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Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Links - 4th October 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Say NO to Foreign Intervention in Singapore's Politics - Posts | Facebook - "See what militant LGBT activist Martin Piper posted at foreign embassies Facebook pages, he's calling for future trade deals to have repeal of 377A as a precondition. FYI Piper is a PSP member, if he got into the Parliament you can be sure what's gonna happen. Vote wisely. It's possible he's the admin behind Real Singaporeans defending the family and shared values page"

Facebook - "The current balance around Section 377A safeguards not only marriage, but also children and freedom of conscience. It ensures that LGBTQ+ activists do not set the pace for Singapore society. At the Townhall, one individual who used to identify as gay shared about how he stopped engaging in gay lifestyle, and since 2020 has been sharing his life story. But, in his words: “I have encountered a tide of enmity, hate and hostility by those who disagree with my choice of life, and my expression of my choice of life. This bullying and harassment extend also to those who stand with me, and to other guys like me, who choose an alternative way of life for themselves.” Parents also shared about how some teachers at schools have been promoting LGBTQ+ ideas, and how one teenager refused to go to school because she was pressured to do an LGBTQ-themed project. These are just some of many stories that were shared at the Townhall. We have collected many more stories, and will be sharing them directly with the Government. However, we will not be sharing these stories publicly due to confidentiality reasons and since many have concerns about bullying and harassment from LGBTQ+ activists and supporters against them and their families."

NDR 2022: Singapore's Section 377A to be repealed – PM Lee - "Following Shanmugam’s address, there were several events organised by individuals and groups who supported the retention of S377A. A closed-door town hall held on 23 July calling for the retention of S377A led to several police reports filed against the event... A church grouping has warned that if S377A were to be removed, it would lead to “a brand of intolerant and aggressive LGBT activism"."
Freedom of speech is only for liberals
I guess the activists sure showed the church grouping that it was wrong about intolerant and aggressive LGBT activism

Critical Spectator - Posts | Facebook - "You may remember the results of a survey circulated by IPSOS a few days ahead of Pinkdot, making some interesting claims about the local attitudes towards homosexuality and inclusion... according to IPSOS only 1/5 or 20% of Singaporeans are opposed to it, compared to 44% who support it. The rest just don't really care much. In other words - 80% of people in Singapore don't mind 377A, with over half of them supporting it. However, if you take a closer look, you will see that only 81% of Singaporeans identify as heterosexual. A whopping 12% reportedly identify as homosexual and the rest would prefer not to say - which we may assume is a group dominated by non-heterosexuals... 12% of people identifying as gay would place Singapore among the absolute global top. Really? For reference, the latest surveys in Australia put the local gay/lesbian population at around 3.5%. In the UK the figures provided by the government show 3.1% identify as LGB. In the US the figures go as high as 7%. In the gay-friendly Netherlands the government estimates put it at 4 to 6%. But 12%? In Singapore? Really? Someone really saw that result and thought "I see nothing wrong about that"? Mind you, this is 12% reportedly across the ENTIRE population and all age groups, not only the young."

Thread by @DarylWJYang on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Lots of talk about the likely repeal of S377A today - some might be wondering where this conversation really started and why it’s happening. IMO, it’s not the PAP’s “benevolence” but the hard work of the plaintiffs and their lawyers in challenging S377A’s constitutionality. Shanmugam raised the possibility of repealing the law just days (3 March) after the Court of Appeal issued its judgment in Tan Seng Kee v AG (28 February). This isn’t a coincidence. The judgment forced the gov to move even tho the court didn’t strike down the law itself. While the court dismissed the constitutional challenges on a very technical ground (doctrine of substantive legitimate expectations), it went on to comment (“in obiter”) that S377A may fall foul of the Article 12(1) right to equality depending on what the law’s purpose is... The repeal of S377A is only the beginning. There remains much work to do to create a S’pore where queer ppl can live with equal dignity, starting with the forthcoming workplace discrimination law that was incidentally announced at last year’s NDR"
1) They could have fixed 377A by criminalising female homosexual sex too
2) This is yet another explicit statement that the liberals won't stop at 377A's repeal

377A: Gay marriage looms as new frontline in Singapore battle for LGBT rights
I'm old enough to remember when liberals pretending that all they wanted to do was to get 377A repealed. The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

🍍 __ 🙀 on Twitter - "before today, discrimination against gay singaporeans existed because we inherited the law from the british. today, we took the bold step of making that discrimination our own, enshrining it in our constitution. we repealed 377a, but we did not actually move forward."
So if this wasn't a "move forward", why even bother repealing 377A? It turns out the activists were lying when they went on about how terrible 377A was and how gay people were at risk of persecution

Meme - "Finally repealing 377A realizing that education, censorship will still be the same"
I remember when activists were claiming that all they wanted to do was make sure gays couldn't be prosecuted for having homosexual sex. So much for that

Singapore Buddhist Federation 'grateful' for proposed 377A repeal in tandem with 'edification' of marital, family values - "Venerable Seck Kwang Phing, president of SBF, said at the time that spelling out the definition of marriage in the Constitution would be a good move to prevent more court challenges that will cause divisions in society. "In recent years, increasing polarity in views has been the cause of animosity and discontent dividing advocates and opponents of this matter""

Repeal of Section 377A: 15 Years Too Late – Cheah Kit Sun - "Had the news of the repeal come 15 years ago, I would have celebrated.  Today, I am bracing myself for a coming storm.  The political environment of 2007 is a far cry from that of 2022. Back then, the LGBTQ community insisted that there was ‘no gay agenda’. Today, LGBTQ activists and legislators are pushing for radical laws in America and Europe. In 2007, the LGBTQ community was relatively low-key. Today, the world celebrates Pride month, with corporations, sports teams, government agencies, sports teams and religious organisations around the world signalling support.  In 2007, the LGBTQ community didn’t talk about children.  Today, children are the focus of LGBTQ activism.  Pride parades in residential areas, with children exposed to adults in scanty clothing. Drag shows aimed at children, including in Singapore during Pink Dot 2022. LGBTQ propaganda inserted into children’s media. Teachers indoctrinating children with radical gender ideology. Groomers encouraging children to ‘come out’ as transgender while hiding it from children.  In 2007, I could almost believe that there was no gay agenda, and that the radicals would be sidelined.  Today, the radicals are running the show in the West.  And Singapore’s civic society takes its cue from the Western hard left.   The LGBTQ community sees the repeal as the culmination of decades of tireless work by generations of activists. But it is only the first step. According to the full statement posted on Pink Dot’s Facebook page...   The LGBTQ community will not be satisfied with the repeal of S377A. They will continue to pursue other goals, either through activism or social programmes. They see the repeal of S377A as a sign of success, and they will push forward with renewed vigour. They will circle the wagons around the community, especially against what they deem to be backlash from religious conservatives, and push forward.  They have said not one word about the concerns of the rest of society.  What Does ‘Full Equality’ Mean?... I have not seen any LGBTQ activist grapple squarely with the issues raised by the other side of the aisle beyond repeating the same talking points... The SAF does not comment on the rationale behind 302 policy. The Singapore LGBT encyclopedia offers some reasons, from irrational fears to protecting gay personnel from abuse. I have another explanation:  Section 377A...   With the repeal of S377A, I would expect the SAF to also cease all discriminatory activities towards gay servicemen. Let them serve the nation to the best of their abilities. The SAF could study how foreign militaries manage gay servicemen, with an eye towards maximising every serviceman’s potential.  However, the ban on transgender personnel must remain.  Patients with gender dysphoria report much higher levels of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than the general population. National Service places servicemen under stress for prolonged periods as a matter of course. Couple that with access to firearms, explosives and heavy equipment, and you get a recipe for disaster.   It takes between 2 to 5 years to complete gender transition, including surgery and hormones. As National Service lasts for 2 years, it is impractical for the SAF to allow personnel to undergo gender transition while in the service. In addition, during this period, a patient may undergo significant physiological changes, including weight gain, blood clots, loss of bone density, and others. These changes will make it impossible for a soldier to be combat-effective.  Transgender patients on hormone therapy who suddenly stop taking hormones may experience many negative health effects, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. In wartime, the military cannot guarantee a steady flow of ammunition, food, water, medicine and other vital supplies. A transgender soldier cut off from supply will be at risk of debilitating injury. This is why, until recently, the US military did not recruit transgender personnel for combat duties—along with anyone dependent on medication.  As we have seen in this relatively simple example, reality must trump ideology. It is well and good to celebrate ‘equality’ and the like, but it cannot come at the expense of wider society. Keep this in mind as we go along...   Public housing in Singapore is designed with an eye towards serving at least two generations of residents, even three. Members of the LGBTQ community are markedly less likely to produce biological children than the regular population. The public housing sector is already under significant pressure...   The LGBTQ community focuses on visibility and representation. But visibility is promotion, and representation is approval.  This is basic marketing. This is why products appear prominently in big budget shows, and why celebrities endorse products or otherwise use them in media while drawing attention to brands and sponsors. To say that visibility is not promotion is to claim that marketing doesn’t work.  Hollywood has gone woke. It is focused on pumping out remake after remake, infusing them with woke ideology, including LGBTQ representation. More than just entertainment, they are pushing the idea that it is acceptable, even cool, to be LGBTQ. This idea is why 21% of Generation Z identify as LGBTQ, and the basis of social contagion of transgenderism.  The publishing industry has gotten into the act, pushing out books that combine depictions of children and LGBTQ content. Queer Young Adult fiction, aimed at children, is an emerging genre, aimed at normalising LGBTQ youths. Singapore’s own Hugo Award nominated writer, Neon Yang, writes a queer YA series, set in a universe in which children decide their gender at the age of 16. Children’s publishers push out books like The GayBCs which introduce children to LGBTQ material.  Western LGBTQ activists are pushing for the sexualisation of children. The predators, groomers and enablers are driving the movement. And the Singapore LGBTQ community takes its cues from them.  Singapore—and the world—has a duty to protect its children. Therefore, all governments must enact legislation to ban the depiction of LGBTQ material in children’s media. Should the LGBTQ community object to this, then I must ask:  Do you also object to the sexualisation of children?... The LGBTQ community and the feminists will soon band together to push their ideas of sex ed into schools. I would be extremely cautious with such content, especially if the true purpose is the sexualisation of children and to covertly groom them.  It has already happened in America. Left unchecked, it will come to Singapore...   LGBTQ ideology turns vulnerable children into mutilated, sick and sterile adults with a lifelong dependency on Big Government handouts and Big Pharma products. That’s why the power players support the movement: they see children as future lifelong consooomers.  A society that destroys its children destroys its future. A society that protects its children protects its future. This is the key driver of the religious conservatives: how to preserve society for generations to come."
A lot of gay NSmen are going to be upset if they lose a way to downgrade

Hawaiian shirts are returning – but ‘people want to think twice’, says expert - "“They are the fashion equivalent of a plantation wedding,” said Anishanslin. “They could be seen as fashionable embodiments of the history of American colonization, imperialism and racism against Hawaii’s indigenous inhabitants. People might want to think twice about whether the look is worth the weight of its associative past.”... “Why not design Hawaiian shirts that use anti-gun, anti-racist, pro-peace iconography and slogans?” she said. “Why not, perhaps importantly, hire indigenous designers to create them?”"

The race riots remain Singapore’s biggest bogeyman. It’s time to have an honest discussion about prejudice - "I was invited to a public panel to discuss writing about minority characters in Singapore fiction. “We can’t talk honestly about race though. How to fill the time?” I asked another writer. He replied, “We’ll just get the conversation started and then the race riots will take over.” ... when the sibling duo Preeti and Subhas Nair released a rap video with the lyrics: “F*** it up sis, keep f***ing it up, Chinese people always out here f***ing it up,” the official response was swift. Police launched an investigation; the video was wiped off the internet; a regional news network dropped Subhas from a music documentary.  Unsurprisingly, the context was lost. The Nair siblings had been parodying an advertisement for an electronic payment app, in which a Chinese actor’s face was painted brown for his portrayal of an Indian character... It didn’t matter that the e-payment ad had also made a mockery of minorities... The Nair siblings’ sly resistance exposed the authorities’ lack of savvy when it comes to artistic intent and expression... Although the authorities warn that talking about race will lead to violence, what their response to this situation really reveals is their insensitivity to nuance"
Clearly brownface done without malice is worse than explicitly racist "parody". Naturally, there was no artistic intent and expression in the original NETS ad, and no nuance is needed when dealing with brownface and blackface - it is automatically bad and anyone who produces it is racist

Seeking to impose racial views crosses line, says Shanmugam - "The minister noted that some people have criticised the Government for investigating those who respond to racist behaviour with racist remarks of their own. He said: "These sentiments are somewhat hypocritical... You don't respond to what you say is racism by your own racist remarks, by being racist yourself. So, we call that out."  He added if the Government lets it slide when an Indian or Malay person responds to racism by a Chinese person with racist remarks of their own, then the next time the tables are turned, the Government may find itself constrained when it wants to take action.  Some commentators have suggested that racist language, when employed as satire by minority races to call out the majority race, should not be treated as racism.  Said the minister: "Rule of law means the law applies to all - majority and minority - equally. Have we applied the law fairly? Do people believe that we are applying the law fairly? Across all races, is everyone protected? If they believe that, then people will say I accept the operation of the law.""

Meme - "Are you Black?"
"No Mexican, I apologize if I'm overstepping as an ally."
"there are Black Mexicans. Why are you erasing them by implying one cannot be both Black and Mexican?"
"I know there are black Mexicans. don't think I understand what I did wrong. If you could explain I am willing to learn and change."
"No. I won't be providing you with free intellectual labor."
Apparently Blacks are above (below) Mexicans in the Progressive Stack
What happens when you abase yourself in front of people who have contempt for your existence because of who you were born as and who they were born as

Quote by Rick Warren - "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate"

Islamophobia undermines and weakens women’s rights - "One of the drivers of Islamophobia, according to both El Sheikh and Sisemore, is the media’s portrayal of Muslim women as downtrodden and needing to be saved by Western culture and ideals. Sisemore pinned this attitude on “liberal and imperialist feminism” — an extension of Western imperialist ideology — that feeds into a false and dangerous narrative of Muslim women in need of saving from violent and oppressive Muslim men. This feminist narrative has helped politicians garner public support to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan... It is true that in some countries women must wear head coverings or need to be chaperoned outside the house. And it is also true that in Afghanistan, women are being prevented from working, and the Taliban is brutally cracking down on women’s protests. However, Sisemore argued the media tend to emphasize these stories. “I think part of the issue is that the world needs to look like the United States”... the countries with the largest Muslim populations — Indonesia, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh — all have elected women prime ministers, while the United States is yet to elect a woman as president. The current prime minister of Bangladesh is Sheikh Hasina, a 74-year-old woman who has been in office since 2009.  Elsheikh remarked that in Afghanistan before the invasion of the Soviets and the intervention of the United States with the mujahideen, women held several important positions in government. He added that he comes from a Muslim country in the heart of Africa, and “our women led the struggle against dictatorship, against invasion. So I really reject completely this idea that Muslim women are oppressed in Islamic societies. There are people oppressed in Western democracies and women in particular. Today we see how Texas tried to strip away the right of women to have ownership of her body.” How do we contextualize that, El Sheikh asked?"
I'm sure Afghan women are glad to not be able to go to school now once again under the Taliban
Apparently women's rights is cultural imperialism (since non-liberal feminism is okay with women being oppressed under Islam)
And we have the usual pretence that women politicians from political dynasties is a triumph for feminism, and whataboutism (which is good when liberals use it - but not even correctly, since they make false equivalences)

Meme - Sadiq Khan: "The brutal killing of George Floyd has rightly ignited fury around the world. I stand in solidarity with black people experiencing systematic racism, and commit to use my voice to amplity theirs. #BlackLivesMatter"
On David Amess: "l am so deeply, deeply saddened by the tragic news that Sir David has passed away. He loved being an MP and was a great public servant. It is just awful. My thoughts and prayers, and those of all Londoners, are with David's loved ones at this time of unimaginable grief."

Meme - Eco-Power Bottom @FeelingFisky: ""professionalism" is mostly just codified meant to discredit the work & expertise of marginalized groups thank you for coming to my TED Talk"
Why liberals are bad workers

Meme - "Please don't misgender or deadname. Nothing is more offensive than being called a word that doesn't make you comfortable. Hispanic people need to accept being called Latinx. It's what's good for them, regardless how it makes them feel."

Facebook - "Like "Defund the police", racial preferences in college admissions is something that a resounding majority of non-white Americans oppose.  It is overwhelmingly elites, and specifically overwhelmingly white elites, who push for this, despite it being unpopular across the board.   Modern "anti-racism" as we understand it is largely a religious order of a white elite, and a tiny fraciton of non-whites largely preaching to a white elite, that is being pushed on everyone else, despite it being extremely unpopular.  Older notions of equality are those that most Americans, and in particular, most non-white Americans, believe in. If you do not see this among your friends, congratulations , you are officially captured within a small elite bubble. Remember to come up for air every once in a while from underneath that vast swath of arugula, you also need oxygen to survive.  Also remember, Twitter doesn't reflect reality."
73% of Americans say race, ethnicity should not factor into college admissions | Pew Research Center

Meme - Google: "what have black people invented"
The Polato Chip
George Crum
Phiip B. Downing
Garrett Morgan
Folding Cabinet Bed
Inventions Created By African Americans"
People also ask:
What was invented by Black person?
What Black person invented the internet?
Who was the first Black person to invent somthing?
How many Black inventions are there?
8 Black Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier - HISTORY"
Google: "what have white people invented
"What have white people ever done for us?' - BBC News
In a week of angry demonstrations and soul searcing following the fatal shootings of two black men by police officers, and police...
The iconic American inventor is still a white male - The
The sory of invention in Amenica typically features larger-than-life caricatures of white men like Thomas Edson while largely ignoring the...
The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea
The long read. Before the 17th century, people did not think of themselves as belonging to something called the white race
Historical Foundations of Race - National Museum of African...
Tragically, American culture, fom the very begining, developed around the ideas of race and racism. The racial identity of- "white" has evolved throughout...
The Invention of the White Race - Verso Books
When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1610, there were no "white" people, nor, according to colonial records, woul there be for another sixty...
The Invention of the White People I Racism I Al Jazeera
Dismanting of the murderous myth that is "White People" wil break down the backbone of the racist ideology"

Meme - Sean Collins @americansitu: "Woke: We must eradicate every reference to gender binaries. Mr. Potato Head is offensive and must go.
Normal person: Why?
Woke: Why are you so obsessed about something so trivial as a plastic potato toy?"

Meme - @notamoreye: "my sister called home today and told us about how her teacher was teaching them about egypt and when her friend stated that my sister is egyptian and from egypt her teacher went on a whole rant about how she's not egyptian and how she's not 'dark enough'
to be egyptian because egyptians were never 'light brown' and that she should be ashamed for claiming a history that isn't hers because her ancestors were 'savages that attacked , killed and enslaved the real black egyptians
and that modern day egyptians are 'trifling racist invaders that do disgusting things like enslavement and abuse towards the indigenous black africans of egypt' so guess who's about to get reported to the school bc wtf was the reason for you saying all that"

Meme - Ricky Gervais @ @rickygervais: "The world began to crumble when feelings started overruling facts."
Simon Jenkins @SimonJenkins1: "So are you like, a full-on right winger now? Because you must know the kinds of people this phrasing aligns you with"
Ricky @rickygervais: "I'm also vegetarian. You know, like Hitler"
Open proclamation that to the left, feelings overrule facts

Mother and Daughter Evicted After Daughter Twerks in Apartment Complex Pool - "Marshette Foster is speaking out after learning she and her daughter, Alana Foster, 21, are being evicted following a twerking encounter at the pool... Element SouthPark management claims the eviction is a result of “extremely unacceptable behaviors” Alana and her friends displayed in the community area...   In addition to the twerking, building personnel claims Alana had too many guests at the pool, and fighting occurred... The mother admits that her daughter’s friend cursed at the concierge after being told there were too many of them at the pool... Element SouthPark’s property manager told her that she was being evicted after the daughter’s friend verbally attacked the concierge. The building released a statement that it prides itself on having diverse residents in the pricey residential building. But after multiple reports from building dwellers, the building had to take action. “Resident statements and video show the resident and her guests performing acts of public nudity, fighting, and other extremely unacceptable behaviors for any of our residents to witness, but it is especially unacceptable due to the presence of small children”"
Some idiot kept insisting the headline was right and the rest of the article was wrong. He definitely isn't alone - clickbait is great for grievance mongering

Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews | Pew Research Center - "The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White... 92% of U.S. Jews describe themselves as White and non-Hispanic"
Is it still racist and anti-Semitic to call Jews white if most of them think they're white?

Silicon Valley’s ‘Mission Protocol’ Revolution Is Beginning to Attain Critical Mass - "A handful of founders and CEOs—Brian Armstrong of Coinbase, Jason Fried of Basecamp, Shopify’s Tobias Lütke, Medium’s Ev Williams—have said the unsayable. In the face of shop-floor social-justice activism, they’ve decided, business owners should resolve to stick to business. No hashtag coders. No message-board threads about anti-racism or neo-pronouns. No open letters meant to get someone fired for a decade-old tweet. No politics. As Armstrong put it in his famous (or infamous) September 27th, 2020 blog post, business should be “mission focused.” A software developer explained that the conciliatory approach has become too costly: “The Slack shit, the company-wide emails, it definitely spills out into real life, and it’s a huge productivity drag.”... Some founders, venture capitalists, and angel investors are now refusing to speak with legacy-media journalists who infuse their reporting with a social-justice slant. “What’s the point [of talking to reporters]?” a developer said. “They hate us, and we think they know nothing about the way the world works outside their woke, east-coast bubble.” Instead, mission-focused players are embracing alternatives such as Clubhouse and Substack...  This Silicon Valley movement overlaps with a growing cadre of politically diverse writers and podcasters—such as Glenn Greenwald, James Poulos, Alex Kaschuta, and Aimee Terese—collectively creating an opening for a more incisive, wider-ranging conversation about technology, politics, and America itself. Default Friend, an After the Orgy podcast co-host and pseudonymous Substacker whose newsletter focuses on the Bay Area, says “this new group is like, ‘Okay, the wokeness thing definitely isn’t right. There must be some third way.’ They’re agreed on what they oppose.” But the forces of counterrevolution are strong...  For these CEOs, the problem isn’t just the media and external critics: The wokeness is coming from inside the building. At dinner parties, they ask each other the same question: How do we keep woke activists off the payroll? “It’s the first thing they want to talk about these days,” a vice president at a venture-capital shop told me. “It’s the crazy, activist, political stuff. I’ve not met a founder who doesn’t think it’s a problem. There’s a state of what the fuck?”  To twenty-somethings steeped in critical race theory, the idea that a business should focus solely on its core product and generating shareholder value is unacceptable. “@coinbase choose to intentionally use the tech bro racist rule book,” tweeted Leslie Miley, the Obama Foundation’s former chief technology officer. “Let’s be clear, they knew they had issues and have chosen to ride it out rather than confront #DiversityandInclusion #DiversityInTech @brianarmstrong.” Basecamp was deluged with tweets about its supposed climate of “racism,” “fascism,” and general “fuckery.” Needless to say, the New York Times gave the new Coinbase policy a negative spin, as did the Verge, boing boing, and the various other media sites that have made it their mission to “hold accountable” CEOs whose professed values run afoul of the identitarian Left. As workplaces, these outlets are modelling the exact problem that Mission Protocol was designed to solve. Lurking beneath all this is a deeper debate about the purpose of business. In 1970, the New York Times published an essay by Milton Friedman titled A Friedman doctrine—The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. As Andrew Ross Sorkin wrote in September, on the occasion of the article’s 50th anniversary, many corporations have abandoned that view (at least for public consumption)... This move was seen as a tipping point for corporate governance by some observers and a cynical public relations ploy by others.”...  This shift toward a stakeholder-centric capitalism has opened the floodgates to all species of wokery in the workplace—prompting founders and CEOs to call for a return to business qua business. These entrepreneurs have always understood what so many progressives seem incapable of processing: building products that other people will buy requires not only hard work, talent, and a spirit of innovation, but also monomaniacal focus. As the Mission Protocol site bluntly states, “Mission focus is required to achieve difficult goals: It’s hard to build something sustainable and truly excellent if the project is frequently distracted by issues or events peripheral to the mission.” Yes, there are companies that can fritter away resources on expensive diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. But these tend to be big, blue-chip multinationals that can factor these programs in as de facto marketing expenses. Among start-ups, that approach isn’t possible."

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