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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Links - 21st September 2022 (1 - Women)

Ana Kasparian: "To all you fucking losers sending me pics of myself from this sexist app - FUCK YOU!!!!!"
Anything that makes women look less good is problematic

Meme - "Karalee, 27 29 miles away
If you buy me lots of gear
I'll happily suck you dry my dear.
I play more naughty than nice
When you fill me full of ice
Fill the pipe, light it, give it a twirl
And watch me be your dirty girl.
If you smell don't worry I'll hold my breath
As long as you get me high on all of your meth"

Meme - "This is my tinder profile. I've had it for a year. 23 men have contacted me to say I'm incorrect about toilet paper"

Meme - Dana 21: "l am an animal science major so I know how to handle my meat ;)"

Meme - "Danyelle 35
33 miles away
About Me
Every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut, and people think this is unfair... Nah. Its completely fair and I'll tell you why. Because it's fucking easy to be a slut. It's fucking hard to be a stud. To be a stud you have to be witty, charming, be well dressed, have nice shoes, and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be there. There are fat ugly sluts out there, but there are no fat ugly studs."

Meme - "LinkedIn
Kaya Scodelario, who plays Effy in Skins

Naomi Neo: I lost my virginity because my friend lied she had done it, Entertainment News - "For influencer Naomi Neo, she said she was persuaded to lose her virginity to her first boyfriend because of her close friend. Except, her friend wasn't being honest and Naomi had just "started attending secondary school"... "She lied because she didn't want to look ignorant and as if no boys had approached her before. Hence she cooked up the story."  To make matters worse, her parents found out about her sexual encounter. The boy had accidentally broken the lock on the gate while climbing over to sneak into her place and her parents questioned her about it...   Naomi added that many people caught wind of the incident even before she blogged about it and theorised that the boy must have leaked it... Plagued with bad memories from the incident, Naomi confessed to feeling "empty and unloved".  "I kept searching for the feeling of love. Before I found my husband, all my relationships lasted only a few weeks or months.""

Florida Teen Faces 16 Years For Allegedly Rigging Homecoming Election - "On Oct. 30, 2020, Tate High School in Cantonment, Florida, named senior Emily Grover homecoming queen. But just four and a half months later, her dream became a nightmare when police arrested the teen and her mother, Laura Carroll, for allegedly rigging the vote. And now, both Grover and Carroll face 16 years in prison... According to investigators, Grover used her mother’s login to sign into a district-wide computer system and cast 246 fake votes in her favor. The morning of homecoming, Caroline Gray, the student council teacher heading the homecoming vote, noticed hundreds of suspicious votes on the Election Runner app used by the high school... students who were questioned said Grover had bragged about looking at their grades for years... It appeared that even once the suspicious votes were excluded, that the 17-year-old would have won outright"

Meme - "When I thought my man was cheating on me so I slept with his dad but actually he was just planning his proposal to me and I ruined it"

Meme - Mike ross999: "rachel and are no longer dating" rachel @zaney212: "mike that's a horrible way of telling people we're married"

Meme - Riley's Relationship Talk: "Hi, I have a 15 guy body count including 4 boyfriends and the rest fwb. I'm not proud of it. made many bad decisions in college that could take back if could. had issues with self esteem, wanting to feel wanted, and thinking I was going to be ina serious relationship with a guy when he only wanted to hook up. That's a few years back and I've grown up since then. My parents found out I was on tinder and called me a whore when it was only two guys. They don't know about the later ones, so can only imagine what they would say. So please, I don't need to hear that name calling again. I know, if I didn't want this problem, I shouldn't have done it to myselt. My question is, what do tell guys in the future? There's a really nice guy I've started talking to recently. He's had a couple of long term girlfriends. We haven't gotten to our specific sexual histories, but I'm afraid he will eventually ask. I've been to the doctor for regular checkups and I'm clean, so there are no concerns there. But what do I say if he asks? Do tell him 15 and hope he's not like my parents? Do just say the 4 dated? I know it will look super suspicious if say I don't to talk about it."
Meme - Audrey Williams: "Girrrrlllll, count the number of guys that actually made you orgasm.... If none did, count the number of relationships you were In. The other guys you slept with was useless practice. If you are clean, that's all that should matter. body counts don't matter. Men ask that question to gauge how experienced you are and to see if their size can measure up. Don't stress yourself over this senseless question."
Source Expecting the truth from women about their body count is misogyny

After 19 years, Belgian finds out his wife was a man - "A 64-year-old Belgian man wants to have his marriage annulled after he discovered that his Indonesian wife of 19 years had been born a man and had later undergone a sex change.  The man, named Jan, married Monica in 1993 despite legal difficulties raised by the Belgian immigration authorities, the Telegraph reported.  But it was only recently that he discovered that his 48-year-old wife had originally been a man.  "I feel I've been assaulted"...  "I brought her to Belgium. That was not easy. The Belgian courts had serious doubts about the authenticity of her birth and her identity papers, but eventually they accepted it anyway. I thought she was an attractive woman, all woman. She had no male traits," the Telegraph quoted him as saying.  Jan said he and his wife had decided not to have children because he had two by his previous marriage and she fooled him by pretending to menstruate, using sanitary towels, "to conceal the truth".  "Even during sex, I never noticed anything"...  For many years, the couple lived a normal family life and Monica was like a "big sister" to his children until their marriage started to come under strain when she got a new full-time job.  "Monica began to change very much," Jan said.  "My oldest son saw her sometimes at a nightclub. She began to wear very flashy clothes, those ultra-short skirts or tiny tops, so her abdomen was completely exposed," he said.  Jan found "amorous messages" from other men on her computer. He confronted her and a row ensued that led to police being called... Jan is undergoing psychiatric treatment following the discovery"

Belgian husband leaves wife of 19 years after discovering she was a man (and he says he now knows why she was no good at ironing) - "He described as her 'very beautiful and feminine' - but said he now understood why she was 'no good at ironing'... 'Over the years she said she was taking the pill, and even during sex I never noticed anything, though now I understand why she always used a lubricant, which is apparently normal among transexuals.  'She was always a good mother to my children, and also a fantastic cook, though we wasn't that great at cleaning and ironing - and now I know why!'... 'She would wear tiny tops that revealed a lot of flesh and had more than 100 pairs of shoes.  'I also caught her ogling pictures of young men on the Internet.  'But I didn't suspect a thing until a cousin of hers came to visit and let something slip.  'I mentioned it to my son and he said he'd heard a rumour too that Monica used to be a man."

Meme - Man: "I'd do anything you want"
Woman: "I want you to make my body shake"
Man in pushup position: "How does it feel?"
Woman in pushup position: "STFU"

Amanda McCants - I Am The Girl Next Door - "I'm just your average American girl. "

Meme - "I let the hibachi chef squirt sake in my mouth and my boyfriend told me find my own ride home?"

Meme - "Ashley 23
less than a mile away
About Me
I got a 3 6s rule
Don't match if you don't meet it
6 feet
6 figures
6 inches"
"Me, who only has 2 feet:"

Meme - Jeremi Peters May 7: "Having kids with multiple men lowers your value as a women" *57 reacts 22 comments 114 shares*
Jeremi Peters May 7: "Having kids with multiple women lowers your value as a man *2.1K reacts 2 comments 13.7K shares"

Meme - "Cute Single Moms in Your Area *Cat with kitten in mouth*"

Meme - "Girls making sure their ass looks good before they hit the club just so they can complain about guys being perverts"

Meme - "Adele says new album will explain her divorce to her young son"
""Mum, why do I only see dad on weekends?"
"Track 5.""

Meme Neil Armstrong: "Went to Moon Took one photo"
Woman: "Went to Toilet Took 6485 photos"

Meme - "When your boyfriend asks you why you're sad but you can't tell him your second boyfriend broke up with you"

Meme - "Women sometimes so ka"
"Am a lady aged 26 I have been married for 5years now with a son now my problem is that my husband since he married me he has never ever cheated on me, And I always feel like he is not real man am not saying he should be cheating on me, but at least even a rumour that he has a girlfriend somewhere else would have been better.....Why is he not like other men? Plz help me bcoz am planning to leave him"

Meme - "my ex boyfriend is now gay and my ex girlfriend is now straight"

Facebook - "Just landed in Montreal. I’m literally crying so much. In the airport. Of my home. My country. My roots. And I am about to take a bus to meet a friend after his shift and spend the night at his place. I am going to take a bus, then probably a cab to his place. I have a 23kg bag, a guitar, a backpack and singing bowls. And I am crying. I am crying because I am coming “home” and there is no one to pick me up at the airport. I didn’t ask anyone. No one offered. I’m not saying I don’t have good friends. I’m crying because this is the culture. This is Canada. This is the West, occidental, “developed” way of life. My friends are mostly from another city, 3 hours away. Most if not all are working right now. Gas is super expensive. It’s normal for people to take the bus when they arrive at the airport. But I am sad. I am crying. Because for the last 2 and a half years I have been in a community. It’s really hitting me. How here I am alone. And plus if I want to be independent and just have the comfort of a taxi it’s $50. So now my mind goes wild and escalates as it all becomes real. I’m not in India anymore. I’m mot rich anymore. I’m not part of a community of friends that see you as family that would automatically make sure they are at the airport for you. Or worst case not blink an eye at the $10-15 fee. I am back to “reality”. Or well, my reality in Canada. I can always make more money so the $50 taxi doesn’t bother me. But the void of the individualism and lack of community and support of the western world will always sting. They call places like India and other countries with leas economical and material infrastructure “developing countries”. Well let me tell you what, when it comes to being human, being friends, being family, being… just being. They are much more developed than the west. I would consider Canada an underdeveloped country when it comes to love and community. Another reason I can say this with confidence is because I know that about half the population is on some kind of prescription drug. If you need pills to sleep, not panic, kill your pain or keep you sane it’s not development… it’s actually stagnant. This is a sad sad moment for me to embrace my culture. To embrace my new reality. To embrace my home with all the pain. A new chapter begins. A visit home of an undetermined time. I am now again a big girl, I have to do things on my own. Figure it out and be independent. I was taking you for granted India, you are your beautiful people for the last 2 and a half years. I am yet so grateful to be Canadian and have the passport that requires no visas or travel complications. It’s a mix of duality. It’s an illusion of a reality. Now time to transcend, recreate and grow in another way. Thank you mama india for the healing and the tools. At least now I am equipped with a way to cope with this. Just writing this has been such a relief. A therapy to the ptsd. I thought the healing had taken place. Now I realize it was just the beginning phase. Cheers to a new cycle of change. Boom boom bholenath 🔱✨💫"
"I didn't ask anyone to pick me up and am upset that no one was psychic and did something I didn't ask for"

Facebook - "I woke up this morning and first thing I did was cry. Crying for what? I don’t know exactly. For the fact that I have completely changed my reality. For the fact that I am no longer in India. For the fact that I am no longer what I used to be 48 hours ago. You see, yesterday I had a shock when I arrived at the airport. There is this pesky thinh called ego. It can rule your life if you aren’t conscious. And I had an ego shock. I have been a start for the last 2.5 years. I have been an exotic, venerated and highly treated foreigner in India. I have also made friends that see past that and love me for who I am really am, regardless of my skin and origin. But you, my self worth has been, as for most people, dependant on external factors. So when I am in India, I feel gery worthy. Even if rationally I don’t even agree with the basis of this superficial worthiness. I still experience it. There is a gap between the logical mind and the actual experience. And in Canada I don’t feel worthy. I am like every one else. Even I am below the norm, below average because I don’t have a house, a car or even $10 000 in the bank. I am nothing here and even deeper than that, this land is where it all happened. This is where my programming took place. This is the country where I learned when I was a little girl that love is conditional… Probably just like you learned. And for the last years I have been bathing in the magic of unconditional love and worthiness. It was easy when there was the ego to help. Now the real healing begins. I am “poor” for Canadian standards. I can make more money, but do I want to be part of this matrix. Fuck no. I want different things. And above all I want to dissociate my worthiness from everything and anything external. I was alone yesterday at the airport because I didn’t ask anyone to come pick me up. Why? Because I don’t feel worthy."
"I am no longer in India and thus am no longer special as a white woman, with the power of the exchange rate"

Meme - "If a man ignores your emotions during an argument and focuses on making sense it means one thing ladies.. He doesn't care about you."

Mother killed son, 8, when he found out about her affair with his grandfather - "Veronica Panarello strangled her son Loris Stival with electrical cables then abandoned his body in a remote gully in Santa Croce, Sicily... When Panarello confessed that her son had been killed in November 2014, she blamed her husband’s father Andrea Stival. She told an earlier hearing that he had helped to plot and then carried out the murder because Loris had caught them having sex.  Stival is being investigated as an accessory to murder, according to Italian media.  He has denied the claim and is threatening to sue his daughter-in-law for slander, it has emerged.  Her husband has now filed for divorce."

Student finds out her dad wasn’t her real father - "A woman has revealed how a science experiment during a biology class led to her classmate finding out her dad wasn't her real father.   California State University student Anya Hettich, 19, from San Bernadino, California took to the micro-blogging site to share details about what happened and explained that during an 8am biology class, the students were discussing blood type.   She revealed that while discussing blood types, a classmate couldn't figure out why her blood type didn't make sense - her dad was blood type O while her mother was A yet she was AB... Professor Anderson told the girl to go back to her parents and double check their blood types.   When the girl returned to class the next day, she announced to 'the entire class of 243 people', that her mom had an affair with her husband's brother who was actually his step brother.   'So technically, she’s been raised by her uncle and not her dad her entire life - her mom hid it from the both of them for 21 years'... the girl's parents were now getting a divorce."

Meme - "Attracted to men I can't have, coming to terms with it.
I am now 35 and still single. I haven't seriously dated anyone in a very very long time. I realize now that I've priced myself out the dating market. What do I mean? I want a guy my age, who's educated, I'm so attracted to guys who work in their field of study are sort of experts. So engineers or even social workers with a niche. I want guy around my age who's around my height and doesn't have kids. My problem? Everyone woman in America is going for this guy. I'm no 25yo model looking woman. I'm 35, single, trying to mingle, but need some success stories from you all for motivation. already have a dog, so no cat mentions please
in DatingOverThirty by Which-Ordinary-9324"

Minkye on Twitter - "I keep thinking about that story of the Japanese girl who got a dildo so big inside her it readjusted her fucking spine from inside and fixed her chronicle back bain"
"Chronic back pain"

Count Dankula on Twitter - "I think the reason internet women use the word Incel so much, even towards married men or guys in relationships, is because they go through so many metres of dick a day that compared to them everyone is practically the virgin Mary."

Meme - "I'm a mother first! BUT if you have a child swipe *left* Just because I have a child does NOT mean I have to accept yours
Born in Alaska, raised in Japan, Live ***
I'm a woman that knows what she wants... if you're not that, then I'm quick to leave.
Don't get your heart
Why is everyone so skinny?... I'm a business owner
IG: ***
I also have a podcast"

Teacher moved to porn after she ‘couldn’t hide’ her DD boob job from pupils - "  Lexi Luna has worked in the porn industry for more than six years and shoots with professional production companies as well as sharing her videos and images on OnlyFans.  The adult performer had previously worked as a teacher at a primary school but it didn't work out as she hoped... “I had just got my boobs done and I was teaching fourth grade. I did it over Spring Break and I f***ing blew those boys’ minds,” she laughed.  “To this day I’m like, ‘oh my gosh I’ve scarred them for life’, because I tried to hide it under big school t-shirts but there’s no hiding A-cup to double-D, there’s just not. “So I think that gave me the confidence that I’d always been missing, because I was always intelligent, felt very confident, but I never felt very feminine with my small boobs.”"


Meme - lemaine @studiolemaine: "it is very difficult and emotional to read 'no one is forcing you to have unprotected sex' when men do. all the time. boyfriends and partners and abusers the whole spectrum, men pressure us for unprotected sex all the time"
Women are incapable of saying no, apparently. Women who pressure men for diamond rings are guilty of extortion

The sexual counterrevolution is coming - The Spectator World - "Narayan and his close male friends are all around the same age. They’re all elite guys working in tech and finance — and all either dating to marry, or already married. In what amounts to an informal 21st-century marriage brokerage, they and the wives of already-married members of their friend group collude to track down potential partners. But they’re picky — and Narayan is blunt about the criteria. It’s not just about being educated, ambitious or pretty. ‘Guys who say they don’t care about their wife’s sexual history are straight-up lying,’ he tells me. All the men in his group, he says, would strongly prefer their future wives to be virgins on marriage. Some categorically rule out women who aren’t: ‘No hymen, no diamond’.  Charlotte and Narayan are not the uptight fundamentalists or ugly, embittered feminists of stereotype: they’re members of the Ivy-educated jeunesse dorée. They’re pushing back against a culture of sexual freedom they see as toxic not just to individual wellbeing, but even to the long-term health of American society. They’re the forefront of what ‘Default Friend’, a Bay Area writer on sex and relationships, terms ‘the coming wave of sex-negativity’.  Welcome to the sexual counterrevolution... Narayan tells me that his views on the importance of marriage and the qualities he seeks in a potential spouse have left him facing accusations of woman-hating.  ‘Voicing any of this stuff openly is just social suicide,’ he says. So much so, in fact, that ‘Narayan’ is a pseudonym: there’s simply no way he can afford to be quoted about this under his real name without risking social censure or even repercussions at work.   Consider that for a moment. A 30-year-old American man holds the (until recently entirely conventional) opinion that men and women should refrain from promiscuity and that marriage, monogamy and family life are general social goods. And he will say so only under a pseudonym, for fear of destroying his career... What began with the Pill, Cosmopolitan and Playboy has ended with feminism, desire and commerce indistinguishable from one another.   This fusion of sex and business has performed a reverse takeover of relationship formation in what is now called the ‘sexual marketplace’ — a term unheard before 1960 but now commonplace. And with sex thus subject to market logic, the main consideration in arranging it — as in any other transaction — is that both parties agree to the deal.  But the relationship between sex and ‘consent’ has long been ambiguous...   Half a century after Ironside ‘consented’ out of politeness to sexual encounters that she neither wanted nor enjoyed, women consent to considerably more. One outcome of the ‘sex-positive’ drive that reframes shame as oppression has been to render taboo the expression of any disapproval of another person’s erotic preferences. In progressive online youth cultures this is known as ‘kink-shaming’ and is a serious faux pas.  At the same time, though, growing numbers of young women are taking to social media to recount experiences of abuse perpetrated under the guise of ‘kink’...  In the last decade alone, Pew reports, the proportion of self-identifying American Christians has fallen by 12 percent — yet the campaign against Pornhub has mushroomed. Online supporters can be found not just on the religious right but among a broader coalition that includes radical feminists, former porn stars and growing numbers of young ‘kink’ survivors, #NoFap alumni and the sexually disenchanted...   The price of fusing empowerment and freedom with desire and commerce turned out to be human intimacy. The winners turn out not to be women, but porn barons"

Meme - "Her: I'm not like other girls
Also her:"

Meme - "Her: I'm not like other girls
Also her:
Micaela 19"

Meme - "I'm not like other girls *bikini with fish in mouth*"

Meme - "I let my dying brother have sex with me.
I need to get this off my chest. It's been almost 5 years 'to the day that I lost my brother to leukemia. He was two years younger than me, and once he was diagnosed he was dead within 8 months. We were always close, in fact I moved back in to my parents house to be around more once we knew his time was limited. Obviously neither of us had feelings for each other before this in that way, but one night, it just sort of happened. We were alone in the basement rec room, our parents asleep 2 floors up. He was crying on my shoulder about how he was going to die a virgin. How lonely he was. I was crying too, I never meant to take it that far when I kissed him, but things escalated quickly. Before I knew it was encouraging him to put his hands on my body, and got so turned on that I let him fuck me. We acted completely normal, and we NEVER talked about it, but that's what we did that entire winter. I would wait for him late at night on the couch downstairs, he would make sure our parents were asleep, and without a word he would get under the covers with me and I would do whatever he wanted. It was like an extremely dysfunctional make a wish foundation. I really don't regret it either, it was fun, consensual, and you know what? He was really good too, a little awkward at first, but very eager to please. When he finally sucame to cancer It fucking killed me. I'm engaged now to a wonderful man. I know I need to get this off my chest, but I dont think this is something I can ever tell him."

The relationship between personality traits and marital satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis - "Couples high in Neuroticism experience lower levels of marital satisfaction, and couples high in Conscientiousness are more satisfied with their marital life."
Neuroticism Predicts Marital Unhappiness - "if you care about your happiness, you should avoid marrying a neurotic person."
Women are more neurotic. And women initiate most divorces. And lesbians divorce more than straight couples, who divorce more than gay couples

Meme - "Women havw agency"
"Age gap relationships between consenting adults are wrong"
The "pedo" hating virtue signallers too

Meme - "Chinese trap streamer busted for being a real girl, causing outrage among fans"
"Uh what"

Meme - "My buddies gf farted in front him for the first time, so he got her a cake
Courtney's 1st Fart 11/08/2020"

Groom sues bride for not looking pretty without make-up - "An Algerian groom took his bride to court just a day after their marriage, accusing her of not looking as pretty as before the wedding and of cheating him with much make-up.  The groom, who is seeking $20,000 damages, told court in the capital Algiers that he was shocked when he got up in the next morning and found that his wife looked so different, that he could not recognise her.  Newspapers in the North African Arab country said the groom swore in court that he even mistook his wife for a “thief who came to steal his apartment"...   "The groom told court that he is demanding $20,000 damages for his psychological suffering.”"

Meme - Lioness @ItsMiLife: "I decided to remove the guy that's been crushing on me for the last 4 years from the friend zone to the dating zone and it's been the best decision. Ladies, I'm here to tell yall give the "nice guy" a chance for once. lol"

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