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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Links - 23rd January 2022 (2)

Positive Message – St. Luke's - "Today I asked an employee to see me regarding their high absence. They were on 6 occasions in 12 months. They were for silly reasons-flu day here, headache there. As per policy, that’s grounds for dismissal.   I asked them to sit down. I didn’t bring the policy with me. I didn’t even bring a notebook. They were tense, nervous and they were defensive. I sat down next to them and said, “Talk to me, what’s been going on? “and, after a few minutes, they told me. They didn’t really have flu, nor a headache. They said how they’re feeling run down, how days have become a struggle and they don’t really know why. And after a frank and honest chat about the ups and downs of life, a couple of laughs and a bit of a cry we got somewhere. I gave them some resources to turn to, and a referral for support and positive outlook for the future.  I can’t stress this enough to Managers-don’t blindly follow the policies. Don’t blindly follow the Return to Work forms and the Absence Management Policies. They’re there as guidelines. Sit down and have an actual conversation with your employees. Develop that relationship with them and actually help them. You’ll have a happier workforce, committed employees and less absence. It’s win-win for everyone when you care. Author Unknown"

Father Yod’s flower-powered ego trips and the utopian wet dreams of The Source Family - "Baker attracted a following of young hippies looking for alternatives to their suburban alienation and middle-class angst. In Father Yod they found both a guru and a sense of paternal security. He established a commune of about 150 flower children, the Source Family. Transfixed by his personality and lulled into blissful acceptance of his “Enlightenment For Dummies” distillation of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Alan Watts, Swami Satchidananda, Krishnamurti etc., his followers got a brain-addling dose of the cosmic warm and fuzzies. Throw in some exotic rituals involving group sex and ganja and you had one very happy cult-like collective with the usual misogynistic tendencies lurking under the groovy free love surface. Yod ended up with 13 submissive wives, most in their late teens and early twenties. He was 50 years old and he knew how to nasty. Despite Baker’s power-tripping ways, the Source Family was to many of its members the real fucking deal. In the downhome archival footage that comprises much of the new movie, The Source Family, you can see genuine happiness on the faces of Baker’s followers. In filmed interviews conducted in recent years with core members of the family, few have any serious regrets. Many attribute their successes in life (several are millionaires) to Baker’s teachings. Some, on the other hand, do bear scars, most of whom are women. Their deep love of Baker was betrayed by his lust for the seemingly endless flow of teenyboppers streaming through his bedroom door. Baker displayed the classic behavior of many new age gurus during the ‘60s and ‘70s. From Rajneesh to Chogyam Trungpa, these cosmic poonhounds couldn’t resist the power and glory of the peach-fuzzed meat pit of mortal delight... After years of proclaiming his Godhood, he awoke to the revelation that he was a mere man and had nothing left to offer his followers. He calmly flew off a mountain cliff in a hang glider that he had no idea how to operate. The God literally crashed to earth and died nine hours later. The coroner found no broken bones or internal bleeding. His body was whole and intact. For three days his corpse was attended to by his beautiful young wives. As in life, Father Yod died with a contented smile on his face."

Facebook - "A friend observed recently how strange it is that we spent years preparing millennial and gen-z Christians to do battle with morally ambivalent New Atheists and materialism, only to watch as this movement hit its expiration date in the 2010s, to be replaced by a spiritualized inclusivism that thunders moral pronouncements, has clear systems of guilt, absolution, and even annual, sacramental observances, and obsesses over the taxonomy and rules of sexuality. It is, in many ways, the least Darwinian, least materialist, least morally relativistic thing imaginable. Our parents expected we'd be facing the Marquis de Sade. Instead, we're facing progressive neo-Puritans."

Facebook - "History is full of men who thought God wanted them to murder their own sons. Never ended well. Not something we should be celebrating. How is it a good thing to obey a God who demands you sacrifice your own blood and flesh? What kind of God would reward such a "thought experiment"? If anything, Abraham should have been punished for obeying such a stupid command blindly. Abraham is the archetype of everything wrong with religion. The willingness to take an innocent life in the service of a deity can't be considered praiseworthy. It's exactly what religious madmen do today while thinking they're doing something good."

Meme - "*swastika, hammer and sickle* Okay go ahead and pick which murderous failed idology you want to support"
"i dont like either of them"
"Imao quit being a fucking centrist. cuck"

Princess of Peace on Twitter - "Stop masturbating to spiritual people if you don’t have consent. We can see you, feel you and our guides will also tell us your name.
Honestly just ask the person you wanna masturbate to if you can. You might be surprised who says yes and if you can’t contact that person and ask then you definitely have NO right or place to be masturbating to them. Fucking up people sacral and your own. It’s raggedy. Stop."

ryan cooper on Twitter - "sales of mega-pickups, which have basically been deliberately designed to intimidate and kill pedestrians, are booming"
Of course, blue check mark

Davide Mastracci 🤌🏼 on Twitter - "Enough is enough. We need to ban the sale of pickup trucks to all consumers unless they’re able to meet strict requirements to prove it will be used primarily for work purposes. My latest for @readpassage."
Another blue check mark

Meme - "im the guy that thinks little free libraries are an insidious neoliberal plot to undermine libraries instead of an easy way for people to get rid of books"
"i mean, they are. they're also a way for neoliberal white neighborhoods to feel like they're doing something when really they're just engaging in creating more trash."

Nikki on Twitter - "We never talk about how painful cheating is for the cheater too because can you imagine how hard it is to see someone you love in pain??"

Adjunct Professor Suggests ‘Sex Work’ On The Side Is The ‘Best Thing’ Young People Can Do Early In Their Careers - "A University of Ottawa adjunct professor recently said on Twitter that doing “sex work on the side” is the “best thing” young people can do early in their careers.  Naomi Sayers, adjunct professor and attorney, made the comments on Twitter... “Unpopular opinion: the best thing young people can do early in their careers is do #SexWork on the side because your early career prospects will be unstable, unpredictable, low pay, likely contract work and very much exploitative,” Sayers wrote.  Sayers continued her Twitter comments by comparing sex work to capitalism... Sayers added that capitalism and prisons should both be abolished, advocating instead for free education and other progressive wish list items.  “Also, if you really want young people to not be exploited, provide them with livable wages, access to safe housing, clean water, free education. Literally. Abolish capitalism… Actually abolish prison but whatever,” she said, oblivious to the fact that capitalism is the reason she has achieved success and a platform to make these claims.  Alex Krause, Sayers’ publicist, insisted to Campus Reform that his client was not promoting sex work."

Meme - "Being pro-communist is just a basic sociopathy test. If someone hears over 100 million slaughtered, and replies, ”Yeah, BUT..." Boom. Total sociopath."
Of course the tankies just claim capitalism has killed even more, by conflating deaths that happen in capitalist countries with deaths due to capitalism

Meme - "*Dildo* This Thing Almost Killed My Grandma Ok. First off, THIS THING IS HUGE!!! I didn’t realize it when ordering. But When every one left the house one day l decided to give it the old college try. The suction cup works well, I had it stuck to my bedroom door, Ok, so when trying m use this il was really big and awkward, I was trying to back against it slowly letting my butt hole adjust to the massive width. I had my I-Pod Listening to "Eye of the Tiger“ trying to get pumped for the whole thing. Well I didn‘t hear my grandmother come home early and apparently i was making some noise rocking back on this Mega-Dong mounted to the door and singing along to The Theme Song of Rocky. Well my Grandma comes to investigate and jerks my door open, which snatched the toy out of my butt bringing my sphincter with it. My grandmother Freaks and Slams the Door which POWER DRIVES this thing Up my anus all me way to the base. I'm Screaming in pain, and My grand mother is yelling holding her chest. Next thing I know she collapses. So there I am with a Bleeding, Prolapsed Butt hole and my grandma on the floor. I‘m in so much pain and am freaking out worrying that I’ve killed her. So I crawled over to her and pushed her life alert button to send the paramedics. one of which was a new guy and when I tried explaining the story he literally pissed on himself laughing. Anyway they popped an ammonia capsule and brought my grandmother back. She seems ok but we haven't made eye contact for 2 weeks and my butt is a little worse for wear. And when I fart now, it sounds like a Peterbilt 379 releasing its air brakes"

Herodotus on Twitter - "Again, slavery is anti-capitalist in nature. The whole theory depends on negotiation between two people for a fair price. That doesn't occur in slavery."

mushroom 🍄 respecter on Twitter - "if you call yourself a "socialist" or a "leftist", but you spend all your time beefing with communists, referring to us as "tankies", demonizing socialist states as tyrannical and rationalizing US empire, yeah dude people are gonna wonder if you are who you say you are!"
All leftists must support Communist genocide and hate the US

switched accounts — fandom-universe: kungfucarrie - "The most dangerous phrase in the language is, “we’ve always done it this way.”"
""Come on, let’s mix it up!" The heart surgeon says.  "B-but we’ve always done it this way!" The other replies, "this is how you replace a heart valve."  "That’s the most dangerous phrase in the human language!" The first surgeon replies haughtily as he inputs a fruit loop into the patient’s heart. "This will be his valve. He will be a fruit loop in a world of Cheerios.""

Chris Barnes on Twitter - "I like how there’s just one guy in the Rolling Stones that dresses like a regular 77 year-old man"

Meme - "Leftist Dating Site Splits Due to Positions on 1936 Spanish Civil War. A popular dating site for socialists, communists, and anarchists is now splitting into at least four factions due to ideological disagreemems stemming from the Spanish Civil War in 1936"

Meme - "Are cashiers working class? I know this sounds like it should be obvious, but think about it. Cashiers do not produce any commodities. Under a non-capitalistic society, nobody would do what they do. In fact, their job is almost more like a cop. They keep commodities away from people and demand that you pay a fee to the bourgeois to access them. And if you refuse they will use the violence of the state against you by reporting you to the authorities for shoplifting. So how are they, in a Marxist analysis, working class?"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "There have several myths repeated about originalism during the ACB confirmation process. A few:
• Originalists ignore the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments — No, they consider the original intent of the amendments at the time they were written.
• Originalism = conservative — Conservative justices are more likely to originalists but there are also progressive originalists.
• All originalists vote the same — No. There are different flavors of originalists. Thomas and Scalia disagreed on occasion. This is especially true with textualism as judges will favor either original intent or a hard reading of the act’s language.
• Originalism = 1787 — Originalism does take into account changes in technology. The First Amendment applies not only to movable type presses but also modern technology such as the internet. The Second Amendment applies to modern rifles and pistols as well as muskets. Etc.
Originalism is simply reading the constitution as it was understood when it was written. It believes that changes should be handled by the amendment process and not by changing judicial interpretations."

Meme - "men will literally have threeways while a giant squirtle watches instead of going to therapy"

US Postal Service running secret program that tracks people's social media and flags government agencies: Report - "The United States Postal Service is apparently tracking social media posts as part of a clandestine program searching for “inflammatory” messages.  The program, known as the Internet Covert Operations Program, or iCOP, has not previously been made public and involves analysts combing through social media sites looking for “inflammatory” postings and then sharing those posts with government agencies, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News."
It's only bad when the "right" does it

Medieval Eels & Englishness | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘Eels were, were used for paying rent during this period’...
‘We don't pay rent in kind very much anymore. We don't pay with cats or mice or anything. But in, especially in early medieval Europe, in the medieval England, in kind rent payments were fairly common, there was not a lot of hard currency available. And what there was, especially sort of pre 11th century tended to be used not to pay for things, but as sort of the, sort of trade back and forth between rich people, tended to be a sort of a status symbol as much as anything else. And so if you were collected, if you're a landlord and you want to collect rent, most of the people you're collecting it from don't have money to pay you and so you take it in kind, you take it in, in honey, or grain, or salmon, or herring or eels, or a lot of other things. But the eels are one of the most common types of in kind rent in early medieval England. The *something* book has more mentions of eel rents than any other kind of rent… the answer to why eels is sort of multifaceted. Partly there's just a ton of them. As much as 50% of the fish biomass in in English and European rivers historically has been eels. So they're sort of all over the place. But there's also as you mentioned, there's a religious component to it too. There are a number of church holidays, and they increase over the course of the Middle Ages, where you are not supposed to eat meat, you're only supposed to eat fish and things like that... eating flesh eating flesh meat, Thomas Aquinas makes this pretty explicitly actually, says if eating, eating the flesh of an animal makes you think about sex, and that's bad, you're not supposed to think about sex during Lent. So, but fish are okay, fish are not, you're not supposed to, fish don't bring sex to mind quite as much as, say beef. And eels are, in some respects the best kind of fish for this because the medieval perception of eels and their biology was people thought that they did not reproduce sexually, that they were an asexual animal, that they had some sort of spontaneous generation. And so this is a food that not only doesn't make you think about sex, it doesn't actually have anything to do with sex at all. And so, in terms of theology, it's a great food’... ‘Your study period starts at around year 1000, as I said, and that ties in roughly with a event that I love called the fish event horizon, which I've, I've written about on historyextra.com, once or twice, and basically, as I understand it, that is when there's a sudden onset of marine fishing and a decline in freshwater fish, and that's been shown through bone analysis and, fish remains and also of analyzing human bones. So that's quite interesting. Does, is that tied in with your study period, that eels fit into this fish event horizon in any way?’ ‘To a degree, yeah… the period I study with eels actually runs from earlier than that, from sort of eighth century and my doctoral dissertation goes all the way up into the 17th century. So a fairly long stretch of time. This particular study that I wrote for BBC history is a mature of more focused time period. But yeah, the fish event horizon around 1000 or so it's really interesting. It's this period where the the English start doing a lot more fishing out sort of pelagic fishing out off the coast, eating a lot more saltwater fish and a lot less freshwater fish. But they're still eating a lot of eels. Eels are just about the only freshwater fish that doesn't have sort of a noticeable decline… part of what's going on with the fish event horizon is that there's a continual increase in the number of mills and dams that are being built in inland river wise. And this blocks a lot of reproductive pathways and migration pathways for a lot of fish but not for eels. Eels have a lot of trouble with big modern hydroelectric dams. But they don't have much trouble with medieval dams’"

Meme - "Ron Paul @ @RonPaul Message from Ron Paul: am doing fine. Thank you for your concern."
"Tulsi Gabbard @ @TulsiGa.. So glad to hear you're doing okay!
"Ron Paul is a republican"
What can men do against such reckless hate?

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