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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Links - 19th June 2021 (2) (Trans Mania)

Sexology Today!: Open Letter of Resignation from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) - "My 27-year association with SSSS must come to an end.  In the present culture war between science and popular appeal, the SSSS Board of Directors selected the latter. This is not the first time the SSSS Board abused their authority to silence science opposing their personal political views, and no valid organization can be in the name of science in name only.  I am grateful to the other sexuality scientists who have resigned in sympathy, both publicly and privately. To acknowledge the facts: I have long posted news items and opinion pieces to SSSS’s member listserv.  In July, I posted an essay of my own, When is a TERF not a TERF, challenging the extremism that has taken over public discussion of trans issues, pointing out, for example, that the unwillingness ever to recognize anyone’s transition is different from citing the research suggesting children should wait until age 12 to transition. A debate ensued, not focused on any argument or evidence submitted, but on whether such discussions should even be permitted.  The cessation of open, critical discussion is antithetical to the purpose of a scientific society.  Participating in the debate were three SSSS Board members and roughly a dozen general members, expressing a roughly 50/50 opinion... I then received an unsigned email informing me that I had been suspended from the listserv. Outrage among members ensued, triggering society resignations, list unsubscriptions, and a statement from the SSSS President, Zoë Peterson, defending the Board’s intervention... It is unfortunate to have lost SSSS as a genuinely scientific organization, but there is little point in the collective pretense that it hadn’t already happened a while ago."
By James Cantor
The "myth" of the slippery slope - now it is "transphobic" to say you shouldn't transition till age 12 (!)

Top Canadian sex researcher quits scientific group after being blasted for views on transgender issues - "He was not alone. Dr. Jack Drescher, a Colombia University psychiatry professor and prominent gender-identity expert, also stepped down from the society over its handling of the episode.“James can be provocative, but he’s always very fact-based,” Drescher said in an interview.“I understand from a psychological perspective that to some people words are experienced as violence,” he said. “(But) I’m not so sure that a professional listserv is the place that needs to accommodate this particular sensibility. I believe in the creation of safe spaces, but sometimes we all have to step out of our safe spaces.”... Cantor himself made his name at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health for research on pedophilia, including studies using MRI scans that suggested pedophiles’ predilection for children was hard-wired in their brains.Now in private psychological practice, he has also spoken out against transphobia, promoting the idea of a transgender bill of rights.But Cantor said in the interview he believes gender dysphoria — a debilitating sense of not belonging to one’s biological gender — is less common than activists claim, and that some people are surgically transitioning unnecessarily. He likens the willingness of clinicians to accept gender-identity disorder as the cause of mental-health problems to the previous, unquestioning belief in repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, a phenomenon now believed to be rare.The essay he posted on the listserv argues there is no defence for discrimination against transgender people in areas like housing, jobs, access to public washrooms and sports. But he says the dismissive acronym TERF — trans-exclusionary radical feminist — is used too broadly, including for Rowling or people who say children should not start transitioning before age 12, a view he says is backed up by science. But other society members said his comments essentially invalidated the lives transgender people choose to lead, with potentially dire consequences.“It makes me question the motivations and priorities of an author who wishes to come out in support of Rowling, rather than using their platform to demand justice for the lives lost due to transphobic violence”... Wayne State University PhD student Jami Pittman said “I would just like to express a great sense of violence that I feel from being exposed to this conversation.”Finneran Muzzey, a PhD student at Michigan State University, wrote of having been subjected to Cantors’ “harmful tactics” previously on the forum.Cantor responded forcefully to his critics on the listserv, asking them to point out any factual errors he had made.Purnell, in turn, accused him of “sea-lioning,” an online trolling tactic that involves “pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity.”"
If someone disagreeing with you invalidates your life, you have psychological issues (given that we know many trans people have other mental problems, this is unsurprising)
It's telling that asking for evidence is a bad thing. If you don't want your agenda and incoherence exposed...

How to Eat Out a Non-Op Trans Woman - "Trans women refer to their genitals in myriad ways: Some say “clit,” “vagina,” “vulva;” some say “dick,” “girl-dick,” or “cock;” some say “junk,” some say “genitals,” some say “lady parts,” and one hilarious woman described her nether bits to me as “Brenda.” (For illustrative reasons, I’ve used anatomical terms like “glans” and “penis” at times in this piece, but have otherwise let the women interviewed describe their bodies however they prefer.) Names for oral sex also run the gamut, and include “cunnilingus,” “going down on,” “getting eaten out,” “face fucking,” and some women even enjoy the term “blow job.” It depends on the recipient and how they feel about the act and their genitals... Moon recommends “small licks about an inch down from the frenulum, on the ventral [under] side of her clit.”"
This is a very long article about "how to give a blowjob"
This is some next-level gaslighting

Pronouns are Rohypnol - "Almost without exception, the people who request, or demand, others talk about them using specific pronouns, are asking for pronouns associated with the opposite sex to their own.A simple politeness. A courtesy.I’ve heard many people tell me they don’t mind doing this, as a courtesy... One of the biggest obstacles to halting the stampede over women’s rights is pronoun and preferred name ‘courtesy’. People severely underestimate the psychological impact to themselves, and to others, of compliance... Forcing our brains to ignore the evidence of our eyes, to ignore a conflict between what we see and know to be true, and what we are expected to say, affects us.USING preferred pronouns does the same. It alters your attention, your speed of processing, your automaticity. You may find it makes you anxious. You pay less heed to what you want to say, and more to what is expected of you. It slows you down, confuses you, makes you less reactive. That’s not a good thing."

The Trans Ego: Why Allies are Becoming TERFs - "You did not say, I am trans and that’s ok, now let’s fight against male violence together. You demanded we call you women, demanded we allow you in womanhood, and you threatened those who disagreed.You demand the world fall at your feet instead. You demand the world worship your needs above all others. Especially above women... You call vaginas “front holes,” and surgically-altered and inverted penises “vaginas.” Because you need to be more woman than woman, despite the fact that you cannot ever be woman, by woman’s own definition. But the funny thing is, your ego will be your downfall... There is nothing wrong with admitting you are not the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with having dysphoria and admitting that you are trans. There is nothing wrong with not fitting in with your natal sex. You can be something unique. And indeed if you look at the hundreds of ways trans people express their trans-ness, every trans person is unique. But all trans people are trans. But you decided that wasn’t enough to fight for. It wasn’t enough to fight for your own unique being. At least, it wasn’t enough for the male trans activists who became the loudest, most volatile part of the movement. Instead, you feel you must police the rest of the world into validating your dysphoria. But listen: We don’t tell anorexics that their body dysmorphia is right and that they are fat. We did not turn every restroom stall in the world into a disabled access stall. We don’t force people to fuck incels. We didn’t ban peanuts from existence when many people became deathly allergic. We did not allow Rachel Dolezal to claim trans-racial. And we shouldn’t be forced to sacrifice the needs and issues and concerns and spaces of 50% of the population for your minuscule, undefinable group."

Masculinity, anime, and gender dysphoria - "Anyone who spends a lot of time with the transgender debate will notice sooner or later that there are a ton of young trans-identifying males who are into anime, using anime girls for their social media avatars, sharing memes related to cute anime girls, and so on...
''I hate going to the psychiatrist but it's mandatory if I want to keep getting HRT. They're so smug and pretend like they know how i feel. When I tell them that I‘m not happy with the wayl look that stupid fucking cunt has the audacity to tell me that this is perfectly normal and that many women aren‘t happy with the way their body looks. l just want to grab her by the neck and shake her while screaming that my skeleton is all fucked up. my voice sucks and no matter how clean I shave I'll always have a fucking beard shadow because my skin is so pale and my hair is really dark. Plus I always had a huge fucking forehead and now I‘m terrified of going bald, So fuck them because they don't know how it feels for fucks sake. It just isn't the same as some lucky cisbitch crying about how her ankles are too fat. Why do I have to suffer like this!? I wish I was AGP those cunts seem so happy...'
Transgender male on 4chan expressing violent hatred for his female psychiatrist, attached with an image of an angry anime girl. For some reason, he thinks serious gender dysphoria precludes the possibility of having an autogynephilic aspect to the condition."

a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190603062003/https://medium.com/t/@glinner/what-bravery-looks-like-20d6edfebe2a">What bravery looks like - "Get The L Out is a resistance campaign that aims to expose the betrayal of lesbians by Stonewall and other mainstream LGBT organisations, which currently state that it is possible for a ‘lesbian’ to have a penis... Given the abuse and harassment these women know is coming their way, I’m always surprised that ANYONE turns up to these protests. I mean, who wants to be aggressively lectured by a group of men acting on behalf of a group of straight men who claim they’re gay women? Who wants to stand in front of a Pride March and say to a bunch of people trying to paaaarty that you are being erased, that your words are being stolen, your living experience appropriated, your sexuality denied at the same time as it is colonised?For the moment, put to one side the threats, the targetting of employers, the social ostracization, the harassment and all the other good stuff that gets doled out to anyone who stands up against currently fashionable gender ideology, and consider the sheer guts it took for these two New Zealand women to do this."

TS Butch Queen ⚧️ on Twitter - "I read somewhere that God made trans people for the same reason they made wheat but not bread and grapes but not wine. “So that humanity might share in the act of creation.” They called it “the divine alchemy of the self.” I think it’s a beautiful perspective."
We had heterophobia. Now we have cisphobia
Actual quote: "God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason he made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine: because he wants humanity to share in the act of creation" from the book “From Something That May Shock and Discredit You” by Daniel Lavery

Meme - "Trans Women, Cis Women, Trans Men, Cis Men"
"I Made a Thing"
"You Put Cis Women Over Trans Men That Is Very Fucking Transphobic"
"Yes? Trans Men Are Men and They Stil Have Privilege Over Women Since They Are Men"
"You're a Transphobic Plece of Shit You're Canceled Bye Delete Yourself"
"and You're Sexist and Misogynistic for Putting Men Over Women Oh Yeah and Im a Fucking Trans Man So Shove Your Opinions Up Your Ass Honey"
"Both of You Are Fucking Insane 'Trans Women' Are Men in Dresses and 'Trans Men' Are Women in Mens Clothes"
"Coming From the Bisexual Who Thinks There Are Only 2 Genders. No One Has Time for You Hunny"
"There Are 2 Genders, Men Have Penises and Women Have Vaginas. Oh Yeah and You're Biphobic So Shut Your Trap"
"Can We Just Agree That OP Is Transphobic and Just Leave It at Here? I Agree With *** He Is a Internalized Transphobic Person. Putting Cis Ppl Over Trans People Is EXTREMELY Transphobic and if You Don't See That Get Your Head Checked. Cis Women Are Privileged Over Trans Men Therefore Cis Ppl Are Below Trans People"

HUNTER: Serial pedophile Madilyn Harks allegedly bolted while on weekend pass - "Madilyn Harks broke from her construction paper shackles last week and booted it back east while on a weekend pass. Harks — who was once Matthew Harks... is a special case, a long-term offender with an “all-encompassing preoccupation in sexually abusing young girls.” Detectives believe she had at least 60 victims before being nabbed for 200 offences that occurred in British Columbia.Three of his victims were under eight-years-old... Like a number of other violent pedophiles and killers, Harks played the transgender gambit. She began living as a woman in 2014 while jailed. And why not? Women’s prisons are typically easier time with substantially more freedom.Most of the inmates are doing drug sentences and aren’t violent. Some have kids. Little girls. And there stands Harks.“She creeped everyone out and had a predilection for younger inmates,” one former convict said.Oh, and while she was in the slammer, Harks sexually assaulted two fellow female inmates who were “child-like in appearance.” When Harks began living her best life as a woman, the parole board jumped through hoops to smooth the glorious road to rehabilitation and redemption. They dropped several conditions, including psychiatric treatment. The board said in its all thumbs-up review of Harks’ likelihood of rehabilitation: “Given your progress, it is reasonable and necessary to facilitate your reintegration into the community.”So far, it isn’t clear whether Harks has taken any tangible steps to transition to womanhood either through hormone treatment or surgery. Our source says no... Former sex crimes detective Keith Daniels was blunt in an interview with the Sun in March 2019 about Harks’ gender switch.“He’s a pedo. This is his new ruse to gain access to victims and not be recognized on the street,” Daniels alleged at the time. “These people are cold and calculating.”Yet, somewhere in the background of this sickening mess, there will be someone in the parole board anxious to virtue signal their way up the ladder.Harks, we will be informed, has made marvellous progress. She’s ready for the world."

Facebook - "The Worst of Twitter:
"Your language is so steeped in purism and exclusion, I'm not sure where to begin...Biology is irrelevant.Identification is irrelevant.You are making excuses to persecute a minority on the basis that their existence doesn't fit your worldview.That is all."
"Hi Edmund. Biology might appear irrelevant to you, as the default human, but it is of immense importance to the 4 billion humans oppressed on account of our sex."
"What makes you think humanity is biological?"
This is the next step, after all
Naturally the sane person has been suspended from Twitter. The insane person is a "teacher"

Literally Called Laura on Twitter - ""Terf extremism" = believing women exist and are allowed to have rights and talk about their realities. Can you hear yourself? You do know 99% of women would qualify as "terfs"right? Why don't you think women & girls are allowed to talk about their rights?
Couldn't be that a) you're a misogynist bigot or b) have no critical thinking skills whatsoever, could it? Terf is dehumanising hate speech and used by people who threaten women with violence for talking about their rights & realities. Dehumanising people is what Nazis do...
That's like a white person identifying as black and then complaining that they're being excluded by BLM when they're not put front and center of that movement. Equating biological males who identify as trans with black women who are biologically female is MASSIVELY racist.
You also seem to think that biological females are somehow privileged in society via their biological sex. Sadly, global facts & statistics refute that alternate narrative of yours. What are you doing about the male violence that is the predominant cause of trans murders btw?"

Unbiased America - Posts - "(K.R.) MEDIA NARRATIVE: The Trump administration today erased an Obama-era rule that protected transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals, and health insurance companies.
REALITY: The rule “protecting transgender patients” had never gone into effect. The Obama administration tried to put it into place in 2016, but it was immediately overturned in court.
EXPLANATION: The 2010 Affordable Care Act barred any health program that received federal dollars from discriminating on the basis of sex. In 2016, the Obama administration reinterpreted the provision about sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of “gender identity.” That interpretation could have, among other things, required health care providers and insurers to provide treatment such as sex reassignment surgery to transgender patients... the Trump administration said it would abide by the original wording of Obamacare, which defined ‘sex’ as meaning male or female determined by biology instead of the interpretation that never went into effect and was blocked in court.Indeed the New York Times even says today’s announcement “does not have any immediate practical effects.”Despite this, nearly every mainstream media outlet uniformly presented this as the Trump administration rolling back protections against discrimination, with CNN even saying that the move was done “on the four-year anniversary of the deadly Pulse nightclub shooting, in which 49 people were killed at a popular LGBTQ venue in Orlando.”"

23andme for trans people? : Genealogy - "I convinced my friend to take a 23andme dna test for fun (she was born male, but now identifies as female), and her results came back with a Y-DNA haplogroup and only one X chromosome. This was really problematic for her and made her feel uncomfortable. Does anyone know if 23andme makes any accommodations for trans people? Has anyone here had any experience with it?"
"So they want to pay $100 + to be lied to so the truth doesn't offend them?"
""What do you mean you dont have bathrooms for dolfphins?!" Oh south park had it solid"

For non-binary musician Rae Spoon, a cervical cancer diagnosis came with an extra dimension of anxiety - "A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing moment, and especially difficult during a pandemic. But for non-binary musician Rae Spoon, the diagnosis has stirred up another layer of complication.Spoon, who uses the singular they pronoun, had been in the middle of cancelling flights for a planned tour of the U.K., Canada and Europe due to the COVID-19 pandemic when they received a phone call from their doctor saying Spoon had tested positive for cervical cancer... cervical cancer is what Spoon calls a "gendered cancer.""All of the information I looked up … it's very hard to find any resources that don't involve gendering the person who has cervical cancer as a woman"... As a non-binary person, Spoon does not identify as a man or woman. Spoon says having a gendered cancer means people will make assumptions about their gender and how they should be treated.Spoon, who came out as transgender 20 years ago and then non-binary eight years ago, says the thought of being misgendered and being addressed with the wrong pronouns during treatment is an added stressor in a time already full of anxiety.Spoon says pronouns carry the same weight as somebody's name... "Trans folks are often left out of screening and also for treatment, because things [like these types of cancer] are caught later as it has that gendered element," they explained. Depending on whether or not someone has physically transitioned or what secondary sex characteristics they may have, Spoon said, some people may not feel comfortable getting a pap smear or mammogram or prostate exam"
Cancer doesn't care about your mental illness
Since there are no guidelines on how to treat "non-binary" people with cervical cancer, maybe Spoon will die of it

ayybates on Twitter - "not wanting to date trans women stems from y’all not viewing them as “real” women... so yes your “preference” is transphobic."
"Man, we went from "someone else's sexual preferences are none of your business" to "shut up and take the dick, lesbians" real fast""

Autistic Teen Found Guilty of 'Hate Crime' for Asking Police Officer's Sex; Autism Group Condemns Prosecution - " Disability charities have condemned the prosecution of a teenage boy with Asperger’s for asking if a transgender police officer “was a boy or a girl”.Declan Armstrong, 19, was convicted of using abusive or insulting words to cause harassment. According to Judge Roger Lowe, the public order offence was uplifted to medium-level due to its transphobic nature... The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) called the incident a ‘hate crime’. Edward Marsh of the CPS said: “Comments deliberately targeting a person in this way have no place in modern society.”... police guidelines for dealing with members of the public who may have Autism appear not to have been followed. The National Autistic Society’s Guide for Police Officers and Staff warns officers people with Autism sometimes “speak honestly, to the point of bluntness or rudeness”... PCSO Freel had been in uniform on foot patrol in Mold, north Wales, in October 2019 when Armstrong twice shouted “is it a boy or is it a girl?”, the court heard.Prosecutor Rhian Jackson said: “Due to his transgender, when Connor heard Declan say what he said, it left him feeling upset and embarrassed.” As a result of the experience, the officer is now reluctant to go on foot patrols alone."
If you admit he was honest...
If the police officer is too upset to go on patrol alone because of "heckling", how can he deal with criminals?

Thread by @terfalicious - "I recently was asked to participate in an “interview” by a teenage TRA, Amy, who helps run an Instagram page with ~20k followers. She was starting a series on her page where she interviewed people w controversial beliefs that their followers wanted to learn the “truth” about. Their followers voted for a “TERF” to be the first person interviewed and submitted questions for me to answer. I saw this as a way to dispel false notions about radical feminism, so I accepted... We each spent a considerable amount of time painstakingly writing out our answers to these questions in a way that we felt this mostly-teenage TRA audience would be receptive to. Amy was very respectful to us and labored over creating the graphic design for our interviews... My interview was the first and only to be posted. After less than an hour of being on their page, the backlash was so severe that the other admins of the page made the decision to delete the post and an another admin immediately posted a brief apology. When Amy finished school, she posted a more comprehensive apology, pictured here. She and the other admins (some of whom are trans men, mind you) were being bombarded with private messages scolding them for “platforming a TERF” and for “triggering people’s dysphoria.”... Their acknowledgement of my “good points,” suggests to me that this trans person did not detect any transphobia/ arguments based in irrational hatred of trans people in what I wrote. Instead, their only gripe with it was how it made them feel. By publicly commenting on how it triggered their dysphoria & made them feel bad, it signaled to the other TRAs that my interview was bad, harmful, and had to be taken down immediately, which, being duitiful TRAs, they did. Notice how they specifically mentioned what I said abt “every cell in [a trans man’s] body being female,” which is a scientific fact, as making them “feel sick” & cry.I didn’t say “society will never consider trans men to be men,” I said they‘re still biologically female. I can’t help but see this as being dangerously unhealthy. This person’s identity rests on a house of cards that requires constant validation to remain stable and collapses with one mention of biology.Truly, how will this person function outside of their “safe space?”... Some of the commenters were even turning on Amy for conducting the interview and accusing her of being a terf.Keep in mind—these kids VOTED to hear from a terf AND they submitted the questions we answered. Yet somehow, Amy is a terf for doing exactly what they wanted?! This just shows how, under gender ideology, everyone is constantly on thin ice & under suspicion. It didn’t matter that Amy hosted the page w trans ppl, it didn’t matter that she executed the audience’s wishes—the feelings of trans people were hurt, & so she must be a terf... They start by saying that Amy’s apology “doesn’t seem genuine” bc one of the trans admins (not even Amy!) reminded them that they specifically asked for the interview and submitted the questions... These kids take zero responsibility for their own actions. They ASKED for this, submitted the questions, willingly chose to read something they knew would upset them, found no transphobia, and still demanded that it be removed & attacked Amy bc it made them “feel bad.” And of course, it works. If a trans person’s feelings are hurt, the world stops turning. Very few people call them on their bullshit, and the ones that do are silenced or fed some convoluted lie about why terfs absolutely can’t be heard. I suspect that these kids expected my interview to be a hot mess that they could all collectively laugh at and dismiss as a bunch of nonsense. Instead, they realized that the monstrous TERF actually “made good points” that were grounded in science and reality. While this interview failed, this event has further solidified my opinion that gender ideology is a disease that’s infecting young people and children & preventing them from developing critical thinking skills, among other things."
This is why trans activists are corrupting biology
When your feelings trump reality

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