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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Links - 25th January 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

WATCH: Rainbow Monkey Dildo Story Hour at Redbridge Library - "A London library sparked intense backlash after it hired a self-described anti-racist carnival troupe with a performer dressed up as a monkey with a large dildo hanging between his legs for a children’s reading event... The Redbridge Library features a slew of woke content on its YouTube page, including regular drag queen story hour-style videos from the controversial ‘Mama G’ drag performer, who has previously come under criticism for teaching young children how to “twerk”."
We knew it wouldn't stop at drag queens. Of course this is proof that claims that liberals want to sexualise children are the products of paranoid far right conspiracy theorists

The 'rainbow dildo butt monkey' is no laughing matter - "What says ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ more succinctly than monkey cock? This is one of the questions left hanging by the decision to invite performers from carnival troupe Mandinga Arts to Goodmayes Library in Redbridge... The event was part of an Arts Council-funded initiative. One might be forgiven for thinking this was a niche, risqué performance for adults. But it was actually aimed at children aged between four and 11. How a children’s entertainer with a dildo slipped through safeguarding procedures remains unclear. But while it’s tempting for journalists like me to monkey about with puns, that this happened at all shows the dangers that lurk when we start treating children like adults. On Saturday, the staff behind the Redbridge Libraries social-media accounts were clearly buzzing on the bantz, quipping about the chimp cock. ‘When you’ve got it, flaunt it’, they tweeted, alongside a photo of the man himself.   Now, just a few days after the event, there’s been a dramatic change in tone. Local officials are in full ‘lessons learned’ mode, passing the blame on to a charity called Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure (RCL). Council leader Jas Athwal said he was ‘disgusted’ and local MP Wes Streeting weighed in with a public letter of condemnation, in which he used the memorable phrase (pinched from journalist Janice Turner) ‘rainbow dildo butt monkey’ to describe the performer in question.  Since the story broke, the Mandinga Arts website has disappeared, replaced with a holding page. The organisation’s social-media feeds have also been scrubbed of questionable content. But screenshots taken while the site was still live and shared across social media show photos of smiling performers in giant penis costumes indulging in simulated sex acts. Mandinga Arts has unconvincingly apologised for any offence caused.   Redbridge Libraries has now also made a lawyerly comment, noting that ‘one of the animal costumes was inappropriate, which we were not aware of at the time of booking. We deeply apologise for the offence caused.’ This rings hollow given their earlier social-media posts joking about the children’s entertainer wearing a dildo.  The tone of these statements suggests that Redbridge Libraries and Mandinga Arts believe the problem is not in their actions, but rather in the minds of the uptight pearl-clutchers of Middle England. But the problem here is not about ‘offence caused’ to narrow-minded people. It is about who we let in when we break down certain taboos.   ‘This is a shocking failure of safeguarding’, says Tanya Carter of the safeguarding group, the Safe Schools Alliance: ‘There are serious questions to be asked regarding the processes that led to this mind-boggling episode. Anybody who thinks this over-sexualised performance is children’s entertainment and not an overt display of eroding children’s boundaries does not understand child safeguarding and therefore should not be working anywhere near children.’  This is not the first dodgy decision taken by Redbridge Libraries. On 3 February, it hosted a drag queen known as Mama G for LGBT+ History month. The event was advertised as ‘sharing stories and songs that celebrate being who you are and loving who you want’. Which sounds innocuous enough. But Mama G has hit the headlines before, most notably in Devon in 2019, when parents were angered that he had taught a pre-school audience how to twerk. The case was just one in what has become a long line of reports about drag queens indulging in inappropriate behaviour at LGBT events aimed at kids. At libraries, as elsewhere, it seems due diligence is out, and adult-themed entertainers are in."
Keywords: Drag queens teaching children how to twerk

Labour Grovels After 'Rainbow Monkey Dildo' Sparks Muslim Backlash - "The self-described anti-racist performance artist group Mandinga issued an apology: “We apologise for the offence caused while raising awareness of the reading campaign by Redbridge Libraries on 10 July. We never intended to offend residents.  “We respect everyone’s individual opinion with no offence to any part. Actions are being taken, more information to follow.”  The YouTube account for Redbridge Libraries has also been made private after it was revealed to have hosted ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ videos by Mama G, a drag queen performer who has been criticised for teaching young children in England how to twerk. The ‘Rainbow Dildo Monkey Story Hour’ event has been characterised by Britain’s oldest conservative think tank as the tip of the spear in the Cultural Marxist movement’s goal of destroying Western society."
Maybe they wouldn't have apologised if the Muslims had not been offended

Meme - "LGBT Rainbow Pride flag: You can't defeat me
Christianity: I know, but he can
Islam: *destroys Asgard*"

Former employees accuse Cards Against Humanity of a racist and sexist office culture - "multiple former employees of Cards Against Humanity — the company and the game have the same name — have shared stories on social media and with Polygon about what they characterize as a racist and sexist company culture that disproportionately affected Black employees... Cards Against Humanity is “a game for horrible people” — it says so right there on the box... the company tries to use its jokes to “punch up,” not down — taking aim at the power systems that marginalize groups of people... Nico Carter, an improv comedian and writer who previously worked in the Cards Against Humanity writers room, told Polygon that leadership sometimes ignored Black writers’ concerns about potentially harmful cards. He said there was an instance where head writers wanted to add a card that included the phrase “the N-word” to the game. Carter said he challenged the idea; another employee who was present in the room told Polygon the same...   A Cards Against Humanity spokesperson pointed Polygon to 14 cards “that reflect Black culture, history, and perspectives.” The spokesperson said the company will continue its goal of “making Cards Against Humanity a game that speaks to everyone.” In a follow-up message, Cards Against Humanity’s PR representative emphasized that the game has “well over 100” cards that “reflect black culture, history, and perspective,” and that the 14 cards were merely a “favorite” sampling."... Though Cards Against Humanity is a game for “horrible people,” as the marketing says, the company actually does a lot to reverse that image. The company is known for its public statements and charity drives in favor of left-leaning causes, often delivered in the form of public pranks or stunts. Cards Against Humanity launched a campaign in 2017 called Cards Against Humanity Saves America. It was a holiday promotion wherein the company raised lots of money — $15 from 150,000 people, for a total of more than $2 million — to “save” America from what the company described as “injustice, lies, racism, the whole enchilada.” The company used some of the funds to buy “a plot of vacant land on the US/Mexico border and retain a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for Trump to build his preposterous wall,” it said on its website. This, of course, was in response to the President Trump’s efforts to build a wall on the border. Likewise, in 2018, the company gave away a pack of cards, the Midterm Pack, to registered voters in six different congressional districts. The packs were free for people in those districts, and $5 otherwise. There were also marketing stunts, like the Cards Against Humanity “For Her” set, which was the same exact game, but in a pink box. It cost $5 more — that was the joke, a riff on the “pink tax” for items marketed to women. Proceeds from the sales of that set went to EMILY’s List, a nonprofit organization that supports pro-choice Democratic women politicians. Alongside other silly stunts like buying islands or castles, Cards Against Humanity has also given multiple women full scholarships to college as part of its Science Ambassador Scholarship program, which is funded through the Cards Against Humanity Science Pack.  People close to Temkin and Cards Against Humanity said the internal company culture was confusing for many, since Temkin and the company were so public about allyship and progressive causes"
More wokewashing
It seems that having a diverse workforce means this diverse workforce then gets emotional trauma. Maybe segregated workforces are the solution
So much for comedy meaning you can joke about anything

A Medical Student Questioned Microaggressions. UVA Branded Him a Threat and Banished Him from Campus. - "Kieran Bhattacharya is a student at the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine. On October 25, 2018, he attended a panel discussion on the subject of microaggressions. Dissatisfied with the definition of a microaggression offered by the presenter—Beverly Cowell Adams, an assistant dean—Bhattacharya raised his hand.  Within a few weeks, as a result of the fallout from Bhattacharya's question about microagressions, the administration had branded him a threat to the university and banned him from campus. He is now suing UVA for violating his First Amendment rights, and a judge recently ruled that his suit should proceed... Nora Kern*, an assistant professor who helped to organize the event, thought Bhattacharya's questions were a bit too pointed. Immediately following the panel, she filed a "professionalism concern card"—a kind of record of a student's violations of university policy... The student was informed that he must be evaluated by psychological services before returning to classes. Bhattacharya repeatedly asked university officials to clarify what exactly he was accused of, under whose authority his counseling had been mandated, and why his enrollment status was suddenly in doubt, according to the lawsuit. These queries only appear to have made UVA officials more determined to punish him: Bhattacharya's mounting frustration with these baseless accusations of unspecified wrongdoings was essentially treated as evidence that he was guilty. At his hearing, he was accused of being "extremely defensive" and ordered to change his "aggressive, threatening behavior."  He was ultimately suspended for "aggressive and inappropriate interactions in multiple situations." On December 30, UVA police ordered him to leave campus.   UVA's administration engaged in behavior that can be described as "gaslighting." Administrators asserted that Bhattacharya had behaved aggressively when he hadn't, and then cited his increasing confusion, frustration, and hostility toward the disciplinary process as evidence that he was aggressive. And all of this because Bhattacharya asked an entirely fair question about microaggressions, a fraught subject."
Just like in the Soviet Union, those who dissented from the party line were sent to asylums because they had to be crazy to disagree with Communism

The Ongoing Assault Upon The University of Virginia - "We at the Jefferson Council have been fighting on behalf of all of us to preserve/promote 4 major tenets:
    Open Dialogue throughout the University
    Preservation of the Jefferson legacy
    Preservation of the architectural sanctity of the Lawn
    Preservation and rejuvenation of the Honor System...
It is a fact that most, maybe all, educational institutions in America have been taken over by the woke crowd and now the DEI/Woke mob.  At UVA, the “DEI” philosophy has reached a level that many of you are not aware... The University Guides now seem intent on “contextualizing” Mr. Jefferson as a slave holder and whoremonger and to completely undermine his part of the Founding of America and our University. They completely disparage Mr. Jefferson.  I have heard from parents who have brought their kids to UVA who said the official U Guides tour is a turn-off to many prospective students, particularly the type of prospective student that would support the traditions of UVA.  Furthermore, the University Guides in conjunction with the DEI organization of UVA, which is massive (see next point), has created a video and a companion physical tour of the University for first year students that “contextualizes” the University in terms of the enslaved labor used to build the University and the white privilege that established the standards for the University.  This video and the companion tour further disparage the traditions we hold dear. The above two items are all a part of the movement to eradicate anything positive about Mr. Jefferson such that he can be eventually removed from the history of the University of VA.  This will happen.  Mark my words.  Mr. Jefferson’s legacy is totally under attack.  Just this week, Mayor de Blasio and his colleagues in NYC voted to completely remove a statue of Mr. Jefferson from NYC City Hall that has been there since 1833. The DEI organization of the University has gotten completely out of hand.   The Heritage Foundation ranked the DEI organizations of the 65 largest public universities in America.  UVA has the second largest DEI organization in absolute numbers of DEI officials (92) and the absolute largest in DEI officials per faculty member. These DEI officials cannot be debated or challenged.  Whatever they say is gospel. To disagree at any level is prima facie evidence that you are a racist.  Like the communist official on the Russian submarine Red October, they have to be consulted on every decision and every hire made by every Dean at every level... Many UVA schools and departments now require all new applicants to fill out “diversity statements” effectively creating a self-fulfilling ideological litmus test for employment. Not only does DEI affect almost every new hiring decision, it subjects everyone at UVA to anti-racist training ad nauseum even when there is no indication that racism.   Please read this article summarizing the DEI/CRT indoctrination that has permeated all levels of the library staff.  This is first-hand information from a 14-year UVA library official, Michelle Vermillion, who resigned because she could not take it anymore.  There is not and never was anything racist in our library.  The facility and the books are available to anyone. We also know that in the midst of this massive multi-million-dollar renovation of our library, there is a major movement afoot by these same DEI dictators to remove the Alderman name from the library.  His legacy now offends the DEI crowd as does so many other of our prior faculty and administrators that happened to live in the pre-woke world of today.  The Lawn Doors are for the moment are mostly free of the large offensive signs of last year.  However, we still have hate-filled students living on the Lawn who view the Lawn as their personal place to vandalize with all sorts of messages and claim it is their First Amendment right to do so.  Unfortunately, much of the student leadership at UVA supports their right to use the doors as such."

Why Pro Sports Should Skip the National Anthem - The Atlantic - "many people—including many athletes of color—are deeply uncomfortable with how patriotic symbols have been weaponized to undermine and diminish the humanity of Black and brown Americans... In the years since, Americans have seen far too many images of white supremacists waving the national flag and shouting patriotic slogans."
Mandatory wokeness is good, of course, even if wokeness has been weaponised too
This is the usual puerile contrarianism - if someone we don't like does something, that thing must be wrong (liberals hate No Nut November for similar reasons): this is why they keep falling for 4chan pranks

Addendum: Also headlined as "The Problem With Mandatory Patriotism in Sports"

Eric Matheny 🎙 on Twitter - "Just a reminder that the mainstream media dedicated more air time to covering 17-year-old Nick Sandmann’s smirk than they did Boulder; Atlanta; Virginia Beach; Orange, California; Mohammad Anwar; and this week’s terror attack in DC combined."

Japanese in Apex Legends communicated in his native language and got banned for it - a new level of fight against racism - "Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts don’t even admit the possibility that there are languages other than English. Japanese Apex Legends player got banged for saying “nigero“. Unfortunately, Respawn and Electronic Arts have overdone it to once again fight racism.  The thing is that the Japanese expressed himself in his own language, in which “nigero»(Escape) означает «run hide».  For talking in his native language, the player received a weekly ban and a warning that if this happens again, his account will be permanently blocked. EA also strongly recommended to the Japanese “revise»Your behavior."

Christine Blasey Ford hearing: Fear a Justice Brett Kavanaugh. - Dahlia Lithwick
Andrew Cuomo harassment allegations: The governor deserves due process. - "The Me Too movement should welcome due process." - Dahlia Lithwick

Anne Hathaway Apologizes For 'The Witches' Three-Fingered Character Design After Backlash - "Actress Anne Hathaway has issued an apology after The Witches received backlash for its portrayal of witches in the film. In the movie, witches, and most notably Anne Hathaway’s character, are identified by having three-fingered hands. This upset audiences that felt the portrayal was offensive to “limb different” audiences. While the three-fingered hands were used to make the witches appear less human, it also made them appear more like people with the real life disorder known as “ectrodactyly.” As you can imagine, it’s a condition featuring the deficiency or absence of one or more central digits of the hand or foot."
Not The Onion

James Lindsay, not Dr Rollergator on Twitter - "ACB's former sorority apologizes for celebrating her accomplishments as the Woke Monster claims another victim"
"Reminder: You don’t ever have to apologize to the mob. In about 15 seconds they’ll move on and be mad about something else. And all you do is embolden them when you give them what they want."
"My rules right now include *never* to apologize when someone demands it, *never* to apologize to groups, only specific individuals, *only* to apologize for errors not hurt feelings, and to apologize as often as possible in one-on-one settings not in public (which is signaling)."

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