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Friday, September 23, 2022

Links - 23rd September 2022 (1 - Biden-Harris)

Real Mac Report on Twitter - "Reporter: "China is buying up land near U.S. military bases. Is this on the administration’s radar?"
John Kirby: "That’s a little out of my swim lane.”
Reporter: “This is a national security issue.”
John Kirby: “I’m not the right person to ask about this.”"

Biden on midterm election: "I think it could easily be illegitimate"
Of course it's not a threat to democracy, because a Democrat said it

Washington Free Beacon on Twitter - "Doocy: "Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country?"
Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country.""

Meme - Dash Dobrofsky @DashDobrofsky: "A new ABC poll showed that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump should be charged with a crime for Jan 6. This means a majority of the country wants Trump to go to prison. In other words, arresting Donald Trump would create national peace, not civil unrest. Numbers don't lie!" - Jun 2022
Dash Dobrofsky @DashDobrofsky: "CNN's editor Nathan Gonzales said a majority of Americans "disapprove" of the job Biden is doing. This is statistically incorrect. CNN has not polled a "majority of Americans." They are now crafting anti-Biden narratives & branding them as 'facts.' Literal fake news. #BoycottCNN" - Sep 2022

Cathy Young 🇺🇦 on Twitter - "The president of the United States has told us directly that our system of government is under attack. What happens next is, in every way, up to us."
"He also said Mitt Romney would re-enslave black people so pardon me if I don't go reaching for the smelling salts."
"What Biden actually said https://t.co/JTi3cNTkBf Yeah, many felt it was a racial dogwhistle esp since audience was about 50% black. But "he said Romney would re-enslave blacks" is just a straight-up lie."

Meme - Ryan James Girdusky: "Want to know why they hate white men so much:"
American Predictions: "Joe Biden Approval Rating Among White Men: *low*"

Meme - Karine Jean-Pierre @K_JeanPierre: ".@realDonaldTrump where are the' pesos for your bigoted wall?" - 2019
"Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is filli in major gaps in the border wall (i.e., building the wall) because he is "trying to save lives."" - 2022

Meme - Merrick Boombo Mommy (chaotic neutral) @eldritchmother "Force feminizing my boyfriend for Joe Biden"

Psaki: ‘Unfair and Absurd’ To Say Companies Would Raise Prices in Response to Tax Increases - "A number of economic studies have found that consumers bear approximately 31 percent of the cost of corporate tax increases through higher prices on consumer products."

Washington Free Beacon on Twitter - "Biden: "He used to go down in the East Side, what they call the bucket. Highest crime rate in the country. Theres a place where I was the only white guy that worked, was a lifeguard down in that area.... you could always tell where the best basketball in the state is.""

President Biden botches AR-15 facts while stumping against gun violence in Pennsylvania - "President Biden made gun-related gaffes during a campaign-style event in Pennsylvania on Tuesday afternoon.  Biden traveled to Wilkes-Barre to promote his "Safer America" agenda, which is focused on deterring crime and helping law enforcement. Biden's policies are also geared towards toughening up gun laws and expanding background checks.   During the speech, Biden made an unsourced claim about the speed that an AR-15 shoots bullets.  "Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun?"... A June study by hunting gear retailer Field and Stream looked at the fastest rifle cartridges – and AR-15 rounds did not make their list... Biden also claimed that "AR-15s just rip the body apart," which is also inaccurate. Damage from a gunshot depends on the type of bullets used."

‘Creepy Joe’ Trends After Biden Keeps Whispering At Press Conference - "Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), the former White House physician for former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, sent a letter to Joe Biden urging that he immediately submit to a cognitive test because his “mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past eighteen months.”"

Meme - Joe Biden @JoeBiden: "Unity over division." - 6 Oct 2020
Joe Biden @JoeBiden: "Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country." - 1 Sep 2022

Biden approval falls, holding near low end of his presidency, Reuters/Ipsos finds - "U.S. President Joe Biden's public approval rating fell modestly this week, a poor sign for his Democratic Party's hopes in the Nov. 8 midterm elections... Biden's lowest ratings of 36% - in four weekly polls in May, June and July - rivaled the lows of his predecessor, Donald Trump, whose popularity bottomed out at 33% in December 2017."

John Cooper on Twitter - "Karine Jean-Pierre says that people who voted for Donald Trump are "a threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights." "
To protect democracy, freedom and rights, people cannot be allowed to vote for candidates liberals disapprove of

Greg Price on Twitter - "🚨Omfg the Biden administration literally asked Meta if they would take down a Fauci parody account on Instagram"
I wonder what the new liberal cope will be, now that it's the government suppressing freedom of speech

The White House and Twitter Censorship - WSJ - "Twitter booted blogger Alex Berenson after White House officials privately complained about him to Twitter employees. Mr. Berenson has been a vocal critic of government lockdowns, mask mandates and mRNA vaccines. In our view he’s been too quick to dismiss the vaccine benefits and overstated their potential risks, which has hurt his credibility. But that’s no worse than the powers-that-be who have overstated their benefits and been too quick to dismiss their potential, if small, risks.  Those powers include Twitter’s censors and Biden Administration officials who have sought to silence public discussion about Covid vaccines and masks. Last July President Biden publicly blamed social media companies for “killing people” by not removing content that encouraged vaccine hesitancy. Hours after Mr. Biden’s comment, Twitter locked Mr. Berenson’s account. The next month Twitter permanently banned Mr. Berenson after he tweeted that mRNA vaccines don’t “stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it—at best—as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.” Mr. Berenson sued the company for, among other things, removing him in violation of its own stated policies. In settling the lawsuit last month, Twitter acknowledged it erred in banning Mr. Berenson and agreed to restore his account. As part of legal discovery, Twitter was required to produce documents involving him. Now Mr. Berenson is making some public... evidence of a direct connection between White House pressure and Twitter censorship bolsters the argument that social-media platforms can be sued as “state actors” for restricting speech in violation of the First Amendment... Mr. Berenson has now shown that White House officials sought to conscript the platform into silencing him, and perhaps others who don’t toe the White House line on Covid. Have Biden officials pressured other platforms to censor users who express contrarian views on other topics such as climate change?  The government’s response to Covid shows the importance of robust debate, since much of the official wisdom has turned out to be wrong and did great harm. Think lockdowns. A condominium of Big Tech and government is itself a hazard to public health and democracy"
Liberals will still pretend that this is all private censorship so there is no problem

Minds💡 on Twitter - "BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan that Facebook algorithmically censored the Hunter Biden laptop story for 7 days based on a general request from the FBI to restrict election misinformation."

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 on Twitter - "good thing Alex Jones wasn't caught with meth and prostitutes while selling American secrets to Ukraine or he'd be in some real trouble"

Meme - Caliheart @Caliheart74: "Thank GOD Biden won! It's not the time to rest. It's time to make sure we keep him! Vote Blue! Married. Not looking for a hookup. Respect that"
Caliheart @Caliheart74: "Why does my husband want to be a woman? Why is he doing this to my family damn it why!!"

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 on Twitter - "I was hoping that Biden would keep his promise to try to unite our country, but instead this admin has used race and identity politics to divide us, our freedom of speech and civil liberties are under assault, inflation is going through the roof, and we’ve got open borders."

"Can we remove Joe Biden from the White House to for being racist in the 80s and 90s or did we just forget that stuff happened?"

Glenn Kessler on Twitter - "Biden’s critics hurl increasingly vulgar taunts"
Ironic, given their reaction to Trump

When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade - The New York Times - "The bill never made it to the full Senate, and when it came back up the following year, Mr. Biden voted against it. His back-and-forth over abortion would become a hallmark of his political career... Mr. Biden is already facing criticism from some women’s rights activists over his aggressive questioning of Anita Hill during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Judge Clarence Thomas in 1991. Mr. Biden’s comment Tuesday that he wished he “could have done something” to give Ms. Hill’s claims of sexual harassment a more respectful hearing drew fierce backlash from critics, who pointed out that Mr. Biden was chairman of the Senate committee that questioned Ms. Hill... opponents of abortion rights say they saw him much the same way as liberals"

Biden’s Saudi Adventure: An Oil Strategy Failure And Beyond - "Biden dropped the ball with the Saudis, not because of a momentary fumble, but because he was anxious to abandon fossil fuels and downplay the Middle East. It did not work. The 2022 midterms are staring him in the face, with gas prices being the highest since 2008, fueling the inflation bonfire.   In its diplomatic act of juggling actors with competing interests, values, and relationships, Biden's team had no vision for what the juggling act’s results would be. The President embarked upon a futile adventure because of a bipartisan failure in America’s strategic vision in the Middle East – in security and energy policy. Only an energy-conscious foreign policy with long-term goals of security and sustainability can avoid a repeat of this fiasco."

Biden holds notes that read 'YOU enter the Roosevelt Room,' 'YOU take YOUR seat' - "Photos taken at a White House meeting with cabinet members show specific directions listed for President Biden.  On Thursday, Biden made remarks during a "Meeting on Federal State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership" where he had a binder with talking points and was handed a chart showing how tall the offshore wind turbines being discussed are compared to landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower.   Later on, he held up a separate note card and was reading from one side of it.  However, the other side of the note card facing the cameras had a list of directions for the president. "YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants," the first bullet point read. "YOU take YOUR seat."  After a bullet point that said, "Press enters," the next one read, "YOU give brief comments," with a parenthetical statement reading, "2 minutes." Biden ended up speaking for roughly eight minutes.   Once when the "Press departs," Biden was then told, "YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question," with a note that Shuler was "joining virtually." The final bullet points read, "YOU thank participants" and "YOU depart." A White House official tells Fox News that this is a very standard format used by politicians and government officials at public events"
Weird how this never came out before

Facebook - "Many of my super smart highly progressive friends & colleagues blamed Donald Trump personally for the COVID deaths.  Joe Biden ran on the promise that he was going to eradicate the virus. What has Biden done specifically that demonstrates that he's superior to Trump on this issue? We know that Trump facilitated the private-public interface engendering three new vaccines in record time. Could you provide specific Biden policies that demonstrate his superior acumen on this matter?"

Meme - "The new C&C trailer looks sick."

Daily Wire on Twitter - "Look they made Dark Brandon a real thing"
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "God I know of all the cliches, but CNN would be cleaning graphite off the roof if Trump appeared with these optics."

Omri Ceren on Twitter - Paul Krugman: "As many people have pointed out, Trump's planned balcony address from the White House directly emulates Mussolini, the man who coined the term "fascist""
"Checking if you have further thoughts on the evocation by Presidents of fascist staging, lighting, and iconography in their public addresses?"

Yes, The White House's 'Dark Brandon' Memes Contain Nazi Imagery With CCP Influences. - "‘Dark Brandon’ is the Biden White House’s cringetastic effort to win back the “Let’s Go Brandon” meme that haunted the perennially COVID-hit President through late 2021 and early 2022. The efforts, shared by taxpayer-funded White House staff, combines an almost year-late rebuttal to the Brandon memes with the Byronic aethestic of the well established “Dark MAGA” movement... this “Dark Brandon” stuff is actually being promoted by corporate media outlets... Rasmussen polling has consistently noted that when Biden is away in his basement, hiding from COVID-19, his approval numbers go up. No wonder the White House would rather use cartoon images of him on social media. The left’s pro-Nazi memes are literally more popular than the real Joe Biden."

Joe Biden quietly agrees to complete Trump’s wall in immigration hotspot - "Joe Biden's administration has been ridiculed by Republicans for quietly agreeing to complete Donald Trump's border wall in one of the busiest spots for illegal immigration along the US border.  The US president promised during the 2020 election campaign that there would "not be another foot of wall constructed" on his watch.  But on Thursday the administration agreed to the completion of Mr Trump's controversial wall in an open area of southern Arizona, near Yuma, where four wide gaps have made the location one of the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.  It comes at the behest of Mark Kelly, an Arizona Democrat and one of the most vulnerable senators in this year's elections, as immigration control ranks as a top priority among voters...   Separately, the Biden administration has plans to construct two 30-foot border barriers through San Diego's historic Friendship Park, the southwesternmost corner of the United States, where separated families have come to meet for decades. Unlike many other policy decisions, the measures were not trumpeted by the White House. Instead, it was quietly announced by the Department for Homeland Security, which framed the work to complete the project near the Morelos Dam as a measure that would better protect migrants who risked being hurt, slipping or potentially drowning through a low section of the Colorado River...   Immigration has become an increasingly problematic issue for the Biden administration, which pledged to adopt humane policies but faces public consternation over the high number of illegal crossings along the southern border... The Arizona senator has become increasingly critical of Mr Biden, calling the influx of migrants into his state a “crisis” and vowing to “continue holding this administration accountable.”  Yuma's border sector is the third busiest crossing for migrants, who can easily walk across the river to surrender to border officials.  Border patrol agents in the area have stopped migrants more than 160,000 times between January and June of this year, according to Fox News, nearly four times the number of migrant stops from last year.  The move to resume construction of the border wall has been criticised by environmentalists, who argue the measures will do little to achieve their stated aim...   Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, defended the administration's approach.  “We are not finishing the wall. We are cleaning up the mess the prior administration left behind in their attempt to build the wall.”"
Weird how they claim to hate the wall but instead of destroying it, they are adding to it

AllSides - Posts | Facebook - "The Biden administration will complete a portion of border wall construction in Arizona. No left-rated outlets offered original reporting on the news.
See the potential biases and similarities in reports from Daily Wire, UPI News Agency  and Washington Examiner"
It's amazing how many liberals take "right wing" to mean biased / unreliable

Breitbart - Posts | Facebook - "A strong majority of adults in the United States believe President Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as commander in chief, according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll. The poll, which was released only days before the president is slated to give the State of the Union address, showed a majority believe Biden is unfit to serve as president while also revealing the lowest job approval rating (37 percent) from the Washington Post/ABC News poll since becoming president just over a year ago. The recent poll revealed that the “underlying weakness” is to the degree that most adults “have doubts about his personal capacities.” When the respondents were asked if he was a strong leader, 59 percent said no, while 36 percent said yes. In fact, those percentages resemble his job approval; 37 percent approve and 55 percent disapprove. When asked about Biden’s “mental sharpness” to serve as president, 54 percent said they do not think Biden is mentally sharp enough, while only 40 percent said he is. When respondents were asked the same question in May 2020, when Biden was only a candidate, 51 percent said he had the “mental sharpness” needed to serve as president, while 43 percent said he did not. Biden seemed to have lost independents, a critical polling group, on this topic. Fifty-nine percent of the independents gave the president’s mental sharpness a negative assessment, a rise of 13 percentage points since May 2020."

Meme - Kristina Antuna: "He's done more in an hour than Trump did in 4 years. AMAZING!"
Kristina Antuna: "The dumbest thing I have ever said. My bad, guys."

Not 'Illegal Alien," But 'Undocumented Noncitizen' Under New Immigration Policy - "The terms "illegal alien" and "assimilation" are out — replaced by "undocumented noncitizen" and "integration."... The word "alien" is used throughout U.S. immigration law"

Supreme Court Refuses for Now to Restore Biden Plan on Immigration Enforcement - The New York Times - "A federal judge in Texas has blocked guidelines setting priorities for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents, saying they were at odds with the immigrations laws."
No one should be above the law - except liberals

NBC News: Biden 'Rattled' By Polling, Angry He's Not Getting Enough Credit

Opinion | Trump’s corrupted foreign policy: Coddle the dictator, abuse the ally - The Washington Post - Max Boot, 2019
Opinion | Cut Biden some slack. U.S. presidents have to deal with dictators. - The Washington Post - Max Boot, 2022

Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise. - The New York Times - "many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s struggle to advance the bulk of his agenda, doubting his ability to rescue the party from a predicted midterm trouncing and increasingly viewing him as an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024. As the challenges facing the nation mount and fatigued base voters show low enthusiasm, Democrats in union meetings, the back rooms of Capitol Hill and party gatherings from coast to coast are quietly worrying about Mr. Biden’s leadership, his age and his capability to take the fight to former President Donald J. Trump a second time.  Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward. “To say our country was on the right track would flagrantly depart from reality,” said Steve Simeonidis, a Democratic National Committee member from Miami. Mr. Biden, he said, “should announce his intent not to seek re-election in ’24 right after the midterms.”... For Mr. Biden and his party, the hearings’ vivid reminder of the Trump-inspired mob violence represents perhaps the last, best chance before the midterms to break through with persuadable swing voters who have been more focused on inflation and gas prices... the repeated failures of his administration to pass big-ticket legislation on signature Democratic issues, as well as his halting efforts to use the bully pulpit of the White House to move public opinion, have left the president with sagging approval ratings and a party that, as much as anything, seems to feel sorry for him... They have watched as a commander in chief who built a reputation for gaffes has repeatedly rattled global diplomacy with unexpected remarks that were later walked back by his White House staff, and as he has sat for fewer interviews than any of his recent predecessors... Few Democrats interviewed expect that high-profile leaders with White House ambitions would defer to Vice President Kamala Harris, who has had a series of political hiccups of her own in office... Howard Dean, the 73-year-old former Vermont governor and Democratic National Committee chairman who ran for president in 2004, has long called for a younger generation of leaders in their 30s and 40s to rise in the party. He said he had voted for Pete Buttigieg, 40, in the 2020 primary after trying to talk Senator Chris Murphy, 48, of Connecticut into running.  “The generation after me is just a complete trash heap,” Mr. Dean said."
I remember when so many people were cheering Biden when he took over from Trump
Going on about Orange Man Bad is the only hope to win

Biden’s Approval Hits 33 Percent; Democrats Want 2024 Options, Poll Shows - The New York Times - "President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer in the 2024 presidential campaign, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll, as voters nationwide have soured on his leadership, giving him a meager 33 percent job-approval rating. Widespread concerns about the economy and inflation have helped turn the national mood decidedly dark, both on Mr. Biden and the trajectory of the nation. More than three-quarters of registered voters see the United States moving in the wrong direction, a pervasive sense of pessimism that spans every corner of the country, every age range and racial group, cities, suburbs and rural areas, as well as both political parties. Only 13 percent of American voters said the nation was on the right track — the lowest point in Times polling since the depths of the financial crisis more than a decade ago... more than two-thirds of independents also now disapprove of the president’s performance, and nearly half disapprove strongly. Among fellow Democrats his approval rating stands at 70 percent, a relatively low figure for a president, especially heading into the 2022 midterms when Mr. Biden needs to rally Democrats to the polls to maintain control of Congress. In a sign of deep vulnerability and of unease among what is supposed to be his political base, only 26 percent of Democratic voters said the party should renominate him in 2024... 94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee... More than 75 percent of voters in the poll said the economy was “extremely important” to them. And yet only 1 percent rated economic conditions as excellent... Overall, abortion rated as the most important issue for 5 percent of voters: 1 percent of men, 9 percent of women... The coronavirus pandemic, which so thoroughly disrupted life at the end of the Trump administration and over the first year of Mr. Biden’s presidency, has largely receded from voters’ minds, the survey found. In an open-ended question, fewer than one percent of voters named the virus as the nation’s most important problem... a clip of Mr. Biden at an event announcing an executive order on abortion went viral when he stumbled into saying “terminate the presidency” instead of “pregnancy,” for instance.  “You ever see him on TV?” Mr. Waldron said, comparing the president to zombies. “That’s what he looks like.” Mr. Biden’s base, in 2020 and now, remains Black voters. They delivered the president a 62 percent job-approval rating — higher marks than any other race or ethnicity, age group or education level. But even among that constituency, there are serious signs of weakening. On the question of renominating Mr. Biden in 2024, slightly more Black Democratic voters said they wanted a different candidate than said they preferred Mr. Biden. “Anybody could be doing a better job than what they’re doing right now”"

Tucker Carlson: The Democrats should be forced to live with Kamala Harris - "They've abandoned Kamala Harris completely. It's shocking, really, given that just 18 months ago, these very same people were yelling at you about how lucky you were to have this historically Indian, Black female vice president, the very first in history. It was thrilling. They got emotional just thinking about it. Kamala Harris was that wonderful... She's a first in so many ways. She celebrated Kwanzaa before it was even invented and of course, now that Oprah is retired, Kamala Harris is America's main source of life affirming aphorisms that don't actually mean anything. Watch this montage, which we have lovingly collected. Ask yourself how anyone who stand in the way of this woman becoming president United States.
KAMALA HARRIS: You know, when we talk about our children, I know for this group, we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are the children of the community.
KAMALA HARRIS: And so what we all experienced is on an electric school bus, on an electric bus, no exhaust, no diesel smell.
KAMALA HARRIS: It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree."

Jerry Dunleavy on Twitter - "NEW: Kamala Harris launched the “White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse” last week. The White House fact sheet for the new task force touted a new State Dept-commissioned report which repeatedly cited none other than Nina Jankowicz."

Daily Wire on Twitter - "Joe Biden finishes reading a sentence from the teleprompter with "...end of quote. Repeat the line."

Watch | Facebook - "CONFUSED BIDEN: President Biden couldn't remember whether it was Switzerland or Sweden that just joined NATO.
It was Sweden..."

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