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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Links - 25th September 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

'Our 13-year-old was brainwashed into thinking she's transgender' - "Ashleigh and Ged Barnett allege that until the one-to-one sessions began last September, their daughter appeared comfortable in her body and showed little interest in transgender issues. But they say she had changed completely by November, sporting a short haircut and talking about feeling that she was really a boy. They were confused by the transformation until they met her headteacher to discuss another matter and learned that their daughter had been having weekly sessions with the head of the school’s LGBT group... The couple said they were furious when they found school staff had let the teenager attend the sessions ‘behind our backs’.   Mrs Barnett said: ‘The school didn’t think it was fit to tell us. We are her parents, but responsibility to care for our child has been taken away. The attitude is that it’s the child’s choice and it’s got nothing to do with us.  ‘Children at 13 or 14, especially girls, are sometimes not happy in their own bodies – that’s what puberty does to you. They are very vulnerable. It only takes one person with an agenda to plant a little seed that they are “in the wrong body”.’ Mrs Barnett also claimed that the teaching assistant encouraged their daughter to change in a boy’s cubicle and that staff began using a male name for her.   She alleges the teaching assistant had no formal counselling qualifications and only received training from local charity Eikon that provides ‘LGBT+ awareness sessions’ for schools... ‘Last August she had lovely long hair, wore a dress and make-up, and looked like a pretty teenage girl. By November, she didn’t look like the same child.’  The couple have submitted a series of complaints, including that the school ‘failed to tell us our daughter had identified as transgender’ and ‘failed to prevent radicalisation’.   Their daughter is now seeing a psychologist, who said it was ‘appalling’ that schools had ‘unqualified people mentoring young students’."

Sir John Robert Seeley on Twitter - "support for trans access rights has eroded since 2018, a shift which has taken place across all social groups... women are more likely to hold more permissive views on trans issues than men across the board"
"This is why I have zero interest in the trans in women’s sports debate, especially when they harken on about women’s rights. It’s mostly them that support this stuff"

Meme - "My girlfriend can't get on Estrogen and i don't know how to comfort her She has muscle decay and kidney disease. she's on hormone blockers but her doctors said it's too large of a health risk to go put her on estrogen. I'm always so bad with this kind of stuff, and am very privileged to be in perfect health. how do i comfort her?"
"that's absurd. they wouldn't suppress a cis woman's estrogen levels for that, so why prevent a trans woman from getting estrogen"
"I'm really genuinely curious about this one. I feel like bio-identical estradiol taken in a form that doesn't impact your kidney is bio-identical. Don't most of the side effects from HRT come from the hormone blockers?"
"Imagine being this sick and thinking that estrogen is your first priority"
Trans people are the ultimate experts on their health and doctors need to stop lording it over them and ignoring their lived experience!

Meme - "So, you think I'll always be a man? That makes you gay then because there's no way you don't find me attractive."


Meme - "Tired of women rejecting you for the man that you are? Tired of simping to women, only to have them talk to you like sh*t?
*Receive 100s of compliments online per day from virtue signalling sociopaths and simps
*Receive a wonderful flag to use in your profile pic so you can virtue signal to others
*Receive support from a wide selection of both mentally ill people and stupid people
*Remember, If you are rejected as a woman, simply label them a 'transphobe' and move on
Finally you can delude yourself that you now know what it feels like to be popular, and so you never have to face the reality of your real insecurities ever again! You'll be too busy labelling other people as 'transphobes, or cheering on other men to have time for unpacking your real emotional issues.
Transgenderism, the new way for men to avoid the pain of reality"

Meme - "Why is there no AGP awareness month? Is April available? Let's do April. Spread the word."
"It’s called forced feminization, and it’s not really about sex. It is about turning thehumiliation you feel into pleasure, transforming the loss of male privilege intothe best fuck ever. While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, I found that that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. In my late teens, I would imagine myself being sold into sex slavery and having strangemen take advantage of me" - Whipping Girl / Julia Serano
"Women around the world have been treated as sexual objects. Yet if sexual objectification is so categorically awful, then why do I want it so badly? The idea that being seen as a 'sex object' is universally a bad thing is too simple, like many tenets of feminism." — Jacob Tobia [Ed: I can't find the original source for this but presumably it's Sissy : a coming-of-gender story]
"There is something about being treated like shit by shit men that feels like affirmation itself, like a cry of delight from the deepest cavern of my breast... to be the victim of honest, undisguised sexism possesses an exhilarating vitality, as well as a kind of moral clarity" - Comme Une Femme: On Returning to France Post-Transition / Grace Lavery
"Autogynephilia describes not an obscure paraphilic affliction but rather the basic structure of all human sexuality. This is not just because everyone has an erotic image of themselves as female — they do — but the assimilation of any erotic image is, by nature, female. To be female is, in every case, to become what someone else wants. At bottom, everyone is a sissy... The asshole [is] a universal vagina thought which femaleness can always be accessed" - Females / Andrea Long Chu
"Pornography is what it feels like when you think you have an object, but really the object has you. It is therefore a quintessential expression of femaleness... Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is" - Females / Andrea Long Chu
"These days the narrative is that transgender people will come into bathrooms and abuse little girls. The supposed ‘purity’ of the victims has remained stagnant. There are no princesses. Little girls are also kinky. Your kids aren’t as straight and narrow as you think." - Alok Vaid-Menon (as Darkmatter)

Meme - Darkmatter: "The US routinely searches for new legal scapegoats to deposit its fears and anxieties around deviance. In the past, this has included the Witch Trials, sodomy laws, hyper-criminalization of suspected gay pedophilia in the late 20th century, and most recently dozens of state and local anti trans bills across the country. While the faceyidentity ofthe alleged perpetrators have changed, the supposed purity of the "victims" has Temained quite stagnant. These days the narrative is that freaky transgender people (or as they say "crossdressers') will come into your bathrooms and, abuse innocent litle girls. This type of culture relies on is two things: the construction of, morally abhorrent AND the production of pure, innocent victims. In this case, as in so many cases in the past, those victims are archetypical (white) (cis) innocent little girls. We totally need to challenge the white Christian supremacist, right-wing thetoric around trans bodies, absolutely, But we also need to seriously overhaul the idea that there is a perfect victim anywhere, believe in the radical notion that little girls, ike the rest of us, are 'complicated people. There are no fairy tales and no princesses here. Little girls are also queer, trans, kinky, deviant, kind, mean, beautiful, ugly, tremendous, and peculiar. Your kids aren't as straight and narrow as you think they are. Like everybody else. I've been a cute litte girl. And a gender nonconforming young adult. Let me tell you, everywhere along that spectrum, I've been complicated and strange. The 1973 horror flick "The Exorcist' is my favorite snapshot of the cultural place of (white) (cis) little girls. In the film, alittle girl (with a single mother) is possessed by the devil. From another perspective, the little gil is actually 'exploring her sexuality (masturbation and so on) and her own demons/ meanness. Obviously, (white) men from the church have to be brought in to save her since her single mom can't do it alone What if instead of moving from the "Exorcist" model of little girlhood, we moved from a place that acknowledged that no one is a perfect pure flower that can be corrupted. That everyone is at once capable of receiving and enacting violence, including little girls. That we all give and receive violence to varying degrees, but that this is not a fairy tale. No one is purely good or evil. Look around: there are no princesses."
Via Pop Topic

How the trans ideology dehumanises women - "I’ve seen some gaslighting in my time, but the new book from transgender professor Grace Lavery takes the biscuit. It is almost entirely about Lavery’s penis – as confirmed by its title, Please Miss: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Penis – and yet if any of you dare to refer to Lavery as a man you will be branded a bigot... I have never liked the term male privilege, but it’s hard to know what other term to use to describe a man writing a book about his ‘bellend’ – he uses that word – while fully expecting that everyone will acknowledge his ‘womanhood’ – he uses that word, too. His womanhood is his most ‘cherished’ thing, he says, which I found shocking because I had assumed it was his knob...   Lavery is an associate professor of English at Berkeley in California. (Jesus Christ.) This book is about his gender transition. It is one of the most misogynistic books I have ever read. The way it talks about women and their bodies is repellent. Lavery tells his doctor he wants ‘titty skittles’ – that is, progesterone supplements to ‘enlarge one’s breasts’. Hot tip for Mr Lavery: women don’t refer to their breasts as titties. He talks about the ‘leaky boobs’ of those ‘sour’ feminists and Mumsnet users who are critical of the ideology of transgenderism. Yeh, why can’t you old hags have pert titties like Mr Lavery apparently does? He writes of his ‘phantom pussy’, which is probably just the ‘inguinal canals into which my testicles retreat when frigid’ but to him it nonetheless feels like a ‘subcutaneous cluster of nerve endings and open space, roughly oval’, like a vagina. Oh sure, exactly like a vagina. When did it become acceptable to write about women’s bodies in such a deluded, degraded fashion? Strikingly, Lavery uses the word pussy a lot. So much so that it’s in the index. It would be easy to put this down to the infantile manner of many identitarian activists, who love shocking over-50s by saying pussy, cock, clit, jizz (another word Lavery uses a lot; there’s an entire chapter on his ‘splooge’, as he calls it). But there’s more to it than that. Lavery seems obsessed with porn. Part of his memoir is written in the style of pornography. He comes up with porn names for Dickens’ novels (eg, ‘A Tale of Two Titties’ – again with the titties). He describes at length the first porno he ever watched – Edward Penishands – and seems to recognise something of his own gender dysphoria in the way Edward Penishands flits ‘back and forth between grotesque phallic overcompensation and almost girlish, butterfingered flimsiness’. Girls are flimsy, don’t you know? He even includes a still from the film, showing Edward Penishands fisting two supplicant women. You start to understand not only why he says pussy all the time but also why he seems to have such a fetishised view of ‘womanhood’ – to the extent that when he first transitions he puts on a ‘slutty denim skirt’. Well, women are sluts, right?   I think his use of the word pussy is also an act of cynical disassociation. He is disassociating the vagina from womanhood, and reimagining it as a feeling, or just an indistinct fleshy thing that can appear anywhere, including in the scraggy part of a deluded man’s scrotum. Lavery knows he will never have a vagina, but a pussy? That pornified vision of the vagina? That reductive view of women as holes that need filling? That he can have. He writes about his ‘secret hole’ and counsels: ‘[B]elieve that you have a pussy there, imagine it… and if you imagine it, you can do things with it.’ It is testament to both transgenderism’s and porn culture’s degradation of women as people with ‘front holes’ – as people with titties, people who bleed – that men can now openly fantasise about having a ‘pussy’ and be praised as progressive for doing so. The dehumanisation of women as ‘pussy’ is the prerequisite to their exploitation in pornography and the means through which their biology can be caricatured and appropriated by men who claim to be women. Porn and trans activism, as Mr Lavery perhaps unwittingly demonstrates, are not unrelated... It is completely inevitable that trans activists, given their belief in a mystical gender orientation that sometimes runs counter to one’s biological reality, often end up pushing visions of the feminine and the masculine that Betty Friedan was railing against 60 years ago. Parts of the book are unwittingly hilarious. Lavery writes about the ‘panic’ over trans women (ie, blokes) using women’s toilets, with gender-critical types pushing the bigoted idea that trans women are ‘erotically fixated on the idea of women urinating’. Then, literally in the next paragraph, he says: ‘[But] going to the bathroom is kind of sexy? At least, I have occasionally found it to be so.’ My man, this is why they don’t want you in their loos. For me, the most disturbing part of the book is its mockery of gender-critical women. Here, the misogyny is clear as day... He describes spiked as ‘TERF’ and as part of a new ‘class of activists who deride “identity politics”’ and who instead promote ‘a love of common sense [and] plain speaking’. Guilty as charged!"

Meme - Diana Tourjee @DiananaTourjee: "I was laid off from @Vice on Friday. Now there's no one who reports on trans issues there anymore. I worked there for 5 years and by 2020, almost all the people who had been actively investing in the development of the trans coverage that I built at Vice is gone."
The Girl's Guide to Tucking Your Dick - "by Diana Tourjée"

Supreme Court dismisses Christie Elan-Cane case for 'X' passports - "Read said the Supreme Court agreed with the government’s position, which Home Office lawyers argued in court, that making ‘X’ gender markers available on passports would have “adverse implications for the security aspects for the use of passports” and “result in substantial administrative costs”.   Elan-Cane, whose pronouns are per/per/perself, argued that the Home Office’s refusal to provide a passport with an ‘X’ gender marker contravened per right to respect for private life, which is guaranteed by article eight of the European Convention on Human Rights.  Reading the Supreme Court’s ruling, Lord Read said that Elan-Cane’s right to respect for per private life is “outweighed by the public interest” in “maintaining a coherent approach across government and the legal system… when it comes to which gender categories, beyond male and female, should be recognised”... Elan-Cane argued that it is discriminatory for the UK Home Office to refuse to offer passports with an ‘X’ gender marker for people who are not male or female, such as non-gendered people like perself and non-binary people."
Mental illness has consequences - it imposes costs on everyone else

Missing woman: found | The Spectator Australia - "The Toronto Police Service put out a press release on June 30 appealing for help locating a ‘missing woman’.
    ‘Isobella Degrace [pictured] 27, was last seen on Saturday, June 25, 2022, at 3am in the Ryerson Avenue and Bathurst Street area.     ‘She is described as 5’10” with a thin build, shaggy blond hair, and a full goatee.’
Miraculously, the missing woman was found less than nine hours after the message was issued, no doubt helped by the accompanying social media frenzy and meme war that erupted on their Twitter account. Had the request gone out over the radio instead of social media, and no image been available, it is unlikely the women would have been found – for obvious reasons.  Long gone are the days of clinical accuracy from authorities in the interest of public and personal safety.  The situation is particularly tricky in Canada where the Canadian Human Rights Act legislates coerced speech where individuals and organisations are forced to use the preferred (rather than biological) pronouns of an individual – even if doing so may prove problematic or place them in danger.  ‘Misgendering’ someone in Canada is considered a human rights violation as pronouns have been ruled ‘a fundamental part of a person’s identity’.   One day, using preferred pronouns in a missing person’s case like this one is going to delay the finding of someone in need – and then what? If someone dies due to inaccurate pronouns, is this to be accepted? Do we preference ideology over reality, even on matters of safety?  If legislators keep restricting speech, the answer will be ‘no comment’."

Dan Haymore on Twitter - "That's the 4th or 5th time I've seen a trans person say that society must respect their pronouns or they will commit suicide. Is that REALLY their best argument? Call me X or I will kill myself? That just seems so ... I don't have the words for it."
I was told that it's a myth that TRAs and trans people threaten suicide if you don't bow to their agenda.

Pete Gas on Twitter - "Wait a second... Trans peeps are 72% less likely to commit suicide if you use their chosen pronouns? And these assholes have the audacity to assert it's not a mental disease? That's like saying if you call me handsome instead of ugly I'm less likely to kill myself??? GTFOH 🤣"

TMeme - Ellis Goodwyn @GoodwynPub: "Hubs came home w/ first day freebies from his job: shirts, a jacket, a backpack, and... dog clicker. Um, apparently they clicker train their employees?? He was told if other employees were using language that wasn't inclusive for him, he's supposed to use the clicker."

Meme - Dr. Carol X Lunz PhD She/Him,GED Alumni c... @marinasm...: "22 Societal pressure on young womxn to tuck away their penises is creating unrealistic expectations of what womxn are suppose to look like Stop it."
"trans women shouldn't have to tuck just to make you more comfortable around our bodies. *in my parade underwear"

Meme - Christine Blasey Ford: "BELIEVE ALL WOMEN"
Amy Coney Barrett: "SOME WOMEN"
Ketanji Brown Jackson: "WHAT'S A WOMAN?"

Matt Walsh Suspended From Twitter Over Transgender Tweets. Here’s What Twitter Has Censored. - "“The greatest female Jeopardy champion of all time is a man,” Walsh posted to Twitter — a tweet the left-wing site has now censored. “The top female college swimmer is a man. The first female four star admiral in the Public Health Service is a man. Men have dominated female high school track and the female MMA circuit. The patriarchy wins in the end.” Another tweet, which has also been censored by Twitter, reads, “I am not referring to an individual person as if she is two people. Everyone else can run around sounding like maniacs if they want but I will not be participating. No thank you.”... “I just got suspended on Twitter because I pointed out that biological males are men. And this, to me, is all apart of the game here. That this is what leftism is. If you criticize it, then they’re gonna shut you down because they realize that they cannot engage intellectually”"

Steve Guest on Twitter - "WATCH: Biden nom to be Director of the Office of Science & Technology Policy refused to answer Sen. Ted Cruz’s questions about whether it’s "unacceptable to ask questions about" the impact of "gender affirming care" on kids. Cruz: “There are obvious science & medical questions.”"

Oli London Wants Penis Reduction Surgery So They Look ‘100 Percent’ Korean - "A ‘transracial’ influencer has revealed they want to have a penis reduction procedure so that they look ‘100 percent Korean’, having already spent an estimated $250,000 on around 20 surgeries in a bid to look like BTS star Jimin.   Oli London, who is non-binary, has previously defended themself for identifying as Korean after telling social media followers last year that they had undergone ‘racial transitional surgery’... "I don't want people to get offended by this, but in Korea, [the average] penis is like 3.5 inches, and I get trolled all the time. People say, 'Oh, you can't be Korean. You're not 100 percent Korean,' and I just want to be 100 percent Korean.”... A study on the ‘penile size of Korean men’ from the Department of Urology at the Capital Military Hospital in Seoul, Korea, found that the mean length of the penis in a non-erected state was 8cm (3.15 inches) and 12.7cm (5 inches) when erect.   According to Lloyds Pharmacy, the global average length of a flaccid penis ranges from 7 to 10cm (2.8 to 3.9 inches), while the average length of an erect penis ranges from 12 to 16cm (4.7 to 6.3 inches)... "And, you know, people might think, 'Oh, I'm such a joke.' But you know what, guys? You don't understand. If you're trapped in the wrong body your whole life, you don't understand.""

Wales elects ‘youngest and first ever’ non-binary mayor - "A  22-year-old who is the youngest mayor in Welsh history is also believed to be the first openly non-binary mayor of any city worldwide.  Owen Hurcum, a recent graduate, said they were “beyond humbled” to be voted in by The City of Bangor Council at this year’s elections.  The independent candidate, who identifies as agender, tweeted: “When I came out two years ago I was so worried I’d be ostracised by my community or worse.  “Today my community elected me mayor of our great city. The youngest ever mayor in Wales. The first ever openly non-binary mayor of any city anywhere. Beyond humbled. Diolch, Bangor.”"
It's very easy to be the first of anything - just invent a new identity

'Sex is not limited to male or female': World Health Organization updates gender guidance - "The World Health Organization (WHO) announced last week it will update its guidance related to gender “in light of new scientific evidence and conceptual progress.”... The update will reportedly revisit “key concepts around gender” and will “expand” the concept of “intersectionality,” which, “looks at how gender power dynamics interact with other hierarchies of privilege or disadvantage, resulting in inequality and differential health outcomes for different people”"

Dave Chappelle show at Minneapolis’ First Avenue canceled after online backlash - "Minneapolis' First Avenue on Wednesday canceled a Dave Chappelle show at the last minute after facing public backlash for booking the comedian.  “To staff, artists, and our community, we hear you and we are sorry,” the venue said in a statement, announcing that the evening’s show had been canceled.  The decision came after an online petition on Change.org. “Dave Chappelle has a record of being dangerous to trans people, and First Avenue has a duty to protect the community," the petition, which had just over 120 signatures... "Chappelle’s actions uphold a violent heteronormative culture and directly violate First Avenue’s code of conduct," it said. "If staff and guests are held to this standard, performers should be too.”... First Avenue said its team and patrons had "worked hard to make our venues the safest spaces in the country, and we will continue with that mission." "We believe in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression, but in honoring that, we lost sight of the impact this would have""
These are the same people who complain about "white fragility" and who claim that if you don't want to do your job you should be fired

"BOOHOO ..."

Meme - "Bringing forth new life vs mutilating yourself"
Brennen Beckwith @brennenbeckwith: "Hey cis people you know how excited y'all get when a loved one tells you they're pregnant? Thats the same energy you need to bring when a trans person tells you they are getting surgery or starting hormones.
you don't try to talk the pregnant person out of it, you don't bring up all the painful and difficult side effects of being pregnant, you don't ask them if they're sure they want to be pregnant or why they decided to get pregnant, you just celebrate them and be happy for them jfc"

Canadian mother blocking trans teen's surgery fuels age debate - "A Canadian woman fighting a legal battle with doctors to prevent her 17-year-old transgender child from undergoing a double mastectomy has fuelled an ongoing global debate about whether adolescents should be able to decide to change gender... The mother, from Vancouver, said the surgery was “unnecessary” and her child had been influenced by “propaganda” in school, a fad, and “brainwashing” by the media.  “Before she learned it at school, she never questioned her identity”"
From 2020. TRAs keep claiming that minors don't get surgery: "This is not happening, and it's good that it is". Then again, TRAs already pretend that 12 year olds (or younger) aren't getting double mastectomies in the US, so they wouldn't admit that this is happening either

Parents lose custody of transgender teen - "An Ohio couple on Friday (Feb. 16) lost permanent custody of their teenage daughter because they didn’t want her to undergo sex-change treatment. Cincinnati-area Juvenile Court Judge Sylvia Hendon removed the girl from her parents’ custody and turned her over to her maternal grandparents, who support the 17-year-old’s desire to identify as a boy"
Dad lost custody after questioning son’s transgender identity - "In August 2019, Ted Hudacko’s wife, Christine, walked into his home office with two announcements: she was leaving Ted, and their 15-year-old son, Drew*, was transgender... California Superior Court Judge Joni Hiramoto grilled Ted on whether he believed that being transgender was a sin (he didn’t), whether he’d prefer that Drew’s transgender identification was a phase, and whether Ted would continue to love Drew even if his son deemed himself to be the Queen of England.  The judge then granted Christine sole legal custody of Drew on a temporary basis and approved a shared legal and physical custody arrangement of their younger son... Hiramoto would strip Ted of his parental rights. Ted lost the right to see or speak to Drew. Ted also lost the power to stop a medical transition already planned by the gender doctors at UCSF Benioff Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic.   Judge Hiramoto never disclosed to the parties that she is a mother to a transgender child whose transition she publicly supported on social media. Under ethical standards for judges, she almost certainly should have disclosed this. But even had she recused herself, it might not have changed the outcome. Gender activists now regularly provide “training” to family court judges in many states touting the purported benefits of gender medicine for kids with little discussion of the risks or the existence of prominent critics within the medical community.   In another family court case in Arizona, judges stripped parents of custody of their troubled 15-year-old daughter when they refused to agree that she was a boy. The judicial “training” sessions that the judge received through the court system included five talks by activists over two years. They did not involve hearing from detransitioners — young people who regret their hasty medical transitions — nor from any of the parents who have watched their teens’ lives made worse by a sudden gender swap, nor from a single doctor who is skeptical of quick adolescent medical transition."
How Gender Ideology Cost a Chicago Mother Custody of Her Child - "Jeannette Cooper never imagined she’d lose custody of her only child...  after a regular custodial visit to her father’s house, Cooper’s daughter, then 12, refused to come home. The next morning, she insisted not only that she was transgender, but that she felt “unsafe” around her mom. Cooper didn’t understand. Her daughter never before had exhibited signs of gender dysphoria. In fact, her daughter exhibited many more traditionally feminine behaviors and preferences than she herself ever did... What followed was an almost Kafkaesque series of court proceedings and therapy sessions in Cook County, Illinois, in which Cooper’s ex-husband, lawyers, therapists, and other individuals and institutions supposedly concerned with her daughter’s best interests worked to erode Cooper’s most basic parenting rights...   “People who are imprisoned have more communication with their child than I do,” Cooper says. “That’s wrong.”... Cooper is warning parents how gender ideology has become the latest weapon in parental custody battles, severing one of the most fundamental bonds in life under the guise of protecting children."
Weird. We were told that this wouldn't happen

FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling, vision loss in children - "the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, commonly known as “puberty blockers,” indicating there were serious risks for youth who take them. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified six cases in females between the ages of 5 and 12, who were taking GnRH agonists, which presented “a plausible association between GnRH agonist use and pseudotumor cerebri.”... The warning seems to conflict with U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine’s claim that “there is no argument among medical professionals” that youth access to “gender-affirming care,” such as puberty blockers, is valuable and important. Levine’s critics have charged her with conflating “opponents of LGBTQ equality” with those seeking to limit minors from accessing certain potentially life-altering gender transition therapies."

Sweden to end the practice of prescribing puberty-blockers to minors - "Karalinska Hospital in Sweden, one of the world’s most renowned medical establishments, to end the practice of prescribing puberty-blockers to minors.  The hospital cited the high risk-to-benefit ratio of hormonal interventions in children to justify their decision. What’s called the “Dutch Protocol,” of blocking puberty and then administering cross-sex hormones, may be falling out of favor. The National Health Service has suspended new hormonal interventions for minors under 16, and there’s growing resistance across Finland too...   The Karolinska Hospital’s new policies echo a growing international concern over the proliferation of medical interventions that have a low certainty of benefits, while carrying a significant potential for medical harm. The latest policy issued by the Karolinska cites the UK NICE evidence review, which found the risk / benefit ratio of hormonal interventions for minors highly uncertain; the 2020 UK judicial review, which highlighted the overarching ethical problems with the practice of medical “affirmation” of minors; as well as Sweden’s own Health and Technology Assessment (SBU) evidence review conducted in 2019, which found a lack of evidence for medical treatments, and a lack of explanation for the sharp increase in the numbers of adolescents presenting with gender dysphoria in recent years."

National Academy of Medicine in France Advises Caution in Pediatric Gender Transition - "The National Academy of Medicine in France has issued a press release in which it cautions medical practitioners that the growing cases of transgender identity in young people are often socially-mediated and that great caution in treatment is needed. The Academy draws attention to the fact that hormonal and surgical treatments carry health risks and have permanent effects, and that it is not possible to distinguish a durable trans identity from a passing phase of an adolescent's development."
The official translation is worse than the unofficial one

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