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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist." - Camille Paglia


Someone: oh
*** asked me to [drink alcohol] at his place
i'm going to decline, politely but firmly
i think it's inappropriate, whatever anyone says

Me: hurr hurr. what if *** tries to bone you at his place (:

Someone: yeah, precisely...
he's the sort of guy who "can't help himself"

Me: hahaha has he used that line before

Someone: no
but i can most definitely see him say it the morning after :P

me: I trust him with women as far as I trust my skill with women

Someone: hahahahahaha
same here
i trust him with women as much as i trust your skill with women :)
in fact, i think i trust him even less!!

Someone else on someone else who gets his education from Wikipedia and throws terms around haughtily: hes got weight in his arguments, as any textbook would. UGH. you fucking arts/neuroscience students. Even the highest level academics in systematics dont dare talk like this - theres a real risk of looking stupid in front of the other people. Hes thowing out so many complicated terms i get blurred eyes after a while.

got to be real careful
or youll be torn to pieces
which is why i am so horrified whenever i see such

pardon me
for saying this

Me: that's why academics are so cautious and tentative

Someone else: yes!

Me: people like to slam scientists for their certainty and thinking that they have Truth. but real scientists are very cautious
the conclusions of most papers are "more research is needed"

Someone else: yah
i really blame pop science

Me: just blame the media

even in so-called science studies they have silly ideas

Someone else: yes

Someone: i stay out late a lot these days
food is optional
drinks are more of what's on the menu

i think my diet has turned partially liquid

Me: ah, you're such an alcoholic
are your poor mere and pere straining to support you now

Someone: hahas
i'm not an alcoholic

and i dont pay for the drinks
it's just...paid for by others
girls have it easier


Someone else: ang moh women like chinese guys who can hold their own, generally

and whom they can boss around...

get on top of :p
literally too

they have to hold their own with ang mohs in general (not many sporeans are good at that)
and yet allow themselves to be bossed around by their wives/ gfs

i guess the kinda ang moh women that go for chinese guys wanna be different

it's a complicated coupling and hence was at its peak during the hippie era
has died down of late

Me: yes
which explains why our parents' generation has quite a few ang moh women with asian men

Someone else: the guys are all the same sort too
from a family with a certain amt of wealth
to be able to send their sons to england to study

Me: so the general theory still holds

Someone else: note: not many daughters were similarly sent there
and those who were, are no longer in spore
as they got married to foreigners and moved

like ***

nowadays, it's the ang moh men that are moving to asian places to work
and hooking up with the asian girls
from what i hear

MFTTW: die lah you
you want to take ont he breastfeeding nazis

dont forget these are nonworking mothers
they have ALL DAY to respond to you

Me: later they come and squirt me with their breastmilk how

MFTTW: wtf you cant squirt breastmilk

Me: I saw video before

MFTTW: bloody hell
i'm not even going to google that

Me: you dont know what you're missing

MFTTW: i'll take your word for it
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