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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Links - 25th January 2022 (1 - Glorifying Obesity)

DPH Facebook Post Gets Wrong Kind of Attention, Many Call it "Fa - WBOC TV - "The Delaware Division of Public Health is apologizing after a vaccine ad was called "fat shaming" and "absurd" by commenters.  The post--now deleted on the agency's Facebook page-- refers to people gaining weight during the pandemic related to stress. The post reads "Remember when you gained 10 pounds from stress eating?" A caption for it read in part 'You would have to run five miles a day for a week to lose just one pound of fat. #Gettingvaccinated sounds a lot easier. Protect yourself and those you love from the #Delta variant. #VaxxUpDE.""
Public Health playing down weight loss - and still getting slammed for "fat shaming"

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "If all children were obese, then no one would ever be bullied for being fat. So if you are serious about combatting fat-shaming, you have a responsibility to overfeed your kids."

Meme - "Charlotte McLaren-Salter: i hate skinny people i want them all d*ad
Charlotte McLaren-Salter: treat people with kindness. she/her"
It's always those who talk about "kindness" who are anything but kind. Maybe they want their hatred to be met with kindness, which is why they do that

Meme - Male: "ew fat incel"
"hit the gym bro"
"no girl will marry you if you stay this fat"
"she's a BIG girl not obese, you fatphobic."
"bOdY pOsitivity"
"thicc thighs yummy"

𝘔𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘦_𝘢𝘭𝘪 on Twitter - "Living my best life while you busy trying to lose weight to not look like me lol"
"fat people making fun of people being healthy now LMAO"

Meme - "we get it, you're skinny. Don't have to post pics reminding chubby girls that they're chubby."
"What the fuck. Are you serious? If you're that offended by it first unfollow me and second get some help. This is the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard. We haven't talked since January and this is what makes you text me? Wow lol"
"Thin privilege in a nutshell. I'm not "offended" by it but it makes me feel like shit. You're basically saying "look at me and how well I meet the beauty standards".. like that isn't helping anyone.
Just be aware of the privilege. That's all. Not trying to fight."
If you are not glorifying obesity, you're reveling in "Thin Privilege"

Alex Feinberg (Sustain Gluttony) on Twitter - "Instagram boosts this chic to over 500K followers and won’t let me advertise pics with my shirt off Because it “can make users feel bad about themselves” The end is nigh folks"
"Body positivity" = glorifying obesity, since only fatness is acceptable

History Of Slimming Clubs Podcast | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘So a thread that runs throughout your feature is female friendship. And there are some really lovely stories that you draw on, and accounts of people who go to Weight Watchers or slimming clubs, and they view it as their night out or their time to spend with friends’... ‘This was the most surprising and interesting aspects of researching slimming clubs to me, because it of course, it kind of cuts across the feminist narrative that we have around the slimming industry as a whole, which is to say that this is an industry that lines the pockets of male businessmen, male magazine editors, that this completely works against the interests of women at its core… unlike a lot of the other, you know, forms of female association or activity in this period, things like the national childbirth trust, antenatal classes, these aren't groups that position women as mothers and homemakers. They're groups that really take women out of the home and out of domestic life. And they give them, you know, a small outlet in the week to be able to go and socialize with other women...
Fat liberation movement starts to make waves in the UK in the 1980s. But it has an earlier history in the US. So, in 1969, we see the emergence of, in America, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. It’s actually initially called something different. It's called the National Association to Aid Fat Americans. But they changed their name slightly later on when they become more, more sort of politicized. And then also the Fat Underground, which is another organization that's formed in 1973. And by the 1980s, those ideas, like I said, are starting to sort of trickle across to the UK. So groups like the London Fat Women's group are active by the late 1980s. And there are also examples of, you know, exercise classes that are designed for larger women, to encourage them to, you know, really embrace their larger bodies. And, I mean, I don't want you to kind of generalize too much about them. The kind of broad gist is obviously to say that, you know, that the, the ideology of slimming clubs is completely misplaced. This idea that you have to become slim, in order to start living your life. And, you know, in order to gain new employment prospects, new romantic prospects, that's completely ridiculous to these movements. And their point is about saying, you know, let's start living now. You know, it's not us that needs to change, it's society that needs to change. It’s society's expectations around body weight and body size. So they do a lot of activities like you know, letter writing to, within the fashion industry, and also job discrimination actually around size. But, you know, like any movement, like the women's liberation movement, there are many different feminism's that make up feminism, and there are many different strands to the fat liberation movement. And, you know, on the one hand, you have members of this, this movement that are sort of saying, you know, we're about more than our bodies, we're all about our, you know, we should be defined by our hobbies or interests, by our skills, our working lives, our relationships with other people. And you have a more radical side of that movement, saying, well, that actually, that doesn't go far enough, because you're still, you know, in some ways, erasing the fat body, you're still in some ways, you know, distracting from the idea. You're still in some senses, adding to the stigma by trying to distract from it. So that more radical side of the movement says, you know, fat people are desirable subjects that are desiring subjects, we should be celebrating our bodies, and not trying to. Yeah, not trying to kind of distract from them.’"
Ostrich syndrome goes far back, as does glorifying obesity

Men’s Health Magazine Celebrates Body Positivity With First Obese Cover Model | The Babylon Bee

ZARI GEE ◦•◦ THE RD️ on Twitter - "I think the attempt to brand soul food as unhealthy is rooted in culinary racism."
"🏼 any labeling of any cultural foods as unhealthy is rooted in racism and/or white supremacy"
No wonder they call promoting a healthy lifestyle by discouraging obesity anti-blackness

University fitness instructors banned from telling students to lose weight because it is 'fatphobic' - "University sports captains and fitness instructors are to be banned from telling students to 'burn those calories' or 'work off last night's pizza' because it is 'fatphobic'.Mandatory training on the harmful impact of weight stigma will be introduced at Bristol University this term for sport and exercise staff and students running teams.It comes after the Student Council condemned the 'insidious presence of diet culture' at the university, highlighting phrases such as 'let's slim those waists' as evidence of so-called 'thin privilege'... As part of the initiative, the students' union will conduct a 'full review of sports, exercise and health messaging to ensure that it is not triggering'.But critics described it as the latest example of 'cancel culture'. Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at Kent University, said: 'The policing of language on campuses has acquired an unrestrained dynamic.'Soon even the word 'athletic' will be denounced for triggering exercise-averse undergraduates.' Last week, academics recommended that healthcare workers let obese patients decide which terms are used to refer to their excess weight, after research found they did not like terms such as 'fat'."
Glorifying obesity will affect the health of minorities more. And that will be taken as evidence of "racism". Brilliant!

I’m angry at myself for not losing weight when I was in my prime - Clair Woodward, 1 November 2019
Why Rebel Wilson’s weight loss is sad for so many women like me -  Clair Woodward, 7 October 2020
"God, if you can't make me thin, make my friends fat"
Good luck if you say you're sad a woman has gained weight

Outrage as Whole Foods CEO Says Ignorance and Poor Choices Cause Obesity

"EW ew EW ew EW why did so many of my mutuals I thought were body-positive like this ????? BYE"
"Listen, because running has been something I have attempted to do for a long time. At my lowest physical condition I wasn't sure this day would come. It's not "fatphobic" to mention MY weight, in MY body. Notice how I didn't mention my current weight? My experience is MINE"
"Pls stop your entire account is fatphobic BYE have fun with that cognitive dissonance"
You're only allowed to glorify obesity
Some muppet claimed that no one was glorifying obesity, and refused to say what "fabulous" meant when I pointed to "fabulously sized" as a euphemism for plus-sized when I said fabulous was a positive term

A Trinity on Twitter - "Promoting ‘weight loss’ is actually fatphobic & y’all show your fatphobia under tweets that tell it like it is. There is NOTHING wrong with being fat. You CAN be healthy & fat. Before and After pictures are fatphobic. Losing weight & improved health are actually NOT intertwined"

Meme - "Hey scrawny idiots, if morbidly obese people are so unhealthy why are they so heckin cute and valid? *Obese pink haired person*"

Meme - "disgusted to report that walking a mile or so three times a week has, in fact, improved my general body condition and chronic pain level. it's bullshit that exercise people are right"
"Dealing with this same thing. The cause of my severe lower back pain is literally just sitting on the couch all day, and exercise + sitting less makes it go away. I resent it so much"

bitchboy butchboy on Twitter - "a lot of anticapitalist art is extremely fatphobic send tweet
there r ways to visually represent greed without depicting extremely fat people unflatteringly gorging themselves on huge amounts of money . fatness =/= greed & fatness =/= overeating thx :^)"

GP claims weight loss 'is not good for our health' - "A doctor has been criticised for claiming that trying to lose weight is 'not good for your health', and that your weight is a direct result of your privilege.   Dr Natasha Larmie, who calls herself 'the fat doctor', and weight loss expert Steve Miller clashed in a heated debate on This Morning today about whether children need more overweight fictional role models.    Natasha, from Hertfordshire, insisted going on a diet can 'pretty much guarantee' you will gain weight in the coming years, and that being healthy is largely down to whether you are born 'white, male, able-bodied, cisgender and heterosexual'. Fat Families presenter Steve, from the West Midlands, dubbed the GP a 'disgrace' for 'glorifying' being overweight during the Covid crisis, and accusing him of 'quoting false statistics' about obesity... Steve argued that while it's important to 'celebrate diversity', he does not believe in 'glorifying obesity' and teaching children that being obese is not detrimental to your health.  'What I'm concerned about is that we have a doctor telling the nation today, "Actually you don't need to lose weight and you can be healthy",' said Steve... Natasha, who wants to 'censor' the word obesity, went on to make claims weight and BMI are not indicators of a person's health... After accusing Steve of 'quoting false statistics' for saying obesity is the second biggest killer behind cancer, he cited a Harvard University study which 'makes it clear', there is a link between obesity and health problems."

Pinterest Bans All Weight Loss Ads - "Pinterest is not the only company to restrict weight loss content. Both Instagram and Facebook clamped down on ads for "miracle" diets and weight-loss products in 2019, but Pinterest is the first to ban these ads completely.  It's an expansion of Pinterest's existing bans on ads containing before-and-after weight-loss imagery, weight-loss procedures and appetite suppressant pills."
Of course ads glorifying obesity are good

It’s not fine to be fat. Celebrating obesity is irresponsible - "Fronted by plus-sized models and social media influencers, the fat acceptance movement aims to normalise obesity, letting everyone know that it’s fine to be fat. With terms such as “straight size” and “fat pride” proliferating, some influential figures are now even likening the valid concerns of health officials to hate crimes. The comedian Sofie Hagen recently accused Cancer Research of bullying fat people, after the charity launched a campaign to raise awareness about the link between cancer and obesity. Through a series of expletive-laden tweets, she criticised the organisation for its damaging messages, claiming that fat didn’t equal unhealthy... According to the NHS, we’re in the grip of an obesity epidemic, which has led to increased pressure on the struggling health service. The latest figures reveal that weight-related hospital admissions have risen by 18% in the past year, with more than a quarter (26%) of British adults now classified as obese. Another recent study, which measured the metabolic health of more than 17,000 respondents, showed that overweight people who exercise regularly and consider themselves “fat but fit” still had a 28% increased risk of heart disease, compared to their slimmer counterparts. As well as being linked to diabetes, obesity can also be responsible for osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems, high blood pressure and other conditions. While being thin won’t automatically grant you a clean bill of health or a long, smug life of squeaky clean arteries, there’s no denying that health risks are higher for obese people. Public health campaigns are not designed to flatter people’s egos, but to raise awareness about potential health dangers. Since the ban on indoor smoking in 2007, tobacco enthusiasts have been turfed out through a side door to puff on their cancer sticks in the rain. Smoking is an addiction that many struggle to control, but we don’t celebrate it with viral social media campaigns about smoking pride. Although we acknowledge that some smokers can run 10 miles or live into their 90s, we recognise that the overall risks of tobacco inhalation are high, and vastly increase the odds of a premature death. So what makes obesity different? Whether we want to gorge on 3kg of chocolate, drink until we vomit in the bathtub or line our lungs with carcinogenic tar, informed adults are free to make their own choices. But while your own body is your business, actively encouraging unhealthy lifestyle choices and denying health risks in a public space isn’t promoting body positivity – it’s just giving the green light to different kinds of eating disorders."

Catherine Oakeson, who advocated plus-size positivity, dies at 49 - "Oakeson, who grew up in Stillwater, died last month at home in Las Vegas after a heart attack. She was 49."
Doubtless showing the harm of "stigma" and "fatphobia"

Meme - "What body positivity should mean vs what it means
"I was never the same after the accident, but now I have become more active to stay confident
I'm teaching that to burn victim Billy here"
Don't tell me how to live my life, doctor
I loveee stuffing my FACE
time to promote some shitty bra
l am so sexy and self obsessed!
it smells like rotten eggs under my folds"

The Land of Monochrome - "look. i don’t think my stretch marks are beautiful. i don’t think they’re tiger stripes or natural tattooos. i don’t think my acne is beautiful. i don’t think the bags under my eyes are beautiful. i just think they’re human. and i don’t think i have to be beautiful all of the time in order to be accepted and loved and sucessful. i don’t think every small detail of my outer appearence needs to be translated into prettiness."
"fun fact: this POV is actually called “body neutrality” and it’s SO MUCH more accessible/realistic for a lot of people. it’s based on the idea that the way we look is the least interesting/important thing about who we are, and that our bodies are worthy of respect regardless if they fit the mold of the current beauty ideals."

Meme - Morbidly Obese Woman: "Marilyn Monroe was plus size too"

Meme - *Fat woman with 'feminist' T-shirt*
*Fat woman with 'Riots not Diets' T-shirt*

Plus-size model Tess Holliday reveals she is anorexic - "Tess Holliday has revealed that she is 'anorexic and in recovery' after decades of struggling with body image and backlash over her weight.   The 35-year-old, who found fame as a plus-size model and a body-positivity activist, took to social media over the weekend to open up about her eating disorder in response to her growing frustration with people commenting on her weight and health."
Some anorexia. Given that she promotes "body positivity" it's weird that she's anorexic

Meme - "Every BODY Welcome. We Carry All Sizes!! Pixie to Goddess XS-3X"
"Saw This on a Thrift Store and It Made Me Happy"
"Pixie to Goddess Holy Fuck That Is Adorable"
"Pixie to Goddess Was a Great Tag Line Lol"
"Up to a 3x Is Not All Sizes Thanks"
"Might Not Be All Sizes but It's a Lot Better Than XS-XL"
"Like It's Not Better Than XS-XL for People Who Wear 4X and Up Actually. It Might as Well Be XS-XL Because I STILL PROBABLY DONT FIT INTO ANY OF IT and No I'm Not Gonna Be Grateful for Almost-Inclusion Even if It Comes With Cutesy Language. Which by the Way Isn't Cute at All. What if I Want to Be a Fucking Pixie? Ugh Fuck This Is So Irritating"
"Small Fats Need to Stop Telling Us to Be Happy for Them When We Can Hardly Clothe Ourselves"
"Yea They Need to Include 4XL+ but Can Us Small Fats Not Enjoy a Small Victory??"
"No Because Every Time This Happens Y'all Are Jumping Up and Down About How Revolutionary Something Is and Us Larger Are Fats Are Like No Not Really and Then Small Fats Get All Bitter and Angry With Us for Pointing Out That Your Fav Is Still Problematic the Problem With People Praising This Is They're Not Even Acknowledging the Poor Use of Language This Store Has and When You Praise Them for Calling Up to a 3x All Sizes That's Gonna Make Larger Fats Feel Like Shit So No You Dont Get to Tell Me Not to Criticize This Post and Just Be Happy for You Smaller Fats When Even in the Fat Acceptance Community Larger Fats Are Often Ignored"
"Yea of Course It's Problematic Use of Language and Not Inclusive but We Don't Need to Shit All Over Small Fats and their newly acquired accessibility thanks"
This is why we can't have nice things
Why "inclusivity" inevitably fails - grievance mongers will always look for new excluded groups and then bitch about that

Finding fat people unattractive is racist. - "She had the hair color I would expect"

Old Navy wants you to know that being overweight is like super cool

Hausa Chocolate on Twitter - "Losing weight is fatphobia but we not ready for that conversation."

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