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Monday, September 26, 2022

Links - 26th September 2022 (2 - Migrants)

VIDEO: Finnish Interpretative Tik-Tok Dance Aims To Help Girls Deter Migrant Rapists - "A very cringe-worthy interpretive dance video supposedly created to protect underage girls from being raped on Tiktok, has now gone viral on social media after commentators and pundits ripped the video apart.In 2018, a migrant-led rape gang scandal broke in the Northern Finland city of Oulu, with girls as young as 10 years old being subjected to heinous acts of sexual depravity. The bulk of the perpetrators were foreign-born men–many of whom surfed the wave of immigration following the 2015-16 migrant crisis.The short Tiktok video, which has garnered almost a million views on Twitter alone, depicts five stern-faced adults–three women, two men–performing a Macarena-esque dance encouraging young girls to deter rapists by standing their ground. Finnish pundit, Tiina Wiik, who tweeted the viral video, wrote: “My home town has launched a 2,5 million euro project called Safe Oulu that aims at combating the (migrant) rape crisis.“This is where the money goes... Explaining the video’s purpose, Wiik explains, “So the idea is, that if you’re a 10 yo girl trapped in an apartment with 10 horny Iraqis, just say: “Stop, don’t touch me there, this is my no-no square”, and it’ll be fine. I have no words.”... “And if the rape macarena isn’t enough to stop them, there’s always the oldie-but-goodie advice from our public news network: just stretch your arm out in front of you with the palm facing the attacker, and the rapist will go away.”... National File reported on a spike of migrant sex crimes following on from the grooming gang scandal which ran similar parallels to the ones experienced in the UK."
Apparently "victim-blaming" is good when the rapists are brown

Finland: Millennial Govt to 'Help' Greece By Helping Migrants Claim Asylum - "Danish personnel operating in Greek waters with Frontex, the European Union Border and Coast Guard Agency, have already boasted of having defied orders from Greek senior officers to turn back illegal migrants arriving in Greek territorial waters by sea, instead bringing them to the Greek island of Kos."

Aylan Kurdi and the death of truth - "Aylan was not in “harm’s way”. He was not a refugee. His family was not fleeing danger... Aylan’s family, while originally from the Syrian border town of Kobani, recently besieged by IS, had actually been living in safety in Turkey for three years. Their Facebook page shows them in Istanbul, feeding pigeons by the great New Mosque. Aylan’s father, Abdullah, worked on construction sites. No wonder, perhaps, that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees would not recognise the family as refugees. But Abdullah Kurdi had a sister in Canada, Tima Kurdi, who sent money to help pay the rent. Tima Kurdi applied to Canadian immigration officials to bring in another brother as a refugee, and was asked to supply more information. She planned to later sponsor Abdullah Kurdi’s family, too. So ... what exactly was he “fleeing” when he paid a people smuggler thousands of dollars to bring his family — without safety vests — to Greece, to join that irresistible army of illegal immigrants now smashing through Europe’s borders? Tima Kurdi explained... “The situation is that Abdullah does not have any teeth... “So I been trying to help him fix his teeth. But is gonna cost me 14,000 and up to do it … “Actually my dad, he come up with the idea, he said to me, ‘I think if they go to Europe for his case and for our future, I think he should do that, and then we’ll see if he can fix his teeth’. “And that’s what I did three weeks ago.” She sent her brother the money for people smugglers. Now, it is terrible to have no teeth. Awful to be poor. A misery to have your children denied chances. But can the West really take in not just real refugees, but the Third World’s poor as well, including those in search of better dentistry?"
Of course, those who point out the dental treatment point got slammed

Paul Barry defends the false story of poor Aylan Kurdi - "All initial reports by journalists who interviewed Abdullah Kurdi reported the family had lived in Turkey for three years. The Daily Mail has probably done the best job of reconstructing the family's movements, talking to former neighbors, a landlord and friends of the family...
'‘They were having a good life here in Turkey, I don’t know why they left,’ their landlady Mushreff Terregy, 66, said... ‘When they moved out on August 6, they said they were going back to Kobane to tend to olive trees they own there...’ But Mr Kurdi, speaking from Kobane, where he returned to bury his family said: ‘The house was in a worse situation than my previous house back home... I couldn’t handle working in Turkey because it was too hard to get by. I love Turkey as a system and Istanbul as a city, but I couldn’t afford it...''
Yes, a hard life. Yes, it is understandable that the Kurdi family would want to go to Europe. But were they refugees fleeing death when they got on the boat? And why did Barry omit the details which confirm that the decision to leave for Europe was primarily an economic one? And why has Barry not mentioned that Kurdi has returned to live in Kobane, the town Barry claims " has now been all but destroyed... Kurdi was a people smugger"
If the Daily Mail says the earth is round, that means it's flat

Aylan Kurdi: How a single image transformed the debate on immigration - "For most of 2015, the use of the words migrants and refugees was head to head in public conversation, accounting for pretty much the same volume over nine months – 5.2 million tweets versus 5.3 million tweets. From September 2 onward this radically flipped. The numbers swing dramatically towards a clear focus on refugees – 2.9 million tweets and 6.5 million tweets"
The power of fake news. But people don't question fake news which supports their biases

Tests Reveal 'Child' Migrant, 17, Is Actually 47 Years Old - "Two men recently attempted to claim asylum stating that they were both minors until fingerprint tests revealed that they were not even close to being under 18.The two men presented themselves to officers at a police station in the commune of Angoulême in south-west France earlier this week with both claiming that they were 16-years-old in order to take advantage of measures aimed at helping underage asylum seekers... One of the men, who claimed to be from the African nation of Mali, was revealed to be 21 years old, while the other man, who presented police with a birth certificate from Guinea, was revealed to be 47 years old, after his fingerprints were connected to a passport he had used to enter Spain... The problem of fake underage migrants in France was highlighted last year when police in Montpellier managed to bust a network from the Ivory Coast who were forging documents in order to help adult migrants claim asylum as minors... the migrants who used the forged documents were able to defraud French taxpayers to the sum of nearly a million euros in benefits they were not qualified for."

Almost Half Of 'Underage' Migrants In Hamburg Are Adults - "49 per cent of the migrants who have claimed to be underage in the city of Hamburg this year are actually adults, according to a new report from the Social Security Board... Across Germany this year there have been a total of 55,890 asylum seekers claiming to be under the age of 18 but according to the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, 24,116, or 43 percent, were officially adults... Many asylum seekers have claimed to be underage because it is much harder for the German government to deport underage asylum seekers and many get preferential treatment. According to Afghan asylum seeker Hussein K., the suspected murderer of German student Maria Ladenburger, he lied about his age to receive better benefits saying, “if you’re a minor, the situation in Germany is better.” Germany is not the only country facing a large number of asylum seekers lying about their age. In Austria last year, authorities found almost 1,000 asylum seekers had lied about being under eighteen. An Austrian policeman commented on the issue at the time, saying: “It is absurd for us to see grown men with beards and greying hair that claim to be 17 years of age.”"

French Department Reveals 80 Percent of Minor Migrants Are Really Adults - "The French department of Côte-d’Or has revealed that of the over 500 migrants claiming to be minors who arrived at the department in 2019, just 20 per cent of them were actually underage... President of the departmental council of Côte-d’Or François Sauvadet, along with secretary-general of the prefecture of Côte-d’Or Christophe Marot and Dijon public prosecutor Eric Mathais, signed a new agreement that will see all future migrants who claim to be underage subjected to tests that will have their fingerprints and photographs collected... Figures released by the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) in September revealed the cost of unaccompanied minor migrants to the French taxpayer, stating that the French pay two billion euros a year for the estimated 41,000 minors currently living in France, with each migrant costing the state 50,000 euros."

'Europe is nicer': migrants head west after Turkey opens border - "Hundreds of migrants in Turkey started arriving on the borders with Greece and Bulgaria on Friday after a senior Turkish official said Ankara would no longer abide by a 2016 EU deal and stop refugees from reaching Europe.Greece and Bulgaria, both European Union member states, said they were beefing up frontier controls to prevent the migrants crossing illegally.Bulgaria said it was sending 1,000 extra troops to its border with Turkey... Syrians boarding buses for the border in Istanbul’s Fatih district complained of economic difficulties in Turkey and said they hoped to build a better life in Europe.“There is no work here. Turkey is not nice at all, Europe is nicer,” said Muhammed Abdullah, 25, adding that he wanted to go to Germany."
I guess Turkey is the mouth of a shark
How odd that they would rather go to an infidel country

Greek Security Forces Attacked by Tear Gas at Turkish Border - "The Greek-Turkish border at Kastanies on the Evros river resembled a war zone on Friday morning as the Greek security forces deployed to prevent thousands of migrants storming into the country came under attack by smoke bombs and tear gas. A Greek Reporter correspondent at Kastanies says that it was an attack apparently coordinated by drones deployed by the Turkish police to help migrants cross the fence along the border... members of the Turkish security forces were seen distributing wire cutters to migrants to cut through the border fence... there are small fires reported on the Turkish side of the border, probably caused by people on Turkish territory... The tension at Evros follows Turkey’s decision to no longer abide by the terms of a 2016 deal with the European Union to halt illegal migration to Europe in return for billions of euros in aid.Since then, thousands of migrants have rushed to the Turkish border with Greece in hopes of crossing into Europe."

Turkey Is Sending Special Forces to Help Refugees Enter Europe

Detention, torture and killing … how the EU outsourced migration policy | Kenan Malik | Opinion | The Guardian
So Europe needs to let the whole world in, apparently. And I like how Turkey and Libya are conflated in a bait and switch

Germany tied up in knots by influx of migrant child brides | World | The Sunday Times - "The return of child marriage is one of a multitude of challenges confronting Germany as it struggles to integrate the 1.2m migrants — most of them Muslims — who have streamed into the country since last year under the “welcome” policy of Angela Merkel, the chancellor.There are an estimated 1,000 child brides registered among Germany’s migrants, but the true figure is thought to be considerably higher... Many of the marriages have been conducted by clerics in accordance with sharia, the Islamic legal code. Attention has been focused on the issue since June, when a court in Bamberg, Bavaria, accepted the marriage of a Syrian man of 21 and his 14-year-old cousin. The youth welfare service had separated the pair, who settled in nearby Aschaffenburg, and made the girl a ward of court. The couple then challenged the decision.The court ruled the marriage was valid because it had been carried out in accordance with Syrian law. Authorities have appealed to the constitutional court in Karlsruhe. Under German child welfare laws, anyone under the age of 16 must have a legal guardian.In an attempt to find a solution to such cases, some officials have resorted to a controversial practice in which the husband is made legal guardian of an underage girl.Campaigners are appalled. “A husband cannot be the legal guardian of a child bride because he is involved in a sexual relationship with her — a very obvious conflict of interests,” said Monika Michell of Terre des Femmes, a women’s rights group that campaigns against child marriage... Many of the girls are involved in polygamous relationships and flee their marriages after having experienced abuse from older wives. They then face pressure to return to their husbands, often from their families through social media... Some in Germany argue that the religious and cultural practices of the newcomers should be respected as part of their right to asylum.“If those ways of life are common elsewhere and such people legally migrate to here, it would mean denying them protection and robbing them of their rights,” said Hans Michael Heinig, a law professor... The ruling by the Bavarian court has been criticised by British groups that campaign against forced marriages.“This is an appalling decision,” said Jasvinder Sanghera, founder of Karma Nirvana, a charity helping children, girls and women to escape forced marriage and abuse.“My worry is that this sets a precedent and it could happen in other countries, too. Recognising cultural traditions does not mean accepting the unacceptable. These are children and this is paedophilia.”"

Underage, married, separated | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - "Tellenbach sees it as problematic, however, to automatically categorise a marriage registered abroad as invalid if one of the parties was younger than 16 at the time of the wedding. For affected young women from the Middle East, this could mean “a shock and the loss of marital protection ... if their marriage is simply categorized as a non-marriage.” That is why Tellenbach is demanding the option to recognize marriages that were concluded abroad under the age of 16 on an individual case basis.The legal experts at the MPG are not alone in their opinion. During the legislative process, numerous expert associations, such as Familiengerichtstag, Deutscher Juristinnenbund and Kinderhilfswerk, expressed their criticisms of the automatic nature of the Child Marriage Act.In December 2018, the German Federal Court (BGH) followed suit. In its review, it was required to rule on the case of the Syrian couple from Aschaffenburg. According to the new law, the BGH would only have been able to confirm the invalidity of the marriage. But the judges ruled that the legislator's strict new regulation was in breach of the Federal Constitution, and particularly against its requirement of child welfare. This would dictate an examination of each situation individually. It was also in violation of the protection of marriage, the BGH stated"
i.e. Banning child marriage is unconstitutional

Refusal to give married same-sex Hong Kong couple public housing ‘unconstitutional’, rules High Court - "The Hong Kong government’s policy of denying legally married same-sex couples the right to apply for public housing is unlawful and unconstitutional, the High Court has declared.The court on Wednesday allowed a judicial review mounted by permanent resident Nick Infinger over the Housing Authority’s decision to bar him and his husband from renting a public housing flat.Mr Justice Anderson Chow Ka-ming acknowledged the government was pursuing a legitimate aim of supporting traditional family formations through providing for their housing needs, and that public flats were highly limited.But the judge also concluded that the authority had failed to justify its differential treatment that had “resulted in an unacceptably harsh burden on same-sex couples lawfully married overseas, including the applicant”... It was put forward by the same lawyers – Michael Vidler and barrister Timothy Parker – who in 2018 successfully challenged the city’s immigration policy to grant same-sex partners spousal visas previously available only to heterosexual couples, in a case mounted by a British citizen, known in court as QT... Abraham Chan Lok-shung SC, for the authority, said the government was entitled to deny public housing to same-sex couples because there were not enough flats to meet the demand of the city’s low-income residents."
So they need to recognise polygamous and child marriages performed abroad too

Sweden suffers surge in bomb attacks as gang violence rises - "A surge in drug-linked gang-violence in Sweden led to a 60% increase in bomb blasts in 2019... Sweden has been hit by a wave of shootings and bombings over the past couple of years which police have linked to gang conflicts in major cities, shocking Swedes, who have long considered their country one of the safest in the world... Some 257 bomb attacks were reported to police last year, up from 162 the previous year"
Someone claimed the Netherlands had a similar problem - but they had 117 incidents with illegal hand grenades. In 11 years.

Statistics Sweden: new statistics on how different immigrant groups manage in the Nordics - "Producing statistic for different kinds of immigrant groups has been, and in certain cases remains, controversial. The Nordic statistics agencies stand out in terms of how far they are willing to go. The risk is that the statistics are so detailed and certain immigrant groups are so small that it becomes possible to identify individuals. Some also argue that the statistics could stigmatise certain groups, especially when it is presented in a more popularised form.Statistics Denmark has its own editorial office – Behind the numbers – which popularises the statistics. As early as in 2002 they published an article called “Immigrants are more often criminal”.“The crime rate among first and second generation immigrants is considerably higher than for the population as a whole, shows a report from Statistics Denmark which looks at the link between crime and national origin,” wrote Behind the numbers.“Crime amongst men with foreign heritage was 38 percent higher than for all men in Denmark in 2000, and for women with foreign heritage the number was 27 percent.” The article discussed the reasons behind the difference. Immigrants are for instance younger than the average population, and receive more social support. These groups are linked to a higher level of crime generally. If you take that into account, crime rates are seven percent higher among men with foreign heritage, but one percent lower for women with foreign heritage... [there was a] large flow of refugees in 2015. New groups entered into the country, at the same time as the Sweden Democrats presented numbers for what they believed could be saved by shutting the borders. This made Joakim Ruist aware there was a need to present the facts. Just looking at previous immigration would be wrong, he believes: “Solely looking at an historic average would give you a far too positive image, since the historical average is so dominated by former Yugoslavs, who have done better in the Swedish labour market than most other refugee groups."

Sweden Yes | Know Your Meme - "Sweden has been known for being positive towards non-european immigration, and being the EU member state that accepts the most political refugees. A poll made in January 2015 showed that more than the 70% of the Swedish population was positive towards non-european immigration, 23% of which were very positive towards it"
Sweden in 2015 was the only country in the EU where over half the population was positive towards non-European immigration. Of course, liberals who complain that modern democracies are really oligarchies because they don't reflect common people's preferences think it's a good thing that non-European immigration is encouraged despite popular opinion

Swedish girl, 17, was decapitated 'by Iraqi-born boyfriend' - "Wilma Andersson vanished on November 14 last year and police found a 'body part' two weeks later - which was later revealed to be her head.Her ex-boyfriend Tishko Ahmed Shabaz was arrested at the time and has now been charged with her murder, which he denies.Shabaz is accused of decapitating Wilma when she went to collect her belongings before wrapping her head in foil and hiding it at his home... Prosecutors claim that he murdered Wilma by subjecting her to 'repeated violence'.The rest of Wilma's body has never been found, and relatives have urged people to continue their search... Relatives say that Wilma had gone to her ex-boyfriend's house to pick up her things after ending the relationship.It is also claimed that neighbours heard screaming from the apartment and that Shabaz lied to Wilma's parents by claiming she had left the flat alive.However, Wilma's coat and handbag were allegedly still hanging in the closet, raising doubts over Shabaz's claims"

Rioters who turned Stuttgart into 'a battlefield' chanted 'Allahu Akbar' - "Looters shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they ransacked shops in Stuttgart on Saturday night and most of those arrested came from a 'migrant background', it has emerged... Hans-Jürgen Kirstein, the head of a police union, told Bild that 'young people with a migration background were at the front of the riots'.German chancellor Angela Merkel today condemned the violence as 'abhorrent' after even paramedics were attacked with bottles while trying to help an injured person."

Swedish Muslims chant about killing Jews at Malmo protest - "Demonstrations by Muslims in the Swedish city of Malmo against a far-right lawmaker turned violent and included chants in Arabic about killing Jews. Some protesters attending at least one of the rallies staged against a plan by Rasmus Paludan, the leader of Denmark’s far-right anti-immigration Hard Line party, to burn a copy of the Quran in Malmo chanted “Khaybar Khaybar oh, Jews, Muhammad’s army will return.”The chants reference a massacre of the Jews in the town of Khaybar, in northwestern Arabia, in 628 C.E. In the rioting, several cars were set ablaze and at least 10 people were arrested."
According to intersectionality, the answer is to blame white people

Funeral of Sudanese asylum seeker, 28, shot dead by police in Glasgow is delayed by an hour - "A Sudanese asylum seeker shot dead after stabbing six people in Glasgow has been buried an hour late after more than a hundred mourners arrived at his funeral.Badreddin Abadlla Adam, 28, was due to be buried at Linn Cemetery in Glasgow at 2pm this afternoon.He was shot by armed officers last month after injuring six people, including police constable David Whyte, 42, during an attack at the Park Inn Hotel in the city."
Another victim of "racism"!

Critical Spectator - Posts | Facebook - "This is how low-wage migrants live in the West. Nobody forced them to. They have happily agreed to these conditions, with 7 living in a windowless basement. Why? To save as much money as they can to afford a new house where they came from. Do you think they suffer badly and complain? Not really - they have their eyes on the prize.The most hysterical complainers make shows of compassion without having the faintest idea how life looks like. Their loud cries in supposed support of who they see as "underprivileged" show how spoiled and out of touch with reality they are... I've never heard anybody say - "I wish I hadn't done that, the bunk bed was terrible! Oh and the smell in the toilet!". Not once.Unless they went abroad to settle down, they would go back to their bunks, to their tiny rooms, to their basements - just to bring back as much as they could. It's natural, it's understandable, it's logical. That's how people climb the social ladder... So, frankly, when I hear all the whining about how bad some migrants have living in crowded dorms I see it as a sign of entitlement of the spoiled middle class who either never knew or have already forgotten how the social ladder is climbed... Let me add this, though - because some people mentioned dishonest employers who cheat these workers or force them into squalid living conditions - that no breach of laws or trust is acceptable. And anybody - any company, any person - found guilty of short-changing or otherwise abusing these hardworking people, should be bankrupted into oblivion and put away behind the bars for 20 years.As long as everything is fair and mutually agreed, however, nobody has any right to interfere with decisions made by free, independent individuals. And the future prosperity of the country cannot be put in harm's way by a bunch of spoiled, self-loathing complainers, who want to feel better about themselves without actually doing anything."

Darren McCaffrey on Twitter - "DENMARK 🇩🇰 will limit number of 'non-Western' residents in neighbourhoods up to 30% within 10 years 'reduce the risk of religious and cultural parallel societies' Interior Minister said term 'ghetto', used to designate disadvantaged areas, would be removed from new legislation"

Southport hotel to host 150 asylum seekers during Covid-19 pandemic
Man rushed to hospital after stabbing at Southport hotel

Meme - "Dawit (22) is born in a body with the wrong nationality. He is what doctors call a transmigrant. ’l’m born in a Sudanese body but I've always known I'm a German!"

This liberal claimed that the places people migrated from were even worse, and even conceded that they could be called shithole countries. He didn't reply when I pointed out that China, India and the Philippines were the top sources of migrants to the US in 2019, and asked if he thought they were shitholes where people were at risk of being murdered every day

Facebook - "This is my sister. On Monday night she was attacked by her 15 year old neighbor. He stabbed her in the head and face with a screw driver. She fought him off and was able to escape to a neighbors house to call the police. The boy was taken into police custody and brought to juvenile detention center. No clear motive was ever established... “KEVIN” is a 15 year old refugee from Somalia who lives with his family. He is 6’ and approx 175lbs, much larger than my sister. He has broken into Alicia’s car 3 different times and broken into another neighbors house. The police were involved every single time and reported that nothing could be done since he was a minor. Surely this time would be different, though... On arrival, we learned from that same patient advocate that “KEVIN’S” IQ is 49. This makes him incompetent to aid in his own defense, therefore all charges were formally dismissed by the prosecutor, Sakina Ahmad. We never entered a courtroom, saw a judge, nothing. “KEVIN” was able to go home with a family member. He likely left the building as a free person before we even learned all the above information. The prosecutor sympathized with our frustration and explained that because he is a mentally handicapped, juvenile refugee, every safeguard available is to his benefit and to Alicia’s detriment. She went on to tell us, VERBATIM, that even if alicia had been KILLED, the outcome would be the same and that this case would be dismissed. Now, Go ahead and read that last sentence again. Right!!! She said the best option for Alicia’s safety is to get a restraining order. Luckily for us, alicia initiated that process the day after the attack. When asked what would happen if he violates the protection order, she explained the following scenario:
1. Call the police
2. He will be taken into custody
3. He will be released promptly and the cycle will perpetuate...
Addendum #6
1. Turns out it only took the kid 4 days to violate the restraining order.
2. Tonight (2/26) SLMPD and SWAT stormed his house and took him back into custody.
3. Let’s see how the prosecutors office handles this gift of a second chance they’ve just been given."

St. Louis woman suffers brutal attack by teen, charges dropped - "A St. Louis woman feels like the judicial system failed her, after she said her teenage neighbor attacked her and walked away free. Alicia Clarke said exactly a week ago she went for a quick run outside her south city home. When she came back, she noticed her shoes had been moved to a different spot and her cell phone was gone... Clarke said as he was on her back, he stabbed her in the head and face with a metal rod. She was able to get the weapon out of his hand and ran inside. He ran away again, taking her second cell phone this time. Police arrested the teen on charges of first-degree robbery, second-degree burglary and third-degree assault. Clarke thought the fight was over. But when she went to juvenile court a few days later, she learned his case was dismissed. "The most hurtful thing of all of this, is the dropped charges. That was much more hurtful than the physical assault," Clarke said. A juvenile court official said a staff attorney dropped the case before even going to the judge. The courts weren't able to comment specifically on this incident, since it involves a juvenile. Clarke said she was told her accused attacker was found incompetent to aid in his own defense because he has an IQ of 49. A spokeswoman said in general, circumstances like these leave the court with few options when it comes to a criminal case... Another neighbor who didn't want to go on camera said the teen has also broken into her home and believes he needs to be held accountable. Clarke said the teen has broken into her car three times, but this has been the worst of it. She has a great support system, so she isn't forced to continue living where she said she was attacked."

African Refugees Drown after Mistaking Fishing Ship for Coast Guard and Sinking own Boats (Mirror) - YouTube - "This amateur footage, taken by a Tunisian crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown. The sailor repeatedly shouts "calma" (stay calm) in Italian in the hope that the immigrants heading for Italy prepared with some basic Italian and understand him. The crew were reluctant to help since letting them on board would have been a serious security risk as it would have them outnumbered 10 to 1. There is also the risk of piracy with hijackers posing as refugees as camouflage. They also appear to only have two lifeboats, so throwing one down just so the migrants would sink it would have made no sense for the crew. The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down. The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero."
People respond to incentives
Trying to be kind can mean you're being even more cruel (then again, if the migrants drown because they sink their own boat it's not your fault, though of course to liberals it will be)

Refugee says life in hull 'is same as in Iraq' as she struggles to get a home - "her landlord said the house was ‘immaculate’ when they arrived and the tenants had denied access for maintenance workers to assess the mold since 2017. Hull City Council said its environmental health team had also been denied access."
Guess she should go back to Iraq

‘I felt like I was born again’: first non-binary person granted UK refugee status - "The judgment, in the upper tribunal, was decided in the case of Arthur Britney Joestar from El Salvador after concluding that they would face persecution for their identity if they returned to their home country."
Guess the UK is going to see a surge in "non binary" "refugees"

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