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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Links - 22nd February 2023 (1 - Biden-Harris)

Opinion | Biden’s silence on the Chinese balloon incursion speaks volumes - The Washington Post - "If a Chinese military spy craft had tried to violate U.S. airspace days before Ronald Reagan’s State of the Union address, I suspect that the Gipper would have not only ordered our military to shoot it down before it entered our territory — but also invited the pilot who took it out to be his guest in the House chamber.  But Joe Biden is no Ronald Reagan. Instead of using his speech this week to report to the American people on the recent incursion of a Chinese spy balloon and lay out a strategy to confront the danger posed by the Chinese Communist Party, Biden made only an elliptical reference: “If China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country.” In all, he delivered no more than 10 sentences on China. He spent more time touting his Junk Fee Prevention Act — and promising to take on outrageous “resort fees” — than discussing the threat from Beijing.   The mind boggles. Biden wants to brush the incident under the rug because it was yet another national security failure on his watch — one that even Democrats have called him out on... Biden provided no answers Tuesday night. Instead, his administration has peddled excuse after excuse to play down the significance of the incursion... This time we did detect the Chinese craft before it entered U.S. airspace — yet did not stop it. Instead of shooting down the ship before it entered our territory, Biden let it hover over our country for a week, before finally shooting it down over the Atlantic. One wonders whether he would have done even that if someone in Montana had not looked up at the sky and said: What the hell is that?"

Trump Officials Cast Doubt on White House Claim That Chinese Balloons Hovered over U.S. during Last Administration - "A host of former high-ranking Trump officials are pushing back on the Biden administration’s recent claim that at least three Chinese spy balloons flew over the United States during the previous administration.  After the Air Force downed the suspected Chinese spy balloon on Saturday, Pentagon officials claimed that three similar incidents occurred during the Trump administration but went unknown to the public... The pushbacks prompted a clarification from an unnamed Pentagon source who told the Wall Street Journal that evidence of the balloon flights wasn’t discovered until Trump left office... “It’s not true. I can refute it,” Ratcliffe said on Sunday Morning Futures. “The American people can refute it for themselves. Do you remember during the Trump administration when photographers on the ground and commercial airline pilots were talking about a spy balloon over the United States that people could look up and see, even with the naked eye, and that a media that hated Donald Trump wasn’t reporting?”... Several Republican lawmakers cast the claim that a similar incident occurred under Trump as an attempt to distract Americans from the Biden administration’s mishandling of the situation... Senator Marco Rubio allowed that Chinese balloons may have entered U.S. airspace previously, but insisted that there was “no comparison” between those events and the recent incursion, due to the sensitive sites the most recent balloon was allowed to surveil."

Meme - Agolf Twitler Slayer @bblock29: "The response to every tweet should be, FUCK TRUMP."
Agolf Twitler Slayer @bblock29: "Who raised these kids that are chanting #FBiden?"

To Save Time, The Babylon Bee Will Now Just Republish Everything Biden Says Verbatim | Babylon Bee - "He's doing all the hard work for us with statements like "You ain't black!" and, of gun violence, that "150 million people have been killed since 2007."... laugh at these hilarious Babylon Bee headlines from our new best satirist, Joe Biden:
Biden: 'Poor Kids Are Just As Bright As White Kids'
Joe Biden Says All Men And Women Are Created By You Know The Thing
Presidential Candidate Nibbles On His Wife's Fingers
Joe Biden: 'I'm Going To Beat Joe Biden'
'Go To Joe 30330' Says Joe
Biden Tells Campaign Rally 'We Choose Truth Over Facts'
Joe Biden Calls Iowa Man 'Fat' And A '[FLOWERBED] Liar'"

SNL Writers Forced To Make Fun of Trump Again As There Is Nothing Funny About Current President | Babylon Bee - ""Sadly, we just can't think of anything funny to say about an 80-year-old president who talks to ghosts, wanders aimlessly around the room, and says weird racist things at inappropriate times, " said producer Lorne Michaels. "Oh well — time to make fun of Trump again!"  According to sources the rest of the cast felt the same way. "Are there any jokes we can make about the most powerful man in the world who says things like 'lying dog-faced pony soldier'? Ah crap, I'm coming up empty here," said Kenan Thompson. "Believe me, we'd be the first to parody Biden if he so much as slipped on the stairs, crashed his bicycle, claimed to be Puerto Rican, or flat-out exhibited all the defining symptoms of dementia."  When confronted by journalists Lorne Michaels replied, "Look, our job is to satirize the biggest, most important issues of the day — like a President who is no longer in power and living at a golf resort. We're not here to ridicule the man in office who sniffs kids and makes up nonsensical words. Now, maybe if he had an unlikable VP who talks like a 7-year-old child in speeches, we'd have some good material.""

'Looks like she's 19 years old': Joe Biden faces criticism over remarks about girl - "The girl in question, who appeared to be elementary school age, had joined her parents and two older brothers on the podium while her mother introduced the president at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton.“I love those barrettes in your hair, man,” Biden said adding “I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”"

Meme - "George Takei: "Many say we should go easy on a man clearly not himself, probably suffering from early onset mental issues. But I say, Trump is fair game."
George Takei @GeorgeTakei: "When you get to a certain age, it does become increasingly difficult to remember who is alive and who has died. It's not something younger people have to consider that often. Cut the President some slack already."

'Where's Jackie?' Biden seeks lawmaker Walorski who died in August - "U.S. President Joe Biden publicly sought out Jackie Walorski, an Indiana Congresswoman who died in a car accident in August, during a conference on hunger on Wednesday, seeming to forget that she had passed away... Biden moved past the issue without any correction. After Walorski's death, the White House issued a statement from Biden that said he and his wife Jill were "shocked and saddened" by her sudden accident"

We need to talk about Joe Biden - The Spectator World - "Americans are increasingly concerned about President Joe Biden’s mental state, and for good reason. It’s not just some mean right-wing trope. Biden routinely forgets the names of world leaders as well as officials in his own cabinet. He can just about get through a speech with a teleprompter, but anything off script leads to trouble.  This is embarrassing enough to watch when Biden is addressing domestic issues. When his fatuity plays out on the world stage, as it did on Tuesday, it can be downright horrifying. The most powerful man in the world isn’t all there. Biden’s first address to the United Nations General Assembly suggested that he lives in an alternate reality.  He claimed to have restored relations with America’s allies just a few days after France recalled its ambassador to the US over a dispute about a submarine contract with Australia. He later rather undermined the rapport built up with Australian prime minister Scott Morrison by forgetting his name and calling him ‘that fellow down under’. Biden’s usual pattern is that he can only handle one major public appearance each day before he needs to recover. Unfortunately, the mechanics of international relations demands more of world leaders. And Biden clearly can’t cope... It is bad enough that lower-level communications staffers prevented their boss from speaking to the media, but it is a pure disgrace that they also thought it appropriate to interrupt a visiting world leader. Can you imagine the international incident that would have erupted if British officials refused to let the President speak freely to the press while abroad?   I have been in the Oval Office as a member of the press pool. During the Trump administration, I saw wranglers corral reporters rather aggressively. But they have always backed off when a world leader has indicated that they want to take further questions from the press.  Yesterday afternoon’s scenario was so unprecedented, in fact, that the White House press corps filed a formal complaint with White House press secretary Jen Psaki about their treatment. Psaki dismissed their protest, insisting that she wasn’t even aware of what had happened in the Oval and that there was little she could do about the incident.   Biden’s mental deterioration must be even worse than we realize if his staff members are willing to treat foreign leaders with wanton disrespect to prevent him speaking to the press. Their actions were more akin to an authoritarian regime than a country whose Constitution guarantees the right to a free press."

HANSON: One man's anarchy is another's road to justice | Toronto Sun - "what most Americans see as sheer ruin is not what the left-wing puppeteers, who are pulling the strings of the Biden marionette, see.  Our catastrophes are their minor glitches. For them, bad polling is mostly a public relations problem of an occasional uncooperative media. Otherwise, a few broken eggs are always necessary to create the perfect socialist omelet.  The Left now controlling Washington believes that the U.S. border is a mere construct. Every impoverished person has a birthright to cross into America illegally. The two million who are scheduled to enter this fiscal year alone is a wonderful, if occasionally sloppy, event. Our border calamity is their celebration of humanity and a long-overdue recalibration of ossified American demography, one that will properly warp the Electoral College to provide the necessary election result. If you believe that a culturally imperialistic America needs to be taken down a notch overseas, then the flight from Afghanistan is “impressive” and a “success” — by how quickly and efficiently we skedaddled... Who worries about a little inflation? Under new monetary theory, printing dollars brings prosperity. Or as White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain put it in a retweet, inflation is a mere “high class problem” of the Peloton elite.  Only those with money worry their ill-begotten pile shrinks. But the majority without money will eventually rejoice that it is everywhere now — finally and properly “spread,” as former president and now multimillionaire Barack Obama once promised.  As AOC swore, gas and oil are going to be gone anyway in 10 years. So, if Joe Biden slashes over two million barrels a day in U.S. oil production, what’s wrong with that?   Didn’t Steven Chu, Obama’s energy secretary, long ago brag that when we hit $8 to $10 a gallon, we’d approach European levels of proper fuel usage? Why whine about paying over $100 to fill up, when the planet more quickly cools? Did not Americans learn “critical legal theory” and “critical race theory”? Or as the architect of the “1619 Project” reminded us, destroying or taking someone’s property is no big deal. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey shrugged off torched downtown buildings; such torched stuff, he said, is mere “bricks and mortar.”  It is only a crime to “steal” over $500 of needed merchandise from a Walgreens in San Francisco because the rich who make such absurd laws never have to steal goods from a pharmacy shelf.   If racists wish to point out that African American male youths are disproportionately represented in the latest crime wave, then maybe America should be learning not to create the conditions that force them to break the law. In sum, we are on a left-wing roller coaster headed to a socialist nirvana. Most Americans believe it is instead an out-of-control “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” nightmare with incompetents at the wheel.   But the architects of such “hope and change” shrug that the occasional disturbing news that the media sometimes accidentally leaks out is merely the cost of an equitable America."

Jill Biden apologizes to Latino community for “breakfast tacos” comment - "First lady Jill Biden apologized Tuesday after she said during a San Antonio speech that the Latino community was “as unique as the breakfast tacos” in the city."

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Joe Biden crashes off his bike in front of the entire country. "Hey what's Trump up to?" Weird flex man."

Joe Biden’s pork-barrel identity politics - "One of the key refrains in Joe Biden’s pitch to the American people was unity. Seeking the Democratic nomination, he pledged to ‘unify this party, and then the country’. And in his first speech as president-elect, he vowed ‘not to divide, but to unify’ America. But Biden has since started to lay out his plans for how to ‘build back better’ after the pandemic. And to nobody’s great surprise, these are laced with the divisive identity politics that have come to dominate the Democratic Party in recent years. When it comes to government assistance for the post-Covid recovery, Biden has promised that ‘Our priority will be black, Latino, Asian and Native American-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses’."

Where are the men of courage? They're gone thanks to 'toxic masculinity' - "Looks like we found “Jim Eagle” and he’s in the White House. Joe Biden is always looking for white supremacists under the bed and some new Jim Crow so scary that it has turned into an eagle. But the president doth protest too much, methinks. An exodus of at least 21 black staffers from the White House, dubbed “Blaxit,” according to Politico, suggests the president should clean up his own backyard before pointing the finger of blame."

RNC Research on Twitter - "👀 White House instructions to Biden: "YOU take YOUR seat.""

Biden's Culture War Aggression - "“‘equality’ means that citizen A and citizen B are treated equally, while ‘equity’ means adjusting shares in order to make citizen A and B equal.”... equity means giving the the named identity groups a specific advantage in treatment by the federal government over other groups — in order to make up for historic injustice and “systemic” oppression. Without “equity”, the argument runs, there can be no real “equality of opportunity.” Equity therefore comes first. Until equity is reached, equality is postponed — perhaps for ever... The paradox, of course, is that to achieve “equity” you have to first take away equality for individuals who were born in the wrong identity group. Equity means treating individuals unequally so that groups are equal.  How do we know when “equity” has been achieved? That’s a very good question. It seems to me that the only definition of “equity” that works is that all groups are represented in federal policies in proportion to their share of the population, or more so — since equity can also require over-representation of these groups to make up for the past. The fact that an individual born, say, in the early 21st Century, has no personal or moral connection to slavery or segregation (au contraire), is irrelevant. She must pay for the past sins of her race.  Biden is therefore enforcing the Ibram X. Kendi view that “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.” And he’s enforcing it across the entire federal government and any institution the federal government funds... Biden’s executive order on “LGBTQ+” is also taken directly from critical gender and queer theory... I wonder if Joe Biden even knows what critical theory is. But he doesn’t have to. It is the successor ideology to liberalism among elites, a now-mandatory ideology if you want to keep your job. But Biden’s emphatic backing of this illiberal, discriminatory project on his first day is relevant. He has decided to encourage “unity” by immediately pursuing policies that inflame Republicans and conservatives and normies more than any others.  And those policies are obviously unconstitutional. The federal government cannot actively discriminate on the basis of race, sex or group identity under the Constitution. It cannot strip women of their rights as a distinct biological class. It cannot void religious freedom for individuals. Biden’s woke rampage in the federal government won’t last, because it cannot last if our constitution means anything. So let the lawsuits commence as Biden alienates and inflames his moderate supporters and snubs practices that most Americans take as common sense."

Biden removes Winston Churchill bust from display in Oval Office, U.K. tabloids erupt - "it was “very worrying” that he had replaced it “with the hard left failed socialist Cesar Chavez,” an American labor leader and civil rights activist."

Obama-era officials with Big Tech ties joining the Biden administration in droves - "Former Obama-era officials with ties to Facebook and Twitter are joining Joe Biden's administration in large numbers as the social media companies censor President Donald Trump"
This explains a lot

China Issues Instructions for 'Incoming Biden Administration' - "The piece outlines China’s vision of the future under a compliant Joe Biden administration, stating from the beginning the CCP wants a “partnership” that is “categorically different” than that offered by U.S. President Donald Trump"

Barack Obama’s Legacy Abroad Looms Over Joe Biden - The Atlantic - "On the campaign trail, Joe Biden embraced his former boss’s legacy. But the Obama years loom particularly large across the Pacific region—and the retrospection is not all rosy. While many foreign partners will welcome a return to a semblance of normalcy after four years of Trump’s chaotic “America First” doctrine, there is also a wariness in parts of Asia over a possible reversion to Obama-era policies and players under Biden, particularly when it comes to confronting China’s growing power. Obama, Kausikan told me, excelled at diplomacy, but was “uncomfortable with exercising power,” and, as a result, Biden “will be deeply scrutinized for any sign of weakness, and he will be scrutinized by friends and foes.” That, he continued, “is a reality he cannot escape.”"

‘Trump Is Better’: In Asia, Pro-Democracy Forces Worry About Biden - The New York Times - "it is precisely Mr. Trump’s willingness to flout diplomatic protocol, abandon international accords and keep his opponents off-balance that have earned him plaudits as a leader strong enough to stand up to dictators and defend democratic ideals overseas, even if he has been criticized as diminishing them at home... One of the most influential voices spreading false narratives about Mr. Biden and the election on Twitter is Ai Weiwei, the Chinese contemporary artist who now lives in overseas exile.  In an interview, Mr. Ai said that he was not a fan of Mr. Trump. For his art, he has posed at Trump properties with his middle finger raised. But Mr. Ai said that by shutting off debate on his social media feed, he would be no different than an authoritarian government like China’s.  “All over Asia, all over the world, people don’t have the right to speak,” he said. “In America, left or right, you have personal freedoms. This has to be protected.”"
Then Biden showed how Ai Weiwei was spreading false narratives by trying to tackle "misinformation"

Biden’s November 7th Declaration - The American Spectator - "On November 7, Joe Biden stepped up to the mic somewhere beyond the confines of his basement and solemnly declared, “Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end here and now.”... there is one matter I hope Joe will apologize for. He called Donald and those who have supported Donald racists repeatedly while campaigning. He also called them xenophobic and white supremacists. And there was, among his Democratic friends, talk of the Republicans’ homophobia and misogyny. In keeping with Joe’s November 7th declaration, how about apologizing for those moments of demonization too?  Yet I am afraid that it is going to be difficult for the Democrats to swear off obloquy and name-calling, because most Democratic leaders believe their Republican opponents are racists, misogynists, white supremacists, and probably Imperialists. You know, Christopher Columbus was the first Republican.  I actually have some Democratic friends. Some are distinguished Democrats. They have given me the highest compliment a Democrat can give to a Republican. They have told me that they know I am not a racist. It is an exemption that they do not extend to many Republicans and certainly not to Donald Trump. Though I remember a testimonial I got from a black cab driver roughly four years ago when I was covering Donald’s first campaign. As we sped away from the Trump National Doral Miami, the driver thought he heard me on my telephone alluding to Donald’s bigotry. When I had finished my telephone conversation, he politely told me Donald was not a bigot. I informed him that my remarks had been misinterpreted. He continued by telling me that much of the staff at the hotel were black and even the head of security was a black man from New York City...   I have thought of that conversation frequently when the charge that Donald is a racist comes up. In fact, I have thought of it when I have heard other Democrats hurl charges of intolerance against Republicans. For instance, when I read Michelle Obama’s congratulatory message to Biden. She reminded Biden of the millions of Trump supporters who in the recent election turned out to support “lies, hate, chaos, and division.” What did Ms. Obama hear coming from Democrats? “The truth, love, calm, and integration.” Her complaint is nonsense."

EXC: Joe Biden's CIA Director Told Congress He Terminated a Relationship With a Chinese Communist Influence Group – New Evidence Suggests This Was a Lie.

Ted Cruz on Twitter - "Donald Trump: "I hope [Biden] has recovered, because as you know, he fell off his bicycle. No, I'm serious. I hope he's okay. Fell off a bicycle. I make this pledge to you today – I will never, ever ride a bicycle."
"Ok, this is pretty damn funny…."

Everyone can see through Joe Biden - "This is just a grand exercise in stage management, giving the appearance of more rational governance while, behind the curtain, the crumbling continues... One was Biden’s press secretary responding to a question about what Biden has done for workers with the reassuring news that he has appointed some women to the Business Council. Another was one of those brunch-loving DC types noting how it feels ‘so different having military intervention under Biden’ – ‘No middle-school level threats on Twitter. Trust the competence of Biden and his team.’ And a third was the news that the policy of keeping immigrant kids in cages had been replaced with the much cuddlier policy of confining immigrant kids in ‘overflow facilities’.   In other words, Biden represents not only more of the same for the American establishment, but also a relatively effective means of literally re-dressing the failures of American politics and the American economy... It is a facade...   The late-Soviet scenario seems much more likely for now: a rotting society in which the elites barely understand and take no interest in. Those able to see what’s going on simply opt out, detaching themselves."

Biden approval at 22% among young adults, 24% among Hispanics: poll - "Approval of President Biden’s job performance slipped to just 33% in a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University — as even key Democratic voting blocs such as young people and racial minorities give the president a big thumbs-down.  The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden’s performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden’s work...   Biden, according to a Wednesday report in Politico, lashed out at reporters in a recent off-the-record visit to the press cabin on Air Force One, complaining about a lack of positive coverage. But the president has done little to help flip the script — such as by giving interviews to present his perspective, as his predecessor Donald Trump often did to punch back against critics and advance his own narrative of events.  The president’s last on-record sit-down interview with a journalist took place four months ago on Feb. 10 with Lester Holt of NBC. The interview was recorded and aired three days later during the network’s pregame coverage of the Super Bowl...   Baker added that “the president talks about defending democracy and that’s part of democracy too – answering questions from people not on your side.”...   Biden’s messaging is often clouded by walk-backs or altogether squelched by his own staff. For example, his occasional Q&As with reporters after events at the White House are usually cut off from the official video live feeds.  Furthermore, Biden’s press handlers have specifically excluded reporters, video cameras and sound equipment from events on at least three recent occasions — including Wednesday — only allowing still photographers to record the president. "
Weird. I thought only fascists criticise the press

Joe Biden Proposes More Education Spending to Solve Gas Shortage - "I think that this shows that I think we have to make a greater investment in education as it relates to being able to train and graduate more people proficient in cybersecurity"

Greg Price on Twitter - "Biden to a guest at his speech: "My sympathies to the family of your... uhhh... CFO who dropped dead very unexpectedly.""

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Joe Biden employs "over 70 people on staff” to handle his digital content.   Donald Trump had himself and @DanScavino "
"As I've said, this administration is governed by Twitter."

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Biden says he wasn’t informed early on of baby formula woes"
"Seems pretty important that no one is telling the president important things for months on end."

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "No Free Lunch: Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda"
"In the total state only schools who honor the official religion of the regime may feed their children"

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "While Dems are nervous about Biden's age/presentation on TV -- they're not sold on Harris either and nobody thinks the field would defer to her if Biden steps aside.   Names suggested: Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Warren, Booker, Beto & Bernie not ruling 24 out!"
"Democrats aren't sold on the first African American female VP? Excuse me?"

RazörFist on Twitter - "A sitting member of Congress.  Marjorie Taylor Greene just warned everyone of the “fake meat” that’s grown in a “peach tree dish”.  A sitting member of Congress. Let that sink in."
"Okay. Let's hold an English Comprehension test requirement for all sitting politicians. If they're unable to communicate coherently, they must immediately vacate the office. And let's start with President* Biden."

Scholarly Debate is Dead - "For nearly 20 years—based on extensive scholarly research and long before Senator Harris was tapped to be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate—I have been questioning whether the current generally-accepted view of the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause is correct. I have published numerous articles about the subject, both scholarly and popular, asking whether it is right to interpret the amendment as meaning that anyone born on U.S. soil is automatically a citizen no matter the circumstances. I have testified about the matter several times before Congress and state legislative bodies, in a wide range of contexts... when I raised the exact same concern about citizenship eligibility with respect to Senator Kamala Harris, libelous howls of “racist” and various expletive-laced variations (“f—ing racist,” etc.) were hurled my way by a twitter mob, repeated ad nauseum in various mainstream news outlets.  A professor at the London School of Economics drew the unfounded conclusion that my article was only published because Harris is black and Indian, and therefore was “evidence of a white supremacist ideology and hate speech,” a scurrilous charge for which he apologized after I pointed out the libel laws in Great Britain do not impose nearly as great a barrier as the ones in the U.S. do to successful libel lawsuits by public figures such as me. The charges of racism are all unfounded, as there is not a single word in my Newsweek article (or any of my other writings) that can even plausibly be described as racist. Indeed, the actual racism (as opposed to the feigned charge of racism levelled against me) is to be found among those who think Senator Harris should somehow be immune from such inquiries because she is partially black. That is really an intolerable double standard, but in today’s “woke” culture, it is increasingly becoming the norm.  Even more troubling to me is how quickly once-serious scholars jumped on the twitter troll bandwagon...   This key distinction between “complete” and “partial” jurisdiction may be lost on the average Twitter troll, but prominent legal scholars should be capable of understanding such things. Indeed, I know full well that Professor Epps is aware of the distinction: we have debated the subject.  While there is genuine scholarly disagreement on the point, it is what we used to call a “straw man” argument to ignore the distinction completely, as Epps does. Serious scholars simply don’t do a victory lap after knocking the stuffing out of a scarecrow of their own making. Rather, they confront the opposing argument on its own terms. And quite frankly, there is much evidence in support of my position... once-serious scholars promptly joined the chorus. Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe compared my well-supported (albeit minority) scholarly position to “flat earth theory” and “total B.S.,” according to the New York Times. Apparently Tribe forgot the fact that just four years earlier, he had raised a somewhat similar challenge to Senator Ted Cruz’s eligibility. AT the time, he at last conceded that the matter was “unsettled.”  In the past, numerous legal scholars who disagree with my interpretation on scholarly grounds have at least acknowledged that Wong Kim Ark did not settle the precise question at issue...        There was a time when all serious scholars would have agreed that this is, at the very least, an open question. But in the modern world of “woke” America, serious scholarly disagreements about unsettled constitutional questions are facilely disregarded as “flat earth theory” and “total B.S.” This is a blatant attempt to silence any scholarly debate about matters that run counter to the official “narrative” of the day, and with it the scholarly search for truth.  I applaud the few scholars who have acknowledged the serious and perfectly legitimate arguments I have raised here and for nearly 20 years, even if they themselves had reached a different conclusion. But when the overwhelming majority of supposedly serious scholars simply regurgitate nonsense that originates in twitter mobs, we have a much greater problem in our country than the eligibility of any single candidate for high office."

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