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Monday, February 20, 2023

Links - 20th February 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

We need to stop rewriting songs and rewriting history - "the creators of the hugely popular Stranger Things, Matt and Ross Duffer, caused a stir when they seemed to suggest they had retrospectively re-edited episodes of the show to fix plot holes spotted by fans... After much discussion, the writers of Stranger Things finally reassured fans that, ‘No scenes from previous seasons have ever been cut or re-edited. And they never will be.’... the Stranger Things controversy raises interesting questions about the growing fashion for retrospective editing in response to audience reaction. In the old analogue world of vinyl albums and paper books, up-to-the-minute re-editing was, if not impossible, then certainly very difficult. When content is consumed digitally, it can be ‘updated’ as soon as the first criticism lands. Yet just because something can be done, that does not make it right.  The temptation for artists to hit the edit button is far more likely to be triggered in response to cries of offence than mere plot holes. Beyoncé’s first solo album in six years, Renaissance, had only been released for one week before it was ‘updated’. Queen Bey replaced ‘spazzin’ on that ass’ with ‘blastin’ on that ass’, in the song ‘Heated’, after disability charities claimed the lyric was offensive. Singer Lizzo was equally quick to re-record a new version of her song ‘GRRRLs’ when, just one month earlier, she was accused of using the very same ‘ableist slur’. We can discuss the different connotations of ‘spaz’ in the US and the UK, and we can argue whether or not post-release editing counts as censorship. But the growing trend for memory-holing a work the minute it is labelled ‘problematic’ raises broader questions about our collective grasp on present realities and our relationship with even the immediate past. When music, films and books can all be altered at the push of a button – with the update replacing the original – we are left questioning our recollection of what we may have read or heard just days earlier. This process is particularly concerning when it comes to editing in response to cries of offence. It implies that it is not the individual artist who determines the content of their work but the people who shout loudest on social media. It also sets in place a trend for retrospectively editing older work, perhaps long after the death of the original creator. We see this in calls to ‘update’ classic works of literature, either through modern adaptations or simply deleting offensive words from new editions. Children’s literature is a particular focus for this form of revisionism. Some books have been removed from back catalogues altogether (Dr Seuss). In others, words and names of characters have been changed (Enid Blyton). In some cases, entire books have been re-written (see Jacqueline Wilson’s updating of E Nesbit’s novels)...  to edit past cultural works on the basis of today’s values is to rewrite the historical record. It suggests the past is just a continuation of the present and that, even centuries ago, people held all the same progressive values we are encouraged to hold today. This expunging of all reminders of a past that do not neatly reflect today’s woke attitudes extends beyond the arts. It is there in the desire to remove statues and plaques to historical figures who were once celebrated but are now hated. It is there in campaigns to change the names of streets, schools and buildings. Every aspect of the past, whether it dates back several centuries or a couple of days, is now interrogated, cleansed and altered, in a never-ending process of moral purification. But activists face a problem. This memory-holing whitewashes the past... Those intent on ‘decolonising’ history want us to believe not just that the past was irredeemably bad, but also that its sinful legacy shapes our present. Soon we may only have their word for it."

BBC World Service - The Food Chain, A year in the life of a Chinese restaurant - "‘I have been here in Australia for 20 years. And I guess sometimes occasionally I get when we go to a doctor's office, or even in a shopping center and customer service will suddenly speak speaking loud and clear English to you, just to make sure you understand and the words they use will be simple enough. That sort of subtle racism that lately since the pandemic started, is different, is more obvious is more visible.’...
‘This period completely reminds me of back in 2001, when foot and mouth disease was in the UK, it seemed like society needed a scapegoat. And they picked Chinese restaurants. There was zero evidence that Chinese restaurants were responsible for causing foot and mouth. But newspapers would flagrantly put out headlines and articles, saying that it's the dirty practices of Chinese restaurants that have caused this. And it feels like every time that something like this happens, there needs to be someone to blame’...
‘I look back at a time when when I was at school, I was the only Chinese kid there. And if you think back how you've brushed things off, but, and you've asked yourself later on in life, why did you brush it off? Why did you brush off? Someone's asking you, do you know how to use a knife and fork? Should you be using chopsticks?... I think Trump had a big factor in normalizing it’...
‘I remember when I first went on a date with this Australian boy, we, we went to this yum cha  place and I order the chicken feet. And he was so awkward. And his face turned red and is about to leave. And so I broke up with him like within a week.’
‘You broke up with someone over a chicken foot.’
‘Yes, that's right. And I think it's worth it.’...
‘There's no problems of being inspired by our culture, by our food. But you've got to be there. 100%. You don't like Patrick saying, you know, pick the best bits. And then you you wash your hands off of everything else. It doesn't work like that.’"
If a yellow person walks into a Chinese restaurant and the staff start speaking to him in Cantonese (in a country where that's not the national language), is he a victim of racism?
There was an allegation that the food and mouth disease outbreak in the UK was caused by illegally smuggled meat. Presumably the media is not allowed to report any news that might "scapegoat" a "minority" community, which is why for a long time no one was allowed to talk about the fact that covid came from China (which aided Xi in his attempt to blame frozen seafood and his other conspiracy theories)
When you're a kid, you are anti-fragile and are not affected by trash talk (or innocent questions). But when you grow up and find out you're supposed to get offended, you suddenly become a victim
Fusion food doesn't exist, and if you change traditional ethnic food that's not "yours", you're racist

MLS Coach Resigns After Using N-Word While Singing Song In Locker-Room - "FC Cincinnati head coach Ron Jans just resigned after a player complained he used the n-word out loud in the team's locker-room...  Jans has admitted he used the n-word in the locker-room but insists he wasn't trying to attack anyone ... he was simply singing along with a song that was playing."
At this point, non black people should just avoid rap and hip hop for their own safety

London, Ont., teacher removed from class after using the N-word during a lesson - "A high school teacher in London, Ont., has not been back in the classroom since using the N-word while reading song lyrics during an English class about metaphors and allusions last week.   Students at Saunders Secondary School say the teacher was reading from the Black Eyed Peas song Where Is The Love? which has the N-word in one of the verses."
I thought studying popular culture that resonated with "minorities" was good? So much for decolonising the curriculum - it's a minefield

George Washington University professor is canceled after enraging class with N-word discussion - "A George Washington University human rights professor fired from his course over a discussion about the N-word has blasted his soon-to-be former employer and says higher education is now too woke for him to work in.    'I do not plan to return to GW in the spring semester 2023 because I disagree with the decisions of the officials who allowed misinformation to spread unchecked and did not defend their employee's reputation,' Professor Michael Stoil, 72, told DailyMail.com.  Stoil, an adjunct professor of political science at the Washington DC university and former CIA analyst, landed in hot water with the university after students filed three racial bias reports against him for comments he made about the use of the N-word in a September class. He was asked to step down from his human rights course and allowed to remain as a tenured professor - although Stoil has now decided to resign altogether.    The drama began when Stoil used the word uncensored during a phone conversation with an unnamed vice provost about how offensive it was, prompting a horrified response from the academic.   He got into hot water after recounting the conversation with students, although only used the phrase 'the N-word' while telling the anecdote... 'To my great shock, the Vice Provost said that she was physically affected by my use of the word to illustrate an example in an intellectual conversation that we were having over the telephone. In response, I told her that I would never use the word again even in an intellectual conversation about the effects of hate speech, and I have kept that promise. That was the incident that I related in class.'... 'I don't believe that the N-word should be used at all, and I didn't use it in my class (I literally referred only to the euphemism 'N-word'). People who use ethnic slurs in normal conversation, in music, and in poetry--even for shock value and even when the speaker is a member of the referenced ethnicity--are perpetuating discrimination and mistreatment. That is the point that I was raising in the human rights course; that hateful speech is hateful speech regardless of who is speaking.'... 'The University is no place for a 'color-blind' humanist whose effort to get students to think in terms of universal human rights has been so misinterpreted and received so little support from University officials'"
The euphemism treadmill strikes again. Since "n word" is now forbidden, what euphemism must be used for it? Though in turn it too will get retired for being "offensive"
The people who go on about "white fragility" are physically affected by words
Double standards based on race are anti-racist, and if you disagree, you're racist

Korean words are being mistaken for racial slurs in latest trending K-pop song - "The latest song accused of perpetuating anti-Black racism for containing non-English words that sound like racist slurs, “Darari” by Treasure, has been trending on TikTok over the past month. The sped-up segment of the song that’s been circulating on the social media platform begins with the Korean words “nikka” (“니까”), a conjunction, along with “niga” (“니가”), which roughly translates to an informal use of the word “you” in English. TikTok users have lip-synced to the clip in videos, as seen in countless trends using popular songs, only to come under fire for mouthing what sounds like the N-word...  In 2018, similar Korean lyrics in the song “Fake Love,” by international K-pop sensation BTS, were censored on American radio stations. The word “niga” as well as “naega,” which translates to “I” in Korean, were edited out of the song by the record label.  JJ Ryan, an Oklahoma City radio host, explained that the label might have made the decision to do so since radio stations faced losing their licenses if listeners were to file complaints.  The group also replaced the original lyrics during their performance of the song at the Billboard Music Awards that year."
If you don't cleanse your language of anything that sounds like a word that Anglo liberals hate, you're racist and displaying "anti-blackness"

Meme - "We should amplify and bring LGBTQIA2S+ and POC voices to the front!"
Libs of TikTok: "Okay, I can do that."

WATCH: Utah Gov. claims it's not racist for white children to be excluded from Jazz-funded college scholarships - "Governor Spencer Cox took a call during a the "Let Me Speak to the Governor" question period on a local radio station KSL on Thursday from a constituent who was concerned about the Utah Jazz's new scholarship program. The scholarship program, implemented by the basketball this year, promised a college scholarship to a student of color for every win the franchise earned."

All I did was comment gay on the Rainbow Pictures today. : SingaporeRaw - "You've been permanently banned from participating in r/singapore"
Comments: "r/SG mods and getting triggered like a snowflake. Name a better duo"
""No homophobia"  But typing just the word gay in support of today's repeal is considered homophobia by them.  LMAO"
"But gay also means happy leh...siao ehs the mods there so unprofessional"
"Power of love wins everytime 🥲"
"Welcome to the family. Pretty soon everybody will be banned from that subreddit. As it should be."
"🤣 if you are not banned by r/sg, are you truly a singaporean?"

Polyamory is getting slivers of legal recognition in America | The Economist - "One in 20 partnered people is in a CNM relationship while one in five has engaged in CNM at some point, according to surveys by Amy Moors of Chapman University and her colleagues. Gay people are much more likely to do so than straight ones. Congress’s codification of same-sex marriage, stipulating that such unions must be between two people, “completely erases a lot of queer history”, says Ms Moors... marriage confers tax, health-care and immigration benefits that polyamorous people would like to claim too. States and cities are granting slivers of legal recognition. In September a judge in New York City allowed the third partner of a deceased man to argue that he should inherit their rent-stabilised lease. A dozen states allow triple-parent custody of children. In 2020 Somerville, outside Boston, became the first city in the country to offer multi-partner domestic partnerships, followed by nearby Arlington and Cambridge. Municipal employers must provide health insurance and other benefits to employees’ partners. Private firms are under no such obligation—that requirement would have to come from the state. Sceptics worry about people claiming an outrageous number of partners. But denying rights on the presumption that people will act in bad faith is no way to operate, says Alexander Chen of Harvard Law School... Views are changing: in 2020 a fifth of Americans told Gallup that polygamy was morally acceptable, up fourfold since 2006."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again. We kept getting told this would never happen. It's only been 8 years since gay marriage got rammed through their court

Brona C Titley on Twitter - "A kid at soft play asked about our family, and I told her my toddler had 2 mums. She immediately said “Why not 3?” and honestly it’s a great question, will talk to my wife about it tonight."

Here's Why White People Should Check Their Bias Before Shopping Black Owned Beauty Brands - "the product was made specifically for Black women so why use it if you're not Black? To be fair, the oil was created for those with coarse texture or curls so rightfully so, it can be offensive — but the context is more profound than just white women using Black-owned products... The question for white people who patron Black-owned beauty businesses is do you really care about what affects Black people? Are you using your agency and power to tear down systemic issues? Are you cultivating a just workplace for your Black co-workers? Are you listening to Black people when they tell you, you have offended them? If the answer is yes, then by all means enjoy all of the products our skin folks have to offer — but if there's a question mark for you at any point, I implore you to take a pause and evaluate your privilege."
Using black products and services sounds exhausting. If the products fail because too few people buy them, this will of course be the fault of racism

Meme - "American Girl releases 1st doll with hearing loss"
*realizing they could hear us before*

Meme - Stephan Schorn @schorn_stephan: "There is a German word for this: "Gratismut" (gratis" = for free, mut = courage). You show "Gratismut", when you do things to appear courageous while you actually risk absolutely nothing. It's not #PrideMonth. It's #GratismutMonth."
*BMW, BMW India, BMW Mexico, BMW South Africa and BMW UK changing their logos for Pride Month, but not BMW Middle East*"

Meme - Christina Pushaw @ChristinaPushaw: "Democrats before and after seeing polls"
Ritchie Torres @RitchieTorres: "Never for a moment did I imagine becoming the first openly #LGBTO Afro-Latinx member of Congress and joining the ranks of the @outmagazine Out100. #RainbowWave
A new generation of Latinx representation is rising"
Ritchie Torres @RitchieTorres: "I represent the South Bronx, home to the Yankees. Never heard anyone locally locally use the term 'Latinx. Does a majority of Hispanics actually use the term 'Latin'? If the answer is 'no', how did 'Latinx' come to be the term to use in government and Corporate America?"
New York Yankees @Yankees: "Each year, more than 4,100 Latinx people die from gun violence in the U.S. and 13,300 are shot and wounded."

Meme - ">"diverse"
>entirely black"
"Disney Collaborates With CreativeSoul Photography on Diverse Princess-Inspired Dolls"

Meme - Your Aries Retrospective (she/her) @yourariesretro: "THREAD: If you are not from the United States, you need to watch how you speak about gun violence over here. Y'all are up on the timeline acting like y'all's countries are on some moral high grounds when they are also active in white supremacy and genocide. Sit down. Y'all are quick to ask questions to Black and Brown folks in the States as if we are the ones who built these systems and we did not. Instead of holding space and seeing how to support us, y'all are more caught up in judgment and adding your two cents when no asked or cares. Everytime y'all say, "Americans" with no context, that tells me about your Anti-Blackness and how you purposefully erase what Black and Indigneous folks go through on this land (that was stolen by white colonizers). Y'all are "anti-racist" yet use exceptionalism as a flex? All of that talk y'all do and y'all's countries also don't care about y'all, especially if you're Black and Brown; therefore, using white supremacist rhetoric and acting holier-than-thou is not the serve you think it is. Y'all treating these things so lightly is an insult. Amplifying Black and Brown folks, (mutual aid those who are speaking about our experiences/just in general) is somewhere to start. But speaking over and believing you ever have the right to tell us what to do and how we should handle anything? Yeah. Sit this one out. With these disrespectful and arrogant hot takes, a lot of y'all are leading with xenophobic, Anti-Black, and racist sentiments that are more focused on policing those harmed (Black and Brown people) over actively getting into that "solidarity" y'all claim to want. Do better. I don't like how y'all are quick to want Black folks to do all of these things, yet are quiet about how this continues to impact our mental/emotional health. Y'all want us to lace ourselves up by the bootstraps like this country isn't trying to eradicate our existence? Gross. If you're not of a certain experience being spoken to, it's called common sense/human decency to pass the mic and respect those who are of these experiences and can speak to what is currently going on (if we choose to). It's called boundaries and not taking up too much space. The tone of a lot of these tweets have ignored Black trauma. Acting like y'all run stuff and pressuring Black people to always be the first ones to respond and act. I don't like that. We are STILL grieving Buffalo and y'all are asking about why we aren't protesting???? Whenever y'all ignore and reduce the importance of mutual aid, urge Black and Brown folks harmed by violence to immediately act, and make jokes, you are no different than these white and Non-Black folks who rightfully get dragged for talking trash. We ain't never getting to "solutions" if y'all aren't recognizing how Black folks BEEN organizing and working on "solutions" since the very beginning, even though it shouldn't be our job to do so. If you aren't centering the harm done and community care FIRST, exit Stage Left. Your actions leave a lasting impact. Some of y'all are wanting to jump in the Driver's seat, when that is not your position or place. Fall back and shut it. What you need to be focused on is the white supremacy that is happening near your own doorstep and getting THAT together."
I guess the gun violence statistics are wrong in their racial breakdown. White supremacy is no longer confined to white people, so anyone who disagrees with a liberal can be said to embody it

Meme - @TLNTLR: "I can't explain exactly how but the song "White Christmas" is racist"
Greg @CasuallyGreg: "If you can't explain your own thoughts, that should tell you something."
Anti-racists just hate white people

Meme - "It's Not Too Late To Make Wednesday Addams"

Tucker Carlson: What the fight for slavery reparations tells us about today's Democratic Party - "Eugene Taylor Sutton, the Episcopal Bishop of the State of Maryland, told the committee that white people must support racial reparations, he suggested, to save their souls from damnation... Actual official racial discrimination of the kind embodied in Jim Crow ended half a century ago. But as it recedes with living memory, it becomes even more important to the Democratic Party.  In a religious procession earlier this year, half a dozen Democratic presidential candidates prostrated themselves before professional race hustler, Al Sharpton and vowed to seek reparations if they were awarded the presidency. From Sens. Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren to Beto O'Rourke and Julian Castro, they all kissed the ring of their moral leader, Al Sharpton -- hilarious. But on one level, it's not funny. As we're often told, correctly, America is a diverse country now and becoming more so. A diverse society can only survive by finding shared values and shared goals and pursuing them collectively.  However, when a country collapses into a feud between racial or ethnic or religious factions, that country fails -- every time. Warring tribes -- that is where this is pushing us."

Meme - Nadine Davis: "So this was sent to me in the mail to my work
"FRESH CO" Store, 181 Brock Street Peterborough, ON K9H 2P6
After the years you’ve been working with white people, you haven’t learn their gentle, courteous ways. You still are rude and arrogant in your manners. Many customers feel uncomfortable around you. Educate yourself, refine your very cultural background. You may fit better in Toronto than in this town. Think about it.
One of the ones who pay your wages."
There're several signs which suggest that this letter is not what it seems:
- the language is weird, not like that of a native speaker
- the handwriting on the envelope and the letter is different
- she removed her public Facebook post 2 hours after local news outlets publicised this letter on Facebook, and it was reported that a police report had been made
- it came at the start of Black History Month
- there're no creases on the letter, even though it could not have fit in the envelope without folding

Is The Name "Le-a" (Pronounced "Ledasha") An Urban Legend? Probably. - "I wrote a Dadspin post about stupid baby names last week, and whenever I write about baby names, I inevitably get scores of emails featuring the same dubious story. Here is one such example:
New one for list: Le-a = pronounced Le dash a .... Ledasha? Are you kidding me? I'm a teacher and had to say this name everyday for 10 months - parent teacher conferences were hilarious."
Lived experience only counts when it helps the liberal agenda. I saw other people who said they saw people with this name called liars
Liberals never ask for proof when it comes to hate crimes. Of course we know people only lie about things that make "minorities" look bad and there're never fake hate crimes and Jussie Smollett was framed
Of course, if anyone posts evidence that is not public e.g. by leaking an official document, liberals will be going after the person for victimising a minority through violating privacy

MRI scans reveal impact of racism and poverty on Black children’s brains - "MRI scans have revealed how the impact of “toxic stress” caused by racism and poverty on Black children’s brains can impact mental health in later life.  A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that disparities in eight of 14 brain areas were affected by adverse childhood experiences, such as coming from a low household income... “Although more research is needed on the neurobiological consequences of racial disparities in childhood adversity, the present findings offer new insight into biological impacts of disproportionate stress exposure.”... “These racial disparities are not random,” researchers confirmed. “Rather, they are deep-rooted structural inequalities that result from a history of disenfranchisement of racially minoritised groups (e.g., slavery, segregation) that reinforce themselves through societal norms and practices (i.e., systemic racism).” Some psychologists have long attempted to assert the egregious and discredited theory that Black people’s brains are different because they are inferior.  However, given that race is a social construct and all human beings are 99.9 per cent identical in their genetic makeup, the study has been hailed as further proof that social inequalities are a key determinant in health inequalities, and not the other way around.  Nathaniel G. Harnett, who led the study and is director of the Neurobiology of Affective Traumatic Experiences Laboratory at McLean Hospital, said: “There’s this (...) view that Black and white people have different brains. “When you do brain scans, you’ll sometimes see differences in how the brain responds to different stimuli, or there might be differences in the size of different brain regions.”  “But we don’t think that’s due to skin color. We don’t think white people have just categorically different brains than Black people. We really think it’s due to the different experiences these groups have”"
When you beg the question, you can easily get results you want
The actual paper is not as ideological

Meme - "why do yall never take showers"
"Tw showering why. just why. out of all the questions you could've asked you decided to be ableist and anti neuroatypical. this is not funny this is disgusting."

Meme - "How black people think I feel when they call me colonizer vs. how I actually feel
*daggers through heart vs Spanish party landing on New World soil*"

Meme - "tits or ass?"
"Actually I prefer personality"
"This is actually incredibly ableist some of us have personality disorders you need to learn to appreciate my tiddies"


Social Media Giants Must Speak Out Against LGBTQ Persecution in Ghana - "Ghanaian law has long targeted LGBTQ people and criminalized same-sex sexual activities. But this pending legislation, which recently passed its committee sittings in the Ghanaian Parliament, goes much further. The proposed law prescribes up to five years in jail for an individual who publicly identifies as LGBTQ or "any other sexual or gender identity that is contrary to the binary categories of male and female." The sentence increases if the offending person identifies outside the so-called binary. The bill also criminalizes identifying as an ally, such as anyone who "supports or advocates for the queer community," forces intersex people to undergo "gender realignment" surgery, requires all relationships to adhere to unspecified "sociocultural notions" of the "relationship between males and females," and threatens online platforms with criminal penalties if they do not restrict pro-LGBTQ content. Nor would the bill's harms be limited to Ghanaians. It would let Ghanaian authorities probe visa applicants' social media accounts for pro-LGBTQ speech, as well as create lists of pro-LGBTQ supporters to be arrested upon entry into the country. Offenders could be forced into conversion therapy. The provisions even outlaw any attempts to criticize or lobby against the restrictions after the legislation passes... Rightify Ghana told our Electronic Frontier Foundation earlier this year that it's crucial that companies touting their inclusivity and diversity as Twitter and Meta have now take a firm, specific stand against this cruel and oppressive legislation, and spell out how they'll protect users in Ghana should it become law. But that hasn't happened."
Wokeness only applies to the West. Liberals will just blame white people and ignore this afterwards. Virtue signalling is easy

Meme - "When you're white but the cop still gives you a ticket.
'I was told there would be privileges.'"

Meme - *At KFC*
Black guy: "Just so you know, I'm ordering for someone else. I don't even like Fried chicken. I hate stereotypes. *takes out gun* GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY!!"

Meme - "You're practically required to "celebrate" other people's "pride" in their peculiar sex habits, and if you object, they accuse you of being overly concerned about their private matters.
Hill: I'm more than happy to mind my own business so leave me out of your celebrations."

Meme - Liberal: "IT's JUST SO DYSTOPIAN!! *happy families*"

Meme - The Other 98%
Rev. Benjamin Cremer: "When we Christians become convinced that we are the only authority on truth, that anyone who opposes us is evil, and that things will only get better if we are in charge of all positions of power, that is when we know we are no longer worshiping God. We are worshiping ourselves."
Ironic. Christianity makes clear truth claims. Also, this describes wokeness perfectly


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