When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

"It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper." - Rod Serling


HWMNBN: sigh
more money down the rapacious maw of the government

tax is theft

all spent on fruitless endeavous like supporting laggards and slackers and losers who are incapable of self-supporting. either that, or paying for the military-industrial complex

Me: the bourgeoisie's salary is theft from the proletariat
all spent on rubbish like $18,000 bottles of wine, fuel-inefficient SUVs and casino gambling. either that or supporting rich wastrels

HWMNBN: tehre's a distinction between private property and public property
if the bourgeoisie earn their own money, have nthey not the right to spend it?

Me: no
they earn their money from exploiting the proletariat
hurr hurr

HWMNBN: well.. that is true. *grins* but like any exploiter i prefer to dish it out rather than take

Someone: the *** 'legend' of him is that he flirts with the girls he teaches

and an even more extreme urban legend is some girl's grade from C became A after comin out fr his office

Me: hehe
does he?
ok I'm motivated to do PhD

Someone: i think tat 1 is v normal in the states but in nus its like some big shit scandal for *** majors haha

anyway they all look like shit lor. i hardly see gd looking lecturers
** prettiest in *** liao
but she's really pretty. i like her dress sense and she always seems so composed

Me: aiyah
you're in uni! go for students lahhaha

Someone: haha i dun wan *** lar
but its a motivation to go for lecture can
at least u noe u wun be facing some balding ass or sagging bitch

Someone else: intro some pretty gals to me
i've seen u around sch
u look pretty cool with ur long hair tied up

u rox
u look cool with ur long hair :)

Me: hahahahaha
rare praise

Someone else: so u intro some gals to me

Me: wah lao
no wonder you praised me haha

Someone: so which course are you taking in school, literature?

because you write like a lit student, which i was once
long long time ago

Frigid Girl: most guys don't judge, btw
the only thing they -do- judge is your figure and looks

most girls are bitchy
as a result they use up all their judgment quota
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