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Friday, January 28, 2022

Links - 28th January 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

City Bans Men From Applying for $63,000-A-Year Street Sweeper Operator Job - "An Australian city council has banned men from applying for a $63,000-a-year street sweeper operator job in order to create an "inclusive" organization.  Darebin City Council, in Melbourne, the capital of Victoria (Vic) state, opened the job to people identifying as "non-male" to apply for the position before it closes on September 16."

Meme - "PLEASE DO NOT buy the BTS meal if you don't stan them. You're preventing actual BTS fans who have waited for months from having the BTS meal experience. Eating the sauces without understanding their significance is literally cultural appropriation and it's not okay."

Meme - "Not being willing to give up meat in 2021 is like not being willing to give up your slave in 1860."
Is this racist?

Nathaniel Beamon EL on Twitter - "I don’t support ANY immigration to the US at this point.   Because all these immigration policies are ultimately used to undermine Foundational Black Americans   With ZERO exceptions"
"@tariqnasheed You don’t like Haitians immigrating here but on the other hand respect their culture enough to make documentaries on it #1804 .... help me understand"
"stay home and sustain your society..Whats hard to understand?"
Is it still racist if a black person says it?

Meme - "I have a dream, that one day, my four little children will not be judged by the content of their character, but by their skin color, their gender identity, and their kinks."

These families of missing Black people are frustrated with the lack of response to their cases - "Robinson said he sympathizes with the family of Gabby Petito, whose remains were recovered Sunday after she disappeared while exploring parks in Wyoming prompting a highly publicized search."
Basically, "all lives matter"
Meanwhile there're more missing men than women, but no one cares about men

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "In response to the Gabby Petito case, which the media rushed to highlight, many outlets have now switched to the claim that “710 indigenous people, mostly girls” also went missing, but they failed to cover it. While it’s heartening to hear them admit their failure, this is a great example of manufacturing a misleading headline.
▪️The 710 number comes from a Wyoming state report on missing and murdered Indigenous people. This includes ALL reported missing people in Wyoming for a decade!... Almost all (84%) of these missing people were juveniles. 11% were found within a day, and 50% were found within a week. 21% were missing for more than a month. 57% were female. As of now, there are 9 Indigenous people listed as missing from the past decade (3 females and 6 males).
▪️Over the same period there were actually 4,884 people reported missing in WY! Indigenous people make up ~13% of these each year, which is a higher rate per capita, but still just a fraction of overall cases. They currently make up 9/52 active cases...
▪️It’s similar to how police killing an unarmed minority gathers huge coverage, while dozens of shooting in Chicago over a weekend gets almost none. Unusual and sensational stories get attention. A mysterious and tragic saga of a young, attractive engaged couple on Instagram fits that in spades."

ABC's Holmes: Petito Coverage 'Perpetuating' Idea Some Lives Matter More Than Black Lives
Weird. We're told that "Black Lives Matter" doesn't mean that Black Lives matter more than other lives

Wagatwe Wanjuki 🇰🇪 🇧🇸 on Twitter - "Cool cool cool Bill and Melinda Gates funding an article trying to use "cultural competence" to set the stage for African child labor....in a colonizer publication...
Y'ALL LOOK AT THE OLD HEADLINE "Child labour doesn't have to be exploitation-it gave me life skills""

Meme - Feminista Jones: "Black Women Not Jews Were Hitler's Primary Target. Revisionist History Just Muted That. Black Women Were Destroying Germany"
When you've maxed out your victim card

Meme - weratepigs: "YOU CANT JUST *takes sip of Coca Cola who hired mercenaries to kill union leaders* EAT CHIK FIL A *sips out of Starbucks cup made by prison slave labor* THEY HATE GAYS *eats fruit picked by exploited undocumented worker* ARENT YOU AN ALLY?!"

Meme - "umm to the billions of POC who dont accept your white european cultural standards?!? the age of consent is a racist european white construct Here are the 10 countries with the lowest ages of consent: Angola (12 years) Philippines (12 years) Western Sahara (13 years) Comoros (13 years) Burkina Faso (13 years) Niger (13 years) South Korea (13 years) Japan (13 years)"
Related: it's amazing how many virtue signalling idiot Americans go around calling all sex with someone under 18 "pedo" behavior, given that most US states have an age of consent under 18

Amy Eileen Hamm on Twitter - "Just sitting here thinking about what it means to be Canadian: a government-funded unicorn named after a derogatory term for vagina is blocking adults on twitter while trying to collect our children's email addresses"
On Gegi

Meme - "Just took my kids to the park and as soon as my son came down the slide, these two kids ran up to him to ask if he can play hide and seek with them. One was white and the other was Indian, they all had a blast together. Kids aren't worried about skin color, just having fun."
Since liberals say colourblindness is racist, this proves that kids are racist

Meme - "No one chooses their country of birth, so it's foolish to be proud of it."
"Strongly agree"
*Pride flag, Pride tattoos, Pride T-Shirt, Pride Monster Energy Drink, Pride stickers on monitor*

Barbican staff claim world-leading arts centre is ‘institutionally racist’
Nothing can be spared from the Revolution

Meme - Official Death Note: "how do allocishet neurotypical apsychotic singlets exist like u gotta be the most BORING people like god's default mode"
"none of these words are in the bible"

Meme - "In 1993, most critics dismissed a one-of-a-kind movie as just a stupid action flick with "excessive explosions." Except that it smartly predicted and joked about political correctness, toxic masculinity, racial bias, the hysteria around cancel culture, and even more. By now, it's obvious that the movie was brilliant. But it still doesn't get enough credit. *Demolition Man*"

Meme "- if you could end COVID-19 by sacrificing a part of the united states, which state would you choose & why ohio?"
"Between Florida and New York"
"Which ever one has the most white people"

Meme - Vxqzzz: "If ur white I will misgender u and dehumanize u idgaf if u a cishet or a queer y'all aren't humans in my eyes"

Meme - "There are many aspects of BDSM that will trigger Black people. The terms Master and slave, white people using whips, etc. I wish more people would actually talk about it because they claim to be "inclusive.""
"Unsurprisingly, most of the people in positions of power in the community are white people who can't & shouldn't speak for BIPOC, yet get to influence conduct, language & discrimination in these spaces. This needs to be addressed more. 'We must unlearn, relearn, expand our perspectives, adjust & do the work, otherwise we're not inclusive or intersectional"

The 'terrible' hypocrisy behind Chicago's first black lesbian mayor - "Lori Lightfoot did something during her victory party last week that once would have been considered obscene.  As Chicago’s beaming mayor-elect stood at a podium, she turned toward her wife, Amy Eshleman, and kissed her in full view of a roomful of jubilant supporters while photographers snapped away.  The images of that moment looked like a sneak preview of a New America breaking through – a black, gay woman kissing her white wife before a mini-rainbow coalition of onlookers. And nobody raised an eyebrow.   But focus on just the black supporters in that room and another image emerges. The black vote – especially members of black churches who mobilized on her behalf – was crucial to Lightfoot’s victory.  What if Lightfoot had been standing in the pulpit of one of those black churches when she kissed her wife?  “In probably 90% of the black churches, she would be put out or asked to leave,” says the Rev. Martha Simmons, a scholar on black preaching and a consultant to an upcoming PBS special on the black church.   There is a cruel irony in Lightfoot’s election that few, if any, are talking about. Many of the same black voters who asked her to lead their city wouldn’t dare ask her to lead their own churches because she is a gay woman. Women and LGBTQ members are still treated like second-class citizens in many black churches across America...   Black women are the heart and muscle of the black church. More than two-thirds of a typical black congregation are women. But click on the web sites for groups like the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. or the Church of God in Christ, Inc. and you’ll see that virtually all their leaders are solemn-looking black men staring intently at the camera. The pictures look as out of date as those black-and-white photos of all-white NBA teams from the 1950s.  Ask these black church groups about their attitude toward women and LGBTQ people, and you’ll hear everything except a full-throated affirmation of both groups as equals."

Bishop Talbert Swan on Twitter - "We taught you troglodytes how to bathe when you were crawling in caves. The white world was built on plagiarized Black knowledge. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Hypocrates, studied in Kemet. Writing, math, architecture, came from our ancestors. Yo’ve been smoking too much meth."

Meme - Nintendo: "Happy #PrideMonth! Our staff is filled with people of all sexualities so we love supporting that. *Mario and Luigi kissing*"
"Bruh....those two are brothers..."

Meme - "I think Disney casually dropped a same-sex kiss scene in The Rise of Skywalker!"
"Yassss! Glad you noticed! We value and celebrate diversity!"
"Disney cut Star Wars' historic lesbian kiss from foreign release"

Critical Spectator - Posts | Facebook - "Have you ever wondered why is it that some of the most devout followers of the modern age "progressive" beliefs are the children of the wealthy? It is visible not only among the rich but across entire societies as relative wealth elevates more people into greater comforts (hence the dominance of left-wing ideas in the academia - both among students as well as their teachers)... Most of the 20-somethings have to come to terms with reality at some point, since their parents - however comfortable they may be - usually cannot bankroll their children's existences into infinity... 🔴 This, however, is often not so with the children of the wealthiest, who don't have the same sense of urgency and can live their Peter Pan fantasy lives for many years after they graduate. Two quite extreme examples of the results it has produced in Singapore are Jolovan Wham and Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh. The former is a notorious troublemaker, breaking the laws of the country at every opportunity, so he can get himself jailed and play a martyr sacrificing himself in an uneven battle against the "regime". Notably, it's not for the lack of funds that he ends up behind bars, as his father founded, among several other businesses, Goldheart Jewellery.  The latter is an equally notorious race-baiter, who speaks of Singapore as "soulless" and "racist", even though his immigrant Malayalee Indian family has achieved a multimillionaire status in the city-state, allowing him to complete two degrees in America while his parents were busy expanding a future S$40 million mansion, which he only moved out of 3 years ago at age 40. He labels himself a "plebeian", railing against the "elites" despite coming from a family that isn't just a part of the richest 1% but a fraction of that percent. All of that just as he swapped the swanky family bungalow for a million dollar Pasir Ris' executive condo with sea view, 1000+ sqft. of which he inhabits with his wife and cats, while getting reacquainted (by his own admission) with washing his own clothes for the first time since his university days."

Facebook - "*D Day* 90% of the soldiers on the first boats to hit the beach didn't live to see the end of the day. Look at those faces. Some of them never made it to 18. Never voted. Never loved a woman, or owned a home. They gave their lives fighting Hitler and the Nazis, so today's kids can call everyone they don't like Hitler and Nazis."

Meme - ""Why do you care so much at what adults do in their own bedroom" simps ask in response to me saying I don't support a commmunity that sues businesses over not endorsing their lifestyle, grooms children, has statistically high levels of child/ partner abuse and wants hate laws..."

L.A. Times Columnist Who Likened Trump Supporters To Terrorists Wants Real Estate Listings To Show Gun Ownership In Area - "Virginia Heffernan tweeted, “Real-estate listings should include prevalence of gun-ownership in a 50-mile radius and number of annual mass shootings in the region. Time to change what a ‘bad neighborhood’ is.” “[A]nd introduce a meaningful tax on guns and gun violence,” she continued. “No one should say ‘this is a great place to raise kids’ about neighborhoods where even one person has an assault rifle.”... Heffernan noted that her Trump-loving neighbors had done her a favor and “plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job,” but then likened them to Nazi supporters and Hezbollah terrorists"
When you hate legal gun owners. Ironically she probably loves criminals

Two major real estate search engines nix crime data in racial equity push - "Realtor.com has removed crime data from its website, and Redfin has decided not to add it out of concerns that it could perpetuate racial inequity... In addition to the FBI’s metrics, Redfin also considered the National Crime Victimization Survey, which relies on interviews from tens of thousands of people annually and queries them about the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization across the country. Those who say they are victims of crime are also asked whether the crime was reported to law enforcement. Taubman said that while the survey includes information on unreported crimes, because it is a survey, if respondents’ responses are racially biased, that bias would be reflected in the crime data. “And there are troubling signs of this: in the 2019 survey, people reporting crimes were more likely to describe their offender as young, male, and Black than would be expected given the representation of those groups in the population”"
Gun ownership data good, Crime data bad
Clearly if some groups are more likely to show up on crime statistics, that means there's a problem with the statistics

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I defend @Caitlyn_Jenner against abuse: I'm accused of being "transphobic."
I fight for women's rights in the Middle East: I'm accused of being "Islamophobic."
I fight for absolute freedom of speech: I'm accused of being a "white supremacist neo-Nazi.""
I criticize BLM: I'm accused of being a "bigot."
I criticize @KingJames: I'm accused of being a "racist."
While 99.9% of people appreciate my efforts, the very tiny minority is truly terroristic. We need to stand up to these Woke Terrorists and reclaim reason and common sense."

Without John Lydon, Danny Boyle’s Sex Pistols series will be an anti-punk woke wash - "Lydon and Morrissey - and myself - grew up working-class in England, being told by older Right-wing people that our views were unacceptable and that we should shut up and listen to our betters. We’re now being told this by younger Left-wing people. The straightforward class-based culture we grew up with has mutated into cancel culture. As Lydon summed it up: “I never thought I’d live to see the day when the Right-wing would become the cool ones giving the finger to the Establishment and the Left-wing become the snivelling self-righteous ones going around shaming everybody.”"

Aimee Terese on Twitter - "Wokeness is literally passive aggressive narcissism as state ideology. Abusers pretending to be victims. Powerful people pretending to be vulnerable. It's 100% resistant to duty, responsibility, obligation of any kind, to anyone else whatsoever. Totalising bourgeois narcissism."

Raheem J. Kassam on Twitter - "The left: “Let everyone in so they too can enjoy amazing America!”
Also the left: “America sucks! Burn it all down!”"

All Senate Democrats voted against an amendment to prevent federal funding to universities that discriminate against Asians - "Democrats only care about discrimination against Asians when doing so furthers their own purposes"

Jonathan Kay: A white mob comes after an Arab-Canadian professor — in the name of anti-racism - "Azar is no shrinking violet. When a local activist named Husoni Raymond opined that New Brunswick is “systemically racist,” Azar applied her comparative understanding of Lebanon and Canada to argue that, in relative terms, her adopted home isn’t racist at all, but is rather “a young country” that “wants to save the world.” (As evidence, she pointed to the fact that Raymond himself had been lavishly honoured for his anti-racism work, which is hardly consistent with white supremacism.) In a similar vein, she has argued down activists who claim Canada is a “patriarchy” afflicted by rape culture. If you want to see “real rape culture,” she’s noted archly, take a look at “ISIS practices in Syria.” Azar also has called Black Lives Matter a “radical” movement, which is an unfashionable thing to say, but isn’t remotely inaccurate given BLM’s stated goals of creating a “global liberation movement” that will “dismantle capitalism,” abolish prisons, and erase national borders. You’re all adults, and so you know how this story ends. One of Azar’s umbraged former students, Tweeting under the name “Izzy,” went through Azar’s past blog posts and assembled an incriminating pastiche of the above-described viewpoints. Izzy pronounced herself “personally disappointed to see that (Azar) shows a fundamental misunderstanding of race,” then helpfully listed some of Azar’s professional affiliations, so readers would know where to direct complaints. Naturally, a local reporter from the Moncton Times & Transcript hopped on the thread, and duly wrote up Azar’s “inappropriate” comments. The CBC also got in on the mobbing in its patented CBC way: In a 19-paragraph story, reporter Marie Sutherland somehow managed to quote numerous people (including Mount Allison administrators, who are conducting an “internal review” of Azar) denouncing the professor for her “hurtful” ideas, without ever actually quoting a single word that Azar had actually written — thus giving readers the false impression that Azar had said something really awful. Just a few years ago, it would have been completely shocking to see the CBC publish journalism on this sub-Canadaland level, let alone for a university to publicly denounce its own professor at the urging of a Twitter mob. But in 2021, it’s all part of the routine... there’s my favourite white-person comment, from @darevha11 (“acknowledging my white privilege & the fact I live on unceded Mi’kMaq territory”), tweeting — you can’t make this up — “I am a privileged cis white 50-year-old woman. How is (it) that I understand systemic racism and she doesn’t? She needs to be removed immediately!” Topping off the thread, Izzy herself huffed that this immigrant and civil-war survivor has fallen short of Izzy’s own “understanding of systemic racism, colonialism and social determinants of health.” As readers can see, I’m straining to maintain the conceit of ironic detachment here — because the absolute gall of these “intersectionalists” is truly maddening. But also revealing: What these self-sanctifying white “settlers” want isn’t diversity at all, but rather for people of all backgrounds and identities to celebrate their own “privileged cis white” moral grandeur. And if a woman such as Azar refuses to play that game, it’s under the bus they go. After all, New Brunswick’s Izzys have other, equally diverse, more ideologically compliant personnel options they can go with — such as the aforementioned Husoni Raymond, who spiked the football at Azar with a Tweet reading “Lol” and an emoji of someone crying. (Naturally, Raymond works as an “anti-racism project coordinator” at something called the New Brunswick Multicultural Council, which purports to “advocate for a more multicultural and inclusive New Brunswick.”) One important detail here is that Azar has tenure. So ultimately, I’d be surprised if the Izzy-led mob manages to get Azar fired from Mount Allison, even if it does manage to get her thrown off a few advisory councils and generally humiliate her, which seems to be their real goal. The real question is why Azar herself would want to stick around within a white-dominated academic community whose members have now betrayed themselves as the worst kind of hypocrite."

New study suggests moms may be more gender biased than dads - "the stereotype that boys shouldn’t cry is being perpetuated by moms more than dads.  The study says mothers may be more gender-biased than fathers when it comes to encouraging or discouraging their children’s expressions of sadness and anger. It also reveals mothers may not even be aware they have these biases.   Thomassin says she thought both moms and dads would be more accepting of daughters showing sadness than sons, and more accepting of sons showing anger.  Instead, the study shows only mothers had those attitudes while fathers showed no preference at all."

Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class—A Status Update - "Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the rich at very little cost, while taking a toll on the lower class.  In the past, people displayed their membership of the upper class with their material accoutrements. But today, luxury goods are more affordable than before. And people are less likely to receive validation for the material items they display. This is a problem for the affluent, who still want to broadcast their high social position. But they have come up with a clever solution. The affluent have decoupled social status from goods, and re-attached it to beliefs.    Human beings become more preoccupied with social status once our physical needs are met. In fact, research reveals that sociometric status (respect and admiration from peers) is more important for well-being than socioeconomic status. Furthermore, studies have shown that negative social judgment is associated with a spike in cortisol (hormone linked to stress) that is three times higher than non-social stressful situations. We feel pressure to build and maintain social status, and fear losing it.   It seems reasonable to think that the downtrodden might be most interested in obtaining status and money. But this is not the case. Inhabitants of prestigious institutions are even more interested than others in prestige and wealth. For many of them, that drive is how they reached their lofty positions in the first place. Fueling this interest, they’re surrounded by people just like them—their peers and competitors are also intelligent status-seekers. They persistently look for new ways to move upward and avoid moving downward. The French sociologist Émile Durkheim understood this when he wrote, “The more one has, the more one wants, since satisfactions received only stimulate instead of filling needs.” And indeed, a recent piece of research supports this: it is the upper class who are the most preoccupied with gaining wealth and status. In their paper, the researchers conclude, “relative to lower-class individuals, upper-class individuals have a greater desire for wealth and status…it is those who have more to start with (i.e., upper-class individuals) who also strive to acquire more wealth and status.” Plainly, high-status people desire status more than anyone else.   Furthermore, other research has found that absolute income does not have much effect on general life satisfaction. An increase in relative income, on the other hand, has a positive effect. Put differently, making more money isn’t important. What’s important is making more than others...  the anthropologist and historian Jared Diamond has suggested that one reason humans engage in displays such as drinking, smoking, drug use, and other physically costly behaviors is because they serve as fitness indicators. The message is: “I’m so healthy that I can afford to poison my body and continue to function.”   Veblen proposed that the wealthy flaunt these symbols not because they are useful, but because they are so pricey or wasteful that only the wealthy can afford them, which is why they’re high-status indicators...  top universities are also crucial for induction into the luxury belief class. Take vocabulary. Your typical middle-class American could not tell you what “heteronormative” or “cisgender” means. But if you visit Harvard, you’ll find plenty of rich 19-year-olds who will eagerly explain them to you. When someone uses the phrase “cultural appropriation,” what they are really saying is “I was educated at a top college.”... Only the affluent can afford to learn strange vocabulary because ordinary people have real problems to worry about.   The chief purpose of luxury beliefs is to indicate evidence of the believer’s social class and education. Only academics educated at elite institutions could have conjured up a coherent and reasonable-sounding argument for why parents should not be allowed to raise their kids, and should hold baby lotteries instead. When an affluent person advocates for drug legalization, or anti-vaccination policies, or open borders, or loose sexual norms, or uses the term “white privilege,” they are engaging in a status display. They are trying to tell you, “I am a member of the upper class.”...   Unfortunately, the luxury beliefs of the upper class often trickle down and are adopted by people lower down the food chain, which means many of these beliefs end up causing social harm. Take polyamory. I had a revealing conversation recently with a student at an elite university. He said that when he sets his Tinder radius to five miles, about half of the women, mostly other students, said they were “polyamorous” in their bios. Then, when he extended the radius to 15 miles to include the rest of the city and its outskirts, about half of the women were single mothers. The costs created by the luxury beliefs of the former are borne by the latter. Polyamory is the latest expression of sexual freedom championed by the affluent. They are in a better position to manage the complications of novel relationship arrangements. And if these relationships don’t work out, they can recover thanks to their financial capability and social capital. The less fortunate suffer by adopting the beliefs of the upper class.  This is well-illustrated by the finding that in 1960 the percentage of American children living with both biological parents was identical for affluent and working-class families—95 percent. By 2005, 85 percent of affluent families were still intact, but for working-class families the figure had plummeted to 30 percent...   Over time, luxury beliefs are embraced down the social ladder—at which point, the upper class abandons its old luxury beliefs and embraces new ones. Which explains why the beliefs of the upper class are constantly changing. It’s easy to see how this works if we look at actual fashion...   The economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell once said that activism is “a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.” The same could be said for luxury beliefs. They are similar to luxury goods, but present new problems. Attaching status to luxury goods or financial standing meant there were limits to how much harm the leisure class could do when it came to their conspicuous displays. For example, fashion is constrained by the speed with which people could adopt a new look. But with beliefs, this status cycle accelerates. A rich person flaunts her new belief. It then becomes fashionable among her peers, so she abandons it. Then a new stylish belief arises, while the old luxury belief trickles down the social hierarchy and wreaks havoc."
Late capitalism means you worry about stupid shit and imaginary problems
Good explanation of virtue signalling and the slippery slope

Meme - "Arctic Ron Every single time you try to convince someone that you're not a racist they win. The argument is over, and they have beaten you because you are now a dancing monkey begging for their approval & understanding. Stop letting their words have power over you"

Blaire White on Twitter - "A lot of y'all can't tell the difference between hate speech and speech you hate."

NBC News - Posts | Facebook - "The FDA appears likely to move to ban menthol in cigarettes this week — a step, experts say, that has been years in the making and that could have a significant positive impact on the health of Black Americans."
So much for "stereotypes"
Is it racist to be patronising?

US school’s social studies quiz asks kids if it is normal for Chinese to eat cats and dogs - "Three teachers in a Texas school have been suspended for a racist question on Chinese people in a sixth-grade social studies test...
    "A. It is normal in China to cut off someone's lips if they burp in a restaurant."
    "B. It is normal in parts of China to give children 50 lashes by a cane if they steal a piece of candy."
    "C. It is normal in parts of China to eat cats and dogs."...
"Harmful rhetoric in our education system is exactly why anti-Asian hate crimes and racism persist today,” she wrote.  The school, Carrollton-Farmers-Branch School, issued a formal statement condemning the derogatory language of the quiz. "The words used on the test question were derogatory and hurtful," the statement read, adding the teachers "have been placed on administrative leave until the investigation is complete"... parents were upset by the incident, with one calling for the teachers to be fired."
Hate facts!

(14) Dog “Meat” Consumption in China: A Survey of the Controversial Eating Habit in Two Cities - "The consumption of dog "meat" is dividing the Chinese society into two camps. Is dog eating part of the mainstream food culture or is it a declining practice? With the help of a survey of 1,265 respondents in Yanji and Dalian, the study confirms different rates of acceptance regarding dog eating among the respondents by age, ethnicity, education, rural-urban residence status, and profession. Contrary to the belief that urbanization weakens traditional behaviors, our study found that Yanji, with its high urbanization rate, considers dog "meat" consumption to be acceptable. The local subculture appeared to be a strong intervening factor. Unlike Korean vegetable side dishes, dog "meat" is not a mainstream food choice in Yanji. The eating habit may continue for a long time if it is not banned. However, the decline of the eating habit seems irreversible... To determine if dog eating was popular, we asked Yanji respondents how often they had dog “meat”  and  how  often  they  ate  the  Korean  vegetable  side  dishes.  Among  the  Yanji business office workers, 29% ate Korean vegetable side dishes every day. Those  who  ate  the  food  every  week  accounted  for  35%.  In  contrast,  none  of  the respondents said that they ate dog “meat” on a daily basis. Only 12% had dog “meat” once a week. Fifteen percent never ate dog “meat.” In contrast, 19% never ate Korean vegetable side dishes. Traditional  food  typically  survives  better  in  the  rural  areas.  Of  the  200  respondents in rural Yanji, 31% ate Korean fermented vegetable side dishes every day. Those who ate the side dishes weekly and monthly accounted for 41% and 19%, respectively. Only 9% of the rural respondents never ate the side dishes. Therefore, 72% of the rural residents were frequent eaters of the Korean veg-etable  side  dishes.  In  contrast,  only  16%  ate  dog  “meat”  on  a  regular  basis.  Regular  consumption  of  dog  “meat”  was  significantly  higher  in  rural  Yanji  (16%) than in urban Yanji (7.7%)... Dog  eating  is  believed  to  be  more  common  among  the  ethnic  Koreans  in  Northeast  China.  This  perception  was  confirmed  by  our  study... Among those with only elementary education, 57% consumed dog meat; 46% of those with middle school education consumed it; and 23% of those with college education consumed it."
Why is this "racist" paper not yet retracted? Plus it "stigmatises" ethnic Koreans in China, who are double minorities!

Don't say nay to horsemeat: French eaters - "France’s taste for horsemeat dates back to when 18th Century revolutionaries seized the fallen aristocracy’s horses to sate their hunger. It flourished for two centuries until falling out of fashion with a more squeamish younger generation. The French now consume less than 300 grams (0.66 lbs) per person per year... “I never buy beef. I prefer horse meat, it tastes better and it’s cheaper,” said Catherine Clerc, 42, who claims to have converted friends after cooking them horse roasts at home."
Somehow no one considers it racist to say that horse meat consumption is a thing in France

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