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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Links - 21st February 2023 (1 - Anti-Asian Violence)

Racist Pastor 'Black Violence Towards Asians is Fueled by White Supremacy' - "The demoniac pastor who heads up Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ in Springfield, Massachusetts, Talbert Swan, has demonstrated once again his racism and irrationality, at this point serving as a living, breathing example of the ultimate end of what it looks like to be steeped in Critical Race Theory and be given over to a seared conscience.  Swan, you’ll recall, was temporarily banned from Twitter in 2018 for calling Candace Owen a ‘coon,’ has said about a million times that everyone who supports Trump is a racist, said that he’d rather be in hell with the devil than in heaven with American evangelicals, and most recently said after the death of President Trump’s brother, Robert, that the wrong brother died and openly delighted in the thought of Trump passing away from the novel coronavirus... “Anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: white supremacy. So even when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled very specifically by white supremacy. White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate it.”"
Facebook - "White people are guilty of everything their ancestors did, but are now also guilty of everything other races do.  Worst deal ever."
"Minorities" have no agency

Andrew Sullivan on Twitter - "A group of men attack a man in a New York subway. The victim looks to be Asian. Asking for the public’s help in identifying the attackers and having them arrested. One man is holding the defenseless man as others punch him. New York subways are not safe. Video sent by follower." "Cannot imagine the context that could excuse this. Can someone in the MSM actually cover anti-Asian hate honestly?"

Dear White Liberals: Asians Aren't Your Pawns - "He asked the dude, what’s Trump got to do with the Georgia shootings and where was his phone call last year? The friend said he didn’t get what my brother was getting at. My brother replied that there were over 3,800 incidents of anti-Asian violence last year, yet you didn’t check on us. The friend said he didn’t know. My brother said, of course not—because no one besides us Asians cared. But now that you see a perp is a white male from the South, you start to care. You have to make this about YOU making a political statement rather than really caring about us, the Asian Americans.  My brother is correct. How can we trust and believe your sentiments when you didn’t care last year when we pleaded for assistance? The district attorneys in the Bay area and NYC acted blind to our plight. The national mainstream media didn’t lend us their ear nor their voice because the narrative didn’t fit.  But, now, you care.  You use our victimhood, turning it into your political gains—whether to infringe on the 2A or keep portraying Trump as that boogeyman. You sided with the rich NBA players over the freedom fighters of Hong Kong. You sided with Disney and NIKE over the lives and the dignity of the Uighurs in western China. You praised Antifa while they harassed and doxxed a gay Asian journalist. You sided with the rioters and looters that stole, robbed, and burned down our shops and businesses all last summer.   Yesterday, we found out the killer in the Georgia shooting rampage is a disturbed young man who is an Asian fetishist. Not exactly the perp that my brother’s friend wished for. I find it twisted and sick that there are a lot of white folks who get a ‘hard on’ for minorities’ victimhood. It’s as reprehensible as someone who has an Asian sexual fetish. Which is confusing—because one moment we are categorized with the ‘Whites’ when we are applying for colleges and universities and we don’t get the same affirmative action benefits of other POC when applying for a job— yet we are marginalized victims again, to serve your political purpose."

Man who spewed slurs at Asian cop in Washington Square Park busted by F.B.I. on gun charge - "As police were closing the park one night earlier this month for its curfew, Shermaine Laster was videoed shouting “f—in’ chink” and “chink” at the officer nearly two dozen times... Laster has been a regular presence at Black Lives Matter protests in the city."

Black Panthers Cause Asian Nail Salon to Close Permanently - "A video recently went viral in March, which showed 10 Milwaukee Black Panthers intimidating and harassing an Asian nail salon—Jade’s Nails and Spa on Brady Street... “There are allegations of extortion and harassment against the original Black Panthers of Milwaukee.”... A pro-Black Panther netizen wrote, “Every Asian business from the corporate level to the mom-and-pop level needs to give Black organizations 15% of their revenue. They wouldn’t exist without the black technology and ingenuity they stole. Justice is coming, you cultural thieves.” Farmer took credit for the business closing down, “The Original Black Panthers and the biggest Panther in the jungle, King Rick!! We are proud to announce the permanent closing of Jade’s Nails on Brady St.!! Due to the efforts of the OBP and community they no longer exist!! They disrespected our queens and paid the ultimate price!! Out of business!! Black Panther power once again in full effect!”"
Damn White Supremacists!

Latina grandmother assaulted on LA bus in anti-Asian attack - "A 70-year-old Latina woman who was mistaken for Asian was savagely beaten on a Los Angeles bus... Police have arrested a suspect in the assault, 23-year-old Yasmine Beasley"

Stanford University sends email to students blaming Trump for mass shootings - "An email sent out to Stanford University students from a group of administrators and faculty blamed Donald Trump for the recent spate of violent incidents against people of Asian descent"

Six men arrested in connection with robberies targeting Bay Area Asian women, police say - "Twenty-four-year-old Anthony Michael Robinson of Stockton; Cameron Alonzo Moody, 27, of East Palo Alto; Derje Damond Blanks, 23, of San Jose; Hassani Burleson Ramsey, 24, of Oakland; Clarence Jackson, 21, of East Palo Alto and Malik Short, 21, of Tracy were also charged with hate crime enhancements by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, San Jose police said in a Wednesday news release.  More than 100 Asian women throughout Santa Clara County and the Bay Area were targeted in the crimes, according to Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, who added that the prosecution of the case is ongoing. Some of the women were injured during the crimes."
Clearly white supremacy and anti-blackness

Colorado Professor Claims That 'White Supremacy' is Causing Black People to Attack Asians - "Professor Jennifer Ho wrote an article for The Conversation entitled “White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US.”... the nutty professor claims that even though “Black people are also attacking Asian Americans,” White people “are the main perpetrators of anti-Asian racism.”...        Ho added that “the dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians.”"

‘White Supremacy’ Magically Makes Black People Attack Asians According to Scholar - "The University of Michigan’s Viral Hate Project is trying desperately to change the narrative and blame white supremacy for attacks against Asians. The university reviewed 4,337 stories of anti-Asian attacks covered by the media. Those stories only identified the race of the suspects in just 18 percent of the incidents. In those specific stories, 165 of the offenders were identified as white and 10 were black.  The University of Michigan’s Viral Hate Project came to the conclusion based on only 18 percent of the perpetrators being identified—more Caucasians are attacking Asians, not black people... CNN Director Charlie Chester was caught on hidden camera back in April of this year, admitting their media outlet intentionally censored the race of the perpetrators attacking Asians if they were black to help protect Black Lives Matter."

Henry K. Lee on Twitter - "3 men tried to rob a woman of her camera near 9th & Franklin in Oakland’s Chinatown, but the owner of a nearby shop confronted them & fired several shots, scaring them away. No one hurt. @oaklandpoliceca investigating the latest in wave of crimes in area
UPDATE: Store owner near 9th & Franklin in Chinatown makes bail after being nabbed by @oaklandpoliceca for firing shots to deter men trying to rob woman of camera. @AlamedaCountyDA to review case. @ChiefLeronne says owner & others should be “good witnesses” in lieu of firing guns
I’ve learned jailed Chinatown store owner has CCW permit & told police he fired shots to protect woman targeted by robbers who also rammed her w/car. Cops sought his release but were overruled by @oaklandpoliceca capt. Owner says arrest sends msg that citizens should “do nothing”
UPDATE: It also turns out the Chinatown store owner arrested for firing shots to ward off robbers who had hit a woman w/car had also helped direct @oaklandpoliceca to the suspect now charged by @AlamedaCountyDA w/assaulting 3 victims in January, I’ve learned
UPDATE: Told by @oaklandpoliceca  he was going to jail, a Chinatown shop owner who fired his gun to defend a woman hit by would-be robbers’ car - and also helped officers catch a serial shoving suspect - that arresting him sends msg to criminals it’s OK to attack the vulnerable
UPDATE: @oaklandpoliceca  officers & investigators didn’t want to arrest a Chinatown store owner who fired a gun to protect a woman targeted by robbers. But a captain ordered them to jail the shopkeeper, who has a concealed weapons permit & has helped officers catch suspects
UPDATE: No charges against Chinatown store owner w/CCW permit who fired shots at men trying to rob woman across street from his shop, hit her w/their car & nearly hit owner, per @AlamedaCountyDA , calling it “justifiable use of force to defend the victim from a violent attack.”"

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser slammed for 'blaming victim' in tweet after Uber Eats driver dies during carjacking - "Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has come under fire for an apparently insensitive tweet days after the death of taxi driver Mohammad Anwar, whose cab was carjacked by two teen girls. Bowser was slammed for sharing a video from DC’s Metro police on “preventing auto thefts” following Anwar's death on March 23.  Anwar, 66, was reportedly killed when the girls tried carjacking him near Nationals Park using a stun gun. The names of the two juvenile girls arrested in the case have not been released by the police."
Facebook - "A follower DMed this screenshot"
Meme - "Hey can you unshare the crash video? There's a lot of hate going around for black americans and the video you shared will spread further hate towards us. Thanks sweetie."
"A guy just got murdered and you care more about the reputation of your race? That's awful. Nobody is assuming all black girls are murderers so what is the purpose of telling me this?"
"Well it seems to me the driver cared more about his car than his own life so it's his own dam fault I he died."

Teens who killed Uber driver get off easy while teen accused of rigging homecoming election to be tried as an adult | The Post Millennial - "The homecoming queen's jurisdiction in Florida is of course a different jurisdiction from that of the young women in Washington, DC. But the consequences of killing a man seem vastly more lenient than those for voter fraud in an election for homecoming at a high school."

Asian Dawn - Posts | Facebook Meme - "I don't think you know what unity really means. All these clips you show are the EXACT opposite of unity. Unity is not showing these clips when the perpetrator is Black. You have to be the better person and hold back because it'll be worth in the end when we have unity. Unity is not calling the police when you're getting robbed. Of course Asian lives matter, but those seniors would have gotten killed in a white neighborhood or especially a Latino neighborhood. They just so happen to be in a Black neighborhood and it's not fair to point that out because of course they're in a Black neighborhood but they would have been robbed or killed in any other neighborhood. That's why I'm saying unity is more important than posting coincidences."

Suspect in stabbing of Asian woman was freed from jail days ago - "Daniel Cauich, 35, was wearing an ankle monitor when he was arrested Wednesday on charges including attempted homicide, elder abuse and committing a felony while on bail or release... Cauich was convicted on multiple burglary charges in March, receiving a one-year jail sentence along with probation. He ultimately served more than 100 days before being released"

Tammel Esco, charged with attempted murder in brutal anti-Asian attack in Yonkers, has lengthy criminal record - "A woman from the Philippines is recovering from a vicious anti-Asian attack in Yonkers.  The suspect is charged with attempted murder as a hate crime and has a long criminal history... It's hard to watch the video of 42-year-old Tammel Esco assaulting his 67-year-old neighbor. Esco threw 125 punches and seven vicious kicks, then twice spit on the woman and used anti-Asian slurs... Esco has 14 arrests and multiple convictions on his record, Mueller said.  In Feb. 2021, Esco pushed a woman through a plate glass window. She was not seriously hurt, but Esco was given conditional discharge and no jail time. CBS2 learned Esco entered a five-month inpatient program for substance abuse after his arrest last year. He previously served 42 months in prison for a 2010 stabbing.  The attack on March 11 has frightened other Asians in the neighborhood."
Must have been her "anti-blackness"

Facebook - "There has been an alarming rise in violent hate crimes against Asian Americans since the beginning of the pandemic. This has been ignored and hardly covered in the news.  The vast majority of attackers have been people of color, black and brown. Maybe this is WHY it isn’t being discussed? It doesn’t fit the narrative.  Bigotry isn’t just a “privileged white man problem”. Fact is, no one is more racist towards people of color than other people of color. Asian, Latinos and Blacks have a history of hating each other. That hate often turns violent. It’s bad enough when it’s rival gangs but when that violence targets 80 and 90 year old Asians... it’s completely shocking.  My heart goes out to those attacked. My voice will be used to raise awareness.  Crushing the economy has led to an increase in this type of violence. When people are happy they do not attack others. Another terrible side effect of the pandemic."

A Change.org petition with over 30k signatures is falsely naming the perpetrators of a vicious rape and murder as "ten white teenagers" : AntiWhitePrejudice - Story: "Two teenage boys filmed themselves raping and beating a 36 year-old parkgoer to death after they asked her for money and she refused, it is claimed. Kamare Lewis, 17, and Kevin Spencer, 15, are said to have begun torturing Ee Lee after walking up to her while she sat on a blanket in a park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin."
Petition: "Ee Lee, 36 year old woman was physically assaulted and raped by ten white teenagers in washington park, milwaukee on september 20th."
2 blacks = 10 whites?

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "Stunningly ignorant. It takes a corrupted mind to attribute every single assault on Asians to white supremacy. This is the conspiracy theory that faces zero pushback from the mainstream media. In fact, peddling it gets you TV shows and Pulitzer Prizes."

Maliki Matari on Twitter - "Here's a small list of Asian-owned businesses. Good luck boycotting"
"We have an official list FBA fam. Shout out to @AsianDawn4for providing such great information. You rock! #NoAntiBlackRacism"
"Family, keep in mind that these electronics the #SoySauceSupremacists keep bragging about are made with the Coltan they get from Blk ppl in the Congo"

It's now considered "white supremacist" for an Asian to advocate for rule of law, which makes me think this isn't about white supremacy anymore. - "It's taken a long time, but there is increasing evidence that wokism has broken out of the backwaters of obscure gender studies professors' lounges and irrelevant celebrity activists struggling to get Instagram likes, and has begun making inroads into the hard sciences.The most recent example is the kerfuffle that came about from an email sent out by the president of Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, or MDPI, an open access publisher of author-pays scholarly papers... This was "fascistic rhetoric." What made it fascistic, other than the fact that nowhere in the email did he condemn President Trump and even suggested he might have a positive quality or two?Ah, it was his use of coded white supremacist dog whistles. You can read this for yourself in his email above if you don't believe me. He actually supports the "rule of law," and "western civilization" clearly white supremacist coded language according to a University of Florida Chemist who likely has frequent interactions with impressionable young minds.And that wasn't the worst of it as she intimates. No, it gets genuinely horrific after this... now that we have clearly established that Shu-Kun Lin is an unrepentant white supremacist who believes in the fascistic concept that the rule of law is the foundation of western civilization, we can now make fun of the fact that English is not his first language."

UBC Sent Students 'Approved' Document To Educate Them on 'Yellow Privilege' - "The University of British Columbia (UBC) has apologized for a document that sought to educate students on “yellow privilege” — benefits East Asians supposedly reap for being “both the oppressed and oppressors.” The six-paged document, which soon leaked on Reddit, was sent by an unidentified advisor in an email to students living in UBC’s Exchange residence... the document builds its case for yellow privilege from the notion of model minority, which paints East Asians as “hardworking,” “smart” and “successful” due to “innate talents.” The document argues that this makes the group become oppressors, as in the cited case of several Korean students who distanced themselves from working-class and poor Southeast Asians. It also took note of Asian students justifying Black racism by blaming the victims."
Working hard is keeping black people down

Meme - "We need to permanently stop supporting Asian businesses. #NoAntiBlackRacism #FBA #LineageMatters"
"You're a racist."
"Black people can't be racist per it's definition. Good try.."
Tellingly, ImBlack&ISaySo @ImblackI deleted his original tweet

Nas on Twitter - ""We need to permanently stop supporting Asian businesses." - @ImblackI #NoAntiBlackRacism #FBA #LineageMatters Because Asians are falsely claiming that Black Americans are attacking them, so we should remove ourselves from their establishments"

Bob Smith on Twitter - "According to Rod Graham "We need to permanently stop supporting Asian businesses" is not only not racist, but calling out anti-Asian racism somehow preserves "white" victimhood."

Fig Newson🇺🇸 on Twitter - "I really meant to say that BLACKS need to permanently stop supporting asian businesses. But I will add the arabs, east Indians, and to a lesser degree Africans in as well because Africans don't have businesses to the same degree."

BLM supporter charged for string of Seattle-area Asian hate crimes - "A Seattle Black Lives Matter supporter was arrested on Thursday and charged with multiple hate crimes stemming from at least two separate incidents.  On March 16, Christopher Allen Hamner allegedly threatened Pamela Cole, an Asian American woman, and her two children while they sat at a light, according to court documents... The Washington Examiner reviewed several of Hamner's Facebook videos, and many appear to place the man at a Black Lives Matter march and rally. One video, taken in June, showed him reading signs that read "RACISM IS AN EPIDEMIC" and "CHANGE THE SYSTEM #BLM #NOJUSTICE #NOPEACE."  He also appeared frequently to post left-leaning political content on his Facebook page.  "We Stand UNITED against racism& white supremacy," he wrote on March 23 in reference to a NowThis video pertaining to a union between the black and Asian communities to combat hate.  On the same day, the Black Lives Matter supporter likened New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to "AOC: Angel Of Congress." "Republicans are more concerned about poliiccs [sic] than helping the American people," he wrote earlier in the month.  Hamner also routinely attacked Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former President Donald Trump, and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in previous Facebook posts."

We Can't Stop Anti-Asian Violence Until We're Honest About It - "Democratic politicians, liberal-leaning media outlets, and the progressive nonprofit world have been quick to blame "white supremacy" or right-wing political rhetoric about COVID-19 for the brutal attacks, and the attack in Atlanta has been cast as the culmination of these forces; the news that race may not have been a factor in this attack will probably not shake their conviction that the greatest threat to Asian Americans right now comes from white supremacy.  And yet, unlike the suspect arrested for the crimes in Atlanta's, few of the attackers in most of these cases are even white, let alone white supremacists... Data bears out how disconnected such activism is from the facts: One recent study that looked at hate crimes that took place between 1992 and 2014 found that Asian Americans have a much higher chance of being victimized by other minorities in hate crimes than members of other minority groups do. In this time period, 25% of offenders in anti-Asian hate crimes were nonwhite, while just 1% of offenders in anti-African American hate crimes were non-white.  But it's important to acknowledge that many of the most recent attacks may not be primarily motivated by simple racial hatred. Over the past year, we've seen a massive increase in violent crime, particularly shootings and homicides. In many instances, working class Asian Americans are likely being impacted by a crime wave that is rocking American cities and impacting many people of lower socioeconomic status... Still, it's important to acknowledge that stereotypes can motivate even common criminals to target Asians for economic crimes. In 2010, a young man by the name of Amanze Emenike who was raised in San Francisco offered his candid thoughts on these stereotypes in a blog post for New America Media. Emenike, who is African American, had robbed Chinese students and was charged with a hate crime; that hate crime charge was later dropped. Emenike explained that he wasn't motivated by hatred of Asian Americans so much as the perception that they are easy targets... To the extent these crimes are motivated by either ethnic stereotypes or ethnic hatred, the role of economic competition can't be underplayed. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights registered this dynamic in 1992, when it noted that "many Asian immigrants operate small retail stores or restaurants in economically depressed, predominantly minority neighborhoods. The entry of small businesses owned by Asian Americans into these neighborhoods and their apparent financial success often provokes resentment on the part of neighborhood residents."  These disputes are the unfortunate consequence of very poor people blaming slightly less poor people for their problems. Immigrants aren't to blame for trying to do their best for their families; they certainly aren't the main force driving American inequality; that would be the power of monopoly corporations over our politics and economy. Yet even civil rights heroes aren't immune to engaging in cheap ethnic scapegoating as a substitute for a broader economic analysis. In 2006, former Martin Luther King Jr. confidante and UN Ambassador Andrew Young was working as a representative for Walmart. Pressed on the allegation that the chain was displacing small businesses, Young argued that those businesses "are the people who are overcharging us—selling us stale bread and bad meat and wilted vegetables. And they sold out and retired to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough." He went on to describe the ethnic groups he believed were responsible for this behavior: "First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs. Very few black folks own those stores."... We will not stop the wave of violence against Asian Americans if we can't admit where it's coming from. Blaming white supremacists will almost certainly ensure that these attacks continue.  But equally important is the cause—and effect—of the taboo on assigning blame where it belongs. Many progressives would recoil at the thought of acknowledging that there is real prejudice among members of minority groups, including prejudice that could be driving some to violence. To this milieu, this would be considered "blaming the victim." But relegating someone to victimhood status suggests that they lack agency. And while there are certainly people in society who we would never hold responsible for their own actions, such as young children or the developmentally disabled, those groups of people also hold no power in society. When a young man shoves an elderly person to the ground, that young man is exercising power, and you cannot hold power unless you accept the responsibility that comes with it.  If progressives believe that minorities should hold power, it then logically follows that we should be seen as agents of our own destiny. After all, if those of us from ethnic minority groups were nothing more than pawns in white supremacy's grand game, with all of our actions dictated by nothing more than a series of events set off by the trans-Atlantic slave trade and colonialism, then not only would we not be responsible for our sins, we'd also lack credit for our achievements.  Everything from Marvin Gaye's soulful music to Noor Inayat Khan's brave defiance of the Nazis would have to be reduced to nothing more than a reflection of the true masters of society: white people. Ironically, those who would claim that every single malady of any non-white person in society is the consequence of white supremacy seem to be practicing it."
Liberals think "minorities" are useless

The Dirty Little Secret of Anti-Asian Violence—and Why the Left Stopped Talking About It - "It’s time to bid farewell to the MSM coverage of anti-Asian violence. It was juicy while it lasted. The race-baiters in the lefty media saw what they thought was an opportunity to bash Donald Trump yet again by trying to link anti-Asian hate crimes to the former president’s use of the phrase “China virus” in regards to COVID-19. Liberal news rushed and gushed to suggest Trump’s words had stirred up a bunch of white supremacists in MAGA hats, driving pick-up trucks with huge Dixie flags all the way from Georgia to San Francisco for the thrill of punching an elderly Asian woman. Yee-HA!...   A 2008 survey in San Francisco found that 85% of strong-arm robberies against Asian women were committed by black men. The same article suggests the police weren’t exactly eager to address the role of race in these attacks.  Nine years and hundreds of attacks later, the big-wigs working for San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) refused to release videos of subway violence to “avoid racial stereotyping of suspects.”...   Sorry, Asian people. Black crime will not be discussed in the news. Call it #blackprivilege... Then came the videos where we could see the attackers. Oops... This isn’t the first time CNN has hidden black violence. In 2016 they edited a video of a young black woman calling for a race riot and pretended she was calling for peace.  If only CNN and the liberal media cared enough about stopping all racial violence, not just the violence they think they can lay on Donald Trump’s shoulders."

This is why Vancouver has become North America's anti-Asian hate crime capital - "a Sikh gurdwara, a Tibetan monastery and a Chinese evangelical church coexist in harmony along a three-kilometre stretch of road dubbed the Highway to Heaven. The kind of place that should be immune to a rise in pandemic-fuelled racism... COVID-19 was the trigger. But the resentment had been building for decades. Few areas have been so visibly transformed by Asian immigration — and money — as the Lower Mainland. Vancouver itself has become a glittering cosmopolis of luxury condos and designer boutiques. The disproportionate rash of incidents has raised an unsettling question: Maybe Vancouver isn’t the bastion of progressive multiculturalism it thinks it is... A report by the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice in September found that Canada, per capita, had a higher incidence of anti-Asian racism than the U.S., with B.C. topping the list of provinces reporting incidents... In Vancouver, a conspicuous group of well-heeled newcomers emerged, none more visible than Li Ka-shing. The legendary Hong Kong tycoon in 1988 acquired one-sixth of downtown properties and redrew the skyline with a cluster of tall, glassy condominiums. (To be sure, his group fostered little goodwill by pre-selling an entire tower exclusively to Hong Kong buyers without offering a single unit locally.)... “Is Vancouver Becoming a Suburb of Hong Kong?” screamed the March 1988 cover of Equity, a Vancouver business magazine. In the 1990s a furor raged in public hearings on zoning rules over the newcomers’ so-called monster homes destroying the esthetics of traditionally wealthy, white neighbourhoods (the ones with the voided covenants). Yet by 2010, Americans would come to own four times as many Vancouver properties as Hong Kongers at the time — to scant outrage... Around 2014 a particularly dizzying surge in home prices began. With cheap money inflating asset prices worldwide, Vancouver found itself at the centre of a global property boom. Double-digit gains in home prices outpaced those in New York and London. A more visible phenomenon in Vancouver’s small, shallow economy was an influx of Chinese money fleeing Beijing’s tightening capital controls. Signs included buses emblazoned with wraparound realtor ads in Chinese, as well as Asian college students parading in Lamborghinis and Aston Martins. The University of British Columbia has often colloquially been referred to as the University of Beautiful Cars — or the University of a Billion Chinese.   The ostentatious displays of wealth by the fuerdai — the label the Chinese apply to children of the nouveau riche — rankled in a city gripped by a housing affordability crisis. Newspapers were filled with tales of cash-rich Asian buyers besting locals in bidding wars and upscale neighbourhoods turned desolate as absentee owners left properties empty and condominium towers dark at night... Starting in 2016, Vancouver and the rest of British Columbia became a laboratory for policies designed to deter rich foreigners from investing in real estate. A series of measures rolled in: first a foreign-buyer tax, then an empty-homes tax, followed by a so-called speculation tax targeting nonresidents and “satellite families” — a term associated with households where the breadwinner stays in Asia, while the spouse and children live in Vancouver.  Economists and statisticians, as well as the federal housing agency, took a more nuanced view that wealthy buyers from abroad played only a supporting role in the runup in prices. There were a host of factors fuelling the market: Vancouver’s rock-bottom property tax rate, the lack of a capital-gains tax on primary residences, a byzantine zoning and permitting regime that strangles the housing supply, and a local economy that from its early days has attracted speculators, be they gold prospectors, stock promoters or real estate opportunists. But the real villains were a decade-plus stretch of historically low interest rates, a legacy of the 2008 financial crisis, and a Canadian propensity to borrow that had elevated property speculation to a national sport... Local and provincial policymakers parried accusations that they were discriminating against Asians, claiming they were being even-handed. “Targeting foreign owners and the one per cent who are driving up housing costs,” is how B.C.’s finance ministry justified the barrage of new taxes in 2018... “The important difference is not by citizenship, but between people who work and pay taxes here and the people who do not.”  Yet perplexingly, the province exempted nonresident buyers in places such as Whistler, which has an even more acute affordability problem. In 2016 foreign buyers accounted for some 10 per cent of property transactions, according to local real estate agents. But in Whistler the foreigners are mostly Americans — not Chinese... It took a pandemic to expose the trope.  Foreign buyers accounted for less than one per cent of $15 billion in residential transactions in the city last year, according to government data, a byproduct of closed borders and a steep drop in immigration. Yet with homes ever more out of reach, few are publicly acknowledging that perhaps the focus on Asian buyers was disproportionate. Asked about the role interest rates have played in the surge, a spokesman for the provincial government responded with an emailed statement that noted “the factors driving up house prices today are different” and that its policies had successfully reduced the presence of foreigners in property transactions since 2018."
It is weird that the same people blaming "foreign speculators" for driving up house prices are usually against "racism" and "xenophobia"
Just blame "gentrification", just like that's supposedly why Jews in New York City are attacked by black people
So much for Singapore's "Unique" racial-religious harmony in having religious buildings from various religions side by side (India says hi too)

Man Accused of Attempting to Sexually Assault 'White' Woman in Response to Anti-Asian Crimes - "An Asian man accused of kidnapping and attempting to sexually assault an Asian woman because he thought she was white has been arrested and charged in Irvine, California last week.  Michael Sangbong Rhee, 37, of Lake Forest, allegedly targeted the victim while she was sitting in her car in the area of Harvard Avenue and Coronado Street around 1:30 p.m. on April 8... detectives believe that he targeted the woman because he thought she was white. They also believe the assault was committed in retaliation for hate crimes against Asian Americans.  As a result, Rhee is expected to face hate crime charges himself."
The consequences of racist grievance mongering (that isn't even accurate in the slightest)

EXCLUSIVE: Seattle social-justice activist charged over anti-Asian hate attacks - "King County prosecutors charged 51-year-old Christopher Allen Hamner, of SeaTac, Wash., with a felony hate crime for targeting multiple Asian victims on two separate occasions in March. Hamner, who is mixed-race, is accused of threatening women and children of Asian background as young as five years old with racial slurs... The videos and accusations against Hamner have been surprising for some given his reputation as a staunch BLM and racial-justice activist in the Seattle-area.  In June 2020, Hamner participated in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), where BLM and Antifa extremists seized six blocks of city property. He recorded video of himself in the zone where he was holding an anti-Donald Trump and anti-police sign. His social media is filled with posts expressing hatred of Donald Trump and Republicans. In February, he tweeted, "Sleep good tonight Rand Paul" along with an emoji of a knife and smiling face. He was responding to a tweet where the Kentucky senator was critical of Trump's impeachment trial.  He has also posted dozens of times in support of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Democrat causes. He also posted frequently in condemnation of anti-Asian hate crimes and white supremacy. After the recent shootings at the massage parlours in Atlanta, Hamner wrote on Facebook for everyone to "[s]tand UNITED against racism & white supremacy." Local and federal investigators have stated that there is no evidence to support the accusation that the shootings, which killed eight people, were motivated by anti-Asian hate."
Since we know that anti-racists are the most racist...

Doormen Who Stood By After Brutal Attack on Asian Woman Are Fired - The New York Times
On the building owned by the Brodsky Organization
Smart. If they had intervened, they would probably have been smeared as racists and had their lives ruined - and been fired anyway

Gung-Ho Geeks - Posts | Facebook - "Fantasy Flight Games have officially canceled a COSPLAY contest over whatever the offense du jour seems to be over in the US at the moment. Could you be any more tone deaf? Cosplay, especially in the L5R community, which is notorious in its reverence to the game's source material, is a GOOD, most thing, you clueless sods! This isn't - and to my knowledge never has been - a case of 'my culture isn't your prom dress', but a celebration of said culture. Absolutely ridiculous decision making on all fronts. Things had already been going downhill since Petersen left, then Asmodee took over and it really went to hell in terms of game life expectancy, and now stuff like this... Bloody awful. Shame! Shaaaame!"

Facebook - "watching the progressive left DRAG Ana Kasparian's ass for speaking out against a black man punching a little old asian woman is hilarious! They are outraged that she wants a violent black man in jail. They are comparing The Young Turks to Fox News because they finally have come to the consensus that bail reform laws, and allowing repeat offenders back on the streets is a bad idea. LOL Welcome to fascism, Ana! LOL"
""Stop Asian Hate" ( unless it somehow makes it harder for us to turn everything socialist then nevermind if an Asian old lady gets punched)."

Influencer and YouTuber Kaneesha Taughtu claims that Asian reporter Betty Yu is posting anti-Black propaganda for reporting Black on Asian crimes. She also claims that Asians "want to see" Black people be harmed. : RacismAgainstAsians

SF police share video of teen setting woman's hair on fire on Muni

Invasive carp: Certain types of fish are being renamed in the wake of anti-Asian hate crimes - "Throughout the country, the names of birds, moths, and geographical sites are being changed as Americans reconsider the outdated stereotypes and racist connotations some of these names may carry. The names of some varieties of fish are next.  Grass, bighead, silver and black carp have been commonly known as “Asian” carp since the 1970s, when they were brought to the US as a biological control for plants, algae and snails in certain circumstances... Yet calling these invasive fishes “Asian,” and then promoting efforts to control their population, has xenophobic connotations...   The American Ornithological Society announced last month it would move forward on changing “harmful English bird names,” as some birds bear the names of racist explorers.  Meanwhile, a push is also being made to rename some geographical sites, many of which feature outdated or derogatory terms for Black people, Native Americans and Asian Americans."
Of course, this is easier than tackling the real problem
Why not not tackle non-native species, since that's xenophobic?

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