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Monday, January 24, 2022

Links - 24th January 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Antiracism Icon Robin DiAngelo Paid More Than Black Woman for Same Job - "The prominent diversity consultant Robin DiAngelo raked in $12,750 for a speaking gig last month at the University of Wisconsin—70 percent more than the other keynote speaker, black female author Austin Channing Brown... The pair were the only two speakers paid for their appearances, Gittens's office told the Free Beacon, in accord with what it described as the school’s "practice" of only compensating keynote speakers. That means DiAngelo was also paid more than dozens of other minority presenters—a disparity that a devoted reader of her work would likely identify as racist...   DiAngelo's accountability statement has been updated extensively since a Free Beacon report in July on her ballooning wealth, an apparent attempt to swat down damaging revelations such as her sky-high speaking fees or her three homes worth over $1.5 million.  DiAngelo, who warns that the Free Beacon is a "far right" website, nonetheless confirms the accuracy of its reporting. The Free Beacon reported that she is paid up to $30,000 for a 60- to 90-minute speech. DiAngelo calls this figure "enormously misleading" before writing that her fees can in fact range as high as $30,000, "which is well within the standard range for a best-selling author who is in high demand." DiAngelo also writes that she receives 7.5 percent royalties on White Fragility, just shy of the Free Beacon‘s estimate of 8 percent—which would have netted her over $2 million in sales.  And while DiAngelo has made her name demanding that white people stop avoiding difficult conversations, she did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the Free Beacon."

Meme - "If you're white, and you eat sushi with chopsticks, congratulations you're a colonizer"

I,Hypocrite on Twitter - "Has... a white person ever written a vampire story that wasn't deeply racist? Because MAN every single story I'm researching is a hot mess. I love vampires but I think from now on I need 100% of my vamp stories to be written by authors of color just to be safe."
"Hi, vampires are rooted in Eastern European folklore. Non whites writing about vampires is cultural appropriation and is very problematic and harmful. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk."

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus Hides ‘We'll Convert Your Children' Video After Backlash - "The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus unpublished a music video promising to “convert” children to a “tolerant” pro-LGBT worldview after it went viral Wednesday, thanks to its unabashed repurposing of critics’ rhetoric, playfully declaring: “the gay agenda is here,” “we’ll corrupt your kids,” and “we’re coming for them.”...   The song goes on, with the activists promising to convert children “quietly and subtly.”...  the video had a disproportionally larger number of dislikes than likes, with over 1,000 comments, many of which were deleted.  In June, the choir similarly went viral for creepy political propaganda — a brief clip barking commands to receive a coronavirus vaccine, simply titled “Vaccinate!”"
Of course the media is gaslighting everyone

'We're coming for your children': San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus pushes woke agenda - ""You think we’re sinful, you fight against our right, you say we all lead lives you can’t respect. But you’re just frightened, you think that we'll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct."  "We’ll convert your children, happens bit by bit, quietly and subtlety and you will barely notice it, you can keep them from disco, warn about San Francisco, make 'em wear pleated pants, we don’t care… we’ll convert your children… we’ll make them tolerant and fair.""

Gay Men's Choir That Sang 'We're Coming for Your Children' Rushes to Cover After Pedophilia Accusations - "Some of the members of a gay men’s chorus that released a controversial viral video in which the singers promised to “corrupt your kids” and “convert your children” appear to be convicted pedophiles... The chorus roster and board of directors of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus were apparently removed from the group’s website around the time these revelations became public.. Using the Wayback Machine, The Western Journal obtained the apparently scrubbed list of chorus members and cross-referenced those names with a database of registered sex offenders in California. While the matches could be coincidental — some offenders may just happen to have the same name as members of the choir — The Western Journal unearthed at least four credible matches: David Wallace, Lawrence Earl Friedberg, Luis Cuadra and Keith Pepper... One Twitter user pointed out that one of the singers in the viral video looked similar to Wallace’s mug shot... The choir was asked to comment on the accusations, whether there are in fact convicted pedophiles on its roster, why the chorus roster was removed from the website and if the group conducts background checks on members before sending them to places like schools where children are present. The group did not immediately respond to our request for comment."

Meme - "2015: How does my gay marriage affect you?
2021: We'll Corrupt your children"

Alexander Leon on Twitter - "Sexual racism is racism. If you're white & you find yourself writing off an entire ethnic group from your dating or sex life because you can't imagine finding them attractive, recognise this as a learnt behaviour which originates in white supremacy. Here's some more info
Before you ask:
- no, it's not comparable to other sexual preferences which are either innate (gender) or don't uphold a system of structural oppression (height)
- no, it's not racism if POC exclude white people from their sex lives (this is often done to protect from racism)"
Of course it's a given that "POC" can refuse to date white people, since liberalism is about hating white people. And if you're a lesbian you can refuse to date men (but not transwomen) because despite the evidence that female sexuality is fluid, we "know" that sexual orientation cannot change and that genital preference is not innate (one liberal actually claimed that there was no difference between "cis" genitals and post-op trans genitals)

Berkeley students pledge money to help Taliban murder Americans | Toronto Sun - "Some university students are willing to open their wallets for anyone and anything — including the Taliban. In a shocking new video, New York filmmaker Ami Horowitz heads to University of California, Berkeley, to see if students would donate money to the Taliban to kill Americans...   “We want to be able to train our fighters to strike back against American interests around the world and in the homeland,” he says to one student...   It’s beyond unfathomable how many of the students nod their heads like sheep, in total agreement with the words coming directly from Horowitz’s mouth.  Many of them are caught on camera, saying, “That sounds great!,” and “Appreciate what you’re doing.” One student even declared to Horowitz, “I would work for you.”... Students agreed to pledge between $5 and $50.  “The majority of people who stopped and talked to me decided they’d give me money for this — to fund the Taliban and specific use of proceeds to kill Americans, and strike back at America, and fund a new 9/11 on the US homeland”... “This is the most chilling video I’ve ever shot.”"
So much for the myth that liberals hate their countries

UC Berkeley Students Pledge Money to Help Murder Americans - "Horowitz knows just what to say to move woke Berkeley students to open their wallets: “Before America got there, we used it as a base to strike against America. We want to do that again….We got to fight back, you know? And America’s destroying the world, and we want to secure it for striking against the American homeland.” He tells another student: “So we want to be able to create a bulwark against America in Afghanistan, to fund and help its enemies around the world strike back against American interests, both abroad and in the homeland.” And: “Basically we want to create a safe space for enemies of the United States….9/11 was a lesson, but this is, they didn’t learn their lesson from 9/11. We want them to do that again like we did it in 2001.” The pitch couldn’t have been clearer that the money was going to go for jihad massacres on American soil. Horowitz tells a student that he wants to “create a safe haven for America’s enemies.” To another avidly listening young woman, he says, “We want to strike the US both abroad and in the homeland, to teach them a lesson. Life means nothing to them, and America needs to be brought to heel.” The student replied: “Very true.”... “Every time I dream up an idea for a new video, I always have the same conversation with myself: ‘I’ve gone too far, this is too insane.’ There’s no way that people will accept the premise I’m going to present them with. I thought, ‘How can I go to a major American university and ask people to give me money for the Taliban, specifically to kill Americans? What universe do I have to be in to find American kids willing to give me money to kill Americans?’ But that’s exactly what we found….This is probably one of the only times where if someone punched me in the face, I’d be happy. Not a single person told me to go to hell or go f–k myself….The majority of people who stopped and talked to me decided they’d give me money for this — to fund the Taliban and specific use of proceeds to kill Americans, and strike back at America, and fund a new 9/11 on the US homeland.” Even the cameraman, whom the Post describes as “a left-of-center San Franciscan,” was shocked, and asked Horowitz, “Am I being punked right now? Are these actors? I don’t understand what’s happening.” I do. So do you. Every day at UC Berkeley, these students’ professors regale them with propaganda about how America is an evil agent of imperialism, colonialism, and racism, and that the Americans among them should regard their American nationality with shame. This relentless indoctrination bears the fruit it was intended to bear: a generation of Americans who not only wouldn’t fight to defend this country but would cheerfully aid in its destruction. That fruit is what this video shows us."

Washington Post urges white people to feel 'shame,' to self-segregate into 'white accountability groups' | The Post Millennial - "The Washington Post began a series called "The New Normal" in 2020, and on the latest episode, pundits and commentators urged white people to feel the sins of their ancestors... Kennedy talks about how "legitimate" it is that white people should have a "period of deep shame for being white and for acknowledging the harm that our ancestors have caused." She said "we can't ask people of color to hold our hands through the shame piece, that needs to happen with other white people."... Ellis asks if a white person "seeking out" people of color for friendships "just to have a diverse network" is really such a great idea. She says that for people of color, "you're kind of constantly trying to gage whether or not it's worth it to be vulnerable or share how someone hurt you when your white colleagues or co-workers or friends mess up." "There's a different cost for my friends of color to be in a relationship with me," Toporek says"
Weird. Liberals claim no one is telling white people to be ashamed of being white

Woke Billionaires Keep up Their Hypocrisy - "a billionaire who funds liberal fake news operations is going to lead a commission that's supposed to address the problem of how information is distorted and shared. We should not be shocked when this commission, stacked with figures like Katie Couric and Prince Harry, inevitably pins the blame on conservatives and recommends that Big Tech double down on its censorship campaigns... Hypocrisy and self-righteousness are typical traits of today's woke limousine liberal. These attributes in the young Murdochs, as reported in the CNBC story, indicate a larger point—that while the average American voter may still associate wealth and privilege with the Republican Party, these traits, in truth, are now inextricably linked with the elites who peddle cultural Marxism, at least when they donate their money or speak in the public square.  In private, however, these rich radicals continue to fly around in private jets and enjoy all the privilege that comes with the wealth that an economic system that couldn't be further from Marxism in its nature allowed them to produce."

‘He’s got an IQ of 69’: Malaysian man to be hanged in Singapore for possessing 1.5 ounces of heroin - "Nagaenthran Dharmalingam, 33, is scheduled to face execution by hanging"
Liberal logic: IQ is a racist colonialist invention that doesn't mean anything, and "minorities"  are unfairly measured as having a low IQ
Also liberals: executing someone with an IQ of 69 is a miscarriage of justice

‘Shang-Chi’ Star Simu Liu Slams Disney CEO’s Comment: “We Are Not An Experiment” - "Shang-Chi star Simu Liu took to social media on Saturday to respond to Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s recent comment, referring to the release of his Marvel film as an “interesting experiment.”  “We are not an “interesting experiment”. We are the underdog; the underestimated. We are the ceiling-breakers. We are the celebration of culture and joy that will persevere after an embattled year. We are the surprise,” Liu wrote on Instagram. “I’m fired the f**k up to make history on September 3rd; JOIN US.”  Liu later took to Twitter to reiterate his point.  Chapek’s comments came Thursday during a Disney earning call. He was remarking on the fact that Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings will hit theaters for 45 days, before becoming available for streaming on Disney+...   The exec went on to say that Shang-Chi would be “another data point” for Disney, as it strategizes the release of other major titles."
Good luck to Marvel. This is what happens when you hire a SJW

Marvel Studios president says Shang-Chi star's critical tweet a 'misunderstanding'

Shang-Chi's Simu Liu: Pedophilia Is 'No Different Than Being Gay' - "The Reddit account that made the comments and that has been linked to Liu has been deleted, but social media users have been sharing images of the comment in question... There have also been reports of Liu “harassing women and participating in racist subreddits”... The actor, who is of Chinese descent, once called China a “Third World” country where people “were dying of starvation.”"

CNN asks if fonts can be racist and of course their answer is yes. Let me break down the madness. - "I expect CNN to run a similar story blasting Japan for making FDR look like Frankenstein and misappropriating Western-style fonts and numbers. CNN went on to name a hit list of companies it feels are using racist fonts, which is the Left's favorite way of getting American businesses to do what they want.
'"But can a font, in itself, truly be racist?" Anne asks rhetorically.'
The answer is no, but that didn't stop her from connecting Asian-styled fonts to the Nazis! Now about halfway through this garbage article, the reader is informed that any stylistic font based off traditional calligraphy is cultural appropriation... Here's the real kicker, though: CNN admits that a lot of Asian businesses use the font and don't seem to mind (while implying they are all just under the spell of whiteness)..."
Comedian Tim Young said it best: "This piece leaves me with more questions than virtue signals. Which fonts belong to which demographics? Does this mean Times New Roman is a Caucasian font? Is the old typewriter font for elderly people? Are there straight and gay fonts or fonts based on the 54 genders? I need to know. I'm so confused at this point."
As Dr. Jordan Peterson has wisely said, what the Left doesn't realize is that the endpoint of these stupid identity politics games is the fracturing of society down to the individual."

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