When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible." - Frank Moore Colby


Pictures from March and April:

"A* for students. C cup for Women...
'No more sitting in a corner while watching my friends play beach volleyball. I can flaunt my assets in a bikin without any paddings or push up! If it works for me, it definitely will for you too!' - Satisfied client, Janelle Yeo"
After coming across so many bust enhancement ads, I still think this one takes the prize for sheer WTF value.


"Agagooga was here"
I haven't been back to the box since (IIRC) though

"Creamy braised zucchini with cheddar cheese" - This looks disgusting, besides being wrongly-described

Disgusting acupoints

"Full in SIZE, little in CALORIES... INSTANTLY!... FREE OF preservatives. Halal"
It also looks like dog food.

I actually know someone who got his own wax seal

"Hippotours: Multi-Lingual System - Kiddo"

Falungong's "Mobile Quitting CCP Service Center"
I love how a rock with anti-CCP words on it suddenly appeared.

Apparently you need to tell people when a pawnshop opens - to reduce gambling?

"Pontian Wanton Noodles
Handmade noodles • Very tasty • No preservatives • Takeaway noodles won't soften
1. Chilli sauce
2. Black suace
3. Chilli with black sauce
4. Tomato sauce"
Very effusive. They were alright - tasty, not "very tasty". I like how you get many choices of sauce.

SPCA donation box - I've not seen these for a long time. They're quite rare nowadays.

"Shanghai Delight" - serving Taiwanese food

"Vegetarian. Suitable for all religions"
They left our Jains, sadly. Interestingly, the last time I passed by, in the last week, their Halal certification had gone. Perhaps it was costing them too much. Or they didn't want to distort the labour market by having to hire Muslims (I think they're run by PRCs)

Supreme Court Open House - timeline of the development of Singapore's legal system. Oddly, despite the mention of the Privy Council, they do not talk about that glorious day in 1989 when we abolished most Privy Council appeals. Nor that other almost-as-glorious one in 1994 when all rights of appeal to it were abolished.

"'I want visible results, fast!'
The slimming pill you popped may yield side effects"
I like this HPB ad. Notice her breasts are still more-or-less alright - maybe she also went for bust enhancement.

Tang Dynasty Grave Goods

"Teppan Fried Prawn"
Maybe people just want the hotplate kick

Textured ice cubes at Esplanade Library cafe. I don't know why they bother.

"Poste a pourvoir a partir du 1er Avril 2009 a la Mediatheque de l'Alliance Francaise
- Français parlé/écrit courant...
Vacancy for part-time librarian at Alliance Francaise
- Excellent written/oral communications in French"

Notice that:
1) You don't need knowledge of English
2) Though they want French proficiency, the job ad is bilingual

Go figure

According to the KTV system, "Indian" is a language

"Theme songs *Mao Zedong's face*"

From the Peranakan museum:

ACM cat memorial

"Gifts from bridegroom's family to bride's family
A tray bearing the gift of an uncooked leg of pork was always given. Pork was an important sacrificial meat to the Peranakans and was used in important occasions like weddings and as food offerings on the ancestral alter. In this exchange of gifts, the uncooked pork leg was an acknowledgement by the bridegroom's family that they were receiving a virginal bride."


In return, the bridegroom's family would cut off the top part and return the pork leg (no sense wasting good pork). Incidentally, this is also why no pork Peranakan restaurants are a filthy abomination.

"Peranakans also pray to local spirits and deities called Datok. Interestingly, many Datok are considered to be Malay and therefore Muslim, so no pork or alcohol will be offered to them."

"Brendan Choo
Hokkien Peranakan
"The way I speak and how I look makes me feel Peranakan."

Clement Tan
Hokkien Peranakan
"It's not necessary for you to know me as a Baba. I am a Baba. If you don't accept me as a Baba, it doesn't matter, because I am.""

This display is very problematic.

For the former, he likely does not speak any Baba Malay or Malay. And he looks pure Chinese to me. In fact, I'm surprised he's so well-versed in his heritage - maybe he was told what to say.

As for the latter, maybe he didn't know what else to say. Or he has had issues with people rejecting his claims to be Peranakan in the past.

Prata Cafe near NUS Bukit Timah:

"All food is freshly prepared, please be patient. The taste is remembered long, after the wait is forgotten."

Notice the pre-made prata inside the box.

"We Cater North / South Indian Food For All Occasions. SELF COLLECTION ONLY"
This is the first catering service where you must collect the food yourself.
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