When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Someone else on the Gothic Lolita look: that's not a saesal on ur display photo is that? :P

Me: no
it's a CMI gothic lolita

Someone else: looks singaporean wat.. what kinda weird taste is that
pls dun tell me wearing 2 different types of socks is the fad now

Me: only if you're a gothic lolita

I didn't say not singaporean haha

this is ok

Someone else: no i was just thinkg singaporeans shld haf much better tastes what... thot only prcs dress like that

Me: haha
no lah
PRCs have good sense
at least in this case

Someone else: hahahaa... ehh those photos damn sexy wat... :P
abit like cute sm type lidat

jemauvais: Hurhurhur... but people who dress that differently want to attract attention! Her entire outfit just screams "LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE!!!"

That, of course, is independent of my belief that people who commit such horrendous faux pas are legitimate ridicule material.

Andrew: in a number of countries wearing unconventional outfits would be more socially acceptable but somehow not in singapore

as a result a vast majority of girls in singapore wear outfits along the same lines

unconventional. I mean a lot of girls (i'm generalising. but probably applicable to ones around JC age to mid-late twenties) wear low heels (the charles and keith type), clothes that look like they came from giordano/U2/this fashion/maybe zara. Small handbags. u know the type

the expectations are for everyone to conform to these standards. And anyone who veers from them is singled out. Doesn't matter if they can pull it off or not.

Me: I'm in two minds about it
you should be able to wear what you want
but people should also be able to comment :P
eg on fashion disasters

I think it's a test of character haha
to have your own style in spite of social pressure

I suppose it's like free speech
you can say what you want
others can criticise you
you can't blame those who criticise you for muffling free speech

Frigid Girl: that's absolutely true
but sure we know a fashion disaster when we see one

seriously i have no idea what else you -can- wear in hte singapore climate without looking like a fool
except 'clothes that look like they came from giordano/U2/this fashion/maybe zara. '

social pressure is nothing compared to natural forces ie temperature
sure we can try boots, coats, hats
just that we'll die of heatstroke

Xephyris: 'you can wear unconventional outfits, just don't do it school'
seems to be the general mentality here hahah

there're people wearing funny things near bugis, you should go see

Someone: i wouldn't know because me and most of my friends didn't have thebody/wallet type to do that

Someone else: the low heels part is reallie quite true wat... in aussie u see alot more higher heels n pointed types. but sg most pple wear rounded tips

but aussies love pointy shoes... u look outclassed if u dun wear those... (Me: haha
so it's another form of fashion tyranny)

MFTTW: who the hell wears anything from this fashion except aunties at the market

oh it was a GUY?

oh my gosh, the sky is falling down.
or your friend is damn gay.

Someone: its called the herd instinct my dear
all the world's a large field
and all the women are merely sheep

Me: :P
then the men?

Someone: haha the men are grass, there to be chewed on for having no dress sense


Someone else: i vote that people in singapore wear more or less the same thing because fashion retailers make them
everyone in singapore sells the same damn thing!

you know what i really hate? the pseudo-victorian shirts.

it's already a given that girls in nus wear short denim skirts and pseudo-sassy t-shirts. [Ed: my "u r wt u wr" things]
but it's things like the wanton shirt and pseudo-victorian things which really get on my nerves ><

pseudo victorian shirts are those high collared shirts with short puffy sleeves!
­you know, with lace and buttons and stuff?

Me: yeah
I don't see them around
maybe I hang around with the wrong crowd

Someone else: really? they're all over! maybe it's because you don't take all the japanese classes which are full of chinese japanese wannabes.]
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