When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, January 26, 2007

"With Epcot Center the Disney corporation has accomplished something I didn't think possible in today's world. They have created a land of make-believe that's worse than regular life." - P. J. O'Rourke


Someone in NTU Mass Comms: 2% of the mass comm cohort is even vaguely interested in current affairs

unless you're talking about latest fashion
that's current

Frigid Girl: you very bored
advise me on this
*sends file*

Me: wah lao
due today

Frigid Girl: yesyes
enough already

*** said the same thing

Me: as I told my friend:
at this stage hugging buddha's leg isn't enough
you must suck his cock

Frigid Girl: he starved himself for 7 years according to legend
i do'nt think he has anything left on him except skin

Me: bah
I'veno idea leh

Frigid Girl: haha
give some random comments
it's just a reaction paper, so i don't know why i'm doing it so nicely
it's like... 2.5%

Me: reaction: "wtf"

Frigid Girl: hhahahaha

Me: I've always wanted to submit that for a response paper

Frigid Girl: well do that and i'll pay you 10 bucks
do that for your mod

Me: haha

Someone: my medic friend saw it [my status message] and messaged this back
"sigh...don't you think that medicine needs a large harddisk but not a very fast processor?"

its sad really, doctors are just guideline and algorithm churning people nowadays
nothing really needed up there

i'm drowning in information now

Me: weren't they always?

Someone: at one point in time doctors actually ahd to think
now everything is streamlined

MOH dishes out clinical practice guidelines
so we're supposed to adhere to it

Me: if it's streamlined why do you need to know so much

Someone: well the archiac examination system is still in place
despite modern advances in clinical medicine
amazing huh

Me: anyway the archaic examination system is a way of controlling entry
hurr hurr

Someone: yeah, well

Me: maybe your views will change once you pass the exams :P
just like how ex-slaves keep wanting tougher training for current and future slaves

Someone else: but im telling u
it's a major change in my life

and no
im not pregnant

I was about to say that


Someone else: i think my nick ("girls don't even understand themselves and they expect guys to read their minds.") sums up how weird girls are

my gf wants me to get her pressie
then she wants a surprise
i don't like surprises

then she said, 'u should know me well enough to get me something i like'
i am like wtf

then i asked her, 'what u like'
then she said i don't know

Frigid Girl: she wants him to guess
and not for her to tell him

guessing involves effort
if the guy doesn't want to put in emotional effort, she feels ticked

Someone: poor gal
dunn o how to manipulate bf fully

haha reverse psychology say dun need lor then someitmes if lucky guy will get the surprise in the end

Someone else: it's not only emotional effort

it's the whole sinking feeling u get
when u didn't get the right pressie
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