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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Links - 22nd February 2023 (2 - Diversity)

Youngkin Cleans House At State Diversity Office - "the new governor tapped Angela Sailor — former official in the George W. Bush administration and vice president of The Feulner Institute at the Heritage Foundation — to work as the state’s chief diversity, opportunity and inclusion officer. Indeed, the term “opportunity” replaces the term “equity” in the position’s title, signaling a new mission for the agency... Christopher Rufo — a Manhattan Institute senior fellow and leading education reform activist — suggested scrapping the department altogether. “My recommendation: abolish the DEI department entirely and replace it with a MEO department, promoting ‘merit,’ ‘excellence,’ and ‘opportunity.’ This is ultimately a war of values and most Americans prefer a system of individual rights and achievement — not neo-Marxist ‘equity’”... Former Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) originally launched the “chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer” position after his blackface scandal in February 2019, elevating the post to a Cabinet-level position."

Former Sanders aide: 'We don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now' - "The next Democratic National Committee leader needs to reflect the diversity of America, said Symone Sanders, former press secretary for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and a CNN contributor."

Diversity culture at Wells Fargo is so intense that staffers are interviewing women and minorities for positions that have already been filled - "A corporate obsession with "diversity" led to a parody of hiring practices spurred on by desperate staffers hoping to keep the DEI squads off their backs, all of it wasting the time of the people the diversity fixation was supposed to help in the first place"

Activision Blizzard Diversity Tool Accuses Mario Of Being "Presumably Straight" - "the tool grades character diversity on a ten-point scale, with categories including age, physical ability, cognitive ability, beauty, body type, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, socioeconomic background, and race... none of Mario’s characters are disabled, so the gang lost points in the “ability” category. Sexual orientation was another lost opportunity as the King rep nervously said "they are all presumably straight.” Mario and Luigi? Almost certainly, but I’ve heard Toad doesn’t discriminate.  Where Mario and Luigi regained points was in “culture” for both being Italian, and also “body type” for being various sizes and heights.   While this seemed like a serious presentation, the nervous laughter of the presenter and audience revealed the problem with trying to quantify sexual orientation and ethnic backgrounds. It just doesn’t work, which is why Activision Blizzard faced so much criticism for this diversity tool that it had to walk back its earlier enthusiasm and even clarified “that this prototype is not being used in active game development.”"
Activision Blizzard illegally withheld raises from unionizing workers, labor board finds - "Gaming giant Activision Blizzard unlawfully retaliated against workers at Raven Software who formed a union, the National Labor Relations Board found... It’s been a rough few years for Activision Blizzard, even though Microsoft plans to buy the company for a whopping $68.7 billion. Following a two-year investigation, the state of California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard last summer, alleging that the company fostered a “‘frat boy’ workplace culture” and is “a breeding ground for harassment and discrimination against women.” Also, CEO Bobby Kotick reportedly knew for years about sexual misconduct and rape allegations at his company, but he did not act on that knowledge"
Woke washing strikes again

Boston University professor suggests US Naval Academy lower standards to admit more people of color - "Boston University School of Law Associate Director Maureen Leo has proposed a policy in antiracism for the US Naval Academy... Despite the photo which Leo seems to believe is dispositive, "African-Americans account for nearly 25% of all enlisted Army soldiers while making up just 13% of the population."... Leo recommends pulling the standardized test scores from the admissions policy. This concept has been proposed across higher education, as educators and administrators realize that Asian students are admitted at higher rates due to disproportionately meeting rigorous admissions standards. Their solution to getting more non-Asians into their programs has been to remove or lower standards altogether... It has recently been revealed that the culture of "wokeness" and the obsession with antiracism has infiltrated the US armed forces. Not only has the military issued advertising that is in line with critical race theory and undertaken diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, but Jack Posobiec revealed for Human Events that a Lt. Colonel has been telling troops that "If you're a white male, you are part of the problem.""

Meme - "He-Man protected Grayskull Castle for over 200 episodes, and Skelletor never won. Teela protected the castle for 5 episodes, and Skelletor became the Master of the Universe."

Study: Gays, Ethnic Minorities Hugely Overrepresented in UK Television - "A major survey of the British television industry has found that, contrary to popular belief among “woke” commentators, gay people and ethnic minorities are massively overrepresented.  The Creative Diversity Network (CDN) published its Diamond: The Third Cut report after surveying “over 30,000 diversity forms relating to over 600,000 TV production contributions”. The CDN found that “BAME [Black and Minority Ethnic] on-screen representation” is a remarkable 23 per cent — far above the BAME share of the British general population, estimated at 14 per cent.  Gay people are also overrepresented on-screen, accounting for 10.7 per cent, 10.5 per cent, 13.1 per cent, an astonishing 18.1 per cent, and 7.6 per cent of on-screen contributions at the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky, respectively, despite making up just 6.4 per cent of the general population.   Gay people were similarly overrepresented off-screen, accounting for 14.7 per cent, 14.1 per cent, 16.1 per cent, 12.5 per cent, and 10.4 per cent of off-screen jobs at the same five broadcasters. Women also enjoy overrepresentation, accounting for 52.4 per cent of on-screen contributions and 53.7 per cent of off-screen contributions, while actually accounting for just 47 per cent of the working-age population.   Still, the foreword to the report suggests that there is in fact “more work to do” behind the scenes, lamenting that women and minorities “remain absent from many senior creative roles”.   For example, the report laments that “while females dominate contributions in some production roles, such as commissioning editor (64.6 per cent), head of production (85.8 per cent), and in hair and make-up (98 per cent), they are still under-represented in other areas of production, such as camera (17.3 per cent), sound (15.1 per cent) and lighting (3.7 per cent), and in some senior roles, for example writer (38.1 per cent) and director (26.2 per cent).”"
And of course, when people overestimate the number of minorities in the country, just blame them for being deluded and detached from reality
Minority overrepresentation is never a problem - only underrepreentation

Gov. DeSantis and the need for viewpoint diversity in higher education - "Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill to protect against indoctrination in the state’s colleges and universities. The new law, which went into effect on July 1, requires Florida’s public colleges and universities to conduct an annual survey measuring “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” on their campuses. The law’s goal is to assess “the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented” and how free students, faculty, and staff feel “to express their beliefs and viewpoints.”... Many of the same colleges and universities that tout tenure as a way to encourage free thought censor it by not allowing conservative and libertarian faculty candidates who think freely to get in the door. I once suggested on the ConLawProf group email list that law schools need to hire more conservative and libertarian candidates (with “more” meaning, at a minimum, at least one). The reaction? One law professor posted that I was “nuts” to suggest such a thing. Libertarian law professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz quipped at a Federalist Society conference on intellectual diversity in the legal academy that his leftist colleagues at Georgetown felt that three conservatives on a law faculty of 120 was “plenty — and perhaps even one or two too many.” Anecdotes aside, Northwestern University law professor James Lindgren has published detailed statistical surveys that document that Republicans and Christians are the groups most under-represented in the law professoriate. If the small handful of right-leaning and Christian law schools is excluded from the dataset, the problem is actually worse. Additional studies demonstrate that lack of viewpoint diversity among faculty extends campus-wide... Not surprisingly, DeSantis’ critics are throwing fits. Nikki Fried, the Florida agriculture commissioner who is challenging DeSantis for governor next year, compared the governor’s actions to “what authoritarian regimes do.” Charles P. Pierce wrote in Esquire that DeSantis is a “wingnut” who is as “full of crap as the Christmas goose.” Steven Benen toned it down a bit for MSNBC by merely opining that the new law is “absurd.” What DeSantis’ critics fail to appreciate is that truth is most likely to emerge from the clash of ideas. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously referred to it as the “marketplace of ideas,” while John Stuart Mill expressed this same view in his classic book “On Liberty.”"
The left cannot abide ideological diversity

Hispanics shock Democrats in deep blue California - "One of the biggest hiccups in the recent election was the emphatic 14-point defeat of Proposition 16 in deep blue California. The proposal would have overturned a ban on affirmative action in place since 1996, impacting hiring, contracting and admissions policies at California’s public universities, community colleges and agencies.  It was put on the ballot by the chairwoman of the California Legislative Black Caucus in response to the killing of George Floyd... the Democratic establishment pulled out all stops for Prop 16, outspent the opposition on advertisements and advocacy by $20 million to $1.5 million, yet it failed... Frank Xu, a Chinese immigrant, was a chief player in the No on Proposition 16 campaign. He explained in an op-ed that, “It is wrong for the government to have the power to favor some of its citizens over some others. I witnessed in China how evil a government could be once it has this kind of power.”  He argued that Democratic legislators proposed Prop 16 not to seek diversity but as part of a racial activism program that included, among other things, board quotas for private corporations in California and a study on potential reparations for Black Americans. He believed the backers of affirmative action are “striving for quotas, as well as for government-mandated racial indoctrination and punitive, race-based payments extracted from taxpayers.”  While African Americans might have been swayed by the promise of more access to higher education if admissions were based on race, Hispanics and Asians may have thought that affirmative action programs would work to their detriment.   It is noteworthy that despite every major Latino organization promoting Prop 16, every single majority-Hispanic county voted against it. That might be because there has been a significant rise in the number of Hispanics attending the University of California system without the benefit of affirmative action. Records show Latinos accounting for 34 percent of all UC admissions in 2019, up from 14 percent in 1996... Asian Americans also turned out to oppose Prop 16. Asians make up roughly 15 percent of California’s population, and in 2019 accounted for 36 percent of UC admissions. That group would have unquestionably been disadvantaged by changing the system.  Ward Connerly, a former regent of the University of California, led the fight to outlaw affirmative action in 1996, and this year rallied against Proposition 16. Connerly, who is African American, denied in a recent interview that the United States is systemically racist and explains the killing of George Floyd, which he says horrified him, as the outcome of bad police tactics. Needless to say, Connerly, a Trump supporter, is not popular on the left. After the election, Connerly wrote an op-ed for USA Today in which he concludes that the defeat of Prop 16 was “an unequivocal victory for equality under the law.” He noted that the “No” vote went across party lines, attracting 77 percent of Republicans, 27 percent of Democrats and 63 percent of independents and that “embracing equality, not mapping out racial proportions, is an American value.”   Connerly argues that using affirmative action to make hiring decisions amounts to racial discrimination, and that the outcome of such policies has been tragic for Blacks, who thereby are “subjected to stigma and the soft bigotry of low expectations.”   Jason Riley, a Black conservative columnist, wrote a piece in 2012 for the Wall Street Journal entitled “The Harm of Racial Preferences.” In it, he echoes Connerly’s sentiments, noting that “in the name of diversity, blacks are being mismatched with schools, which increases drop-out rates and decreases minority representation in certain professional fields.”

With Justice Barrett, Is the End Near for Racial Preferences? - "The racial divisions that have plagued the U.S. for decades reached a head this summer with nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd. This type of social unrest has long been nurtured and exploited by black leaders and their political allies, who have turned the hallowed civil-rights movement of the 1960s into a lucrative racket today. These efforts have been abetted by Supreme Court decisions that hem and haw over the legality of racial-preference policies. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 plainly mandates equal treatment of individuals regardless of race, and the addition of Justice Barrett makes it more likely that the court will finally interpret the law to mean what it says... Affirmative-action benefits were also extended to other groups, including recent immigrants from Latin America who had suffered no past discrimination in the U.S. As the country became steadily more diverse, the Supreme Court kept punting on the validity of these color-conscious policies, and colleges and other institutions doubled down on a racial spoils systems. What could possibly go wrong?  In a 2003 Supreme Court decision upholding racially discriminatory admissions policies at the University of Michigan, Justice O’Connor wrote: “We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary.” It was a tacit acknowledgment that these policies weren’t working and, 17 years later, there’s little evidence that anything has changed. In the popular imagination of many on the political left, today’s black middle class is a direct product of the civil-rights gains of the 1960s and the affirmative-action policies that followed. But the data tell a different story. The “progress toward equality for black Americans didn’t begin in 1965,” write Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam and his co-author, Shaylyn Romney Garrett, in their new book, “The Upswing.” “By many measures, blacks were moving toward parity with whites well before the victories of the Civil Rights revolution, despite the limitations imposed by Jim Crow.” Moreover, “after the Civil Rights movement, that longstanding trend toward racial equality slowed, stopped, and even reversed.”... If anything, the evidence shows that racial preferences have coincided with slower black upward mobility. After the University of California system ended its race-conscious admissions policies in the 1990s, black graduation rates rose. A policy intended to increase the size of the black middle class was in practice limiting its growth. It would be difficult to identify a government program coming out of the 1960s that did more to help blacks than what black were doing to help themselves before the program. For readers of conservatives like Charles Murray, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell and Stephan and Abigail Thernstrom, this history is well known. But it’s nice to see it chronicled by someone of Mr. Putnam’s standing on the political left. It’s a history that seriously undermines the notion that racism is an all-purpose explanation for social inequality, or that blacks can’t progress without special treatment, which is why black politicians and civil rights activists seldom bring it up. What affirmative action has succeeded in doing is stoking racial conflict. It keeps race front and center in our policy debates, regardless of relevance. Lagging groups are told that others have gotten ahead at their expense."

Diversity and Performance in Entrepreneurial Teams - "We study the role of diversity and performance in the entrepreneurial teams. We exploit a unique dataset of MBA students who participated in a required course to propose and start a real micro-business that allows us to examine horizontal diversity (i.e., within the team) as well as vertical diversity (i.e., team to faculty advisor) and their effect on performance. The design of the course allows for identification of the causal implications of horizontal and vertical diversity. The course was run in multiple cohorts in otherwise identical formats except for the team formation mechanism used. In several cohorts, students were allowed to choose their teams from among students in their section (roughly 90 students). In other cohorts, students were randomly assigned to teams based upon a computer algorithm. In the cohorts that were allowed to choose, we find strong selection based upon shared attributes. Among the randomly-assigned teams, greater diversity along the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity significantly reduced performance. However, the negative effect of this diversity is alleviated in cohorts in which teams are endogenously formed. Finally, we find that teams with more female members perform substantially better when their faculty section leader was also female. Because the gender of the faculty section leader is exogenous to the gender make-up of the entrepreneurial team, the positive performance effects can be interpreted as causal. These findings suggest that diversity policies should take adequate consideration of the multiple dimensions of diversity."
Yet more evidence that forced, non-organic diversity lowers performance

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Danger to Jews and All Americans - "one sampling of leading American universities found DEI staff making up an average of 3.4 positions for every 100 tenured or tenure-track faculty members and outnumbering by a factor of at least four the staff dedicated to helping students with disabilities. The ostensible goals of DEI are positive: to promote the representation, participation, and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups... Along with embracing other favored radical causes, DEI is also being weaponized against Jewish students, maliciously portraying them and the Jewish State as wanton oppressors. Thus, with the expanding number and power of amply funded and staffed DEI offices that, rather than thwarting the rise of anti-Israel sentiment and restraining hostility toward Jews, actually contributing to it, American universities are becoming hotbeds of antisemitism. The rise of antisemitism on college campuses is continuing and has already been well documented. A 2021 survey by Hillel and the ADL found that one in three Jewish college students personally experienced antisemitic hate in the previous academic year. Jewish students regularly have to contend with the demonization of Israel and its supporters, obscene Holocaust comparisons and minimization, negative stereotyping, and other common antisemitic tropes. According to a December 2021 Heritage Foundation report, “Inclusion Delusion: The Antisemitism of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff at Universities,” which analyzed the Twitter feeds of hundreds of DEI university personnel, there is a disproportionate hostility toward Israel among university DEI staff. Malicious charges they have levied against Israel on Twitter include describing the Jewish State as an “apartheid” or “colonial” state and accusing Israel of engaging in “genocide” or “ethnic cleansing.”... In one particularly egregious illustration of this phenomenon, Yasmeen Mashayekh, a University of Southern California (USC) student senator for diversity, equity and inclusion, tweeted in May 2021 that she wanted to “kill every motherf***ing Zionist.” Despite this and other hateful messages in which she expressed support for terrorism and the murder of Israelis, she has not been disciplined by USC and was able to retain her student senator DEI position... In recent years, the curriculum at Brentwood has taken a radical, racially divisive turn after it was handed over to its “Office of Equity and Inclusion,” whose “staffing had increased ten-fold in a short period of time.” According to Eisenberg, “the school held racially segregated meetings and encouraged students to treat Jewish people as ‘oppressors’ and discriminated against a Jewish group of parents.” When he expressed his concerns about antisemitic discrimination, the school threatened to expel his 8th-grade daughter immediately and ultimately effectively did so when they denied her from returning the following school year."
Ironic, given how many Jews support DEI
Given that Jews are even more over-represented than white people, it is clear that DEI will hurt them

WaPo's new executive editor said the quiet part out loud: "We can never rest on the issue of diversity... it’s never enough.” - "Being the first woman to hold the position of executive editor for The Washington Post, Sally Buzbee notes that no amount of diversity is ever satisfactory.
"I'm also conscious of the fact that we can never rest on the issue of diversity. My feeling is, no matter how much progress we've made, it's never enough."
This explains a lot. It certainly explains why even after you've apologized profusely (dozens of times) for something you did years ago, you still get fired (ask Alexi McCammond)...
A newspaper is going to prioritize race, gender, sexual identity, and so on over the news."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Tory MPs voice disbelief at May’s cabinet reshuffle - "Theresa May hailed the 'fresh talent' in her team tonight after she culled 'Grey Tories' to promote women and ethnic minority talent.  The Prime Minister fought to quell criticism that her reshuffle is a damp squib today as she ejected a series of middle-aged men from government. Despite a storm over her top-tier changes, Mrs May pressed ahead with a shake-up of the lower ranks - sparking complaints that people were not being treated on their merits... The meltdown left Mrs May scrambling after weeks of briefing that she would carry out a major overhaul to make her team less 'pale and male'... Significant numbers of female and ethnic minority MPs are expected to get promotion in a bid to make the government less 'pale, male and stale'."
From 2018. It was so successful she left office the next year

Yi-Zen Chu on Twitter - ""Candidates must be from one or more of the following equity-seeking groups to apply: women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and racialized groups." We *must* discriminate against the White Able-Bodied Man!"
Weird. We were told that diversity was about increasing opportunities for everyone, not reducing them, and about expanding the talent pool, not reducing it

Removing Work Résumés From Job Hiring Process Can Improve Candidate Diversity - Bloomberg - "Some companies are emphasizing skills tests over educational or professional pedigree when assessing job candidates."
Too bad skills tests are also "structurally racist" etc

CNN Condemns D-Day Soldiers For Lack Of Diversity | Babylon Bee
The Washington Post on Twitter - "“Greatest Generation” survey on race, sex and combat during World War II runs counter to its wholesome image"

The 'Spider-Man Remastered' Pride flag Mod Nexus controversy explained - The Washington Post - "In the world of PC gaming — where enterprising users can crack open games in ways that more restrictive consoles don’t allow — major releases are often accompanied by a wellspring of mods. “Spider-Man” is no different. Already, modders have swapped Spider-Man’s appearance with those of Stan Lee, Uncle Ben’s tombstone and other people both real and fictional. You can also turn pigeons into pizza, if that, for some extremely specific reason, floats your boat. But the hundreds of already available options have been overshadowed by a battle over flags.  Within “Spider-Man’s” sprawling re-creation of Manhattan, one district contains a few pieces of Pride iconography including flags and a mural. These proved popular when the game first came out on PS4, with LGBTQ players praising their inclusion at the time. Shortly after the game’s PC release, a modder going by the handle Mike Hawk (probably don’t try saying it out loud) released a mod called “Non-Newtownian New York.” According to its creator, the mod replaced “Newton’s Prism’s artifacts with the stars and stripes.” This was a roundabout way of saying it turned Pride flags into United States flags... The original mod was only around for a day, but it amassed hundreds of downloads and numerous comments, many of them homophobic. Nexus Mods, the biggest mod repository on the internet, banned it and the user behind it, but imitators and copies surfaced on Nexus Mods and similar sites like Mod DB, as well as the Internet Archive. Others, meanwhile, uploaded retaliatory mods like “The Amazingly Valid Spider-Man,” which changes Spider-Man’s costume colors to match those of the trans flag and includes a link to support The Trevor Project, a support group for LGBTQ youths.  In reaction to this, Nexus Mods director Robin “Dark0ne” Scott announced that mods which appear “deliberately” against diversity and inclusivity are banned in all games. Same goes for mods “attempting to troll other users with mods deliberately to cause a rise.”"
Diversity means that diversity that goes against "diversity" is blasphemy
I thought there was no gay agenda because no one was forcing it on anyone?
Apparently all this mod did was change the localisation to a country that doesn't tolerate LGBT activism - so the game developers themselves are the homophobes
Comment: "This is just another straw on the camel's back that is convincing me that these alphabets cannot be compromised with. They will force their agenda while trying to gaslight the reasonable that they are the oppressed ones. I was willing to talk of a middle ground before, but now I'm quite convinced they must be stopped. It has gone too far."

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "Artemis I failed at launch again this week. Kamala Harris then touted diversity at NASA. This is the same week we have articles touting diversity at the Federal Reserve -- an institution that has run our economy into historic inflation. This is a s****y case for diversity."

Opinion: Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives do not belong in academia - The Globe and Mail - "Say what you want about social justice advocates – they’ve been clever to seize upon education as a way to bring their vision of utopia to the fore. Anyone who remains skeptical can look at a current job posting at Dalhousie University. It seeks an assistant professor in agronomy, and explicitly excludes non-minority, white men from applying.  The posting cites “employment equity” as its reason for being “restricted to candidates who self-identify” as a woman, a visible racial minority, someone with a minority sexual orientation or gender identity, or a disability.  This criterion mirrors a wider trend across academic institutions today, eager to incorporate the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mission. For example, it has become commonplace for academics applying to faculty positions to include a statement detailing how they will achieve DEI in their teaching and research. This simultaneously serves as an effective way to filter out applicants who disagree with this mandate.  Individuals will also be encouraged to fill out a checklist (I kid you not) of all the different minority groups to which they belong, even though this information has zero relevance to their capabilities as an academic. Though possibly well-intentioned, the way to account for discrimination of the past is not to actively enforce discrimination now. Doing so will provoke a backlash against women and minority groups, and a hiring process that downplays merit will raise the unfortunate question in colleagues’ – and students’ – minds of whether a new hire deserves to be there. At best, these policies evoke pity; at worst, they fuel resentment. Research has shown that pro-diversity messages can lead dominant groups to feel threatened, so one can only imagine what outright discrimination will achieve. It is also profoundly patronizing to assume that anyone who is not a white man requires help to qualify for a job... There won’t unfortunately be an end to this anytime soon. In the United States, Critical race theory, the unfettered cultist thinking that attributes all discrepancies in society to racism and power imbalances, is being incorporated into schoolchildren’s education, securing yet another generation to further activists’ goals. Gender ideology, which believes anything less than gender parity – particularly in male-dominated STEM disciplines – is an indication of rampant misogyny, has similarly become ubiquitous in Western curriculum.  Instead of seeking evidence-based explanations for group differences, activists have dedicated themselves to shutting the whole thing down. Movements like last summer’s #ShutDownSTEM accused scientists of not doing enough to eradicate anti-Black racism, and demanded they stay out of laboratories and classrooms, and scientific journals cease production, for a day of racial reckoning. It remains unclear, however, how halting scientific progress helps to end racism in any capacity. That’s because this activism cares less about rectifying injustice, and more about destroying anything that stands in its way.  I have had white male colleagues tell me that when applying for jobs, they’ve seriously considered identifying as something other than what they are, so that their application won’t be dismissed at first glance. This highlights the absurdity of the DEI paradigm, in which so-called oppressors must select a marginalized status in order to avoid being penalized."
When the diversity hires do poorly, this will be blamed on "discrimination", "backlash" and "structural factors", and even more diversity will be demanded

DOD investigates diversity chief who ridicules white people for their race - "The Department of Defense has said that they are launching a review into a self-proclaimed "woke" diversity chief after social media posts ridiculing white people began receiving backlash on social media... the chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Kelisa Wing, who calls herself a "woke administrator" posted a number of tweets spanning years on social media disparaging white people. In one post, from July of 2020, Wing wrote, "I’m so exhausted at these white folx in these PD sessions this lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too," using the word as a play on Caucasian.   "I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS … we are not the majority, we don’t have power"... Wing responded to a tweet from another user that stated, "I am exhausted by 99 percent of the white men in education and 95 percent of the white women. Where can I get a break from white nonsense for a while?"... When Wing was promoted to chief, the department said that Wing  "has been involved with diversity, equity and inclusion efforts for… schools over many years, authoring several books on the topic."  Wing has written a number of books aimed at children in a series called "Racial Justice in America." Titles include "What is the Black Lives Matter Movement," "What Does it Mean to Defund the Police?," "How Can I Be An Ally?," "What is White Privilege?" And "What is Anti-Racism?"  The children’s book "What is Anti-Racism?" Includes a number of misleading statements...   The book claims that "the modern idea of 'race' was introduced by the National Party in Germany," excluding the word "Socialist" from the Nazi party’s name. The idea of race had been used in eugenics for years before the Nazis rose to power, and the views of eugenics had been utilized by the Nazis within their core ideology.  Contradicting herself though, the book claimed also that "race" was born on American soil.  Speaking on Wing’s promotion to chief, the director of DoDEA, Thomas Brady applauded Wing’s efforts, saying that she is "exactly the right person" to lead efforts within the department."
Diversity is about hating white people

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