When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age." - William Feather


I am told that English teachers in China must be Caucasian and British-born.

XS is Singapore girl free size.

Juno is the first film I know of to credit an ultrasound baby and people in photos.

2 French girls were passing Frigid Girl on Orchard Road and let out an 'excusez moi'. Damn French.

Condoms are cheaper than panadol (~$1.90 for 3 vs $4.30 for 30). What is this country coming to?!

Good durian is the closest I'll come to a girl's chocolate high.

Interestingly enough, I haven't seen even Mac whores defending Apple's terse 'bug fixes' changelogs (e.g. for version 1.3 of iPod 5G firmware), even though it's in keeping with their philosophy. Hurr hurr.

For all that people are opposed to seal clubbing, it seems in many cases it's done for culling purposes, and actually preserves the herd.

Economic theory says that if you fine companies which are naughty they will pass on the costs to consumers. Yet if you don't fine them, there is little way of regulating them (contrary to libertarian fantasies, consumer boycotts don't always get off the ground due to coordination problems and switching costs).

Some people pointed out, about the marshmallow study, that it might just be that it's the kids who don't like marshmallows who do well in life.

Given that the myths about a repeat of 1969's racial riots in Malaysia have been proven empty, I wonder if they are still pushing the same myths in Singapore. If even Bolehland has progressed to the point that the savages won't start killing each other at the mere mention of race or religion, it would be downright disgraceful for the savages in Singapore to lose to those across the Crossway, no?

I wanted to coin the word 'Feminarchy' to counter the discursive void that leads feminists to attribute everything to 'Patriarchy' (regardless of whether it really originates or could originate from this alleged hegemony), but I discover others have already created this neologism (many apparently independently). Great minds do think alike. On the other hand, no one has coined 'Feministarchy', probably because it's too long.

I'm sure some post-modernist somewhere has staged a performance of Hamlet without the Prince, and found this to be a good thing.

From the Reason Driven Podcast:

It is often said that god does not give people more than they can bear. Ignoring the fact that many cannot bear what they are 'given' (and the problems with free will and determinism), a woman whose son died commented: "If I were a weaker person I'd still have my son".

A good counter to the (false) claim that there are no atheists in foxholes is that there are no theists at funerals.
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