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Thursday, April 17, 2008

"The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." - Voltaire


Sent to me by someone else (really: I don't trawl the net looking for shit 24/7 [unless it's 2girls1cup mirrors]):

NUS FEMALE student who need packet money S$250/- per month

"I'm doing Master's in NUS on part-time basis. Any NUS FEMALE student who is in short of packet money, in the age group of 18-30 who is doing full-time or part-time program , interested in "no-string-attached" discreet and confidential relationship for monthly once can contact me. I'm ready to pay S$250/- per month till you complete your graduation. I'm doing this for the first time hence cleanliness is assured and expecting the same.

As prostitutes can fake as students, I'll be checking for NUS IDs to verify in the NUS library. Sorry that I'm rude at this stage, I'll polite afterward which you will realize.

Please don't reply me with one line adv. This is a genuine adv."

I'm insulted. His target audience would probably charge $250 per session.

I'm even more insulted that people thought I posted this ad. Even if I were inclined to do this sort of thing, I would have more dignity than to pay this measly sum (up from $200 a month, at that).

He must be mad. With this sort of rates, he's just asking for someone to come expose him. Even other PRCs won't accept this sort of rate.

A: im guessin its the 200 undergrad offer?

even having a regular NUS undergf costs more than what that chump's offering
take her out to dinner once a week $50 already

i saw it and i thought, that guy is fucking retarded
even a geylang hooker charges like 100 a session

wah 50 bucks more she can spend in about.. 2 minutes

u shld do one of your spot surveys
do a cross-faculty comparison of how much girls would 'hypothetically' charge
to be a 'girlfriend'

i think science girls might pay you to be their bf even hoohoo

B: for 250 bucks a month, i'd condescend to maybe 2 movies (paid by him) and to be arm candy. no more.

C: someone posted in hwz. then the chinese papers went to state that the threadstarter was the masters student
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