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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Links - 26th January 2022 (1)

Facebook - "Mumbai has the highest population density of any city in the world, and until you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to describe... You would think with so much closeness fights would break out often, accidents would be on every corner. But something strange happens. There is no space for the individual in that type of population density. If you wanted to stop and be mad or outraged, you would literally be trampled. So you move with the flow, or you step outside of it. One person cannot go against the current and be successful, individual needs simply cannot matter for society to function in that type of population density. This is different from NYC where you do see individuals disagree on street corners. Because even as dense as NYC is there is room for the individual. Even our most densely populated cities are nothing compared to other countries. America has space and the individual has rights... It should come as no surprise that cities are always the most dense and rural areas are always the most sparse.  Then as the mask debate started unfolding in my newsfeed, I found myself loosely assigning a population density to people as they made their stance on masks known. Those that lived in higher population densities were usually more for masks than those who lived in less population dense areas.  Again, this made sense. Those that live in cities encounter more people in a day going about their routine. If they live in high-density housing, they share elevators, stairwells, mailrooms, lobbies, etc.  The needs of the individual matter less the higher the density, so fighting the mask goes against the stream. You can do it, but it’s not easy... 98% of the 50 most dense counties voted Obama. 98% of the 50 least dense counties voted Romney.  And this Dave guy sounds like someone I would enjoy having a discussion with. Because this data drew him to the same question I had. Where is the crossover point in population density between those that vote Republican vs. those that vote Democrat?  The data says that at about 800 people per sq. mi. people switch from voting primarily Republican to voting primarily Democrat... how you were raised and how you live has a huge impact on what matters to you from your politicians and your government.  Those I know that grew up in less dense areas had to be self-reliant.  When calling 911 means you’re likely waiting 20 minutes or longer for police, an ambulance, or a fire truck. You have to be able to defend yourself, handle your own first aid, and rely on your neighbors to help in critical emergency situations. When I tell people in Southern California that where I grew up had volunteer firefighters and EMTs they don’t believe me.   The more rural you are, the less you rely on government entities for your day-to-day needs.  The most rural have well water, septic systems, take their trash to the dump, if it snows, they have a vehicle that can plow, and the truly rural use propane for power and heat. They are not reliant on most services provided by the public utilities.  They use guns as tools to protect their animals and their family from prey and from vermin. They do not really encounter homeless people, as even the poorest can usually find a shack to live out of and require a vehicle to get around. These people in less dense areas do not depend on the government to solve their problems. They’d prefer government stay out of their lives completely. Less taxes, less oversight, less being told what to do. To the rural, it seems like every time the government interferes in their life, they lose another freedom, and their quality of life diminishes.  Those I know that grew up in more dense areas are used to calling 911 to handle emergencies. Their streets are swept in the summer and plowed in the winter. Their trash is picked up on the same day weekly. They don’t have space for cars and tools, so they tend to take public transportation or walk. They call someone when something breaks that requires tools they don’t own. They are used to encountering the homeless on the streets as part of their daily life. The truly poor and homeless usually end up in cities as the services to help the sick, mentally ill and the poorest among us are more available in dense areas. So the wealthy interact with the poor in cities far more than they do in rural areas.  Those in higher density areas are willing to pay for government services because they are a regular part of their daily lives and make life more manageable. Without these services, the quality of life they know would not exist... the average American only lives 18 miles from their mother. Those in NY and PA only live on average 8 miles from their mothers. From Kentucky to Louisiana the average is 6 miles. Less than 20% of Americans live more than a few hours drive from mom. The further you move from home depends greatly on your education and income. For the most part, the wealthier you are, the more you can pay for child and elder care, making it easier to travel further from home. Also, the more educated, the more likely you are to travel to utilize your education in a specialized career field.  So what does this have to do with population density? Most Americans never leave the population density we were raised in. Why does this matter? Because that means most Americans can’t understand or relate to the needs of those that live in population densities that differ from their own. My friends that have been raised in cities see guns primarily as a source of violence. My friends that live rurally see guns as a necessary tool for their way of life. My friends that have been raised rurally don’t understand the need for taxes and government services, where they come from you take care of your own problems. My friends that live in cities, could not imagine a life without public utilities and governmental oversight of social problems.  Neither are wrong. Their needs and perspective are just vastly different... I’ve come to realize that just about every polarizing debate I see my friends having; I can see both sides of the argument. And I’m starting to suspect it’s because I’ve lived in both their worlds"

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - [On "Super Capitalism", i.e. crypto-Communism] "As they do: they literally are trying to rebrand communism as "more liberty." As I explained, the broadly Marxian pseudo-reality believes Marxism is true science and communism is true democracy and freedom. I've been trying to explain this for years. It's frustrating."

Meme - "Our maid quit because she used her earning to educate her daughters and two of them have now graduated and have jobs so our maid doesn't need to work anymore"
"ok but like when will we stop calling people maids and cooks and drivers?"
"the same time we stop calling people teachers, doctors, and boss I guess
"nah it's not the same - calling someone a maid or a driver or a cook has classist connotations."
"Yes, 1 100% get where you're coming from, but being offended at being called a maid or driver also has classist connotations - there's nothing wrong in being a maid, she was a great woman who was super kind with my nieces"
"I'm not saying there's something wrong with any kind of labor. But calling someone a maid is part of the problem."
"What should I have called her instead? Not arguing, genuinely curious
"Senior Household Affairs Technician."

Ex-Reddit CEO Ellen Pao 'knew' Ghislaine Maxwell allegations - "The former CEO of Reddit drew criticism this week after revealing that she and several others at a ritzy 2011 Silicon Valley Christmas party attended by Ghislaine Maxwell “knew” or “suspected” that she was allegedly supplying underage girls to Jeffrey Epstein but did not call her out. Ellen Pao, the former CEO of Reddit, said in the tweet posted Monday that Maxwell was at the party hosted by Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital giant where she worked as a partner. “She was at the Kleiner holiday party in 2011, but I had no desire to meet her much less have a photo taken with her”... “We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the ‘cool’ people who managed the tightly controlled guest list,” she added. Twitter users slammed Pao for not saying anything about the guest list for years after the party. “Sorry but it sounds like you were fine with it too,” one user responded. “Wait what? Everyone in the room knew she was a child sex trafficker… and no one in the room objected to her presence?” another wrote. “Sounds like you‘re associated with some pretty cool people … ” a third user responded... The “super exclusive” party was attended by tech industry giants and former politicians, including Al Gore, ex-MySpace CEO Owen Van Natta and former Twitter engineering head Mike Abbott"

Meme - "Wife: he must be thinking about other girls
Him: if a Chinese man named Mr. Chong name is son "Chin", will it make his non- Chinese friends difficult to call his full name in public without sounding like a racist?"

Man arrested 3 times in 1 day under CA's coronavirus-based zero-bail policy - "Officers in Los Angeles County arrested and released a suspect three times in one day after he was repeatedly let go based on the zero-bail policy that California has put into effect due to the coronavirus pandemic... officers responded to a call of a man attempting to break into a vehicle in the city of Glendora, in the San Gabriel Valley. According to the police, Dijon Landrum, 24, was allegedly attempting to drive away in the stolen vehicle... About an hour after Landrum was released, the department said it received a call about a man allegedly taking items from residences' front yards. The responding officers allegedly found Landrum at the scene in possession of stolen items... Later that night, a car was reported stolen out of a parking lot. Glendora officers tracked the car on the freeway in nearby La Puente, and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs and California Highway Patrol pursued the vehicle. Landrum was arrested in Pasadena for alleged possession of a stolen vehicle and for evading officers"
When politicians are pro-crime

Fadli Fawzi - Posts | Facebook - "I have raised the need to reframe community issues away from the lens of race. In this series of infographics, I highlight how releasing only one set of health data grouped by ethnic sets can be problematic. In this particular case, it leads to the unnecessary framing of obesity as a “Malay issue”, while ignoring the important socio-economic determinants of health. One important way to reframe social issues is to compel the government to release more of the data that it collects and collates. In Parliament, one of my objectives will be to push for greater data transparency. Making public more statistical data, especially those along the metrics of wealth and income, will help us more properly understand and respond to social issues better."

Raphael Rashid on Twitter - "WTF??? It's now BBQ Chicken that's apologising for inadvertently using the apparently offensive misandrist small penis Megalia hand on its menu of a hand picking up a rice cake. All these apologies only reinforce and confirm men's belief that Pinching hand is like some Nazi symbol.
I'm dying. Kyochon Chicken has deleted social media posts showing *hands* that some think suggests a small penis size which some claim symbolises radical feminism and misandry. I. just. can't."
Since the ok sign is a white supremacist symbol...

Far-right candidates perform dismally across UK elections
Doesn't stop all the deluded leftists claiming the Tories are "far right".

Good vikings save valuables from a burning house, while lazy locals are chilling on the grass (798) : fakehistoryporn

Meat and Nicotinamide: A Causal Role in Human Evolution, History, and Demographics - "Hunting for meat was a critical step in all animal and human evolution. A key brain-trophic element in meat is vitamin B3 / nicotinamide. The supply of meat and nicotinamide steadily increased from the Cambrian origin of animal predators ratcheting ever larger brains. This culminated in the 3-million-year evolution of Homo sapiens and our overall demographic success. We view human evolution, recent history, and agricultural and demographic transitions in the light of meat and nicotinamide intake. A biochemical and immunological switch is highlighted that affects fertility in the ‘de novo’ tryptophan-to-kynurenine-nicotinamide ‘immune tolerance’ pathway. Longevity relates to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumer pathways. High meat intake correlates with moderate fertility, high intelligence, good health, and longevity with consequent population stability, whereas low meat/high cereal intake (short of starvation) correlates with high fertility, disease, and population booms and busts. Too high a meat intake and fertility falls below replacement levels. Reducing variances in meat consumption might help stabilise population growth and improve human capital."

— vegans make peace with honey no shut up do... - "Vegans be like: "I can't take the product of the bee's labor" and then eat child slave quinoa"
"vegans will pretend not to hear when natives tell them their agave products are unsustainable because they have whimsical feelings about, and i cannot stress this enough, the freedom of hive insects"
"Honey is literally murder but go off"
"They literally puke their guts up to make your honey"
"I have not seen any evidence tonsugges they are harmed or die in the process of production. They do regurgitate the nectar as part of the process to concentrate it into honey (an interesting process) but they do not suffer any injury during this process. If they did, the cost to produce honey, which is done naturally as a measure to survive over winter and through times of lower availability, would outweigh the benefits. If you kill several bees to produce enough honey to make one more bee, It makes no sense. Any animal that did that would die, even with human intervention."
"Bee farmers use whats called a honey maker. It’s a crude devices. It similar to a meat grinder. They force the bees in and grind them up. What comes out is a paste. That paste is later filtered into what we know as honey"
"they might be falsely thinking about a honey extractor machine. but all these do is you place the beehive frames inside and a motor rotates it at a speed that removes the honey, which is then tapped through a tap at the bottom."
"…do they think they put bees in that and spin them around until they vomit…?"
"Vegans coming after beekeepers is one of my major teeth grinding annoyances. For many reasons, because there’s so many lies. And to go one step further because it’s such a waste. You see, the strongest vegan argument is that they don’t want to exploit animals or take from them without their consent. … but… Bees consent. NO. I’M NOT KIDDING. How? Bee hives aren’t kept on leashes. They’re outside, the bees can travel miles every day. They follow their queen. Who is also outside, not on a leash, and can travel miles every day. If she doesn’t like the hive for any reason - for example: it got too hot, too cold, too messy, too filled with sugary stuff and they need more space… then the queen leaves. And with her the hive. The queen stays in the hive because the hive is the best place to live. Period. Done. End of. If the hive is staying with the beekeeper it’s because the keeper is doing their job correctly and keeping them happy because the bees can, and do, leave bad beekeepers. Of all the animals we have domesticated as livestock, bees are the ones you can most easily argue are consenting participants in their keeping."

Socialist-Themed Vegan Meat Company Learns Marxism Works Better in Theory Than Practice - "With products like Comrade Cluck (a plant meat, not actual chicken), No Evil Foods has had success casting itself as a “revolutionary” food company that embodies progressive values. But the company is learning marketing progressive ideas is easier than implementing socialist-style economics. For months, company leaders have been resisting a unionization effort by workers at their Weaverville, North Carolina plant... Two of the union organizers were later fired, allegedly for violating social distancing and dress policies."
FEE claims unions reduce productivity, but the literature is more mixed

Is it Too Late for General Motors to Go Electric? (Ep. 442) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "DUBNER: I just want to know what it feels like to be the C.E.O. of a carmaker that makes 7.7 million cars a year and has a market cap of $61 billion, while a carmaker like Tesla, which makes only 365,000 cars a year has a market cap of $473 billion...
In the couple weeks since we spoke with Barra, Tesla’s market cap has risen another $65-or-so billion. That two-week gain alone is about the same amount as G.M.’s total market capitalization. And a Chinese electric-car startup called Nio, even though it has sold fewer than 40,000 vehicles this year — again, G.M. sells nearly 8 million in a year — Nio’s market cap, as of this recording, is roughly the same as G.M.’s...
BARRA: Well, there’s also regulatory differences between the two countries of what’s required in the vehicles. There are different standards. And we obviously comply with every safety standard in any country we sell vehicles. In many cases, we far exceed those. For instance, there’s things that we put in a U.S. vehicle that aren’t even required in Europe.
DUBNER: What’s a for-instance of a U.S. regulation that doesn’t exist, even in Europe?
BARRA: Well, the standards that we have to meet for an unbelted passenger. So, there’s requirements in the U.S. that, I believe — and I’m not an expert on this, but I know there’s some countries in Europe where there’s the assumption that you’re going to wear your safety belt."

How to Be Better at Death (Ep. 450) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "KONNIKOVA: So there’s a theme in your book that made me think about coronavirus and what we’re dealing with right now, which is that there’s this myth that bodies have to leave the house within a certain very short period of time, and otherwise, you can get contaminated, and you can get sick.
DOUGHTY: Yeah. Death is not an emergency. Someone is going to be dead an hour from now, and they’re going to be dead five hours from now, and they’re going to be dead five days from now. And that’s one of the things that the funeral industry can kind of get a family on, is the idea of emergency and the idea of funeral industry intervention being entirely necessary and shrieking in and taking the body away right away. So, I encourage people to slow down when someone dies. And as far as the dead body being safe, it is almost universally safe. And I say almost because there are a few caveats — Ebola being one of them, bird flu being another one. Covid-19, there was some confusion at the beginning where it was possibly dangerous. We now think that there is probably no danger with a Covid-19 body at all. It’s the living people around the person who’s died that probably are far, far more infectious. But that’s still to be determined. But if your mother died of cancer, if she died of heart failure, if she died of all the things that people die of, there is absolutely nothing dangerous about her dead body. And she does not need to be treated with gloves and hazmat suits.
KONNIKOVA: And she does not need to be treated immediately.
DOUGHTY: No. She’s not instantly decomposing either. So, that’s also what I mean about slow down. Just take the time. If mom dies at home, she has ovarian cancer and she dies on hospice in the house, you don’t have to call anyone for 24 hours, for 48 hours. You can take all the time you need to make the right decisions about when you’re ready to let her go. When things shift for you and you feel like it’s time, do people want to come visit her? Do you want to just have the funeral there at home rather than paying a private business to facilitate it for you? All of those options are on the table."

Can I Ask You a Ridiculously Personal Question? (Ep. 451) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "SHELLEY: My husband is an atheist. And I’ve always wanted to ask his parents, who are deeply religious, if they think it would have been better to have aborted him, thereby sending him to heaven, rather than have him live the life that he’s currently living, in which their religious beliefs dictate that he’s likely going to hell if he dies...
Most people think that asking a sensitive question will upset the person being asked. And that it will make that person have a worse impression of the asker. But neither of those, it turns out, are substantially true... Let’s say you’re suffering from deep depression, and you call a doctor’s office. How candid will you be? What if the intake screener is actually a chatbot? They are increasingly being used in medical settings just like this, and elsewhere... the more human a chatbot seems, the less likely someone is to answer a sensitive question truthfully"

How to Manage Your Goal Hierarchy (Ep. 458) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "LEVITT: It’s true that I can be extremely gritty about particular things. So, I’ve been very gritty about golf in my life, for instance, and I was gritty about research for a while. I would love to have a slightly modified concept of grit, which I would call maximum grit. And maximum grit is my ability, when I get engaged in the topic — how gritty I am in that scenario. But what I worry about with grit — let me take the Ph.D. students I see in economics. They’re all very gritty. To survive our program, you have to be gritty. But they’re gritty in the worst possible way, in that they latch onto some hopeless topic, and they pound away furiously for years, when anyone with common sense would have stopped at the beginning and refocused on something better."

South Korea's war against tiny cameras - The Washington Post - "During a recent stop at a local pool, the searchers waved the gizmos all over, from lockers to door frames to toilet bowls to shower heads to just about everywhere in between. And yet the small team — which included two schoolgirls and two housewives, along with a number of dedicated police officers — didn’t find a single camera during the inspection. It wasn’t a surprise. These inspections in South Gyeongsang have been going on since last September, but they’ve never actually found a hidden camera. In fact, though there are scores of such teams all over the country, police officials say none has ever found a camera — but perhaps that’s not the point... The team in South Gyeongsang has inspected all sorts of places: beaches, swimming pools, hotels, music venues, shopping centers and offices. Nowhere seemed to be off-limits. “Hospitals will ask us to do inspections,” said Lee, the police officer."... Lee Jung-hee, a 60-year-old housewife on the team, also said she was happy about not finding cameras. But when she was asked what more South Korea could do to change its attitudes, she took aim not at men but at their female victims. “I think that young women should dress more modestly and take more care about their own body,” she said with a laugh. “That would lead to less sexual assault.” Amid awkward laughter around the table, Chae, the police official, sighed: “If a man said this, it’d be a huge controversy.”"
The worry about being filmed in a random hotel room by some nefarious third party seems misplaced. Probably the real risk is being filmed by someone you know, who would have the opportunity to install and then quickly remove the spy camera to minimise chances of detection, rather than by a random camera somewhere. Indeed in the reported cases I've found only one was filming by someone the victim didn't know

5Bravo - Posts | Facebook - "Some easy reading on cultural language differential in the US. With pictures to make it easier for the marines. Content credit goes to Josh Katz from his book, Speaking American."

Facebook - "Amid the continuing controversy over PAP candidate Ivan Lim, I found this 2016 article where PM Lee justified why questioning Dr Chee's character was fair game during the Bukit Batok by-election"

Meme - ">Potter, a moment of your time, please.
>Someone has been stealing ingredients that could be used to make polyjuice potions.
>I know, I know. "It wasn't me professor, I would never transform into a girl and masturbate to find out how it feels', I've heard this little song and dance before.
>When I was your age I was the same. Did ever tell you stole your mother's hair regularly? I became quite adept at stealth and potions for this precise reason. To transform into your mother and pleasure myself. There is this mirror... or there was, at any rate, I can't seem to find it anymore, that showed you your fondest wish. I would transform into your mother, look into that mirror and watch myself make love to her while your father watched, helpless to change anything
>Those were the best orgasms of my life, Potter
>One day things went wrong, however
>Before I could find my way to a safe spot, your father found me, and thinking me Lily proceeded to fondle me
>It felt good, Potter
>Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest
>You know that polyjuice potion doesn't change your voice, of course, Yet James Potter never suspected a thing when I didn't speak. He smiled and said I was learning.
>Oh learned alright. I learned never to touch polyjuice potion again. Not because I feared such a thing would happen again, but because I feared I would want it to. That I'd seek it out.
>Polyjuice potion and it's ingredients are restricted for a reason, Potter, The very recipe is not available to students
>Keep that in mind, won't you?"


🇨🇺🇵🇷🇵🇸🇨🇴 ‘Reek on Twitter - "As someone training to become a therapist, y’all recommend therapy for too many things tbh. I think the activity y’all are looking for is “revolution”."
Always looking for an excuse to push the left wing agenda
Reply: "neither revolution nor liberation of any sort would solve my chronic depression or ADD but kudos for the performative leftist posting"

The People's Oracle on Twitter - "I been wanting to tweet this for a few days now... If EVERYONE needs therapy, then the problems EVERYONE is dealing with are systemic, cultural... too big to be confronted alone between two people. It's actually a grave injustice to make individuals responsible for this."
Or maybe the culture has a therapy fetish. Though yes that would still be a societal problem, not an individual one

Danny DeVito Abruptly Loses Twitter Verification After Tweeting Support For Nabisco Strike [Update]

Meme - "There Are Two Very Important Holes in Woman Body
And Not Those You Just Thought About You Filthy Breathe While Sucking a Dick Pervs. They Are Nostrils Which Allow Woman to breathe while sucking a dick"

Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws | The Times of Israel
Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control | The Times of Israel

Meme - "Jamic Penn Replying to @MrAndyNgo and @VPS_Reports: "I cannot think of a single person who is less qualified to give advice on journalistic integrity. You publicly identified me as a Communist incorrectly and still have not retracted the claim."
"Jamie Penn @RealJamiePenn: *Hammer and Sickle*"

Meme - "I thought I'd share this photo my husband found. Tandem feeding a baby and an orphan lamb!! As a person who was really involved in animal rescue before becoming a mother, I think this is very cool"

Meme - "taxation isn't theft. taking the fruits of your labor against your will At gunpoint is the price we pay to live in society"

Meme - "Ran out of milk
*Oreos dipped in cum*"

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "here’s the deal with school lunches and school “lunch debt” as it’s often misunderstood. Children from families at or below 130% of the poverty line ($34,450/yr for family of 4) qualify for free school lunches. Those at 130%-185% of the poverty line ($49,025 for family of 4) qualify for reduced price lunches (40 cents/lunch). All others must pay full price, which is still inexpensive, ~$2.50-3 per lunch in most places...
no matter how delinquent, the school will still supply a free option, like a cheese/tuna sandwich, fruit and milk. No student is denied a lunch. But there has to be some method to get parents to pay their bills. Many districts have growing amounts of school lunch debt, as enforcement is often lax and there are few penalties. Which has led to policies creating high profile cases in recent years, most which were completely blown out of proportion. Perhaps the most famous was in 2019, when headlines and memes about a New Jersey district denying prom tickets to those with $75 in lunch debt. This ironically came about from prior criticisms of “food shaming” kids in lunch debt with tuna sandwiches, so the district let them order any meal, regardless of their debt level...
At $75 in debt, the student could also be prohibited from participating in certain extracurricular activities like prom or buying a yearbook. The rationale being those things cost money, so if the parent can afford that they can buy lunch. But even still, it was done on a case by case basis with the principal, not a blanket ban. The outrage picked up even more steam when a businessman offered to pay the entire debt, a gift which the school declined. But they declined it because it didn’t address the actual problem, which was parents in a relatively affluent district not paying their bills. Keep in mind, kids from low income families (<185% of the poverty level) would need to rack up 188 unpaid meals before reaching the $75 threshold, more than an entire school year. And kids from truly poor families would already receive free meals. But since few understood the context, the outrage piled on, with most thinking the district was cruelly trying to deny poor kids the prom. Anytime you see memes about lunch debt, beware. They typically use emotion to capitalize on people’s ignorance about how the school lunch system works."

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "Last week, I said to beware of any memes about school lunches, they’re almost always dishonest. So this meme is right on cue, along with many news headlines (including WaPo) and celebrity hysterics like Alyssa Milano piling on this story.
▪️The Waukesha School Board voted to *return* to their pre-pandemic National School Lunch Program, which offers free and reduced school lunches to students who qualify (families earning up to 185% of the poverty line). This is what basically everyone had prior to Covid.
▪️They opted out of the Federal program that offers free lunches to ALL students, regardless of family income. This was implemented in the wake of Covid when there were worries about even affluent families who were out of work due to shutdowns.
▪️According to the district, demand for the program was already down 40% from last year, and “when looking at the free breakfast program, especially at the high school level, each student was handed a meal as they walked in the door. This led to a significant amount of uneaten food and meal-related materials ending up in the trash."...
the board voted unanimously to return to what they had during the 2019 school year. After all, there is no “free lunch,” someone is always paying for it... For those wondering, “why not just continue to take the free lunches?” There were many families in the district opposed to taking what essentially amounts to Federal welfare. They don’t want or need the welfare, and didn’t want the handout."

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