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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Links - 30th July 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "I observed yesterday that liberals don't believe non-white people are capable of forming dissenting views on their own. Here's Jen Psaki claiming the only reason Muslim Americans object to trans dogma in schools is because white conservatives are manipulating them into it:"

Holden on Twitter - "Norway joins Sweden, Finland, UK, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and Tennessee in banning gender affirming care for minors."
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Bernie Sanders said he wanted the US to be more like Norway & Sweden. He got his wish."

Meme - Aria Blooms @An_Aria_Blooms: "Trans women are biologically female, and those of us with dicks are even more biologically female and if you wanna argue you are biologically a trash bag.
In fact I'm not just a lesbian that *also* likes dick, I'm a lesbian *because* I LOVE dick! Bite on that Terfs! Die and go to hell!"

Meme - Aurora @spectralaurora_: "it brings me so much joy to know that you feel like all your favorite hobbies are being stripped away from you you will never get what you think you had back and that is hilarious"
@UBERSOY1: "This might actually be a good explanation on why nowadays games are so shit"
GAME DEVS THEN: *White men who love games and have a 4.0 GPA*
GAME DEVS NOW: *Fat purple haired Communist woman, black guy with 0.5 GPA, MTF shooting self*
"Hm... I can't quite figure out why games are shit now. Must be the micro transactions!"
Gatekeeping is good

Meme - "*trans flag*
>ruins female sports
>ruins education
>ruins pre-school
>ruins software jobs
>ruins movies
>ruins video games
>ruins modding scenes
>ruins tabletop RPGs
>ruins wargaming
>ruins political debates
>ruins universities/humanities
>ruins leftism (thanks for that one)
>ruins creative writing
>ruins comic books
>ruins silicon valley
>ruins social media
>ruins medical industry
>ruins psychology
>ruins military
>somehow even ruins homosexuals
How did they do it?"

Meme - "Ur unfriendly neighborhood cummUwunist here to remind bigots that their lives dont matter"
"Cool you identify as an attack helicopter? Well lemee show you something *RPG*"
Why do TRAs always fantasise about violence, while pretending that they are the victims of it?

Meme - Kelly @kelly_cadigan: "I feel like TERFs make fun of dilation cause they're mad it means we stay brand new and they don't."

Meme - pudding person @JUNIPER: ""c*s" people love to "breed". they are breeders. this is a heterofetishistic lifestyle. explain to me again why we are letting these breeders around children when they groom them into this fetish?"
Fed Bandit Keith: "Breeding is necessary for the survival of the species"
pudding person @JUNIPER: "false"
Trust the Science!

Meme - Liberal: "No one is trying to transition your kids"
Normal person: "If it's not happening then you shouldn't care if we make it illegal"
Liberal: *upset*

Meme - "Start playing dnd at my local store
Meet c and her boyfriend w. C immediately asks my pronouns and says she's a theythem
Campaign goes on, always disrupting game, always has headphones on, is mean to w, often doesn't pay attention, is rough with the miniatures, constantly trauma dumps
My finance starts playing. Last session i'm unable to play due to work. Fiance goes
Fiance tells me c stopped playing mid game for the rest of the session and sits in the corner, assumes its cause she couldn't keep track of navigating the dungeon and got stressed out. Now this. This is the first I hear of c going by he, and I'm sure none of the older people playing were told she went by he."
"Hey all, approched me about last night they got a little upset about the misgendering, can we please make an effort using the correct pronouns"
Damn white fragility!

Exclusive: People must have the 'right to offend' without facing a police investigation - "Presiding over a Court of Appeal case concerning the misgendering of a trans woman on Twitter, Lord Justice Bean and Mr Justice Warby ruled that “free speech encompasses the right to offend, and indeed to abuse another”, adding: “Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having”.    They said it would be a “serious interference” with the right of free speech if “those wishing to express their own views could be silenced by, or threatened with, proceedings for harassment based on subjective claims by individuals that felt offended or insulted”.  The judgment could have far-reaching implications for officers seeking to bring charges over people’s opinions - a move that has seen them branded the “thought police” by campaigners for free speech.   It comes after a Freedom of Information request by The Telegraph in February found police in England and Wales had recorded 120,000 “non-crime hate incidents” in the past five years, an average of 66 a day.   The figures emerged after the High Court ruled a police probe into “transphobic” tweets was unlawful after former policeman Harry Miller was contacted by an officer from Humberside Police to “check his thinking”.  In October, police closed an investigation into an interview with David Starkey in which the historian told podcaster Darren Grimes “slavery was not genocide” because “so many damn blacks" survived. Both were questioned by police but the  probe was reviewed by a senior Metropolitan Police officer and the case was dropped after further legal advice from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Although the latest judgment does not change the law, such an unequivocal ruling from two senior and highly respected members of the judiciary is likely to influence wayward judges in lower courts that freedom of expression must be protected.  It will also limit the vexatious use of legislation to inhibit freedom of speech in a bid to “police” Twitter spats...   Stephanie Hayden, 47, a lawyer from Wembley, London, obtained a gender recognition certificate in 2017 that recognises her as a woman in law.    Ms Hayden reported Mrs Scottow to police in December 2018, with Mrs Scottow consequently being arrested and kept in police custody for 11 hours, away from her then 20-month-old son who was still being breastfed. She also has a daughter who is on the autism spectrum and was aged 10 at the time of her mother’s arrest... In the past two years, Ms Hayden has taken action against Father Ted creator Graham Linehan, barrister Adrian Yalland, Catholic commentator Caroline Farrow and academic Louise Moody among others."
From 2020

Is Britain now a police state? Genuine question - "Britain’s authoritarian laws are a menace to free speech in general, police in Scotland seem particularly keen on enforcing them. Coatbridge, where Millar was charged, is also home to YouTuber Mark Meechan (aka Count Dankula), who was found guilty of causing gross offence in 2018 for teaching his dog to do a Nazi salute as a joke.  The trans debate has become a kind of perfect storm for this authoritarianism. Our broadly defined speech laws collide with those willing to weaponise them and police desperate to be seen to be tackling ‘hate’. Only the ‘hate’ in this case often refers to people who believe, as most of the country does, that biological sex is real."
Scottish prosecutors drop transphobia case against Marion Millar - "Scottish prosecutors have discontinued the case against a woman charged with posting allegedly homophobic and transphobic content online.  On Thursday morning, the Crown Office confirmed it had dropped proceedings against Marion Millar, a vocal opponent of the Scottish government’s plans for transgender law reform... Millar’s earlier court hearings attracted crowds of protesters, some dressed as handmaids from the Margaret Atwood novel, who chanted “women won’t wheesht [be quiet]” and accused the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon – who has committed to “zero tolerance” of transphobia within the SNP – of “destroying women’s rights”."

CNBC on Twitter - "Resumes including 'they/them' pronouns are more likely to be overlooked, new report finds"
Wesley Yang on Twitter - "Resumes emblazoned with the words "I AM A DRAMA PRONE NARCISSIST WHO LIVES TO MAKE RANDOM STRANGERS BEND TO MY WHIMS BY FORCING THEM TO TREAT MADE UP TUMBLR BS FROM 2011 LIKE ITS A GENUINE CIVIL RIGHTS CAUSE" are more likely to be "overlooked" by employers"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "The suspect in a deadly mass shooting in Philadelphia on Monday that killed 5 & injured 4, including children, is revealed to be a trans #BLM activist. Kimbrady Carriker was arrested without incident, contradicting claim that black suspects are killed."
Time for the left to continue to pretend that there're no trans shooters

U. Cincinnati Student Claims Professor Failed Her Project for Using ‘Biological Women’ - "University of Cincinnati sophomore Olivia Krolczyk, 20, accused her Women’s Gender Studies in Pop Culture professor gave her a zero on a project because she used the term “biological women.”  “I got a 0 on a project proposal in my class because I use the term biological women, which is apparently not allowed anymore”"

Meme - "Girls that Pee *Pretty girls*
Girls that Piss And are also men *Ogrish girls from Shrek*"

Mermaids loses bid to shut down gay rights charity LGB Alliance - "A controversial trans group’s legal battle to get a gay rights charity struck off has been dismissed by judges.  Mermaids, a charity for transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse children and their families, had taken the unprecedented legal action to remove the LGB Alliance from the charity register, in the first case of its kind.  However, Judge Griffin and Judge Neville from the General Regulatory Chamber dismissed the appeal on Thursday to have the LGB Alliance removed from the register. Mermaids, which itself is facing a Charity Commission investigation, had claimed the LGB Alliance was a front for transphobia and political campaigning to prevent changes in the law and took both the charity and the watchdog to court... Judges said that charities were entitled to hold different views, but could not expect to be free from criticism.  “However, there is no legal right to be free from criticism by those who disagree with you or to prevent those who hold beliefs that the law recognises as protected from expressing themselves or seeking to persuade others to their point of view”... Kate Barker, chief executive officer of the LGB Alliance, said Mermaids had orchestrated a “show trial” which had tarnished her charity’s reputation and prevented them from applying for grants.  She said: “In essence, if your views are so fragile that they can absolutely be destroyed by the truth, the only option left to you is to try and crush the speaker of that truth. I suspect that they knew full well that they didn’t have standing either but wanted this to be kind of a show trial where they thought perhaps it would be an opportunity to expose us for something that didn’t exist.” She described the case as “bruising” and said there were “a few cheerleaders who are very invested in the idea of seeing us not exist anymore”... “I think the madness that has swept over our institutions, our charities and businesses. I think people will look back quite soon in a couple of years and think goodness how was that allowed to happen.”... Karon Monaghan KC, representing the defendant, said that Mermaids’ efforts to get the charity struck off were “profoundly homophobic”. She said that during the hearing, Mermaids had suggested that words such as sexual orientation, sex-based rights, and lesbian, gay and bisexual were “used to signal position against trans rights”.  “This is deeply offensive, and it is profoundly homophobic, it is again the love that cannot speak its name”... Mermaids is subject to an investigation by the Charity Commission which opened a “regulatory compliance case” after an investigation by the Telegraph revealed safeguarding “red flags” in its dealings with children... The case was unusual and the first of its kind in the UK. Challenges to Charity Commission decisions are usually prompted by allegations of financial abuse or mismanagement, but this case required the judge to consider whether the purpose of LGB Alliance is “exclusively charitable for the public benefit”."
The liberals are going to claim that hate speech shouldn't be legal, much less endorsed by an approved charity

The LGB Alliance has scored a victory for common sense - "There’s something essentially mean-spirited about one charity attacking another. It’s not good for the sector, for the individuals or causes they support, and certainly not for public life. So we’re thankful that after almost two years of litigation and deliberation, LGB Alliance today secured its charitable status, which our opponents had sought to revoke – the first time in history that one charity has attempted to shut down another... While the online attacks on LGB Alliance have been well documented in carefully crafted barbs, tweaked and refined to fit a character limit, the impact on the real world, beyond the vituperative cauldron of Twitter, is what really matters. LGB Alliance was set up by two lesbians, Kate Harris and Bev Jackson, in 2019. Seasoned campaigners for gay rights, they saw how same-sex attracted people were being disadvantaged by a new ideology which stated that gender, the way you feel inside or how you present to the world, trumps biological sex.  As people who are same-sex attracted, whose hard won rights were predicated on the understanding that our attraction is based on the biological and the physical, we believe that this is a fundamental attack on our rights. If we may not articulate our attraction or are forbidden the language to describe our unique experiences in the world, it is impossible to define or challenge the discrimination we may face. Lesbians, gay men and bisexuals have unique needs and LGB Alliance was set up to be a voice for them and to develop the services and support that meets those specific needs... The work of LGB Alliance is evidence based. We think that facts matter. Facts that just a few years ago would have been considered unremarkable are now almost unsayable. Facts such as that there are two sexes. And that homosexuals are people who are same-sex attracted. Statements like these, it seems, are an existential threat to those who would say that one should not speak the truth for fear of hurting the feelings of a person for whom the truth may be unpalatable. In our post-truth world, they would have you believe that up is down, black is white – and, yes – lesbians can have penises.   The consequences for not believing, we discovered, are harsh. If your world is constructed around a belief system so fragile that dissent feels like an assault – not just on your opinion but on your person – it’s time to take a breath.  Our tribunal judgment makes a valuable point. Discussion and disagreement between charities isn’t just acceptable, it’s necessary. How else may we explore new ideas or wrestle with new challenges? The notion that one charity should seek to silence or shut down another charity because they disagree with them is absurd and anti-democratic and the tribunal were right to say that LGB Alliance should retain its charitable status."

Vicar accuses Yorkshire Building Society of 'bullying' for closing his account over trans protest - "An Anglican vicar has slammed Yorkshire Building Society for closing his account after he accused them of promoting gender ideology.  Rev Richard Fothergill, a longstanding customer with the building society, wrote to them in June to complain about their public messaging during Pride month.  The 62-year-old says within four days, he received a reply telling him his internet savings account would be closed... 'I think they should concentrate their efforts on managing money, instead of promoting LGBT ideology.  'I know cancel culture exists and this is my first first-hand experience of it. I wouldn't want this bullying to happen to anyone else.' The retired vicar insists his observations were a polite rebuttal of transgenderism, in response to material on YBS's website.   But the building society wrote it has a 'zero tolerance approach to discrimination' and their relationship with the customer had 'irrevocably broken down'... First Direct has also been accused of closing the account of the founder Wings over Scotland pro-Scottish independence blog, run by journalist Stuart Campbell. Mr Campbell has suggested that his accounts were closed because of his views on gender and sex, including declaring: 'Women don't have penises'... Journalist Toby Young, of the Free Speech Union, told Mr Farage on GB News last night that he was contacted by a Yorkshire Building Society customer who claimed he asked why their branches were festooned with Pride flags. The bank allegedly replied that his account would be closed down... PayPal has also pulled services from groups and people in recent years, including Mr Young himself, before a U-turn on his account three days later. The TRIGGERnometry free speech YouTube show and podcast claims Tide has shut down its business account.  In 2021 Laurence Fox's political party 'Reclaim' was also denied a bank account. Mr Fox said recently: 'The Reclaim Party cannot get a uk bank account. Despite three years of box ticking and immaculate compliance. In fact, entire new compliance departments are created just to stop us existing."
Time to cut off his internet, power, water and heating too!

Metro Bank ‘prevents gender-critical parents group from opening account’ - "A High Street bank has blocked a gender-critical parents group from opening a new account amid a row over its political views.  Metro Bank refused to open a new business account for Our Duty, a group of more than 2,000 parents who believe that it is harmful for transgender children to undergo a medical transition.  The group’s founder, Keith Jordan, claimed that a manager told the group it could not open a business account because “the content of your website conflicts with the culture and ideas we are pushing”... It marks the latest in a wave of Brexit supporters and gender-critical commentators to claim their accounts have been closed with no explanation... Metro was launched by American billionaire Vernon Hill in 2010 amid much fanfare as the first High Street bank to launch in the UK in more than a century, but has since been beset by problems.  Mr Hill quit in 2019 over an accounting scandal which saw the bank’s share price fall 90 per cent from its all-time high after it miscalculated £900 million worth of risky loans.  Now valued at £200 million, it was last year fined £10 million by the FCA for misleading investors with false information in its third quarterly results in 2018. It followed a £5.3 million fine in 2021 for other failures in its reporting and governance failures by the Prudential Regulation Authority... Mr Jordan added that shutting accounts was forcing people to “adhere to a certain set of beliefs”.  “It is like dictatorships where you were expected to display your loyalty to the regime. It is an attempt to suppress freedom of speech and will have a chilling effect on people if they are allowed to succeed.”... The BBC reported that Mr Farage’s account was withdrawn because his funds had dropped below the required threshold and that the funds would be shifted to a NatWest account. However, the Brexiteer said this was “absolute cobblers”.  Coutts declined to comment but a source close to the bank said it was policy not to share the personal details of customers.  Metro Bank said it “is and will remain politically neutral”."

Meme - Beabea @roguegovadvisor: "I look forward to the new dictionary
aardvark [ahrd-vahrk] noun Anything that identifies as an aardvark.
abacus [ab-uh-kuhs] oun Anything that identifies as an abacus.
abandoned [uh-band-duhnd] adjective The State of identifying as abandoned.
abattoir [ab-uh-twahr] noun Anything that identifies as an abattoir.

The winner of Miss Netherlands 2023 is a man - "Transgender activism marches on. The newly crowned Miss Universe Netherlands is a man. The runner-up is a woman...   Rikkie Valerie Kollé was crowned Miss Universe Netherlands 2023 on Saturday. Rikkie is 22 years old, a Dutch-Moluccan model and actress in Leusden. He will represent the Netherlands at the 2023 Miss Universe pageant in El Salvador. The first runner-up is Nathalie Mogbelzada, 26, from Amsterdam...   He makes history as the first transgender woman to win the national title. In 2018, Angele Ponce, Miss Universe Spain, was the first transgender to participate in the Miss Universe pageant... Now a former Miss America, Caressa Cameron, says that the pageant feels like a Ted Talk."

Meme - r/MtF: "It's like she's mocking me with her existence
There's this cis women in two of my classes who every I time I look at I feel jealous of. I try to avoid her and never look at her but that's kind of impossible. She's beautiful and almost everything I want to be minus being sapphic. Every time I see her I go why I can't I just be her but sapphic instead of straight. She's so beautiful and I bet she doesn't have these thoughts of extreme Jealousy. I would give so much to be her but with a different sexuality as I actually like being a Sapphic. I've had this jealousy ever since she moved to our school 2 years ago. She even has the shortened version of my name. Like I swear if it's as though she was designed in a laboratory to mock my futile existence"

“No secrets”: Windsor parents hold protest against gender ideology - "Windsor parents, students and allies gathered in front of NDP MPP Lisa Gretzky’s office to protest against the local public school board’s controversial gender policy and its recent decision to ban parents from meetings.  The Greater Essex County District School Board’s (GECDSB) currently allows children to change their gender or pronouns at school without the knowledge or consent of their parents. It also opted to temporarily ban the public from board of trustees meetings in June amid outrage over the policy which is informed by gender ideology...   A Leger poll commissioned by SecondStreet.org found that 56% of Ontarians believe parents should be notified if their child wants to change their gender or pronouns at school. Just 19% said the school should not let parents know."

Poilievre tells Trudeau to 'butt out' of New Brunswick's policy on LGBTQ students - "Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said Tuesday the prime minister has no business weighing in on New Brunswick's Policy 713 on LGBTQ students and called on Justin Trudeau to "let parents raise kids."  The policy was designed to protect LGBTQ students in schools. But earlier this year, New Brunswick's Progressive Conservative government made changes that, in part, mean teachers are no longer required to use the chosen names and pronouns of transgender or non-binary students under 16 without parental consent... Higgs again defended the policy change during an interview with CBC's Power and Politics on Tuesday. He said "parents need to have a voice" and insisted he's taking "a balanced approach."  He said he's seeing "a tremendous outpouring of support" for his position.  "Nationally, people are saying, 'Why wouldn't parents play a role?'" he said."

Majority side with Premier Blaine Higgs on gender identity: poll - "A national poll suggests that 57 per cent agree that schools should have to tell parents about their child’s desire to change their gender or pronouns. Meanwhile, less than a fifth — 18 per cent — feel schools shouldn’t tell parents.  The numbers from a SecondStreet.org poll collected by market research firm Leger in May show that Premier Blaine Higgs appears to be on the right side of public opinion, despite public backlash and criticism from the prime minister and members of his own caucus...   A majority of respondents in all age groups polled said parents have to know.  That was also true if respondents had kids at home or not...  The same poll also asked respondents whether schools should have to place classroom materials on gender identity and sensitive race-related topics on their websites ahead of time so that parents could view them.  Roughly 47 per cent polled nationally said “yes.”  Meanwhile, 51 per cent of respondents feel the public school system is “moving in the wrong direction” when asked generally about education...   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also weighed in while addressing a fundraiser for an LGBTQ charity in Toronto last week, saying “trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.”  “Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people. Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission.”"
The majority of the country is far right and needs to be ignored, so teachers can transition children without their parents' knowledge, let alone consent

Far from 'weaponizing' gender identity issues, Premier Higgs' reforms are good-faith policy proposals - "In what other instance does public policy begin with the presumption—essentially a reverse onus—that parents are dangerous and harmful to their children?... It’s entirely in keeping with normal policy practices and our own experiences and intuitions about parents to assume that most love their children and ultimately want what’s best for them. It doesn’t seem divisive or radical for the Higgs government to base its policy accordingly.  It’s also the case that there are plenty of instances when government laws or policies explicitly recognize children as less autonomous than adults. A high-profile example is the Youth Criminal Justice Act which treats children as old as aged 18 differently than adult offenders for the purposes of criminal sentencing on the basis that they have “have heightened vulnerability, less maturity and a reduced capacity for moral judgment.”  What makes it such a powerful comparison is that one suspects that there would be a lot of overlap among those who oppose the Higgs government’s changes to Policy 713 and support the basic principles of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. It’s not obvious however what part of the latter’s rationale shouldn’t apply to the former. If 16-year-olds are mature enough to make judgments about their gender identity without parental consent, what’s the internally consistent logic for treating them as kids before the courts?"

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