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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Links - 21st September 2022 (2 - Covid-19)

Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent

Are Lockdowns Effective in Managing Pandemics? - "The present coronavirus crisis caused a major worldwide disruption which has not been experienced for decades. The lockdown-based crisis management was implemented by nearly all the countries, and studies confirming lockdown effectiveness can be found alongside the studies questioning it. In this work, we performed a narrative review of the works studying the above effectiveness, as well as the historic experience of previous pandemics and risk-benefit analysis based on the connection of health and wealth. Our aim was to learn lessons and analyze ways to improve the management of similar events in the future. The comparative analysis of different countries showed that the assumption of lockdowns' effectiveness cannot be supported by evidence-neither regarding the present COVID-19 pandemic, nor regarding the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu and other less-severe pandemics in the past. The price tag of lockdowns in terms of public health is high: by using the known connection between health and wealth, we estimate that lockdowns may claim 20 times more life years than they save. It is suggested therefore that a thorough cost-benefit analysis should be performed before imposing any lockdown for either COVID-19 or any future pandemic."

Opinion: The lockdowns are illustrating how blinded liberal elites are by their own elitism - "Given that over 40% of Americans report having either lost wages or lost their jobs entirely due to the nationwide pandemic lockdown, disparaging those people's desperation to return to work as an irresponsible death wish for them or others is at best uncharitable; at worst, it's malevolent stupidity... his fellow liberal comedian friend Patton Oswalt showed off his own intellectual merit by suggesting that until you've survived the Holocaust like Anne Frank, you should be content to endure economic ruin... Pay close attention to the shocking assumption underlying Oswalt's little pearl of wisdom here – that everyone at home has streaming television services like Netflix, that everyone at home has access to video games, that everyone at home has the ability to order carry-out, that everyone has money to carry them through a never-ending lockdown. That's what defines elite thinking – an inability to perceive the condition of others, being so ingrained in a bubble of privilege and prosperity that it becomes impossible to think beyond their pampered lives and consider the plight of those who haven't gotten obscenely wealthy for, in these cases, a startling lack of comedic talent. Don't misunderstand, I don't begrudge Oswalt or Kimmel their fortunes. I don't envy their mansions or lifestyles. I do, however, wish that they would ease up on lecturing hurting people who aren't sitting on mountains of cash, able to ride out months of lost wages and income without struggling for food and medicine, no less video games and Netflix."
From 2020

Why I spoke out against lockdowns - "I had no choice but to speak out against lockdowns. As a public-health scientist with decades of experience working on infectious-disease outbreaks, I couldn’t stay silent. Not when basic principles of public health are thrown out of the window. Not when the working class is thrown under the bus. Not when lockdown opponents were thrown to the wolves. There was never a scientific consensus for lockdowns. That balloon had to be popped... Instead of understanding the pandemic, we were encouraged to fear it. Instead of life, we got lockdowns and death. We got delayed cancer diagnoses, worse cardiovascular-disease outcomes, deteriorating mental health, and a lot more collateral public-health damage from lockdown. Children, the elderly and the working class were the hardest hit by what can only be described as the biggest public-health fiasco in history.   Throughout the 2020 spring wave, Sweden kept daycare and schools open for every one of its 1.8million children aged between one and 15. And it did so without subjecting them to testing, masks, physical barriers or social distancing. This policy led to precisely zero Covid deaths in that age group, while teachers had a Covid risk similar to the average of other professions. The Swedish Public Health Agency reported these facts in mid-June, but in the US lockdown proponents still pushed for school closures. In July, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article on ‘reopening primary schools during the pandemic’. Shockingly, it did not even mention the evidence from the only major Western country that kept schools open throughout the pandemic. That is like evaluating a new drug while ignoring data from the placebo control group... Something was clearly amiss with the media. Among infectious-disease epidemiology colleagues that I know, most favour focused protection of high-risk groups instead of lockdowns, but the media made it sound like there was a scientific consensus for general lockdowns... I invited two scientists to join me, Sunetra Gupta from the University of Oxford, one of the world’s pre-eminent infectious-disease epidemiologists, and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford University, an expert on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations. To the surprise of AIER, the three of us also decided to write a declaration arguing for focused protection instead of lockdowns. We called it the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD).   Opposition to lockdowns had been deemed unscientific. When scientists spoke out against lockdowns, they were ignored, considered a fringe voice, or accused of not having proper credentials. We thought it would be hard to ignore something authored by three senior infectious-disease epidemiologists from what were three respectable universities. We were right. All hell broke loose. That was good.  Some colleagues threw epithets at us like ‘crazy’, ‘exorcist’, ‘mass murderer’ or ‘Trumpian’. Some accused us of taking a stand for money, though nobody paid us a penny. Why such a vicious response? The declaration was in line with the many pandemic preparedness plans produced years earlier, but that was the crux. With no good public-health arguments against focused protection, they had to resort to mischaracterisation and slander, or else admit they had made a terrible, deadly mistake in their support of lockdowns.   Some lockdown proponents accused us of raising a strawman, as lockdowns had worked and were no longer needed. Just a few weeks later, the same critics lauded the reimposition of lockdowns during the very predictable second wave. We were told that we had not specified how to protect the old, even though we had described ideas in detail on our website and in op-eds. We were accused of advocating a ‘let it rip’ strategy, even though focused protection is its very opposite. Ironically, lockdowns are a dragged-out form of a let-it-rip strategy, in which each age group is infected in the same proportion as a let-it-rip strategy...   After the Great Barrington Declaration, there was no longer a lack of media attention on focused protection as an alternative to lockdowns. On the contrary, requests came from across the globe. I noticed an interesting contrast. In the US and UK, media outlets were either friendly with softball questions or hostile with trick questions and ad hominem attacks. Journalists in most other countries asked hard but relevant and fair questions, exploring and critically examining the Great Barrington Declaration. I think that is how journalism should be done.   While most governments continued with their failed lockdown policies, things have moved in the right direction. More and more schools have reopened, and Florida rejected lockdowns in favour of focused protection, partly based on our advice, without the negative consequences that the lockdowners predicted. With the lockdown failures increasingly clear, attacks and censorship have increased rather than decreased... In the US, lockdowns are the biggest assault on workers since segregation and the Vietnam War. Except for war, there are few government actions during my life that have imposed more suffering and injustice on such a large scale."
One cope I heard was that most of the experts invited to sign the Great Barrington Declaration didn't, so that showed the scientific consensus was against focused protection. But even ignoring social factors like fear of ostracism, the right comparison group would be how many experts signed something supporting lockdowns

ABOUT US - Collateral Global - "Collateral Global is a UK registered Charity (No. 1195125) dedicated to researching, understanding, and communicating the effectiveness and collateral impacts of the Mandated Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (MNPIs) taken by governments worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Washington Offers Joints To Adults Who Get The COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Made Democracies More Authoritarian and Authoritarian Regimes Even Worse - "The COVID-19 pandemic is contributing to a significant decline in democratic values across the globe as many countries have taken aggressive and authoritarian steps to attempt to curb the virus.  If you haven't been living under a rock for the past two years, that's probably not much of a surprise. Still, a new report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, a global nonprofit based in Sweden, offers a comprehensive look at the worrying trend of democratic erosion—a trend that has been helped along by the pandemic even though its roots go deeper.  "The world is becoming more authoritarian as non-democratic regimes become even more brazen in their repression and many democratic governments suffer from backsliding by adopting their tactics of restricting free speech and weakening the rule of law, exacerbated by what threatens to become a 'new normal' of Covid-19 restrictions," the IIDEA warns. The number of countries that are becoming "more authoritarian" by the group's calculus is three times the number of countries that are moving toward democracy... That trend predates the COVID-19 pandemic, of course, but governmental responses to the virus have made things worse.   A number of democratic countries—the report specifically mentions the United States in this section—have implemented COVID measures "that were disproportionate, illegal, indefinite or unconnected to the nature of the emergency," according to the IIDEA report. Those include travel restrictions and the use of "emergency powers that sometimes sidelined parliaments."... Outside the U.S., places like Austria and Australia continue to rachet up authoritarian restrictions on public interactions and economic behavior—even for people who have been vaccinated. According to the report, 69 countries have made violating COVID restrictions an imprisonable offense, with two-thirds of those countries being ones the group considers to be democracies. Albania and Mexico have the most punitive laws on the books, allowing prison sentences of 15 years and 12 years, respectively, for violating pandemic-related protocols.  More than 20 percent of countries have used their militaries to enforce COVID controls, which the report warns could contribute to "the normalization of increasingly militarized civil life after the pandemic." Meanwhile, 42 percent of countries have rolled out voluntary or compulsory apps used for contact tracing, which may be effective in curbing the spread of the virus but create concerning new opportunities for government surveillance in a post-pandemic world. Of particular concern to IIDEA are the eight non-democratic regimes (Azerbaijan, Bahrain, China, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, and Turkey) where those apps have been made mandatory for all smartphone-using residents. Meanwhile, some public health officials in America are wishcasting for even more aggressive restrictions. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, recently praised the "really strict lockdowns" deployed by China—a country that no healthy democracy should be using as a model for good policy making."
And the US was actually one of the less restrictive places for covid

Remove Barriers that Prevent Nurses from Addressing Public and Private Health - "In 2004, California enacted a law that restricts the ability of hospitals to assign nurses to where patients need them, which increases the cost of care. In that year, California became the first state to mandate inpatient facilities adhere to predetermined nurse‐to‐patient ratios. The law restricts the number of patients each nurse can care for in the hospital. The idea is that more nurses equals better care and increased safety.  Nurses unions have a financial incentive to support such laws because they require hospitals to hire more nurses, which creates more jobs for nurses and increases revenues for nurses unions, just as hospitals oppose them because they cost hospitals money. Even so, Kaiser Health News reports, “nursing and hospital advocates say there is scant research on what the ideal ratios should be, and there are conflicting studies about whether mandating a ratio by law ultimately improves patients’ health.”...   In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo suspended regulations that make it harder for qualified nurses to practice in the state in an effort to encourage as many nurses as possible to care for the state’s COVID-19 patients.  Yet Cuomo himself has enacted such restrictions... The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how regulation of health care professionals impairs the health care sector’s ability to adapt to public health emergencies"

WHO covid origins report says ‘lab leak’ theory needs further investigation - The Washington Post - "The report also said that available data suggests SARS-CoV-2 had a zoonotic origin, which means it spread between animals in a natural setting, but that neither the animal that infected humans nor the place where this infection occurred could be identified... One of the researchers on the joint team, Danish food scientist Peter Ben Embarek, later told interviewers that Chinese researchers on the team had pushed back against including the lab-leak theory in the report at all.  While SAGO was convened to address some of the criticism of the WHO-China report, it also was able to evaluate some new evidence, including data on blood samples from 40,000 Chinese donors in Wuhan between September and December 2019... The new report suffers from some of the same limitations as the joint WHO-China report — including that Chinese officials cannot be compelled to cooperate with any investigation."

The World Health Organization's 'Independent Investigator' Keeps Hyping Chinese Communist Propaganda Outlets. - "The outlet Daszak most heavily shares and praises is China Global Television Network (CGTN) – described by the Freedom House think tank as “a long-standing weapon in Beijing’s arsenal of repression” whose “mission is to attack designated enemies of the Communist Party... Beyond praising the network, he has also uncritically shared articles from the site, amplifying claims that the Wuhan Institue of Virology has “never had a leakage or anyone infected.”... Daszak recently blamed U.S. media for the Chinese Communist Party’s refusal to hand over critical data: a Beijing talking point”

Nicole Saphier, MD on Twitter - "Exxon ‘made more money than God’ Biden says as he vows to battle inflation amid continued price climbs"
"How much has Pfizer made?"

We cannot give up on education - "In recent years, the Department for Education has made it easier to prosecute parents for taking their children out of school for a week or two of unauthorised holiday. Its website proclaims: ‘Just one day off can hamper children’s life chances.’ But under the same government, two academic years of learning have now been severely – if not irretrievably – damaged. That’s the equivalent of Sixth Form, Key Stage 4 or a third of the whole primary phase... If political leaders had the will to do so, schools could safely open next week to all pupils. Here are five reasons why:
1) The PM’s own Covid advisers say it’s safe
3) Teachers are at no greater risk than other workers
4) There is no link between opening schools and the winter surge"
From Jan 2021

Arresting pregnant women for posting on Facebook - "a visibly distressed Zoe Buhler, 28, is handcuffed in front of her partner and children. She is told their laptops and other devices will be confiscated. She has now been charged with ‘incitement’. Buhler is the fourth person to be arrested and charged for incitement in the state of Victoria in the past few days, as police try to clamp down on anti-lockdown protests.   Freedom and democracy are disappearing in Victoria. Its capital, Melbourne, currently has an 8pm curfew in place. Residents breaching it can be fined $5,000. The state parliament’s lower house has also closed completely.  And it’s not just in Victoria that basic rights have been suspended in Australia. Astonishingly, Australians currently cannot leave the country without permission.  Civil liberties have been shelved in a previously free country. This is the dangerous road lockdown hysteria can lead us down."
From 2020. Of course, covid hystericists claim that all covid restrictions are necessary because of health reasons. I asked some covid hystericists if health reasons justified all restrictions and discrimination, e.g. against people with HIV, and the few who replied evaded the question

China's bank run victims planned to protest. Then their Covid health codes turned red - "Liu, a 39-year-old tech worker in Beijing, arrived in the central city of Zhengzhou on Sunday with all the boxes ticked to travel under China's stringent Covid restrictions. He had tested negative for Covid-19 the day before; his hotel had confirmed he could be checked in; and the health code on his phone app was green -- meaning he had not been exposed to people or places deemed risks and was therefore free to travel. But when Liu scanned a local QR code to exit the Zhengzhou train station, his health code came back red -- a nightmare for any traveler in China, where freedom of movement is strictly dictated by a color-code system imposed by the government to control the spread of the virus.  Anyone with a red code -- usually assigned to people infected with Covid or deemed by authorities to be at high risk of infection -- immediately becomes persona non grata. They are banned from all public venues and transport, and are often subject to weeks of government quarantine.  That all but derailed plans for Liu, who had come to Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan province, to seek redress from a bank that has frozen his deposits. He had put his life savings -- totaling about 6 million yuan ($890,000) -- into a rural bank in Henan, and since April hasn't been able to withdraw a penny... as the depositors arrived in Zhengzhou, they were stunned to find that their health codes -- which were green upon departure -- had turned red, according to six who spoke with CNN and social media posts. Dozens of depositors were taken into a quarantine hotel guarded by police and local officials, before being sent away on trains bound for their hometowns the next day; others were "quarantined" at several other locations in the city, including a college campus, according to the witnesses and online posts... The red code seems to target only depositors. Qiu used his wife's phone to scan the QR code, and it came back green, he said. "I called the government hotline in Zhengzhou to complain about my red code, and they told me there was some error with the Big Data information database."... Rights groups have long warned that China's omnipresent Covid surveillance and tracking network could be used by authorities to target individuals and groups for political reasons, such as suppressing dissent."
Damn CIA and biased Western media!

China Covid: Quarantine bus crash kills 27 and injures 20 - "According to Chinese regulations, passenger buses are not allowed to drive on the highway between the hours of 02:00 and 05:00. However, the accident occurred at 02:40 local time Sunday (18:40 GMT Saturday) after the bus departed shortly after midnight, indicating the bus had violated regulation.  A woman who claimed she was the daughter of one of the victims took to social media, where she wrote a note saying she could "not accept" her mother's death.  "My mom stayed at home for half a month. She didn't go anywhere apart from going out for PCR tests... but she suddenly got taken to quarantine and died."  Online, some described their own unpleasant experiences of being bussed to quarantine facilities.  One said that dozens of passengers were squeezed into one bus for 12 hours at a stretch without being allowed to eat, go to the bathroom, open the windows or turn on the air-conditioning until their arrival at the quarantine hotel.  Another comment asked, "When will all of this stop?""
Luckily they were safe from covid

China’s Provinces Suffer Major Fiscal Hit From Covid Zero - Bloomberg - "All 31 provincial regions in China -- with the exception of Shanghai -- logged a deficit in the first seven months of the year. Authorities handed out trillions of yuan in tax breaks to support businesses amid the economic slowdown, as well as covered the cost of Covid Zero policies, such as mass-testing and restricting the movement of residents. Plunging land sales are adding to the squeeze by cutting a key funding source."

7 detained for exposing China’s Covid-19 mismanagement - "A Tibetan nomad Rinchen Dhondup among six other Tibetans have reportedly been detained for merely sharing Covid-related photos and videos online amid the harsh implementation of the Chinese government’s ‘Zero-Covid policy’. Tibet Times’ reported that Tibetans from Lhasa, Nagchu and other counties were arrested on Wednesday for sharing information on the mismanagement by the Chinese authorities in shabby quarantine centers. The unnamed source stated that the detainees had shared visuals of grossly mismanaged facilitated quarantine centers, where infected and healthy people were housed together in a singular room risking further infections. The recording inadvertently showed the negligence of the authorities in medical treatment and utter lack of basic food supplies. “None of the detainees are educated, all of them are nomads,” the report further noted. Some had alleged that only one meal per day was given to the patients."

Japanese flu drug 'clearly effective' in treating coronavirus, says China (March 2020)
Appili Therapeutics Provides Update on Phase 3 PRESECO Clinical Trial Evaluating Avigan®/Reeqonus™ - "Appili Therapeutics Inc. (TSX: APLI; OTCQX: APLIF) (the “Company” or “Appili”), a biopharmaceutical company focused on drug development for infectious diseases, today announced that the Phase 3 PRESECO (PREventing SEvere COVID-19) clinical trial evaluating oral antiviral Avigan®/Reeqonus™(favipiravir) for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 did not achieve statistical significance on the primary endpoint of time to sustained clinical recovery." (November 2021)
I saw someone in March 2020 claiming that this was an effective treatment and trials and bureaucratic approval were sacrificng, and that "This starts to look like deadly systemic stupidity. It's ridiculous". So much for that

Malaysia COVID-19 task force cooperating with authorities over claims of improperly administered vaccine doses - "This came after accounts of separate incidents went viral on social media; one of which involving claims of being jabbed with an empty syringe"

12-year-old boy collapses at school and dies from COVID - "Philip Lo (羅一鈞), deputy head of the CECC's medical response division, announced 152 COVID deaths. Of these, two were male adolescents, with the youngest at 12 having a congenital muscular system disease. On the morning of June 21, the 12-year-old boy felt unwell and had a headache but still went to school. By afternoon, he appeared pale, short of breath, and had a rapid pulse, but did not have a fever or cough...   Lo said that a test administered postmortem found the boy was positive for COVID. The cause of his death was deemed to be a cardiopulmonary failure and COVID...   The other adolescent to die was a 19-year-old male. Lo said he had a history of asthma and received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.  In May, he gradually developed symptoms such as limb weakness, fatigue, and muscle aches. By the end of May and early June, he was asthmatic when walking.  After his breathing worsened over two days, he went to an emergency room on June 5, when he was diagnosed with COVID. An examination revealed that he had abnormal liver and muscle enzyme levels and was suspected to be suffering from rhabdomyolysis and acute hepatitis."
Are we still doing this? No wonder Taiwan is still not back to normal

Lack of outdoor playtime during Covid-19 pandemic likely worsened myopia in children: Studies
This is fine. The only possible harm kids can face is covid

Did we really sacrifice our children on the altar of Covid extremism? - "Who were the greatest victims of Covid? Was it the elderly, left to die alone in care homes, separated from loved ones at the moment of their dying? Or the obese, wheezing and rasping their way to early ends in overcrowded intensive care units, their weight a terrible vulnerability that the new virus mercilessly exploited? Perhaps it was ethnic minorities and the poor – whose mortality rates exceeded those of richer, white patients?  A new book makes a bold case that the biggest victims of Covid were not any of those groups. Remarkably, the biggest victims barely suffered any grave illness at all. For them, hospitalisations were highly unusual, deaths vanishingly rare. But it was precisely because of that, argue the book’s authors, that subjecting them to the measures we did was such a cruel, unusual and destructive punishment. These victims, of course, were children.   The Children’s Inquiry by Liz Cole and Molly Kingsley is a passionately written indictment of how the young were failed, not just by the state, but by society at large during the pandemic. Unlike other Covid books, the pair argue not as expert insiders but as parents. While they cite scientific studies aplenty, the foundation of their text is not data but a parental “instinct” that something very bad was unfolding and that groupthink was preventing common sense reasserting itself and natural justice being done.   That phrase “natural justice” is key. For at the heart of the book is the contention that, for two years from 2020, a grotesque inversion of the normal order occurred in which, rather than protecting our young, we asked them to suffer and protect us. As mothers, that inspires real and righteous anger in Cole and Kingsley – anger at the school closures, the absence of decent remote learning, the prolonged masking in classrooms, the annihilation of youthful social lives, the spiralling mental and physical health consequences of isolation, of playground and sports fields closed, of support networks being shuttered, effectively imprisoning the most vulnerable with abusive adults… the list is lengthy and unarguable, and spreads far beyond mere educational damage. Indeed, we will only discover its full effects in the years to come.   But did the calamities, as the book suggests, really amount to a wholesale campaign of discrimination against the young? The authors think so, describing children as “a de facto underclass”, subject to society’s “contempt” and for whom “the inequity is real and intensifying”. This, they conclude, amounts to nothing less than “childism”, a prevailing attitude that “children are lesser”.  If this sounds extreme, it doesn’t take too long for elements of the thesis to fall into place. Take the intergenerational double standards that were rife during the pandemic. “It should be a matter of shame to all involved that by summer 2020, most UK children were unable to attend school while adults queued outside Primark or went to the pub,” note the authors. The following summer “as tens of thousands of adults gathered in packed stadiums to watch Wimbledon, Euro 2021 and the British Grand Prix, the media was flooded with reports of sporting events for children being pared back, ‘virtualised’, or abandoned altogether. The same happened in December 2021, when children’s Christmas activities were cancelled while adults enjoyed a largely restriction-free Christmas.” Such one-rule-for-us behaviour is central to all organised discrimination. Irrespective of your view on the wearing of masks (whose efficacy in preventing the spread of Covid the authors contest) it cannot be right that while “secondary school children in England spent months forced to wear masks in their classrooms – up to seven hours a day – neither the vast majority of adults nor policymakers themselves were prepared to do that.” Indeed, on the day in November last year that masks were reintroduced in English schools, Secretary of State for Education Nadhim Zahawi was photographed unmasked at a Teachers Award ceremony.   Then, the book adds, there was the language used about children which, because of the huge focus on whether they would spread the disease from school to home (as is common with flu), “portrayed them as nothing more than walking carriers of disease” – a classic trope of stigmatisation and discrimination. It suggests this intense, reductive scrutiny on children as “vectors” (many of which elsewhere in nature, it notes, “are bloodsucking insects”) was inherently demeaning...   The final, and perhaps weightiest part of the charge of “childism” comes with the accusation that, far from being inevitable, it was calculated. “There was always a choice,” the authors suggest. As a result, those doing the choosing – whatever the pressure from “activist scientists, the opposition and unions” – must take the blame. “Ultimately, the Conservative government orchestrated a climate of terror [and] exploited events to children’s detriment…” Elsewhere, say Cole and Kingsley, in Sweden, Hungary, and some Republican-run US states, children weren’t made to pay such a high price. Why here?... the book begins to morph into another hot debate, the so-called clash of generations. Covid, it turns out, merely exacerbated a “pre-existing status quo of a [British] ‘gerontocracy’, structurally biased in favour of older generations”. This, by contrast, is undeniably true. Health spending is prioritised over education. The over-65s have gone from being the poorest in society to the richest. Meanwhile 30 per cent of under-17s live in poverty."
The costs of virtue signalling to "protect" both children and the elderly - which didn't help anyone, and actually made things worse. Meanwhile, the unvaccinated had it even worse

Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave - "Cardiovascular adverse conditions are caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections and reported as side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Enriching current vaccine safety surveillance systems with additional data sources may improve the understanding of COVID-19 vaccine safety. Using a unique dataset from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 2019 to 2021, the study aims to evaluate the association between the volume of cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16-39-year-old population with potential factors including COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates. An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January-May 2021, compared with the years 2019-2020. Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates. While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals. Surveillance of potential vaccine side-effects and COVID-19 outcomes should incorporate EMS and other health data to identify public health trends (e.g., increased in EMS calls), and promptly investigate potential underlying causes."
Time to force this paper to be retracted as "misinformation"

Median income among low-income families in S'pore dropped by 69% to S$500 post-Covid-19: Beyond Social Services

VIDEO: 100 Year Old Chilean Woman Not Allowed To Buy Groceries Because She Didn't Register Online - Report - "In Chile, citizens and stranded tourists must obtain something called a “safe conduct pass” online to gain permission from the government to buy necessary groceries, and are only allowed to do it twice per week, and then only allowed to shop between the hours of 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. on those days. Video has surfaced appearing to show a woman, who is reportedly 100 years old, being turned away from a grocery store for not having the required paperwork... National File was unable to ascertain whether the permits were only available to Chileans with access to the Internet. It stands to reason that the centenarian would likely not have access to the Internet, or be familiar enough with using it to apply for a temporary pass."
From 2021
Clearly they didn't lock down enough, since they didn't squash covid

Virus Makes Luxe Lobsters Cheaper As Sellers Face Fatal Blow - Bloomberg - "The U.S. used to be the main supplier of live lobster to China as exporters tapped into surging demand from the Asian nation’s growing middle class. Buyers turned to relatively cheaper supply from Canada after Beijing placed retaliatory tariffs on American crustaceans in 2018."
From 2020

Meme - ABC11 WTVD December 16, 2019: "Get your party shoes on...2020 is going to be great!
2020 Leap Year

William Osler physician alleges he was let go from key role for criticizing province’s pandemic response | The Star - "A prominent GTA critical care physician is alleging he was fired over his outspoken criticism of Ontario’s pandemic response.  Dr. Brooks Fallis said in an emailed statement to the Star he learned his contract as interim medical director of critical care at William Osler Health System had been terminated"
How dare he challenge The Science?

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