When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world." - Peter York


SMRT has recently announced that it will fine people for eating or drinking on its trains.

This includes eating a sweet or sipping plain water.

Someone suggested that it was a new stream of revenue, and indeed with fines ranging from $30 to $500 it is potentially very lucrative.

Meanwhile, the London Underground encourages you to carry water with you because of hot weather. Maybe some high profile collapses from heat exhaustion in SMRT stations and trains will show up their idiocy.

Another person suggested this experiment:

Have 2 people travelling together, one with a full and open cup of Coke, and the other with a properly closed bottle of plain water.

Wait till the patrol comes along.

The one with plain water drinks, the one with Coke does not drink but blames the train's jerking for the spillage.

The one who drinks gets the ticket.

The person also suggested Youtube-ing the whole incident, and get TODAY to cover it as well.

My alternate idea was to 'accidentally' spill water in SMRT stations, but someone suggested that she didn't really want to be responsible for the slip-and-fall death of some little old lady.
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