When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

"A neurosis is a secret that you don't know you are keeping." - Kenneth Tynan


Obama urges 'new black mindset' - "He told the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) there were "no excuses" for minority children not to succeed... He said discrimination was still felt by minorities in the US, including African Americans, Latinos, Muslim Americans and gay people. But he told the NAACP members they had to take responsibility for their lives and their communities... "Government programmes alone won't get our children to the promised land - we need a new mindset, a new set of attitudes," he said. The president said African American communities had "internalised a set of limitations" and "come to expect so little from the world and from ourselves"."
Racist! Victim-blaming! Ignoring the reality of lived experience!

Surf the Web via Email – Read Web Pages in your Inbox - "If you work in an office where employees have no access to Internet but are allowed to send and receive email, the new Web-In-Mail service from Rediff will come very handy. “Web In Mail” lets you fetch full web pages to your inbox by simple email commands. You may even perform searches on Google Web and Google Image through email... And there’s something smart about Web in Mail as noted by Allen Stern – it rewrites all the links in the web page as mailto. That means you’ll automatically launch a blank email message when you click any of the hyperlinks in the existing email."

Why Incompetence Spreads through Big Organizations - "There's a paradox at the heart of most Western organizations. The people who perform best at one level of an organization tend to be promoted on the premise that they will also be competent at another level within the organization... Their model shows that two other strategies outperform the conventional method of promotion. The first is to alternately promote first the most competent and then the least competent individuals. And the second is to promote individuals at random. Both of these methods improve, or at least do not diminish, the efficiency of an organization."

Hello Kitty Taser Gun - "Because nothing shows the true cuteness and sweet side of Hello Kitty — and the love and happiness she brings to all — as 50,000 volts of electricity streaming through your body"

Lost cities of the world - "Ancient history books are littered with examples of cities that were destroyed, abandoned or swallowed up by the sea. The existence of some have never been proved. The remnants of others can still be visited."
I've only been to one, boo.

Samurai Sword Handle Umbrella

Women who act like men earn £40,000 more than more feminine colleagues Essex University study shows - "It found 'alpha females' earned 4 per cent more than their 'passive' co- workers, while 'neurotic' women - those deemed to be anxious or moody - suffered a drop in salary of 3 per cent. At the same time, 'conscientious' women who displayed self-control and persistence on the job generally earned up to 5 per cent more than their lazier colleagues. But although the research found that personality traits are just as important as intelligence in determining a woman's salary, it also revealed that they barely affect a man's earning potential... 'This is probably, in part, because agreeable people are too passive in conflict situations and are poorer wage negotiators. Traditionally, women are more passive and likeable at work'... males who proved themselves agreeable in the workplace did suffer a slight dip in salary... David Yarwood, of the equal pay charity Parity, said... 'The biggest contributing factor is family commitments. Women chose lower-paid jobs that afford them more flexibility so that they can care their children.'"
Yet more reasons for the gender wage gap
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