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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Links - 28th September 2022 (2 - Cancel Culture)

The woke counter-Enlightenment - "The quasi-religious dogma that drives cancel culture is not only directed at contemporary, living people but also against historical figures and the intellectual legacy of the past. Its latest target is one of 19th-century Britain’s most influential scientists, Thomas Henry Huxley.   Imperial College has been told to remove a bust of Huxley and to rename its Huxley Building because some of his views fall ‘far short of Imperial’s modern values’. The fact that Huxley was an active and vociferous supporter of abolishing slavery is of no importance to the zealous academic inquisitors charged with cleansing academic life of its Western intellectual heritage.  Academics used to be more interested in studying the past than policing it. But in recent times, groups of academics, university administrators and student activists have joined together to launch a cultural revolution against the legacy of Western intellectual achievements...   Imperial’s Inquisition, led by Nilay Shah, a professor of process-systems engineering, concluded that Huxley’s theories ‘might now be called racist’ because he used ‘racial divisions and hierarchical categorisation in his attempt to understand their origins in his studies of human evolution’. The phrase ‘might now be called a racist’ is telling. It speaks to a mindset that is obsessively searching for the slightest trace of anything offensive. This can then be used as evidence to condemn historical figures who cannot reply to their accusers. It is no secret that Huxley, like virtually every major thinker of his time, interpreted human evolution through the prism of racial divisions. But unlike most proponents of racial hierarchies, he played an active role in fighting for the liberation of slaves. By any objective standard, history’s verdict on Huxley should recognise that his association with the prejudices of his time is greatly outweighed by his role as an abolitionist and as a man of science. Indeed, Huxley famously possessed an open mind and a determination to question the views and prejudices of his time. For Huxley, scepticism was ‘the highest duty and blind faith the one unpardonable sin’. Huxley was the ultimate anti-dogmatist...   If he were alive today, Huxley would understand why cancel culture is coming for him. He would recognise the dogmatism of his inquisitors.  The demand to remove all traces of Huxley from Imperial College represents another triumph of what is sometimes called ‘accusatory history’. The aim of accusatory history is not to deepen our understanding of the past, but rather to vindicate and validate the identities and dogmas of the woke in the present, while discrediting those of its opponents.   The goal of accusatory history is about far more than spoiling the reputations of important historical figures like Huxley. It represents an important symbolic victory for identity politics and its crusade against the intellectual legacy of Western civilisation, and in particular of the Enlightenment.  Virtually every great thinker who contributed to the development of the ideals of tolerance and freedom has become a target of the offence archaeologists promoting this new Inquisition. According to this accusatory version of history, John Locke, whose philosophy developed the idea of tolerance, is little more than a 17th-century racist. Adam Smith, a towering figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, is also a racist apparently. According to one 21st-century critic of Smith, his sin was to make a distinction between ‘savage’ and ‘civilised’ nations. Immanuel Kant, arguably the most influential thinker of the Enlightenment, and John Stuart Mill, the most important philosophical advocate of liberalism, are today casually dismissed as racists, too. Huxley’s colleague, Charles Darwin, has become a target of the new Inquisition too"
Wokeness is a dogma after all

Kmele 🖐 on Twitter - "What a striking contrast: BYU: Conduct a thorough investigation. Details the lack of corroborating evidence. Exonerate and apologize to the falsely accused. DUKE: "We believe." That's it."

Man Banned from BYU Game Does Not Appear to Have Said Racial Slur, Authorities Say - "A man who was banned during a volleyball game between Brigham Young University and Duke University last week for allegedly yelling the N-word at a player does not appear to have actually said a slur after all...   The investigation comes after Richardson said she “very distinctly” heard a “very strong and negative racial slur” during Friday’s game... The student paper reported that it has been unable to find a source in the student section who heard the racial slurs. The outlet spoke with several students who attended the game who said they did not hear the slurs. However, Richardson’s claims, including a statement where she said the racial slurs escalated throughout the match and ultimately “grew into threats which caused [her] to feel unsafe,” were picked up by several national media outlets, including the New York Times, NPR, CNN, and The Hill.   The Atlantic‘s Jemele Hill suggested Duke should have canceled the rest of the series of games against BYU in support of Richardson, while USA Today’s sports race and inequality editor wrote a column arguing that Richardson is a “victim” but also a “hero surrounded by a lot of people who failed her.”"

Opinion | McCarthyism is back. This time, it’s woke. - The Washington Post - "The intellectually intolerant mob claimed two high-profile victims Tuesday with the resignations of New York Times editor Bari Weiss and New York Magazine journalist Andrew Sullivan. These are just two examples of the deadly virus spreading through our public life: McCarthyism of the woke... Today’s “cancel culture” is nothing more than McCarthyism in a woke costume. It stems from a noble goal — ending racial discrimination. Like its discredited cousin, however, it has transmogrified into something sinister and inimical to freedom. Battling racism is good and necessary; trying to suppress voices that one disagrees with is not. Woke McCarthyism goes wrong when it seeks to do the one thing that America has always sworn not to do: enforce uniformity of thought. Indeed, this principle, enshrined in the First Amendment, is so central to American national identity that it is one of the five quotes inscribed in the Jefferson Memorial: “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”... Do you now or have you ever thought that Donald Trump might make a good president? Congratulations, president of Goya Foods: Your company is boycotted. Are you now or have you ever been willing to publish works from a conservative U.S. senator that infuriated liberal Twitter? Former New York Times editor James Bennet, the bell tolls for thee.The mob even sacrifices people whose only crime is familial connection on its altar. The stepmother of the Atlanta police officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks, Melissa Rolfe, was fired from her job at a mortgage lender because some employees felt uncomfortable working with her. Such tactics work best when they force people to confess to seek repentance for the crimes they may or may not have committed. McCarthy knew this, and so he always offered lenience to suspected communists who would “name names” and turn in other supposed conspirators. The woke inquisition uses the same tactic, forcing those caught in its maw to renounce prior statements they find objectionable. NFL quarterback Drew Brees surrendered to the roar while noted leftists such as J.K. Rowling and Noam Chomsky are being pilloried for their defense of free speech. McCarthy was enabled by a frightened and compliant center-right. They knew he was wrong, but they also knew the anti-communist cause was right and were unsure how to embrace the just cause and excise the zealous overreach. It wasn’t until McCarthy attacked the U.S. Army that one man, attorney Joseph Welch, had the courage to speak up. “Have you no decency, sir?” he said as McCarthy tried to slander a colleague. The bubble burst, and people found the inquisitorial emperor had no clothes. The Senate censured him in 1954, and McCarthy died in 1957, a broken man.It won’t be as easy to defeat the woke movement. There isn’t one person whose humiliation will break the spell. This movement is deep, decentralized and widespread. But it can be beaten if someone’s courage can awaken the center-left as Welch’s did for the 1950s center-right."

BACKFIRE: Customers Buy Goya Foods After Leftists Pledge Boycott Over CEO’s Trump Support - "a GoFundMe was launched to raise money to feed the hungry using Goya Food products; it has since amassed over $43,000 dollars... “You’re allowed to talk good or to praise one president but you’re not allowed — when I was called to be part of this commission to aid in economic and educational prosperity, and you make a positive comment, all of the sudden that’s not acceptable”"

Fundraiser by Casey Harper : Buy GOYA - Stop Cancel Culture & Feed the Hungry - "$331,332 USD raised"

'Cancel Hamilton' Erupts on Twitter After Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hit Musical Debuts on Disney Plus - "Disney’s debut on its streaming service of the award-winning Broadway musical Hamilton over the weekend ignited renewed ire with the Founding Father Alexander Hamilton and the plays co-creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda, who locked his Twitter account just as leftists pushed “Cancel Hamilton” on the social media site.Hamilton became a breakout hit after its Broadway debut in January 2015, as it portrayed America’s Founders — from George Washington to Thomas Jefferson — as great, brave, and courageous men. President Obama and Michelle Obama famously saw the hip-hop show, about the life of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, for date night. The musical was used to raise money for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Miranda introduced Clinton as “the forty-fifth president of the United States” at a $100,000 per ticket event, which all occurred just three months before her defeat to Donald Trump. What was once a must-see stage show drawing celebrities and fans from around the world is now the latest target of a woke mob of leftists hellbent on castigating America’s founding and its founders as nothing more than bigots and slave owners. On Saturday, Hollywood actor-director Michael Rapaport asked his half a million Twitter followers “Is it time to discuss canceling #hamiltonmusical? Celebrating a singing George Washington? #CancelHamilton.” Doubling down, Rapaport — a raging left-wing Trump hater — tweeted “Singing slave owners.”... former Fox News and NBC host Megyn Kelly tweeted to her 2.4 million followers “Can Hamilton – a show that celebrates America and her founders – survive cancel culture?”... Miranda and Hamilton co-creator Jeffrey Seller apologized in two separate hostage-style videos for not endorsing Black Lives Matter years ago... Lin-Manuel Miranda committed is Democratic Party ally. He fought hard to elect Hillary Clinton. He’s been a loud critic of President Trump. He’s a proven pro-gun control campaigner. And amid the left-wing effort to demonize and defund police in America, Miranda has endorsed the radical Black Lives Matter movement that is smearing those police."
So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope. The leftist circular firing squad must constantly find new targets

The ‘cancel’ crowd should be gunning for ‘Hamilton’ - "In our hyper-woke moment, leftists would find much to criticize in it. It isn’t hard to imagine their criticisms leading to the show’s cancellation. Miranda had previously described actors of color portraying the white Founders as a way of “pulling you into the story and allowing you to leave whatever cultural baggage you have about the Founding Fathers at the door.”... Miranda is a good liberal. He made a valiant attempt to turn the pro-American Revolution Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette into an “immigrant” in the show (he was an immigrant technically, but not in the sense that the contemporary left frames that figure). Miranda’s Twitter feed is filled with calls to defund the police and support Black Lives Matter.Yet he is suspiciously quiet on the movement to erase any positive remembrances of the Founding. Does Miranda support tearing down Washington or Jefferson statues? It would be awkward for him to approve yet continue to celebrate the men in his show.In “Hamilton,” Washington isn’t just portrayed as a good man — he’s portrayed as a great one: a strategic genius, a thoughtful leader, a self-sacrificing hero. The scene of his decision to exit the presidency after two terms leaves not a dry eye in the house. “I wasn’t aware that was something a person could do,” sings the character of King George on Washington stepping away. It wasn’t — until President George Washington did it.“Hamilton” is a love letter to America and a profound appreciation of its Founding. Is that even allowed anymore?Americans love patriotism, and “Hamilton” is a very patriotic show. When polls in 2016 found that Americans largely opposed kneeling during the national anthem, it wasn’t because our people didn’t believe that black lives matter. Black lives do matter to us. We opposed kneeling during the anthem because we love our flag and our country, and the song is a moment to reflect on that. “Hamilton” feeds into that same love. Our country was born in struggle. We have “made every mistake,” as the show’s Hamilton says, but emerged free and strong, just like our Founders wanted us to. They created a free country, and they laid a “strong enough foundation” and passed it on to us. We are left to improve on their vision.“Hamilton” brought together left and right in love of American history and exceptionalism. But that was before the national mania to rewrite history in the image of our contemporary ideologies.Can the show pull it off again? Or will actors from the show end up apologizing in tearful Instagram videos about the “normalization” of slave owners in which they participated?Will Miranda eventually give in to the left and pretend America isn’t a “great unfinished symphony,” but a terrible place of oppression and white supremacy?If “Hamilton” manages to dodge the woke police, maybe the show can remind us about nuance and how very few people are all good or all bad."

Disney+ Displays Warning That 'Hamilton' May Contain Positive Depictions Of Founding Fathers | The Babylon Bee - "" We think it's important for families to see and discuss old, outdated ideas, like in this progressive musical from five years ago where they thought America was still a pretty good place to live."Eventually, though, Disney agrees that Hamilton will need to be remade, possibly with all the characters just screaming at the sky over how bad America is."

‘Hamilton’ Loses Its Snob Appeal - WSJ - "now the show is being criticized for its portrayal of the American Founding by many of the same people who once gushed about it. Is it a coincidence that affluent people loved “Hamilton” when tickets were prohibitively expensive, but they disparage it now that ordinary people can see it?... A New York Times art critic recently urged that the Mona Lisa be taken down from the Louvre. Too many proles had seen it, undermining its ability to confer status on the well-to-do.A friend of mine recently told me that he didn’t enjoy “Hamilton” but never told anyone because everybody at Yale loved it. Once something becomes fashionable among the upper class, aspiring elites know they must go along to have any hope of joining the higher ranks. But once it becomes fashionable among the hoi polloi, the elites update their tastes. The upper classes are driven to distinguish themselves from the little people even beyond art. This explains the ever-evolving standards of wokeness. To become acculturated into the elite requires knowing the habits, customs and manners of the upper class. Ideological purity tests now exist to indicate social class and block upward social mobility. Your opinion about social issues is the new powdered wig. In universities and in professional jobs, political correctness is a weapon used by white-collar professionals to weed out those who didn’t marinate in elite mores. These are luxury beliefs—or ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while taking a toll on lower class. They are evolving so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up. To stay on top of it, you need to have lots of free time or the kind of job that allows you to spend hours on Twitter. Working-class people don’t have time to accrue such cultural capital.To understand the neologisms and practices of social justice, you need a bachelor’s degree from an expensive college. A common refrain to those who are not fully up to date on the latest fashions is “Educate yourself.” This is a way of keeping down people who work multiple jobs, have children to care for, and don’t have the time or means to read the latest woke bestseller.The winds will have shifted by the time the proletariat catches up, and that’s the point. Affluent people keep their positions secure by allowing only those who go to the right colleges, listen to the right podcasts, and read the right books to join their inner circle. But just as today’s fashionable art will soon be out-of-date, so will today’s fashionable moral opinions."

Rowan Atkinson says ‘every joke has a victim’ while criticising cancel culture in comedy - "“Every joke has a victim. That’s the definition of a joke. Someone or something or an idea is made to look ridiculous.”... “You’ve always got to kick up? Really? What if there’s someone extremely smug, arrogant, aggressive, self-satisfied, who happens to be below in society? They’re not all in houses of parliament or in monarchies.”... “There are lots of extremely smug and self-satisfied people in what would be deemed lower down in society, who also deserve to be pulled up. In a proper free society, you should be allowed to make jokes about absolutely anything.”"

‘Horrifying’: Third-Generation Hollywood Actress Slams Cancel Culture, Says You Can’t Cancel ‘A Human Being’ Like ‘An Appointment’ - "Third-generation Hollywood star Dakota Johnson labeled cancel culture “horrifying” and said you can’t cancel “a human being” like they’re “an appointment.”... “No person will not make mistakes in their life.”... "Twitter makes up like, what, 12 percent of the world? I mean, some of these people can’t even spell.”"

Op-Ed: Anyone Who Claims Cancel Culture Is Real Is A Bigot Who Should Lose His Job | Babylon Bee

Howard University students want Phylicia Rashad fired for Cosby tweet - "Outraged Howard University students and alumni are calling for actress Phylicia Rashad to be fired as dean of its College of Fine Arts in the wake of her enthusiastic support of Bill Cosby’s release from prison.  The hashtag #ByePhylicia — a play on “Bye Felicia” — started trending this week after the actress celebrated her former “Cosby Show” co-star’s release with a jubilant, “FINALLY!!!!”   “A terrible wrong is being righted — a miscarriage of justice is corrected!” the actress tweeted along with a photo of Cosby, whose sex assault conviction was overturned Wednesday on a legal technicality."
When liberals claim that "no one is above the law", they mean that the law should only be respected when it is used to persecute those they don't like

Maureen Lipman: Cancel culture could wipe out comedy - "Many comedians say their industry is in fine - and funny - form. Nobody is being censored, they claim. And in the end, it is audiences who decide what's funny and what's offensive.  Take comedian Russell Kane, who knows a thing or two about cancellation. He presents Radio 4's Evil Genius, which each week takes a different figure from history and decides, based on their actions, whether they should be saved or cancelled. He told me it's "complete nonsense" that comedians are sacrificing being funny because they don't want to be cancelled... However, he does think he and his fellow comedians worry about being cancelled for things they might have said in the past which have since become less acceptable. "I signed up for a website called TweetDelete and all my posts that are older than six months have gone. It's a bit of self-protection."... London's Old Vic theatre announced it would not be staging a planned production of Sondheim's Into the Woods, co-directed by Terry Gilliam.  The former Monty Python star claimed on social media that the Old Vic was "intimidated" into cancelling the show by what he called "a small group of closed-minded, humour averse ideologues" because, he said, he recommended his Facebook followers watch a show by the comedian Dave Chappelle... According to those polled by YouGov, nearly a third (29%) of people who hold gender critical views said they always or mostly don't say what they really think when they are talking about this controversial topic.  Other difficult areas where the people polled said they don't speak freely are those who believe immigration has been a bad thing for the UK (one third - 33% - of people who held that view said they keep quiet about it). A fifth of people who believe women have things as good as men in the UK feel they can't say it.  I asked Russell Kane specifically about the poll's findings.  "I don't believe freedom of speech is under threat," he said. "Why would we want to use hateful language? Why should we tolerate it? I think there's a lot of people with much more extreme views, illegal views, hate crime provoking views, who are driving this narrative that those with moderate concerns about immigration, for example, can't say it."... YouGov's poll suggests younger generations particularly prioritise preventing hateful offensive speech over being able to say what you want... Comedian Ricky Gervais recently said: "I want to live long enough to see the younger generation not be woke enough for the next generation. It's going to happen. Don't they realise that, it's like, they're next. That's what's funny."  The YouGov poll shared with the BBC suggests younger people are more confident their views won't age than older respondents." SPOING

Meme - Amanda Duarte @duarteamanda: "I said something insanely awful and stupid on twitter last night. The intent does not matter so I will not attempt to defend or explain it. It was racist and has had racist impact. I am terribly sorry to anyone and everyone who read it, and who were hurt by it." Amanda Duarte @duarteamanda: "Nice try, you rotted onion of a person. Your sickening tweet has gone viral. Let's see if your God can save your job." SOPMODrespecter: "Ratio'd with her own words, god damn."
The actress who said "white supremacist lawmakers" should have "their little white daughters... raped and impregnated by black men"

We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage - "A lot of people want to convince you that you need a Ph.D. or a law degree or dozens of hours of free time to read dense texts about critical theory to understand the woke movement and its worldview. You do not. You simply need to believe your own eyes and ears. Let me offer the briefest overview of the core beliefs of the Woke Revolution... the forces of justice and progress are in a war against backwardness and tyranny. And in a war, the normal rules of the game must be suspended. Indeed, this ideology would argue that those rules are not just obstacles to justice, but tools of oppression. They are the master’s tools.  And the master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house. So the tools themselves are not just replaced but repudiated. And in so doing, persuasion—the purpose of argument—is replaced with public shaming. Moral complexity is replaced with moral certainty. Facts are replaced with feelings. Ideas are replaced with identity. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Debate is replaced with de-platforming. Diversity is replaced with homogeneity of thought. Inclusion, with exclusion. In this ideology, speech is violence. But violence, when carried out by the right people in pursuit of a just cause, is not violence at all. In this ideology, bullying is wrong, unless you are bullying the right people, in which case it’s very, very good. In this ideology, education is not about teaching people how to think, it’s about reeducating them in what to think. In this ideology, the need to feel safe trumps the need to speak truthfully. In this ideology, if you do not tweet the right tweet or share the right slogan, your whole life can be ruined. Just ask Tiffany Riley, a Vermont school principal who was fired—fired—because she said she supports black lives but not the organization Black Lives Matter... Racism has been redefined. It is no longer about discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin. Racism is any system that allows for disparate outcomes between racial groups. If disparity is present, as the high priest of this ideology, Ibram X. Kendi, has explained, racism is present. According to this totalizing new view, we are all either racist or anti-racist. To be a Good Person and not a Bad Person, you must be an “anti-racist.” There is no neutrality. There is no such thing as “not racist.” Most important: In this revolution, skeptics of any part of this radical ideology are recast as heretics. Those who do not abide by every single aspect of its creed are tarnished as bigots, subjected to boycotts and their work to political litmus tests. The Enlightenment, as the critic Edward Rothstein has put it, has been replaced by the exorcism. What we call “cancel culture” is really the justice system of this revolution. And the goal of the cancellations is not merely to punish the person being cancelled. The goal is to send a message to everyone else: Step out of line and you are next.  It has worked. A recent CATO study found that 62 percent of Americans are afraid to voice their true views. Nearly a quarter of American academics endorse ousting a colleague for having a wrong opinion about hot-button issues such as immigration or gender differences. And nearly 70 percent of students favor reporting professors if the professor says something that students find offensive, according to a Challey Institute for Global Innovation survey. Why are so many, especially so many young people, drawn to this ideology? It’s not because they are dumb. Or because they are snowflakes, or whatever Fox talking points would have you believe. All of this has taken place against the backdrop of major changes in American life—the tearing apart of our social fabric; the loss of religion and the decline of civic organizations; the opioid crisis; the collapse of American industries; the rise of big tech; successive financial crises; a toxic public discourse; crushing student debt. An epidemic of loneliness. A crisis of meaning. A pandemic of distrust. It has taken place against the backdrop of the American dream’s decline into what feels like a punchline, the inequalities of our supposedly fair, liberal meritocracy clearly rigged in favor of some people and against others. And so on. “I became converted because I was ripe for it and lived in a disintegrating society thirsting for faith.” That was Arthur Koestler writing in 1949 about his love affair with Communism. The same might be said of this new revolutionary faith. And like other religions at their inception, this one has lit on fire the souls of true believers, eager to burn down anything or anyone that stands in its way.  If you have ever tried to build something, even something small, you know how hard it is. It takes time. It takes tremendous effort. But tearing things down? That’s quick work. The Woke Revolution has been exceptionally effective. It has successfully captured the most important sense-making institutions of American life: our newspapers. Our magazines. Our Hollywood studios. Our publishing houses. Many of our tech companies. And, increasingly, corporate America.  Just as in China under Chairman Mao, the seeds of our own cultural revolution can be traced to the academy, the first of our institutions to be overtaken by it. And our schools—public, private, parochial—are increasingly the recruiting grounds for this ideological army... there is one word we should linger on, because every moment of radical victory turned on it. The word is cowardice. The revolution has been met with almost no resistance by those who have the title CEO or leader or president or principal in front of their names. The refusal of the adults in the room to speak the truth, their refusal to say no to efforts to undermine the mission of their institutions, their fear of being called a bad name and that fear trumping their responsibility—that is how we got here. Allan Bloom had the radicals of the 1960s in mind when he wrote that “a few students discovered that pompous teachers who catechized them about academic freedom could, with a little shove, be made into dancing bears.” Now, a half-century later, those dancing bears hold named chairs at every important elite, sense-making institution in the country... George Orwell said that “the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” In an age of lies, telling the truth is high risk. It comes with a cost. But it is our moral obligation."

SDG&E Worker Fired Over Alleged Racist Gesture Says He Was Cracking Knuckles
Former SDG&E worker sues utility for firing him after White supremacy accusation went viral - "A former utility worker who says he was a victim of “cancel culture” has sued San Diego Gas & Electric, claiming he was defamed by the company after he was accused on social media of being a White supremacist.  Emmanuel Cafferty alleges in a San Diego Superior Court lawsuit that SDG&E fired him in response to a barrage of complaints posted on Twitter last June, as millions of people across the nation responded to the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.  The 22-page defamation complaint describes Cafferty as an Hispanic blue-collar worker of Mexican descent who grew up in National City and supports social-justice causes such as the Black Lives Matter movement... Cafferty was wrapping up his work shift on June 3, 2020, when he was photographed allegedly making an OK sign with his left hand after driving an SDG&E truck in the vicinity of a Black Lives Matter protest that had just ended.  The hand gesture is considered by many to be a non-verbal signal of support for White supremacy. The picture was posted on Twitter with a demand that the employee be fired, and it quickly went viral... The complaint also notes that the man who posted the original photo withdrew his accusation against Cafferty within days."
Every moral panic has innocent victims

Dr Jordan B Peterson on Twitter - “Certain elements of our community are threatening to get people fired. Even if someone just poses a question, or expresses a conflicting view, you’re immediately labeled a problem, a white supremacist, and people will say, ‘Find out where they work.’”
"Would it be picayune to point out just how much the once-admirable Atlantic Magazine has helped develop this insanely bullying and self-righteous culture?"

Facebook - "I lived in Washington Heights at various points. The population is overwhelmingly Dominican, and Dominicans tend to have a lighter shade of brown skin than the author is alleging. But why let Lin-Manuel Miranda portray this accurately?  I think it’s hilarious how now even he is not safe, and how Hamilton, which was the wokest thing in town for a long time, fell from grace."
Nolte: Lin-Manuel Miranda Grovels to Woke Gestapo over ‘Colorism’ Following ‘In the Heights’ Casting Backlash -  "some people on Twitter are still complaining over the movie’s lack of darker-skinned blacks and Hispanics. Naturally, Lin-Manuel Miranda (or is it Lin-Miranda Manuel?) responded with an estrogen-filled grovel loaded with so many woketard terms it reads like satire…"
Woke Cancel Mob Attacks Oscar-Winner Rita Moreno After She Defended Lin-Manuel Miranda - "The 89-year-old star is being accused of harboring prejudice against dark-skinned Latinos and having “white adjacency supremacy.” She is also facing accusations of hypocrisy, with people noting her skin was darkened for her Oscar-winning role in West Wide Story... criticism of In the Heights “really upsets me.”  “You can never do right, it seems,” Moreno said. “This is the man who literally has brought Latino-ness and Puerto Rican-ness to America. I couldn’t do it. I mean, I would love to say I did, but I couldn’t. Lin-Manuel has done that, really single-handedly. And I’m thrilled to pieces and I’m proud that he produced my documentary. They’re really attacking the wrong person.”  She added: “I’m simply saying, can’t you just wait awhile and leave it alone?” Her comments have provoked outrage from left-wing journalists and activists, some of whom have labelled her “white” and accused her of being part of the “white latinx media establishment.”"
You either die a liberal or live long enough to see yourself become a bigot

Liz Wolfe on Twitter - "Yes, a small minority of people who get canceled have already cultivated a loyal audience for themselves & can easily survive it (via Substack, Patreon). For every one of them, I guarantee you there are 50 others who are chronically miserable, suicidal, unhirable, abandoned."

The War on Whimsy - "Wolfe pointed to this (evolving) cancellations database.   Even though I’ve covered this beat for years and have been on the receiving end myself, the number of people on that list of whom I’d never heard is stupendous. Yet, when searching their names, the extent of their post-cancellation radioactivity is clear. No aspect of life is free of the hectoring control of the Elect. To claim everyone who gets cancelled later turns the experience into money is to evince a weapons-grade case of survivorship bias.   Leunig has never been an ‘edgelord’ and his humour is not cruel. He just has a talent - as all good editorial cartoonists do - for punching bruises across the political spectrum.   Two things fall out from this. Leunig’s treatment is part of wokery’s War on Whimsy, whimsy being a type of humour, humour being wokery’s most effective critic. “We are not allowed to laugh in there,” Adso of Melk (Christian Slater) says to Brother William (Sean Connery) as they flee the monastery library in Name of the Rose. The satirist or comedian commits a kind of blasphemy, you see.   And it’s also a reminder that freedom of speech isn’t just for upper-middle-class Shire Tories with property."

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