When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Someone: oh btw i just saw a nick on my msn list that goes: vatican is against surrogate moms. lucky no such rule when jesus was born.

Someone else: 'Nonetheless, I believe we should avoid the word 'they' in academic discourse. To reiterate a previous point, suppose this was a discussion on racism in Singapore; one would not use the word 'they' when referring to other ethnic groups, not only for political correctness, but because it immediately deprives the reader of the chance of thinking objectively, since to him/her, the group in discussion has already been reduced to an 'other'.'

this guy would be KILLED in a lit class

soci forum

Me: oh really
I thought "other" is a popular soci concept? [Ed: I meant "lit concept"]

Someone else: it is a popular concept everywhere
lit theory uses the concept of the Other quite extensively too

but note the point!!
he thinks using "they" is wrong!

the original point was for homosexuals
he thinks we shouildn't use the word "they" to refer to homosexuals!!
because it excludes them from society!!!

like what the fuck!!!
you bookmark sc1101e lah and go see

Me: using the word "they" to refer to anyone restricts the terms of the discourse and excludes them from society ;)

Someone else: utterly absurd

Me: sure or not
he'll be killed in lit forum

Someone else: or in lit class
if he said it during tut or smth

lit is all abt competent thinking

Me: so soci isn't? :P

Someone else: it is as well
this guy fails in both arenas

Me: now you know why I get so pissed off at the PC left

Someone else: i mean
hey this goes beyond PC lor
the PC left would be embarassed at this guy

Me: err

Someone else: i mean
fopr goodness sakes
dun use 'they" in academic discourse

wah lau eh
then use what fuck

Me: like your feminists lah

Me: why you like pictures of sex
so deprived

if a guy has pictures of sex, he is deprived
if a girl has pictures of sex, she is cheeky

Someone: yeah i am cheeky, i admit that

Me: hahahaha

I want you to admit you're perverted

Someone: i am a biologist too. and it all boils down to sex

i am slightly perverted
what's wrong with that?
im probably one of the few girls who will admit it

frigid singaporean bitches

Me: I didn't say there's anything wrong
what's wrong is when society judges behavior by different genders differently by virtue of gender

frigid means they are not perverted
you mean hypocritical/lying singaporean bitches

Me: exams make you horny? o_0
I thought you don't get off

Someone: yeah dont try and understand how it works with girls la
u wont ever get it

Someone else: I'm having lunch with 2 SAESALs [Ed: Shrill, Anorexic, English-Speaking Ah Lians]... There is a resonance effect. one says something shrill and inane and the other responds with an even more shrill and inane thing and the inanity bounces back and forth forming a resonance effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. And the worst part is that it's in English, so you understand what they're saying... you don't want to, but it just gets in your head, it just drills in your mind.

Me: Now you know why I'm so pissed off

Someone (2): ohi can't stand them i tell u

i was studying at the bench outside engine lt 3\4 that area
they were having some talk there then a horde of ppl came out for some catered food for lunch
and surrounded me, this group of girls

they weren't exactly anorexic
but they were shrill and gig gly and wor king adults

ya i couldn't believe it wor king adults in formal at tire shrill and gig gly and sitting right beside me pushed me all the way to the corner of the bench i refused to budge from the place i first claimed my own

i fear going out to wor k

Someone: when talk with irritating ppl use irritating emoticon sometimes coz they irritate u with similar emoticons

Me: gah
then everyone starts using emoticons to piss everyone else off

Someone: ain't that fun

Me: gah
vicious circle

Someone: define simple girls
(seriously i feel lik ei'm talking to a girlfriend :P)

Me: hahahahah
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