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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Links - 19th February 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

Trans Yale Swimming Star Goes From Shark To Scrub After Joining Men’s Team - "An Ivy League All-American swimmer went from pool shark to scrub after transitioning from female to male, the opposite of the switch made by Lia Thomas.  Iszac Henig, a senior on the Yale men’s swim team, placed 79th out of 83 at a men’s meet in November after earning All-American plaudits as a junior on the school’s women’s team... “I wasn’t the slowest guy in any of my events, but I’m not as successful in the sport as I was on the women’s team,” wrote Henig, who bested a one-armed swimmer and three others who specialize in other strokes... As a sophomore at Yale, Henig was the top swimmer on the women’s team.  Thomas, on the other hand, was a mediocre competitor on the University of Pennsylvania men’s team before identifying as a female and smashing records while representing the school’s women’s team. Several of Thomas’s teammates and rivals complained that Thomas’s biological advantages made competitions unfair... Henig acknowledged a longstanding attraction to women, but said being in the women’s locker room was always uncomfortable."
Weird. I thought we were told that trans women had no advantage and that current testosterone levels were everything

Patrick Basedman🌲🦉🌲 on Twitter - "The absolute state of the UK - required to attend a voluntary interview because you criticized rainbow ideology."
Letter sent to James Goddard by the Metropolitan Police

Anti-feminist blogger found guilty of inciting hatred toward women - "Jean-Claude Rochefort, the anti-feminist blogger who posted disturbing items on the internet months before the 30th anniversary of the massacre at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, was found guilty Friday of inciting hatred toward women."
He should just have identified as trans

Tonje Gjevjon faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians - "A woman in Norway is facing up to three years in prison on criminal hate-speech charges after saying that a man cannot become a lesbian.   Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian filmmaker and actress, was informed on Nov. 17 that she was under investigation for speaking out against prominent Norwegian activist Christine Jentoft on Facebook. Jentoft is a transgender female that often refers to herself as a lesbian mother.  Jentoft previously accused another woman, Christina Ellingsen, of transphobia for a similar claim. Ellingsen is also under investigation and faces three years in jail if found guilty. The post on Gjevjon’s Facebook page under investigation read, “It’s just as impossible for men to become a lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.”... Women’s rights activists, including the Women’s Declaration International Norway, of which Ellingsen is a representative, have claimed that the amendment undermined free speech and expression in the country...  Finnish Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola were acquitted of all charges in their case. Räsänen faced three charges of ethnic agitation for a 2004 pamphlet, for taking part in a discussion on a radio show in 2019 and, most recently, for tweeting a picture of the Bible.  In a 2019 tweet, Räsänen questioned her church’s sponsorship of an LGBTQ Pride event and linked to an Instagram post with a picture of Romans 1:24-27, which calls same-sex intercourse “shameful.”"
Liberals are silent - they are only for freedom of speech when it suits their agenda
Weird. Those who said religion was threatened by LGBTQ rights were said to be paranoid far right conspiracy theorists

Meme - Cause: *Tucker Carlson, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Green with blood on their mouths*
Effect: *Pride flag with bleeding holes*
Comments: "I don’t understand. What could Tucker Carlson, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Green be saying that would prompt this kind of behavior? Is it simply “gay people bad” or is their something more to it? Healthy kids having mastectomies? Drag queens rolling on the floor with children? People being arrested for not using someone’s preferred pronouns? Nah, must just be “gay people bad”"
"I know the left can’t meme, but this one is a new low."
"Why didn’t y’all do this with Pulse, which was EXPONENTIALLY worse. Oh yeah, the shooter wasn’t white… also, the shooter was trans at the drag queen show, not a white Christian."

Is the Club Q Shooter 'Trolling' by Claiming to be Nonbinary? - "A friend of Club Q assailant Anderson Lee Aldrich, who allegedly killed five people and injured at least 19 others when they opened fire on an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs last month, claims that Aldrich expressed hatred towards the LGBTQ community and suggested that Aldrich may be “trolling” the LGBTQ community by claiming to be nonbinary... “In this instance, they’re trying to make people say, ‘Well, maybe we should rethink self-identification.’ And I think it’s absolutely crucial that we don’t play the troll’s game.”"
US: Wokes lose their mind over 'non binary' status of Club Q shooter - "Wokes, who had been promoting a culture of self-declaration of gender without the need for verification, was caught in their ideological mess. They had time and again reiterated to ‘respect’ pronouns and identify individuals as per their whims and fancies. As such, wokes took to Twitter to strip the mass shooting accused of his ‘non-binary status.’ PhD student Derek Pederson claimed, “Anderson Lee Aldrich claiming to identify as non-binary in Court seems like it is just a way to get hate crime charges dropped. The guy is religiously Mormon and has been reported to be very homophobic by neighbours.” Another woke Twitter user alleged, “Anderson Lee Aldrich is a cishet male. He is claiming to be non-binary in order to troll. He has a history of homophobia and transphobia all the way up to aiding in anti-LGBT genocide.” Far-left outfit, Antifa, supporter Gregory Hatfield said, “Anderson Lee Aldrich’s lawyers are lying when they say he is non-binary. Nope. They are trying to avoid a hate crime charge and going the route of mental illness. They are also setting it up for MAGA to say one of us killed the LGBTQ community.”... Essentially, they want gender identity to be believed without question, however, in this unfortunate case they refuse to believe the gender identity of the shooter because it hurts their set narrative that only the “right wing” of the west is perpetrating violence against the LGBT community."
No one's gender identity can be questioned. Unless it threatens the liberal agenda

Harvard med class focuses on LGBTQIA+ ‘infants’ and older - "Harvard Medical School students can learn about how to provide healthcare to “infants” who are LGBTQIA+, according to a course catalog description.  “Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development,” a regularly available med school course, promises to give students a chance to work with “patients [who] identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or asexual.”  “Clinical exposure and education will focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults”...   The College Fix asked Harvard Medical School via email what advocacy opportunities the course offers, how students are taught to treat patients with gender dysphoria, and if that includes counseling and how medical experts know if an infant is LGBT. The school did not respond to three inquiries sent in the past two weeks...   The two directors of the course, Alex Keuroghlian and Alberto Puig, also work for the hospital. Keuroghlian is a psychiatrist and LGBT advocate at the Harvard-affiliated Fenway Health Center.  An outspoken supporter of removing healthy organs from individuals and injecting them with puberty blockers, Keuroghlian has authored research that connected transgender drugs and surgeries to better mental health outcomes for patients. He has also condemned government restrictions on the procedures.   These claims were challenged by an ethicist who researches transgenderism."

Meme - Queen Of The Rings @CircaStarr: "Literally devistated.. l was on a date with a guy and he asked "where you wanna go ma'am" and I told him to be careful not to misgender someone before you call them the wrong thing, and he said "I can tell this won‘t work out" and pulled over and made me get out of his car then called me "faggot". WHY ARE MEN?? *blue hair*"

Meme - "What third grade children in China are learning: *equation*
What third grade children in India are learning: *chemistry*
What third grade children in the United States are learning: *trans agenda*"

Meme - "You've been entertained by drag your whole life. Don't pretend it's a problem now. *Bugs Bunny, Mrs Doubtfire, Tootsie etc*
Patrick Sullivan: "It was a joke then, it's a joke now..."

Gender neutral Brit Awards names all men shortlist for 2023 best artist - "The artist of the year nominees for the 2023 Brit Awards are all male, after organisers opted to make the category gender-neutral.  Last year, the best male and best female categories were scrapped and replaced with a single award honouring artists “irrespective of gender”.  At the time, critics warned that the move could be detrimental to women.  This year’s best artist nominees are Stormzy, Harry Styles, George Ezra, Fred again.. and Central Cee.  The album of the year category is also dominated by men, with Wet Leg the only female act out of contenders... At the inaugural gender-neutral ceremony last year, Adele won artist of the year and said in her speech: “I understand why the name of this award has changed but I really love being a woman and being a female artist.”... The British Independent Film Awards and the Whatsonstage Awards have also introduced gender-neutral performance categories, with organisers of the Baftas and Oscars said to be considering the issue.  Supporters of the idea include Hugh Jackman, the film and stage actor, who said recently: “I don’t know why it’s split into two genders when we all know it’s a much bigger spectrum than we’ve been thinking in the past.  “Whatever the mix is, we should maybe break down any of those categories that end up being divisive and unnecessary.”  Brit Awards organisers were urged to go gender-neutral after Sam Smith, one of the UK’s biggest-selling singers, was excluded from the nominations in 2021 after adopting ‘they’ and ‘’them’ pronouns."
So many liberals are currently bitching that gendered categories are outdated or were never needed, and that you don't have Best Female Director for movie awards, since they're ignorant of why gendered awards were introduced in the first place. Of course, the response will be affirmative action, so awards will be taken even less seriously

Meme - Tina Sparkle: "So apparently my old housemate moved out because he was the only cis one of  us out of 5 and he was sick of all us trannies making jokes about cis people and  calling him cis because it turns out he thought that 'cis' was a synonym for 'boring'  which is hilarious because while he was wrong and I feel bad because I genuinely  liked him, he was also correct. It's like he did the equation wrong but still got the right answer"
Cisphobia is a myth, of course

Meme - "Bonsoir,
Quels sont vos red flag concernant les hommes ?
Je commence
- il fait ou rit a des blagues misogynes,
- il est beaucoup trop agé et s'intéresse souvent aux femmes beaucoup plus jeunes que lui ou a celles qui ont l'air fragiles.
- il est religieux (oui pour moi c'est un red flag)
- il juge tout le monde
- il manque d'empathie envers une minorité
- il n'aime pas les animaux
- il dit du mal de toutes ses anciennes copines
Et vous ?"
"Un homme cis"
"Homme cishet blanc valide c'est déja un red flag suffisant"
"Mec cis"
"Red flag pour moi: il se préoccupe beaucoup de son apparence physique."
"-cest un homme cis
-Quand ils sont trop dans les luttes queer/féministes (sans étre eux mémes queer cela va de soit). C'est soit du paraitre pour du paraitre soit (et j'ai l'impression que c'est plus souvent le cas) pour se racheter une conscience parce que c'est les pires.
-il se dit de maniére consciente apolitique."
"- c‘est un homme cis dyadique ( = pas intersexe) THE END haha"

Meme - *Maria, ignored*
*Signs form at doctor*
"So brave!" "Wow!" "You look great!" "Congratsm Mario!!" "So cool!" "Mario?! Nice!!"
1 year later... *people ignoring her*
2 years later...
"Um, hello...? I'm trans"
"Me too"
"Like, who cares?"
3 years later... *R.i.P. Maria*"

Picture memes BQnmtfYBA by gssq: 2 comments - ) - 2022: "Honey, I found a picture of your grandfather *Sailor*"
2095: "Honey, I found a picture of your grandfather *Femboy*"

Meme - "trans women here.  trans men are men. bottom line.  our struggles aren't the same, of course, but they aren't easier or harder for either of us.  what really gets me frustrated, though, is studies and polls showing that cis lesbians would be more likely to date/sleep with a trans man than with a trans woman. that is wrong, on so many levels. do they not understand that a trans man is a man? and that a lesbian is attracted to women only?"

Meme - KnottyFairy @AKnottyPrincess: "l have made a decision to come out. As we know humans are complicated and intelligent beings. We aren't always simple. I have been with 6 dogs this past year and only 2 men my entire life. I am trans canine. I just want friends and a crowd that accepts and loves and cherishes me."

KnottyFairy: Self-Proclaimed 'Transcanine' Model Fired from Job and Banned from OnlyFans for Posting Sex Acts with Dogs on Social Media - "A model claiming to be a "transcanine" has been kicked out from her job and banned from OnlyFans after she faced social media backlash for making comments that she engaged in sick sexual acts with dogs. KnottyFairy, as the woman is known on social media, faced severe backlash on Twitter for posting videos of engaging in sexual acts with canines.  She also posted multiple comments on Twitter claiming that she has had sex with dogs on several occasions. The posts are still available on Twitter by KnottyFairy has been fired by her employer and adult site OnlyFans where she was a content creator... She defended her actions to one of her critics by saying, "I am trans canine, I can't abuse what I am."  KnottyFairy continued to shock followers with her a series of tweets which included a post stating that "dog cum in coffee is the best creamer, and it helps you have clear skin"... "Consensual sex is always between members of the same species who engage in it willingly, which can never be the case when a human and another animal are involved," PETA UK's Vice President of Programmes Elisa Allen, told the Daily Star."
If she doesn't force the dog to penetrate her, there's still no consent, of course. We can assume what dogs are thinking when it's convenient

Meme - KnottyFairy @AKnottyPrincess: "The fucked up thing is the girl I had a crush on, blocked me. People really are cold harder. She said she can't go down on me because I'd taste like kibble and bits. People really act like showers don't exist. I obviously shower after stuff with my dog."
Meme - KnottyFairy @AKnottyPrincess: "You got me fired and then bragged about it. Why send me stuff I posted on here was never meant to effect my actual life. This is the fucking internet.Why couldn't you have just kept it will I pay my bills or feed myself? I will be suing everyone who got me fired."
Not all mental illnesses are treated equal

Meme - KnottyFairy @AKnottyPrincess: "Should I leave Twitter ? A lot of people say I'm their hero , but their asses are only showing love in my inbox and I'm on the verge of tears from how people are treating me here. I will leave if you vote me to. Bc I'm sick of this. I regret coming out."

KnottyFairy on Twitter - "People literally out here trophy hunting animals , simply to brag that they killed that particular animal. That’s ok tho. You have literally made multiple animals go extinct by hunting them. You bring animals deaths , I bring them orgasms. I’m a better alternative. So stfu"
Or meat eating in general, really

Facebook - "Idk man. I think "coming out" as they/them doesn't need to be a thing. You're basically just telling the world you're a human who hopped on a bullshit trend to get attention."

Meme - "I'm Genderfluid!
That means I sometimes identify as...
"an attention seeking retard"
"an attention seeking retard"
"an attention seeking retard"
"an attention seeking retard""

Meme - "You disagree with me? That's a phobia, pal"

Meme - Man: "I deserve to have sex with you"
Liberal: "What is wrong with you, you fucking incel? Stop!"
Transwoman: "I deserve to have sex with you"
Liberal: "YOU GO, SISTER."

Meme - "Is my dog transphobic??
I (20 mtf) came out as trans in January and started transitioning back in March. My family has a 6 year old border collie that we have had since he was a puppy and ever since I started my transition he has acted more and more strange towards me. In the past he always let me pet him, cuddled with me, got excited when l was around and just generally normal dog stuff, but recently all that has stopped. If I try to pet him now he growls at me and has even barked a few times. When I enter a room that he's in he will get up and leave as if he's actively trying to avoid me all together. He never looks happy to see me anymore. I thought at first maybe he didn't recognize me and just thought I was a stranger (I have longer hair and wear girl clothes and the estrogen is slowly making me very female in appearance). But it continues and he seems to keep getting worse. And he still acts exactly the same as before around my parents and sibling. It's just me that he doesn't like! Has anyone else experienced anything like this with their pets when they transitioned?? is it normal or is my dog just a transphobe?? Do you think maybe he can smell the estrogen I'm taking and doesn't like it?"

BLAIRE WHITE on Twitter - "The people who spent 6 years calling anyone slightly right of center a nazi are offended that you're accurately calling groomers, groomers."

Facebook - "Any rational adult uncorrupted by radical feminism can understand that castrating a child will cause infinitely more damage than merely misgendering them. However, according to AWARE, the only compassionate way to ensure the gender-confused students' "safety" is to adopt the affirmation model of fast-tracking them through Puberty- Blockers, Cross- Hormone therapy, and ultimately reassignment.   Transition is not rainbows and butterflies the moment you stop listening to woke propaganda... We never ever affirm Anorexia and tell the patients that they are right to stop eating.   We never ever affirm Anxiety Disorders and tell patients that they are right to persistently fear and worry. We never ever affirm Hypersomnolence and tell patients that they are right to get more sleep. We never ever affirm Kleptomania and tell patients that they are right and should steal more.  We never ever affirm Intermittent Explosive Disorder and tell patients that they are right that everything is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, ad infinitum..."

Meme - Hill: People who are truly oppressed aren't able to safely and publicly incite violence against their oppressors, let alone profit off them.
ETA Side Hill: This also goes out to the women who say "klll all men" with praise and no repercussions
Women's Voices @WomenReadWomen: "In the category "trending", meaning one of their more popular items. It is fashionable these days to threaten to kill women who assert our boundaries and demand our rights. I have contacted their customer support. You can reach them here: teamsptee at gmail dot com"
"Official kill The Terf Shirt"

Marc Emery on Twitter - "“ KILL The TERF ” seen at Barcelona Pride Parade. They do hate in style, I’ll give you that, the Spanish. From the Parade that says it’s all “Love is Love”. (El amor es el amor)"
Dan Fisher on Twitter - "'Kill the terf" says the t-shirt, as they try to break through police lines to reach the feminists."

Nonsuch High School sixth-formers told girls, 11, how to bind breasts | News | The Sunday Times - "A leading grammar school has been reported to the Department for Education after a newsletter, sent to girls as young as 11, explained how to bind their breasts. Pupils at Nonsuch High School in Cheam, Surrey, were sent a newsletter compiled by sixth-formers at the school, which included one item headlined: “How do I bind safely?” It included links to sites describing the practice as well as surgery to remove breast tissue if chest binding, used to achieve a “flatter, more masculine” appearance, hurt too much. The April edition of the Friends of Dorothy newsletter, which is sent to pupils but not their parents, also advised the children on the difference between bisexuality, omnisexuality and pansexuality... Parents complained to a pressure group, the Safe Schools Alliance, which has referred the school to the Department for Education to investigate. Tanya Carter, from the alliance, said it was “very alarmed” by the newsletter and that it was “disturbing” that it appeared to have been sent to all pupils, but not parents. She added: “We are receiving ever-increasing [numbers of] emails from parents about similar issues in schools... the school hit the headlines after pupils, many of whom follow the Black Lives Matter movement, protested against “white privilege” in demonstrations in the school’s playground."

Breast-binding has no place in schools - "A leading girls’ school has allowed pupils to promote breast-binding among students as young as 11 – without the knowledge of their parents. This is the latest shocking example of the woke cultural revolution taking place in education... it has principally been used to oppress women by forcing their bodies into line with archaic notions of the ideal female form. In 17th- and 18th-century China, where large breasts were associated with rural peasant women, breast binding was used to prevent shame falling on noblewomen and their husbands. European aristocrats of the same era used corsets to give women an adolescent-like physique. Breast-binding can cause real harm. Official NHS guidance says that breast-binding should only be used as a temporary measure – and for many people, should not be used at all. It says, ‘Binders may strain the back and distort breast tissue, making surgical reconstruction less successful’. Over 97 per cent of respondents to a recent study reported negative effects from breast-binding. Almost three-quarters said it caused them pain, frequently in the back and chest. Rib fractures and impeded breath were also reported...   The number of trans pupils in the school is a small minority. The number of them prepared to bind their breasts must surely be even smaller. It would be responsible to make these pupils aware of the medical risks, in a private and sensitive meeting. Instead, the school allowed breast-binding to appear like a normal lifestyle choice."

Meme - "QueerAnon
Sex is a spectrum
There are 72 genders
Men can have periods
Women can have penises
Grooming is childcare
Puberty blockers are basically vitamins
Sex is assigned at birth, not observed"
Someone claimed this was a myth. Then I dug up sources for all the claims

Meme - "I have vaginal discharge
I'm 9 months on HRT, and I've suspected for a little while that my bits were starting to "sweat". But last night I noticed some milky white fluid that smelled EXACTLY like a vagina. The amount of euphoria this is giving me is insane. Boobs and crying are great and all, but now my genitals smell right!!! It's like my body and I are finally on the same page. I have a year and a half to wait for my bottom surgery, but in the meantime my body is doing what it can to line up with my expectations. I honestly feel kind of weird calling it a 'penis' now. It acts, feels, and smells like a vagina, so that label seems a lot more accurate. I have a vagina, even if it's an outie!"

Transgender men talk about life on the other side of the gender divide - The Washington Post - "There are also ways in which men deal with sexism and gender oppression that I was not aware of when I was walking around in a female body. A couple of years after my transition, I had a grad student I’d been mentoring. She started coming on to me, stalking me, sending me emails and texts. My adviser and the dean — both women — laughed it off. It went on for the better part of a year, and that was the year that I was going up for tenure. It was a very scary time. I felt very worried that if the student felt I was not returning her attentions she would claim that I had assaulted her. I felt like as a guy, I was not taken seriously... Before, I used to feel safe going up to a police officer if I was lost or needed directions. But I don’t do that anymore...
Prior to my transition, I was an outspoken radical feminist. I spoke up often, loudly and with confidence. I was encouraged to speak up. I was given awards for my efforts, literally — it was like, “Oh, yeah, speak up, speak out.” When I speak up now, I am often given the direct or indirect message that I am “mansplaining,” “taking up too much space” or “asserting my white male heterosexual privilege.” Never mind that I am a first-generation Mexican American, a transsexual man, and married to the same woman I was with prior to my transition. I find the assertion that I am now unable to speak out on issues I find important offensive and I refuse to allow anyone to silence me. My ability to empathize has grown exponentially, because I now factor men into my thinking and feeling about situations. Prior to my transition, I rarely considered how men experienced life or what they thought, wanted or liked about their lives. I have learned so much about the lives of men through my friendships with men, reading books and articles by and for men and through the men I serve as a licensed clinical social worker... Plenty of research shows that life events, medical conditions and family circumstances impact men and women differently. But when I would suggest that patient behavioral issues like anger or violence may be a symptom of trauma or depression, it would often get dismissed or outright challenged. The overarching theme was “men are violent” and there was “no excuse” for their actions.  I do notice that some women do expect me to acquiesce or concede to them more now: Let them speak first, let them board the bus first, let them sit down first, and so on... As a former lesbian feminist, I was put off by the way that some women want to be treated by me, now that I am a man, because it violates a foundational belief I carry, which is that women are fully capable human beings who do not need men to acquiesce or concede to them.  What continues to strike me is the significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now extended to me in public spaces. It now feels as though I am on my own: No one, outside of family and close friends, is paying any attention to my well-being... She was talking on a mobile phone very loudly and remarked that “men are such a–holes.” I immediately looked up at her and then around at the other men. Not one had lifted his head to look at the woman or anyone else. The woman saw me look at her and then commented to the person she was speaking with about “some a–hole on the bus right now looking at me.” I was stunned, because I recall being in similar situations, but in the reverse, many times: A man would say or do something deemed obnoxious or offensive, and I would find solidarity with the women around me as we made eye contact, rolled our eyes and maybe even commented out loud on the situation...
I kept noticing that if guys wanted an assignment they’d just ask for it. If they wanted a raise or a promotion they’d ask for it. This was a foreign concept to me. As a woman, I never felt that it was polite to do that or that I had the power to do that. But after seeing it happen all around me I decided that if I felt I deserved something I was going to ask for it too. By doing that, I took control of my career. It was very empowering.  Apparently, people were only holding the door for me because I was a woman rather than out of common courtesy as I had assumed. Not just men, women too... The hormones made me more impatient. I had lots of female friends and one of the qualities they loved about me was that I was a great listener. After being on testosterone, they informed me that my listening skills weren’t what they used to be... People ask if being a man made me more successful in my career. My answer is yes — but not for the reason you might think. As a man, I was finally comfortable in my own skin and that made me more confident. At work I noticed I was more direct: getting to the point, not apologizing before I said anything or tiptoeing around and trying to be delicate like I used to do. In meetings, I was more outspoken. I stopped posing my thoughts as questions. I’d say what I meant and what I wanted to happen instead of dropping hints and hoping people would read between the lines and pick up on what I really wanted. I was no longer shy about stating my opinions or defending my work. When I gave presentations I was brighter, funnier, more engaging. Not because I was a man. Because I was happy."
Damn male privilege!

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