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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Proud of bloody what?

Proud of bloody what?

“Pride month” is a pointless cultural magnet for Vichy gays, biology denying handmaidens, cross dressing heterosexual males, cynical corporations, gutless politicians and foolish mediocrities adopting novel gender identities. Any sensible actual homosexual will run a mile from our overcrowded and conquered rainbow, daubed as it now is across corporate logos that once despised us and still do where supporting actual gays is a challenge and where it might threaten them making a buck, the Middle East being the most obvious example.

The simple reality is that the increasingly absurd LGBTWTAFOMFG movement is now an authoritarian bourgeois gender cult known mostly for ferociously demanding compliance with increasingly eccentric language games as it repeats the final demand of the Party in 1984 - to make the populace reject the evidence of their eyes under pain of cancellation. There is no rightful celebration to be had here, the crowded plastic rainbow is simply McCarthyism by gender, a snake eating it’s own tail so contorted by the demands of cross dressing heterosexuals it now promotes woke conversion therapy for gays.

And so I ask, are you proud of the following?

Proud of your homophobia?

  • Are you proud of the emergence of conversion therapy by gender? You proud of the language that accompanies it calling gay people “genital fetishists”? You proud that gay rights events now say that gay men who don’t want to engage in heterosexual sex are somehow “phobic”? Proud of that?
  • You proud that biology denial has coined the terms “cotton ceiling” and “boxer ceiling” framing same-sex sexual boundaries as obstacles to be overcome? You proud of the deeply coercive “workshops” that go along with this?

  • You proud of homophobia being identified as a safeguarding concern at the Tavistock in Sonia Appleby’s case? You proud of the fact the charity Mermaids was found to make clinical decisions there more difficult? You proud of the struck off Dr. Webberley giving children life changing drugs? You proud of the fact most the kids who face the gender abattoir would otherwise grow up gay? You proud of keeping quiet about this?

  •  You proud of teaching little children they have the wrong bodies? You proud of what that must feel like? You proud of the confusion and pain that must cause? You proud of beguiling them and celebrating that and seducing them into this ideology on social media?

  •  Are you proud of creating the concept of a detransitioner? Are you proud of ignoring or vilifying them?

  • You proud of telling gay people the most marginalised and traduced people on the planet are cross dressing AGP males? You proud of prioritising their political interests above those of homosexuals? You proud of making the gay rights movement obsessed with compromising female boundaries and spaces? 
  • You proud of misusing our painful history of conversion therapy to try to criminalise doctors and therapists at gender clinics who try to engage in talking therapy instead of pushing mostly gay kids into lifelong medicalisation and surgery? You proud of going after and libelling gay medics who call you out?

  •  Are you proud of a growing discourse that calls lesbians “sexual racists”, one that sees Billy Bragg compare our organisations to the Nazis just because they defend same sex attraction or people saying in public your cotton ceiling workshops are somehow equivalent to the racial healing process in South Africa which casts us gay people as racists in favour of apartheid? You proud of that being said to younger, more vulnerable gay people likely to be hurt or upset at suggestions they are morally wrong?

  • You proud you’re complicit in the rewriting of gay history lying about drag queen Marsha P Johnson at pride? You proud you’re denying a minority community agency or a legacy by saying we owe our rights to others rather than the brave homosexuals who fought for them? You proud people repeat these lies to us homosexuals?

  • You proud of vilifying gay people, charities or organisations that don’t go along with this? You proud of using your attack dogs in the media to cancel gay men and lesbians who dare to challenge you? You proud of turning some of your fiercest abuse on homosexuals who dare to disagree?
  • Are you, Stonewall, proud of changing the definition of homosexual in your glossary to “homogendered” but not changing the definition of heterosexual? Are you proud of ignoring the gay men and lesbians who object to their identity being summarily and unilaterally changed because you prioritise the ideological requirements of biology denial over listening to gay people?

  • Are you, Stonewall, proud of adopting biology denial in 2015 even though your then CEO, Ruth Hunt, acknowledged it would be divisive? Are you proud of inflicting a schism upon the gay community and ignoring the vast numbers of lesbians and gay men who pointed out then and now that the ideology is fundamentally homophobic?

  •  You proud to have made the gay rights movement simultaneously a laughing stock and a deeply hated social force that achieves compliance only through fear by false allegations of hate?

  •  Proud of your increasingly absurd legal adventures like reporting the EHRC to a UN committee that used to have Russia as a member and still has Uganda? You proud of how that looks?

Proud of your Misogyny?

  • Are you proud to have made “what is a woman” the Schleswig bloody Holstein question of our day? You proud that cowards won’t answer it and that decent people who tell the truth get cancelled? You proud of calling women “bleeders” or “menstruators” or “cervix havers”? You proud of speaking about half the human race like this?

  • You proud of rape shelters getting closed down in Canada or one in Edinburgh where raped women who understandably don’t want to be around males however they “identify” get called “bigots” who must “reframe their trauma”, you proud of that?

  •  You proud of trans identifying males in women’s prisons? You proud of making the women in such prisons terrified?

  • You proud of what you’ve done to women’s sports?

  • You proud of the fact many venues now have a men’s toilets and a unisex one?

  • You proud of harassing women from their jobs? Yeah, what about the lesbians like Professors Stock or Pheonix, you proud of the stress, terror and bullying they were put through?

  • You proud of creating a digital and social atmosphere of misogyny without equal? You proud of a movement that uses the word “terf” where it just wants to say “bitch”? You proud of harassing women’s meetings? You proud of white bourgeois kids dressing up as ninjas assaulting women in Manchester? You proud of placards reading “suck my dick terfs” being waved at mothers?

  • You proud of women being threatened with arrest for speaking on social media? You proud of women like JK Rowling routinely receiving rape and death threats?

  • You proud of making women victims in rape trials say “her penis”?

Proud of your authoritarianism?

  • You proud that people are genuinely scared to speak out for fear of you going for their jobs or wellbeing? Proud to have made the gay rights movement a vehicle for threatening people? Proud of achieving a McCarthyite state of fearful compliance?

  • You proud that you can’t handle debate? Proud that this is the case to the point you childishly bellow “no debate?”

  • You proud of compelled speech, compelled thought, absurd mantras in place of discussion?

  • You proud of cancelling people who oppose you instead of meeting them as equals in debate? Proud of going after their social media accounts? Proud of your people celebrating their opponents losing their jobs?

 Proud of your new corporate/union friends? 

  • You proud of companies that only fly the rainbow where it’s safe? You proud they wouldn’t dare in parts of the world where it might help a gay person?

  • You proud of cosy corporate arrangements where any dissent at work is supressed?

  • You proud of LGBTWTAF company groups that behave like the secret police and are normally regarding with veiled loathing and fear?

  • You proud of rainbow lanyards/branding and the trivialisation of our movement and history so companies can pink wash their images?

  • You proud of unions, such as the UCU in the case of Professor Stock who openly condemned her rather than stand by a wrong-thinking lesbian?

  • You proud of charities where each parrots the same unscientific homophobic biology denying cult speak?

 Proud of your ignorance?

  • You proud of giving kids experimental drugs that reduce bone density, do not relieve trauma and lead in most cases to lifelong medicalisation/early menopause/sterility?

  • You proud of replacing scientific fact with ideology?

  • Proud of getting medics to repeat absurd phrases like “sex assigned at birth”?

  • You proud of a healthcare system moving closer and closer to the Iranian gender model?

  • You proud of a generation of lesbians in the US crowdfunding double mastectomies because you told them they weren’t real women?

  • You proud of not collecting data on biological sex accurately skewing everything from HIV/AIDS planning to care for the detrans population?

So spare me please.

Spare me your quite unwarranted claims to any “pride” in anything for you have nothing to be proud of. All your movement has done if try to prise humans from reality to better suit the demands of the largely heterosexual cross dressing movement you have now surrendered to. You have made gay rights a client state and the master is absurdity, the male heterosexual obsession with the female form/spaces/lives and bodies.

This homosexual male wants nothing to do with the lot of you, your convenient, superficial, banal rainbows or your always mendacious forked tongue whether you are misrepresenting history, science, politics, whatever.

”Take Pride” is apparently your thing for 2022.

I have a better question for you

Have you no shame?

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