

Meme - Oracion Puja: "So you can flirt but you're not ready for a relationship?"
Xavier: "I go for morning exercise doesn't mean I'm ready to run a marathon."

Meme - AlopeciaAwareness @BlackedOut_: "This lady at my job pissed cause she put her boyfriend out last night and he ain't have nowhere to stay so he goes to the casino and hit for 10k now he keep FaceTiming her counting the money"
Cinderace Supremacy: "How y'all on the man's side when he clearly in the wrong???"
j @jblack0666: "men > women"

Meme - "My (21F) boyfriend (22M) said he would put $5 aside every time we have sex so that "the amount of money I get from him will depend on me."
I (21F) was told by my bf that he (22M) would put a certain amount of our country's currency (the equivalent to $5 USD) aside every time we have sex, so "the amount of money I get from him will depend on me". We have been together for just over a year now. I was taken aback by this but I thought he was joking because I had told him I could charge him $30 (as a joke) for saying that this female friend of his is prettier than me (for the second time this year). Honestly I meant it as a joke at first but the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became. The more uncomfortable I became, the more I actually looked back at the things he that I brushed off. One thing in particular that stood out was when forgot my birthday which was in May. In his defense, it was his brother's and close friend's birthday on the same day, and he was at both celebrations (True. I know them, but we are not close). I also joked about charging him $30 for that too, but the whole "putting aside money thing" came up when I joked about charging him for the pretty comment he made. He's not budging and I can't tell if it's a joke or not. I feel confused as this is my second serious relationship. How do I to him about this?"

Meme - "The WF you want
The WF that wants you"

Meme - "Jessica
My boyfriend cheated on me
I can't believe this
All men are dogs"
"Say something"

Swiss gymnastics bosses launch BAN on photographers taking 'suggestive' photos of gymnasts - "A ban has been imposed by the Swiss Gymnastics Federation (STV), which will prohibit the taking of 'suggestive' photos.  The ban is being introduced in an attempt to keep the focus on the gymnast's poses and positions, according to German outlet Bild.   The STV claim in their new guideline that the main intention is to prevent images of the gymnast's 'crotch' and that they hope to remove 'otherwise ethically sensitive' photos from being published... Pictures of gymnasts in a pose that sees their legs spread upwards - which you might see on the uneven bars or balance beam - will be banned, with images of a splits pose dependent on the angle of the picture."
If it's indecent for female gymnasts to be photographed in that position, the corollary is that it's indecent for female gymnasts to display that position. So they should either wear more or not display that position

Meme - "No one:
Jonah Hill's EX: Hey, guys! I'm gonna show you these 18 month old breakup texts full of communication and then I'm gonna keep going and show texts of me getting jealous that he found a new girlfriend when we were friends and then I made sure to wait til his new girlfriend had the baby before saying anything because I'm a saint and needed Jonah to pay my therapy bills until I could come forward. Then I'm gonna claim abuse and get a bunch of people to bash someone because I'm a clout trout."

Meme - Jonah Hill: "Please stop posting half nudes and hanging out with morally dubious people."
The entire internet feminarchy: "He emotionally abused her!"

Meme - Sasha Rosa" "Older single women telling women in their & that they are too young to marry is a Set up. For the young women, be careful who you take relationship advice from. Misery loves company."

Meme - Gap mami: "If I'm getting $800 in child support $700 going to me and my needs How can I be a good mother if I'm not feeling and looking right?"

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