Saturday, January 27, 2007
"Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250" - Harper's Index
A resolution for this semester is to care less about my vital statistic, especially since First Class isn't very important unless you want to go into the Civil Service or Grad School; I was in the Economics Honours room and 90% of the time they were talking about either grades or research (more the former).
Someone else: ah well, you can't every get away from that can you
its a human thing to compare
pit our own stuff against someone elses
girls compare their boob sizes, guys size up each other's dongs in the toilet
i don't know, lots of other things
Me: hahahahahaha
some girls deny they do that :P
but I never compared dongs ><
Someone else: well i've had first hand evidence from a girl who told me they do compare their boob sizes and it matters, adds to a girl's confidence
Me: or subtracts.
"Class, If you didnt havent read *** DONT worry. I will post a ppt presentation tonight summarizing the reading." Wah, welfare.
One module has as many readings per session as normal modules have a week. Gah.
When people tell me they like to study, I tell them: When you study, you pay to suffer. When you work, you're paid to suffer. But most people don't pay to study, so they like to do it.
Someone told me he didn't know what he learned in one module, but got A+ for it.
I saw a PRC eating fries by holding the packet in his hands and shoving it into his mouth. Wth. Later when his mouth couldn't penetrate any further, he tore the box apart.
Someone I know is not doing a thesis because she's sick of ISMs (independent study). And to think they're supposed to enthuse us.
There was a doorway which was blocked by 2 doors - one big (on the right) and one small (on the left). The big door was closed and the small one was open. To enter or exit the room to which the doorway granted entry, what most people did was to press the door release switch inside the room and then open the big door, but one girl managed to squeeze through the area formerly blocked by the small door and entered and exited the room that way. A friend of hers later tried to do the same thing but couldn't, and went to cry mock tears on the shoulder of the first (who had reentered the room the same way).
u r wt u wr:
- "Trance erotic mode"
- "I will if you will"
- "Can I?" (Below, 2 hands are outstretched ready to grasp, and the short lines indicating movement are drawn beside them) - this is one of the most explicit I've seen
- "I want you to want me" (I know the person who wore this)
IVLE posts:
"After interning at SPH for three months last year it didn't take me long to observe that the editors are in charge of making sure the content of the various sections of the newspapers (Life!, Home, Political, Business, etc.) are "safe" and "within limits". If you get my meaning."
"One thing I do find hypocritical about Singapore is that prostitution is legal, but pornography is illegal. Especially Playboy, which is not a pornographic magazine and can be said to be more artistic and educational. Singapore seems to actual apply the LAPS test to its material, which the US has never really used if though it came from the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Singapore wishes to push for more domestic artistic and cultural works while applying strict censorships laws which hinder the governments goals. Though after watching "I Not Stupid," I do not have much hope for Singapore's entertainment industry." (from an exchange student)
A: The Speaker's Corner doesn't constitute real freedom if nobody goes down to listen anyway.
Me: If a tree falls in the forest when no one is there, does it make a sound?
B: Thing is, there ARE people listening whenever someone makes a speech at the Speaker's Corner: The policemen. Maybe Dr *** would like to spend one day giving a speech on Singaporean democracy at the Speaker's Corner in lieu of normal classes. That would be interesting. Sir, what say you? ;)
C: Actually, *** from last year's class suggested that I arrange a day (at the end of semester) for *** students to make speeches at Speakers' Corner. What say you?
A resolution for this semester is to care less about my vital statistic, especially since First Class isn't very important unless you want to go into the Civil Service or Grad School; I was in the Economics Honours room and 90% of the time they were talking about either grades or research (more the former).
Someone else: ah well, you can't every get away from that can you
its a human thing to compare
pit our own stuff against someone elses
girls compare their boob sizes, guys size up each other's dongs in the toilet
i don't know, lots of other things
Me: hahahahahaha
some girls deny they do that :P
but I never compared dongs ><
Someone else: well i've had first hand evidence from a girl who told me they do compare their boob sizes and it matters, adds to a girl's confidence
Me: or subtracts.
"Class, If you didnt havent read *** DONT worry. I will post a ppt presentation tonight summarizing the reading." Wah, welfare.
One module has as many readings per session as normal modules have a week. Gah.
When people tell me they like to study, I tell them: When you study, you pay to suffer. When you work, you're paid to suffer. But most people don't pay to study, so they like to do it.
Someone told me he didn't know what he learned in one module, but got A+ for it.
I saw a PRC eating fries by holding the packet in his hands and shoving it into his mouth. Wth. Later when his mouth couldn't penetrate any further, he tore the box apart.
Someone I know is not doing a thesis because she's sick of ISMs (independent study). And to think they're supposed to enthuse us.
There was a doorway which was blocked by 2 doors - one big (on the right) and one small (on the left). The big door was closed and the small one was open. To enter or exit the room to which the doorway granted entry, what most people did was to press the door release switch inside the room and then open the big door, but one girl managed to squeeze through the area formerly blocked by the small door and entered and exited the room that way. A friend of hers later tried to do the same thing but couldn't, and went to cry mock tears on the shoulder of the first (who had reentered the room the same way).
u r wt u wr:
- "Trance erotic mode"
- "I will if you will"
- "Can I?" (Below, 2 hands are outstretched ready to grasp, and the short lines indicating movement are drawn beside them) - this is one of the most explicit I've seen
- "I want you to want me" (I know the person who wore this)
IVLE posts:
"After interning at SPH for three months last year it didn't take me long to observe that the editors are in charge of making sure the content of the various sections of the newspapers (Life!, Home, Political, Business, etc.) are "safe" and "within limits". If you get my meaning."
"One thing I do find hypocritical about Singapore is that prostitution is legal, but pornography is illegal. Especially Playboy, which is not a pornographic magazine and can be said to be more artistic and educational. Singapore seems to actual apply the LAPS test to its material, which the US has never really used if though it came from the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Singapore wishes to push for more domestic artistic and cultural works while applying strict censorships laws which hinder the governments goals. Though after watching "I Not Stupid," I do not have much hope for Singapore's entertainment industry." (from an exchange student)
A: The Speaker's Corner doesn't constitute real freedom if nobody goes down to listen anyway.
Me: If a tree falls in the forest when no one is there, does it make a sound?
B: Thing is, there ARE people listening whenever someone makes a speech at the Speaker's Corner: The policemen. Maybe Dr *** would like to spend one day giving a speech on Singaporean democracy at the Speaker's Corner in lieu of normal classes. That would be interesting. Sir, what say you? ;)
C: Actually, *** from last year's class suggested that I arrange a day (at the end of semester) for *** students to make speeches at Speakers' Corner. What say you?