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Friday, September 23, 2022

Links - 23rd September 2022 (2 - Trump)

Meme - Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes: "The biggest lesson of the Trump Presidency is that we have to wield state power effectively to reward our allies, punish our enemies, consolidate power, and shape the society. Almost none of this happened in the last four years and now we'll pay for it under Biden- Harris."

Nick Adams on Twitter - "2015 - We got him now
2016 - We got him now
2017 - We got him now
2018 - We got him now
2019 - We got him now
2020 - We got him now
2021 - We got him now
2022 - We got him now"

Librarian fired after allegedly burning books by Trump and Ann Coulter - "The Chattanooga public library dismissed Cameron Dequintez Williams after he allegedly posted videos of himself in his backyard in December pouring lighter fluid over Coulter’s How to Talk to Liberals (If You Must) and Trump’s Crippled America.  Documents from a local council meeting suggest Williams live-streamed himself in the act, while local reports suggest the sound of the popular anti-Trump anthem FDT played in the background.  Williams, a Black Lives Matter protester, said he has been unfairly treated, and that he was simply following a library instruction to remove any “old, damaged or untruthful books”... “The items in question that were featured in the video were not flagged for removal. We have a very rigorous and thorough standard practice for collection management. And it’s part of the American Library Association, so it’s something all libraries follow,” a library spokesperson said... Williams was arrested last summer during the protests following George Floyd’s death for allegedly blocking an emergency vehicle during the demonstrations. He said the library was targeting because of his race. “I was treated as a token Black man,” he told the Washington Post. “But as soon as I speak forcefully for Black people, they essentially tried to assassinate my character.”"
Damn right wing conservatives "banning" books!

Meme - @llwynogdu: "Man, imagine putting 'UltraMAGA' in your profile like... it's a good thing. But, hey, thanks for the warning."
"@llwynogdu she/her I autistic I *rainbow flag* | BLM | TLM *trans flag* | ACAB"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "So far the efforts to get Trump disqualified from the 2024 election aren’t working at reducing his popularity. While his poll numbers are not high they are higher than any other political leader in Washington, including Biden. They have been successful in making the Republican Party a smidge more radical. The impeachment efforts resulted in a couple of moderate Republican incumbents losing in their primary, with winners being more hard line. The Democrats needed those moderates to help pass their legislation or to moderate Republican legislation.  Is impressive to consider what the Democrats have accomplished to get usable dirt on Trump. A key Democratic operative representing Trump’s former attorney negotiated a plea deal with prosecutors that included an admission of facts that implied Trump acting illegally. This gave cover to start for an impeachment investigation that allowed the Democrats to access normally confidential information and subpoena additional records. The House then held private hearings to ferret out the most damming narrative and replayed those selected details in produced committee TV shows. They then referred that evidence to the FBI who use that as reasonable suspicion for gain warrant on the former president and his inner circle, side stepping the executive privilege argument.   The FBI may file charges against Trump. Under the often poorly worded federal legislation its not that hard to get a judge to accept for trial a case with the facts as they are known. Because the legislation is so poorly worded good lawyers, which Trump can afford, have a good chance of winning at trial (see the following post on the presidents ability to declassify information). Ultimately, these efforts to go after Trump (contrasted with Hillary Clinton’s classified communications and documents that passed through her insecure email server, that led to no charges) have given him a stage to play the victim role and energize his base — a base that has been sending violent messages to key players in this saga. This has bolstered Trump’s standing within the Republican Party and created a cause célèbre for the more extremist elements within the party. This likely improves Trump’s chances of winning the next presidential primary. He’d have a chance at beating a vulnerable Democratic president in the general election (and a President Trump would likely have a Republican controlled Congress to pass his agenda). I see little of this as being helpful to the republic. This is feeding division and hyper partisanship. These efforts likely won’t be as beneficial to the Democrats as they hope."

Meme - "Have you noticed that women who support Trump are always smiling and happy, and the women who hate Trump and are always scowling and angry? And usually ugly?"

Meme - Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich Replying to @realDonaldTrump: "sir, this is a Wendy's drive-thru" *14 identical tweets from 2018 to 2020*
Comment: "Why do they call us NPCs?"

Media's Unpunished Lies Hurt Us Far Worse Than Trump's Tweets - "A U.S. senator read into the congressional record accusations, wholly without evidence, that an honorable and accomplished man is a gang-rapist for no reason other than that fair democratic elections have rendered them politically impotent to stop his nomination to the Supreme Court. When this happens and, in turn, is enabled and cheered on by the media industrial complex, don’t expect Trump supporters to feel convicted or responsible for what Trump does or says.  When nearly every major news agency in the country is implicated in the vicious social media pile-on and physical threats directed at a Catholic high school kid for the crime of wearing a MAGA hat, to the point outlets such as CNN are quietly settling libel suits, you start to see why Trump voters are nonplussed right now.  When Trump is singled out for his outrageous comments, while Joe Biden gets portrayed as an avuncular goofball for decades of horrifying behavior, it starts to make sense why Trump voters can’t be bothered to care. In 2012, Biden told black voters Mitt Romney was going to “put y’all back in chains.” That’s about as vicious as it gets. Since Biden started running for president in 2020, he has actually threatened to hit another voter who questioned him about his campaign’s addled position on gun rights. He’s also called a voter fat and a liar, and challenged him to an IQ test because he had the audacity to ask Biden about his son’s suspect million-dollars-a-year at a dodgy Ukrainian gas company.   In case you’re wondering if there are any media double standards at work here when Biden gratuitously insults people, this is CNN: “In a human moment defending his son, Biden showed the authenticity, emotion and readiness for a fight that appeals to so many Democrats as they look for someone who can take on Trump.”  Beyond the damage these tweets are doing to this poor deceased woman’s family, are Trump supporters supposed to be outraged that the president is trafficking in a conspiracy theory? Trump-Russia dominated the news for years, the story was largely social media-driven, and the premise behind it was, by the way, completely wrong and rife with obvious factual problems from the outset. Just because the media establishment credulously marched in lockstep, that doesn’t make their reporting on the dominant news story of Trump’s presidency any less of a conspiracy theory. It enabled lawbreaking, dramatically undermined public trust in media and law enforcement, and destroyed lives in the process.   Is the problem that social media platforms aren’t enforcing policies against the president that would get other users banned? Somehow social media platforms have no trouble banning and censoring mainstream conservative outlets, to say nothing of how the mere mention of a Chinese propaganda agency causes Google to disappear your comments. The president getting a hall pass isn’t going to outrage anyone on Team Trump when you consider how social media platforms are generally perceived as having policies that are inconsistent, unfair, and cavalier about censorship...   If we want a society where our leaders act virtuously, their critics need to be virtuous as well. The only way to really hold Trump accountable is to hold ourselves and our institutions to higher standards, so that when we reject mean-spiritedness we do it according to a set of principles we all agree on.  Trump merely exposed existing contradictions, where the decorum and civility of official Washington had already become fig leaves for wielding power in a way that ran roughshod over the desires of “deplorable” and “irredeemable” citizens"
To the left, 50 steps laughing at 100 steps is bad but 100 steps laughing at 50 steps is good

Questions raised after slide with Pres. Trump shown at Loch Raven High - "Upset parents are contacting Baltimore County Schools about a slide that was shown in their child's history class this week at Loch Raven High School... Dr. Richard Vatz, a professor at Towson University, said: "High schools are not supposed to take advocacy positions against presidents. They’re supposed to explain how political advocacy works, if that’s what they’re doing. They’re certainly not to take a position that the president is comparable to these awful leaders of the past."  Vatz teaches a course on political persuasion. When asked if the image is appropriate for an AP, college-level course, Vatz said: "Absolutely, if the context is acceptable.”  But he questions the explanation given from county schools about the context of the image."
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "A high school in Maryland is facing controversy as a teacher put up a picture that compares Trump to Nazi and communist dictatorships.  Obviously pro-Trump parents will be upset but the larger concern is that an instructor may have been dumbing down the horrors of Nazis and Stalinists to the equivalent of Trump’s efforts against illegal immigration. Many find the later alarming, but it pales in comparison.  Even FDR illegally locking up 100,000 Americans into detainment camps pales as well. Children should come out of school understanding the horrors of the gulags and concentration camps (and know about the Uighurs locked in Chinese camps today)."
Proof that teachers aren't trying to indoctrinate students
Anyone upset at this just doesn't want "accurate history" to be taught

Jimmy Dore on Twitter - "“I’m for censorship if it helps my side politically…I mean, I just can’t see a downside to thinking like this cuz I don’t read history and I’m super smarter than you” -@SamHarrisOrg"
Viva Frei on Twitter - "In the @triggerpod interview with @SamHarris, if you look closely, you can literally see the moment @KonstantinKisin cannot believe that he is witnessing the demise of an individual in real time."

KINSELLA: FBI search of Trump's Florida compound big – and getting bigger | Toronto Sun - "  Consider these five points:  One, the precedent. Democrats may be delighted that their most-hated political adversary may soon be facing indictment. But that’s short-term thinking. Long-term, the Republicans will one day be returned to power — in the White House, the Senate, the House, or all three. And you can be certain that the GOP will be working overtime to return the favour with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, or whomever is then a Democrat of significance. Count on it... Three, as a smart political friend said to me in the aftermath: “Right now, this looks like they’re going after Trump for neglecting to return a late library book.” And it’s true: going after Trump for neglecting to return some classified documents? That’s ridiculous. That’s chickens***. It may be a crime for archivists, but no one else cares. If Trump was selling the contents to parties unknown, however, that’s clearly a crime. Or, the search for classified documents is a pretext…  Which is point four. As assorted pundits have noted, the FBI loves using minor crimes to find evidence of major crimes. As in, use the classified documents offence as a pretext to search for the bigger prize: evidence of Trump’s wrongdoing on Jan. 6, and in overturning the election result? Ask Al Capone: the feds are really, really good at using smaller offences to prosecute bigger offences. It works."

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter - "DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations."

Jesse Kelly on Twitter - Rep. Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell: "Donald Trump has a copy of the search warrant. He’d show us the warrant if he were so wronged. Show it or shut it."
"A good reminder that the guy who went peas deep in a Chinese spy is still sitting on the House Intelligence Committee."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "“We heard you like redactions, so we redacted the reasons for our redactions so that explanations for our redactions are redacted!” - 3-letter-goodguys. This really is like a South Park Episode, but real life"

Clay Travis on Twitter - "The judge who allegedly signed off on the warrant to raid Donald Trump’s private residence had posted how much he disliked Trump on social media. Yikes:"

Bill is Right on Twitter - ""Is this administration weaponizing the Justice Department against political opponents?"  Karine Jean-Pierre REFUSES to answer EVERY question from Fox's Peter Doocy."
"Refusing to answer simple yes or no questions is not a good look from the most transparent presidential administration in American history"

Scott Adams on Twitter - "If you believe Trump squirreled-away some nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago -- and refused to return them -- because you heard the Washington Post say two anonymous sources (that CNN can't confirm) told them it was true, I give you some useful context. . ."
Meme - "How many of these hoaxes do you still believe are true?
1. Russia Collusion Hoax
2. Steele Dossier hooker story
3. Russia paying bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
4. Trump called Neo-Nazis "Fine people."
5. Trump suggested drinkingfinjecting bleach to fight COVID
6. Trump overfed koi fish in Japan
7. Trump cleared protestors with tear gas for a bible photo op
8. Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation.
9. Elections were fair because no court found major fraud.
10. January was an "insurrection" to overthrow the government
11. Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of The Beast"

POLITICO Playbook: After the search: GOP torches FBI, hugs Trump - "One perplexing aspect of the Mar-a-Lago search, at least to some legal analysts, is that the crime reportedly being investigated does not seem to match the unprecedented tactic of an FBI search of a former president’s residence.  “If they raided his home just to find classified documents he took from The White House,” one legal expert noted, “he will be re-elected president in 2024, hands down. It will prove to be the greatest law enforcement mistake in history.” There was a burst of excitement on Democratic legal Twitter after MARC ELIAS pointed out that one of the penalties for violating the statute on improper handling of government records is being “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”  But as NYT’s Charlie Savage expertly explains, that issue was well-ventilated back when conservatives wanted to throw HILLARY CLINTON in jail for allegedly violating the same law, and many scholars concluded that, as applied to a presidential candidate, it’s unconstitutional because the Constitution alone sets the eligibility criteria for the presidency. (Former A.G. MICHAEL MUKASEY was a fan of this theory, but Savage notes that he later recanted.)"

Meme - (((Tara Dublin))) @taradublinrocks - "The FBI doesn't serve search warrants on innocent people, Greg"

Meme Anita @TripleAnita - "Fbi can search my house any time of the day or night without a warrent because I am not guilty of any crime and would welcome an inspection and welcome them to take my passport too for inspection as I am not guilty , if you believe in search warrants maybe you're guilty."

Washington’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution by Leaks - WSJ - "Merrick Garland opened a press briefing two weeks ago with the words, “Since I became Attorney General, I have made clear that the Department of Justice will speak through its court filings and its work.” Then how does the Right Honorable Attorney General explain the multiple leaks to the press concerning the Department of Justice investigation of Donald Trump’s handling of presidential documents? It sure looks like someone is prosecuting the case through the media... As the leakers know, these reports are an attempt to justify to the public the extraordinary search of a former President’s home. They have the effect of suggesting that Mr. Trump may have committed a crime in mishandling the documents. They also keep the former President at the center of the 2022 midterm election campaign, which is exactly where Democrats in Congress want him.  Meanwhile, Mr. Garland’s lawyers are telling federal Judge Bruce Reinhart that the legal affidavit with more details about the search shouldn’t be released to the public. Or that, if the judge releases it, the affidavit should be so heavily redacted as to tell the public and Mr. Trump’s lawyers very little.  In other words, “a person briefed on the matter” can leak details about the investigation to the press that the public is supposed to credit as true. But the actual “court filings and its work,” in Mr. Garland’s phrase, must remain secret. And these people wonder why tens of millions of Americans don’t trust the Justice Department and FBI?  If this all sounds familiar, you may be thinking of the Russia collusion probe. That story was also fed by leaks to the press with episodes that were portrayed as ominous—“the walls are closing in”—but often turned out to have innocent provenance or far less consequence. We later found out the entire collusion probe was a political concoction promoted by a lawyer for Hillary Clinton with an assist from Justice and James Comey’s FBI... Two weeks since the Mar-a-Lago search, the legal case also doesn’t look any stronger. Lawyers David Rivkin and Lee Casey made a compelling case Tuesday on these pages that Mr. Trump has every right to hold the documents for a time at his home under the 1978 Presidential Records Act. If there is a dispute over them, that is a matter for negotiation and at most a minor sanction. Their argument is stronger than anything we’ve read so far about possible violations by Mr. Trump of the Espionage Act or some obstruction of justice charge.  Perhaps Mr. Garland’s prosecutors are sitting on bombshell evidence that Mr. Trump did something nefarious with the documents. But then putting that doubt in the public mind is one purpose of the leaks—make it all look bad without having to prove it."

Facebook - "Looks like a nothingburger. No offer, no quid pro quo. Even Auntie Beeb notes: "The July call occurred days after Mr Trump directed the US government to withhold about $391m (£316m) in military aid to Ukraine. There is no discussion of that money in the memorandum released by the White House""

We're in a permanent coup - "My discomfort in the last few years, first with Russiagate and now with Ukrainegate and impeachment, stems from the belief that the people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump. Many Americans don’t see this because they’re not used to waking up in a country where you’re not sure who the president will be by nightfall. They don’t understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president.   The Trump presidency is the first to reveal a full-blown schism between the intelligence community and the White House. Senior figures in the CIA, NSA, FBI and other agencies made an open break from their would-be boss before Trump’s inauguration, commencing a public war of leaks that has not stopped... Imagine if a similar situation had taken place in January of 2009, involving president-elect Barack Obama. Picture a meeting between Obama and the heads of the CIA, NSA, and FBI, along with the DIA, in which the newly-elected president is presented with a report complied by, say, Judicial Watch, accusing him of links to al-Qaeda. Imagine further that they tell Obama they are presenting him with this information to make him aware of a blackmail threat, and to reassure him they won’t give news agencies a “hook” to publish the news.  Now imagine if that news came out on Fox days later. Imagine further that within a year, one of the four officials became a paid Fox contributor. Democrats would lose their minds in this set of circumstances... Trump’s campaign antagonism toward the military and intelligence world was at best a millimeter thick. Like almost everything else he said as a candidate, it was a gimmick, designed to get votes. That he was insincere and full of it and irresponsible, at first at least, when he attacked the “deep state” and the “fake news media,” doesn’t change the reality of what’s happened since. Even paranoiacs have enemies, and even Donald “Deep State” Trump is a legitimately elected president whose ouster is being actively sought by the intelligence community... while Donald Trump conducting foreign policy based on what he sees on Fox and Friends is troubling, it’s not in the same ballpark as CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times engaging in de facto coverage partnerships with the FBI and CIA to push highly politicized, phony narratives like Russiagate.  Trump’s tinpot Twitter threats and cancellation of White House privileges for dolts like Jim Acosta also don’t begin to compare to the danger posed by Facebook, Google, and Twitter – under pressure from the Senate – organizing with groups like the Atlantic Council to fight “fake news” in the name of preventing the “foment of discord.” I don’t believe most Americans have thought through what a successful campaign to oust Donald Trump would look like. Most casual news consumers can only think of it in terms of Mike Pence becoming president. The real problem would be the precedent of a de facto intelligence community veto over elections, using the lunatic spookworld brand of politics that has dominated the last three years of anti-Trump agitation. CIA/FBI-backed impeachment could also be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Donald Trump thinks he’s going to be jailed upon leaving office, he’ll sooner or later figure out that his only real move is to start acting like the “dictator” MSNBC and CNN keep insisting he is"

Meme - "Democratic donor convicted of trading meth for sex in fatal overdos..."
PurdueJetzer @MarkJetzer: "Trying to figure out why his politics are a factor in this story other than to fan flames. My journalism classes taught me to only include the relevant facts. And you wonder why reporting has a bad"
"Jeffrey Epstein taken into custody in New York on new charges related to..."
PurdueJetzer @MarkJ...: "Trump said of Epstein in 2002: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Putin Wanted a Trump Victory to Create 'Social Turmoil' in United States
Russia also boosted BLM. But TDS people don't want to talk about that

Nikki Fried on Twitter - "Ron DeSantis is worse than Trump."
When liberals identify a new threat

Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record - "Four years after signing the now-infamous “Never Trump” letter condemning then-presidential candidate Donald Trump as a danger to America, retiring diplomat Jim Jeffrey is recommending that the incoming Biden administration stick with Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East.  But even as he praises the president’s support of what he describes as a successful “realpolitik” approach to the region, he acknowledges that his team routinely misled senior leaders about troop levels in Syria... Jeffrey now says that Trump’s “modest” and transactional approach to the Middle East has yielded a more stable region than either of his predecessors’ more transformational policies... Jeffrey believes Trump has achieved a kind of political and military “stalemate” in a number of different cold and hot conflicts, producing a situation that is about the best any administration could hope for in such a messy, volatile region."
The deep state is a myth, but it is good that the deep state opposed Trump

We need to talk about how Donald Trump’s presidency wasn’t a complete disaster - "Mr Trump has presided over one of the strongest economic rallies in US history.   While the seeds might have been sown years before, Mr Trump’s aggressive, expansionary agenda of deregulation, higher government spending, tax cuts and pressure on the US Federal Reserve spurred the economy despite the economist consensus in 2016 the US had reached full employment. He brought back US$1 trillion of investments to American shores, encouraged more Americans than ever to find a job, and boosted median households income by nearly 10 per cent since 2016. These have benefited the broad middle of Americans. Poverty rates for youths, Asian, Black and Hispanic Americans reached historic lows.  Due credit for his economic programmes is often lacking.   His tax cuts have mostly been framed as pandering to the super-rich, when technical policy nuances shaping commercial decisions for the greater good were missed.   Incentives to create new opportunities in impoverished communities to spur US$100 billion in long-term capital investment, which were part of the same tax cut package, received less attention for example... Overall, investor outlook remains strong, with the S&P 500 up by almost half since Trump’s 2016 election win. US manufacturers expressed some of the strongest optimism about the future in 20 years... Mr Trump has also done more for women and minorities than the conventional narrative suggests. Mr Trump presided over the expansion of help for women, in getting tougher on sex trafficking, setting an example by providing paid parental leave for federal government employees and ensuring mothers have breastfeeding spaces in airports. His administration also championed criminal justice reforms to tackle outdated sentencing laws disproportionately affecting minorities. Perhaps the outrage here was his First Step Act not going far enough...   He made NATO allies increase defence spending instead of free-riding on the US security umbrella. He wagged the finger at North Korea’s nuclear programme.  And he focused American minds on the Asia-Pacific, where managing US-China relations has emerged as the indisputable chief foreign policy priority that generally enjoys bipartisan consensus.   In fact, reading last week’s freshly declassified national security documents outlining the US' Indo-Pacific strategy suggests a tick on many policy goals in these boxes over the last few years. Part of this was enabled because Mr Trump created huge manoeuvering space in the Middle East for the US. Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is no more. US troops in Afghanistan have been drawn down to their lowest levels since 2001. Israel has normalised ties with one more Arab state.  Part of it was Mr Trump’s focus on China from day one, through his executive orders on 5G, Chinese Big Business and more, though these have created fresh tensions and may have sparked an unhealthy zero-sum dynamic.  Still, under Mr Trump, American credibility in taking swift, decisive action has been restored. US rebalancing towards Asia has accelerated."

FBI investigating incident where ‘Trump train’ surrounded Biden bus - "The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles."

Mrs. Betty Bowers on Twitter - "Someone captioned this pic "Uncle Tom's Cabinet." I'm dead."
There's no racism like liberal racism

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most - "Income data published by the IRS clearly show that on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent, as so many Democrats have argued... every income bracket with filers earning $200,000 or more increased its tax burden in 2018 compared to 2017, and every income bracket with a top limit lower than $200,000 paid a smaller proportion of the total personal tax revenue collected.  That means that Republicans’ tax reform law resulted in the tax code becoming slightly more progressive — the exact opposite of what Democrats have claimed over the past four years...   The IRS data further shows that the tax reform law — which included a variety of business tax cuts, including a large reduction in the corporate income tax rate — spurred economic mobility."

Trump’s Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic - "The Trump administration is set to launch a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of nations where anti-gay laws are still on the books, NBC News reported Monday. While on its surface, the move looks like an atypically benevolent decision by the Trump administration, the details of the campaign belie a different story. Rather than actually being about helping queer people around the world, the campaign looks more like another instance of the right using queer people as a pawn to amass power and enact its own agenda...  the decriminalization campaign is set to begin in Berlin where LGBTQ+ activists from across Europe will meet to hatch a plan that is “mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean.”  That sentence alone should set off several alarm bells. First of all, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean are huge geopolitical entities. Attitudes toward gay people differ greatly among countries and regions within those entities and attempting to gather a room of European activists on how to deal with queer issues in those regions is the definition of paternalism."
When you beg the question, you can prove anything
The power of intersectionality!

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